private bool FnKeyHandler(Key key) { if (!model.IsJobRunning) { int id = int.Parse(key.ToString().Substring(1)); var macro = AppConfig.Settings.Macros.FirstOrDefault(o => o.Id == id); if (macro != null && MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Run {0} macro?", macro.Name), "Run macro", MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Question) == MessageBoxResult.Yes) { model.ExecuteCommand(macro.Code); return(true); } } return(false); }
public bool Init() { bool?res = null; probing.Message = String.Empty; Grbl.Poller.SetState(0); // Disable status polling during probing // Clear error status if set if (Grbl.GrblError != 0) { new Thread(() => { res = WaitFor.AckResponse <string>( cancellationToken, null, a => Grbl.OnResponseReceived += a, a => Grbl.OnResponseReceived -= a, 1000, () => Grbl.ExecuteCommand("")); }).Start(); while (res == null) { EventUtils.DoEvents(); } res = null; } // Get a status report in order to establish current machine position new Thread(() => { res = WaitFor.SingleEvent <string>( cancellationToken, null, a => Grbl.OnResponseReceived += a, a => Grbl.OnResponseReceived -= a, 1000, () =>; }).Start(); while (res == null) { EventUtils.DoEvents(); } Grbl.Poller.SetState(AppConfig.Settings.Base.PollInterval); if (Grbl.GrblState.State == GrblStates.Alarm) { probing.Message = GrblAlarms.GetMessage(Grbl.GrblState.Substate.ToString()); res = false; } if (res == true && Grbl.Signals.Value.HasFlag(Signals.ProbeDisconnected)) { probing.Message = "Probing failed, probe is not connected"; res = false; } if (res == true && Grbl.Signals.Value.HasFlag(Signals.Probe)) { probing.Message = "Probing failed, probe signal is asserted"; res = false; } if (res == true && !(Grbl.GrblState.State == GrblStates.Idle || Grbl.GrblState.State == GrblStates.Tool)) { probing.Message = "Probing failed, Grbl is not in idle or tool changing state"; res = false; } if (res == true && !Grbl.IsMachinePositionKnown) { probing.Message = "Probing failed, could not establish current machine position"; res = false; } _program.Clear(); if (res != true) // Reenable status polling if init fails { Grbl.Poller.SetState(AppConfig.Settings.Base.PollInterval); } return(res == true); }
public bool Init(bool check_probe = true) { bool?res = null; IsCancelled = false; probing.Message = string.Empty; Grbl.Poller.SetState(0); // Disable status polling during initialization // Clear error status if set if (Grbl.GrblError != 0) { new Thread(() => { res = WaitFor.AckResponse <string>( cancellationToken, null, a => Grbl.OnResponseReceived += a, a => Grbl.OnResponseReceived -= a, 1000, () => Grbl.ExecuteCommand("")); }).Start(); while (res == null) { EventUtils.DoEvents(); } res = null; } // Get a status report in order to establish current machine position new Thread(() => { res = WaitFor.SingleEvent <string>( cancellationToken, null, a => Grbl.OnResponseReceived += a, a => Grbl.OnResponseReceived -= a, AppConfig.Settings.Base.PollInterval * 5, () => ? GrblConstants.CMD_STATUS_REPORT_ALL : GrblLegacy.ConvertRTCommand(GrblConstants.CMD_STATUS_REPORT))); }).Start(); while (res == null) { EventUtils.DoEvents(); } Grbl.Poller.SetState(AppConfig.Settings.Base.PollInterval); if (Grbl.GrblState.State == GrblStates.Alarm) { probing.Message = GrblAlarms.GetMessage(Grbl.GrblState.Substate.ToString()); res = false; } if (res == true && check_probe) { res = IsProbeReady(false); } if (res == true && !(Grbl.GrblState.State == GrblStates.Idle || Grbl.GrblState.State == GrblStates.Tool)) { probing.Message = LibStrings.FindResource("FailedNotIdle"); res = false; } if (res == true && !Grbl.IsMachinePositionKnown) { probing.Message = LibStrings.FindResource("FailedNoPos"); res = false; } probing.StartPosition.Set(probing.Grbl.MachinePosition); hasPause = probeOnCycleStart = false; _program.Clear(); return(res == true); }
