public virtual void BuildNormalRuleFunction(Rule r, RuleFunction function) { CodeGenerator gen = @delegate.GetGenerator(); // TRIGGER factory functions for rule alts, elements GrammarASTAdaptor adaptor = new GrammarASTAdaptor(r.ast.Token.InputStream); GrammarAST blk = (GrammarAST)r.ast.GetFirstChildWithType(ANTLRParser.BLOCK); CommonTreeNodeStream nodes = new CommonTreeNodeStream(adaptor, blk); walker = new SourceGenTriggers(nodes, this); try { // walk AST of rule alts/elements function.code = DefaultOutputModelFactory.List(walker.block(null, null)); function.hasLookaheadBlock = walker.hasLookaheadBlock; } catch (Antlr.Runtime.RecognitionException e) { @delegate.GetGenerator().tool.ConsoleError.WriteLine(e.Message); @delegate.GetGenerator().tool.ConsoleError.WriteLine(e.StackTrace); } function.ctxType = @delegate.GetTarget().GetRuleFunctionContextStructName(function); function.postamble = RulePostamble(function, r); }
public virtual RuleAST ParseArtificialRule(Grammar g, string ruleText) { ANTLRLexer lexer = new ANTLRLexer(new ANTLRStringStream(ruleText)); GrammarASTAdaptor adaptor = new GrammarASTAdaptor(lexer.CharStream); CommonTokenStream tokens = new CommonTokenStream(lexer); lexer.tokens = tokens; ToolANTLRParser p = new ToolANTLRParser(tokens, tool); p.TreeAdaptor = adaptor; IToken ruleStart = null; try { Antlr.Runtime.AstParserRuleReturnScope <GrammarAST, IToken> r = p.rule(); RuleAST tree = (RuleAST)r.Tree; ruleStart = r.Start; GrammarTransformPipeline.SetGrammarPtr(g, tree); GrammarTransformPipeline.AugmentTokensWithOriginalPosition(g, tree); return(tree); } catch (Exception e) { tool.errMgr.ToolError(ErrorType.INTERNAL_ERROR, e, ruleStart, "error parsing rule created during left-recursion detection: " + ruleText); } return(null); }
public virtual GrammarAST DupTree() { GrammarAST t = this; ICharStream input = this.Token.InputStream; GrammarASTAdaptor adaptor = new GrammarASTAdaptor(input); return((GrammarAST)adaptor.DupTree(t)); }
public virtual void ReduceBlocksToSets(GrammarAST root) { CommonTreeNodeStream nodes = new CommonTreeNodeStream(new GrammarASTAdaptor(), root); GrammarASTAdaptor adaptor = new GrammarASTAdaptor(); BlockSetTransformer transformer = new BlockSetTransformer(nodes, g); transformer.TreeAdaptor = adaptor; transformer.Downup(root); }
public virtual string ToTokenString() { ICharStream input = this.Token.InputStream; GrammarASTAdaptor adaptor = new GrammarASTAdaptor(input); CommonTreeNodeStream nodes = new CommonTreeNodeStream(adaptor, this); StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); GrammarAST o = (GrammarAST)nodes.LT(1); int type = adaptor.GetType(o); while (type != TokenTypes.EndOfFile) { buf.Append(" "); buf.Append(o.Text); nodes.Consume(); o = (GrammarAST)nodes.LT(1); type = adaptor.GetType(o); } return(buf.ToString()); }
protected virtual void _CreateATN([NotNull] ICollection <Rule> rules) { CreateRuleStartAndStopATNStates(); GrammarASTAdaptor adaptor = new GrammarASTAdaptor(); foreach (Rule r in rules) { // find rule's block GrammarAST blk = (GrammarAST)r.ast.GetFirstChildWithType(ANTLRParser.BLOCK); CommonTreeNodeStream nodes = new CommonTreeNodeStream(adaptor, blk); ATNBuilder b = new ATNBuilder(nodes, this); try { SetCurrentRuleName(; Handle h = b.ruleBlock(null); Rule(r.ast,, h); } catch (RecognitionException re) { g.tool.errMgr.FatalInternalError("bad grammar AST structure", re); } } }
