private void InitializeItems() { string[] sectionNames = { "Top_State_Btn", "Top_Equip_Btn", "Top_XiuLian_Btn", "Top_Goods_Btn", "Top_Magic_Btn", "Top_Memo_Btn", "Top_System_Btn", }; for (var i = 0; i < 7; i++) { var cfg = GuiManager.Setttings.Sections[sectionNames[i]]; var asf = Utils.GetAsf(null, cfg["Image"]); var baseTexture = new Texture(asf, 0, 1); var clickedTexture = new Texture(asf, 1, 1); _buttons[i] = new GuiItem(this, new Vector2(int.Parse(cfg["Left"]), int.Parse(cfg["Top"])), int.Parse(cfg["Width"]), int.Parse(cfg["Height"]), baseTexture, null, clickedTexture, null, Utils.GetSoundEffect(cfg["Sound"])); } RegisterClickHandler(); }
public DragDropItem(GuiItem parent, Vector2 position, int width, int height, Texture baseTexture, object data = null) : base(parent, position, width, height, baseTexture) { Data = data; MouseLeftDown += delegate(object arg1, MouseLeftDownEvent arg2) { GuiManager.DragDropSourceItem = this; GuiManager.DragDropSourceTexture = this.BaseTexture; GuiManager.IsDropped = false; IsShow = false; if (Drag != null) { Drag(this, new DragEvent(arg2.MouseScreenPosition)); } }; MouseLeftUp += delegate(object arg1, MouseLeftUpEvent arg2) { if (GuiManager.DragDropSourceItem != null) { if (Drop != null && InRange) { Drop(this, new DropEvent(arg2.MouseScreenPosition, GuiManager.DragDropSourceItem)); } GuiManager.IsDropped = true; } }; }
public ScrollBar(GuiItem parent, int width, int height, Texture baseTexture, ScrollBarType type, GuiItem slider, Vector2 positon, int minValue, int maxValue, int value) : base(parent, positon, width, height, baseTexture) { Type = type; Slider = slider; switch (type) { case ScrollBarType.Vertical: Length = height; break; case ScrollBarType.Horizontal: Length = width; break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("type"); } MinValue = minValue; MaxValue = maxValue; Value = value; RegisterEvent(); }
public MouseGui() { BaseTexture = new Texture(Utils.GetAsf(@"asf\ui\common\", "mouse.asf")); Width = 0; Height = 0; _drapImage = new GuiItem(this, Vector2.Zero, 0, 0, null); }
public Sign(GuiItem movingObject, AnimationKey[] coming, AnimationKey[] leaving) : base("Sign", 0, 0) { this.coming = coming; this.leaving = leaving; this.movingObject = movingObject; }
/// <summary> /// Sets the card to equal another /// </summary> /// <param name="item"></param> protected override void OnSet(GuiItem item) { //cast.. could throw an exception if item is not a Card Icon icon = (Icon)item; status = icon.status; iconNo = icon.iconNo; }
public SystemGui() { BaseTexture = new Texture(Utils.GetAsf( @"asf\ui\common", "panel.asf")); Width = BaseTexture.Width; Height = BaseTexture.Height; Position = new Vector2( (Globals.WindowWidth - Width) / 2f, 26); //Button var asf = Utils.GetAsf(@"asf\ui\system", "saveload.asf"); var clickedSound = Utils.GetSoundEffect("界-大按钮.wav"); _saveloadButton = new GuiItem(this, new Vector2(58, 86), 69, 64, new Texture(asf, 0, 1), null, new Texture(asf, 1, 1), null, clickedSound); asf = Utils.GetAsf(@"asf\ui\system", "option.asf"); _opetionButton = new GuiItem(this, new Vector2(58, 150), 69, 54, new Texture(asf, 0, 1), null, new Texture(asf, 1, 1), null, clickedSound); asf = Utils.GetAsf(@"asf\ui\system", "quit.asf"); _exitButton = new GuiItem(this, new Vector2(58, 213), 69, 54, new Texture(asf, 0, 1), null, new Texture(asf, 1, 1), null, clickedSound); asf = Utils.GetAsf(@"asf\ui\system", "return.asf"); _returnButton = new GuiItem(this, new Vector2(58, 276), 69, 54, new Texture(asf, 0, 1), null, new Texture(asf, 1, 1), null, clickedSound); RegisterEvent(); IsShow = false; }
public MouseGui() { var cfg = GuiManager.Setttings.Sections["Mouse"]; BaseTexture = new Texture(Utils.GetAsf(null, cfg["Image"])); Width = 0; Height = 0; _drapImage = new GuiItem(this, Vector2.Zero, 0, 0, null); }
