예제 #1
        public override void Execute(GrapeCity.Documents.Excel.Workbook workbook)
            IWorksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];

            worksheet.Range["A1"].Value   = 1;
            worksheet.Range["A2"].Formula = "=A1";
            worksheet.Range["A3"].Formula = "=SUM(A1, A2)";

            //when get value, calc engine will first calculate and cache the result, then returns the cached result.
            var value_A2 = worksheet.Range["A2"].Value;
            var value_A3 = worksheet.Range["A3"].Value;

            //disable calc engine.
            workbook.EnableCalculation = false;

            //Dirty() method will clear the cached value of the workbook.
            //Calculate() will not work, because of workbook.EnablCalculation is false.
            //it returns 0 because of no cache value exist.
            var value_A2_1 = worksheet.Range["A2"].Value;
            var value_A3_1 = worksheet.Range["A3"].Value;

            worksheet.Range["A1"].Value = 2;
            //enable calc engine.
            workbook.EnableCalculation = true;
            //Dirty() method will clear the cached value of Range A2:A3.
            //Calculate() method will calculate and cache the result, it will return the cache value directly when get value later.

            //it returns cache value directly, does not calculate again.
            var value_A2_2 = worksheet.Range["A2"].Value;
            var value_A3_2 = worksheet.Range["A3"].Value;
예제 #2
        public override void Execute(GrapeCity.Documents.Excel.Workbook workbook)
            IWorksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];

            object[,] data = new object[, ] {
                { "Name", "City", "Birthday", "Eye color", "Weight", "Height" },
                { "Richard", "New York", new DateTime(1968, 6, 8), "Blue", 67, 165 },
                { "Nia", "New York", new DateTime(1972, 7, 3), "Brown", 62, 134 },
                { "Jared", "New York", new DateTime(1964, 3, 2), "Hazel", 72, 180 },
                { "Natalie", "Washington", new DateTime(1972, 8, 8), "Blue", 66, 163 },
                { "Damon", "Washington", new DateTime(1986, 2, 2), "Hazel", 76, 176 },
                { "Angela", "Washington", new DateTime(1993, 2, 15), "Brown", 68, 145 }
            worksheet.Range["A1:F7"].Value = data;

            //three color scale.
            IColorScale threeColorScaleRule = worksheet.Range["E2:E7"].FormatConditions.AddColorScale(ColorScaleType.ThreeColorScale);

            threeColorScaleRule.ColorScaleCriteria[0].Type = ConditionValueTypes.LowestValue;
            threeColorScaleRule.ColorScaleCriteria[0].FormatColor.Color = Color.Red;

            threeColorScaleRule.ColorScaleCriteria[1].Type              = ConditionValueTypes.Percent;
            threeColorScaleRule.ColorScaleCriteria[1].Value             = 30;
            threeColorScaleRule.ColorScaleCriteria[1].FormatColor.Color = Color.Yellow;

            threeColorScaleRule.ColorScaleCriteria[2].Type = ConditionValueTypes.HighestValue;
            threeColorScaleRule.ColorScaleCriteria[2].FormatColor.Color = Color.Green;
예제 #3
        public override void Execute(GrapeCity.Documents.Excel.Workbook workbook)
            IWorksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];

            object[,] data = new object[, ] {
                { "Name", "City", "Birthday", "Eye color", "Weight", "Height" },
                { "Richard", "New York", new DateTime(1968, 6, 8), "Blue", 67, 165 },
                { "Nia", "New York", new DateTime(1972, 7, 3), "Brown", 62, 134 },
                { "Jared", "New York", new DateTime(1964, 3, 2), "Hazel", 72, 180 },
                { "Natalie", "Washington", new DateTime(1972, 8, 8), "Blue", 66, 163 },
                { "Damon", "Washington", new DateTime(1986, 2, 2), "Hazel", 76, 176 },
                { "Angela", "Washington", new DateTime(1993, 2, 15), "Brown", 68, 145 }
            worksheet.Range["A1:F7"].Value = data;

            //data bar rule.
            IDataBar dataBar = worksheet.Range["E2:E7"].FormatConditions.AddDatabar();

            dataBar.MinPoint.Type  = ConditionValueTypes.LowestValue;
            dataBar.MinPoint.Value = null;
            dataBar.MaxPoint.Type  = ConditionValueTypes.HighestValue;
            dataBar.MaxPoint.Value = null;

            dataBar.BarFillType     = DataBarFillType.Gradient;
            dataBar.BarColor.Color  = Color.Green;
            dataBar.Direction       = DataBarDirection.Context;
            dataBar.AxisColor.Color = Color.Red;
            dataBar.AxisPosition    = DataBarAxisPosition.Automatic;
            dataBar.NegativeBarFormat.BorderColorType   = DataBarNegativeColorType.Color;
            dataBar.NegativeBarFormat.BorderColor.Color = Color.Blue;
            dataBar.NegativeBarFormat.ColorType         = DataBarNegativeColorType.Color;
            dataBar.NegativeBarFormat.Color.Color       = Color.Pink;
            dataBar.ShowValue = false;
예제 #4
        public override void Execute(GrapeCity.Documents.Excel.Workbook workbook)
            IWorksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];

