예제 #1
        public override void ExecuteCommand(EvtChatCommandArgs args)
            string username = args.Command.ChatMessage.Username.ToLowerInvariant();

            GroupBetRoutine groupBetRoutine = RoutineHandler.FindRoutine <GroupBetRoutine>();

            if (groupBetRoutine == null ||
                groupBetRoutine.TryGetParticipant(username, out GroupBetRoutine.ParticipantData participantData) == false)
                QueueMessage("You're not in the group bet!");


            string creditsName = DataHelper.GetCreditsName();

            QueueMessage($"{username} has backed out of the group bet and retained their {participantData.ParticipantBet} {creditsName.Pluralize(false, participantData.ParticipantBet)}!");

            int participantCount = groupBetRoutine.ParticipantCount;
            int minParticipants  = groupBetRoutine.MinParticipants;

            //Check for ending the group bet if there are no longer enough participants
            if (participantCount < minParticipants)
                //If no one is in the group bet, end it entirely
                if (participantCount == 0)

                QueueMessage($"Oh no! The group bet has ended since there are no longer enough participants. {minParticipants - participantCount} more is/are required to start it up again!");
        public override void ExecuteCommand(EvtChatCommandArgs args)
            List <string> arguments = args.Command.ArgumentsAsList;

            if (arguments.Count != 1)
                QueueMessage("Please specify a bet amount!");

            string creditsName = DataHelper.GetCreditsName();
            string userName    = args.Command.ChatMessage.Username;

            //Check if we can parse the bet amount
            long betAmount = -1L;
            bool success   = long.TryParse(arguments[0], out betAmount);

            if (success == false || betAmount <= 0)
                QueueMessage($"Please specify a positive whole number of {creditsName.Pluralize(false, 0)} greater than 0!");

            using (BotDBContext context = DatabaseManager.OpenContext())
                //Check if the user exists
                User user = DataHelper.GetUserNoOpen(userName, context);
                if (user == null)
                    QueueMessage("The user calling this does not exist in the database!");

                //No ability to enter group bets
                if (user.HasEnabledAbility(PermissionConstants.GROUP_BET_ABILITY) == false)
                    QueueMessage("You do not have the ability to participate in a group bet!");

                //Validate credit amount
                if (user.Stats.Credits < betAmount)
                    QueueMessage($"You don't have enough {creditsName.Pluralize(false, 0)} to bet this much!");

                if (user.IsOptedOut == true)
                    QueueMessage("You can't participate in the group bet since you opted out of bot stats.");

            //Get total time and minimum participants required
            long groupBetTime     = DataHelper.GetSettingInt(SettingsConstants.GROUP_BET_TOTAL_TIME, 120000L);
            int  groupBetMinUsers = (int)DataHelper.GetSettingInt(SettingsConstants.GROUP_BET_MIN_PARTICIPANTS, 3L);

            //Get the routine
            GroupBetRoutine groupBetRoutine = RoutineHandler.FindRoutine <GroupBetRoutine>();

            //We haven't started the group bet, so start it up
            if (groupBetRoutine == null)
                groupBetRoutine = new GroupBetRoutine(groupBetTime, groupBetMinUsers);

            //Note: From hereon, use the routine's total time and min participant values
            //The database values could have changed in between calls of this command
            //and thus wouldn't be applicable to the group bet created for the first participant

            //See if the user is already in the group bet
            bool prevParticipant = groupBetRoutine.TryGetParticipant(userName,
                                                                     out GroupBetRoutine.ParticipantData participantData);

            groupBetRoutine.AddOrUpdateParticipant(userName, betAmount);

            string message = string.Empty;

            //Newly added since they were not previously there
            if (prevParticipant == false)
                message = $"{userName} entered the group bet with {betAmount} {creditsName.Pluralize(false, betAmount)}!";

                int participantCount = groupBetRoutine.ParticipantCount;

                if (participantCount < groupBetRoutine.MinParticipants)
                    int diff = groupBetRoutine.MinParticipants - groupBetRoutine.ParticipantCount;
                    message += $" {diff} more user(s) are required to start the group bet!";


                //Check if we have enough participants now
                if (participantCount == groupBetRoutine.MinParticipants)
                    TimeSpan timeSpan = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(groupBetRoutine.MillisecondsForBet);

                    QueueMessage($"The group bet has enough participants and will start in {timeSpan.Minutes} minute(s) and {timeSpan.Seconds} second(s), so join before then if you want in!");
                QueueMessage($"{userName} adjusted their group bet from {participantData.ParticipantBet} to {betAmount} {creditsName.Pluralize(false, betAmount)}!");