/// <summary> /// Serializes a value. /// </summary> /// <param name="context">The serialization context.</param> /// <param name="args">The serialization args.</param> /// <param name="value">The object.</param> protected override void SerializeValue(BsonSerializationContext context, BsonSerializationArgs args, BsonBinaryData value) { var bsonWriter = context.Writer; var subType = value.SubType; if (subType == BsonBinarySubType.UuidStandard || subType == BsonBinarySubType.UuidLegacy) { var writerGuidRepresentation = bsonWriter.Settings.GuidRepresentation; if (writerGuidRepresentation != GuidRepresentation.Unspecified) { var bytes = value.Bytes; var guidRepresentation = value.GuidRepresentation; if (guidRepresentation == GuidRepresentation.Unspecified) { var message = string.Format( "Cannot serialize BsonBinaryData with GuidRepresentation Unspecified to destination with GuidRepresentation {0}.", writerGuidRepresentation); throw new BsonSerializationException(message); } if (guidRepresentation != writerGuidRepresentation) { var guid = GuidConverter.FromBytes(bytes, guidRepresentation); bytes = GuidConverter.ToBytes(guid, writerGuidRepresentation); subType = (writerGuidRepresentation == GuidRepresentation.Standard) ? BsonBinarySubType.UuidStandard : BsonBinarySubType.UuidLegacy; guidRepresentation = writerGuidRepresentation; value = new BsonBinaryData(bytes, subType, guidRepresentation); } } } bsonWriter.WriteBinaryData(value); }
/// <summary> /// Serializes a value. /// </summary> /// <param name="context">The serialization context.</param> /// <param name="args">The serialization args.</param> /// <param name="value">The object.</param> public override void Serialize(BsonSerializationContext context, BsonSerializationArgs args, Guid value) { var bsonWriter = context.Writer; switch (_representation) { case BsonType.Binary: var writerGuidRepresentation = bsonWriter.Settings.GuidRepresentation; if (writerGuidRepresentation == GuidRepresentation.Unspecified) { throw new BsonSerializationException("GuidSerializer cannot serialize a Guid when GuidRepresentation is Unspecified."); } var bytes = GuidConverter.ToBytes(value, writerGuidRepresentation); var subType = (writerGuidRepresentation == GuidRepresentation.Standard) ? BsonBinarySubType.UuidStandard : BsonBinarySubType.UuidLegacy; bsonWriter.WriteBinaryData(new BsonBinaryData(bytes, subType, writerGuidRepresentation)); break; case BsonType.String: bsonWriter.WriteString(value.ToString()); break; default: var message = string.Format("'{0}' is not a valid Guid representation.", _representation); throw new BsonSerializationException(message); } }
private /*static*/ object readValue(XmlReader xmlReader, Type type, IFormatterConverter converter) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(null != xmlReader, "The 'xmlReader' argument cannot be null."); System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(null != type, "The 'type' argument cannot be null."); System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(this.isSimpleType(type), "The Type type is not a simple type."); System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(null != converter, "The 'converter' argument cannot be null."); object value = null; // Return value string valueRepresentation = xmlReader.ReadString(); if (type.IsPrimitive || typeof(System.String) == type) { value = converter.Convert(valueRepresentation, type); } else if (type.IsEnum) { value = Enum.Parse(type, valueRepresentation); } else if (typeof(System.Guid) == type) { value = new GuidConverter().ConvertFromInvariantString(valueRepresentation); } // When the value is the empty string the xml element is empty and there is not an xml end element. // Read the following element. if (xmlReader.IsEmptyElement) { xmlReader.ReadStartElement(); } return(value); }
static Converter() { BoolConverter.Initialize(); CharConverter.Initialize(); ByteConverter.Initialize(); SByteConverter.Initialize(); Int16Converter.Initialize(); UInt16Converter.Initialize(); Int32Converter.Initialize(); UInt32Converter.Initialize(); Int64Converter.Initialize(); UInt64Converter.Initialize(); SingleConverter.Initialize(); DoubleConverter.Initialize(); DecimalConverter.Initialize(); BigIntegerConverter.Initialize(); BytesConverter.Initialize(); CharsConverter.Initialize(); StringConverter.Initialize(); StringBuilderConverter.Initialize(); DateTimeConverter.Initialize(); TimeSpanConverter.Initialize(); GuidConverter.Initialize(); MemoryStreamConverter.Initialize(); StreamConverter.Initialize(); }