            GrapeCity.Documents.Excel.Drawing.IShape shape = worksheet.Shapes.AddChart(GrapeCity.Documents.Excel.Drawing.ChartType.AreaStacked, 250, 20, 360, 230);
            worksheet.Range["A1:C13"].Value = new object[, ] {
                { 0, 59.18, 27.14 },
                { 44.64, 52.22, 25.08 },
                { 45.21, 49.80, 57.99 },
                { 24.32, 37.30, 42.73 },
                { 58.34, 34.43, 28.34 },
                { 31.89, 69.78, 46.88 },
                { 41.79, 63.94, 56.24 },
                { 67.94, 57.40, 27.78 },
                { 49.87, 48.26, 52.06 },
                { 62.39, 67.43, 33.33 },
                { 54.76, 22.95, 50.36 },
                { 28.33, 36.60, 36.61 },
                { 22.77, 55.65, 65.64 },
                { 20.34, 49.35, 45.60 },
                { 32.10, 47.60, 20.62 },
                { 26.37, 63.00, 53.97 },
                { 35, 75, 60 },

            shape.Chart.SeriesCollection.Add(worksheet.Range["A1:C13"], GrapeCity.Documents.Excel.Drawing.RowCol.Columns);
            shape.Chart.ChartTitle.Text = "Area Stacked Chart";
예제 #5
        public override void Execute(GrapeCity.Documents.Excel.Workbook workbook)
            object[,] data = new object[, ]
                { "Number", "Date", "Customer", "Description", "Trend", "0-30 Days", "30-60 Days", "60-90 Days", ">90 Days", "Amount" },
                { "1001", new DateTime(2017, 5, 21), "Customer A", "Invoice 1001", null, 1200.15, 1916.18, 1105.23, 1806.53, null },
                { "1002", new DateTime(2017, 3, 18), "Customer B", "Invoice 1002", null, 896.23, 1005.53, 1800.56, 1150.49, null },
                { "1003", new DateTime(2017, 6, 15), "Customer C", "Invoice 1003", null, 827.63, 1009.23, 1869.23, 1002.56, null }

            IWorksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];

            worksheet.Range["B2:K5"].Value     = data;
            worksheet.Range["B:K"].ColumnWidth = 15;

            worksheet.Tables.Add(worksheet.Range["B2:K5"], true);
            worksheet.Tables[0].Columns[9].DataBodyRange.Formula = "=SUM(Table1[@[0-30 Days]:[>90 Days]])";

            //create a new group of sparklines.
            worksheet.Range["F3:F5"].SparklineGroups.Add(SparkType.Line, "G3:J5");

            worksheet.Range["G7:J7"].Value = new object[] { new DateTime(2011, 12, 16), new DateTime(2011, 12, 17), new DateTime(2011, 12, 18), new DateTime(2011, 12, 19) };
            worksheet.Range["F3"].SparklineGroups[0].DateRange = "G7:J7";
            worksheet.Range["F3"].SparklineGroups[0].Axes.Horizontal.Axis.Visible     = true;
            worksheet.Range["F3"].SparklineGroups[0].Axes.Horizontal.Axis.Color.Color = Color.Green;
예제 #6
        public override void Execute(GrapeCity.Documents.Excel.Workbook workbook)
            object[,] data = new object[, ] {
                { "Name", "City", "Birthday", "Eye color", "Weight", "Height" },
                { "Richard", "New York", new DateTime(1968, 6, 8), "Blue", 67, 165 },
                { "Nia", "New York", new DateTime(1972, 7, 3), "Brown", 62, 134 },
                { "Jared", "New York", new DateTime(1964, 3, 2), "Hazel", 72, 180 },
                { "Natalie", "Washington", new DateTime(1972, 8, 8), "Blue", 66, 163 },
                { "Damon", "Washington", new DateTime(1986, 2, 2), "Hazel", 76, 176 },
                { "Angela", "Washington", new DateTime(1993, 2, 15), "Brown", 68, 145 }

            IWorksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];

            worksheet.Range["A1:F7"].Value     = data;
            worksheet.Range["A:F"].ColumnWidth = 15;

            worksheet.Range["F2"].Interior.Color = Color.LightPink;
            worksheet.Range["F3"].Interior.Color = Color.LightGreen;
            worksheet.Range["F4"].Interior.Color = Color.LightPink;
            worksheet.Range["F5"].Interior.Color = Color.LightGreen;
            worksheet.Range["F6"].Interior.Color = Color.LightBlue;
            worksheet.Range["F7"].Interior.Color = Color.LightPink;

            //"F4" will in the top.
            worksheet.Sort.SortFields.Add(new CellColorSortField(worksheet.Range["F2:F7"], worksheet.Range["F4"].DisplayFormat.Interior, SortOrder.Ascending));
            worksheet.Sort.Range       = worksheet.Range["A2:F7"];
            worksheet.Sort.Orientation = SortOrientation.Columns;
예제 #7
        public override void Execute(GrapeCity.Documents.Excel.Workbook workbook)
            IWorksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];
            var        range     = worksheet.Range["A5:B7"];

            //set value for cell A7.
            range.Cells[4].Value = "A7";

            //cell is B6
            range.Cells[1, 1].Value = "B6";

            //row count is 3 and range is A6:B6.
            var rowCount = range.Rows.Count;
            var row      = range.Rows[1].ToString();

            //set interior color for row range A6:B6.
            range.Rows[1].Interior.Color = Color.LightBlue;

            //column count is 2 and range is B5:B7.
            var columnCount = range.Columns.Count;
            var column      = range.Columns[1].ToString();

            //set values for column range B5:B7.
            range.Columns[1].Interior.Color = Color.LightSkyBlue;

            //entire rows are from row 5 to row 7
            var entirerow = range.EntireRow.ToString();

            //entire columns are from column A to column B
            var entireColumn = range.EntireColumn.ToString();
예제 #8
        public override void Execute(GrapeCity.Documents.Excel.Workbook workbook)
            object[,] data = new object[, ]
                { "Number", "Date", "Customer", "Description", "Trend", "0-30 Days", "30-60 Days", "60-90 Days", ">90 Days", "Amount" },
                { "1001", new DateTime(2017, 5, 21), "Customer A", "Invoice 1001", null, 1200.15, 1916.18, 1105.23, 1806.53, null },
                { "1002", new DateTime(2017, 3, 18), "Customer B", "Invoice 1002", null, 896.23, 1005.53, 1800.56, 1150.49, null },
                { "1003", new DateTime(2017, 6, 15), "Customer C", "Invoice 1003", null, 827.63, 1009.23, 1869.23, 1002.56, null }

            IWorksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];

            worksheet.Range["B2:K5"].Value     = data;
            worksheet.Range["B:K"].ColumnWidth = 15;

            worksheet.Tables.Add(worksheet.Range["B2:K5"], true);
            worksheet.Tables[0].Columns[9].DataBodyRange.Formula = "=SUM(Table1[@[0-30 Days]:[>90 Days]])";

            //create a new group of sparklines.
            worksheet.Range["F3"].SparklineGroups.Add(SparkType.Line, "G3:J3");
            //create another new group of sparklines.
            worksheet.Range["F4:F5"].SparklineGroups.Add(SparkType.Column, "G4:J5");

            //clear F3 and F4 cell's sparkline. F5 cell's sparkline still exist.
            worksheet.Range["F3, F4"].SparklineGroups.Clear();
예제 #9
        public override void Execute(GrapeCity.Documents.Excel.Workbook workbook)
            IWorksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];

            worksheet.Range["A2:A6"].NumberFormat = "m/d/yyyy";
            worksheet.Range["A1:D6"].Value        = new object[, ]
                { null, "S1", "S2", "S3" },
                { new DateTime(2015, 10, 7), 10, 25, 25 },
                { new DateTime(2015, 10, 24), 51, 36, 27 },
                { new DateTime(2015, 11, 8), 52, 85, 30 },
                { new DateTime(2015, 11, 25), 22, 65, 65 },
                { new DateTime(2015, 12, 10), 23, 69, 69 }

            GrapeCity.Documents.Excel.Drawing.IShape shape = worksheet.Shapes.AddChart(GrapeCity.Documents.Excel.Drawing.ChartType.ColumnClustered, 250, 20, 360, 230);
            shape.Chart.SeriesCollection.Add(worksheet.Range["A1:D6"], GrapeCity.Documents.Excel.Drawing.RowCol.Columns, true, true);

