예제 #1
        private GrainReference MakeTestGrainReference()
            GrainId        regularGrainId = GrainId.GetGrainId(12345, Guid.NewGuid(), "foo/bar\\#baz?");
            GrainReference grainRef       = this.ClusterFixture.InternalGrainFactory.GetGrain(regularGrainId);

예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a reference to a grain that we expect to support the stream consumer extension.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="primaryKey">The primary key of the grain.</param>
        /// <param name="grainClassName">The name of the grain class to instantiate.</param>
        /// <param name="grainIfaceName">The name of the an IGrain-derived interface that `className` implements (required by MakeGrainReferenceInternal)</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private IStreamConsumerExtension MakeConsumerReference(Guid primaryKey, int implTypeCode)
            GrainId      grainId     = GrainId.GetGrainId(implTypeCode, primaryKey);
            IAddressable addressable = GrainReference.FromGrainId(grainId);

            return(GrainFactory.Cast <IStreamConsumerExtension>(addressable));
        /// <summary>
        /// A GetGrain overload that returns the runtime type of the grain interface and returns the grain cast to
        /// <see paramref="outputGrainInterfaceType"/>. It is the caller's responsibility to ensure <see paramref="outputGrainInterfaceType"/>
        /// extends IGrain, as there is no compile-time checking for this overload.
        /// The main use-case is when you want to get a grain whose type is unknown at compile time.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="grainPrimaryKey">the primary key of the grain</param>
        /// <param name="grainInterfaceType">the runtime type of the grain interface</param>
        /// <param name="outputGrainInterfaceType">the type of grain interface that should be returned</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public IGrain GetGrain(string grainPrimaryKey, Type grainInterfaceType, Type outputGrainInterfaceType)
            this.runtimeClient.GrainTypeResolver.TryGetGrainClassData(grainInterfaceType, out GrainClassData implementation, string.Empty);
            var grainId = GrainId.GetGrainId(implementation.GetTypeCode(grainInterfaceType), grainPrimaryKey);

            return((IGrain)this.Cast(this.MakeGrainReferenceFromType(grainInterfaceType, grainId), outputGrainInterfaceType));
        /// <summary>
        /// A GetGrain overload that returns the runtime type of the grain interface and returns the grain cast to
        /// outputGrainInterfaceType.
        /// The main use-case is when you want to get a grain whose type is unknown at compile time (e.g. generic type parameters).
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="OutputGrainInterfaceType">The output type of the grain</typeparam>
        /// <param name="grainPrimaryKey">the primary key of the grain</param>
        /// <param name="grainInterfaceType">the runtime type of the grain interface</param>
        /// <returns>the requested grain with the given grainID and grainInterfaceType</returns>
        public OutputGrainInterfaceType GetGrain <OutputGrainInterfaceType>(Guid grainPrimaryKey, Type grainInterfaceType)
            where OutputGrainInterfaceType : IGrain
            this.runtimeClient.GrainTypeResolver.TryGetGrainClassData(grainInterfaceType, out GrainClassData implementation, string.Empty);
            var grainId = GrainId.GetGrainId(implementation.GetTypeCode(grainInterfaceType), grainPrimaryKey);

            return(this.Cast <OutputGrainInterfaceType>(this.MakeGrainReferenceFromType(grainInterfaceType, grainId)));
예제 #5
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public TGrainInterface GetGrain <TGrainInterface>(long primaryKey, string grainClassNamePrefix = null) where TGrainInterface : IGrainWithIntegerKey
            Type interfaceType  = typeof(TGrainInterface);
            var  implementation = this.GetGrainClassData(interfaceType, grainClassNamePrefix);
            var  grainId        = GrainId.GetGrainId(implementation.GetTypeCode(interfaceType), primaryKey, null);

            return(this.Cast <TGrainInterface>(this.MakeGrainReferenceFromType(interfaceType, grainId)));
예제 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a reference to a grain that we expect to support the stream consumer extension.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="grainFactory">The grain factory used to get consumer references.</param>
        /// <param name="streamId">The stream ID to use for the grain ID construction.</param>
        /// <param name="implTypeCode">The type code of the grain interface.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private IStreamConsumerExtension MakeConsumerReference(IInternalGrainFactory grainFactory, StreamId streamId,
                                                               int implTypeCode)
            var keyExtension = grainsWithKeyExtensions.Contains(implTypeCode)
                ? streamId.Namespace
                : null;
            GrainId grainId = GrainId.GetGrainId(implTypeCode, streamId.Guid, keyExtension);

            return(grainFactory.GetGrain <IStreamConsumerExtension>(grainId));
예제 #7
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public TGrainInterface GetGrain <TGrainInterface>(Guid primaryKey, string keyExtension, string grainClassNamePrefix = null)
            where TGrainInterface : IGrainWithGuidCompoundKey

