protected override void PrintTable(IEnumerable <RssRuleViewModel> list) { var doc = new Document( new Grid { Columns = { new Column { Width = GridLength.Star(1) }, new Column { Width = GridLength.Auto }, }, Children = { UIHelper.Header("Name"), UIHelper.Header("Enabled"), list.Select(r => new[] { new Cell(r.Name), new Cell(r.Enabled) }) }, Stroke = LineThickness.Single }) .SetColors(ColorScheme.Current.Normal); ConsoleRenderer.RenderDocument(doc); }
protected override void PrintTable(IEnumerable <Category> categories) { if (categories?.Any() == true) { var doc = new Document( new Grid { Columns = { new Column { Width = GridLength.Auto }, new Column { Width = GridLength.Star(1) } }, Children = { UIHelper.Header("Name"), UIHelper.Header("Save Path"), categories.Select(c => new[] { new Cell(c.Name), new Cell(c.SavePath) }) }, Stroke = LineThickness.Single }) .SetColors(ColorScheme.Current.Normal); ConsoleRenderer.RenderDocument(doc); } }
protected override void PrintTable(IEnumerable <PeerPartialInfoViewModel> peers) { var doc = new Document( new Grid { Columns = { new Column { Width = GridLength.Auto }, new Column { Width = GridLength.Auto }, new Column { Width = GridLength.Star(1) }, new Column { Width = GridLength.Auto }, new Column { Width = GridLength.Auto }, new Column { Width = GridLength.Auto }, new Column { Width = GridLength.Auto }, new Column { Width = GridLength.Auto }, }, Children = { UIHelper.Header("CC"), UIHelper.Header("Endpoint"), UIHelper.Header("Client"), UIHelper.Header("Progress"), UIHelper.Header("DL Speed", TextAlign.Center), UIHelper.Header("UL Speed", TextAlign.Center), UIHelper.Header("DL", TextAlign.Center, 8), UIHelper.Header("UL", TextAlign.Center, 8), peers.Select(p => new[] { new Cell(p.CountryCode), new Cell(p.Endpoint), new Cell(p.Client), new Cell($"{p.Progress:P0}"), new Cell(FormatSpeed(p.DownloadSpeed).PadLeft(10)), new Cell(FormatSpeed(p.UploadSpeed).PadLeft(10)), new Cell(FormatData(p.Downloaded).PadLeft(8)), new Cell(FormatData(p.Uploaded).PadLeft(8)), }) }, Stroke = LineThickness.Single } ).SetColors(ColorScheme.Current.Normal); ConsoleRenderer.RenderDocument(doc); }
protected override void PrintTable(IEnumerable <SearchPlugin> plugins) { var doc = new Document( new Grid { Columns = { new Column { Width = GridLength.Auto }, new Column { Width = GridLength.Star(1) }, new Column { Width = GridLength.Auto }, }, Children = { UIHelper.Header("Name"), UIHelper.Header("Full Name"), UIHelper.Header("Enabled"), plugins.Select(p => new[] { new Cell(p.Name), new Cell(p.FullName), new Cell(p.IsEnabled) }) }, Stroke = LineThickness.Single } ).SetColors(ColorScheme.Current.Normal); ConsoleRenderer.RenderDocument(doc); }
public void RenderMaze(Play play) { var headerThickness = new LineThickness(LineWidth.Single, LineWidth.Single); List <Cell> cells = new List <Cell>(); for (int i = 0; i < play.MazeSize * play.MazeSize; i++) { Cell c = new Cell(i.ToString()); if (play.VisitedRooms.FindAll(x => x.RoomId == i).Count() > 0) { c.Color = ConsoleColor.Green; } cells.Add(c); } var doc = new Document( //new Span("Steps: " + play.Steps) { Color = ConsoleColor.Yellow }, new Br(), //new Span("HP: " + play.HP) { Color = ConsoleColor.Yellow }, new Br(), //new Span("Current Room: " + play.CurrentRoom) { Color = ConsoleColor.Yellow }, new Br(), //new Span("Current Room Description: " + play.CurrentRoomDescription) { Color = ConsoleColor.Yellow }, new Grid(cells) { Columns = { Enumerable.Repeat(GridLength.Star(1), play.MazeSize) } }); doc.Padding = new Thickness(3); ConsoleRenderer.RenderDocument(doc); }
