예제 #1
        internal static PnPConnection InstantiateDeviceLoginConnection(string url, bool launchBrowser, string tenantAdminUrl, PSHost host, bool disableTelemetry, AzureEnvironment azureEnvironment)
            var          connectionUri = new Uri(url);
            var          scopes        = new[] { $"{connectionUri.Scheme}://{connectionUri.Authority}//.default" }; // the second double slash is not a typo.
            var          context       = new ClientContext(url);
            GenericToken tokenResult   = null;

                tokenResult = GraphToken.AcquireApplicationTokenDeviceLogin(PnPConnection.PnPManagementShellClientId, scopes, PnPConnection.DeviceLoginCallback(host, launchBrowser), azureEnvironment);
            catch (MsalUiRequiredException ex)
                if (ex.Classification == UiRequiredExceptionClassification.ConsentRequired)
                    host.UI.WriteLine("You need to provide consent to the PnP Management Shell application for your tenant. The easiest way to do this is by issueing: 'Connect-PnPOnline -Url [yoursiteur] -PnPManagementShell -LaunchBrowser'. Make sure to authenticate as a Azure administrator allowing to provide consent to the application. Follow the steps provided.");
                    throw ex;
            var spoConnection = new PnPConnection(context, tokenResult, ConnectionType.O365, null, url.ToString(), tenantAdminUrl, PnPPSVersionTag, disableTelemetry, InitializationType.DeviceLogin)
                //var spoConnection = new PnPConnection(context, ConnectionType.O365, url.ToString(), tenantAdminUrl, PnPPSVersionTag, host, disableTelemetry, InitializationType.DeviceLogin);
                Scopes           = scopes,
                AzureEnvironment = azureEnvironment

            if (spoConnection != null)
                spoConnection.ConnectionMethod = ConnectionMethod.DeviceLogin;
예제 #2
        internal static PnPConnection InstantiateGraphDeviceLoginConnection(bool launchBrowser, PSHost host, bool disableTelemetry, AzureEnvironment azureEnvironment)
            var tokenResult   = GraphToken.AcquireApplicationTokenDeviceLogin(PnPConnection.PnPManagementShellClientId, new[] { "Group.Read.All", "openid", "email", "profile", "Group.ReadWrite.All", "User.Read.All", "Directory.ReadWrite.All" }, PnPConnection.DeviceLoginCallback(host, launchBrowser), azureEnvironment);
            var spoConnection = new PnPConnection(tokenResult, ConnectionMethod.GraphDeviceLogin, ConnectionType.O365, PnPPSVersionTag, disableTelemetry, InitializationType.GraphDeviceLogin)
                Scopes           = new[] { "Group.Read.All", "openid", "email", "profile", "Group.ReadWrite.All", "User.Read.All", "Directory.ReadWrite.All" },
                AzureEnvironment = azureEnvironment

예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Connect using the parameter set AADWITHSCOPE
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="credentials">Credentials to authenticate with for delegated access or NULL for application permissions</param>
        /// <returns>PnPConnection based on the parameters provided in the parameter set</returns>
        private PnPConnection ConnectAadWithScope(PSCredential credentials, AzureEnvironment azureEnvironment)
            // Filter out the scopes for the Microsoft Office 365 Management API
            var officeManagementApiScopes = Enum.GetNames(typeof(OfficeManagementApiPermission)).Select(s => s.Replace("_", ".")).Intersect(Scopes).ToArray();

            // Take the remaining scopes and try requesting them from the Microsoft Graph API
            var graphScopes = Scopes.Except(officeManagementApiScopes).ToArray();

            PnPConnection connection = null;

            // If we have Office 365 scopes, get a token for those first
            if (officeManagementApiScopes.Length > 0)
                var officeManagementApiToken = credentials == null?OfficeManagementApiToken.AcquireApplicationTokenDeviceLogin(PnPConnection.PnPManagementShellClientId, officeManagementApiScopes, PnPConnection.DeviceLoginCallback(this.Host, true), azureEnvironment) : OfficeManagementApiToken.AcquireDelegatedTokenWithCredentials(PnPConnection.PnPManagementShellClientId, officeManagementApiScopes, credentials.UserName, credentials.Password);

                connection = PnPConnection.GetConnectionWithToken(officeManagementApiToken, TokenAudience.OfficeManagementApi, InitializationType.InteractiveLogin, credentials, disableTelemetry: NoTelemetry.ToBool());