public MemoGui() { var cfg = GuiManager.Setttings.Sections["Memo"]; BaseTexture = new Texture(Utils.GetAsf(null, cfg["Image"])); Width = BaseTexture.Width; Height = BaseTexture.Height; Position = new Vector2( Globals.WindowWidth / 2f + int.Parse(cfg["LeftAdjust"]), 0f + int.Parse(cfg["TopAdjust"])); cfg = GuiManager.Setttings.Sections["Memo_Text"]; _text = new TextGui(this, new Vector2(int.Parse(cfg["Left"]), int.Parse(cfg["Top"])), int.Parse(cfg["Width"]), int.Parse(cfg["Height"]), Globals.FontSize10, int.Parse(cfg["CharSpace"]), int.Parse(cfg["LineSpace"]), "", Utils.GetColor(cfg["Color"])); cfg = GuiManager.Setttings.Sections["Memo_Slider"]; var slideTexture = Utils.GetAsf(null, cfg["Image_Btn"]); var slideBaseTexture = new Texture(slideTexture); var slideClikedTexture = new Texture(slideTexture, 0, 1); var slideButton = new GuiItem(this, Vector2.Zero, slideBaseTexture.Width, slideBaseTexture.Height, slideBaseTexture, null, slideClikedTexture, null, Utils.GetSoundEffect(cfg["Sound_Btn"])); _scrollBar = new ScrollBar(this, int.Parse(cfg["Width"]), int.Parse(cfg["Height"]), null, ScrollBar.ScrollBarType.Vertical, slideButton, new Vector2(int.Parse(cfg["Left"]), int.Parse(cfg["Top"])), 0, 1, 0); _scrollBar.Scrolled += (arg1, arg2) => SetTextShow(arg2.Value); MouseScrollUp += (arg1, arg2) => _scrollBar.Value -= 1; MouseScrollDown += (arg1, arg2) => _scrollBar.Value += 1; IsShow = false; }
public BuyGui() { var baseTexture = new Texture(Utils.GetAsf(@"asf\ui\common\", "panel8.asf")); var position = new Vector2( Globals.WindowWidth / 2f - baseTexture.Width, 0f); _listView = new ListView(null, position, new Vector2(271, 108), baseTexture.Width, baseTexture.Height, baseTexture, 27, new Vector2(-17, 0)); var asf = Utils.GetAsf(@"asf\ui\buysell\", "CloseBtn.asf"); baseTexture = new Texture(asf, 0, 1); _closeButton = new GuiItem(_listView, new Vector2(117, 354), baseTexture.Width, baseTexture.Height, baseTexture, null, new Texture(asf, 1, 1), null, Utils.GetSoundEffect("界-大按钮.wav")); _listView.Scrolled += (arg1, arg2) => UpdateItems(); _listView.RegisterItemMouseStayOverHandler((arg1, arg2) => { var item = (DragDropItem)arg1; var index = (int)item.Data; if (_goods.ContainsKey(index)) { GuiManager.ToolTipInterface.ShowGood(_goods[index]); } }); _listView.RegisterItemMouseLeaveHandler( (arg1, arg2) => GuiManager.ToolTipInterface.IsShow = false); _listView.RegisterItemMouseRightClickeHandler((arg1, arg2) => { var item = (DragDropItem)arg1; var index = (int)item.Data; if (_goods.ContainsKey(index)) { Globals.ThePlayer.BuyGood(_goods[index]); } }); _closeButton.Click += (arg1, arg2) => GuiManager.EndBuyGoods(); IsShow = false; }
void MakeSection(string SectionName, GuiItem Input, SingleColumnTable Display) { var header = new Button("header-2") { DisplayedString = SectionName }; var container = new GuiContainer <Pod>("scenario-builder-parameters-section"); container.Add(Input); Display.Add(header); Display.Add(container); }
public MemoGui() { BaseTexture = new Texture(Utils.GetAsf(@"asf\ui\common\", "panel4.asf")); Width = BaseTexture.Width; Height = BaseTexture.Height; Position = new Vector2( Globals.WindowWidth / 2f, 0f); _text = new TextGui(this, new Vector2(90, 155), 150, 180, Globals.FontSize10, 1, 1, "", new Color(40, 25, 15) * 0.8f); var slideTexture = Utils.GetAsf(@"asf\ui\option\", "slidebtn.asf"); var slideBaseTexture = new Texture(slideTexture); var slideClikedTexture = new Texture(slideTexture, 0, 1); var slideButton = new GuiItem(this, Vector2.Zero, slideBaseTexture.Width, slideBaseTexture.Height, slideBaseTexture, null, slideClikedTexture, null, Utils.GetSoundEffect("界-大按钮.wav")); _scrollBar = new ScrollBar(this, 28, 190, null, ScrollBar.ScrollBarType.Vertical, slideButton, new Vector2(295, 108), 0, 1, 0); _scrollBar.Scrolled += (arg1, arg2) => SetTextShow(arg2.Value); MouseScrollUp += (arg1, arg2) => _scrollBar.Value -= 1; MouseScrollDown += (arg1, arg2) => _scrollBar.Value += 1; IsShow = false; }
private void InitializeItems() { string[] fileNames = { "BtnState.asf", //0 "BtnEquip.asf", //1 "BtnXiuLian.asf", //2 "BtnGoods.asf", //3 "BtnMagic.asf", //4 "BtnNotes.asf", //5 "BtnOption.asf" //6 }; Vector2[] position = { new Vector2(52, 0), new Vector2(80, 0), new Vector2(107, 0), new Vector2(135, 0), new Vector2(162, 0), new Vector2(189, 0), new Vector2(216, 0) }; var clickedSound = Utils.GetSoundEffect("界-大按钮.wav"); for (var i = 0; i < 7; i++) { var asf = Utils.GetAsf(@"asf\ui\top\", fileNames[i]); var baseTexture = new Texture(asf, 0, 1); var clickedTexture = new Texture(asf, 1, 1); _buttons[i] = new GuiItem(this, position[i], baseTexture.Width, baseTexture.Height, baseTexture, null, clickedTexture, null, clickedSound); } RegisterClickHandler(); }
