예제 #1
 public override void HitEffect(int hitDirection, double damage)
     //Putting gores in HitEffect prevents gores when scripting NPC death (setting life to 0)
     if (npc.life <= 0)
         //spawn initial set
         for (int i = 1; i <= 3; i++)
             Gore.NewGore(npc.position, npc.velocity, mod.GetGoreSlot("Gores/Crystal_Cultist_Gore_" + i));
         //spawn the remaining arm
         Gore.NewGore(npc.position, npc.velocity, mod.GetGoreSlot("Gores/Crystal_Cultist_Gore_1"));
 public override void HitEffect(int hitDirection, double damage)
     if (npc.life <= 0)
         for (int k = 0; k < 20; k++)
             Dust.NewDust(npc.position, npc.width, npc.height, 151, 2.5f * (float)hitDirection, -2.5f, 0, default(Color), 0.7f);
         Gore.NewGore(npc.position, npc.velocity, mod.GetGoreSlot("Gores/TravalibirdGore1"), 1f);
         Gore.NewGore(npc.position, npc.velocity, mod.GetGoreSlot("Gores/TravalibirdGore2"), 1f);
         Gore.NewGore(npc.position, npc.velocity, mod.GetGoreSlot("Gores/TravalibirdGore2"), 1f);
         Gore.NewGore(npc.position, npc.velocity, mod.GetGoreSlot("Gores/TravalibirdGore3"), 1f);
예제 #3
 public override void HitEffect(int hitDirection, double damage)
     if (npc.life <= 0)
         Gore.NewGore(npc.position, npc.velocity, mod.GetGoreSlot("Gores/EarthElemental"), 1f);
         Gore.NewGore(npc.position, npc.velocity, mod.GetGoreSlot("Gores/EarthElemental"), 1f);
         Gore.NewGore(npc.position, npc.velocity, mod.GetGoreSlot("Gores/EarthElemental"), 1f);
         Gore.NewGore(npc.position, npc.velocity, mod.GetGoreSlot("Gores/EarthElemental"), 1f);
         Gore.NewGore(npc.position, npc.velocity, mod.GetGoreSlot("Gores/EarthElemental"), 1f);
         Gore.NewGore(npc.position, npc.velocity, mod.GetGoreSlot("Gores/EarthElemental"), 1f);
         Gore.NewGore(npc.position, npc.velocity, mod.GetGoreSlot("Gores/EarthElemental"), 1f);
         Gore.NewGore(npc.position, npc.velocity, mod.GetGoreSlot("Gores/EarthElemental"), 1f);
예제 #4
		public override void NPCLoot()
			Gore.NewGore(npc.position, npc.velocity, mod.GetGoreSlot("Gores/HeroofLumeliGore1"), 1f);
		Gore.NewGore(npc.position, npc.velocity, mod.GetGoreSlot("Gores/HeroofLumeliaGore2"), 1f);
		Gore.NewGore(npc.position, npc.velocity, mod.GetGoreSlot("Gores/HeroofLumeliaGore3"), 1f);
		Gore.NewGore(npc.position, npc.velocity, mod.GetGoreSlot("Gores/HeroofLumeliaGore2"), 1f);
		Gore.NewGore(npc.position, npc.velocity, mod.GetGoreSlot("Gores/HeroofLumeliaGore3"), 1f);

예제 #5
 public override void HitEffect(int hitDirection, double damage)
     for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
     if (npc.life <= 0)
         Gore.NewGore(npc.position, npc.velocity, mod.GetGoreSlot("Gores/Gore1"), 1f);
         Gore.NewGore(npc.position, npc.velocity, mod.GetGoreSlot("Gores/Gore2"), 1f);
         Gore.NewGore(npc.position, npc.velocity, mod.GetGoreSlot("Gores/Gore3"), 1f);
         Gore.NewGore(npc.position, npc.velocity, mod.GetGoreSlot("Gores/Gore4"), 1f);
예제 #6
        public override void HitEffect(int hitDirection, double damage)
            if (npc.life <= 0)
                for (int k = 0; k < 20; k++)
                    Dust.NewDust(npc.position, npc.width, npc.height, 31, 2.5f * hitDirection, -2.5f, 0, default(Color), 0.7f);

