private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { UpdateHelper.GithubReleaseModel ver = UpdateHelper.CheckForUpdateGithubRelease("ghost1372", "SubtitleDownloader"); lblCreatedAt.Text = ver.CreatedAt.ToString(); lblPublishedAt.Text = ver.PublishedAt.ToString(); lblDownloadUrl.CommandParameter = lblDownloadUrl.Content = ver.Asset[0].browser_download_url; lblCurrentVersion.Text = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString(); lblVersion.Text = ver.TagName.Replace("v", ""); txtChangelog.Text = ver.Changelog; if (ver.IsExistNewVersion) { Growl.InfoGlobal(Properties.Langs.Lang.NewVersion); } else { Growl.ErrorGlobal(Properties.Langs.Lang.LatestVersion); } } catch (System.Exception) { Growl.ErrorGlobal(Properties.Langs.Lang.ReleaseNotFound); } }
private async void CheckUpdate_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { btnCheck.IsEnabled = false; var ver = await UpdateHelper.CheckUpdateAsync("HandyOrg", "HandyWinGet"); if (ver.IsExistNewVersion) { Growl.AskGlobal("we found a new Version, do you want to download?", b => { if (!b) { return(true); } StartProcess(ver.Assets[0].Url); return(true); }); } else { Growl.InfoGlobal("you are using Latest Version."); } btnCheck.IsEnabled = true; } catch (Exception ex) { Growl.ErrorGlobal(ex.Message); } }
/// <summary> /// Informations the specified message. /// </summary> /// <param name="message">The message.</param> public void Info(string message) { Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { Growl.InfoGlobal(message); }); }
public TranslateWindow() { InitializeComponent(); _isShowSource = true; _isLocked = false; _gameTextHistory = new Queue <string>(); this.Topmost = true; UI_Init(); IsOCRingFlag = false; _wordSpliter = WordSpliterAuto(Common.appSettings.WordSpliter); _textSpeechHelper = new TextSpeechHelper(); if (Common.appSettings.ttsVoice == "") { Growl.InfoGlobal(Application.Current.Resources["TranslateWin_NoTTS_Hint"].ToString()); } else { _textSpeechHelper.SetTTSVoice(Common.appSettings.ttsVoice); _textSpeechHelper.SetVolume(Common.appSettings.ttsVolume); _textSpeechHelper.SetRate(Common.appSettings.ttsRate); } if (Common.appSettings.xxgPath != string.Empty) { _dict = new XxgJpzhDict(); _dict.DictInit(Common.appSettings.xxgPath, string.Empty); } IsPauseFlag = true; _translator1 = TranslatorAuto(Common.appSettings.FirstTranslator); _translator2 = TranslatorAuto(Common.appSettings.SecondTranslator); _beforeTransHandle = new BeforeTransHandle(Convert.ToString(Common.GameID), Common.UsingSrcLang, Common.UsingDstLang); _afterTransHandle = new AfterTransHandle(_beforeTransHandle); _artificialTransHelper = new ArtificialTransHelper(Convert.ToString(Common.GameID)); if (Common.transMode == 1) { Common.textHooker.Sevent += DataRecvEventHandler; } else if (Common.transMode == 2) { MouseKeyboardHook_Init(); } toggleRec.ToolTip = Common.appSettings.ATon ? REC_OFF: REC_ON; updateToggleRecDisplay(false); }
private void RenewOCR_Item_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (Common.transMode == 2) { OCR(); } else { Growl.InfoGlobal("非OCR模式下无法刷新!"); } }
private static void ShowNotificationInDesktop(string message, ENotificationType type) { Action action = type switch { ENotificationType.Success => () => Growl.SuccessGlobal(message), ENotificationType.Info => () => Growl.InfoGlobal(message), ENotificationType.Warning => () => Growl.WarningGlobal(message), ENotificationType.Error => () => Growl.ErrorGlobal(message), ENotificationType.Fatal => () => Growl.FatalGlobal(message), _ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(type), type, null) }; Application.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Background, action); }
