public override Capture BeginCapture(InputState input, CaptureSide eSide)
            GrabHandInfo hi = new GrabHandInfo();

            hi.leftStartF  = input.LeftHandFrame;
            hi.rightStartF = input.RightHandFrame;
            hi.camState    = cockpit.ActiveCamera.Manipulator().GetCurrentState(cockpit.Scene);
            hi.startCamF   = cockpit.ActiveCamera.Manipulator().SceneGetFrame(cockpit.Scene);

            return(Capture.Begin(this, eSide, hi));
        public override Capture UpdateCapture(InputState input, CaptureData data)
            if ((data.which == CaptureSide.Left && input.bLeftShoulderReleased) ||
                (data.which == CaptureSide.Right && input.bRightShoulderReleased) ||
                (data.which == CaptureSide.Left && input.bRightShoulderPressed) ||
                (data.which == CaptureSide.Right && input.bLeftShoulderPressed))

            // [RMS] this is a hack to release input for shoulder+trigger gestures
            if ((data.which == CaptureSide.Left && input.bLeftTriggerPressed) ||
                (data.which == CaptureSide.Right && input.bRightTriggerPressed))


            GrabHandInfo hi = (GrabHandInfo)data.custom_data;

            Frame3f StartF = Frame3f.Identity;
            Frame3f CurF   = Frame3f.Identity;

            if (data.which == CaptureSide.Left)
                StartF = hi.leftStartF;
                CurF   = input.LeftHandFrame;
            else if (data.which == CaptureSide.Right)
                StartF = hi.rightStartF;
                CurF   = input.RightHandFrame;

/*          orbit-style variant, does not work yet
 *          // translation is just controller world-movement
 *          Vector3f translation = CurF.Origin - StartF.Origin;
 *          // We figure out orbit by rotating cur & start frames such that the axis we
 *          // want to measure around is that world axis. This produces more stable angles
 *          // as the controller twists
 *          Frame3f YAlignedStartF = StartF; YAlignedStartF.AlignAxis(1, Vector3f.AxisY);
 *          Frame3f YAlignedCurF = CurF; YAlignedCurF.AlignAxis(1, Vector3f.AxisY);
 *          float fAngleX = (float)MathUtil.PlaneAngleSignedD(YAlignedStartF.X, YAlignedCurF.X, Vector3f.AxisY);
 *          Frame3f XAlignedStartF = StartF; XAlignedStartF.AlignAxis(0, Vector3f.AxisX);
 *          Frame3f XAlignedCurF = CurF; XAlignedCurF.AlignAxis(0, Vector3f.AxisX);
 *          float fAngleY = (float)MathUtil.PlaneAngleSignedD(XAlignedStartF.Y, XAlignedCurF.Y, Vector3f.AxisX);

            Frame3f relStartF = StartF.ToFrame(hi.startCamF);
            Frame3f curF      = CurF.FromFrame(relStartF);

            // apply camera xforms
            //cockpit.ActiveCamera.Manipulator().SetCurrentSceneState(cockpit.Scene, hi.camState);

            //    CurF.Origin, -RotationSpeed * fAngleX, RotationSpeed * fAngleY);
            //    CurF.Origin, RotationSpeed * fAngleX, RotationSpeed * fAngleY);
            //cockpit.ActiveCamera.Manipulator().SceneRotateAround(cockpit.Scene, relF.Rotation, CurF.Origin);

            cockpit.ActiveCamera.Manipulator().SceneSetFrame(cockpit.Scene, curF);

            //cockpit.ActiveCamera.Manipulator().SceneTranslate(cockpit.Scene, TranslationSpeed * translation);