            GrapeCity.Documents.Excel.Drawing.IAxis category_axis = shape.Chart.Axes.Item(GrapeCity.Documents.Excel.Drawing.AxisType.Category);
            category_axis.MaximumScale   = new DateTime(2015, 12, 20).ToOADate();
            category_axis.MinimumScale   = new DateTime(2015, 10, 1).ToOADate();
            category_axis.BaseUnit       = GrapeCity.Documents.Excel.Drawing.TimeUnit.Months;
            category_axis.MajorUnitScale = GrapeCity.Documents.Excel.Drawing.TimeUnit.Months;
            category_axis.MajorUnit      = 1;
            category_axis.MinorUnitScale = GrapeCity.Documents.Excel.Drawing.TimeUnit.Days;
            category_axis.MinorUnit      = 15;
예제 #10
        public override void Execute(GrapeCity.Documents.Excel.Workbook workbook)
            IWorksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];

            GrapeCity.Documents.Excel.Drawing.IShape shape = worksheet.Shapes.AddChart(GrapeCity.Documents.Excel.Drawing.ChartType.ColumnClustered, 250, 20, 360, 230);
            worksheet.Range["A1:B13"].Value = new object[, ] {
                { "Blue Column", "Red Line" },
                { 75, 20 },
                { 149, 50 },
                { 105, 30 },
                { 55, 80 },
                { 121, 40 },
                { 76, 110 },
                { 128, 50 },
                { 114, 140 },
                { 75, 60 },
                { 105, 170 },
                { 145, 70 },
                { 110, 100 },
            shape.Chart.SeriesCollection.Add(worksheet.Range["A1:B13"], GrapeCity.Documents.Excel.Drawing.RowCol.Columns);
            shape.Chart.ChartTitle.Text = "Combination Chart";
            //change series type
            GrapeCity.Documents.Excel.Drawing.ISeries series2 = shape.Chart.SeriesCollection[1];
            series2.ChartType = GrapeCity.Documents.Excel.Drawing.ChartType.LineMarkers;
        public override void Execute(GrapeCity.Documents.Excel.Workbook workbook)
            object[,] data = new object[, ] {
                { "Name", "City", "Birthday", "Sex", "Weight", "Height" },
                { "Bob", "NewYork", new DateTime(1968, 6, 8), "male", 80, 180 },
                { "Betty", "NewYork", new DateTime(1972, 7, 3), "female", 72, 168 },
                { "Gary", "NewYork", new DateTime(1964, 3, 2), "male", 71, 179 },
                { "Hunk", "Washington", new DateTime(1972, 8, 8), "male", 80, 171 },
                { "Cherry", "Washington", new DateTime(1986, 2, 2), "female", 58, 161 },
                { "Eva", "Washington", new DateTime(1993, 2, 5), "female", 71, 180 }

            //Set data.
            IWorksheet sheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];

            sheet.Range["A1:F7"].Value = data;
            sheet.Tables.Add(sheet.Range["A1:F7"], true);

            //Save csv options
            CsvSaveOptions options = new CsvSaveOptions();

            options.SeparatorString = "-";

            //Change the path to real export path when save.
            workbook.Save(this.CurrentDirectory + "dest.csv", options);
예제 #12
        public override void Execute(GrapeCity.Documents.Excel.Workbook workbook)
            IWorksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];

            GrapeCity.Documents.Excel.Drawing.IShape shape = worksheet.Shapes.AddChart(GrapeCity.Documents.Excel.Drawing.ChartType.ColumnClustered, 250, 20, 360, 230);
            worksheet.Range["A1:D6"].Value = new object[, ]
                { null, "S1", "S2", "S3" },
                { "Item1", 10, 25, 25 },
                { "Item2", -20, 36, 27 },
                { "Item3", 62, 70, -30 },
                { "Item4", 22, 65, 65 },
                { "Item5", 23, 50, 50 }
            shape.Chart.SeriesCollection.Add(worksheet.Range["A1:D6"], GrapeCity.Documents.Excel.Drawing.RowCol.Columns, true, true);

            //config chart title style
            shape.Chart.HasTitle                         = true;
            shape.Chart.ChartTitle.Text                  = "MyChartTitle";
            shape.Chart.ChartTitle.Font.Size             = 15;
            shape.Chart.ChartTitle.Font.Name             = "Bradley Hand ITC";
            shape.Chart.ChartTitle.Format.Fill.Color.RGB = Color.DarkOrange;
            shape.Chart.ChartTitle.Format.Line.Color.RGB = Color.CornflowerBlue;
            shape.Chart.ChartTitle.Format.Line.Weight    = 1.5;
예제 #13
        public override void Execute(GrapeCity.Documents.Excel.Workbook workbook)
            IWorksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];

            worksheet.Range["A1"].Value          = "Single Underline";
            worksheet.Range["A1"].Font.Underline = UnderlineType.Single;
        public override void Execute(GrapeCity.Documents.Excel.Workbook workbook)
            IWorksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];

