/// <summary> /// Loads the group data. /// </summary> /// <param name="csvData">The CSV data.</param> private int LoadGroup(CSVInstance csvData) { // Required variables var lookupContext = new RockContext(); var locationService = new LocationService(lookupContext); var groupTypeService = new GroupTypeService(lookupContext); var topicTypes = DefinedTypeCache.Get(new Guid(Rock.SystemGuid.DefinedType.SMALL_GROUP_TOPIC), lookupContext).DefinedValues; var numImportedGroups = ImportedGroups.Count(); var newGroupLocations = new Dictionary <GroupLocation, string>(); var currentGroup = new Group(); // Look for custom attributes in the Individual file var allFields = csvData.TableNodes.FirstOrDefault().Children.Select((node, index) => new { node = node, index = index }).ToList(); var customAttributes = allFields .Where(f => f.index > GroupCapacity) .ToDictionary(f => f.index, f => f.node.Name); var groupAttributes = new AttributeService(lookupContext).GetByEntityTypeId(new Group().TypeId).ToList(); var completed = 0; ReportProgress(0, $"Starting group import ({numImportedGroups:N0} already exist)."); string[] row; // Uses a look-ahead enumerator: this call will move to the next record immediately while ((row = csvData.Database.FirstOrDefault()) != null) { var rowGroupKey = row[GroupId]; // // Determine if we are still working with the same group or not. // if (rowGroupKey != null && rowGroupKey != currentGroup.ForeignKey) { currentGroup = LoadGroupBasic(lookupContext, rowGroupKey, row[GroupName], row[GroupCreatedDate], row[GroupType], row[GroupParentGroupId], row[GroupActive], row[GroupDescription]); // // Set the group campus // var campusName = row[GroupCampus]; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(campusName)) { var groupCampus = CampusList.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Name.Equals(campusName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || c.ShortCode.Equals(campusName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); if (groupCampus == null) { groupCampus = new Campus { IsSystem = false, Name = campusName, ShortCode = campusName.RemoveWhitespace(), IsActive = true }; lookupContext.Campuses.Add(groupCampus); lookupContext.SaveChanges(DisableAuditing); CampusList.Add(groupCampus); } currentGroup.CampusId = groupCampus.Id; } // // If the group type has one or more location types defined then import the // primary address as the first location type. // var existingLocationIds = new GroupLocationService(lookupContext).Queryable().AsNoTracking().Where(gl => gl.GroupId == currentGroup.Id).Select(gl => gl.LocationId).ToList(); var groupType = groupTypeService.Get(currentGroup.GroupTypeId); if (groupType.LocationTypes.Count > 0 && (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(row[GroupAddress]) || !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(row[GroupNamedLocation])) && currentGroup.GroupLocations.Count == 0) { var primaryLocationTypeId = groupType.LocationTypes.ToList()[0].LocationTypeValueId; var grpAddress = row[GroupAddress]; var grpAddress2 = row[GroupAddress2]; var grpCity = row[GroupCity]; var grpState = row[GroupState]; var grpZip = row[GroupZip]; var grpCountry = row[GroupCountry]; var namedLocation = row[GroupNamedLocation]; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(namedLocation)) { var primaryAddress = locationService.Get(grpAddress, grpAddress2, grpCity, grpState, grpZip, grpCountry, verifyLocation: false); if (primaryAddress != null && !existingLocationIds.Contains(primaryAddress.Id)) { var primaryLocation = new GroupLocation { LocationId = primaryAddress.Id, IsMailingLocation = true, IsMappedLocation = true, GroupLocationTypeValueId = primaryLocationTypeId }; newGroupLocations.Add(primaryLocation, rowGroupKey); } } else { var primaryAddress = locationService.Queryable().AsNoTracking().FirstOrDefault(l => l.Name.Equals(namedLocation) || l.ForeignKey.Equals(namedLocation)); if (primaryAddress != null && !existingLocationIds.Contains(primaryAddress.Id)) { var primaryLocation = new GroupLocation { LocationId = primaryAddress.Id, IsMailingLocation = true, IsMappedLocation = true, GroupLocationTypeValueId = primaryLocationTypeId }; newGroupLocations.Add(primaryLocation, rowGroupKey); } else { LogException("Group Import", string.Format("The named location {0} was not found and will not be mapped.", namedLocation)); } } } // // If the group type has two or more location types defined then import the // secondary address as the group type's second location type. // if (groupType.LocationTypes.Count > 1 && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(row[GroupSecondaryAddress]) && currentGroup.GroupLocations.Count < 2) { var secondaryLocationTypeId = groupType.LocationTypes.ToList()[1].LocationTypeValueId; var grpSecondAddress = row[GroupSecondaryAddress]; var grpSecondAddress2 = row[GroupSecondaryAddress2]; var grpSecondCity = row[GroupSecondaryCity]; var grpSecondState = row[GroupSecondaryState]; var grpSecondZip = row[GroupSecondaryZip]; var grpSecondCountry = row[GroupSecondaryCountry]; var secondaryAddress = locationService.Get(grpSecondAddress, grpSecondAddress2, grpSecondCity, grpSecondState, grpSecondZip, grpSecondCountry, verifyLocation: false); if (secondaryAddress != null && !existingLocationIds.Contains(secondaryAddress.Id)) { var secondaryLocation = new GroupLocation { LocationId = secondaryAddress.Id, IsMailingLocation = true, IsMappedLocation = true, GroupLocationTypeValueId = secondaryLocationTypeId }; newGroupLocations.Add(secondaryLocation, rowGroupKey); } } // // Set the group's sorting order. // var groupOrder = 9999; int.TryParse(row[GroupOrder], out groupOrder); currentGroup.Order = groupOrder; // // Set the group's capacity // var capacity = row[GroupCapacity].AsIntegerOrNull(); if (capacity.HasValue) { currentGroup.GroupCapacity = capacity; if (groupType.GroupCapacityRule == GroupCapacityRule.None) { groupType.GroupCapacityRule = GroupCapacityRule.Hard; } } // // Set the group's schedule // if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(row[GroupDayOfWeek])) { DayOfWeek dayEnum; if (Enum.TryParse(row[GroupDayOfWeek], true, out dayEnum)) { if (groupType.AllowedScheduleTypes != ScheduleType.Weekly) { groupType.AllowedScheduleTypes = ScheduleType.Weekly; } var day = dayEnum; var time = row[GroupTime].AsDateTime(); currentGroup.ScheduleId = AddNamedSchedule(lookupContext, string.Empty, string.Empty, day, time, null, rowGroupKey).Id; } } // // Assign Attributes // if (customAttributes.Any()) { lookupContext.SaveChanges(); foreach (var attributePair in customAttributes) { var pairs = attributePair.Value.Split('^'); var categoryName = string.Empty; var attributeName = string.Empty; var attributeTypeString = string.Empty; var attributeForeignKey = string.Empty; var definedValueForeignKey = string.Empty; var fieldTypeId = TextFieldTypeId; if (pairs.Length == 1) { attributeName = pairs[0]; } else if (pairs.Length == 2) { attributeName = pairs[0]; attributeTypeString = pairs[1]; } else if (pairs.Length >= 3) { categoryName = pairs[1]; attributeName = pairs[2]; if (pairs.Length >= 4) { attributeTypeString = pairs[3]; } if (pairs.Length >= 5) { attributeForeignKey = pairs[4]; } if (pairs.Length >= 6) { definedValueForeignKey = pairs[5]; } } var definedValueForeignId = definedValueForeignKey.AsType <int?>(); // // Translate the provided attribute type into one we know about. // fieldTypeId = GetAttributeFieldType(attributeTypeString); Rock.Model.Attribute currentAttribute = null; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(attributeName)) { LogException("Group Attribute", string.Format("Group Attribute Name cannot be blank '{0}'.", attributePair.Value)); } else { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(attributeForeignKey)) { attributeForeignKey = string.Format("Bulldozer_{0}_{1}_{2}", groupType.Id, categoryName.RemoveWhitespace(), attributeName.RemoveWhitespace()).Left(100); } currentAttribute = groupAttributes.