private void JogCommand(string cmd) { GrblViewModel model = DataContext as GrblViewModel; if (cmd == "stop") { cmd = ((char)GrblConstants.CMD_JOG_CANCEL).ToString(); } else { var distance = cmd[1] == '-' ? -JogData.Distance : JogData.Distance; if (softLimits) { int axis = GrblInfo.AxisLetterToIndex(cmd[0]); if (jogAxis != -1 && axis != jogAxis) { return; } if (axis != jogAxis) { position = distance + model.MachinePosition.Values[axis]; } else { position += distance; } if (GrblInfo.ForceSetOrigin) { if (!GrblInfo.HomingDirection.HasFlag(GrblInfo.AxisIndexToFlag(axis))) { if (position > 0d) { position = 0d; } else if (position < (-GrblInfo.MaxTravel.Values[axis] + limitSwitchesClearance)) { position = (-GrblInfo.MaxTravel.Values[axis] + limitSwitchesClearance); } } else { if (position < 0d) { position = 0d; } else if (position > (GrblInfo.MaxTravel.Values[axis] - limitSwitchesClearance)) { position = GrblInfo.MaxTravel.Values[axis] - limitSwitchesClearance; } } } else { if (position > -limitSwitchesClearance) { position = -limitSwitchesClearance; } else if (position < -(GrblInfo.MaxTravel.Values[axis] - limitSwitchesClearance)) { position = -(GrblInfo.MaxTravel.Values[axis] - limitSwitchesClearance); } } if (position == 0d) { return; } jogAxis = axis; cmd = string.Format("$J=G53{0}{1}{2}F{3}", mode, cmd.Substring(0, 1), position.ToInvariantString(), Math.Ceiling(JogData.FeedRate).ToInvariantString()); } else { cmd = string.Format("$J=G91{0}{1}{2}F{3}", mode, cmd.Substring(0, 1), distance.ToInvariantString(), Math.Ceiling(JogData.FeedRate).ToInvariantString()); } } model.ExecuteCommand(cmd); }
private bool Home(Key key) { model.ExecuteCommand(GrblConstants.CMD_HOMING); return(true); }
public RestartResult Restart() { Message = model.Message; model.Message = string.Format(LibStrings.FindResource("MsgWaiting"), AppConfig.Settings.Base.PortParams); string response = GrblInfo.Startup(model); if (response.StartsWith("<")) { if (model.GrblState.State != GrblStates.Unknown) { switch (model.GrblState.State) { case GrblStates.Alarm: model.Poller.SetState(AppConfig.Settings.Base.PollInterval); switch (model.GrblState.Substate) { case 1: // Hard limits if (!GrblInfo.IsLoaded) { if (model.LimitTriggered) { MessageBox.Show(string.Format(LibStrings.FindResource("MsgNoCommAlarm"), model.GrblState.Substate.ToString()), "ioSender"); if (AttemptReset()) { model.ExecuteCommand(GrblConstants.CMD_UNLOCK); } else { MessageBox.Show(LibStrings.FindResource("MsgResetFailed"), "ioSender"); return(RestartResult.Close); } } else if (AttemptReset()) { model.ExecuteCommand(GrblConstants.CMD_UNLOCK); } } else { response = string.Empty; } break; case 2: // Soft limits if (!GrblInfo.IsLoaded) { MessageBox.Show(string.Format(LibStrings.FindResource("MsgNoCommAlarm"), model.GrblState.Substate.ToString()), "ioSender"); if (AttemptReset()) { model.ExecuteCommand(GrblConstants.CMD_UNLOCK); } else { MessageBox.Show(LibStrings.FindResource("MsgResetFailed"), "ioSender"); return(RestartResult.Close); } } else { response = string.Empty; } break; case 10: // EStop if (GrblInfo.IsGrblHAL && model.Signals.Value.HasFlag(Signals.EStop)) { MessageBox.Show(LibStrings.FindResource("MsgEStop"), "ioSender", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning); while (!AttemptReset() && model.GrblState.State == GrblStates.Alarm) { if (MessageBox.Show(LibStrings.FindResource("MsgEStopExit"), "ioSender", MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Question) == MessageBoxResult.Yes) { return(RestartResult.Close); } } ; } else { AttemptReset(); } if (!GrblInfo.IsLoaded) { model.ExecuteCommand(GrblConstants.CMD_UNLOCK); } break; case 11: // Homing required if (GrblInfo.IsLoaded) { response = string.Empty; } else { Message = LibStrings.FindResource("MsgHome"); } break; } break; case GrblStates.Tool:; break; case GrblStates.Door: if (!GrblInfo.IsLoaded) { if (MessageBox.Show(LibStrings.FindResource("MsgDoorOpen"), "ioSender", MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Question) != MessageBoxResult.Yes) { return(RestartResult.Close); } else { bool exit = false; do {; bool?res = null; CancellationToken cancellationToken = new CancellationToken(); new Thread(() => { res = WaitFor.SingleEvent <string>( cancellationToken, s => TrapReset(s), a => model.OnGrblReset += a, a => model.OnGrblReset -= a, 200, () =>; }).Start(); while (res == null) { EventUtils.DoEvents(); } if (!(exit = !model.Signals.Value.HasFlag(Signals.SafetyDoor))) { if (MessageBox.Show(LibStrings.FindResource("MsgDoorExit"), "ioSender", MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Question) == MessageBoxResult.Yes) { exit = true; return(RestartResult.Close); } } } while (!exit); } } else { MessageBox.Show(LibStrings.FindResource("MsgDoorPersist"), "ioSender", MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Exclamation); response = string.Empty; } break; case GrblStates.Hold: case GrblStates.Sleep: if (MessageBox.Show(string.Format(LibStrings.FindResource("MsgNoComm"), model.GrblState.State.ToString()), "ioSender", MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Question) != MessageBoxResult.Yes) { return(RestartResult.Close); } else if (!AttemptReset()) { MessageBox.Show(LibStrings.FindResource("MsgResetExit"), "ioSender"); return(RestartResult.Close); } break; case GrblStates.Idle: if (response.Contains("|SD:Pending")) { AttemptReset(); } break; } } } else { MessageBox.Show(response == string.Empty ? "No respone received from controller, exiting." : string.Format("Unexpected response received from controller: \"{0}\", exiting.", response), "ioSender", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Stop); return(RestartResult.Exit); } return(response == string.Empty ? RestartResult.NoResponse : RestartResult.Ok); }
public void Activate(bool activate, ViewType chgMode) { if (activate) { GCodeSender.RewindFile(); GCodeSender.CallHandler(GCode.File.IsLoaded ? StreamingState.Idle : (sdStream ? StreamingState.Start : StreamingState.NoFile), false); sdStream = false; model.ResponseLogFilterOk = AppConfig.Settings.Base.FilterOkResponse; if (initOK != true) { focusedControl = this; var message = model.Message; model.Message = string.Format("Waiting for controller ({0})...", AppConfig.Settings.Base.PortParams); string response = GrblInfo.Startup(model); if (response.StartsWith("<")) { if (model.GrblState.State != GrblStates.Unknown) { switch (model.GrblState.State) { case GrblStates.Alarm: model.Poller.SetState(AppConfig.Settings.Base.PollInterval); switch (model.GrblState.Substate) { case 1: // Hard limits if (!GrblInfo.IsLoaded) { if (model.LimitTriggered) { MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Controller is not able to communicate due to alarm {0}, attempting a soft reset.", model.GrblState.Substate.ToString()), "ioSender"); if (AttemptReset()) { model.ExecuteCommand(GrblConstants.CMD_UNLOCK); } else { MessageBox.Show("Controller soft reset failed, exiting.", "ioSender"); MainWindow.ui.Close(); } } else if (AttemptReset()) { model.ExecuteCommand(GrblConstants.CMD_UNLOCK); } } else { response = string.Empty; } break; case 2: // Soft limits if (!GrblInfo.IsLoaded) { MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Controller is not able to