/// <summary> /// 允许关闭全局通知。实际做法是新建了一个无关联的panel,那些通知本质上还是会生成。 /// </summary> void GrowlDisableSwitch() { if (!Common.appSettings.GrowlEnabled) { Growl.InfoGlobal("将不会显示全局通知。"); // 必须先显示一句否则GrowlWindow是null var gw = typeof(Growl).GetField("GrowlWindow", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Static | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic).GetValue(null); var panel = gw.GetType().GetProperty("GrowlPanel", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic); var sp = new StackPanel(); sp.Children.Add(new UIElement()); // 必须添加一个成员否则HC检测到成员为空时就把GrowlWindow设为null了 panel.SetValue(gw, sp); this.Closing += (o, e) => gw.GetType().GetMethod("Close").Invoke(gw, null); // 关闭主窗口时关闭GrowlWindow否则程序无法退出 } }
private void ChangeSize_Item_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (BackWinChrome.Opacity != 1) { BackWinChrome.Opacity = 1; ChangeSizeButton.Foreground = Brushes.Gray; Growl.InfoGlobal(Application.Current.Resources["TranslateWin_DragBox_Hint"].ToString()); } else { BackWinChrome.Opacity = Common.appSettings.TF_Opacity / 100; ChangeSizeButton.Foreground = Brushes.PapayaWhip; } }
private void ChangeSize_Item_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (BackWinChrome.Opacity != 1) { BackWinChrome.Opacity = 1; DragBorder.Opacity = 1; } else { BackWinChrome.Opacity = double.Parse(Common.appSettings.TF_Opacity) / 100; DragBorder.Opacity = 0.01; Growl.InfoGlobal("鼠标指向拖拽栏可显示!"); } }
private void ChangeSize_Item_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (BackWinChrome.Opacity != 1) { BackWinChrome.Opacity = 1; DragBorder.Opacity = 1; } else { BackWinChrome.Opacity = double.Parse(Common.appSettings.TF_Opacity) / 100; DragBorder.Opacity = 0.01; Growl.InfoGlobal(Application.Current.Resources["TranslateWin_DragBox_Hint"].ToString()); } }
public static async void CheckForUpdate(bool onlyShowIfUpdateAvailable = false) { if (ApplicationHelper.IsConnectedToInternet()) { var ver = await UpdateHelper.CheckUpdateAsync("DineshSolanki", "FoliCon"); if (ver.IsExistNewVersion) { var info = new GrowlInfo { Message = LangProvider.GetLang("NewVersionFound").Format(ver.TagName, ver.Changelog.Replace("\\n", Environment.NewLine)), ConfirmStr = LangProvider.GetLang("UpdateNow"), CancelStr = LangProvider.GetLang("Ignore"), ShowDateTime = false, ActionBeforeClose = isConfirmed => { if (isConfirmed) { StartProcess(ver.ReleaseUrl); } return(true); } }; Growl.AskGlobal(info); } else { if (onlyShowIfUpdateAvailable is not false) { return; } var info = new GrowlInfo { Message = LangProvider.GetLang("ThisIsLatestVersion"), ShowDateTime = false, StaysOpen = false }; Growl.InfoGlobal(info); } } else { Growl.ErrorGlobal(new GrowlInfo { Message = LangProvider.GetLang("NetworkNotAvailable"), ShowDateTime = false }); } }
public async void Info(string msg) { await WaitForTokenLoaded(); App.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { if (Program.CliOptions.GlobalNotification) { Growl.InfoGlobal(msg); } else { Growl.Info(msg, Token); } }); }
public static void CheckForUpdate() { if (IsNetworkAvailable()) { var ver = UpdateHelper.CheckForUpdate( ""); if (ver.IsExistNewVersion) { var info = new GrowlInfo { Message = $"New Version Found!\n Changelog:{ver.Changelog}", ConfirmStr = "Update Now", CancelStr = "Ignore", ShowDateTime = false, ActionBeforeClose = isConfirmed => { if (isConfirmed) { StartProcess(ver.Url); } return(true); } }; Growl.AskGlobal(info); } else { var info = new GrowlInfo { Message = "Great! you are using the latest version", ShowDateTime = false, StaysOpen = false }; Growl.InfoGlobal(info); } } else { Growl.ErrorGlobal(new GrowlInfo { Message = "Network not available!", ShowDateTime = false }); } }
