예제 #1
        void SetEndingCell(GridDungeonModel model, Cell cell)
            var roomCenter = MathUtils.GridToWorld(model.Config.GridCellSize, cell.CenterF);

            // Destroy all old level goal objects
            var oldGoals = GameObject.FindObjectsOfType <LevelEndGoal2D>();

            foreach (var oldGoal in oldGoals)
                var oldGoalObj = oldGoal.gameObject;
                if (oldGoalObj != null)
                    if (Application.isPlaying)

            var goal = Instantiate(levelEndGoalTemplate) as GameObject;

            goal.transform.position = FlipYZ(roomCenter);

            if (goal.GetComponent <LevelEndGoal2D>() == null)
                Debug.LogWarning("No LevelGoal component attached to the Level goal prefab.  cleanup will not be proper");
		void SetEndingCell(GridDungeonModel model, Cell cell) {
			var roomCenter = MathUtils.GridToWorld(model.Config.GridCellSize, cell.CenterF);

            // Destroy all old level goal objects
            var oldGoals = GameObject.FindObjectsOfType<DAShooter.LevelGoal>();
            foreach (var oldGoal in oldGoals)
                var oldGoalObj = oldGoal.gameObject;
                if (oldGoalObj != null)
                    if (Application.isPlaying)

			var goal = Instantiate(levelEndGoalTemplate) as GameObject;
            goal.transform.position = roomCenter;

            if (goal.GetComponent<DAShooter.LevelGoal>() == null)
                Debug.LogWarning("No LevelGoal component attached to the Level goal prefab.  cleanup will not be proper");
예제 #3
    void DecorateRoom(Dungeon dungeon, GridDungeonModel gridModel, Cell cell, Graph theme)
        if (theme == null || cell == null)

        // Grid size used to convert logical grid coords to world coords
        var gridSize = gridModel.Config.GridCellSize;

        Vector3 position = cell.Bounds.Location * gridSize;
        Vector3 size     = cell.Bounds.Size * gridSize;
        var     center   = position + size / 2.0f;
        var     scale    = size;

        scale.y = 5;    // Fixed height of the volume.  Optionally make this customizable

        var volumeObject = Instantiate(themeVolumeTemplate.gameObject) as GameObject;

        volumeObject.transform.position   = center;
        volumeObject.transform.localScale = scale;
        var volume = volumeObject.GetComponent <ThemeOverrideVolume>();

        volume.dungeon       = dungeon; // Let the volume know that it belongs to this dungeon
        volume.overrideTheme = theme;   // Assign the theme we'd like this volume to override

        // Save a reference to the volume so we can destroy it when it is rebuilt the next time (or we will end up with duplicate volumes on rebuilds)
예제 #4
    bool ConfigMatches(GridDungeonModel Model, IntVector Point, CellSpatialConfig3D Config)
        var centerCellInfo = Model.GetGridCellLookup(Point.x, Point.z);
        var neighbors      = Config.NeighborConfig;

        for (int i = 0; i < neighbors.Length; i++)
            int code = neighbors[i];
            if (code == 0)
                // Don't care about this cell
            int dx = i % 3;
            int dz = i / 3;
            dx--; dz--;    // bring to -1..1 range (from previous 0..2)
            //dy *= -1;
            int x = Point.x + dx;
            int z = Point.z + dz;

            var  cellInfo = Model.GetGridCellLookup(x, z);
            bool empty    = cellInfo.CellType == CellType.Unknown;
            if (!centerCellInfo.ContainsDoor)
                empty |= IsRoomCorridor(centerCellInfo.CellType, cellInfo.CellType);
            if (!empty && centerCellInfo.CellType == CellType.Room && cellInfo.CellType == CellType.Room && centerCellInfo.CellId != cellInfo.CellId)
                if (!mergeRoomCorridor)
                    empty = true;
            if (!empty)
                var cell0 = Model.GetCell(cellInfo.CellId);
                var cell1 = Model.GetCell(centerCellInfo.CellId);
                if (cell0.Bounds.Location.y != cell1.Bounds.Location.y)
                    empty = true;

            if (code == 1 && empty)
                // We were expecting a non-empty space here, but it is empty
            else if (code == 2 && !empty)
                // We were expecting a empty space here, but it is not empty

        // Matches, all tests have passed
		void SetStartingCell(GridDungeonModel model, Cell cell) {
			var roomCenter = MathUtils.GridToWorld(model.Config.GridCellSize, cell.CenterF);