public void PropertiesTest() { var converter = new GuidConverter(); Assert.AreEqual(false, converter.AcceptsNativeType); Assert.AreEqual(typeof(Guid), converter.ConvertedType); }
public void Explicit_decoding_with_standard_representation_should_work_as_expected() { GuidMode.Set(GuidRepresentationMode.V3); var guid = new Guid("00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff"); var bytes = GuidConverter.ToBytes(guid, GuidRepresentation.Standard); var binaryData = new BsonBinaryData(bytes, BsonBinarySubType.UuidStandard); var exception = Record.Exception(() => binaryData.ToGuid(GuidRepresentation.Unspecified)); exception.Should().BeOfType <ArgumentException>(); foreach (var guidRepresentation in new[] { GuidRepresentation.CSharpLegacy, GuidRepresentation.JavaLegacy, GuidRepresentation.PythonLegacy }) { exception = Record.Exception(() => binaryData.ToGuid(guidRepresentation)); exception.Should().BeOfType <InvalidOperationException>(); } var result = binaryData.ToGuid(); result.Should().Be(guid); result = binaryData.ToGuid(GuidRepresentation.Standard); result.Should().Be(guid); }
public string CreateKeyWithLocalKmsProvider() { // Read Master Key from file & Convert string localMasterKeyBase64 = File.ReadAllText(__localMasterKeyPath); var localMasterKeyBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(localMasterKeyBase64); // Set KMS Provider Settings // Client uses these settings to discover the master key var kmsProviders = new Dictionary <string, IReadOnlyDictionary <string, object> >(); var localOptions = new Dictionary <string, object> { { "key", localMasterKeyBytes } }; kmsProviders.Add("local", localOptions); // Create Data Encryption Key var clientEncryption = GetClientEncryption(kmsProviders); var dataKeyId = clientEncryption.CreateDataKey("local", new DataKeyOptions(), CancellationToken.None); clientEncryption.Dispose(); Console.WriteLine($"Local DataKeyId [UUID]: {dataKeyId}"); var dataKeyIdBase64 = Convert.ToBase64String(GuidConverter.ToBytes(dataKeyId, GuidRepresentation.Standard)); Console.WriteLine($"Local DataKeyId [base64]: {dataKeyIdBase64}"); ValidateKey(dataKeyId); return(dataKeyIdBase64); }
public void Deserialize_binary_data_should_return_expected_result_when_guid_representation_is_specified( [ClassValues(typeof(GuidModeValues))] GuidMode mode, [Values(-1, GuidRepresentation.Unspecified)] GuidRepresentation readerGuidRepresentation, [Values(GuidRepresentation.CSharpLegacy, GuidRepresentation.JavaLegacy, GuidRepresentation.PythonLegacy, GuidRepresentation.Standard)] GuidRepresentation guidRepresentation) { #pragma warning disable 618 mode.Set(); var discriminatorConvention = BsonSerializer.LookupDiscriminatorConvention(typeof(object)); var subject = new ObjectSerializer(discriminatorConvention, guidRepresentation); var bytes = new byte[] { 29, 0, 0, 0, 5, 120, 0, 16, 0, 0, 0, 3, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 0 }; var subType = GuidConverter.GetSubType(guidRepresentation); bytes[11] = (byte)subType; var readerSettings = new BsonBinaryReaderSettings(); if (BsonDefaults.GuidRepresentationMode == GuidRepresentationMode.V2) { readerSettings.GuidRepresentation = readerGuidRepresentation == (GuidRepresentation)(-1) ? guidRepresentation : GuidRepresentation.Unspecified; } using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream(bytes)) using (var reader = new BsonBinaryReader(memoryStream, readerSettings)) { var context = BsonDeserializationContext.CreateRoot(reader); reader.ReadStartDocument(); reader.ReadName("x"); var result = subject.Deserialize <object>(context); var guidBytes = bytes.Skip(12).Take(16).ToArray(); var expectedResult = GuidConverter.FromBytes(guidBytes, guidRepresentation); result.Should().Be(expectedResult); } #pragma warning restore 618 }
