private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider otherGameObject) { groundType.groundSwitchValue = groundType.GetGroundSwitchValue(); if (otherGameObject.gameObject.tag == "Player") { AkSoundEngine.SetSwitch("Forgotten_Sun", groundType.groundSwitchValue.ToString(), otherGameObject.gameObject); // PARAMS: SetSwitch(<SoundBank To Use>, <Name Of Sound>, <The Game Object to produce the sound>) } }
public void CheckFootstepSurface() { float yOffset = 0.5f; // set the offset of the raycast to be from the center of the player model Vector3 pos = transform.position; pos.y += yOffset; Ray ray = new Ray(pos, Vector3.down); // set the ray to check the gorund RaycastHit hit; if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit, 1.5f, groundLayer)) { GroundType ground = hit.collider.GetComponent <GroundType>(); // get the type of surface the raycast hit ground.groundSwitchValue = ground.GetGroundSwitchValue(); //Could do this: AkSoundEngine.SetSwitch("footstep_surfaces",, gameobject); // AkSoundEngine.SetSwitch("footstep_surfaces",, gameObject); switch (ground.groundSwitchValue) { // check what ground surface the player is walking on case GroundSwitchValue.DIRT: AkSoundEngine.SetSwitch("Forgotten_Sun", "dirt", gameObject); // PARAMS: SetSwitch(<SoundBank To Use>, <Name Of Sound>, <The Game Object to produce the sound>) break; case GroundSwitchValue.MUD: AkSoundEngine.SetSwitch("Forgotten_Sun", "mud", gameObject); break; case GroundSwitchValue.GRAVEL: AkSoundEngine.SetSwitch("Forgotten_Sun", "gravel", gameObject); break; case GroundSwitchValue.WATER: AkSoundEngine.SetSwitch("Forgotten_Sun", "water", gameObject); break; case GroundSwitchValue.GRASS: AkSoundEngine.SetSwitch("Forgotten_Sun", "grass", gameObject); break; case GroundSwitchValue.STONE: AkSoundEngine.SetSwitch("Forgotten_Sun", "grass", gameObject); break; default: //Default it so it's always valid AkSoundEngine.SetSwitch("Forgotten_Sun", "grass", gameObject); break; } } }