			// Teleport the player here
			var player = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag(GameTags.Player);
			if (player != null) {
				player.transform.position = roomCenter;
예제 #6
    void EmitCornerMarker(DungeonBuilder builder, GridDungeonModel model, IntVector point, float angleY, string markerName)
        var gridSize = model.Config.GridCellSize;
        var position = point * gridSize;

        position += Vector3.Scale(new Vector3(0.5f, 0, 0.5f), gridSize);
        var rotation  = Quaternion.Euler(0, angleY, 0);
        var transform = Matrix4x4.TRS(position, rotation, Vector3.one);

        builder.EmitMarker(markerName, transform, point, -1);
예제 #7
        void SetStartingCell(GridDungeonModel model, Cell cell)
            var roomCenter = MathUtils.GridToWorld(model.Config.GridCellSize, cell.CenterF);

            // Teleport the player here
            var player = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag(DAShooter.GameTags.Player);

            if (player != null)
                player.transform.position = FlipYZ(roomCenter);
예제 #8
    void UpdateTerrainTextures(GridDungeonModel model)
        if (terrain == null || terrain.terrainData == null)

        var data = terrain.terrainData;
        var map  = data.GetAlphamaps(0, 0, data.alphamapWidth, data.alphamapHeight);

        UpdateBaseTexture(model, map);
        data.SetAlphamaps(0, 0, map);
예제 #9
 void EmitForPoint(DungeonBuilder builder, GridDungeonModel model, IntVector point)
     foreach (var config in CornerConfigs)
         if (ConfigMatches(model, point, config))
             EmitCornerMarker(builder, model, point, config.RotationOffsetZ, config.MarkerName);
             if (config.StopOnFound)
예제 #10
    void Start()
        if (dungeon != null)
            // Requires a rebuild for now as the state is not fully saved (data in hash sets is not serialized properly)
            gridModel = dungeon.GetComponent <GridDungeonModel>();

        // Setup materials
        materialCursor    = CreateMaterial(Color.white);
        materialCorridors = CreateMaterial(Color.yellow);
        materialRooms     = CreateMaterial(Color.red);
	    bool HasDirectPath(GridDungeonModel gridModel, Cell cellA, Cell cellB)
			bool directPath = true;
			if (cellA.CellType == CellType.Room || cellB.CellType == CellType.Room) {
	            directPath = gridModel.DoorManager.ContainsDoorBetweenCells(cellA.Id, cellB.Id);
			else {
				// Check if we have a fence separating them if they have different heights
				if (cellA.Bounds.Location.y != cellB.Bounds.Location.y) {
	                directPath = gridModel.ContainsStair(cellA.Id, cellB.Id);
			return directPath;
예제 #12
    void FindStartEndRooms(GridDungeonModel gridModel, out Cell spawnCell, out Cell finalBossCell)
        var furthestCells = GridDungeonModelUtils.FindFurthestRooms(gridModel);

        if (furthestCells.Length == 2 && furthestCells[0] != null && furthestCells[1] != null)
            spawnCell     = furthestCells[0];
            finalBossCell = furthestCells[1];
            spawnCell     = null;
            finalBossCell = null;
예제 #13
    void UpdateTerrainDetails(GridDungeonModel model)
        if (terrain == null || terrain.terrainData == null)

        var data = terrain.terrainData;

        for (int layer = 0; layer < data.alphamapLayers; layer++)
            var map = data.GetDetailLayer(0, 0, data.detailWidth, data.detailHeight, layer);
            UpdateDetailTexture(model, map);
            data.SetDetailLayer(0, 0, layer, map);
        void DrawOverlayData(GridDungeonConfig config, GridDungeonModel model, bool mode2D)
            var mode                 = target as DungeonPaintModeGrid;
            var opacity              = mode.overlayOpacity;
            var gridSize             = config.GridCellSize;
            var cellColorProcedural  = Color.blue;
            var cellColorUserDefined = Color.cyan;

            // Visualize the user defined cells defined by the paint tool
            foreach (var cell in model.Cells)
                var size     = Vector3.Scale(DMathUtils.ToVector3(cell.Bounds.Size), gridSize);
                var location = Vector3.Scale(DMathUtils.ToVector3(cell.Bounds.Location), gridSize);
                var color    = cell.UserDefined ? cellColorUserDefined : cellColorProcedural;
                DrawRect(location, size, color, opacity, 0.3f, mode2D);
		void SetEndingCell(GridDungeonModel model, Cell cell) {
			var roomCenter = MathUtils.GridToWorld(model.Config.GridCellSize, cell.CenterF);