communicate due to alarm {0}, attempting a soft reset.", model.GrblState.Substate.ToString()), "ioSender"); if (AttemptReset()) { model.ExecuteCommand(GrblConstants.CMD_UNLOCK); } else { MessageBox.Show("Controller soft reset failed, exiting.", "ioSender"); MainWindow.ui.Close(); } } else { response = string.Empty; } break; case 10: // EStop if (GrblInfo.IsGrblHAL && model.Signals.Value.HasFlag(Signals.EStop)) { MessageBox.Show("E-Stop active! - clear before continuing.", "ioSender", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning); while (!AttemptReset() && model.GrblState.State == GrblStates.Alarm) { if (MessageBox.Show("E-Stop still active, exit?", "ioSender", MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Question) == MessageBoxResult.Yes) { MainWindow.ui.Close(); } } ; } else { AttemptReset(); } if (!GrblInfo.IsLoaded) { model.ExecuteCommand(GrblConstants.CMD_UNLOCK); } break; case 11: // Homing required if (GrblInfo.IsLoaded) { response = string.Empty; } else { message = "Homing cycle required, <Home> to continue"; } break; } break; case GrblStates.Tool:; break; case GrblStates.Door: if (!GrblInfo.IsLoaded) { if (MessageBox.Show("Door is open, close door and continue?", "ioSender", MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Question) != MessageBoxResult.Yes) { MainWindow.ui.Close(); } else { bool exit = false; do {; bool?res = null; CancellationToken cancellationToken = new CancellationToken(); new Thread(() => { res = WaitFor.SingleEvent <string>( cancellationToken, s => TrapReset(s), a => model.OnGrblReset += a, a => model.OnGrblReset -= a, 200, () =>; }).Start(); while (res == null) { EventUtils.DoEvents(); } if (!(exit = !model.Signals.Value.HasFlag(Signals.SafetyDoor))) { if (MessageBox.Show("Door is still open, exit?", "ioSender", MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Question) == MessageBoxResult.Yes) { exit = true; MainWindow.ui.Close(); } } } while (!exit); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Door state cannot be cleared with <Reset>", "ioSender", MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Exclamation); response = string.Empty; } break; case GrblStates.Hold: case GrblStates.Sleep: if (MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Controller is in {0} state and cannot respond, try a soft reset?", model.GrblState.State.ToString()), "ioSender", MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Question) != MessageBoxResult.Yes) { MainWindow.ui.Close(); } else if (!AttemptReset()) { MessageBox.Show("Controller soft reset failed, exiting.", "ioSender"); MainWindow.ui.Close(); } break; } } } if (response != string.Empty) { InitSystem(); } model.Message = message; } if (initOK == null) { initOK = false; } #if ADD_CAMERA if (MainWindow.UIViewModel.Camera != null) { MainWindow.UIViewModel.Camera.MoveOffset += Camera_MoveOffset; MainWindow.UIViewModel.Camera.Opened += Camera_Opened; } #endif //if (viewer == null) // viewer = new Viewer(); if (GCode.File.IsLoaded) { MainWindow.ui.WindowTitle = ((GrblViewModel)DataContext).FileName; } } else if (ViewType != ViewType.Shutdown) { DRO.IsFocusable = false; #if ADD_CAMERA if (MainWindow.UIViewModel.Camera != null) { MainWindow.UIViewModel.Camera.MoveOffset -= Camera_MoveOffset; } #endif focusedControl = AppConfig.Settings.Base.KeepMdiFocus && Keyboard.FocusedElement is TextBox && (string)(Keyboard.FocusedElement as TextBox).Tag == "MDI" ? Keyboard.FocusedElement : this; } if (GCodeSender.Activate(activate)) { Task.Delay(500).ContinueWith(t => DRO.EnableFocus()); Application.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new System.Action(() => { focusedControl.Focus(); }), DispatcherPriority.Render); } }