public GuiInventoryBase(InventoryBase inventory, GuiTextures background, int width, int height) { Inventory = inventory; ContentContainer.Background = background; ContentContainer.BackgroundOverlay = null; ContentContainer.Width = ContentContainer.MinWidth = ContentContainer.MaxWidth = width; ContentContainer.Height = ContentContainer.MinHeight = ContentContainer.MaxHeight = height; SetFixedSize(width, height); ContentContainer.AutoSizeMode = AutoSizeMode.None; AddChild( TextOverlay = new GuiTextElement(true) { HasShadow = true, Background = new Color(Color.Black, 0.35f), Enabled = false, FontStyle = FontStyle.DropShadow, TextColor = TextColor.Yellow, ClipToBounds = false, Anchor = Alignment.TopLeft //BackgroundOverlay = new Color(Color.Black, 0.35f), }); AddChild(CursorItemRenderer = new GuiItem() { IsVisible = false, ClipToBounds = false, AutoSizeMode = AutoSizeMode.None, Height = 18, Width = 18, Anchor = Alignment.TopLeft }); Inventory.SlotChanged += InventoryOnSlotChanged; Inventory.CursorChanged += InventoryOnCursorChanged; }
/// <summary> /// This method is called when the <see cref="ValueChanged"/> event is raised. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"> The <see cref="GuiItem"/> that raised the event. </param> /// <param name="args"> The new value of the <see cref="ProgressBar"/>. </param> protected virtual void OnValueChanged(GuiItem sender, Args args) { data.Value = args.NewValue; Refresh(); }
private void LoadItems() { var cfg = GuiManager.Setttings.Sections["LittleMap_Left_Btn"]; var sound = Utils.GetSoundEffect(cfg["Sound"]); var asf = Utils.GetAsf(null, cfg["Image"]); _leftButton = new GuiItem(this, new Vector2(int.Parse(cfg["Left"]), int.Parse(cfg["Top"])), asf.Width, asf.Height, new Texture(asf, 0, 1), null, new Texture(asf, 1, 1), null, sound); cfg = GuiManager.Setttings.Sections["LittleMap_Right_Btn"]; asf = Utils.GetAsf(null, cfg["Image"]); sound = Utils.GetSoundEffect(cfg["Sound"]); _rightButton = new GuiItem(this, new Vector2(int.Parse(cfg["Left"]), int.Parse(cfg["Top"])), asf.Width, asf.Height, new Texture(asf, 0, 1), null, new Texture(asf, 1, 1), null, sound); cfg = GuiManager.Setttings.Sections["LittleMap_Up_Btn"]; asf = Utils.GetAsf(null, cfg["Image"]); sound = Utils.GetSoundEffect(cfg["Sound"]); _upButton = new GuiItem(this, new Vector2(int.Parse(cfg["Left"]), int.Parse(cfg["Top"])), asf.Width, asf.Height, new Texture(asf, 0, 1), null, new Texture(asf, 1, 1), null, sound); cfg = GuiManager.Setttings.Sections["LittleMap_Down_Btn"]; asf = Utils.GetAsf(null, cfg["Image"]); sound = Utils.GetSoundEffect(cfg["Sound"]); _downButton = new GuiItem(this, new Vector2(int.Parse(cfg["Left"]), int.Parse(cfg["Top"])), asf.Width, asf.Height, new Texture(asf, 0, 1), null, new Texture(asf, 1, 1), null, sound); cfg = GuiManager.Setttings.Sections["LittleMap_Close_Btn"]; asf = Utils.GetAsf(null, cfg["Image"]); sound = Utils.GetSoundEffect(cfg["Sound"]); _closeButton = new GuiItem(this, new Vector2(int.Parse(cfg["Left"]), int.Parse(cfg["Top"])), asf.Width, asf.Height, new Texture(asf, 0, 1), null, new Texture(asf, 1, 1), null, sound); cfg = GuiManager.Setttings.Sections["LittleMap_Map_Name_Line_Text"]; _mapName = new LineText(this, new Vector2(int.Parse(cfg["Left"]), int.Parse(cfg["Top"])), int.Parse(cfg["Width"]), int.Parse(cfg["Height"]), (LineText.Align) int.Parse(cfg["Align"]), string.Empty, Utils.GetColor(cfg["Color"]), Globals.FontSize12); cfg = GuiManager.Setttings.Sections["LittleMap_Bottom_Tip_Line_Text"]; _bottomTip = new LineText(this, new Vector2(int.Parse(cfg["Left"]), int.Parse(cfg["Top"])), int.Parse(cfg["Width"]), int.Parse(cfg["Height"]), (LineText.Align) int.Parse(cfg["Align"]), "点击小地图进行移动", Utils.GetColor(cfg["Color"]), Globals.FontSize10); cfg = GuiManager.Setttings.Sections["LittleMap_Message_Tip_Line_Text"]; _messageTip = new LineText(this, new Vector2(int.Parse(cfg["Left"]), int.Parse(cfg["Top"])), int.Parse(cfg["Width"]), int.Parse(cfg["Height"]), (LineText.Align) int.Parse(cfg["Align"]), "无法移动到目的地", Utils.GetColor(cfg["Color"]), Globals.FontSize10); _messageTip.IsShow = false; }
