private IDisposable Consume( IQueue queue, Func <byte[], MessageProperties, MessageReceivedInfo, Task> onMessage, Action <IConsumerConfiguration> configure) { GuardHelper.ArgumentNotNull(() => queue); GuardHelper.ArgumentNotNull(() => onMessage); if (disposed) { throw new ZRabbitMqException("This bus has been disposed"); } var consumerConfiguration = new ConsumerConfiguration(RabbitMqConfiguration.PrefetchCount); if (configure != null) { configure(consumerConfiguration); } var consumerFactory = ServiceLocator.GetInstance <IConsumerFactory>(); var consumer = consumerFactory.CreateConsumer(queue, (body, properties, receviedInfo) => { var rawMessage = ProduceConsumeInterceptor.OnConsume(new RawMessage(properties, body)); return(onMessage(rawMessage.Body, rawMessage.Properties, receviedInfo)); }, connection, consumerConfiguration); return(consumer.StartConsuming()); }
public static IRedisConfiguration GetConfig(string redisConfigName) { GuardHelper.ArgumentNotNull(() => redisConfigName); var handler = ConfigurationManager.GetSection("redisConfig") as RedisConfigurationHandler; GuardHelper.ArgumentNotNull(() => handler); RedisHostGroup group = null; foreach (RedisHostGroup item in handler.HostGroups) { if (item.Name.Equals(redisConfigName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { group = item; break; } } if (group == null) { throw new Exception(string.Format("Redis配置错误,根據服務器配置組名:{0}找不到Redis服務器组", redisConfigName)); } return(group); }
public void InvokeChannelAction(Action <IModel> channelAction) { GuardHelper.ArgumentNotNull(() => channelAction); var startTime = DateTime.UtcNow; var retryTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(50); while (!IsTimedOut(startTime)) { try { var channel = OpenChannel(); channelAction(channel); return; } catch (OperationInterruptedException) { CloseChannel(); } catch (ZRabbitMqException) { CloseChannel(); } Thread.Sleep(retryTimeout); retryTimeout = retryTimeout.Double(); } Logger.Error("Channel action timed out. Throwing exception to client."); throw new TimeoutException("The operation requested on PersistentChannel timed out."); }
public Message(T body) { GuardHelper.ArgumentNotNull(() => body); Body = body; Properties = new MessageProperties(); MessageType = body.GetType(); }
public DefaultLifetimeScopeProvider(ILifetimeScopeAccessor accessor) { GuardHelper.ArgumentNotNull(() => accessor); this._accessor = accessor; AutofacRequestLifetimeHttpModule.SetLifetimeScopeProvider(this); }
public virtual IServiceRegister Register <TService>( Func <IServiceProvider, TService> serviceFactory, DependencyLifecycle lifecycle = DependencyLifecycle.Singleton) where TService : class { GuardHelper.ArgumentNotNull(() => serviceFactory); CheckDependencyLifecycle(lifecycle); var serviceType = typeof(TService); if (ServiceIsRegistered(serviceType)) { return(this); } lock (syncLock) { if (lifecycle == DependencyLifecycle.Singleton) { var service = serviceFactory(this); instances.TryAdd(serviceType, service); } else { factories.TryAdd(serviceType, serviceFactory); } } return(this); }
/// <summary> /// Gets a value indicating whether the given min. required app version is assumed /// to be compatible with the current app version /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// A plugin is generally compatible when both app version and plugin's /// <c>MinorAppVersion</c> are equal, OR - when app version is greater - it is /// assumed to be compatible when no breaking changes occured since <c>MinorAppVersion</c>. /// </remarks> /// <param name="minAppVersion">The min. app version to check for</param> /// <returns><c>true</c> when the extension's version is assumed to be compatible</returns> public static bool IsAssumedCompatible(Version minAppVersion) { GuardHelper.ArgumentNotNull(() => minAppVersion); if (ZSharpVersion.Version == minAppVersion) { return(true); } if (ZSharpVersion.Version < minAppVersion) { return(false); } bool compatible = true; foreach (var version in ZSharpVersion.BreakingChangesHistory) { if (version > minAppVersion) { // there was a breaking change in a version greater // than plugin's MinorAppVersion. compatible = false; break; } if (version <= minAppVersion) { break; } } return(compatible); }
public BaseResolver(IUnityContainer container) { if (container == null) { GuardHelper.ArgumentNotNull(() => container); } this.container = container; }
public Message(T body, MessageProperties properties) { GuardHelper.ArgumentNotNull(() => body); GuardHelper.ArgumentNotNull(() => properties); Body = body; Properties = properties; MessageType = body.GetType(); }
public DefaultLifetimeScopeAccessor(ILifetimeScope rootContainer) { GuardHelper.ArgumentNotNull(() => rootContainer); //rootContainer.ChildLifetimeScopeBeginning += OnScopeBeginning; this._rootContainer = rootContainer; this._state = new ContextState <ILifetimeScope>("CustomLifetimeScopeProvider.WorkScope"); }
