public static void AugmentTokensWithOriginalPosition(Grammar g, GrammarAST tree)
            if (tree == null)

            IList <GrammarAST> optionsSubTrees = tree.GetNodesWithType(ANTLRParser.ELEMENT_OPTIONS);

            for (int i = 0; i < optionsSubTrees.Count; i++)
                GrammarAST t         = optionsSubTrees[i];
                CommonTree elWithOpt = (CommonTree)t.Parent;
                if (elWithOpt is GrammarASTWithOptions)
                    IDictionary <string, GrammarAST> options = ((GrammarASTWithOptions)elWithOpt).GetOptions();
                    if (options.ContainsKey(LeftRecursiveRuleTransformer.TOKENINDEX_OPTION_NAME))
                        GrammarToken newTok = new GrammarToken(g, elWithOpt.Token);
                        newTok.originalTokenIndex = int.Parse(options[LeftRecursiveRuleTransformer.TOKENINDEX_OPTION_NAME].Text);
                        elWithOpt.Token           = newTok;

                        GrammarAST originalNode = g.ast.GetNodeWithTokenIndex(newTok.TokenIndex);
                        if (originalNode != null)
                            // update the AST node start/stop index to match the values
                            // of the corresponding node in the original parse tree.
                            elWithOpt.TokenStartIndex = originalNode.TokenStartIndex;
                            elWithOpt.TokenStopIndex  = originalNode.TokenStopIndex;
                            // the original AST node could not be located by index;
                            // make sure to assign valid values for the start/stop
                            // index so toTokenString will not throw exceptions.
                            elWithOpt.TokenStartIndex = newTok.TokenIndex;
                            elWithOpt.TokenStopIndex  = newTok.TokenIndex;
예제 #2
        public virtual string Text(GrammarAST t)
            if (t == null)

            int tokenStartIndex = t.TokenStartIndex;
            int tokenStopIndex  = t.TokenStopIndex;

            // ignore tokens from existing option subtrees like:
            //    (ELEMENT_OPTIONS (= assoc right))
            // element options are added back according to the values in the map
            // returned by getOptions().
            IntervalSet        ignore          = new IntervalSet();
            IList <GrammarAST> optionsSubTrees = t.GetNodesWithType(ELEMENT_OPTIONS);

            foreach (GrammarAST sub in optionsSubTrees)
                ignore.Add(sub.TokenStartIndex, sub.TokenStopIndex);

            // Individual labels appear as RULE_REF or TOKEN_REF tokens in the tree,
            // but do not support the ELEMENT_OPTIONS syntax. Make sure to not try
            // and add the tokenIndex option when writing these tokens.
            IntervalSet        noOptions       = new IntervalSet();
            IList <GrammarAST> labeledSubTrees = t.GetNodesWithType(new IntervalSet(ASSIGN, PLUS_ASSIGN));

            foreach (GrammarAST sub in labeledSubTrees)

            StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
            int           i   = tokenStartIndex;

            while (i <= tokenStopIndex)
                if (ignore.Contains(i))

                IToken tok = tokenStream.Get(i);

                // Compute/hold any element options
                StringBuilder elementOptions = new StringBuilder();
                if (!noOptions.Contains(i))
                    GrammarAST node = t.GetNodeWithTokenIndex(tok.TokenIndex);
                    if (node != null &&
                        (tok.Type == TOKEN_REF ||
                         tok.Type == STRING_LITERAL ||
                         tok.Type == RULE_REF))

                    if (node is GrammarASTWithOptions)
                        GrammarASTWithOptions o = (GrammarASTWithOptions)node;
                        foreach (KeyValuePair <string, GrammarAST> entry in o.GetOptions())
                            if (elementOptions.Length > 0)


                buf.Append(tok.Text); // add actual text of the current token to the rewritten alternative
                i++;                  // move to the next token

                // Are there args on a rule?
                if (tok.Type == RULE_REF && i <= tokenStopIndex && tokenStream.Get(i).Type == ARG_ACTION)
                    buf.Append('[' + tokenStream.Get(i).Text + ']');

                // now that we have the actual element, we can add the options.
                if (elementOptions.Length > 0)
        /** Merge all the rules, token definitions, and named actions from
         *  imported grammars into the root grammar tree.  Perform:
         *  (tokens { X (= Y 'y')) + (tokens { Z )	-&gt;	(tokens { X (= Y 'y') Z)
         *  (@ members {foo}) + (@ members {bar})	-&gt;	(@ members {foobar})
         *  (RULES (RULE x y)) + (RULES (RULE z))	-&gt;	(RULES (RULE x y z))
         *  Rules in root prevent same rule from being appended to RULES node.
         *  The goal is a complete combined grammar so we can ignore subordinate
         *  grammars.
        public virtual void IntegrateImportedGrammars(Grammar rootGrammar)
            IList <Grammar> imports = rootGrammar.GetAllImportedGrammars();

            if (imports == null)

            GrammarAST        root    = rootGrammar.ast;
            GrammarAST        id      = (GrammarAST)root.GetChild(0);
            GrammarASTAdaptor adaptor = new GrammarASTAdaptor(id.Token.InputStream);