public BuyGui() { var cfg = GuiManager.Setttings.Sections["BuySell"]; var baseTexture = new Texture(Utils.GetAsf(null, cfg["Image"])); var position = new Vector2( Globals.WindowWidth / 2f - baseTexture.Width + int.Parse(cfg["LeftAdjust"]), 0f + int.Parse(cfg["TopAdjust"])); _listView = new ListView(null, position, new Vector2(int.Parse(cfg["ScrollBarLeft"]), int.Parse(cfg["ScrollBarRight"])), baseTexture.Width, baseTexture.Height, baseTexture, 27, GuiManager.Setttings.Sections["BuySell_List_Items"], int.Parse(cfg["ScrollBarWidth"]), int.Parse(cfg["ScrollBarHeight"]), cfg["ScrollBarButton"]); var asf = Utils.GetAsf(null, cfg["CloseImage"]); baseTexture = new Texture(asf, 0, 1); _closeButton = new GuiItem(_listView, new Vector2(int.Parse(cfg["CloseLeft"]), int.Parse(cfg["CloseTop"])), baseTexture.Width, baseTexture.Height, baseTexture, null, new Texture(asf, 1, 1), null, Utils.GetSoundEffect(cfg["CloseSound"])); _listView.Scrolled += (arg1, arg2) => UpdateItems(); _listView.RegisterItemMouseStayOverHandler((arg1, arg2) => { var item = (DragDropItem)arg1; var index = (int)item.Data; if (_goods.ContainsKey(index)) { GuiManager.ToolTipInterface.ShowGood(_goods[index].TheGood, false); } }); _listView.RegisterItemMouseLeaveHandler( (arg1, arg2) => GuiManager.ToolTipInterface.IsShow = false); _listView.RegisterItemMouseRightClickeHandler((arg1, arg2) => { var item = (DragDropItem)arg1; var index = (int)item.Data; if (_goods.ContainsKey(index)) { if (_numberValid && _goods[index].Count <= 0) { GuiManager.ShowMessage("该物品已售罄"); } else if (_goods[index].TheGood != null) { if (Globals.ThePlayer.BuyGood(_goods[index].TheGood)) { if (_numberValid) { _goods[index].Count--; UpdateItems(); } } } } }); _closeButton.Click += (arg1, arg2) => GuiManager.EndBuyGoods(); IsShow = false; }
/// <summary> /// This method is called when the <see cref="FontChanged"/> event is raised. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"> The <see cref="GuiItem"/> that raised the event. </param> /// <param name="e"> The new <see cref="SpriteFont"/>. </param> protected virtual void OnFontChanged(GuiItem sender, ValueChangedEventArgs<SpriteFont> e) { font = e.NewValue; Refresh(); }
public void AddOverlay(GuiItem Overlay) { _Overlay.Add(Overlay); }
/// <summary> /// This method is called when the <see cref="SizeModeChanged"/> event is raised. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"> The <see cref="GuiItem"/> that raised the event. </param> /// <param name="e"> The new <see cref="ResizeMode"/> for the foreground. </param> protected virtual void OnSizeModeChanged(GuiItem sender, Args e) { sizeMode = e.NewValue; }
private void GuiItem_Move(GuiItem sender, ValueChangedEventArgs<Vector2> e) { if (!UseAbsolutePosition) { Label tab = tabs.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Value.Contains(sender)).Key; sender.Bounds = new Rectangle((int)sender.Position.X, (int)sender.Position.Y + tab.Height, sender.Width, sender.Height); } }
public SaveLoadGui() { BaseTexture = new Texture(Utils.GetAsf(@"asf\ui\saveload", "panel.asf")); Width = BaseTexture.Width; Height = BaseTexture.Height; Position = new Vector2( (Globals.WindowWidth - Width) / 2f, (Globals.WindowHeight - Height) / 2f); //Save load list var itemText = new String[] { "进度一", "进度二", "进度三", "进度四", "进度五", "进度六", "进度七" }; _list = new ListTextItem(this, new Vector2(135, 118), 80, 189, null, 7, itemText, 3, 0, 25, new Color(91, 31, 27) * 0.8f, new Color(102, 73, 212) * 0.8f, Utils.GetSoundEffect("界-浏览.wav")); //Save snapshot _saveSnapshot = new Bmp(this, new Vector2(256, 94), "", 267, 200); //Buttons var asf = Utils.GetAsf(@"asf\ui\saveload", "btnLoad.asf"); var clickedSound = Utils.GetSoundEffect("界-大按钮.wav"); _loadButton = new GuiItem(this, new Vector2(248, 355), 64, 72, new Texture(asf, 0, 1), null, new Texture(asf, 1, 1), null, clickedSound); asf = Utils.GetAsf(@"asf\ui\saveload", "btnSave.asf"); _saveButton = new GuiItem(this, new Vector2(366, 355), 64, 72, new Texture(asf, 0, 1), null, new Texture(asf, 1, 1), null, clickedSound); asf = Utils.GetAsf(@"asf\ui\saveload", "btnExit.asf"); _exitButton = new GuiItem(this, new Vector2(464, 355), 64, 72, new Texture(asf, 0, 1), null, new Texture(asf, 1, 1), null, clickedSound); //Save time _saveTime = new TextGui(this, new Vector2(254, 310), 350, 30, Globals.FontSize10, 1, 0, "", new Color(182, 219, 189) * 0.7f); //Message _message = new LineText(this, new Vector2(0, 440), BaseTexture.Width, 40, LineText.Align.Center, string.Empty, Color.Gold * 0.8f, Globals.FontSize12); RegisterEvent(); SetSaveLoadIndex(Globals.SaveLoadSelectionIndex); IsShow = false; }
private void DropDown_Click(GuiItem sender, MouseEventArgs e) { int index = GetHoverIndex(e.State); if (index == -1) return; Invoke(IndexClick, this, new IndexedClickEventArgs(index)); }