public DictResWindow(string word, string kana = "----", TextSpeechHelper tsh = null) { sourceWord = word; InitializeComponent(); if (tsh == null) { _textSpeechHelper = new TextSpeechHelper(); } else { _textSpeechHelper = tsh; } if (Common.appSettings.ttsVoice == "") { Growl.InfoGlobal(Application.Current.Resources["TranslateWin_NoTTS_Hint"].ToString()); } else { _textSpeechHelper.SetTTSVoice(Common.appSettings.ttsVoice); _textSpeechHelper.SetVolume(Common.appSettings.ttsVolume); _textSpeechHelper.SetRate(Common.appSettings.ttsRate); } if (Common.appSettings.xxgPath != string.Empty) { _dict = new XxgJpzhDict(); _dict.DictInit(Common.appSettings.xxgPath, string.Empty); } string ret = _dict.SearchInDict(sourceWord); SourceWord.Text = sourceWord; Kana.Text = kana; this.Topmost = true; DicResText.Text = XxgJpzhDict.RemoveHTML(ret); }
/// <summary> /// Hook模式下调用的事件 /// </summary> public void DataRecvEventHandler(object sender, SolvedDataRecvEventArgs e) { Application.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action)(() => { //1.得到原句 string source = e.Data.Data; //2.进行去重 string repairedText = TextRepair.RepairFun_Auto(Common.UsingRepairFunc, source); if (Convert.ToBoolean(Common.appSettings.EachRowTrans) == false) { //不需要分行翻译 repairedText = repairedText.Replace("<br>", "").Replace("</br>", "").Replace("\n", "").Replace("\t", "").Replace("\r", ""); } //去乱码 repairedText = repairedText.Replace("_", "").Replace("-", "").Replace("+", "").Replace("&", ""); //补充:如果去重之后的文本长度超过指定值(默认100),直接不翻译、不显示 //补充2:如果去重后文本长度为0,则不翻译不显示 if (repairedText.Length != 0 && repairedText.Length <= Common.appSettings.TransLimitNums) { //2.5 清除面板 SourceTextPanel.Children.Clear(); _currentsrcText = repairedText; if (_isShowSource) { //3.分词 var mwi = _mecabHelper.SentenceHandle(repairedText); //分词后结果显示 for (int i = 0; i < mwi.Count; i++) { StackPanel stackPanel = new StackPanel(); stackPanel.Orientation = Orientation.Vertical; stackPanel.Margin = new Thickness(10, 0, 0, 10); TextBlock textBlock = new TextBlock(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(SourceTextFont)) { FontFamily fontFamily = new FontFamily(SourceTextFont); textBlock.FontFamily = fontFamily; } textBlock.Text = mwi[i].Word; textBlock.Tag = mwi[i].Kana; textBlock.Margin = new Thickness(0, 0, 0, 0); textBlock.FontSize = SourceTextFontSize; textBlock.Background = Brushes.Transparent; textBlock.MouseLeftButtonDown += DictArea_MouseLeftButtonDown; //根据不同词性跟字体上色 switch (mwi[i].PartOfSpeech) { case "名詞": textBlock.Foreground = Brushes.AliceBlue; break; case "助詞": textBlock.Foreground = Brushes.LightGreen; break; case "動詞": textBlock.Foreground = Brushes.Red; break; case "連体詞": textBlock.Foreground = Brushes.Orange; break; default: textBlock.Foreground = Brushes.White; break; } TextBlock superScript = new TextBlock();//假名或注释等的上标标签 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(SourceTextFont)) { FontFamily fontFamily = new FontFamily(SourceTextFont); superScript.FontFamily = fontFamily; } superScript.Text = mwi[i].Kana; superScript.Margin = new Thickness(0, 0, 0, 2); superScript.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center; if ((double)SourceTextFontSize - 6.5 > 0) { superScript.FontSize = (double)SourceTextFontSize - 6.5; } else { superScript.FontSize = 1; } superScript.Background = Brushes.Transparent; superScript.Foreground = Brushes.White; stackPanel.Children.Add(superScript); //是否打开假名标注 if (Common.appSettings.TF_isKanaShow) { stackPanel.Children.Add(textBlock); SourceTextPanel.Children.Add(stackPanel); } else { textBlock.Margin = new Thickness(10, 0, 0, 10); SourceTextPanel.Children.Add(textBlock); } } } //4.