예제 #1
        public void UpdateDairy(DairyData dairyData, DairyBarcode dairyBarData, double productArticle) //Info passed back to Form1 where it is linked to the textboxes
            //LINQ query to the database where the products in the update textboxes are populated back to the DB
            using (var context = new GroceryTestDBEntities())
                var query = from s in context.DairyDatas
                            where s.Article == productArticle
                            select s;
                var query1 = from s in context.DairyBarcodes
                             where s.Article == productArticle
                             select s;
                var dairyProducts            = query.FirstOrDefault();
                var dairyProductsWithBarcode = query1.FirstOrDefault();

                dairyProducts.Article             = dairyData.Article;
                dairyProducts.Article_Description = dairyData.Article_Description;
                dairyProductsWithBarcode.Article  = dairyBarData.Article;
                dairyProductsWithBarcode.Barcode  = dairyBarData.Barcode;
                dairyProducts.Storage_Bin         = dairyData.Storage_Bin;
                dairyProducts.Department          = dairyData.Department;
                dairyProducts.Sub_Department      = dairyData.Sub_Department;

예제 #2
        public void UpdateGM(GMData gmData, GMBarcode gmBarData, double productArticle) //Info passed back to Form1 where it is linked to the textboxes
            //LINQ query to the database where the products in the update textboxes are populated back to the DB
            using (var context = new GroceryTestDBEntities())
                var query = from s in context.GMDatas
                            where s.Article == productArticle
                            select s;
                var query1 = from s in context.GMBarcodes
                             where s.Article == productArticle
                             select s;
                var gmProducts            = query.FirstOrDefault();
                var gmProductsWithBarcode = query1.FirstOrDefault();

                gmProducts.Article             = gmData.Article;
                gmProducts.Article_Description = gmData.Article_Description;
                gmProductsWithBarcode.Article  = gmBarData.Article;
                gmProductsWithBarcode.EAN_UPC  = gmBarData.EAN_UPC;
                gmProducts.Storage_Bin         = gmData.Storage_Bin;
                gmProducts.Department          = gmData.Department;
                gmProducts.Sub_Department      = gmData.Sub_Department;

 public IEnumerable GetDepartment()
     // Allows the user to choose a department from the DB which will then populate into the cbxdepartment to be selected from there
     using (var context = new GroceryTestDBEntities())
         var Department = context.AllDeptsAllProductsAllDatas.Select(a => a.Department).Distinct().ToList();
예제 #4
 public void SelectDepartment() // Select a department from the myDepartment class
     using (var context = new GroceryTestDBEntities())
         var c = from a in context.AllDeptsAllProductsAllDatas
                 where a.Department == cbxDepartment.Text
                 select a;
         // Populate results to the DGV
         dgvProducts.DataSource = c.ToList();
예제 #5
        public void LoadAllProducts() //Loads all products from the AllDeptsAllProductsAllDatas view into the gridview
            using (var context = new GroceryTestDBEntities())
                var c = from a in context.AllDeptsAllProductsAllDatas
                        select a;
                // Populate results to the DGV
                dgvProducts.DataSource = c.ToList();

                SelectDepartment(); // Reset and select the current selected department
예제 #6
        private void AllBarcodesSearch() // Search for all barcodes in DB and return the result
            using (var context = new GroceryTestDBEntities())
                // Sets a variable to the barcode text box
                double barcode = Convert.ToDouble(txtBarcode.Text);

                //LINQ query to the database for where the barcode inputted matches the one in the DB then return a display
                var c = from a in context.AllDeptsAllProductsAllDatas
                        where a.Barcode == barcode
                        select a;
                //Populate results to the DGV
                dgvProducts.DataSource = c.ToList();
예제 #7
        private void SearchGMProduct()
            using (var context = new GroceryTestDBEntities())
                //Sets a variable to the description text box
                string description = txtDescription.Text;

                //LINQ query to the database where the description inputted matches the one in the DB then display
                var c = from a in context.GMAllProductsAllDatas
                        where a.Article_Description.Contains(description)
                        orderby a.Article_Description ascending
                        select a;
                //Populate results to the DGV
                dgvProducts.DataSource = c.ToList();
예제 #8
        private void DeleteGMProduct()
            //Deletes products from the DB based off the article number in the update article textbox
            using (var context = new GroceryTestDBEntities())
                double article = Convert.ToDouble(txtUpdateArticle.Text);

                var products = (from p in context.GMDatas
                                where p.Article == article
                                select p).SingleOrDefault();

                MessageBox.Show("This will delete " + article + " from the database.");

예제 #9
        private void AddGMProduct()
            // Adds products to the DB based off what is entered into the text boxes
            using (var context = new GroceryTestDBEntities())
                var products       = new GMData();
                var productbarcode = new GMBarcode();
                products.Article             = Convert.ToDouble(txtAddArticle.Text);
                products.Article_Description = txtAddDesc.Text;
                productbarcode.Article       = Convert.ToDouble(txtAddArticle.Text);
                productbarcode.EAN_UPC       = Convert.ToDouble(txtAddBarcode.Text);
                products.Storage_Bin         = txtAddStorage.Text;
                products.Department          = txtAddDept.Text;
                products.Sub_Department      = txtAddSubDept.Text;
                MessageBox.Show(products.Article_Description + " was added to the Database.");