            GrapeCity.Documents.Excel.Drawing.IShape shape = worksheet.Shapes.AddChart(GrapeCity.Documents.Excel.Drawing.ChartType.ColumnClustered, 250, 20, 360, 230);
            worksheet.Range["A1:D6"].Value = new object[, ]
                { null, "S1", "S2", "S3" },
                { "Item1", 10, 25, 25 },
                { "Item2", -20, 36, 27 },
                { "Item3", 62, 70, -30 },
                { "Item4", 22, 65, 65 },
                { "Item5", 23, 50, 50 }
            shape.Chart.SeriesCollection.Add(worksheet.Range["A1:D6"], GrapeCity.Documents.Excel.Drawing.RowCol.Columns, true, true);

            //config chart title style with rich text
            shape.Chart.HasTitle = true;
            shape.Chart.ChartTitle.TextFrame.TextRange.Paragraphs.Add("ChartTitle", 0);
            shape.Chart.ChartTitle.TextFrame.TextRange.Paragraphs[0].Font.Color.RGB = Color.CornflowerBlue;
            shape.Chart.ChartTitle.TextFrame.TextRange.Paragraphs[0].Font.Size      = 15;
            shape.Chart.ChartTitle.TextFrame.TextRange.Paragraphs[1].Font.Color.RGB = Color.Orange;
            shape.Chart.ChartTitle.TextFrame.TextRange.Paragraphs[1].Font.Size      = 10;
예제 #15
        public override void Execute(GrapeCity.Documents.Excel.Workbook workbook)
            IWorksheet sheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];

            int row    = 50;
            int column = 14;

            object[,] data = new object[row, column];
            for (int i = 0; i < row; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < column; j++)
                    data[i, j] = "R" + i + "C" + j;

            //Set data
            sheet.Range["A1:N50"].Value = data;

            //Set paper size
            sheet.PageSetup.PaperSize = PaperSize.A5;

            //With API the margin's unit is pound, with Excel the margins display unit is inch.
            //One inch eaquals to 72 pounds. If the top margin is 0.8 inch, then please set PageSetup.TopMargin = 0.8*72(57.6);
            sheet.PageSetup.TopMargin = 57.6;
            //Top margin in excel is 0.8 inch
            sheet.PageSetup.BottomMargin = 21.6;
            sheet.PageSetup.LeftMargin   = 28.8;
            sheet.PageSetup.RightMargin  = 0;
            sheet.PageSetup.HeaderMargin = 0;
            sheet.PageSetup.FooterMargin = 93.6;
예제 #16
        public override void Execute(GrapeCity.Documents.Excel.Workbook workbook)
            IWorksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];

            GrapeCity.Documents.Excel.Drawing.IShape shape = worksheet.Shapes.AddChart(GrapeCity.Documents.Excel.Drawing.ChartType.ColumnClustered, 250, 20, 360, 230);
            worksheet.Range["A1:D6"].Value = new object[, ]
                { null, "S1", "S2", "S3" },
                { 1, -25, 25, 25 },
                { 2, 51, 36, 27 },
                { 3, 52, 80, 30 },
                { 4, 22, -20, 65 },
                { 5, 23, 69, 69 }
            shape.Chart.SeriesCollection.Add(worksheet.Range["A1:D6"], GrapeCity.Documents.Excel.Drawing.RowCol.Columns, true, true);
            GrapeCity.Documents.Excel.Drawing.IAxis category_axis = shape.Chart.Axes.Item(GrapeCity.Documents.Excel.Drawing.AxisType.Category);
            GrapeCity.Documents.Excel.Drawing.IAxis value_axis    = shape.Chart.Axes.Item(GrapeCity.Documents.Excel.Drawing.AxisType.Value);

            //config tick label's format
            category_axis.TickLabelPosition         = GrapeCity.Documents.Excel.Drawing.TickLabelPosition.NextToAxis;
            category_axis.TickLabelSpacing          = 2;
            category_axis.TickLabels.Font.Color.RGB = Color.DarkOrange;
            category_axis.TickLabels.Font.Size      = 12;
            category_axis.TickLabels.NumberFormat   = "#,##0.00";
            value_axis.TickLabels.NumberFormat      = "#,##0;[Red]#,##0";
예제 #17
        public override void Execute(GrapeCity.Documents.Excel.Workbook workbook)
            IWorksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];