            GrammarAST tokensRoot = (GrammarAST)root.GetFirstChildWithType(ANTLRParser.TOKENS_SPEC);

            IList <GrammarAST> actionRoots = root.GetNodesWithType(ANTLRParser.AT);

            // Compute list of rules in root grammar and ensure we have a RULES node
            GrammarAST    RULES         = (GrammarAST)root.GetFirstChildWithType(ANTLRParser.RULES);
            ISet <string> rootRuleNames = new HashSet <string>();
            // make list of rules we have in root grammar
            IList <GrammarAST> rootRules = RULES.GetNodesWithType(ANTLRParser.RULE);

            foreach (GrammarAST r in rootRules)

            foreach (Grammar imp in imports)
                // COPY TOKENS
                GrammarAST imp_tokensRoot = (GrammarAST)imp.ast.GetFirstChildWithType(ANTLRParser.TOKENS_SPEC);
                if (imp_tokensRoot != null)
                    rootGrammar.tool.Log("grammar", "imported tokens: " + imp_tokensRoot.Children);
                    if (tokensRoot == null)
                        tokensRoot   = (GrammarAST)adaptor.Create(ANTLRParser.TOKENS_SPEC, "TOKENS");
                        tokensRoot.g = rootGrammar;
                        root.InsertChild(1, tokensRoot); // ^(GRAMMAR ID TOKENS...)

                IList <GrammarAST> all_actionRoots = new List <GrammarAST>();
                IList <GrammarAST> imp_actionRoots = imp.ast.GetAllChildrenWithType(ANTLRParser.AT);
                if (actionRoots != null)
                    foreach (var actionRoot in actionRoots)

                foreach (var actionRoot in imp_actionRoots)

                // COPY ACTIONS
                if (imp_actionRoots != null)
                    IDictionary <System.Tuple <string, string>, GrammarAST> namedActions =
                        new Dictionary <System.Tuple <string, string>, GrammarAST>();

                    rootGrammar.tool.Log("grammar", "imported actions: " + imp_actionRoots);
                    foreach (GrammarAST at in all_actionRoots)
                        string     scopeName = rootGrammar.GetDefaultActionScope();
                        GrammarAST scope, name, action;
                        if (at.ChildCount > 2)
                        { // must have a scope
                            scope     = (GrammarAST)at.GetChild(0);
                            scopeName = scope.Text;
                            name      = (GrammarAST)at.GetChild(1);
                            action    = (GrammarAST)at.GetChild(2);
                            name   = (GrammarAST)at.GetChild(0);
                            action = (GrammarAST)at.GetChild(1);
                        GrammarAST prevAction;
                        if (!namedActions.TryGetValue(Tuple.Create(scopeName, name.Text), out prevAction) || prevAction == null)
                            namedActions[Tuple.Create(scopeName, name.Text)] = action;
                            if (prevAction.g == at.g)
                                                                     at.g.fileName, name.Token, name.Text);
                                string s1 = prevAction.Text;
                                s1 = s1.Substring(1, s1.Length - 2);
                                string s2 = action.Text;
                                s2 = s2.Substring(1, s2.Length - 2);
                                string combinedAction = "{" + s1 + '\n' + s2 + "}";
                                prevAction.Token.Text = combinedAction;
                    // at this point, we have complete list of combined actions,
                    // some of which are already living in root grammar.
                    // Merge in any actions not in root grammar into root's tree.
                    foreach (string scopeName in namedActions.Keys.Select(i => i.Item1).Distinct())
                        foreach (string name in namedActions.Keys.Where(i => i.Item1 == scopeName).Select(i => i.Item2))
                            GrammarAST action = namedActions[Tuple.Create(scopeName, name)];
                            rootGrammar.tool.Log("grammar", + " " + scopeName + ":" + name + "=" + action.Text);
                            if (action.g != rootGrammar)
                                root.InsertChild(1, action.Parent);

                // COPY RULES
                IList <GrammarAST> rules = imp.ast.GetNodesWithType(ANTLRParser.RULE);
                if (rules != null)
                    foreach (GrammarAST r in rules)
                        rootGrammar.tool.Log("grammar", "imported rule: " + r.ToStringTree());
                        string name = r.GetChild(0).Text;
                        bool   rootAlreadyHasRule = rootRuleNames.Contains(name);
                        if (!rootAlreadyHasRule)
                            RULES.AddChild(r); // merge in if not overridden

                GrammarAST optionsRoot = (GrammarAST)imp.ast.GetFirstChildWithType(ANTLRParser.OPTIONS);
                if (optionsRoot != null)
                    // suppress the warning if the options match the options specified
                    // in the root grammar

                    bool hasNewOption = false;
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, GrammarAST> option in imp.ast.GetOptions())
                        string importOption = imp.ast.GetOptionString(option.Key);
                        if (importOption == null)

                        string rootOption = rootGrammar.ast.GetOptionString(option.Key);
                        if (!importOption.Equals(rootOption))
                            hasNewOption = true;

                    if (hasNewOption)
                                                             optionsRoot.g.fileName, optionsRoot.Token,;
            rootGrammar.tool.Log("grammar", "Grammar: " + rootGrammar.ast.ToStringTree());