                Gore.NewGore(npc.position, npc.velocity, 220, 1f);
                Gore.NewGore(npc.position, npc.velocity, 221, 1f);
                Gore.NewGore(npc.position, npc.velocity, 222, 1f);
예제 #7
 // TODO: GetGoreSlot
 public override void HitEffect(int hitDirection, double damage)
     if (NPC.life <= 0)
         //spawn initial set
         for (int i = 1; i <= 3; i++)
             Gore.NewGore(NPC.position, NPC.velocity, Find <ModGore>("CrystiliumMod/Crystal_Archer_Gore_" + i).Type);
         //spawn a couple extra bits
         Gore.NewGore(NPC.position, NPC.velocity, Find <ModGore>("CrystiliumMod/Crystal_Archer_Gore_4").Type);
         Gore.NewGore(NPC.position, NPC.velocity, Find <ModGore>("CrystiliumMod/Crystal_Archer_Gore_4").Type);
예제 #8
 public override void HitEffect(int hitDirection, double damage)
     for (int k = 0; k < 10; k++)
         Dust.NewDust(npc.position, npc.width, npc.height, 5, hitDirection * 2.5f, -1f, 0, default(Color), Main.rand.NextFloat(.45f, 1.15f));
     if (npc.life <= 0)
         Gore.NewGore(npc.position, npc.velocity, mod.GetGoreSlot("Gores/Hookbat/Hookbat1"), 1f);
         Gore.NewGore(npc.position, npc.velocity, mod.GetGoreSlot("Gores/Hookbat/Hookbat2"), 1f);
         Gore.NewGore(npc.position, npc.velocity, mod.GetGoreSlot("Gores/Hookbat/Hookbat3"), 1f);
         Gore.NewGore(npc.position, npc.velocity, mod.GetGoreSlot("Gores/Hookbat/Hookbat1"), 1f);
        public override bool CheckDead()
            int goreIndex  = Gore.NewGore(npc.position, (npc.velocity * npc.direction), mod.GetGoreSlot("Gores/Idols/ObsidianIdols/ObsidianIdol3/ObsidianIdol3_Gore1"), 1f);
            int goreIndex2 = Gore.NewGore(npc.position, (npc.velocity * npc.direction) * -1, mod.GetGoreSlot("Gores/Idols/ObsidianIdols/ObsidianIdol3/ObsidianIdol3_Gore2"), 1f);
            int goreIndex3 = Gore.NewGore(npc.position, (npc.velocity * npc.direction), mod.GetGoreSlot("Gores/Idols/ObsidianIdols/ObsidianIdol3/ObsidianIdol3_Gore3"), 1f);
            int goreIndex4 = Gore.NewGore(npc.position, (npc.velocity * npc.direction) * -1, mod.GetGoreSlot("Gores/Idols/ObsidianIdols/ObsidianIdol3/ObsidianIdol3_Gore4"), 1f);

            for (int i = 0; i <= 20; i++)
                Dust.NewDustDirect(npc.Center, npc.width, npc.height, DustID.Dirt, Main.rand.NextFloat(-1f, 1f), Main.rand.NextFloat(-1f, 1f), Scale: 1);

 public override void HitEffect(int hitDirection, double damage)
     npc.life = npc.lifeMax;
     if (npc.life <= 0)
         for (int k = 0; k < 20; k++)
             Dust.NewDust(npc.position, npc.width, npc.height, 151, 2.5f * (float)hitDirection, -2.5f, 0, default(Color), 0.7f);
         Gore.NewGore(npc.position, npc.velocity, 73, 1f);
         Gore.NewGore(npc.position, npc.velocity, 74, 1f);
         Gore.NewGore(npc.position, npc.velocity, 75, 1f);
예제 #11
 // TODO: GetGoreSlot
 public override void HitEffect(int hitDirection, double damage)
     //Putting gores in HitEffect prevents gores when scripting NPC death (setting life to 0)
     if (NPC.life <= 0)
         //spawn initial set
         for (int i = 1; i <= 3; i++)
             Gore.NewGore(NPC.position, NPC.velocity, Find <ModGore>("CrystiliumMod/Crystal_Cultist_Gore_" + i).Type);
         //spawn the remaining arm
         Gore.NewGore(NPC.position, NPC.velocity, Find <ModGore>("CrystiliumMod/Crystal_Cultist_Gore_1").Type);
예제 #12
 public override void HitEffect(int hitDirection, double damage)
     if (npc.life <= 0)
         for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
             Dust.NewDust(npc.position, npc.width, npc.height, 86, npc.velocity.X, npc.velocity.Y);
         Gore.NewGore(npc.position, npc.velocity, mod.GetGoreSlot("Gores/WilloWispGore1"), 1f);
         Gore.NewGore(npc.position, npc.velocity, mod.GetGoreSlot("Gores/WilloWispGore2"), 1f);
         Gore.NewGore(npc.position, npc.velocity, mod.GetGoreSlot("Gores/WilloWispGore3"), 1f);
         Gore.NewGore(npc.position, npc.velocity, mod.GetGoreSlot("Gores/WilloWispGore3"), 1f);
        public override void HitEffect(int hitDirection, double damage)
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
            if (npc.life <= 0)
                Gore.NewGore(npc.position, npc.velocity, mod.GetGoreSlot("Gores/One1"), 1f);
                Gore.NewGore(npc.position, npc.velocity, mod.GetGoreSlot("Gores/One2"), 1f);