public static Document HelpAllOptionsList(ILookup <BaseOptionAttribute, BaseOptionAttribute> verbsWithOptions, string instruction) => new Document { Background = Black, Color = Gray } .AddChildren( new Span($"{instruction}\n") { Color = White }, new Grid { Stroke = LineThickness.None } .AddColumns(GridLength.Auto, GridLength.Star(1)) .AddChildren( verbsWithOptions.Select(verbWithOptions => new object[] { OptionNameAndHelp(verbWithOptions.Key), new Grid { Stroke = LineThickness.None, Margin = new Thickness(4, 0, 0, 0) } .Set(Grid.ColumnSpanProperty, 2) .AddColumns(GridLength.Auto, GridLength.Star(1)) .AddChildren(verbWithOptions.Select(OptionNameAndHelp)), }) ) );
public void ConvertToInstanceDescriptor() { _converter.CanConvertFrom(null, typeof(InstanceDescriptor)).Should().BeTrue(); _converter.CanConvertTo(null, typeof(InstanceDescriptor)).Should().BeTrue(); _converter.ConvertTo(GridLength.Star(3), typeof(InstanceDescriptor)) .As <InstanceDescriptor>().Invoke() .Should().Be(GridLength.Star(3)); }
public void ConvertToString() { _converter.ConvertToString(GridLength.Auto).Should().Be("Auto"); _converter.ConvertToString(GridLength.Char(1)).Should().Be("1"); _converter.ConvertToString(GridLength.Char(5)).Should().Be("5"); _converter.ConvertToString(GridLength.Star(1)).Should().Be("*"); _converter.ConvertToString(GridLength.Star(5)).Should().Be("5*"); }
public void ConvertFromString() { _converter.ConvertFrom("Auto").Should().Be(GridLength.Auto); _converter.ConvertFrom("AutO").Should().Be(GridLength.Auto); _converter.ConvertFrom("1").Should().Be(GridLength.Char(1)); _converter.ConvertFrom("5").Should().Be(GridLength.Char(5)); _converter.ConvertFrom("5").Should().Be(GridLength.Char(5)); _converter.ConvertFrom("1*").Should().Be(GridLength.Star(1)); _converter.ConvertFrom("5*").Should().Be(GridLength.Star(5)); _converter.ConvertFrom("5 *").Should().Be(GridLength.Star(5)); _converter.ConvertFrom("*").Should().Be(GridLength.Star(1)); }
public static void PrintSettings(List <Setting> settings) { var headerThickness = new LineThickness(LineWidth.None, LineWidth.None); var messageThickness = new LineThickness(LineWidth.None, LineWidth.None); var doc = new Document( new Grid { Color = ConsoleColor.Gray, Columns = { GridLength.Auto, GridLength.Auto, GridLength.Star(1) }, Children = { new Cell("Name ") { Align = Align.Center, Stroke = headerThickness, Color = ConsoleColor.Blue }, new Cell(" ") { Stroke = headerThickness }, new Cell(" State") { Align = Align.Left, Stroke = headerThickness }, settings.Select(item => new object[] { new Cell(item.Name) { Align = Align.Center, Stroke = messageThickness, Color = ConsoleColor.Blue }, new Cell(" =") { Align = Align.Center, Stroke = messageThickness, Color = ConsoleColor.Blue }, new Cell(" " + item.State) { Stroke = LineThickness.None }, }) } } ); Console.Clear(); ConsoleRenderer.RenderDocument(doc); }
public static void WriteInfo(string firstColumn, params string[] phrases) { var document = new Document { Background = ConsoleColor.Black, Color = ConsoleColor.Gray, Children = { new Grid { Stroke = new LineThickness(0, 0), StrokeColor = ConsoleColor.DarkGray, Columns = { new Column { Width = GridLength.Auto, MinWidth = 10 }, new Column { Width = GridLength.Auto, MinWidth = 12 }, phrases.Select(p => new Column { Width = GridLength.Star(1) }) }, Children = { new Cell { Stroke = new LineThickness(0, 0), Children = { DateTime.Now.ToString("hh:mm:ss")} }, new Cell { Stroke = new LineThickness(0, 0), Color = ConsoleColor.Green, Children = { firstColumn } }, phrases.Select(phrase => new[] { new Cell { Children = { $" {phrase}" }, Stroke= new LineThickness(0, 0) } }) } } } }; ConsoleRenderer.RenderDocument(document); }