public void ConvertTo_String_ReturnsExpected() { var converter = new GuidConverter(); var value = new Guid(0x30da92c0, 0x23e8, 0x42a0, 0xae, 0x7c, 0x73, 0x4a, 0x0e, 0x5d, 0x27, 0x82); Assert.Equal("30da92c0-23e8-42a0-ae7c-734a0e5d2782", converter.ConvertTo(value, typeof(string))); }
private void txtSusID_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { // If we have a valid GUID, enable the Add button GuidConverter c = new GuidConverter(); btnAdd.Enabled = c.IsValid(txtSusID.Text); }
public void Deserializer_should_return_expected_result_when_representation_is_binary( GuidRepresentationMode defaultGuidRepresentationMode, GuidRepresentation defaultGuidRepresentation, GuidRepresentation serializerGuidRepresentation, GuidRepresentation readerGuidRepresentation, GuidRepresentation expectedGuidRepresentation) { GuidMode.Set(defaultGuidRepresentationMode, defaultGuidRepresentation); var subject = new GuidSerializer(serializerGuidRepresentation); var documentBytes = new byte[] { 29, 0, 0, 0, 5, 120, 0, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 0 }; var documentSubType = GuidConverter.GetSubType(expectedGuidRepresentation); documentBytes[11] = (byte)documentSubType; var readerSettings = new BsonBinaryReaderSettings(); if (defaultGuidRepresentationMode == GuidRepresentationMode.V2) { #pragma warning disable 618 readerSettings.GuidRepresentation = readerGuidRepresentation; #pragma warning restore 618 } var reader = new BsonBinaryReader(new MemoryStream(documentBytes), readerSettings); reader.ReadStartDocument(); reader.ReadName("x"); var context = BsonDeserializationContext.CreateRoot(reader); var args = new BsonDeserializationArgs(); var result = subject.Deserialize(context, args); var guidBytes = new byte[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 }; var expectedGuid = GuidConverter.FromBytes(guidBytes, expectedGuidRepresentation); result.Should().Be(expectedGuid); }
public IHttpActionResult AdmitEnquiry(string referenceId, [FromBody] ResidentRequest resident) { if (resident == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(referenceId)) { return(BadRequest("Missing resident data or reference id")); } if (!GuidConverter.IsValid(resident.EnquiryReferenceId.ToString())) { return(BadRequest("Connot convert enquiry refence id")); } if (resident.AdmissionDate == null || resident.AdmissionDate.ToString() == "") { return(BadRequest("Missing admission date")); } // ensure enquiry exists? var enqExists = _enquiryService.GetByReferenceId(resident.EnquiryReferenceId); if (enqExists == null) { return(BadRequest("Cannot locate enquiry in database. Please verify data")); } var loggedInUser = HttpContext.Current.User as SecurityPrincipal; logger.Info($"Admit an enquiry by {loggedInUser.ForeName}"); resident.UpdatedBy = loggedInUser.Id; var updEnquiry = _residentService.AdmitEnquiry(resident); return(Ok(updEnquiry)); }
/// <summary> /// Serializes an object to a BsonWriter. /// </summary> /// <param name="bsonWriter">The BsonWriter.</param> /// <param name="nominalType">The nominal type.</param> /// <param name="value">The object.</param> /// <param name="options">The serialization options.</param> public override void Serialize( BsonWriter bsonWriter, Type nominalType, object value, IBsonSerializationOptions options) { var guid = (Guid)value; var representationSerializationOptions = EnsureSerializationOptions <RepresentationSerializationOptions>(options); switch (representationSerializationOptions.Representation) { case BsonType.Binary: var writerGuidRepresentation = bsonWriter.Settings.GuidRepresentation; if (writerGuidRepresentation == GuidRepresentation.Unspecified) { throw new BsonSerializationException("GuidSerializer cannot serialize a Guid when GuidRepresentation is Unspecified."); } var bytes = GuidConverter.ToBytes(guid, writerGuidRepresentation); var subType = (writerGuidRepresentation == GuidRepresentation.Standard) ? BsonBinarySubType.UuidStandard : BsonBinarySubType.UuidLegacy; bsonWriter.WriteBinaryData(new BsonBinaryData(bytes, subType, writerGuidRepresentation)); break; case BsonType.String: bsonWriter.WriteString(guid.ToString()); break; default: var message = string.Format("'{0}' is not a valid Guid representation.", representationSerializationOptions.Representation); throw new BsonSerializationException(message); } }
