override protected void OnGUIInner() { GuiHelper.DrawAtTop("Quit"); GuiHelper.DrawBeneathLine("Are you sure you want to quit?"); GuiHelper.YesButton(delegate() { Application.Quit(); }); }
override protected void OnGUIInner() { PlayerState ps = Game.Me.Player; bool canAffordUpgrade = CarStatistic.CanUpgrade(ps.Coins); GuiHelper.DrawAtTop("Upgrade " + CarStatistic.Type.Name()); string text = CarStatistic.Type.Description() + "\n\n"; bool dependenciesOk = true; string dependencyText = ""; foreach (Dependency dependency in CarStatistic.Dependencies) { if (!dependency.IsMet()) { dependenciesOk = false; dependencyText = dependency.FailText; } } bool minimumOk = CarStatistic.Type.AboveMinimum(CarStatistic.Type.ValueForLevel(CarStatistic.Level + 1)); if (dependenciesOk && minimumOk) { text += "Coins: " + ps.Coins + " - " + CarStatistic.UpgradeCost() + " = " + (ps.Coins - CarStatistic.UpgradeCost()) + "\n"; float valueBefore = CarStatistic.Value; float valueAfter = CarStatistic.Type.ValueForLevel(CarStatistic.Level + 1); float valueDiff = valueAfter - valueBefore; text += CarStatistic.Type.Name() + ": " + CarStatistic.ValueFormatted + " + " + string.Format("{0:0.00}", valueDiff) + " = " + string.Format("{0:0.00}", valueAfter) + "\n\n"; if (canAffordUpgrade) { text += "Upgrade?"; } else { text += "You have not enough coins"; } } else if (!minimumOk) { text += "This statistic has best possible value"; } else if (!dependenciesOk) { text += dependencyText; } GuiHelper.DrawBeneathLine(text); if (canAffordUpgrade) { GuiHelper.YesButton(delegate() { ps.BuyAndUpgrade(CarStatistic); ps.Save(); }); } }
override protected void OnGUIInner() { GuiHelper.DrawAtTop("Settings"); float textY = 0.3f; float buttonY = 0.04f; float diff = 0.1f; GuiHelper.DrawText("Sounds", GuiHelper.SmallFontLeft, 0.1, textY, 0.8, 0.1); GuiHelper.ButtonWithText(0.8, textY + buttonY, 0.2, 0.15, (Sounds.IsMuted()?" Turn on":"Turn off"), SpriteManager.GetRoundButton(), GuiHelper.MicroFont, delegate(){ Sounds.Mute(!Sounds.IsMuted()); }); textY += diff; GuiHelper.DrawText("Fb fan page", GuiHelper.SmallFontLeft, 0.1, textY, 0.8, 0.1); GuiHelper.ButtonWithText(0.8, textY + buttonY, 0.13, 0.13, "", SpriteManager.GetFbIcon(), GuiHelper.SmallFont, delegate(){ }); textY += diff; string isNow = CarSmasherSocial.Authenticated ? "on" : "off"; string willBe = CarSmasherSocial.Authenticated ? "disconnect" : "connect"; GuiHelper.DrawText("Google games are " + isNow, GuiHelper.MicroFontLeft, 0.1, textY, 0.8, 0.1); Texture googlePlay = CarSmasherSocial.Authenticated ? SpriteManager.GetGooglePlay() : SpriteManager.GetInactiveGooglePlay(); GuiHelper.ButtonWithText(0.8, textY + buttonY - 0.015, 0.25, 0.2, willBe, googlePlay, GuiHelper.MicroFont, delegate(){ CarSmasherSocial.InitializeOrLogOut(true, null, null, this); }); textY += diff; bool vibrationsOn = Parameter.IsOn(ParameterType.VIBRATION); GuiHelper.DrawText("Vibrations", GuiHelper.SmallFontLeft, 0.1, textY, 0.8, 0.1); GuiHelper.ButtonWithText(0.8, textY + buttonY, 0.2, 0.15, "Turn " + (vibrationsOn ? "off" : "on"), SpriteManager.GetRoundButton(), GuiHelper.MicroFont, delegate() { ParameterType.VIBRATION.Switch(!vibrationsOn); }); textY += diff; bool fasterStart = Parameter.IsOn(ParameterType.FASTER_START); GuiHelper.DrawText("Faster start", GuiHelper.SmallFontLeft, 0.1, textY, 0.8, 0.1); GuiHelper.ButtonWithText(0.8, textY + buttonY, 