/// <summary> /// Sets the card to equal another /// </summary> /// <param name="item"></param> protected override void OnSet(GuiItem item) { //cast.. could throw an exception if item is not a Card bounds.Width = item.Bounds.Width; bounds.Height = item.Bounds.Height; }
public ToolTipGui() { BaseTexture = new Texture(Utils.GetAsf(@"asf\ui\common\", "tipbox.asf")); Width = BaseTexture.Width; Height = BaseTexture.Height; Position = new Vector2((Globals.WindowWidth - Width) / 2f, 27f); _image = new GuiItem(this, new Vector2(132, 47), 60, 75, null); _name = new TextGui(this, new Vector2(67, 191), 100, 20, Globals.FontSize10, 0, 0, "", new Color(102, 73, 212) * 0.8f); _costOrLevel = new TextGui(this, new Vector2(160, 191), 88, 20, Globals.FontSize10, 0, 0, "", new Color(91, 31, 27) * 0.8f); _goodEffect = new TextGui(this, new Vector2(67, 215), 188, 20, Globals.FontSize10, 0, 0, "", Color.Blue * 0.8f); _magicIntro = new TextGui(this, new Vector2(67, 210), 196, 120, Globals.FontSize10, 1, 0, "", new Color(52, 21, 14) * 0.8f); _goodIntro = new TextGui(this, new Vector2(67, 245), 196, 100, Globals.FontSize10, 1, 0, "", new Color(52, 21, 14) * 0.8f); _items = new GuiItem[6]; _items[0] = _image; _items[1] = _name; _items[2] = _costOrLevel; _items[3] = _goodEffect; _items[4] = _goodIntro; _items[5] = _magicIntro; IsShow = false; }
public SystemGui() { var cfg = GuiManager.Setttings.Sections["System"]; BaseTexture = new Texture(Utils.GetAsf(null, cfg["Image"])); Width = BaseTexture.Width; Height = BaseTexture.Height; Position = new Vector2( (Globals.WindowWidth - Width) / 2f + int.Parse(cfg["LeftAdjust"]), 0 + int.Parse(cfg["TopAdjust"])); //Button cfg = GuiManager.Setttings.Sections["System_SaveLoad_Btn"]; var asf = Utils.GetAsf(@"asf\ui\system", "saveload.asf"); var clickedSound = Utils.GetSoundEffect(cfg["Sound"]); _saveloadButton = new GuiItem(this, new Vector2(int.Parse(cfg["Left"]), int.Parse(cfg["Top"])), int.Parse(cfg["Width"]), int.Parse(cfg["Height"]), new Texture(asf, 0, 1), null, new Texture(asf, 1, 1), null, clickedSound); cfg = GuiManager.Setttings.Sections["System_Option_Btn"]; asf = Utils.GetAsf(@"asf\ui\system", "option.asf"); clickedSound = Utils.GetSoundEffect(cfg["Sound"]); _opetionButton = new GuiItem(this, new Vector2(int.Parse(cfg["Left"]), int.Parse(cfg["Top"])), int.Parse(cfg["Width"]), int.Parse(cfg["Height"]), new Texture(asf, 0, 1), null, new Texture(asf, 1, 1), null, clickedSound); cfg = GuiManager.Setttings.Sections["System_Exit_Btn"]; asf = Utils.GetAsf(@"asf\ui\system", "quit.asf"); clickedSound = Utils.GetSoundEffect(cfg["Sound"]); _exitButton = new GuiItem(this, new Vector2(int.Parse(cfg["Left"]), int.Parse(cfg["Top"])), int.Parse(cfg["Width"]), int.Parse(cfg["Height"]), new Texture(asf, 0, 1), null, new Texture(asf, 1, 1), null, clickedSound); cfg = GuiManager.Setttings.Sections["System_Return_Btn"]; asf = Utils.GetAsf(@"asf\ui\system", "return.asf"); clickedSound = Utils.GetSoundEffect(cfg["Sound"]); _returnButton = new GuiItem(this, new Vector2(int.Parse(cfg["Left"]), int.Parse(cfg["Top"])), int.Parse(cfg["Width"]), int.Parse(cfg["Height"]), new Texture(asf, 0, 1), null, new Texture(asf, 1, 1), null, clickedSound); RegisterEvent(); IsShow = false; }
public void RemoveOverlay(GuiItem Overlay) { _Overlay.Remove(Overlay); }
public DialogGui() { LoadPortrait(); BaseTexture = new Texture(Utils.GetAsf(@"asf\ui\dialog\", "panel.asf")); Width = BaseTexture.Width; Height = BaseTexture.Height; Position = new Vector2((Globals.WindowWidth - BaseTexture.Width) / 2f, Globals.WindowHeight - 208f); _text = new TextGui(this, new Vector2(65, 30), 310, 70, Globals.FontSize12, -2, 0, "", _defaultTextColor); _selectA = new TextGui(this, new Vector2(65, 52), 310, 20, Globals.FontSize12, 1, 0, "", Color.Blue * 0.8f); _selectB = new TextGui(this, new Vector2(65, 74), 310, 20, Globals.FontSize12, 1, 0, "", Color.Blue * 0.8f); _portrait = new GuiItem(this, new Vector2(5, -143), 200, 160, null); _selectA.MouseEnter += (arg1, arg2) => _selectA.SetDrawColor(Color.Red * 0.8f); _selectA.MouseLeave += (arg1, arg2) => _selectA.SetDrawColor(Color.Blue * 0.8f); _selectA.MouseLeftDown += (arg1, arg2) => { if (IsInSelecting) { IsInSelecting = false; Selection = 0; } }; _selectB.MouseEnter += (arg1, arg2) => _selectB.SetDrawColor(Color.Red * 0.8f); _selectB.MouseLeave += (arg1, arg2) => _selectB.SetDrawColor(Color.Blue * 0.8f); _selectB.MouseLeftDown += (arg1, arg2) => { if (IsInSelecting) { IsInSelecting = false; Selection = 1; } }; IsShow = false; }
