예제 #1
        public static void Generate(EHoneycomb honeycomb, H3.Settings settings)
            // XXX - Block the same as in H3.  Share code better.
            H3.Cell template = null;
                int p, q, r;
                Honeycomb.PQR(honeycomb, out p, out q, out r);

                // Get data we need to generate the honeycomb.
                Polytope.Projection projection = Polytope.Projection.FaceCentered;
                double phi, chi, psi;
                H3.HoneycombData(honeycomb, out phi, out chi, out psi);

                H3.SetupCentering(honeycomb, settings, phi, chi, psi, ref projection);

                Tiling       tiling = new Tiling();
                TilingConfig config = new TilingConfig(p, q);
                tiling.GenerateInternal(config, projection);

                H3.Cell first = new H3.Cell(p, H3.GenFacets(tiling));
                first.ToSphere();                       // Work in ball model.

                template = first;

            // Center
            Vector3D center = template.Center;

            // Face
            H3.Cell.Facet facet = template.Facets[0];
            Sphere        s     = H3Models.Ball.OrthogonalSphereInterior(facet.Verts[0], facet.Verts[1], facet.Verts[2]);
            Vector3D      face  = s.Center;

            face *= DistOriginToOrthogonalSphere(s.Radius);

            // Edge
            Circle3D c;

            H3Models.Ball.OrthogonalCircleInterior(facet.Verts[0], facet.Verts[1], out c);
            Vector3D edge = c.Center;

            edge *= DistOriginToOrthogonalSphere(c.Radius);

            // Vertex
            Vector3D vertex = facet.Verts[0];

            Tet fundamental = new Tet(center, face, edge, vertex);

            // Recurse.
            int level = 1;
            Dictionary <Tet, int> completedTets = new Dictionary <Tet, int>(new TetEqualityComparer());

            completedTets.Add(fundamental, level);
            List <Tet> tets = new List <Tet>();

            ReflectRecursive(level, tets, completedTets, settings);

            Shapeways mesh = new Shapeways();

            foreach (KeyValuePair <Tet, int> kvp in completedTets)
                if (Utils.Odd(kvp.Value))

                Tet tet = kvp.Key;

                // XXX - really want sphere surfaces here.
                mesh.Mesh.Triangles.Add(new Mesh.Triangle(tet.Verts[0], tet.Verts[1], tet.Verts[2]));
                mesh.Mesh.Triangles.Add(new Mesh.Triangle(tet.Verts[0], tet.Verts[3], tet.Verts[1]));
                mesh.Mesh.Triangles.Add(new Mesh.Triangle(tet.Verts[0], tet.Verts[2], tet.Verts[3]));
                mesh.Mesh.Triangles.Add(new Mesh.Triangle(tet.Verts[1], tet.Verts[3], tet.Verts[2]));

            STL.SaveMeshToSTL(mesh.Mesh, H3.m_baseDir + "fundamental" + ".stl");