			// Destroy old level end goal
			var oldGoal = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag(GameTags.LevelGoal);
			if (oldGoal != null) {
				if (Application.isPlaying) {
					Destroy (oldGoal);
				} else {

			var goal = Instantiate(levelEndGoalTemplate) as GameObject;
			goal.tag = GameTags.LevelGoal;
			goal.transform.position = roomCenter;
예제 #16
    void UpdateBaseTexture(GridDungeonModel model, float[, ,] map)
        var gridSize  = model.Config.GridCellSize;
        var layoutMap = new float[map.GetLength(0), map.GetLength(1)];

        foreach (var cell in model.Cells)
            var bounds = cell.Bounds;
            var locationGrid = bounds.Location;
            var location = locationGrid * gridSize;
            var size = bounds.Size * gridSize;
            int gx1, gy1, gx2, gy2;
            LandscapeDataRasterizer.WorldToTerrainTextureCoord(terrain, location.x, location.z, out gx1, out gy1);
            LandscapeDataRasterizer.WorldToTerrainTextureCoord(terrain, location.x + size.x, location.z + size.z, out gx2, out gy2);
            for (var gx = gx1; gx <= gx2; gx++)
                for (var gy = gy1; gy <= gy2; gy++)
                    layoutMap[gy, gx] = 1;

        // Blur the layout data
        var filter = new BlurFilter(roadBlurDistance);

        layoutMap = filter.ApplyFilter(layoutMap);
        var data = terrain.terrainData;

        // Fill up the inner region with corridor index
        for (var y = 0; y < data.alphamapHeight; y++)
            for (var x = 0; x < data.alphamapWidth; x++)
                bool corridor = (layoutMap[y, x] > corridorBlurThreshold);
                if (corridor)
                    for (int layer = 0; layer < data.alphamapLayers; layer++)
                        var weight = (layer == corridorTextureIndex) ? 1 : 0;
                        map[y, x, layer] = weight;
예제 #17
        bool HasDirectPath(GridDungeonModel gridModel, Cell cellA, Cell cellB)
            bool directPath = true;

            if (cellA.CellType == CellType.Room || cellB.CellType == CellType.Room)
                directPath = gridModel.DoorManager.ContainsDoorBetweenCells(cellA.Id, cellB.Id);
                // Check if we have a fence separating them if they have different heights
                if (cellA.Bounds.Location.y != cellB.Bounds.Location.y)
                    directPath = gridModel.ContainsStair(cellA.Id, cellB.Id);
예제 #18
    void UpdateDetailTexture(GridDungeonModel model, int[,] map)
        var gridSize = model.Config.GridCellSize;

        foreach (var cell in model.Cells)
            var bounds = cell.Bounds;
            var locationGrid = bounds.Location;
            var location = locationGrid * gridSize;
            var size = bounds.Size * gridSize;
            int gx1, gy1, gx2, gy2;
            LandscapeDataRasterizer.WorldToTerrainDetailCoord(terrain, location.x, location.z, out gx1, out gy1);
            LandscapeDataRasterizer.WorldToTerrainDetailCoord(terrain, location.x + size.x, location.z + size.z, out gx2, out gy2);
            for (var gx = gx1; gx <= gx2; gx++)
                for (var gy = gy1; gy <= gy2; gy++)
                    map[gy, gx] = 0;
예제 #19
        void SetEndingCell(GridDungeonModel model, Cell cell)
            var roomCenter = MathUtils.GridToWorld(model.Config.GridCellSize, cell.CenterF);

            // Destroy old level end goal
            var oldGoal = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag(GameTags.LevelGoal);

            if (oldGoal != null)
                if (Application.isPlaying)

            var goal = Instantiate(levelEndGoalTemplate) as GameObject;

            goal.tag = GameTags.LevelGoal;
            goal.transform.position = roomCenter;
예제 #20
    void PostInitializeForGridBuilder(Dungeon dungeon, GridDungeonModel gridModel)
        var _groupInfoArray = GameObject.FindObjectsOfType <DungeonItemGroupInfo>();