            IRange rangeA1B2 = worksheet.Range["A1:B2"];

            rangeA1B2.Interior.Pattern = GrapeCity.Documents.Excel.Pattern.LinearGradient;
            (rangeA1B2.Interior.Gradient as ILinearGradient).ColorStops[0].Color = Color.Red;
            (rangeA1B2.Interior.Gradient as ILinearGradient).ColorStops[1].Color = Color.Yellow;
            (rangeA1B2.Interior.Gradient as ILinearGradient).Degree = 90;

            IRange rangeE1E2 = worksheet.Range["D1:E2"];

            rangeE1E2.Interior.Pattern           = GrapeCity.Documents.Excel.Pattern.LightDown;
            rangeE1E2.Interior.Color             = Color.Pink;
            rangeE1E2.Interior.PatternColorIndex = 5;

            IRange rangeG1H2 = worksheet.Range["G1:H2"];

            rangeG1H2.Interior.Pattern = GrapeCity.Documents.Excel.Pattern.RectangularGradient;
            (rangeG1H2.Interior.Gradient as IRectangularGradient).ColorStops[0].Color = Color.Red;
            (rangeG1H2.Interior.Gradient as IRectangularGradient).ColorStops[1].Color = Color.Green;

            (rangeG1H2.Interior.Gradient as IRectangularGradient).Bottom = 0.2;
            (rangeG1H2.Interior.Gradient as IRectangularGradient).Right  = 0.3;
            (rangeG1H2.Interior.Gradient as IRectangularGradient).Top    = 0.4;
            (rangeG1H2.Interior.Gradient as IRectangularGradient).Left   = 0.5;

            worksheet.Range["J1:K2"].Interior.Color = Color.Green;
예제 #18
        public override void Execute(GrapeCity.Documents.Excel.Workbook workbook)
            IWorksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];

            worksheet.Range["C2:E4"].Value = new object[, ]
                { new TimeSpan(13, 0, 0), new TimeSpan(13, 29, 59), new TimeSpan(13, 30, 0) },
                { new TimeSpan(14, 0, 0), new TimeSpan(15, 0, 0), new TimeSpan(16, 30, 0) },
                { new TimeSpan(19, 0, 0), new TimeSpan(18, 29, 59), new TimeSpan(18, 30, 0) }

            //create time validation.
            worksheet.Range["C2:E4"].Validation.Add(ValidationType.Time, ValidationAlertStyle.Stop, ValidationOperator.Between, new TimeSpan(13, 30, 0), new TimeSpan(18, 30, 0));

            //Modify validation.
            worksheet.Range["C2:E4"].Validation.Formula1 = new TimeSpan(14, 30, 0);
            worksheet.Range["C2:E4"].Validation.Formula2 = new TimeSpan(19, 0, 0);

            //judge if Range["C2:E4"] has validation.
            for (int i = 1; i <= 3; i++)
                for (int j = 2; j <= 4; j++)
                    if (worksheet.Range[i, j].HasValidation)
                        //set the range[i, j]'s interior color.
                        worksheet.Range[i, j].Interior.Color = Color.LightBlue;
예제 #19
        public override void Execute(GrapeCity.Documents.Excel.Workbook workbook)
            //Load template file
            var fileStream = this.GetTemplateStream();

예제 #20
        public override void Execute(GrapeCity.Documents.Excel.Workbook workbook)
            Stream stream = this.GetTemplateStream();

            //Open csv file stream.
            workbook.Open(stream, OpenFileFormat.Csv);
예제 #21
        public override void Execute(GrapeCity.Documents.Excel.Workbook workbook)
            IWorksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];

            //Create chart, chart's range is Range["G1:M21"]
            GrapeCity.Documents.Excel.Drawing.IShape shape = worksheet.Shapes.AddChart(GrapeCity.Documents.Excel.Drawing.ChartType.ColumnClustered, 300, 10, 300, 300);
            worksheet.Range["A1:D6"].Value = new object[, ]
                { null, "S1", "S2", "S3" },
                { "Item1", 10, 25, 25 },
                { "Item2", -51, -36, 27 },
                { "Item3", 52, -85, -30 },
                { "Item4", 22, 65, 65 },
                { "Item5", 23, 69, 69 }

            shape.Chart.SeriesCollection.Add(worksheet.Range["A1:D6"], GrapeCity.Documents.Excel.Drawing.RowCol.Columns, true, true);

            //Range["G1:M21"] must contain chart's range, copy a new shape to Range["N1:T21"]