// public methods /// <summary> /// Deserializes a value. /// </summary> /// <param name="context">The deserialization context.</param> /// <param name="args">The deserialization args.</param> /// <returns>A deserialized value.</returns> public override Guid Deserialize(BsonDeserializationContext context, BsonDeserializationArgs args) { var bsonReader = context.Reader; string message; var bsonType = bsonReader.GetCurrentBsonType(); switch (bsonType) { case BsonType.Binary: #pragma warning disable 618 BsonBinaryData binaryData; if (BsonDefaults.GuidRepresentationMode == GuidRepresentationMode.V2 && _guidRepresentation == GuidRepresentation.Unspecified) { binaryData = bsonReader.ReadBinaryData(); } else { binaryData = bsonReader.ReadBinaryDataWithGuidRepresentationUnspecified(); } var bytes = binaryData.Bytes; var subType = binaryData.SubType; var guidRepresentation = _guidRepresentation; if (BsonDefaults.GuidRepresentationMode == GuidRepresentationMode.V2 && guidRepresentation == GuidRepresentation.Unspecified) { guidRepresentation = binaryData.GuidRepresentation; } if (bytes.Length != 16) { message = string.Format("Expected length to be 16, not {0}.", bytes.Length); throw new FormatException(message); } if (subType != BsonBinarySubType.UuidStandard && subType != BsonBinarySubType.UuidLegacy) { message = string.Format("Expected binary sub type to be UuidStandard or UuidLegacy, not {0}.", subType); throw new FormatException(message); } if (guidRepresentation == GuidRepresentation.Unspecified) { throw new BsonSerializationException("GuidSerializer cannot deserialize a Guid when GuidRepresentation is Unspecified."); } if (BsonDefaults.GuidRepresentationMode == GuidRepresentationMode.V3 || _guidRepresentation != GuidRepresentation.Unspecified) { var expectedSubType = GuidConverter.GetSubType(guidRepresentation); if (subType != expectedSubType) { throw new FormatException($"GuidSerializer cannot deserialize a Guid when GuidRepresentation is {guidRepresentation} and binary sub type is {subType}."); } } return(GuidConverter.FromBytes(bytes, guidRepresentation)); #pragma warning restore 618 case BsonType.String: return(new Guid(bsonReader.ReadString())); default: throw CreateCannotDeserializeFromBsonTypeException(bsonType); } }
static Converter() { IsSealed = typeof(T).GetTypeInfo().IsSealed || typeof(T) == typeof(Type); (WriteAction, ReadAction) = typeof(T) switch { Type type when type == typeof(Type) => TypeConverter.GetActions <T>(), Type type when type.IsAbstract() => (null, null), Type type when type.IsArray => ArrayConverter.GetActions <T>(), Type type when type.IsList() => ListConverter.GetActions <T>(), Type type when type.IsDictionary() => DictionaryConverter.GetActions <T>(), Type type when type.IsEnum() => EnumConverter.GetActions <T>(), Type type when type == typeof(char) => GetActions((StreamWriterWrapper w, in char v) => w.Stream.WriteLine(v), s => s[0]), Type type when type == typeof(bool) => GetActions((StreamWriterWrapper w, in bool v) => w.Stream.WriteLine(v), bool.Parse), Type type when type == typeof(sbyte) => GetActions((StreamWriterWrapper w, in sbyte v) => w.Stream.WriteLine(v), i => sbyte.Parse(i)), Type type when type == typeof(byte) => GetActions((StreamWriterWrapper w, in byte v) => w.Stream.WriteLine(v), i => byte.Parse(i)), Type type when type == typeof(short) => GetActions((StreamWriterWrapper w, in short v) => w.Stream.WriteLine(v), i => short.Parse(i)), Type type when type == typeof(ushort) => GetActions((StreamWriterWrapper w, in ushort v) => w.Stream.WriteLine(v), i => ushort.Parse(i)), Type type when type == typeof(int) => GetActions((StreamWriterWrapper w, in int v) => w.Stream.WriteLine(v), i => int.Parse(i)), Type type when type == typeof(uint) => GetActions((StreamWriterWrapper w, in uint v) => w.Stream.WriteLine(v), i => uint.Parse(i)), Type type when type == typeof(long) => GetActions((StreamWriterWrapper w, in long v) => w.Stream.WriteLine(v), i => long.Parse(i)), Type type when type == typeof(ulong) => GetActions((StreamWriterWrapper w, in ulong v) => w.Stream.WriteLine(v), i => ulong.Parse(i)), Type type when type == typeof(decimal) => GetActions((StreamWriterWrapper w, in decimal v) => w.Stream.WriteLine(v), i => decimal.Parse(i)), Type type when type == typeof(double) => GetActions((StreamWriterWrapper w, in double v) => w.Stream.WriteLine(v), i => double.Parse(i)), Type type when type == typeof(float) => GetActions((StreamWriterWrapper w, in float v) => w.Stream.WriteLine(v), i => float.Parse(i)), Type type when type == typeof(string) => StringConverter.GetActions <T>(), Type type when type == typeof(Guid) => GuidConverter.GetActions <T>(), _ => ObjectConverter <T> .GetActions() }; }