            // If we have Graph scopes, get a token for it
            if (graphScopes.Length > 0)
                var graphToken = credentials == null?GraphToken.AcquireApplicationTokenDeviceLogin(PnPConnection.PnPManagementShellClientId, graphScopes, PnPConnection.DeviceLoginCallback(this.Host, true), azureEnvironment) : GraphToken.AcquireDelegatedTokenWithCredentials(PnPConnection.PnPManagementShellClientId, graphScopes, credentials.UserName, credentials.Password, AzureEnvironment);

                // If there's a connection already, add the AAD token to it, otherwise set up a new connection with it
                if (connection != null)
                    //connection.AddToken(TokenAudience.MicrosoftGraph, graphToken);
                    connection = PnPConnection.GetConnectionWithToken(graphToken, TokenAudience.MicrosoftGraph, InitializationType.InteractiveLogin, credentials, disableTelemetry: NoTelemetry.ToBool());
            connection.Scopes = Scopes;
예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Tries to get a token for the provided audience
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tokenAudience">Audience to try to get a token for</param>
        /// <param name="orRoles">The specific roles to request access to (i.e. Group.ReadWrite.All). Optional, will use default groups assigned to clientId if not specified.</param>
        /// <returns><see cref="GenericToken"/> for the audience or NULL if unable to retrieve a token for the audience on the current connection</returns>
        internal GenericToken TryGetToken(TokenAudience tokenAudience, AzureEnvironment azureEnvironment, string[] orRoles = null, string[] andRoles = null, TokenType tokenType = TokenType.All)
            GenericToken token = null;

            switch (tokenAudience)
            case TokenAudience.MicrosoftGraph:

                if (ConnectionMethod == ConnectionMethod.DeviceLogin || ConnectionMethod == ConnectionMethod.GraphDeviceLogin)
                    var officeManagementApiScopes = Enum.GetNames(typeof(OfficeManagementApiPermission)).Select(s => s.Replace("_", ".")).Intersect(Scopes).ToArray();
                    // Take the remaining scopes and try requesting them from the Microsoft Graph API
                    var scopes = Scopes.Except(officeManagementApiScopes).ToArray();
                    token = GraphToken.AcquireApplicationTokenDeviceLogin(PnPConnection.PnPManagementShellClientId, scopes, DeviceLoginCallback(null, false), AzureEnvironment);
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Tenant))
                        if (Certificate != null)
                            token = GraphToken.AcquireApplicationToken(Tenant, ClientId, Certificate, AzureEnvironment);
                        else if (ClientSecret != null)
                            token = GraphToken.AcquireApplicationToken(Tenant, ClientId, ClientSecret, AzureEnvironment);
                        else if (Scopes != null)
                            var officeManagementApiScopes = Enum.GetNames(typeof(OfficeManagementApiPermission)).Select(s => s.Replace("_", ".")).Intersect(Scopes).ToArray();
                            // Take the remaining scopes and try requesting them from the Microsoft Graph API
                            var scopes = Scopes.Except(officeManagementApiScopes).ToArray();
                            if (scopes.Length > 0)
                                token = PSCredential == null?GraphToken.AcquireApplicationTokenInteractive(PnPManagementShellClientId, scopes, azureEnvironment) : GraphToken.AcquireDelegatedTokenWithCredentials(PnPManagementShellClientId, scopes, PSCredential.UserName, PSCredential.Password, azureEnvironment);
                                throw new PSSecurityException($"Access to {tokenAudience} failed because you did not connect with any permission scopes related to this service (for instance 'Group.Read.All').");

            case TokenAudience.OfficeManagementApi:
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Tenant))
                    if (Certificate != null)
                        token = OfficeManagementApiToken.AcquireApplicationToken(Tenant, ClientId, Certificate, AzureEnvironment);
                    else if (ClientSecret != null)
                        token = OfficeManagementApiToken.AcquireApplicationToken(Tenant, ClientId, ClientSecret, AzureEnvironment);
                    else if (Scopes != null)
                        var scopes = Enum.GetNames(typeof(OfficeManagementApiPermission)).Select(s => s.Replace("_", ".")).Intersect(Scopes).ToArray();
                        // Take the remaining scopes and try requesting them from the Microsoft Graph API
                        if (scopes.Length > 0)
                            token = PSCredential == null?OfficeManagementApiToken.AcquireApplicationTokenInteractive(PnPManagementShellClientId, scopes, azureEnvironment) : OfficeManagementApiToken.AcquireDelegatedTokenWithCredentials(PnPManagementShellClientId, scopes, PSCredential.UserName, PSCredential.Password, azureEnvironment);
                            throw new PSSecurityException($"Access to {tokenAudience} failed because you did not connect with any permission scopes related to this service (for instance 'ServiceHealth.Read').");