0.2, 0.15, "Turn " + (fasterStart ? "off" : "on"), SpriteManager.GetRoundButton(), GuiHelper.MicroFont, delegate() { ParameterType.FASTER_START.Switch(!fasterStart); }); GuiHelper.ButtonWithText(0.66, textY + buttonY, 0.2, 0.1, "i", SpriteManager.GetRoundButton(), GuiHelper.MicroFont, delegate() { ScreenText st = gameObject.AddComponent <ScreenText>(); Destroy(this); st.Prepare(delegate(){ st.gameObject.AddComponent <ScreenOptions>(); Destroy(st); }, "Faster start", "If your high score is good, your car will be faster in first 300 distance to save you time." + "\n\nUse this when you want to show this game to a new person, he will have slower start"); }); }
override protected void OnGUIInner() { PlayerState state = Game.Me.Player; GuiHelper.DrawAtTop("Adventure mode"); GuiHelper.DrawBeneathLine("Available coins: " + state.Coins); //, GuiHelper.SmallFontTop, 0.1, 0.2, 0.8, 0.1); float y = 0.38f; foreach (KeyValuePair <CarStatisticType, CarStatistic> kvp in state.CarConfig.CarStatistics) { CarStatistic cs = kvp.Value; if (cs.IsUnlockedFor(state)) { AfterButton upgrade = delegate() { ScreenUpgrade su = gameObject.AddComponent <ScreenUpgrade>(); su.PrepareWith(cs); Destroy(this); }; string inBrackets = ""; if (!cs.Type.AboveMinimum(cs.Type.ValueForLevel(cs.Level + 1))) { inBrackets = "(Best)"; } else if (cs.CanUpgrade(state.Coins)) { inBrackets = "(Upg for " + cs.UpgradeCost() + ")"; } string text = cs.Type.Name() + ": " + cs.ValueFormatted + " " + inBrackets; GuiHelper.ButtonWithText(0.5, y, 1, 0.15, text, SpriteManager.GetRectangleButton(), GuiHelper.MicroFont, upgrade); //this has to be drawn after button with text because of overlay if (cs.CanUpgrade(state.Coins)) { GuiHelper.ButtonWithText(0.9, y, 0.15, 0.15, "", SpriteManager.GetUpArrow(), GuiHelper.MicroFont, upgrade); } y += 0.093f; } } GuiHelper.YesButton(delegate() { ScreenStartingMission ssm = gameObject.AddComponent <ScreenStartingMission>(); Destroy(this); }, "Race"); }
override protected void OnGUIInner() { GuiHelper.YesButton(delegate() { ScreenStartingMission ssm = gameObject.AddComponent <ScreenStartingMission>(); Destroy(this); }, "Race"); GuiHelper.DrawAtTop("Mission " + (Passed ? "Completed" : "Failed") + " (" + Mission.Description + ")"); string text = ""; int sumOfCoins = CoinsCollected + (Passed?Mission.Reward.Coins:0); text += "Coins: +" + sumOfCoins + " (reward: " + (Passed?Mission.Reward.Coins:0) + ", collected: " + CoinsCollected + ") \n\n\n\n"; text += "Distance: " + Distance; int best = HighScores.GetTopScore(HighScoreType.Adventure); if (Distance == best) { text += " New Record!!!"; } else { text += ", best: " + best + ""; } text += "\n"; GuiHelper.DrawBeneathLine(text); Texture leaderBoard = SpriteManager.GetLeaderboard(); GuiHelper.ButtonWithText(0.85, 0.487, 0.2, 0.15, "Scores", SpriteManager.GetRoundButton(), GuiHelper.MicroFont, delegate(){ CarSmasherSocial.ShowLeaderBoard(GoogleLeaderboard.LEADERB_BEST_DISTANCES_ADV); }); }