private string GuidToString(BsonBinarySubType subType, byte[] bytes, GuidRepresentation guidRepresentation) { if (bytes.Length != 16) { var message = string.Format("Length of binary subtype {0} must be 16, not {1}.", subType, bytes.Length); throw new ArgumentException(message); } if (subType == BsonBinarySubType.UuidLegacy) { if (guidRepresentation == GuidRepresentation.Standard) { throw new ArgumentException("GuidRepresentation for binary subtype UuidLegacy must not be Standard."); } } if (subType == BsonBinarySubType.UuidStandard) { if (guidRepresentation == GuidRepresentation.Unspecified) { guidRepresentation = GuidRepresentation.Standard; } if (guidRepresentation != GuidRepresentation.Standard) { var message = string.Format("GuidRepresentation for binary subtype UuidStandard must be Standard, not {0}.", guidRepresentation); throw new ArgumentException(message); } } if (guidRepresentation == GuidRepresentation.Unspecified) { var s = BsonUtils.ToHexString(bytes); var parts = new string[] { s.Substring(0, 8), s.Substring(8, 4), s.Substring(12, 4), s.Substring(16, 4), s.Substring(20, 12) }; return(string.Format("HexData({0}, \"{1}\")", (int)subType, string.Join("-", parts))); } else { string uuidConstructorName; switch (guidRepresentation) { case GuidRepresentation.CSharpLegacy: uuidConstructorName = "CSUUID"; break; case GuidRepresentation.JavaLegacy: uuidConstructorName = "JUUID"; break; case GuidRepresentation.PythonLegacy: uuidConstructorName = "PYUUID"; break; case GuidRepresentation.Standard: uuidConstructorName = "UUID"; break; default: throw new BsonInternalException("Unexpected GuidRepresentation"); } var guid = GuidConverter.FromBytes(bytes, guidRepresentation); return(string.Format("{0}(\"{1}\")", uuidConstructorName, guid.ToString())); } }
public void GetString_FormatSpecified_IsValid() { GuidConverter converter = new GuidConverter("N"); string result = converter.GetString(new Guid(new byte[16])); Assert.Equal("00000000000000000000000000000000", result); }
public void GetValue_NullFormat_IsValid(string value) { IConverter <Guid> converter = new GuidConverter(); Guid result = converter.GetValue(value); Assert.Equal(new Guid(new byte[16]), result); }
public static ConverterOutputClientModel ToOutputClientModel(this ConverterIoEntity entity) { return(new ConverterOutputClientModel { Id = GuidConverter.EncodeGuid(entity.Id), UnitSymbol = entity.Unit.Symbol }); }
public void GetValue_FormatSpecified_IsValid() { IConverter <Guid> converter = new GuidConverter("N"); Guid result = converter.GetValue("00000000000000000000000000000000"); Assert.Equal(new Guid(new byte[16]), result); }
public void GetValue_ValueDosentMatchFormat_ThrowsFormatException() { IConverter <Guid> converter = new GuidConverter("N"); Action action = () => converter.GetValue("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"); Assert.Throws <FormatException>(action); }
public void GetValue_ValueDosentMatchFormat_ThrowsFormatException() { IConverter<Guid> converter = new GuidConverter("N"); Action action = () => converter.GetValue("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"); Assert.Throws<FormatException>(action); }
public void GetString_NullFormat_IsValid() { GuidConverter converter = new GuidConverter(); string result = converter.GetString(new Guid(new byte[16])); Assert.Equal("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", result); }
public void GetValue_FormatSpecified_IsValid() { IConverter<Guid> converter = new GuidConverter("N"); Guid result = converter.GetValue("00000000000000000000000000000000"); Assert.Equal(new Guid(new byte[16]), result); }