public static IMessage CreateInstance(Type messageType, object body) { GuardHelper.ArgumentNotNull(() => messageType); GuardHelper.ArgumentNotNull(() => body); var genericType = genericMessageTypesMap.GetOrAdd(messageType, t => typeof(Message <>).MakeGenericType(messageType)); var message = ReflectionHelper.CreateInstance(genericType, body); return((IMessage)message); }
public PricingService(ISeatTypeViewRepository repository) { if (repository == null) { GuardHelper.ArgumentNotNull(() => repository); throw new ArgumentNullException("repository"); } this.repository = repository; }
public RedisCache(ISerializer serializer, IRedisWrapper redisWrapper = null) { GuardHelper.ArgumentNotNull(() => serializer); if (redisWrapper == null) { redisWrapper = RedisFactory.GetRedisWrapper(); } this.serializer = serializer; this.redisWrapper = redisWrapper; }
public async Task PublishAsync <T>(T message, string topic) where T : class { GuardHelper.ArgumentNotNull(() => message); GuardHelper.ArgumentNotEmpty(() => topic); var messageType = typeof(T); var rabbitMessage = GetRabbitMessage(message, messageType); var exchange = await publishExchangeDeclareStrategy.DeclareExchangeAsync( advancedBus, messageType, ExchangeType.Topic).ConfigureAwait(false); await advancedBus.PublishAsync(exchange, topic, rabbitMessage).ConfigureAwait(false); }
public void Publish <T>(T message, string topic) where T : class { GuardHelper.ArgumentNotNull(() => message); var messageType = typeof(T); Message <T> rabbitMessage = GetRabbitMessage(message, messageType); var exchange = publishExchangeDeclareStrategy.DeclareExchange( advancedBus, messageType, ExchangeType.Topic); advancedBus.Publish(exchange, topic, rabbitMessage); }
public LogSetting(Type type, NameValueCollection nvList) { GuardHelper.ArgumentNotNull(() => type); var msg = string.Format("Type {0} does not implement {1}", type.AssemblyQualifiedName, typeof(ILoggerAdapter).FullName); GuardHelper.Implements <ILoggerAdapter>(type, msg); factoryAdapterType = type; properties = nvList; }
private void PreparePublish(IExchange exchange, string routingKey, IMessage <T> message) { GuardHelper.ArgumentNotNull(() => exchange); GuardHelper.ArgumentNotNull(() => routingKey); GuardHelper.ArgumentNotNull(() => message); = exchange; this.routingKey = routingKey; mandatory = RabbitMqConfiguration.Mandatory; SerializeMessage(message); }
public IHandlerRegistration Add <T>(Func <IMessage <T>, MessageReceivedInfo, Task> handler) where T : class { GuardHelper.ArgumentNotNull(() => handler); if (handlers.ContainsKey(typeof(T))) { throw new ZRabbitMqException("There is already a handler for message type '{0}'", typeof(T).Name); } handlers.Add(typeof(T), (iMessage, messageReceivedInfo) => handler((IMessage <T>)iMessage, messageReceivedInfo)); return(this); }
public static bool HasDefaultConstructor(this Type type) { GuardHelper.ArgumentNotNull(() => type); if (type.IsValueType) { return(true); } return(type.GetConstructors(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public) .Any(ctor => ctor.GetParameters().Length == 0)); }
public bool TryStoreIconToFile(ImageSource icon, string storageFolder, out string iconID, out string iconPath) { GuardHelper.ArgumentNotNull(icon, "icon"); byte[] iconBytes = null; try { iconBytes = ImageLoader2.ImageToByteArray(icon, baseUri); } catch (Exception) { iconID = null; iconPath = null; return(false); } iconID = NativeResourceManager.CreateFileName(GetImageHash(iconBytes)) + ".ico"; iconPath = UnpackIcon(Path.Combine(storageFolder, iconID), iconBytes); return(iconPath != null); }
private Message <T> PrepareSend <T>(string queue, T message) where T : class { GuardHelper.ArgumentNotEmpty(() => queue); GuardHelper.ArgumentNotNull(() => message); DeclareQueue(queue); var wrappedMessage = new Message <T>(message) { Properties = { DeliveryMode = messageDeliveryModeStrategy.GetDeliveryMode(typeof(T)) } }; return(wrappedMessage); }
public string Serialize(Type type) { GuardHelper.ArgumentNotNull(() => type); return(serializedTypes.GetOrAdd(type, t => { var typeName = t.FullName + ":" + t.Assembly.GetName().Name; if (typeName.Length > 255) { throw new FrameworkException("The serialized name of type '{0}' exceeds the AMQP " + "maximum short string length of 255 characters.", t.Name); } return typeName; })); }
public void RegisterAction(IJumpAction jumpAction, string commandLineArgumentPrefix, Func <string> launcherPath) { GuardHelper.ArgumentNotNull(jumpAction, "jumpAction"); if (!updating) { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } RegisterInstance(); RegisteredJumpAction registeredjumpAction = PrepareJumpActionToRegister(jumpAction, commandLineArgumentPrefix, launcherPath); AddAction(registeredjumpAction); if (ShouldExecute(jumpAction.CommandId, commandLineArgumentPrefix)) { ExecuteCore(jumpAction.CommandId); } }