        Dictionary <int, DungeonItemGroupInfo> groupObjectByCellId = new Dictionary <int, DungeonItemGroupInfo>();

        foreach (var groupInfo in _groupInfoArray)
            if (groupInfo.dungeon == dungeon)
                var cellId = groupInfo.groupId;
                var cell   = gridModel.GetCell(cellId);
                if (cell == null || cell.CellType == CellType.Unknown)

                string objectNamePrefix = "";
                if (cell.CellType == CellType.Room)
                    objectNamePrefix = "Room_";
                    groupObjectByCellId[cell.Id] = groupInfo;

                    objectNamePrefix = (cell.CellType == CellType.Corridor) ? "CorridorBlock_" : "CorridorPad_";

                if (objectNamePrefix.Length == 0)
                    objectNamePrefix = "Cell_";

                string groupName = objectNamePrefix + cell.Id;
                groupInfo.gameObject.name = groupName;

        var visited           = new HashSet <int>();
        int clusterCounter    = 1;
        var oldGroupsToDelete = new List <GameObject>();

        foreach (var groupInfo in groupObjectByCellId.Values)
            var cellId = groupInfo.groupId;
            if (visited.Contains(cellId))

            var clusters     = GridBuilderUtils.GetCellCluster(gridModel, cellId);
            var itemsToGroup = new List <GameObject>();

            // Mark all cluster cells as visited
            foreach (var clusterItemId in clusters)
                if (groupObjectByCellId.ContainsKey(clusterItemId))
                    var clusterItemGroupInfo = groupObjectByCellId[clusterItemId];
                    for (int i = 0; i < clusterItemGroupInfo.transform.childCount; i++)
                        var childObject = clusterItemGroupInfo.transform.GetChild(i);

            int clusterId = clusterCounter++;
            GroupItems(itemsToGroup.ToArray(), "Corridor_" + clusterId, dungeon, clusterId);


        // Destroy the inner group info objects
        foreach (var itemToDestory in oldGroupsToDelete)
예제 #21
        void SetEndingCell(GridDungeonModel model, Cell cell)
            var roomCenter = MathUtils.GridToWorld(model.Config.GridCellSize, cell.CenterF);

예제 #22
        void SetStartingCell(GridDungeonModel model, Cell cell)
            var roomCenter = MathUtils.GridToWorld(model.Config.GridCellSize, cell.CenterF);

예제 #23
        void BuildGridWaypoints(GridDungeonModel gridModel, LevelMarkerList markers)
            mode2D = gridModel.Config.Mode2D;

            // Destroy all existing waypoints

            var cellToWaypoint = new Dictionary <int, Waypoint>();

            int idCounter = 1;

            var wall2DPositions = new HashSet <IntVector>();

            if (mode2D)
                foreach (var marker in markers)
                    if (marker.SocketType == DungeonConstants.ST_WALL2D)

            // Create a waypoint on each cell
            foreach (var cell in gridModel.Cells)
                if (mode2D)
                    if (wall2DPositions.Contains(cell.Bounds.Location))
                        // Don't want to create a waypoint on a wall tile
                var worldPos = MathUtils.GridToWorld(gridModel.Config.GridCellSize, cell.CenterF);
                worldPos += waypointOffset;
                if (mode2D)
                    worldPos = FlipYZ(worldPos);
                var waypointObject = Instantiate(waypointTemplate, worldPos, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;
                waypointObject.transform.parent = waypointParent.transform;

                var waypoint = waypointObject.GetComponent <Waypoint>();
                waypoint.id = idCounter++;
                cellToWaypoint.Add(cell.Id, waypoint);

            // Connect adjacent waypoints
            foreach (var cellId in cellToWaypoint.Keys)
                var waypoint          = cellToWaypoint[cellId];
                var cell              = gridModel.GetCell(cellId);
                var adjacentWaypoints = new List <Waypoint>();
                var visited           = new HashSet <int>();
                foreach (var adjacentCellId in cell.AdjacentCells)
                    if (visited.Contains(GetHash(cellId, adjacentCellId)))

                    var adjacentCell = gridModel.GetCell(adjacentCellId);
                    // add only if there is a direct path to it (through a door or stair or open space)
                    bool directPath = HasDirectPath(gridModel, cell, adjacentCell);
                    if (directPath)
                        if (cellToWaypoint.ContainsKey(adjacentCellId))
                            var adjacentWaypoint = cellToWaypoint[adjacentCellId];
                            visited.Add(GetHash(cellId, adjacentCellId));
                            visited.Add(GetHash(adjacentCellId, cellId));
                waypoint.AdjacentWaypoints = adjacentWaypoints.ToArray();