protected override void PrintTable(IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <string, SaveLocation> > folders) { var doc = new Document( new Grid { Columns = { new Column { Width = GridLength.Star(1) }, new Column { Width = GridLength.Star(1) } }, Children = { UIHelper.Header("Monitored Folder"), UIHelper.Header("Save Location"), folders.SelectMany(p => new[] { new Cell(p.Key), FormatSaveLocation(p.Value) }) }, Stroke = LineThickness.Single } ).SetColors(ColorScheme.Current.Normal); ConsoleRenderer.RenderDocument(doc); Cell FormatSaveLocation(SaveLocation location) { switch (location.StandardFolder) { case StandardSaveLocation.MonitoredFolder: return(new Cell("Monitored Folder")); case StandardSaveLocation.Default: return(new Cell("Default")); case null: return(new Cell( new Span("Custom: "), new Span(location.CustomFolder).SetColors(ColorScheme.Current.Strong))); default: return(new Cell(location.ToString()).SetColors(ColorScheme.Current.Warning)); } } }
public static void PrintHelp() { var headerThickness = new LineThickness(LineWidth.None, LineWidth.None); var messageThickness = new LineThickness(LineWidth.None, LineWidth.None); Tuple <string, string>[] items = { new Tuple <string, string>("/help, /h", "shows help"), new Tuple <string, string>("/open chat_ID, /o chat_ID", "opens chat with specified ID"), new Tuple <string, string>("/chats, /c", "shows chats list"), new Tuple <string, string>("/redraw, /r", "updates current view"), new Tuple <string, string>("/add username, /a username", "adds chat with user"), new Tuple <string, string>("/exit, /e, /quit, /q", "closes app"), new Tuple <string, string>("any other text", "sends message to chat") }; var doc = new Document( new Grid { Color = Gray, Columns = { GridLength.Auto, GridLength.Star(1) }, Children = { new Cell("command ") { Align = Align.Center, Stroke = headerThickness, Color = ConsoleColor.Blue }, new Cell("description") { Align = Align.Left, Stroke = headerThickness }, items.Select(item => new object[] { new Cell(item.Item1 + " ") { Align = Align.Left, Stroke = messageThickness }, new Cell(item.Item2) { Stroke = LineThickness.None } }) } } ); ConsoleRenderer.RenderDocument(doc); }
public static void PrintChat(ChatData chatData) { var headerThickness = new LineThickness(LineWidth.None, LineWidth.None); var messageThickness = new LineThickness(LineWidth.None, LineWidth.None); var doc = new Document( new Span("Chat with ") { Color = Yellow }, chatData.UserName, "\n", new Span("New messages: ") { Color = Yellow }, chatData.CountNewMes, new Grid { Color = Gray, Columns = { GridLength.Auto, GridLength.Star(1) }, Children = { new Cell("Username ") { Align = Align.Right, Stroke = headerThickness }, new Cell("Message") { Align = Align.Center, Stroke = headerThickness }, chatData.Messages.Select(item => new object[] { new Cell(item.Name + ":") { Align = Align.Center, Stroke = messageThickness, Color = Red }, new Cell(" " + item.MessageText) { Stroke = LineThickness.None }, }) } } ); Console.Clear(); ConsoleRenderer.RenderDocument(doc); }
private static Grid CreateGrid() { return(new() { Stroke = LineThickness.Single, StrokeColor = ConsoleColor.Blue, Columns = { new Column { Width = GridLength.Star(1) }, new Column { Width = GridLength.Char(20) } } }); }
public static Document HelpOptionsList(IEnumerable <BaseOptionAttribute> options, string instruction) => new Document { Background = Black, Color = Gray, Children = { new Div(instruction) { Color = White }, "", new Grid { Stroke = LineThickness.None, Columns = { GridLength.Auto, GridLength.Star(1) }, Children ={ options.Select(OptionNameAndHelp) } } } };
public static Document HelpOptionsList(IEnumerable <BaseOptionAttribute> options, string instruction) => new Document { Background = Black, Color = Gray } .AddChildren( new Div { Color = White } .AddChildren(instruction), "", new Grid { Stroke = LineThickness.None } .AddColumns(GridLength.Auto, GridLength.Star(1)) .AddChildren(options.Select(OptionNameAndHelp)) );