            Type interfaceType  = typeof(TGrainInterface);
            var  implementation = this.GetGrainClassData(interfaceType, grainClassNamePrefix);
            var  grainId        = GrainId.GetGrainId(implementation.GetTypeCode(interfaceType), primaryKey, keyExtension);

            return(this.Cast <TGrainInterface>(this.MakeGrainReferenceFromType(interfaceType, grainId)));
예제 #8
파일: Program.cs 프로젝트: wattsm/orleans
        private static GrainId ConstructGrainId(string[] args, string operation)
            if (args == null || args.Length < 2)
            string interfaceTypeCodeOrImplClassName = args[0];
            int    interfaceTypeCodeDataLong;
            long   implementationTypeCode;

            var grainTypeResolver = (IGrainTypeResolver)client.ServiceProvider.GetService(typeof(IGrainTypeResolver));

            if (int.TryParse(interfaceTypeCodeOrImplClassName, out interfaceTypeCodeDataLong))
                // parsed it as int, so it is an interface type code.
                implementationTypeCode =
                    GetImplementation(grainTypeResolver, interfaceTypeCodeDataLong).GrainTypeCode;
                // interfaceTypeCodeOrImplClassName is the implementation class name
                implementationTypeCode = GetImplementation(grainTypeResolver, interfaceTypeCodeOrImplClassName).GrainTypeCode;

            var     grainIdStr = args[1];
            GrainId grainId    = null;
            long    grainIdLong;
            Guid    grainIdGuid;

            if (long.TryParse(grainIdStr, out grainIdLong))
                grainId = GrainId.GetGrainId(implementationTypeCode, grainIdLong);
            else if (Guid.TryParse(grainIdStr, out grainIdGuid))
                grainId = GrainId.GetGrainId(implementationTypeCode, grainIdGuid);
                grainId = GrainId.GetGrainId(implementationTypeCode, grainIdStr);

            WriteStatus(string.Format("**Full Grain Id to {0} is: GrainId = {1}", operation, grainId.ToFullString()));
예제 #9
        public void GrainId_ToFromPrintableString()
            Guid    guid         = Guid.NewGuid();
            GrainId grainId      = GrainId.GetGrainIdForTesting(guid);
            GrainId roundTripped = RoundTripGrainIdToParsable(grainId);

            Assert.Equal(grainId, roundTripped); // GrainId.ToPrintableString -- Guid key

            string extKey = "Guid-ExtKey-1";

            guid         = Guid.NewGuid();
            grainId      = GrainId.GetGrainId(0, guid, extKey);
            roundTripped = RoundTripGrainIdToParsable(grainId);
            Assert.Equal(grainId, roundTripped); // GrainId.ToPrintableString -- Guid key + Extended Key

            grainId      = GrainId.GetGrainId(0, guid, null);
            roundTripped = RoundTripGrainIdToParsable(grainId);
            Assert.Equal(grainId, roundTripped); // GrainId.ToPrintableString -- Guid key + null Extended Key

            long key = random.Next();

            guid         = UniqueKey.NewKey(key).PrimaryKeyToGuid();
            grainId      = GrainId.GetGrainIdForTesting(guid);
            roundTripped = RoundTripGrainIdToParsable(grainId);
            Assert.Equal(grainId, roundTripped); // GrainId.ToPrintableString -- Int64 key

            extKey       = "Long-ExtKey-2";
            key          = random.Next();
            guid         = UniqueKey.NewKey(key).PrimaryKeyToGuid();
            grainId      = GrainId.GetGrainId(0, guid, extKey);
            roundTripped = RoundTripGrainIdToParsable(grainId);
            Assert.Equal(grainId, roundTripped); // GrainId.ToPrintableString -- Int64 key + Extended Key

            guid         = UniqueKey.NewKey(key).PrimaryKeyToGuid();
            grainId      = GrainId.GetGrainId(0, guid, null);
            roundTripped = RoundTripGrainIdToParsable(grainId);
            Assert.Equal(grainId, roundTripped); // GrainId.ToPrintableString -- Int64 key + null Extended Key
예제 #10
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public IGrain GetGrain(Type grainInterfaceType, long grainPrimaryKey, string keyExtension)
            var grainId = GrainId.GetGrainId(GetTypeCode(grainInterfaceType), grainPrimaryKey, keyExtension);

            return(MakeGrainReference(grainInterfaceType, grainId));
예제 #11
 internal static GrainId ComposeGrainId(GrainClassData implementation, string primaryKey, Type interfaceType)
     return(GrainId.GetGrainId(implementation.GetTypeCode(interfaceType), primaryKey));
예제 #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a reference to a grain that we expect to support the stream consumer extension.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="grainFactory">The grain factory used to get consumer references.</param>
        /// <param name="primaryKey">The primary key of the grain.</param>
        /// <param name="implTypeCode">The type code of the grain interface.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private IStreamConsumerExtension MakeConsumerReference(IInternalGrainFactory grainFactory, Guid primaryKey, int implTypeCode)
            GrainId grainId = GrainId.GetGrainId(implTypeCode, primaryKey);

            return(grainFactory.GetGrain <IStreamConsumerExtension>(grainId));
예제 #13
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public IGrain GetGrain(Type grainInterfaceType, long grainPrimaryKey)
            var grainId = GrainId.GetGrainId(GetTypeCode(grainInterfaceType), grainPrimaryKey);

            return(MakeGrainReference(grainInterfaceType, grainId));
예제 #14
        /// <summary> Read an <c>GrainId</c> value from the stream. </summary>
        /// <returns>Data from current position in stream, converted to the appropriate output type.</returns>
        internal static GrainId ReadGrainId(this IBinaryTokenStreamReader @this)
            UniqueKey key = @this.ReadUniqueKey();