/// <summary> /// This method is called when the <see cref="GuiItem.ForeColorChanged"/> event is raised. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"> The <see cref="GuiItem"/> that raised the event. </param> /// <param name="e"> The new <see cref="Color"/> for the foreground. </param> protected override void OnForeColorChanged(GuiItem sender, ValueChangedEventArgs<Color> e) { base.OnForeColorChanged(sender, e); if (font != null) Refresh(); }
private void TextBox_Click(GuiItem sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (AutoFocus) { for (int i = 0; i < tabs.Length; i++) { GuiItemCollection controlls = tabs[i].Value; for (int j = 0; j < controlls.Count; j++) { TextBox txt; if ((txt = controlls[j] as TextBox) != null) { txt.Focused = txt.Name == sender.Name; txt.Refresh(); } } } } }
/// <summary> /// This method is called when the <see cref="GuiItem.Move"/> event is raised. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"> The <see cref="GuiItem"/> that raised the event. </param> /// <param name="e"> The new position for the <see cref="Label"/>. </param> protected override void OnMove(GuiItem sender, ValueChangedEventArgs<Vector2> e) { base.OnMove(sender, e); foregroundRectangle.X = (int)e.NewValue.X; foregroundRectangle.Y = (int)e.NewValue.Y; }
public void AddTicked(Ticked Ticked, GuiItem View) { _TickManager.Add(Ticked); _MapItems.Add(Ticked, View); _WorldView.AddOverlay(View); }
/// <summary> /// This method gets called when the <see cref="Label.TextChanged"/> event is raised. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"> The <see cref="GuiItem"/> that raised the event. </param> /// <param name="e"> The new text for the sender. </param> protected override void OnTextChanged(GuiItem sender, ValueChangedEventArgs<string> e) { inputHandler.keyboadString = e.NewValue; base.OnTextChanged(sender, e); }
public TitleGui() { using (var fs = File.Open(@"asf\ui\title\title.jpg", FileMode.Open)) { BaseTexture = new Texture(new Asf( Texture2D.FromStream(Globals.TheGame.GraphicsDevice, fs))); } Width = BaseTexture.Width; Height = BaseTexture.Height; Position = new Vector2( (Globals.WindowWidth - Width) / 2f, (Globals.WindowHeight - Height) / 2f); var asf = Utils.GetAsf(@"asf\ui\title\", "InitBtn.asf"); var sound = Utils.GetSoundEffect("界-主菜单.wav"); _initButton = new GuiItem(this, new Vector2(327, 112), 81, 66, new Texture(asf, 0, 1), new Texture(asf, 1, 1), null, sound); asf = Utils.GetAsf(@"asf\ui\title\", "LoadBtn.asf"); _loadButton = new GuiItem(this, new Vector2(327, 177), 81, 66, new Texture(asf, 0, 1), new Texture(asf, 1, 1), null, sound); asf = Utils.GetAsf(@"asf\ui\title\", "TeamBtn.asf"); _teamButton = new GuiItem(this, new Vector2(327, 240), 81, 66, new Texture(asf, 0, 1), new Texture(asf, 1, 1), null, sound); asf = Utils.GetAsf(@"asf\ui\title\", "ExitBtn.asf"); _exitButton = new GuiItem(this, new Vector2(327, 303), 81, 66, new Texture(asf, 0, 1), new Texture(asf, 1, 1), null, sound); _guiItems = new[] { _initButton, _loadButton, _teamButton, _exitButton }; RegisterEvent(); IsShow = false; }
/// <summary> /// This method gets called when the <see cref="TextBox.FocusChanged"/> event is raised. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"> The <see cref="GuiItem"/> that raised the event. </param> /// <param name="e"> The new focus value for the sender. </param> protected virtual void OnFocusChanged(GuiItem sender, Args e) { focus = e.NewValue; if (!focus) { CreateForegroundTextures(); showLine = false; } }