public int OnExecute(CommandLineApplication app, IConsole console) { var networkSettings = SettingsService.Instance.GetNetwork(); var credentials = networkSettings.Credentials; var doc = new Document( new Grid { Stroke = LineThickness.Single, Columns = { new Column { Width = GridLength.Star(1), MinWidth = 20 }, new Column { Width = GridLength.Auto }, new Column { Width = GridLength.Auto }, new Column { Width = GridLength.Auto }, }, Children = { UIHelper.Header("URL"), UIHelper.Header("Auth. Type"), UIHelper.Header("Domain"), UIHelper.Header("Username"), credentials.Select(c => new[] { new Cell(c.Url.AbsoluteUri), new Cell(c.AuthType), new Cell(c.Domain), new Cell(c.Username) }) } } ).SetColors(ColorScheme.Current.Normal); ConsoleRenderer.RenderDocument(doc); return(ExitCodes.Success); }
static void PrintConnInfo() { Console.SetCursorPosition(0, 0); Console.CursorVisible = false; LineThickness StrokeRight = LineThickness.Heavy; LineThickness StrokeHeader = LineThickness.Double; var doc = new Document( new Span("Dark Souls III: Open\n") { Color = Yellow }, new Grid { Stroke = StrokeHeader, StrokeColor = DarkGray, Columns = { GridLength.Auto, GridLength.Auto, GridLength.Auto, GridLength.Auto, GridLength.Auto, GridLength.Auto, GridLength.Star(1) },
protected virtual object GetSubOptions(OptionInfo option, HelpParts parts) { return(new Grid { Stroke = LineThickness.None, Columns = { new Column { Width = GridLength.Auto, MinWidth = OptionNameMinLength + SubOptionMargin.Left + 1, MaxWidth = OptionNameMaxLength + SubOptionMargin.Left + 1, }, new Column { Width = GridLength.Star(1) }, }, Children = { option.SubOptions.Where(IsOptionVisible(parts)).Select(o => GetOption(o, parts, isSubOption: true)) } }); }
protected override void PrintTable(IEnumerable <TorrentTrackerViewModel> list) { var doc = new Document( new Grid { Columns = { new Column { Width = GridLength.Star(1) }, new Column { Width = GridLength.Auto }, new Column { Width = GridLength.Auto }, new Column { Width = GridLength.Auto }, }, Children = { UIHelper.Header("URL"), UIHelper.Header("Status"), UIHelper.Header("Seeds"), UIHelper.Header("Leechers"), list.Select(c => new[] { new Cell(c.Url), new Cell(c.Status), new Cell(c.Seeds), new Cell(c.Leeches), }) }, Stroke = LineThickness.Single }) .SetColors(ColorScheme.Current.Normal); ConsoleRenderer.RenderDocument(doc); }
public static void PrintAvailableChats(List <ChatData> chats) { var headerThickness = new LineThickness(LineWidth.None, LineWidth.None); var messageThickness = new LineThickness(LineWidth.None, LineWidth.None); var doc = new Document( new Grid { Color = Gray, Columns = { GridLength.Auto, GridLength.Star(1) }, Children = { new Cell("ID ") { Align = Align.Right, Stroke = headerThickness }, new Cell("Username") { Align = Align.Left, Stroke = headerThickness }, chats.Select(item => new object[] { new Cell(item.IdUser) { Align = Align.Right, Stroke = messageThickness, Color = Red }, new Cell(" " + item.UserName) { Stroke = LineThickness.None }, }) } } ); Console.Clear(); ConsoleRenderer.RenderDocument(doc); }
protected override void PrintTable(IEnumerable <TorrentContentViewModel> list) { var doc = new Document( new Grid { Columns = { new Column { Width = GridLength.Auto }, new Column { Width = GridLength.Star(1) }, new Column { Width = GridLength.Auto }, new Column { Width = GridLength.Auto }, }, Children = { UIHelper.Header("Id"), UIHelper.Header("Name"), UIHelper.Header("Size"), UIHelper.Header("Progress"), list.Select(c => new[] { new Cell(c.Id), new Cell(c.Name), new Cell(c.Size.ToString("N0")), new Cell(c.Progress.ToString("P0")), }) }, Stroke = LineThickness.Single }) .SetColors(ColorScheme.Current.Normal); ConsoleRenderer.RenderDocument(doc); }