public virtual TEntity GetById(Guid id) { var bytes = GuidConverter.ToBytes(id, GuidRepresentation.CSharpLegacy); var csuuid = new Guid(bytes); return(Collection.Find(x => x.Id == csuuid).FirstOrDefault()); //return GetAllRows().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id.Equals(id)); }
public void GetValue_NullFormat_IsValid(string value) { IConverter<Guid> converter = new GuidConverter(); Guid result = converter.GetValue(value); Assert.Equal(new Guid(new byte[16]), result); }
public void DoWork(IRequest request) { // If an asyncState object already exists, an exception is thrown as the performer only accepts // one call after each other. The Request receiver has to manage a queued execution. // Before calling the performers execution implementation method a new AsyncState object is created // and set to an initial tracking state. lock (_asyncStateObj) { if (null != _asyncStateObj.Tracking) { throw new InvalidOperationException("The performer cannot be executed because it is already running."); } SyncTracking tracking = new SyncTracking(); tracking.ElapsedSeconds = 1; tracking.Phase = TrackingPhase.INIT; tracking.PhaseDetail = "Tracking Id was: " + _requestContext.TrackingId.ToString(); tracking.PollingMillis = 100; tracking.RemainingSeconds = 100; _asyncStateObj.Tracking = tracking; } // *** Initialization for the async execution *** // - Read Feed from request stream. // - Read trackingId from request URL // convert tracking ID from request to type Guid string strTrackingId = request.Uri.TrackingID; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(strTrackingId)) { throw new RequestException("TrackingId is missing"); } GuidConverter converter = new GuidConverter(); this.TrackingId = (Guid)converter.ConvertFrom(strTrackingId); //read feed SyncFeed feed = new SyncFeed(); XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(request.Stream); feed.ReadXml(reader, ResourceKindHelpers.GetPayloadType(_requestContext.ResourceKind)); // *** Do work asynchronously *** _asyncPerformer = new InternalAsyncPerformer(this); _asyncPerformer.DoWork(_requestContext.Config, feed); // *** set the tracking to the request response *** this.GetTrackingState(request); }
/// <summary> /// Extends ConvertTo so that methods that return a specific type object given a Type parameter can be /// used as generic method and casting is not required. /// <example> /// typeconverter.ConvertTo<int>(value); /// </example> /// </summary> public static T ConvertTo <T>(this GuidConverter typeconverter, Object value) { if (typeconverter == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("typeconverter"); } return((T)typeconverter.ConvertTo(value, typeof(T))); }
/// <summary> /// Extends ConvertTo so that methods that return a specific type object given a Type parameter can be /// used as generic method and casting is not required. /// <example> /// guidconverter.ConvertTo<int>(context, culture, value); /// </example> /// </summary> public static T ConvertTo <T>(this GuidConverter guidconverter, ITypeDescriptorContext context, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture, Object value) { if (guidconverter == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("guidconverter"); } return((T)guidconverter.ConvertTo(context, culture, value, typeof(T))); }
public static ConverterListClientModel ToClientModel(this ConverterListEntity entity) { return(new ConverterListClientModel { Id = GuidConverter.EncodeGuid(entity.Id), DisplayName = entity.DisplayName, Converters = entity.Converters.ToClientModels() }); }
public void StringToGuidTest() { var guid = new Guid(); var guidStr = guid.ToString(); var guid2 = GuidConverter.ToGuid(guidStr); Assert.Equal(guid, guid2); }
public static int NullableGuidToURI(char[] buf, int pos, Guid?value) { if (value == null) { return(pos); } GuidConverter.Serialize(value.Value, buf, pos); return(pos + 36); }
public static Guid ToCSUUid(this Guid guid) { BsonDefaults.GuidRepresentation = GuidRepresentation.PythonLegacy; var luuid = new Guid(guid.ToString()); var bytes = GuidConverter.ToBytes(luuid, GuidRepresentation.PythonLegacy); var csuuid = new Guid(bytes); return(csuuid); }