override protected void OnGUIInner() { PlayerState state = Game.Me.Player; int upgAvailable = 0; foreach (KeyValuePair <CarStatisticType, CarStatistic> kvp in state.CarConfig.CarStatistics) { if (kvp.Value.IsUnlockedFor(state) && kvp.Value.CanUpgrade(state.Coins)) { upgAvailable++; } } GuiHelper.DrawAtTop(Mission.Description); string text = "Reward: " + Mission.Reward.Description + "\n\n " + upgAvailable + " upgrades are available" + "\n\n\n\n Your best distance: " + HighScores.GetTopScore(HighScoreType.Adventure); GuiHelper.DrawBeneathLine(text); if (upgAvailable > 0) { GuiHelper.ButtonWithText(0.85, 0.4, 0.13, 0.13, "", SpriteManager.GetUpArrow(), GuiHelper.SmallFont, BackButton); } Texture leaderBoard = SpriteManager.GetLeaderboard(); GuiHelper.ButtonWithText(0.85, 0.585, 0.2, 0.15, "Scores", SpriteManager.GetRoundButton(), GuiHelper.MicroFont, delegate(){ CarSmasherSocial.ShowLeaderBoard(GoogleLeaderboard.LEADERB_BEST_DISTANCES_ADV); }); GuiHelper.YesButton(delegate(){ Minigame mi = gameObject.AddComponent <Minigame>(); Destroy(this); mi.PrepareRace(Game.Me.Player, ScreenAfterMinigameAdv.PrepareScreen, Mission, Game.Me.Player.CarConfig); }, "Start"); }
override protected void OnGUIInner() { GuiHelper.DrawAtTop("Google games"); GuiHelper.DrawBeneathLine("There are leaderboards and achievements from google games in this game. The game would be a lot more fun if connected. Would you like to connect?"); GuiHelper.YesButton(AfterYes); }
override protected void OnGUIInner() { if (ShowNewHighScoreScreen) { GuiHelper.DrawBackground(delegate() { ShowNewHighScoreScreen = false; }); GuiHelper.DrawAtTop("New High Score!"); GuiHelper.DrawBeneathLine("You just beat your high score with distance " + Distance + ". \n\n Like to tell your friends about it?"); if (GUI.Button(new Rect(GuiHelper.PercentW(0.2), GuiHelper.PercentH(0.70), GuiHelper.PercentW(0.6), GuiHelper.PercentH(0.11)), SpriteManager.GetFbShareButton(), GuiHelper.CustomButton)) { ShowNewHighScoreScreen = false; } } else if (ShowRideInfoScreen) { GuiHelper.DrawBackground(delegate() { ShowRideInfoScreen = false; }); GuiHelper.DrawAtTop(GameOverReason); GuiHelper.DrawBeneathLine( "Collect oil drops to replenish fuel tank. Avoid obstacles.\n" + "\nDistance made: " + Distance + "\nTurns made: " + Turns + "\nFuel picked up: " + FuelPickedUp + " " + "(in a row: " + FuelPickedUpInARow + ") " + "(when low: " + FuelPickedUpWhenLow + ") "); } else { GuiHelper.DrawBackground(delegate() { gameObject.AddComponent <ScreenSplash>(); Destroy(this); }); GuiHelper.DrawAtTop(GameOverReason); if (GUI.Button(new Rect(GuiHelper.PercentW(0.8), GuiHelper.PercentH(0.13), GuiHelper.PercentW(0.15), GuiHelper.PercentH(0.1)), "help", GuiHelper.SmallFont)) { ShowRideInfoScreen = true; } DrawTopScores(0.3f); Texture achievements = SpriteManager.GetAchievements(); if (GUI.Button(new Rect(GuiHelper.PercentW(0.07), GuiHelper.PercentH(0.65), GuiHelper.PercentW(0.15), GuiHelper.PercentH(0.14)), achievements, GuiHelper.CustomButton)) { CarSmasherSocial.ShowAchievements(); } Texture leaderBoard = SpriteManager.GetLeaderboard(); if (GUI.Button(new Rect(GuiHelper.PercentW(0.28), GuiHelper.PercentH(0.61), GuiHelper.PercentW(0.15), GuiHelper.PercentH(0.14)), leaderBoard, GuiHelper.CustomButton)) { CarSmasherSocial.ShowLeaderBoard(GoogleLeaderboard.LEADERB_BEST_DISTANCES); } GuiHelper.YesButton(delegate(){ Minigame m = gameObject.AddComponent <Minigame>(); m.PrepareRace(Game.Me.Player, ScreenAfterMinigameClassic.PrepareScreen, Mission.Classic, Game.Me.ClassicCarConfig); Destroy(this); }, "Start"); GuiHelper.ButtonWithText(0.9, 0.92, 0.4, 0.2, "", SpriteManager.GetBackButton(), GuiHelper.CustomButton, delegate() { BackToSplash(); }); } }
override protected void OnGUIInner() { GuiHelper.DrawAtTop(Top); GuiHelper.DrawBeneathLine(Middle); }