protected override async Task <int> OnExecuteAuthenticatedAsync(QBittorrentClient client, CommandLineApplication app, IConsole console) { var root = await client.GetRssItemsAsync(false); var doc = new Document(RenderItem(root, true, true)).SetColors(ColorScheme.Current.Normal); ConsoleRenderer.RenderDocument(doc); return(ExitCodes.Success); Stack RenderFolderContent(RssFolder folder) { return(new Stack(folder.Items.Select( (item, index) => RenderItem(item, index == folder.Items.Count - 1)))); } object RenderFeed(RssFeed feed) { return(new Div( feed.Name, " ", new Span($"[{feed.Url}]").SetColors(ColorScheme.Current.Inactive))); } Grid RenderItem(RssItem item, bool last, bool isRoot = false) { var folder = item as RssFolder; return(new Grid { Columns = { new Column { Width = GridLength.Char(2) }, new Column { Width = GridLength.Star(1) } },
public static Document ProcessList(IEnumerable <Process> processes) => new Document { Background = Black, Color = Gray, Children = { new Grid { Stroke = StrokeHeader, StrokeColor = DarkGray, Columns = { new Column { Width = GridLength.Auto }, new Column { Width = GridLength.Auto, MaxWidth = 20 }, new Column { Width = GridLength.Star(1) }, new Column { Width = GridLength.Auto } }, Children = { new Cell("Id") { Stroke = StrokeHeader, Color = White }, new Cell("Name") { Stroke = StrokeHeader, Color = White }, new Cell("Main Window Title") { Stroke = StrokeHeader, Color = White }, new Cell("Private Memory") { Stroke = StrokeHeader, Color = White }, processes.Select(process => new[] { new Cell { Stroke = StrokeRight, Children = { process.Id } }, new Cell { Stroke = StrokeRight, Color = Yellow, TextWrap = TextWrap.NoWrap, Children = { process.ProcessName } }, new Cell { Stroke = StrokeRight, Color = White, TextWrap = TextWrap.NoWrap, Children = { process.MainWindowTitle } }, new Cell { Stroke = LineThickness.None, Align = Align.Right, Children = { process.PrivateMemorySize64.ToString("n0") } }, }) } } } };
private static Element BuildFileTable(Torrent torrent) { if (torrent.Files != null) { return(new Stack( $"Directory: {torrent.Files?.DirectoryName}", new Grid { Stroke = new LineThickness(LineWidth.None, LineWidth.None), Columns = { new Column { Width = GridLength.Star(1) }, new Column { Width = GridLength.Auto } }, Children = { UIHelper.Header("Path"), UIHelper.Header("Size", TextAlign.Center), torrent.Files.Select(f => new[] { new Cell(f.FullPath), new Cell(f.FileSize.ToString("N0")) { TextAlign = TextAlign.Right }, }) } })); } if (torrent.File != null) { return(new Grid { Stroke = new LineThickness(LineWidth.None, LineWidth.None), Columns = { new Column { Width = GridLength.Star(1) }, new Column { Width = GridLength.Auto } }, Children = { UIHelper.Header("Name"), UIHelper.Header("Size", TextAlign.Center), new Cell(torrent.File.FileName), new Cell(torrent.File.FileSize.ToString("N0")) { TextAlign = TextAlign.Right }, } }); } return(null); }
protected override async Task <int> OnExecuteTorrentSpecificAsync(QBittorrentClient client, CommandLineApplication app, IConsole console) { var response = await client.GetPeerPartialDataAsync(Hash); if (response == null) { return(ExitCodes.Failure); } var peers = response.PeersChanged?.Values ?? Enumerable.Empty <PeerPartialInfo>(); var doc = new Document( new Grid { Columns = { new Column { Width = GridLength.Auto }, new Column { Width = GridLength.Auto }, new Column { Width = GridLength.Star(1) }, new Column { Width = GridLength.Auto }, new Column { Width = GridLength.Auto }, new Column { Width = GridLength.Auto }, new Column { Width = GridLength.Auto }, new Column { Width = GridLength.Auto }, }, Children = { UIHelper.Header("CC"), UIHelper.Header("Endpoint"), UIHelper.Header("Сlient"), UIHelper.Header("Progress"), UIHelper.Header("DL Speed", TextAlign.Center), UIHelper.Header("UL Speed", TextAlign.Center), UIHelper.Header("DL", TextAlign.Center, 8), UIHelper.Header("UL", TextAlign.Center, 8), peers.Select(p => new[] { new Cell(p.CountryCode), new Cell(FormatEndpoint(p.Address, p.Port)), new Cell(p.Client), new Cell($"{p.Progress:P0}"), new Cell(FormatSpeed(p.DownloadSpeed).PadLeft(10)), new