예제 #1
        private void CreateGridCellMatrix()
            //Get the current extent since we use that to gerenate the grid.  Of course this is just for
            //the demo and in the real world you can use any extent you like
            RectangleShape currentDrawingExtent = ExtentHelper.GetDrawingExtent(Map1.CurrentExtent, (float)Map1.ActualWidth, (float)Map1.ActualHeight);

            //Calculate the cell size based on how many rows and columns you specified
            double cellSize = Math.Min(currentDrawingExtent.Width / double.Parse(txtGridIsoLineCellColumnCount.Text), currentDrawingExtent.Height / Int32.Parse(txtGridIsoLineCellRowCount.Text));

            //Greate the grid definition based on the extent, cell size etc.
            GridDefinition gridDefinition = new GridDefinition(currentDrawingExtent, cellSize, -9999, wellDepthPointData);

            //Generate the grid based on Inverse Distance Weighted interpolation model.  You can define your own model if needed.
            gridCellMatrix = GridFeatureSource.GenerateGridMatrix(gridDefinition, new InverseDistanceWeightedGridInterpolationModel(2, double.MaxValue));
        protected override void DrawCore(GeoCanvas canvas, Collection <SimpleCandidate> labelsInAllLayers)
            double resolution = GetResolutionFromScale(canvas.CurrentScale, canvas.MapUnit);

            double         cellSize       = Math.Min(cellHeightInPixel * resolution, cellWidthInPixel * resolution);
            GridDefinition gridDefinition = new GridDefinition(canvas.CurrentWorldExtent, cellSize, NoDataValue, wellDepthPoints);

            GridCell[,] gridMatrix = GridFeatureSource.GenerateGridMatrix(gridDefinition, InterpolationModel);

            this.GridMatrix = gridMatrix;


            base.DrawCore(canvas, labelsInAllLayers);
        private void mapView_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            //Load the well depth points and depth data from a text file into the dictionary
            //We cache this at the class level to prevent form loading it multiple times
            string wellDepthPointDataFilePath = SampleHelper.Get("GrayCountyIrrigationWellDepths.csv");
            Dictionary <PointShape, double> wellDepthPointData = GetWellDepthPointDataFromCSV(wellDepthPointDataFilePath);

            //Get the current extent since we use that to gerenate the grid.  Of course this is just for
            //the demo and in the real world you can use any extent you like
            RectangleShape currentDrawingExtent = MapUtil.GetDrawingExtent(mapView.CurrentExtent, (float)mapView.ActualWidth, (float)mapView.ActualHeight);

            //Calculate the cell size based on how many rows and columns you specified
            double cellSize = Math.Min(currentDrawingExtent.Width / 4, currentDrawingExtent.Height / 4);

            //Greate the grid definition based on the extent, cell size etc.
            GridDefinition gridDefinition = new GridDefinition(currentDrawingExtent, cellSize, -9999, wellDepthPointData);

            //Generate the grid based on Inverse Distance Weighted interpolation model.  You can define your own model if needed.
            GridCell[,] gridCellMatrix = GridFeatureSource.GenerateGridMatrix(gridDefinition, new InverseDistanceWeightedGridInterpolationModel(2, double.MaxValue));

            //Load a new GridFeatureLayer based on the current grid file
            InMemoryGridFeatureLayer gridFeatureLayer = new InMemoryGridFeatureLayer(gridCellMatrix);

            var currentExtent = gridFeatureLayer.GetBoundingBox();


            gridFeatureLayer.ZoomLevelSet.ZoomLevel01.DefaultAreaStyle    = AreaStyle.CreateSimpleAreaStyle(GeoColors.Transparent, GeoColors.Black);
            gridFeatureLayer.ZoomLevelSet.ZoomLevel01.ApplyUntilZoomLevel = ApplyUntilZoomLevel.Level20;

            //Add the grid layer, the grid cells, and the well points to the map
            LayerOverlay layerOverlay = new LayerOverlay();


            mapView.ZoomLevelSet  = new ThinkGeoCloudMapsZoomLevelSet();
            mapView.CurrentExtent = currentExtent;
            mapView.MapUnit       = GeographyUnit.Meter;
예제 #4
        private void GenerateGrid(string filename)
            //Point based shapefile used to create the GRID (sample points of pH level of a field)
            ShapeFileFeatureLayer pointLayer = new ShapeFileFeatureLayer(@"..\..\data\sample_ph_2.shp");

            //Sets the extent of the grid based on the extent of the sample points shapefile and slightly larger.
            RectangleShape gridExtent = pointLayer.GetBoundingBox();


            //Gets the data (points with their pH value) to build the GRID.
            Collection <Feature>            features   = pointLayer.FeatureSource.GetAllFeatures(new string[] { "PH" });
            Dictionary <PointShape, double> dataPoints = new Dictionary <PointShape, double>();


            foreach (Feature feature in features)
                PointShape pointShape = (PointShape)feature.GetShape();
                double     value      = double.Parse(feature.ColumnValues["PH"]);
                dataPoints.Add(pointShape, value);

            //Cell size based on the width of the extent divided by 100.
            double cellSize = gridExtent.Width / 100;
            //Sets the definition of the GRID with its extent, the cell size, the non value, and the data (point locations with their value)
            //For more information on GRID definition see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ASCII_GRID
            GridDefinition definition = new GridDefinition(gridExtent, cellSize, -9999, dataPoints);

            //Inverse Distance Weighted (IDW) is the interpolation model used for the GRID for assigning values to unknown points
            //based on known neighbor points.
            GridInterpolationModel interpolationModel = new InverseDistanceWeightedGridInterpolationModel();

            FileStream outputStream = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Create);

            GridFeatureSource.GenerateGrid(definition, interpolationModel, outputStream);