翻译前预处理 string beforeString = _beforeTransHandle.AutoHandle(repairedText); //5.提交翻译 string transRes1 = string.Empty; string transRes2 = string.Empty; if (_translator1 != null) { transRes1 = _translator1.Translate(beforeString, Common.UsingDstLang, Common.UsingSrcLang); } if (_translator2 != null) { transRes2 = _translator2.Translate(beforeString, Common.UsingDstLang, Common.UsingSrcLang); } //6.翻译后处理 string afterString1 = _afterTransHandle.AutoHandle(transRes1); string afterString2 = _afterTransHandle.AutoHandle(transRes2); //7.翻译结果显示到窗口上 FirstTransText.Text = afterString1; SecondTransText.Text = afterString2; //8.翻译结果记录到队列 if (_gameTextHistory.Count > 5) { _gameTextHistory.Dequeue(); } _gameTextHistory.Enqueue(repairedText + "\n" + afterString1 + "\n" + afterString2); //9.翻译原句和结果记录到数据库 if (Common.appSettings.ATon) { bool addRes = _artificialTransHelper.AddTrans(repairedText, afterString1); if (addRes == false) { HandyControl.Data.GrowlInfo growlInfo = new HandyControl.Data.GrowlInfo(); growlInfo.Message = Application.Current.Resources["ArtificialTransAdd_Error_Hint"].ToString(); growlInfo.WaitTime = 2; Growl.InfoGlobal(growlInfo); } } } })); }
private void OCR() { if (IsPauseFlag) { if (IsOCRingFlag == false) { IsOCRingFlag = true; int j = 0; for (; j < 3; j++) { Thread.Sleep(Common.UsingOCRDelay); string srcText = Common.ocr.OCRProcess(); GC.Collect(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(srcText)) { Application.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action)(() => { //0.清除面板 SourceTextPanel.Children.Clear(); //1.得到原句 string source = srcText; _currentsrcText = source; if (_isShowSource) { //3.分词 List <MecabWordInfo> mwi = _mecabHelper.SentenceHandle(source); //分词后结果显示 for (int i = 0; i < mwi.Count; i++) { StackPanel stackPanel = new StackPanel(); stackPanel.Orientation = Orientation.Vertical; stackPanel.Margin = new Thickness(10, 0, 0, 10); TextBlock textBlock = new TextBlock(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(SourceTextFont)) { FontFamily fontFamily = new FontFamily(SourceTextFont); textBlock.FontFamily = fontFamily; } textBlock.Text = mwi[i].Word; textBlock.Tag = mwi[i].Kana; textBlock.Margin = new Thickness(0, 0, 0, 0); textBlock.FontSize = SourceTextFontSize; textBlock.Background = Brushes.Transparent; textBlock.MouseLeftButtonDown += DictArea_MouseLeftButtonDown; //根据不同词性跟字体上色 switch (mwi[i].PartOfSpeech) { case "名詞": textBlock.Foreground = Brushes.AliceBlue; break; case "助詞": textBlock.Foreground = Brushes.LightGreen; break; case "動詞": textBlock.Foreground = Brushes.Red; break; case "連体詞": textBlock.Foreground = Brushes.Orange; break; default: textBlock.Foreground = Brushes.White; break; } TextBlock superScript = new TextBlock();//假名或注释等的上标标签 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(SourceTextFont)) { FontFamily fontFamily = new FontFamily(SourceTextFont); superScript.FontFamily = fontFamily; } superScript.Text = mwi[i].Kana; superScript.Margin = new Thickness(0, 0, 0, 2); superScript.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center; if ((double)SourceTextFontSize - 6.5 > 0) { superScript.FontSize = (double)SourceTextFontSize - 6.5; } else { superScript.FontSize = 1; } superScript.Background = Brushes.Transparent; superScript.Foreground = Brushes.White; stackPanel.Children.Add(superScript); //是否打开假名标注 if (Common.appSettings.TF_isKanaShow) { stackPanel.Children.Add(textBlock); SourceTextPanel.Children.Add(stackPanel); } else { textBlock.Margin = new Thickness(10, 0, 0, 10); SourceTextPanel.Children.Add(textBlock); } } } if (Convert.ToBoolean(Common.appSettings.EachRowTrans) == false) { //不需要分行翻译 source = source.Replace("<br>", "").Replace("</br>", "").Replace("\n", "").Replace("\t", "").Replace("\r", ""); } //去乱码 source = source.Replace("_", "").Replace("-", "").Replace("+", "").Replace("&", ""); //4.