void Populate() { string errorMessage = null; if (Session[_contextKey] != null) { DEAContext context = Session[_contextKey] as DEAContext; DataSet ds = context.ToDataSet(out errorMessage); if (ds != null) { GridViewProjects.Columns.Clear(); BoundField bf = new BoundField(); bf.HeaderText = context.ProjectIDFieldName; bf.DataField = "NAME"; GridViewProjects.Columns.Add(bf); foreach (DataRow r in ds.Tables["VARIABLES"].Rows) { string varName = r["NAME"].ToString(); bf = new BoundField(); bf.HeaderStyle.CssClass = "text-right"; bf.ItemStyle.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right; bf.HeaderText = varName; bf.DataField = varName; bf.DataFormatString = "{0:f6}"; GridViewProjects.Columns.Add(bf); } bf = new BoundField(); bf.HeaderStyle.CssClass = "text-right"; bf.ItemStyle.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right; bf.HeaderText = "Relative Efficiency"; bf.DataField = "RELATIVE_Efficiency"; bf.DataFormatString = "{0:f6}"; GridViewProjects.Columns.Add(bf); if (ds.Tables["CONSTRAINTS"].Rows != null && ds.Tables["CONSTRAINTS"].Rows.Count > 0) { bf = new BoundField(); bf.HeaderStyle.CssClass = "text-right"; bf.ItemStyle.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right; bf.HeaderText = "Selected"; bf.DataField = "SELECTED"; bf.ReadOnly = true; GridViewProjects.Columns.Add(bf); } bf = new BoundField(); bf.HeaderStyle.CssClass = "text-right"; bf.HeaderText = "Approximate"; bf.DataField = "APPROXIMATE"; bf.DataFormatString = "{0}"; GridViewProjects.Columns.Add(bf); GridViewProjects.DataSource = ds.Tables["PROJECTS"]; GridViewProjects.DataBind(); } } }
private void load_grid() { GridViewProjects.DataSource = (from p in dbContext.projects select p).ToList(); GridViewProjects.DataBind(); }
protected void dvTask_ItemInserted(object sender, DetailsViewInsertedEventArgs e) { mvProjects.ActiveViewIndex = 0; GridViewProjects.DataBind(); }
protected void btnBackToProjects_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { mvProjects.ActiveViewIndex = 0; GridViewProjects.DataBind(); }
public void Populate(string err = null) { string errorMessage = null; DataSet ds = null; try { if (Session[_contextKey] != null) { DEAContext context = Session[_contextKey] as DEAContext; ds = context.ToDataSet(out errorMessage); if (ds != null) { GridViewParams.DataSource = ds.Tables["PARAMETERS"]; GridViewParams.DataBind(); GridViewVars.DataSource = ds.Tables["VARIABLES"]; GridViewVars.DataBind(); GridViewConst.DataSource = ds.Tables["CONSTRAINTS"]; GridViewConst.DataBind(); if (ds.Tables["CONSTRAINTS"].Rows == null || ds.Tables["CONSTRAINTS"].Rows.Count < 1) { LabelConst.Visible = false; } GridViewProjects.Columns.Clear(); BoundField bf = new BoundField(); bf.HeaderText = context.ProjectIDFieldName; bf.DataField = "NAME"; GridViewProjects.Columns.Add(bf); foreach (DataRow r in ds.Tables["VARIABLES"].Rows) { string varName = r["NAME"].ToString(); bf = new BoundField(); bf.HeaderStyle.CssClass = "text-right"; bf.ItemStyle.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right; bf.HeaderText = varName; bf.DataField = varName; bf.DataFormatString = "{0:f6}"; GridViewProjects.Columns.Add(bf); } GridViewProjects.DataSource = ds.Tables["PROJECTS"]; GridViewProjects.DataBind(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { errorMessage = ex.Message; LabelError.Text = errorMessage; LabelError.Visible = true; ButtonRun.Visible = false; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(errorMessage)) { ButtonRun.Visible = true; if (ds != null) { if (ds.Tables["CONSTRAINTS"].Rows != null && ds.Tables["CONSTRAINTS"].Rows.Count > 0) { ButtonRun.ToolTip = "Click to rank projects by their relative efficiency and apply constraints to their selection."; } else { ButtonRun.ToolTip = "Click to rank projects by their relative efficiency."; } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(err)) { LabelError.Text = err; LabelError.Visible = true; } } }