예제 #1
    private void AttemptToGrabRail(List <GravityRail.RailInfo> railsInRange)
        // iterate over rails in range and find the one most aligned with
        float   bestDot = 0.0f;
        float   grabDot = maxGrabDot; //(masterComp.steeringCont.IsStunned() || masterComp.warpCont.IsWarping()) ? restrictedGrabDot : maxGrabDot;
        Vector2 forward = masterComp.steeringCont.GetCurrentDirection();

        foreach (GravityRail.RailInfo railInfo in railsInRange)
            float dotVal = Mathf.Abs(Vector2.Dot(forward, railInfo.tangent));
            if (dotVal >= grabDot && dotVal > bestDot)
                // set as current rail if better aligned than current best
                bestDot         = dotVal;
                currentRailInfo = railInfo;

        // if we found a rail to grab
        if (bestDot > 0.0f)

            // keep speed based on how well timed the grab was
            Vector2 direction      = Vector2.Dot(forward, currentRailInfo.tangent) > 0.0f ? currentRailInfo.tangent : -currentRailInfo.tangent;
            long    numerator      = (grabFramesLeft + 1) - (grabFramesLeft == 0 ? 1 : 0);
            float   bonusFromSkill = (0.4f * (1.0f - numerator / ((float)framesToGrab + 1)));
            masterComp.speedCont.SetVelocity(direction * masterComp.speedCont.GetSpeed() * (0.5f + bonusFromSkill));

            // charge up rail jump based on how skilled the rail grab was
            if (canGetGrabBonus)
                canGetGrabBonus = false;
                railJumpPercent = ((currentRailInfo.distance) / maxGrabDist) <= 0.5f ? 1.0f : 0.0f;

            grabFramesLeft = 0;

            // increase max speed and acceleration of the ship
            masterComp.speedCont.maxSpeedAdjustors.SetAdjustor(ATTACHED_ADJUSTER_NAME, ON_RAIL_BONUS_SPEED);
            masterComp.speedCont.accAdjustors.SetAdjustor(ATTACHED_ADJUSTER_NAME, ON_RAIL_BONUS_ACC);

            // remove stun if grabbing while stunned
            // track grab frames left if failed to grab rail
            if (grabFramesLeft == 0)
                grabFramesLeft = framesToGrab;
예제 #2
    public void Detach()
        currentRailInfo = null;
        railJumpPercent = 0.0f;

        // remove on rail movement bonuses
예제 #3
    public List <GravityRail.RailInfo> GetRailInfoWithinDist(Vector2 pos, float dist)
        List <GravityRail.RailInfo> railsInRange = new List <GravityRail.RailInfo>();

        // loop over each rail in the track and test if it is in range
        foreach (GravityRail rail in rails)
            // get info about rail relative to the passed in position and add it if close enough
            GravityRail.RailInfo info = rail.GetRailInfoAtPoint(pos);
            if (info.alongRail && info.distance <= dist)
예제 #4
    private void UpdateRailGrinding(List <GravityRail.RailInfo> railsInRange)
        // test if still in range of the last rail attached to
        GravityRail.RailInfo updatedRailInfo = currentRailInfo.rail.GetRailInfoAtPoint(transform.position);
        Vector2 forward = masterComp.steeringCont.GetCurrentDirection();
        float   bestDot = 0.0f;

        GravityRail.RailInfo bestRailInfo = null;

        // if still on current rail, ignore tracks not in rail switch range
        bool usingRailSwitchRange = updatedRailInfo.alongRail && updatedRailInfo.distance <= maxGrabDist;

        if (usingRailSwitchRange)
            railsInRange = track.GetRailInfoWithinDist(updatedRailInfo.closestPoint, track.GetRailSwitchRange());

        // get the best rail to stay on
        foreach (GravityRail.RailInfo railInfo in railsInRange)
            float dotVal = Mathf.Abs(Vector2.Dot(forward, railInfo.tangent));
            if (dotVal >= bestDot)
                float velDotVal = Mathf.Abs(Vector2.Dot(masterComp.rbody.velocity.normalized, railInfo.tangent));
                // only switch to rail at nearly perpendicular angle to momentum if going slow
                if (velDotVal > acceptableSwitchVal)
                    bestDot      = dotVal;
                    bestRailInfo = railInfo;
                    // ensure that player can do sharp rail switch if going slow
                    float shipMomentum = masterComp.rbody.mass * masterComp.speedCont.GetSpeed();
                    // half of the max momentum
                    float maxSwitchMomentum = (masterComp.rbody.mass * masterComp.speedCont.GetMaxSpeed()) * 0.5f;
                    // half of the max switch momentum
                    float minSwitchMomentum = maxSwitchMomentum * 0.5f;
                    float anglePercent      = velDotVal / acceptableSwitchVal;
                    // only allow switch if momentum is less than max amount allowed for a rail switch
                    if (shipMomentum < (minSwitchMomentum + (maxSwitchMomentum - minSwitchMomentum) * anglePercent))
                        bestDot      = dotVal;
                        bestRailInfo = railInfo;

        // either found a rail to switch to or a new rail on the track to grab
        if (bestRailInfo != null)
            //Debug.Log("rail found");
            if (bestRailInfo.rail != currentRailInfo.rail)
            currentRailInfo = bestRailInfo;

            // charge up rail jump
            if (railJumpPercent < 1.0f)
                railJumpPercent += Time.fixedDeltaTime / railJumpTimeToCharge;
                railJumpPercent  = Mathf.Min(railJumpPercent, 1.0f);
        // else is only reached if there was no rail to switch to and current rail isn't within rail switch range
            if (!usingRailSwitchRange)
                // if no rail in range, detach from rail
                // if in rail switch range and no rail in range found, stay on current rail
                currentRailInfo = updatedRailInfo;