/// <summary> /// Implement this method to execute your handler processing. /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// 2014年01月10日 10:49 Created By iceStone /// </remarks> /// <param name="input">Inputs to the current call to the target.</param> /// <param name="getNext">Delegate to execute to get the next delegate in the handler /// chain.</param> /// <returns>Return value from the target.</returns> public IMethodReturn Invoke(IMethodInvocation input, GetNextHandlerDelegate getNext) { //if (input == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("input"); //if (getNext == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("getNext"); GuardHelper.ArgumentNotNull(input, "input"); GuardHelper.ArgumentNotNull(getNext, "getNext"); //开始执行 var result = getNext()(input, getNext); //执行结果没有异常,直接返回执行结果 if (result.Exception == null) { return(result); } //否则记录日志信息 LogHelper.WriteErrorLog("TracingCallHandler", result.Exception.Message, result.Exception); //处理异常 result.Exception = null; return(result); }
public RabbitMqConfiguration(string rabbitMqConfigName) { GuardHelper.ArgumentNotNull(() => rabbitMqConfigName); var configuration = RabbitMqConfigurationHandler.GetConfig(rabbitMqConfigName); VirtualHost = configuration.VirtualHost; UserName = configuration.UserName; Password = configuration.UserName; RequestedHeartbeat = configuration.RequestedHeartbeat; Timeout = configuration.Timeout; PublisherConfirms = configuration.PublisherConfirms; PersistentMessages = configuration.PersistentMessages; CancelOnHaFailover = configuration.CancelOnHaFailover; UseBackgroundThreads = configuration.UseBackgroundThreads; Mandatory = configuration.Mandatory; PrefetchCount = configuration.PrefetchCount; ClientProperties = configuration.ClientProperties; RabbitMqHosts = configuration.RabbitMqHosts; SetClientDefaultProperties(); }
public static string EnsureEndsWith(this string value, string endWith) { GuardHelper.ArgumentNotNull(() => value); GuardHelper.ArgumentNotNull(() => endWith); if (value.Length >= endWith.Length) { if (string.Compare(value, value.Length - endWith.Length, endWith, 0, endWith.Length, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) { return(value); } string trimmedString = value.TrimEnd(null); if (string.Compare(trimmedString, trimmedString.Length - endWith.Length, endWith, 0, endWith.Length, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0) { return(value); } } return(value + endWith); }
public ISubscriptionResult SubscribeAsync <T>(string subscriptionId, Func <T, Task> onMessage) where T : class { GuardHelper.ArgumentNotEmpty(() => subscriptionId); GuardHelper.ArgumentNotNull(() => onMessage); var queueName = Conventions.QueueNamingConvention(typeof(T), subscriptionId); var exchangeName = Conventions.ExchangeNamingConvention(typeof(T)); IQueue queue = QueueDeclare(queueName); var exchange = ExchangeDeclare(exchangeName); foreach (var topic in subConfigure.Topics.DefaultIfEmpty("#")) { advancedBus.Bind(exchange, queue, topic); } var consumerCancellation = advancedBus.Consume <T>( queue, (message, messageReceivedInfo) => onMessage(message.Body), x => { InitIConsumerConfiguration(x); }); return(new SubscriptionResult(exchange, queue, consumerCancellation)); }
public static IRabbitMqConfiguration GetConfig(string rabbitMqConfigName) { GuardHelper.ArgumentNotNull(() => rabbitMqConfigName); var section = ConfigurationManager.GetSection("rabbitMqConfig"); var handler = section as RabbitMqConfigurationHandler; GuardHelper.ArgumentNotNull(() => handler); RabbitMqHostGroup group = null; foreach (RabbitMqHostGroup item in handler.HostGroups) { if (item.VirtualHost.Equals(rabbitMqConfigName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { group = item; break; } } if (group == null) { throw new Exception(string.Format("RabbitMq配置错误,根據配置名:{0}找不到RabbitMq服務器组", rabbitMqConfigName)); } return(group); }
public static IRedisConfiguration GetConfig(AppCodeType?appCodeType = null) { var configName = string.Empty; if (appCodeType == null) { var codeType = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AppCodeType"]; GuardHelper.ArgumentNotNull(() => codeType); configName = codeType.ToString(); } else { configName = appCodeType.Value.GetDescription(); } var handler = ConfigurationManager.GetSection("redisConfig") as RedisConfigurationHandler; GuardHelper.ArgumentNotNull(() => handler); RedisHostGroup group = null; foreach (RedisHostGroup item in handler.HostGroups) { if (item.Name.Equals(configName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { group = item; break; } } if (group == null) { throw new Exception(string.Format("Redis配置错误,根據服務器配置組名:{0}找不到Redis服務器组", configName)); } return(group); }
public ApplicationJumpPathWrap(ApplicationJumpPathInfo applicationJumpPath) { GuardHelper.ArgumentNotNull(applicationJumpPath, "applicationJumpPath"); ApplicationJumpPath = applicationJumpPath; }