예제 #1
        public void PopulateSelectionScreen(string title, string[] categoryNames, int num_questions, int base_value, int level)
            int num_qs = num_questions;
            int num_cat = categoryNames.Length;
            lblTitle.Text = title;
            int Main_Xloc = this.Location.X;
            int Main_Yloc = this.Location.Y;
            Main_Xloc = 0;
            Main_Yloc = 0;

            lblTitle.Location = new Point((int)(this.Width*0.5 - lblTitle.Width*0.5), (int)(Main_Yloc + 1));

            QPanel.Location = new Point(Main_Xloc + 10, lblTitle.Location.Y + lblTitle.Height + 10);
            QPanel.Width = this.Width - 20;
            QPanel.Height = this.Height - QPanel.Location.Y - (grpScores.Height);

            //hide panel blanks the screen
            HidePanel.Location = this.Location;
            HidePanel.Width = this.Width;
            HidePanel.Height = this.Height;

            //remove any old items in the groupbox
            foreach (Control c in QPanel.Controls)

            //get groupbox location and size
            Point grpLocation = QPanel.Location;
            int grpWidth = QPanel.Width;
            int grpHeight = QPanel.Height;
            int catWidth = (int)((grpWidth - 20) / num_cat);

            //add new headings
            int LabelHeight = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < num_cat; i++)
                GrowLabel L = new GrowLabel();
                //Label L = new Label();
                L.Name = "CatLabel" + i.ToString();
                //L.Size = new Size(catWidth, 30);
                L.Width = catWidth;
                L.Location = new Point(grpLocation.X + (i * catWidth), 5);
                L.Text = categoryNames[i];
                L.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter;
                L.BorderStyle = SampleHeading.BorderStyle;
                L.BackColor = SampleHeading.BackColor;
                L.ForeColor = SampleHeading.ForeColor;
                L.Font = SampleHeading.Font;

                //save max label height
                if (LabelHeight < L.Height)
                    LabelHeight = L.Height;

            //adjust heights to match
            for (int i = 0; i < num_cat; i++)
                ((GrowLabel)QPanel.Controls["CatLabel" + i.ToString()]).AllowResize = false;
                ((GrowLabel)QPanel.Controls["CatLabel" + i.ToString()]).Height = LabelHeight;

            //add buttons
            int btnHeight = (int)((grpHeight - (20 + LabelHeight)) / num_qs);
            for (int i = 0; i < num_cat; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < num_qs; j++)
                    Button B = new Button();
                    B.Name = "btnQ" + ((i + 1).ToString() + (j + 1).ToString()).ToString();
                    B.Size = new Size(catWidth, btnHeight);
                    B.Location = new Point(grpLocation.X + (i * catWidth), LabelHeight + 5 + (j * btnHeight));
                    B.Text = ((j + 1) * base_value).ToString();
                    B.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter;
                    B.BackColor = SampleQuestion.BackColor;
                    B.ForeColor = SampleQuestion.ForeColor;
                    B.Font = SampleQuestion.Font;
                    B.Tag = new string[] { level.ToString(), (i + 1).ToString() + (j + 1).ToString() };
                    B.Click += new EventHandler(btnQ_Click);

            //add scores
            int scoreWidth = (int)(this.Width / 8);
            int scoreHeight = grpScores.Height - 4;
            grpScores.Width = this.Width;
            grpScores.Location = new Point(this.Location.X,QPanel.Location.Y + QPanel.Height);
            for (int i = 1; i <= 8; i++)
                grpScores.Controls["score" + i.ToString()].Width = scoreWidth;
                grpScores.Controls["score" + i.ToString()].Location = new Point((i-1)*scoreWidth,2);
                grpScores.Controls["score" + i.ToString()].Height = scoreHeight;
            grpScores.Visible = true;
            webBrowser1.Visible = false;

            if (!TitleShown)
            {   //open title page if it has not been shown yet