            //Cross sheet copy, copy a new chart to worksheet2's Range["N1:T21"]
            //IWorksheet worksheet2 = workbook.Worksheets.Add()
예제 #22
        public override void Execute(GrapeCity.Documents.Excel.Workbook workbook)
            object[,] data = new object[, ] {
                { "Name", "City", "Birthday", "Eye color", "Weight", "Height" },
                { "Richard", "New York", new DateTime(1968, 6, 8), "Blue", 67, 165 },
                { "Nia", "New York", new DateTime(1972, 7, 3), "Brown", 62, 134 },
                { "Jared", "New York", new DateTime(1964, 3, 2), "Hazel", 72, 180 },
                { "Natalie", "Washington", new DateTime(1972, 8, 8), "Blue", 66, 163 },
                { "Damon", "Washington", new DateTime(1986, 2, 2), "Hazel", 76, 176 },
                { "Angela", "Washington", new DateTime(1993, 2, 15), "Brown", 68, 145 }

            IWorksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];

            worksheet.Range["A1:F7"].Value     = data;
            worksheet.Range["A:F"].ColumnWidth = 15;

            IIconSetCondition iconset = worksheet.Range["F2:F7"].FormatConditions.AddIconSetCondition();

            iconset.IconSet = workbook.IconSets[IconSetType.Icon3TrafficLights1];

            //green traffic light will in the top.
            worksheet.Sort.SortFields.Add(new IconSortField(worksheet.Range["F2:F7"], workbook.IconSets[IconSetType.Icon3TrafficLights1][2], SortOrder.Ascending));
            worksheet.Sort.Range       = worksheet.Range["A2:F7"];
            worksheet.Sort.Orientation = SortOrientation.Columns;
예제 #23
        public override void Execute(GrapeCity.Documents.Excel.Workbook workbook)
            IWorksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets.Add();

            //workbook must contain one visible worksheet at least, if delete the one visible worksheet, it will throw exception.
예제 #24
        public override void Execute(GrapeCity.Documents.Excel.Workbook workbook)
            IWorksheet sheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];

            int row    = 50;
            int column = 14;

            object[,] data = new object[row, column];
            for (int i = 0; i < row; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < column; j++)
                    data[i, j] = "R" + i + "C" + j;

            //Set data.
            sheet.Range["A1:N50"].Value = data;

            sheet.Range["A2:N4"].Value          = "TitleRows";
            sheet.Range["A2:N4"].Interior.Color = Color.Green;

            sheet.Range["C1:E50"].Value          = "TitleColumns";
            sheet.Range["C1:E50"].Interior.Color = Color.Yellow;

            sheet.PageSetup.PrintHeadings = true;

            //Set print titles.
            sheet.PageSetup.PrintTitleRows    = "$2:$4";
            sheet.PageSetup.PrintTitleColumns = "$C:$E";
예제 #25
        public override void Execute(GrapeCity.Documents.Excel.Workbook workbook)
            IWorksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];

            worksheet.Range["A1"].Value = "aaa";
            worksheet.Range["A2"].Value = "bbb";
            worksheet.Range["A3"].Value = "ccc";

            worksheet.Range["C2:E4"].Value = new object[, ]
                { "aaa", "bbb", "ccc" },
                { "aaa1", "bbb1", "ccc1" },
                { "aaa2", "bbb2", "ccc2" }

            //create list validation.
            worksheet.Range["C2:E4"].Validation.Add(ValidationType.List, ValidationAlertStyle.Stop, ValidationOperator.Between, "=$a$1:$a$3");
            IValidation validation = worksheet.Range["C2:E4"].Validation;

            validation.InCellDropdown = true;

            //judge if Range["C2:E4"] has validation.
            for (int i = 1; i <= 3; i++)
                for (int j = 2; j <= 4; j++)
                    if (worksheet.Range[i, j].HasValidation)
                        //set the range[i, j]'s interior color.
                        worksheet.Range[i, j].Interior.Color = Color.LightBlue;
예제 #26
        public override void Execute(GrapeCity.Documents.Excel.Workbook workbook)
            IWorksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];

            worksheet.Range["C2:E4"].Value = new object[, ]
                { "aa", "bb", "aa1" },
                { "ccc", "dddd", "dddd1" },
                { "ff", "ffff", "ffff1" }

            //create text length validation, text length between 2 and 3.
            worksheet.Range["C2:E4"].Validation.Add(ValidationType.TextLength, ValidationAlertStyle.Stop, ValidationOperator.Between, 2, 3);

            //judge if Range["C2:E4"] has validation.
            for (int i = 1; i <= 3; i++)
                for (int j = 2; j <= 4; j++)
                    if (worksheet.Range[i, j].HasValidation)
                        //set the range[i, j]'s interior color.
                        worksheet.Range[i, j].Interior.Color = Color.LightBlue;
예제 #27
        public override void Execute(GrapeCity.Documents.Excel.Workbook workbook)
            //Load template file Event budget.xlsx from resource
            var fileStream = this.GetTemplateStream("Event budget.xlsx");


            var worksheet = workbook.ActiveSheet;