public ToolTipGuiType1() { var cfg = GuiManager.Setttings.Sections["ToolTip_Type1"]; BaseTexture = new Texture(Utils.GetAsf(null, cfg["Image"])); Width = BaseTexture.Width; Height = BaseTexture.Height; Position = new Vector2((Globals.WindowWidth - Width) / 2f + int.Parse(cfg["LeftAdjust"]), 0 + int.Parse(cfg["TopAdjust"])); cfg = GuiManager.Setttings.Sections["ToolTip_Type1_Item_Image"]; _image = new GuiItem(this, new Vector2(int.Parse(cfg["Left"]), int.Parse(cfg["Top"])), int.Parse(cfg["Width"]), int.Parse(cfg["Height"]), null); cfg = GuiManager.Setttings.Sections["ToolTip_Type1_Item_Name"]; _name = new TextGui(this, new Vector2(int.Parse(cfg["Left"]), int.Parse(cfg["Top"])), int.Parse(cfg["Width"]), int.Parse(cfg["Height"]), Globals.FontSize10, int.Parse(cfg["CharSpace"]), int.Parse(cfg["LineSpace"]), "", Utils.GetColor(cfg["Color"])); cfg = GuiManager.Setttings.Sections["ToolTip_Type1_Item_PriceOrLevel"]; _costOrLevel = new TextGui(this, new Vector2(int.Parse(cfg["Left"]), int.Parse(cfg["Top"])), int.Parse(cfg["Width"]), int.Parse(cfg["Height"]), Globals.FontSize10, int.Parse(cfg["CharSpace"]), int.Parse(cfg["LineSpace"]), "", Utils.GetColor(cfg["Color"])); cfg = GuiManager.Setttings.Sections["ToolTip_Type1_Item_Effect"]; _goodEffect = new TextGui(this, new Vector2(int.Parse(cfg["Left"]), int.Parse(cfg["Top"])), int.Parse(cfg["Width"]), int.Parse(cfg["Height"]), Globals.FontSize10, int.Parse(cfg["CharSpace"]), int.Parse(cfg["LineSpace"]), "", Utils.GetColor(cfg["Color"])); cfg = GuiManager.Setttings.Sections["ToolTip_Type1_Item_Magic_Intro"]; _magicIntro = new TextGui(this, new Vector2(int.Parse(cfg["Left"]), int.Parse(cfg["Top"])), int.Parse(cfg["Width"]), int.Parse(cfg["Height"]), Globals.FontSize10, int.Parse(cfg["CharSpace"]), int.Parse(cfg["LineSpace"]), "", Utils.GetColor(cfg["Color"])); cfg = GuiManager.Setttings.Sections["ToolTip_Type1_Item_Good_Intro"]; _goodIntro = new TextGui(this, new Vector2(int.Parse(cfg["Left"]), int.Parse(cfg["Top"])), int.Parse(cfg["Width"]), int.Parse(cfg["Height"]), Globals.FontSize10, int.Parse(cfg["CharSpace"]), int.Parse(cfg["LineSpace"]), "", Utils.GetColor(cfg["Color"])); _items = new GuiItem[6]; _items[0] = _image; _items[1] = _name; _items[2] = _costOrLevel; _items[3] = _goodEffect; _items[4] = _goodIntro; _items[5] = _magicIntro; IsShow = false; }
private void LoadItems() { var sound = Utils.GetSoundEffect("界-浏览.wav"); var asf = Utils.GetAsf(@"asf\ui\littlemap\", "btnleft.asf"); _leftButton = new GuiItem(this, new Vector2(437, 379), asf.Width, asf.Height, new Texture(asf, 0, 1), null, new Texture(asf, 1, 1), null, sound); asf = Utils.GetAsf(@"asf\ui\littlemap\", "btnright.asf"); _rightButton = new GuiItem(this, new Vector2(464, 379), asf.Width, asf.Height, new Texture(asf, 0, 1), null, new Texture(asf, 1, 1), null, sound); asf = Utils.GetAsf(@"asf\ui\littlemap\", "btnup.asf"); _upButton = new GuiItem(this, new Vector2(448, 368), asf.Width, asf.Height, new Texture(asf, 0, 1), null, new Texture(asf, 1, 1), null, sound); asf = Utils.GetAsf(@"asf\ui\littlemap\", "btndown.asf"); _downButton = new GuiItem(this, new Vector2(448, 395), asf.Width, asf.Height, new Texture(asf, 0, 1), null, new Texture(asf, 1, 1), null, sound); asf = Utils.GetAsf(@"asf\ui\littlemap\", "btnclose.asf"); _closeButton = new GuiItem(this, new Vector2(448, 379), asf.Width, asf.Height, new Texture(asf, 0, 1), null, new Texture(asf, 1, 1), null, sound); _mapName = new LineText(this, new Vector2(210, 92), 220, 30, LineText.Align.Center, string.Empty, new Color(76, 56, 48) * 0.8f, Globals.FontSize12); _bottomTip = new LineText(this, new Vector2(160, 370), 260, 30, LineText.Align.Left, "点击小地图进行移动", new Color(76, 56, 48) * 0.8f, Globals.FontSize10); _messageTip = new LineText(this, new Vector2(160, 370), 260, 30, LineText.Align.Right, "无法移动到目的地", new Color(200, 0, 0) * 0.8f, Globals.FontSize10); _messageTip.IsShow = false; }
/// <summary> /// Sets the card to equal another /// </summary> /// <param name="item"></param> protected override void OnSet(GuiItem item) { //cast.. could throw an exception if item is not a Card }
public TitleGui() { using (var fs = File.Open(GuiManager.Setttings.Sections["Title"]["BackgroundImage"], FileMode.Open)) { BaseTexture = new Texture(new Asf( Texture2D.FromStream(Globals.TheGame.GraphicsDevice, fs))); } Width = BaseTexture.Width; Height = BaseTexture.Height; Position = new Vector2( (Globals.WindowWidth - Width) / 2f, (Globals.WindowHeight - Height) / 2f); var cfg = GuiManager.Setttings.Sections["Title_Btn_Begin"]; var asf = Utils.GetAsf(null, cfg["Image"]); var sound = Utils.GetSoundEffect(cfg["Sound"]); _initButton = new GuiItem(this, new Vector2(int.Parse(cfg["Left"]), int.Parse(cfg["Top"])), int.Parse(cfg["Width"]), int.Parse(cfg["Height"]), new Texture(asf, 0, 1), new Texture(asf, 1, 1), null, sound); cfg = GuiManager.Setttings.Sections["Title_Btn_Load"]; asf = Utils.GetAsf(null, cfg["Image"]); sound = Utils.GetSoundEffect(cfg["Sound"]); _loadButton = new GuiItem(this, new Vector2(int.Parse(cfg["Left"]), int.Parse(cfg["Top"])), int.Parse(cfg["Width"]), int.Parse(cfg["Height"]), new Texture(asf, 0, 1), new Texture(asf, 1, 1), null, sound); cfg = GuiManager.Setttings.Sections["Title_Btn_Team"]; asf = Utils.GetAsf(null, cfg["Image"]); sound = Utils.GetSoundEffect(cfg["Sound"]); _teamButton = new GuiItem(this, new Vector2(int.Parse(cfg["Left"]), int.Parse(cfg["Top"])), int.Parse(cfg["Width"]), int.Parse(cfg["Height"]), new Texture(asf, 0, 1), new Texture(asf, 1, 1), null, sound); cfg = GuiManager.Setttings.Sections["Title_Btn_Exit"]; asf = Utils.GetAsf(null, cfg["Image"]); sound = Utils.GetSoundEffect(cfg["Sound"]); _exitButton = new GuiItem(this, new Vector2(int.Parse(cfg["Left"]), int.Parse(cfg["Top"])), int.Parse(cfg["Width"]), int.Parse(cfg["Height"]), new Texture(asf, 0, 1), new Texture(asf, 1, 1), null, sound); _guiItems = new[] { _initButton, _loadButton, _teamButton, _exitButton }; RegisterEvent(); IsShow = false; }
public SaveLoadGui() { var cfg = GuiManager.Setttings.Sections["SaveLoad"]; BaseTexture = new Texture(Utils.GetAsf(null, cfg["Image"])); Width = BaseTexture.Width; Height = BaseTexture.Height; Position = new Vector2( (Globals.WindowWidth - Width) / 2f + int.Parse(cfg["LeftAdjust"]), (Globals.WindowHeight - Height) / 2f + int.Parse(cfg["TopAdjust"])); cfg = GuiManager.Setttings.Sections["SaveLoad_Text_List"]; //Save load list var itemText = cfg["Text"].Split('/'); _list = new ListTextItem(this, new Vector2(int.Parse(cfg["Left"]), int.Parse(cfg["Top"])), int.Parse(cfg["Width"]), int.Parse(cfg["Height"]), null, itemText.Length, itemText, int.Parse(cfg["CharSpace"]), int.Parse(cfg["LineSpace"]), int.Parse(cfg["ItemHeight"]), Utils.GetColor(cfg["Color"]), Utils.GetColor(cfg["SelectedColor"]), Utils.GetSoundEffect(cfg["Sound"])); //Save snapshot cfg = GuiManager.Setttings.Sections["Save_Snapshot"]; _saveSnapshot = new Bmp(this, new Vector2(int.Parse(cfg["Left"]), int.Parse(cfg["Top"])), "", int.Parse(cfg["Width"]), int.Parse(cfg["Height"])); //Buttons cfg = GuiManager.Setttings.Sections["SaveLoad_Load_Btn"]; var asf = Utils.GetAsf(null, cfg["Image"]); var clickedSound = Utils.GetSoundEffect(cfg["Sound"]); _loadButton = new GuiItem(this, new Vector2(int.Parse(cfg["Left"]), int.Parse(cfg["Top"])), int.Parse(cfg["Width"]), int.Parse(cfg["Height"]), new Texture(asf, 0, 1), null, new Texture(asf, 1, 1), null, clickedSound); cfg = GuiManager.Setttings.Sections["SaveLoad_Save_Btn"]; asf = Utils.GetAsf(null, cfg["Image"]); clickedSound = Utils.GetSoundEffect(cfg["Sound"]); _saveButton = new GuiItem(this, new Vector2(int.Parse(cfg["Left"]), int.Parse(cfg["Top"])), int.Parse(cfg["Width"]), int.Parse(cfg["Height"]), new Texture(asf, 0, 1), null, new Texture(asf, 1, 1), null, clickedSound); cfg = GuiManager.Setttings.Sections["SaveLoad_Exit_Btn"]; asf = Utils.GetAsf(null, cfg["Image"]); clickedSound = Utils.GetSoundEffect(cfg["Sound"]); _exitButton = new GuiItem(this, new Vector2(int.Parse(cfg["Left"]), int.Parse(cfg["Top"])), int.Parse(cfg["Width"]), int.Parse(cfg["Height"]), new Texture(asf, 0, 1), null, new Texture(asf, 1, 1), null, clickedSound); //Save time cfg = GuiManager.Setttings.Sections["SaveLoad_Save_Time_Text"]; _saveTime = new TextGui(this, new Vector2(int.Parse(cfg["Left"]), int.Parse(cfg["Top"])), int.Parse(cfg["Width"]), int.Parse(cfg["Height"]), Globals.FontSize10, int.Parse(cfg["CharSpace"]), int.Parse(cfg["LineSpace"]), "", Utils.GetColor(cfg["Color"])); //Message cfg = GuiManager.Setttings.Sections["SaveLoad_Message_Line_Text"]; _message = new LineText(this, new Vector2(int.Parse(cfg["Left"]), int.Parse(cfg["Top"])), int.Parse(cfg["Width"]), int.Parse(cfg["Height"]), (LineText.Align) int.Parse(cfg["Align"]), string.Empty, Utils.GetColor(cfg["Color"]), Globals.FontSize12); RegisterEvent(); SetSaveLoadIndex(Globals.SaveLoadSelectionIndex); IsShow = false; }
/// <summary> /// This method is called when the <see cref="TextChanged"/> event is raised. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"> The <see cref="GuiItem"/> that raised the event. </param> /// <param name="e"> The new text of the <see cref="Label"/>. </param> protected virtual void OnTextChanged(GuiItem sender, ValueChangedEventArgs<string> e) { text = e.NewValue; Refresh(); }