翻译前预处理 string beforeString = _beforeTransHandle.AutoHandle(source); //5.提交翻译 string transRes1 = string.Empty; string transRes2 = string.Empty; if (_translator1 != null) { transRes1 = _translator1.Translate(beforeString, Common.UsingDstLang, Common.UsingSrcLang); } if (_translator2 != null) { transRes2 = _translator2.Translate(beforeString, Common.UsingDstLang, Common.UsingSrcLang); } //6.翻译后处理 string afterString1 = _afterTransHandle.AutoHandle(transRes1); string afterString2 = _afterTransHandle.AutoHandle(transRes2); //7.翻译结果显示到窗口上 FirstTransText.Text = afterString1; SecondTransText.Text = afterString2; //8.翻译结果记录到队列 if (_gameTextHistory.Count > 5) { _gameTextHistory.Dequeue(); } _gameTextHistory.Enqueue(source + "\n" + afterString1 + "\n" + afterString2); //9.翻译原句和结果记录到数据库 if (Common.appSettings.ATon) { bool addRes = _artificialTransHelper.AddTrans(source, afterString1); if (addRes == false) { HandyControl.Data.GrowlInfo growlInfo = new HandyControl.Data.GrowlInfo(); growlInfo.Message = Application.Current.Resources["ArtificialTransAdd_Error_Hint"].ToString(); growlInfo.WaitTime = 2; Growl.InfoGlobal(growlInfo); } } })); IsOCRingFlag = false; break; } } if (j == 3) { Application.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action)(() => { FirstTransText.Text = "[OCR]自动识别三次均为空,请自行刷新!"; })); IsOCRingFlag = false; } } } }
/// <summary> /// 提交原文到翻译器,获取翻译结果并显示 /// </summary> /// <param name="repairedText">原文</param> /// <param name="tranResultIndex">翻译框序号</param> /// <param name="isRenew">是否是重新获取翻译</param> private async Task TranslateApiSubmitASync(string repairedText, int tranResultIndex, bool isRenew = false) { //4.翻译前预处理 string beforeString = _beforeTransHandle.AutoHandle(repairedText); //5.提交翻译 string transRes = string.Empty; if (tranResultIndex == 1) { if (_translator1 != null) { transRes = await _translator1.TranslateAsync(beforeString, Common.UsingDstLang, Common.UsingSrcLang); if (transRes == null) { Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { Growl.WarningGlobal(_translator1.GetType().Name + ": " + _translator1.GetLastError()); }); return; } } } else if (tranResultIndex == 2) { if (_translator2 != null) { transRes = await _translator2.TranslateAsync(beforeString, Common.UsingDstLang, Common.UsingSrcLang); if (transRes == null) { Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { Growl.WarningGlobal(_translator2.GetType().Name + ": " + _translator2.GetLastError()); }); return; } } } //6.翻译后处理 string afterString = _afterTransHandle.AutoHandle(transRes); //7.翻译结果显示到窗口上 switch (tranResultIndex) { case 1: Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { FirstTransText.Text = afterString; }); break; case 2: Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { SecondTransText.Text = afterString; }); break; } if (!isRenew) { lock (_saveTransResultLock) { //8.翻译结果记录到队列 // todo: 这是比较粗暴地添加历史记录,可以优化(时间排序等) if (_gameTextHistory.Count > 10) { _gameTextHistory.Dequeue(); } _gameTextHistory.Enqueue(repairedText + "\n" + afterString); //9.翻译原句和结果记录到数据库 if (Common.appSettings.ATon) { bool addRes = _artificialTransHelper.AddTrans(repairedText, afterString); if (addRes == false) { Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { HandyControl.Data.GrowlInfo growlInfo = new HandyControl.Data.GrowlInfo(); growlInfo.Message = Application.Current.Resources["ArtificialTransAdd_Error_Hint"].ToString(); growlInfo.WaitTime = 2; Growl.InfoGlobal(growlInfo); }); } } } } }