            //change range B2's font size.
            worksheet.Range["B2"].Font.Size = 22;

            //change range E4's font style to bold.
            worksheet.Range["E4"].Font.Bold = true;

            //change table style.
            worksheet.Tables["tblAdmissions"].TableStyle = workbook.TableStyles["TableStyleLight10"];
            worksheet.Tables["tblAds"].TableStyle        = workbook.TableStyles["TableStyleLight10"];
            worksheet.Tables["tblVendors"].TableStyle    = workbook.TableStyles["TableStyleLight10"];
            worksheet.Tables["tblItems"].TableStyle      = workbook.TableStyles["TableStyleLight10"];

            //modify range F4:G5's cell style.
            worksheet.Range["F4:G5"].Interior.ThemeColor   = ThemeColor.Light1;
            worksheet.Range["F4:G5"].Interior.TintAndShade = -0.15;
            worksheet.Range["F4:G5"].Font.ThemeFont        = ThemeFont.Major;
            worksheet.Range["F4:G5"].Font.Size             = 12;
            worksheet.Range["F4:G5"].Borders[BordersIndex.InsideHorizontal].LineStyle = BorderLineStyle.None;
            worksheet.Range["F5:G5"].NumberFormat = "$#,##0.00";

            //modify table columns' style.
            worksheet.Range["F8:G11, F15:G18, F22:G25, F29:G33"].Interior.ThemeColor   = ThemeColor.Light1;
            worksheet.Range["F8:G11, F15:G18, F22:G25, F29:G33"].Interior.TintAndShade = -0.15;
            worksheet.Range["E8:G11, E15:G18, E22:G25, E29:G33"].NumberFormat          = "$#,##0.00";
예제 #28
        public override void Execute(GrapeCity.Documents.Excel.Workbook workbook)
            IWorksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];

            worksheet.Range["A1"].Value     = "Font size is 15";
            worksheet.Range["A1"].Font.Size = 15;
예제 #29
        public override void Execute(GrapeCity.Documents.Excel.Workbook workbook)
            IWorksheet sheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];

            //Set pages' data.
            sheet.Range["A1:J46"].Value          = "Page1";
            sheet.Range["A1:J46"].Interior.Color = Color.LightGreen;

            sheet.Range["A47:J92"].Value          = "Page2";
            sheet.Range["A47:J92"].Interior.Color = Color.LightYellow;

            sheet.Range["K1:T46"].Value          = "Page3";
            sheet.Range["K1:T46"].Interior.Color = Color.OrangeRed;

            sheet.Range["K47:T92"].Value          = "Page4";
            sheet.Range["K47:T92"].Interior.Color = Color.DarkOrange;

            sheet.Range["U1:AD46"].Value          = "Page5";
            sheet.Range["U1:AD46"].Interior.Color = Color.LightBlue;

            sheet.Range["U47:AD92"].Value          = "Page6";
            sheet.Range["U47:AD92"].Interior.Color = Color.IndianRed;
            sheet.PageSetup.PrintHeadings          = true;

            //Set print page range, print p1, p3 to p5.
            sheet.PageSetup.PrintPageRange = "1,3-5";
예제 #30
        public override void Execute(GrapeCity.Documents.Excel.Workbook workbook)
            IWorksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets[0];

            object[,] data = new object[, ] {
                { "Name", "City", "Birthday", "Eye color", "Weight", "Height" },
                { "Richard", "New York", new DateTime(1968, 6, 8), "Blue", 67, 165 },
                { "Nia", "New York", new DateTime(1972, 7, 3), "Brown", 62, 134 },
                { "Jared", "New York", new DateTime(1964, 3, 2), "Hazel", 72, 180 },
                { "Natalie", "Washington", new DateTime(1972, 8, 8), "Blue", 66, 163 },
                { "Damon", "Washington", new DateTime(1986, 2, 2), "Hazel", 76, 176 },
                { "Angela", "Washington", new DateTime(1993, 2, 15), "Brown", 68, 145 }

            worksheet.Range["A1:F7"].Value     = data;
            worksheet.Range["A:F"].ColumnWidth = 15;
            worksheet.Range["A1:F7"].AutoFilter(4, "<80");
            worksheet.Range["A1:F7"].AutoFilter(0, "*e*");
            worksheet.Range["A1:F7"].AutoFilter(1, "=Washington");

            //clear second column filter only.

            //clear all filters

            //another way to clear all filters, same as AutoFilter.ShowAllData()