            case TokenAudience.SharePointOnline:
                // This is not a token type we can request on demand

            if (token != null)
                var validationResults = ValidateTokenForPermissions(token, tokenAudience, orRoles, andRoles, tokenType);
                if (!validationResults.valid)
                    throw new PSSecurityException($"Access to {tokenAudience} failed because the app registration {ClientId} in tenant {Tenant} is not granted {validationResults.message}");

            // Didn't have a token yet and unable to retrieve one
예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Tries to get a token for the provided audience
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tokenAudience">Audience to try to get a token for</param>
        /// <param name="orRoles">The specific roles to request access to (i.e. Group.ReadWrite.All). Optional, will use default groups assigned to clientId if not specified.</param>
        /// <returns><see cref="GenericToken"/> for the audience or NULL if unable to retrieve a token for the audience on the current connection</returns>
        internal GenericToken TryGetToken(TokenAudience tokenAudience, string[] orRoles = null, string[] andRoles = null, TokenType tokenType = TokenType.All)
            GenericToken token = null;

            //Validate if we have a token already
            //if (AccessTokens.ContainsKey(tokenAudience))
            //    // We have a token already, ensure it is still valid
            //    token = AccessTokens[tokenAudience];

            //    if (token.ExpiresOn > DateTime.Now)
            //    {
            //        var validationResults = ValidateTokenForPermissions(token, tokenAudience, orRoles, andRoles, tokenType);
            //        if (validationResults.valid)
            //        {
            //            return token;
            //        }
            //        throw new PSSecurityException($"Access to {tokenAudience} failed because the app registration {ClientId} in tenant {Tenant} is not granted {validationResults.message}");
            //    }

            //    // Token was no longer valid, proceed with trying to create a new token

            // We do not have a token for the requested audience yet or it was no longer valid, try to create (a new) one
            switch (tokenAudience)
            case TokenAudience.MicrosoftGraph:
                if (ConnectionMethod == ConnectionMethod.DeviceLogin || ConnectionMethod == ConnectionMethod.GraphDeviceLogin)
                    token = GraphToken.AcquireApplicationTokenDeviceLogin(PnPConnection.DeviceLoginClientId, Scopes, DeviceLoginCallback(null, false));
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Tenant))
                        if (Certificate != null)
                            token = GraphToken.AcquireApplicationToken(Tenant, ClientId, Certificate);
                        else if (ClientSecret != null)
                            token = GraphToken.AcquireApplicationToken(Tenant, ClientId, ClientSecret);
                        else if (Scopes != null)
                            token = PSCredential == null?GraphToken.AcquireApplicationTokenInteractive(DeviceLoginClientId, Scopes) : GraphToken.AcquireDelegatedTokenWithCredentials(DeviceLoginClientId, Scopes, PSCredential.UserName, PSCredential.Password);

            case TokenAudience.OfficeManagementApi:
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Tenant))
                    if (Certificate != null)
                        token = OfficeManagementApiToken.AcquireApplicationToken(Tenant, ClientId, Certificate);
                    else if (ClientSecret != null)
                        token = OfficeManagementApiToken.AcquireApplicationToken(Tenant, ClientId, ClientSecret);

            case TokenAudience.SharePointOnline:
                // This is not a token type we can request on demand

            if (token != null)
                var validationResults = ValidateTokenForPermissions(token, tokenAudience, orRoles, andRoles, tokenType);
                if (!validationResults.valid)
                    throw new PSSecurityException($"Access to {tokenAudience} failed because the app registration {ClientId} in tenant {Tenant} is not granted {validationResults.message}");
                // Managed to create a token for the requested audience, add it to our collection with tokens
                //AccessTokens[tokenAudience] = token;

            // Didn't have a token yet and unable to retrieve one