public DataTable ProcessPipelineData(DataTable toProcess, IDataLoadEventListener listener, GracefulCancellationToken cancellationToken) { //Things we ignore, Lookups, SupportingSql etc if (_extractCommand == null) { listener.OnNotify(this, new NotifyEventArgs(ProgressEventType.Information, "Ignoring non dataset command ")); return(toProcess); } //if it isn't a dicom dataset don't process it if (!toProcess.Columns.Contains(RelativeArchiveColumnName)) { listener.OnNotify(this, new NotifyEventArgs(ProgressEventType.Warning, "Dataset " + _extractCommand.DatasetBundle.DataSet + " did not contain field '" + RelativeArchiveColumnName + "' so we will not attempt to extract images")); return(toProcess); } if (_putter == null) { _putter = (IPutDicomFilesInExtractionDirectories) new ObjectConstructor().Construct(PutterType); } var projectNumber = _extractCommand.Configuration.Project.ProjectNumber.Value; var mappingServer = new MappingRepository(UIDMappingServer); var destinationDirectory = new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(_extractCommand.GetExtractionDirectory().FullName, "Images")); var releaseCol = _extractCommand.QueryBuilder.SelectColumns.Select(c => c.IColumn).Single(c => c.IsExtractionIdentifier); // See: var flags = DicomAnonymizer.SecurityProfileOptions.BasicProfile | DicomAnonymizer.SecurityProfileOptions.CleanStructdCont | DicomAnonymizer.SecurityProfileOptions.CleanDesc | DicomAnonymizer.SecurityProfileOptions.RetainUIDs; if (RetainDates) { flags |= DicomAnonymizer.SecurityProfileOptions.RetainLongFullDates; } var profile = DicomAnonymizer.SecurityProfile.LoadProfile(null, flags); var anonymiser = new DicomAnonymizer(profile); using (var pool = new ZipPool()) { _sw.Start(); foreach (DataRow row in toProcess.Rows) { if (_errors > 0 && _errors > ErrorThreshold) { throw new Exception($"Number of errors reported ({_errors}) reached the threshold ({ErrorThreshold})"); } cancellationToken.ThrowIfAbortRequested(); var path = new AmbiguousFilePath(ArchiveRootIfAny, (string)row[RelativeArchiveColumnName]); DicomFile dicomFile; try { dicomFile = path.GetDataset(pool); } catch (Exception e) { listener.OnNotify(this, new NotifyEventArgs(ProgressEventType.Error, $"Failed to get image at path '{path.FullPath}'", e)); _errors++; continue; } //get the new patient ID var releaseId = row[releaseCol.GetRuntimeName()].ToString(); DicomDataset ds; try { ds = anonymiser.Anonymize(dicomFile.Dataset); } catch (Exception e) { listener.OnNotify(this, new NotifyEventArgs(ProgressEventType.Error, $"Failed to anonymize image at path '{path.FullPath}'", e)); _errors++; continue; } //now we want to explicitly use our own release Id regardless of what FoDicom said ds.AddOrUpdate(DicomTag.PatientID, releaseId); //rewrite the UIDs foreach (var kvp in UIDMapping.SupportedTags) { if (!ds.Contains(kvp.Key)) { continue; } var value = ds.GetValue <string>(kvp.Key, 0); //if it has a value for this UID if (value == null) { continue; } var releaseValue = mappingServer.GetOrAllocateMapping(value, projectNumber, kvp.Value); //change value in dataset ds.AddOrUpdate(kvp.Key, releaseValue); //and change value in DataTable if (toProcess.Columns.Contains(kvp.Key.DictionaryEntry.Keyword)) { row[kvp.Key.DictionaryEntry.Keyword] = releaseValue; } } var newPath = _putter.WriteOutDataset(destinationDirectory, releaseId, ds); row[RelativeArchiveColumnName] = newPath; _anonymisedImagesCount++; listener.OnProgress(this, new ProgressEventArgs("Writing ANO images", new ProgressMeasurement(_anonymisedImagesCount, ProgressType.Records), _sw.Elapsed)); } _sw.Stop(); } return(toProcess); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> /// <exception cref="OperationCanceledException"></exception> public ExitCodeType Run(IDataLoadJob job, GracefulCancellationToken cancellationToken) { job.StartLogging(); job.OnNotify(this, new NotifyEventArgs(ProgressEventType.Information, "Starting load for " + job.LoadMetadata.Name)); try { foreach (var component in Components) { cancellationToken.ThrowIfAbortRequested(); try { //schedule the component for disposal job.PushForDisposal(component); //run current component var exitCodeType = component.Run(job, cancellationToken); //current component failed so jump out, either because load not nessesary or crash if (exitCodeType == ExitCodeType.OperationNotRequired) { TryDispose(exitCodeType, job); //load not nessesary so abort entire DLE process but also cleanup still return(exitCodeType); } if (exitCodeType != ExitCodeType.Success) { throw new Exception("Component " + component.Description + " returned result " + exitCodeType); } } catch (OperationCanceledException e) { job.OnNotify(this, new NotifyEventArgs(ProgressEventType.Warning, component.Description + " has been cancelled by the user", e)); throw; } catch (Exception e) { job.OnNotify(this, new NotifyEventArgs(ProgressEventType.Error, component.Description + " crashed while running Job ", e)); job.OnNotify(this, new NotifyEventArgs(ProgressEventType.Error, "Job crashed", e)); TryDispose(ExitCodeType.Error, job); return(ExitCodeType.Error); } } TryDispose(ExitCodeType.Success, job); job.OnNotify(this, new NotifyEventArgs(ProgressEventType.Information, "Completed job " + job.JobID)); return(ExitCodeType.Success); } catch (OperationCanceledException) { if (cancellationToken.IsAbortRequested) { job.OnNotify(this, new NotifyEventArgs(ProgressEventType.Information, "Job " + job.JobID + "cancelled in pipeline")); } TryDispose(cancellationToken.IsAbortRequested ? ExitCodeType.Abort : ExitCodeType.Success, job); throw; } }