public virtual GrammarRootAST Parse(string fileName, ICharStream @in) { try { GrammarASTAdaptor adaptor = new GrammarASTAdaptor(@in); ToolANTLRLexer lexer = new ToolANTLRLexer(@in, this); CommonTokenStream tokens = new CommonTokenStream(lexer); lexer.tokens = tokens; ToolANTLRParser p = new ToolANTLRParser(tokens, this); p.TreeAdaptor = adaptor; try { var r = p.grammarSpec(); GrammarAST root = (GrammarAST)r.Tree; if (root is GrammarRootAST) { ((GrammarRootAST)root).hasErrors = lexer.NumberOfSyntaxErrors > 0 || p.NumberOfSyntaxErrors > 0; Debug.Assert(((GrammarRootAST)root).tokenStream == tokens); if (grammarOptions != null) { ((GrammarRootAST)root).cmdLineOptions = grammarOptions; } return((GrammarRootAST)root); } } catch (v3TreeGrammarException e) { errMgr.GrammarError(ErrorType.V3_TREE_GRAMMAR, fileName, e.location); } return(null); } catch (RecognitionException) { // TODO: do we gen errors now? ErrorManager.InternalError("can't generate this message at moment; antlr recovers"); } return(null); }
/** Build lexer grammar from combined grammar that looks like: * * (COMBINED_GRAMMAR A * (tokens { X (= Y 'y')) * (OPTIONS (= x 'y')) * (@ members {foo}) * (@ lexer header {package jj;}) * (RULES (RULE .+))) * * Move rules and actions to new tree, don't dup. Split AST apart. * We'll have this Grammar share token symbols later; don't generate * tokenVocab or tokens{} section. Copy over named actions. * * Side-effects: it removes children from GRAMMAR & RULES nodes * in combined AST. Anything cut out is dup'd before * adding to lexer to avoid "who's ur daddy" issues */ public virtual GrammarRootAST ExtractImplicitLexer(Grammar combinedGrammar) { GrammarRootAST combinedAST = combinedGrammar.ast; //tool.log("grammar", "before="+combinedAST.toStringTree()); GrammarASTAdaptor adaptor = new GrammarASTAdaptor(combinedAST.Token.InputStream); GrammarAST[] elements = combinedAST.GetChildrenAsArray(); // MAKE A GRAMMAR ROOT and ID string lexerName = combinedAST.GetChild(0).Text + "Lexer"; GrammarRootAST lexerAST = new GrammarRootAST(new CommonToken(ANTLRParser.GRAMMAR, "LEXER_GRAMMAR"), combinedGrammar.ast.tokenStream); lexerAST.grammarType = ANTLRParser.LEXER; lexerAST.Token.InputStream = combinedAST.Token.InputStream; lexerAST.AddChild((ITree)adaptor.Create(ANTLRParser.ID, lexerName)); // COPY OPTIONS GrammarAST optionsRoot = (GrammarAST)combinedAST.GetFirstChildWithType(ANTLRParser.OPTIONS); if (optionsRoot != null && optionsRoot.ChildCount != 0) { GrammarAST lexerOptionsRoot = (GrammarAST)adaptor.DupNode(optionsRoot); lexerAST.AddChild(lexerOptionsRoot); GrammarAST[] options = optionsRoot.GetChildrenAsArray(); foreach (GrammarAST o in options) { string optionName = o.GetChild(0).Text; if (Grammar.lexerOptions.Contains(optionName) && !Grammar.doNotCopyOptionsToLexer.Contains(optionName)) { GrammarAST optionTree = (GrammarAST)adaptor.DupTree(o); lexerOptionsRoot.AddChild(optionTree); lexerAST.SetOption(optionName, (GrammarAST)optionTree.GetChild(1)); } } } // COPY all named actions, but only move those with lexer:: scope IList <GrammarAST> actionsWeMoved = new List <GrammarAST>(); foreach (GrammarAST e in elements) { if (e.Type == ANTLRParser.AT) { lexerAST.AddChild((ITree)adaptor.DupTree(e)); if (e.GetChild(0).Text.Equals("lexer")) { actionsWeMoved.Add(e); } } } foreach (GrammarAST r in actionsWeMoved) { combinedAST.DeleteChild(r); } GrammarAST combinedRulesRoot = (GrammarAST)combinedAST.GetFirstChildWithType(ANTLRParser.RULES); if (combinedRulesRoot == null) { return(lexerAST); } // MOVE lexer rules GrammarAST lexerRulesRoot = (GrammarAST)adaptor.Create(ANTLRParser.RULES, "RULES"); lexerAST.AddChild(lexerRulesRoot); IList <GrammarAST> rulesWeMoved = new List <GrammarAST>(); GrammarASTWithOptions[] rules; if (combinedRulesRoot.ChildCount > 0) { rules = combinedRulesRoot.Children.Cast <GrammarASTWithOptions>().ToArray(); } else { rules = new GrammarASTWithOptions[0]; } foreach (GrammarASTWithOptions r in rules) { string ruleName = r.GetChild(0).Text; if (Grammar.IsTokenName(ruleName)) { lexerRulesRoot.AddChild((ITree)adaptor.DupTree(r)); rulesWeMoved.Add(r); } } foreach (GrammarAST r in rulesWeMoved) { combinedRulesRoot.DeleteChild(r); } // Will track 'if' from IF : 'if' ; rules to avoid defining new token for 'if' IList <System.Tuple <GrammarAST, GrammarAST> > litAliases = Grammar.GetStringLiteralAliasesFromLexerRules(lexerAST); ISet <string> stringLiterals = combinedGrammar.GetStringLiterals(); // add strings from combined grammar (and imported grammars) into lexer // put them first as they are keywords; must resolve ambigs to these rules // tool.log("grammar", "strings from parser: "+stringLiterals); int insertIndex = 0; foreach (string lit in stringLiterals) { // if lexer already has a rule for literal, continue if (litAliases != null) { foreach (System.Tuple <GrammarAST, GrammarAST> pair in litAliases) { GrammarAST litAST = pair.Item2; if (lit.Equals(litAST.Text)) { goto continueNextLit; } } } // create for each literal: (RULE <uniquename> (BLOCK (ALT <lit>)) string rname = combinedGrammar.GetStringLiteralLexerRuleName(lit); // can't use wizard; need special node types GrammarAST litRule = new RuleAST(ANTLRParser.RULE); BlockAST blk = new BlockAST(ANTLRParser.BLOCK); AltAST alt = new AltAST(ANTLRParser.ALT); TerminalAST slit = new TerminalAST(new CommonToken(ANTLRParser.STRING_LITERAL, lit)); alt.AddChild(slit); blk.AddChild(alt); CommonToken idToken = new CommonToken(ANTLRParser.TOKEN_REF, rname); litRule.AddChild(new TerminalAST(idToken)); litRule.AddChild(blk); lexerRulesRoot.InsertChild(insertIndex, litRule); // lexerRulesRoot.getChildren().add(0, litRule); lexerRulesRoot.FreshenParentAndChildIndexes(); // reset indexes and set litRule parent // next literal will be added after the one just added insertIndex++; continueNextLit: ; } // TODO: take out after stable if slow lexerAST.SanityCheckParentAndChildIndexes(); combinedAST.SanityCheckParentAndChildIndexes(); // tool.log("grammar", combinedAST.toTokenString()); combinedGrammar.tool.Log("grammar", "after extract implicit lexer =" + combinedAST.ToStringTree()); combinedGrammar.tool.Log("grammar", "lexer =" + lexerAST.ToStringTree()); if (lexerRulesRoot.ChildCount == 0) { return(null); } return(lexerAST); }
/** Merge all the rules, token definitions, and named actions from * imported grammars into the root grammar tree. Perform: * * (tokens { X (= Y 'y')) + (tokens { Z ) -> (tokens { X (= Y 'y') Z) * * (@ members {foo}) + (@ members {bar}) -> (@ members {foobar}) * * (RULES (RULE x y)) + (RULES (RULE z)) -> (RULES (RULE x y z)) * * Rules in root prevent same rule from being appended to RULES node. * * The goal is a complete combined grammar so we can ignore subordinate * grammars. */ public virtual void IntegrateImportedGrammars(Grammar rootGrammar) { IList <Grammar> imports = rootGrammar.GetAllImportedGrammars(); if (imports == null) { return; } GrammarAST root = rootGrammar.ast; GrammarAST id = (GrammarAST)root.GetChild(0); GrammarASTAdaptor adaptor = new GrammarASTAdaptor(id.Token.InputStream); GrammarAST tokensRoot = (GrammarAST)root.GetFirstChildWithType(ANTLRParser.TOKENS_SPEC); IList <GrammarAST> actionRoots = root.GetNodesWithType(ANTLRParser.AT); // Compute list of rules in root grammar and ensure we have a RULES node GrammarAST RULES = (GrammarAST)root.GetFirstChildWithType(ANTLRParser.RULES); ISet <string> rootRuleNames = new HashSet <string>(); // make list of rules we have in root grammar IList <GrammarAST> rootRules = RULES.GetNodesWithType(ANTLRParser.RULE); foreach (GrammarAST r in rootRules) { rootRuleNames.Add(r.GetChild(0).Text); } foreach (Grammar imp in imports) { // COPY TOKENS GrammarAST imp_tokensRoot = (GrammarAST)imp.ast.GetFirstChildWithType(ANTLRParser.TOKENS_SPEC); if (imp_tokensRoot != null) { rootGrammar.tool.Log("grammar", "imported tokens: " + imp_tokensRoot.Children); if (tokensRoot == null) { tokensRoot = (GrammarAST)adaptor.Create(ANTLRParser.TOKENS_SPEC, "TOKENS"); tokensRoot.g = rootGrammar; root.InsertChild(1, tokensRoot); // ^(GRAMMAR ID TOKENS...) } tokensRoot.AddChildren(imp_tokensRoot.Children); } IList <GrammarAST> all_actionRoots = new List <GrammarAST>(); IList <GrammarAST> imp_actionRoots = imp.ast.GetAllChildrenWithType(ANTLRParser.AT); if (actionRoots != null) { foreach (var actionRoot in actionRoots) { all_actionRoots.Add(actionRoot); } } foreach (var actionRoot in imp_actionRoots) { all_actionRoots.Add(actionRoot); } // COPY ACTIONS if (imp_actionRoots != null) { IDictionary <System.Tuple <string, string>, GrammarAST> namedActions = new Dictionary <System.Tuple <string, string>, GrammarAST>(); rootGrammar.tool.Log("grammar", "imported actions: " + imp_actionRoots); foreach (GrammarAST at in all_actionRoots) { string scopeName = rootGrammar.GetDefaultActionScope(); GrammarAST scope, name, action; if (at.ChildCount > 2) { // must have a scope scope = (GrammarAST)at.GetChild(0); scopeName = scope.Text; name = (GrammarAST)at.GetChild(1); action = (GrammarAST)at.GetChild(2); } else { name = (GrammarAST)at.GetChild(0); action = (GrammarAST)at.GetChild(1); } GrammarAST prevAction; if (!namedActions.TryGetValue(Tuple.Create(scopeName, name.Text), out prevAction) || prevAction == null) { namedActions[Tuple.Create(scopeName, name.Text)] = action; } else { if (prevAction.g == at.g) { rootGrammar.tool.errMgr.GrammarError(ErrorType.ACTION_REDEFINITION, at.g.fileName, name.Token, name.Text); } else { string s1 = prevAction.Text; s1 = s1.Substring(1, s1.Length - 2); string s2 = action.Text; s2 = s2.Substring(1, s2.Length - 2); string combinedAction = "{" + s1 + '\n' + s2 + "}"; prevAction.Token.Text = combinedAction; } } } // at this point, we have complete list of combined actions, // some of which are already living in root grammar. // Merge in any actions not in root grammar into root's tree. foreach (string scopeName in namedActions.Keys.Select(i => i.Item1).Distinct()) { foreach (string name in namedActions.Keys.Where(i => i.Item1 == scopeName).Select(i => i.Item2)) { GrammarAST action = namedActions[Tuple.Create(scopeName, name)]; rootGrammar.tool.Log("grammar", + " " + scopeName + ":" + name + "=" + action.Text); if (action.g != rootGrammar) { root.InsertChild(1, action.Parent); } } } } // COPY RULES IList <GrammarAST> rules = imp.ast.GetNodesWithType(ANTLRParser.RULE); if (rules != null) { foreach (GrammarAST r in rules) { rootGrammar.tool.Log("grammar", "imported rule: " + r.ToStringTree()); string name = r.GetChild(0).Text; bool rootAlreadyHasRule = rootRuleNames.Contains(name); if (!rootAlreadyHasRule) { RULES.AddChild(r); // merge in if not overridden rootRuleNames.Add(name); } } } GrammarAST optionsRoot = (GrammarAST)imp.ast.GetFirstChildWithType(ANTLRParser.OPTIONS); if (optionsRoot != null) { // suppress the warning if the options match the options specified // in the root grammar // bool hasNewOption = false; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, GrammarAST> option in imp.ast.GetOptions()) { string importOption = imp.ast.GetOptionString(option.Key); if (importOption == null) { continue; } string rootOption = rootGrammar.ast.GetOptionString(option.Key); if (!importOption.Equals(rootOption)) { hasNewOption = true; break; } } if (hasNewOption) { rootGrammar.tool.errMgr.GrammarError(ErrorType.OPTIONS_IN_DELEGATE, optionsRoot.g.fileName, optionsRoot.Token,; } } } rootGrammar.tool.Log("grammar", "Grammar: " + rootGrammar.ast.ToStringTree()); }