예제 #15
        internal async Task Run_ActivationSched_Test1(TaskScheduler scheduler, bool bounceToThreadPool)
            var grainId = GrainId.GetGrainId(0, Guid.NewGuid());
            var grain   = new NonReentrentStressGrainWithoutState(grainId, new GrainRuntime(Guid.NewGuid(), null, null, null, null, null, null));
            await grain.OnActivateAsync();

            Task        wrapped     = null;
            var         wrapperDone = new TaskCompletionSource <bool>();
            var         wrappedDone = new TaskCompletionSource <bool>();
            Task <Task> wrapper     = new Task <Task>(() =>
                output.WriteLine("#0 - new Task - SynchronizationContext.Current={0} TaskScheduler.Current={1}",
                                 SynchronizationContext.Current, TaskScheduler.Current);

                Task t1 = grain.Test1();

                Action wrappedDoneAction = () => { wrappedDone.SetResult(true); };

                if (bounceToThreadPool)
                    wrapped = t1.ContinueWith(_ => wrappedDoneAction(),
                    wrapped = t1.ContinueWith(_ => wrappedDoneAction());

            await wrapper;

            var timeoutLimit = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1);

                await wrapperDone.Task.WithTimeout(timeoutLimit);
            catch (TimeoutException)
                Assert.True(false, "Result did not arrive before timeout " + timeoutLimit);
            bool done = wrapperDone.Task.Result;

            Assert.True(done, "Wrapper Task finished");
            Assert.True(wrapper.IsCompleted, "Wrapper Task completed");

            //done = wrapped.Wait(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(12));
            //Assert.True(done, "Wrapped Task not timeout");
            await wrapped;

                await wrappedDone.Task.WithTimeout(timeoutLimit);
            catch (TimeoutException)
                Assert.True(false, "Result did not arrive before timeout " + timeoutLimit);
            done = wrappedDone.Task.Result;
            Assert.True(done, "Wrapped Task should be finished");
            Assert.True(wrapped.IsCompleted, "Wrapped Task completed");
예제 #16
 private static GrainId ComposeGrainId(int baseTypeCode, string primaryKey, Type interfaceType)
     return(GrainId.GetGrainId(ComposeGenericTypeCode(interfaceType, baseTypeCode), primaryKey));
예제 #17
        /// <summary> Read an <c>GrainId</c> value from the stream. </summary>
        /// <returns>Data from current position in stream, converted to the appropriate output type.</returns>
        internal static GrainId ReadGrainId <TReader>(this TReader @this) where TReader : IBinaryTokenStreamReader
            UniqueKey key = @this.ReadUniqueKey();

예제 #18
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new grain and a grain reference pair.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="grainId">The grain ID.</param>
 /// <param name="version">The initial version of the state.</param>
 /// <returns>A grain reference and a state pair.</returns>
 internal Tuple <GrainReference, GrainState <TestState1> > GetTestReferenceAndState(long grainId, string version)
     return(Tuple.Create(this.grainFactory.GetGrain(GrainId.GetGrainId(UniqueKey.NewKey(grainId, UniqueKey.Category.Grain))), new GrainState <TestState1> {
         State = new TestState1(), ETag = version
예제 #19
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new grain and a grain reference pair.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="grainId">The grain ID.</param>
 /// <param name="version">The initial version of the state.</param>
 /// <returns>A grain reference and a state pair.</returns>
 internal Tuple <GrainReference, GrainState <TestState1> > GetTestReferenceAndState(string grainId, string version)
     return(Tuple.Create(this.grainFactory.GetGrain(GrainId.FromParsableString(GrainId.GetGrainId(RandomUtilities.NormalGrainTypeCode, grainId).ToParsableString())), new GrainState <TestState1> {
         State = new TestState1(), ETag = version
예제 #20
 internal static GrainId ComposeGrainId(GrainClassData implementation, Guid primaryKey, Type interfaceType, string keyExt = null)
     return(GrainId.GetGrainId(implementation.GetTypeCode(interfaceType), primaryKey, keyExt));
예제 #21
        /// <summary> Read an <c>GrainId</c> value from the stream. </summary>
        /// <returns>Data from current position in stream, converted to the appropriate output type.</returns>
        internal GrainId ReadGrainId()
            UniqueKey key = ReadUniqueKey();

예제 #22
 internal static Tuple <GrainReference, GrainState <TestState1> > GetTestReferenceAndState(long grainId, string version)
     return(new Tuple <GrainReference, GrainState <TestState1> >(GrainReference.FromGrainId(GrainId.GetGrainId(UniqueKey.NewKey(grainId, UniqueKey.Category.Grain))), new GrainState <TestState1> {
         State = new TestState1(), ETag = version