public override void GiveGift(Mobile mob) { Container stocking = null; if (Utility.RandomBool()) { stocking = new GreenStocking(); } else { stocking = new RedStocking(); } stocking.DropItem(new SnowPile()); stocking.DropItem(new HolidayCard(mob.Name)); stocking.DropItem(new GingerbreadCookie(true)); stocking.DropItem(new GingerbreadCookie(true)); stocking.DropItem(new RecipeScroll(93)); stocking.DropItem(new RedCandyCane(0x2BDD)); stocking.DropItem(new RedCandyCane(0x2BDE)); stocking.DropItem(new GreenCandyCane(0x2BDF)); stocking.DropItem(new GreenCandyCane(0x2BE0)); stocking.DropItem(new GingerbreadHouseDeed()); switch (GiveGift(mob, stocking)) { case GiftResult.Backpack: mob.SendMessage(String.Format("Happy Holidays from the entire {0} Staff Team. We have placed a stocking for you in your backpack.", Core.Config.ServerName)); break; case GiftResult.BankBox: mob.SendMessage(String.Format("Happy Holidays from the entire {0} Staff Team. We have placed a stocking for you in your bank box.", Core.Config.ServerName)); break; } }
public override void GiveGift(Mobile mob) { RedStocking bag = new RedStocking(); bag.DropItem(new HolidayTreeDeed()); bag.DropItem(new GingerBreadCookie()); bag.DropItem(new CandyCane()); bag.DropItem(new HearthOfHomeFireDeed()); bag.DropItem(new HolidayGarland2010()); bag.DropItem(new HolidayGarland2010()); bag.DropItem(new BlueSnowflake()); bag.DropItem(new WhiteSnowflake()); RudolphStatue deer = new RudolphStatue(); deer.Name = "Rudolph the Riendeer raised by " + mob.Name; bag.DropItem(deer); SantasReindeer2 deer2 = new SantasReindeer2(); deer2.Name = "A Reindeer raised by " + mob.Name; bag.DropItem(deer2); /* * int random = Utility.Random( 100 ); * * if ( random < 30 ) * bag.DropItem( new ShazzyToken() ); * else * bag.DropItem( new HeritageToken() ); */ switch (GiveGift(mob, bag)) { case GiftResult.Backpack: mob.SendMessage(0x482, "Happy Holidays! A Red Holiday Stocking has been placed in your backpack."); break; case GiftResult.BankBox: mob.SendMessage(0x482, "Happy Holidays! A Red Holiday Stocking has been placed in your bank box."); break; } GreenStocking bag2 = new GreenStocking(); bag2.DropItem(new GingerBreadCookie()); bag2.DropItem(new CandyCane()); bag2.DropItem(new WreathDeed()); bag2.DropItem(new SantasSleighDeed()); bag2.DropItem(new HolidayGarland2010()); bag2.DropItem(new HolidayGarland2010()); RedPoinsettia sman = new RedPoinsettia(); sman.Name = "A Red Poinsettia grown by " + mob.Name; bag2.DropItem(sman); WhitePoinsettia white = new WhitePoinsettia(); white.Name = "A White Poinsettia grown by " + mob.Name; bag2.DropItem(white); //int random = Utility.Random( 100 ); /* * if ( random < 30 ) * bag2.DropItem( new HeritageToken() ); * else * bag2.DropItem( new ShazzyToken() ); * */ switch (GiveGift(mob, bag2)) { case GiftResult.Backpack: mob.SendMessage(0x482, "Happy Holidays from Shazzy's Shard! A Green Holiday Stocking has been placed in your backpack."); break; case GiftResult.BankBox: mob.SendMessage(0x482, "Happy Holidays from Shazzy's Shard! A Green Holiday Stocking has been placed in your bank box."); break; } }