Cell(FormatSpeed(p.UploadSpeed).PadLeft(10)), new Cell(FormatData(p.Downloaded).PadLeft(8)), new Cell(FormatData(p.Uploaded).PadLeft(8)), }) }, Stroke = LineThickness.Single } ).SetColors(ColorScheme.Current.Normal); ConsoleRenderer.RenderDocument(doc); return(ExitCodes.Success); string FormatEndpoint(IPAddress address, int?port) { if (address == null || port == null) { return(null); } return(new IPEndPoint(address, port.Value).ToString()); } string FormatSpeed(int?speed) { if (speed == null) { return(string.Empty); } if (speed < 1024) { return($"{speed} B/s"); } if (speed < 1024 * 1024) { return($"{speed / 1024} kB/s"); } if (speed < 1024 * 1024 * 1024) { return($"{speed / (1024 * 1024)} MB/s"); } return($"{speed / (1024 * 1024 * 1024)} GB/s"); } string FormatData(long?amount) { if (amount == null) { return(string.Empty); } if (amount < 1024) { return($"{amount} B"); } if (amount < 1024 * 1024) { return($"{amount / 1024} kB"); } if (amount < 1024 * 1024 * 1024) { return($"{amount / (1024 * 1024)} MB"); } return($"{amount / (1024 * 1024 * 1024)} GB"); } }
public static Document ToDocument <T>(T obj, IReadOnlyDictionary <string, Func <object, object> > customFormatters = null) { const string defaultFormat = "{0}"; var properties = ( from prop in typeof(T).GetRuntimeProperties() let attr = prop.GetCustomAttribute <DisplayAttribute>() let name = attr?.Name ?? prop.Name let formatAttr = prop.GetCustomAttribute <DisplayFormatAttribute>() orderby attr?.GetOrder() ?? 0 select(name, value: prop.GetValue(obj), format: formatAttr?.DataFormatString ?? defaultFormat, nullString: formatAttr?.NullDisplayText, propName: prop.Name) ).ToList(); var document = new Document { Background = ColorScheme.Current.Normal.GetEffectiveBackground(), Color = ColorScheme.Current.Normal.GetEffectiveForeground(), Children = { new Grid { Stroke = NoneStroke, Columns = { new Column { Width = GridLength.Auto }, new Column { Width = GridLength.Star(1) } }, Children = { GetPairs().Select(p => Row(p.label, p.value)) } } } }; return(document); IEnumerable <(string label, object value)> GetPairs() { foreach (var property in properties) { var label =; if (customFormatters != null && customFormatters.TryGetValue(property.propName, out var formatter)) { var customValue = formatter(property.value); if (customValue != null) { yield return(label, customValue); continue; } } var value = (property.value == null && property.nullString != null) ? property.nullString : string.Format(property.format, property.value); yield return(label, value); } } }
public static Document ProcessList(IEnumerable <Process> processes) => new Document { Background = Black, Color = Gray } .AddChildren( new Grid { Stroke = StrokeHeader, StrokeColor = DarkGray } .AddColumns( new Column { Width = GridLength.Auto }, new Column { Width = GridLength.Auto, MaxWidth = 20 }, new Column { Width = GridLength.Star(1) }, new Column { Width = GridLength.Auto } ) .AddChildren( new Cell { Stroke = StrokeHeader, Color = White } .AddChildren("Id"), new Cell { Stroke = StrokeHeader, Color = White } .AddChildren("Name"), new Cell { Stroke = StrokeHeader, Color = White } .AddChildren("Main Window Title"), new Cell { Stroke = StrokeHeader, Color = White } .AddChildren("Private Memory"), processes.Select(process => new[] { new Cell { Stroke = StrokeRight } .AddChildren(process.Id), new Cell { Stroke = StrokeRight, Color = Yellow, TextWrap = TextWrapping.NoWrap } .AddChildren(process.ProcessName), new Cell { Stroke = StrokeRight, Color = White, TextWrap = TextWrapping.NoWrap } .AddChildren(process.MainWindowTitle), new Cell { Stroke = LineThickness.None, Align = HorizontalAlignment.Right } .AddChildren(process.PrivateMemorySize64.ToString("n0")), }) ) );
public Column() { Width = GridLength.Star(1); MinWidth = 0; MaxWidth = Size.Infinity; }