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Name.Equals(attributeName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && a.FieldTypeId == fieldTypeId && a.EntityTypeId == currentGroup.TypeId && a.EntityTypeQualifierValue == groupType.Id.ToString() ); if (currentAttribute == null) { currentAttribute = AddEntityAttribute(lookupContext, currentGroup.TypeId, "GroupTypeId", groupType.Id.ToString(), attributeForeignKey, categoryName, attributeName, string.Empty, fieldTypeId, true, definedValueForeignId, definedValueForeignKey, attributeTypeString: attributeTypeString); groupAttributes.Add(currentAttribute); } var attributeValue = row[attributePair.Key]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(attributeValue)) { AddEntityAttributeValue(lookupContext, currentAttribute, currentGroup, row[attributePair.Key], null, true); } } } } // // Changes to groups need to be saved right away since one group // will reference another group. // lookupContext.SaveChanges(); // // Keep the user informed as to what is going on and save in batches. // completed++; if (completed % (ReportingNumber * 10) < 1) { ReportProgress(0, $"{completed:N0} groups imported."); } if (completed % ReportingNumber < 1) { SaveGroupLocations(newGroupLocations); ReportPartialProgress(); // Reset lookup context lookupContext.SaveChanges(); lookupContext = new RockContext(); locationService = new LocationService(lookupContext); groupTypeService = new GroupTypeService(lookupContext); newGroupLocations.Clear(); } } } // // Check to see if any rows didn't get saved to the database // if (newGroupLocations.Any()) { SaveGroupLocations(newGroupLocations); } lookupContext.SaveChanges(); lookupContext.Dispose(); ReportProgress(0, $"Finished group import: {completed:N0} groups added or updated."); return(completed); }
/// <summary> /// Updates the list of group locations for the selected group /// </summary> private void UpdateGroupLocationList() { Group group = GetSelectedGroup(); if (group == null) { pnlScheduler.Visible = false; return; } if (group != null) { bool canSchedule = group.IsAuthorized(Authorization.EDIT, this.CurrentPerson) || group.IsAuthorized(Authorization.SCHEDULE, this.CurrentPerson); if (!canSchedule) { nbNotice.Heading = "Sorry"; nbNotice.Text = "<p>You're not authorized to schedule resources for the selected group.</p>"; nbNotice.NotificationBoxType = NotificationBoxType.Warning; nbNotice.Visible = true; pnlScheduler.Visible = false; return; } else { nbNotice.Visible = false; } pnlScheduler.Visible = true; int scheduleId = rblSchedule.SelectedValue.AsInteger(); var rockContext = new RockContext(); var groupLocationsQuery = new GroupLocationService(rockContext).Queryable() .Where(a => a.GroupId == group.Id && a.Schedules.Any(s => s.Id == scheduleId)) .OrderBy(a => new { a.Order, a.Location.Name }) .AsNoTracking(); var groupLocationsList = groupLocationsQuery.ToList(); if (!groupLocationsList.Any() && scheduleId != 0) { nbGroupWarning.Text = "Group does not have any locations for the selected schedule"; nbGroupWarning.Visible = true; } else if (scheduleId != 0) { nbGroupWarning.Visible = false; } // get the location ids of the selected group locations so that we can keep the selected locations even if the group changes var allSelectedLocationIds = hfAllSelectedLocationIds.Value.SplitDelimitedValues().AsIntegerList(); var selectedGroupLocationIds = allSelectedLocationIds; var selectedLocationIds = new GroupLocationService(new RockContext()).GetByIds(selectedGroupLocationIds).Select(a => a.LocationId).ToList(); cblGroupLocations.Items.Clear(); foreach (var groupLocation in groupLocationsList) { var groupLocationItem = new ListItem(groupLocation.Location.ToString(), groupLocation.Id.ToString()); groupLocationItem.Selected = selectedLocationIds.Contains(groupLocation.LocationId); cblGroupLocations.Items.Add(groupLocationItem); } // if there aren't any locations select, default to selecting all if (!cblGroupLocations.SelectedValues.Any()) { foreach (var item in cblGroupLocations.Items.OfType <ListItem>()) { item.Selected = true; } } } }