                int dust = Dust.NewDust(npc.position, npc.width, npc.height, 6);
 public override void HitEffect(int hitDirection, double damage)
     for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
     if (npc.life <= 0)
         Gore.NewGore(npc.position, npc.velocity, mod.GetGoreSlot("Gores/Flesh_Golem_Head"), 1f);
         Gore.NewGore(npc.position, npc.velocity, mod.GetGoreSlot("Gores/Golem_Arm"), 1f);
         Gore.NewGore(npc.position, npc.velocity, mod.GetGoreSlot("Gores/Golem_Arm"), 1f);
         Gore.NewGore(npc.position, npc.velocity, mod.GetGoreSlot("Gores/Flesh_Golem_gore_1"), 1f);
        public override void HitEffect(int hitDirection, double damage)
            if (npc.life <= 0)
                for (int i = 1; i <= 6; i++)
                    Vector2 pos = npc.position + new Vector2(Main.rand.NextFloat(npc.width), Main.rand.NextFloat(npc.height));
                    Gore.NewGore(pos, npc.velocity, mod.GetGoreSlot("Gores/NatureGore" + i.ToString()), npc.scale);
                for (int i = 0; i < Main.maxNPCs; i++) //find neck segments, place gores there
                    if (Main.npc[i].active && Main.npc[i].type == ModContent.NPCType<NatureChampionHead>() && Main.npc[i].ai[1] == npc.whoAmI)
                        Vector2 connector = Main.npc[i].Center;
                        Vector2 neckOrigin = npc.Center + new Vector2(54 * npc.spriteDirection, -10);
                        float chainsPerUse = 0.05f;
                        bool spawnNeck = false;
                        for (float j = 0; j <= 1; j += chainsPerUse)
                            if (j == 0)
                            Vector2 distBetween = new Vector2(X(j, neckOrigin.X, (neckOrigin.X + connector.X) / 2, connector.X) -
                            X(j - chainsPerUse, neckOrigin.X, (neckOrigin.X + connector.X) / 2, connector.X),
                            Y(j, neckOrigin.Y, (neckOrigin.Y + 50), connector.Y) -
                            Y(j - chainsPerUse, neckOrigin.Y, (neckOrigin.Y + 50), connector.Y));
                            if (distBetween.Length() > 36 && chainsPerUse > 0.01f)
                                chainsPerUse -= 0.01f;
                                j -= chainsPerUse;
                            float projTrueRotation = distBetween.ToRotation() - (float)Math.PI / 2;
                            Vector2 lightPos = new Vector2(X(j, neckOrigin.X, (neckOrigin.X + connector.X) / 2, connector.X), Y(j, neckOrigin.Y, (neckOrigin.Y + 50), connector.Y));

                            spawnNeck = !spawnNeck;
                            if (spawnNeck)
                                Gore.NewGore(lightPos, Main.npc[i].velocity, mod.GetGoreSlot("Gores/NatureGore7"), Main.npc[i].scale);

                        for (int j = 8; j <= 10; j++) //head gores
                            Vector2 pos = Main.npc[i].position + new Vector2(Main.rand.NextFloat(Main.npc[i].width), Main.rand.NextFloat(Main.npc[i].height));
                            Gore.NewGore(pos, Main.npc[i].velocity, mod.GetGoreSlot("Gores/NatureGore" + j.ToString()), Main.npc[i].scale);
        public override void Kill(int timeLeft)
            int a = Projectile.NewProjectile(projectile.Center.X, projectile.Center.Y - 16f, 0f, 0f, mod.ProjectileType("BombExplosion"), 200, 3, projectile.owner);

            // Play explosion sound
            Main.PlaySound(SoundID.Item15, projectile.position);
            // Smoke Dust spawn
            for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++)
                int dustIndex = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(projectile.position.X, projectile.position.Y), projectile.width, projectile.height, DustID.Smoke, 0f, 0f, 100, default(Color), 2f);
                Main.dust[dustIndex].velocity *= 1.4f;
            // Fire Dust spawn
            for (int i = 0; i < 80; i++)
                int dustIndex = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(projectile.position.X, projectile.position.Y), projectile.width, projectile.height, DustID.Fire, 0f, 0f, 100, default(Color), 3f);
                Main.dust[dustIndex].noGravity = true;
                Main.dust[dustIndex].velocity *= 5f;
                dustIndex = Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(projectile.position.X, projectile.position.Y), projectile.width, projectile.height, DustID.Fire, 0f, 0f, 100, default(Color), 2f);
                Main.dust[dustIndex].velocity *= 3f;
            // Large Smoke Gore spawn
            for (int g = 0; g < 2; g++)
                int goreIndex = Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(projectile.position.X + (float)(projectile.width / 2) - 24f, projectile.position.Y + (float)(projectile.height / 2) - 24f), default(Vector2), Main.rand.Next(61, 64), 1f);
                Main.gore[goreIndex].scale      = 1.5f;
                Main.gore[goreIndex].velocity.X = Main.gore[goreIndex].velocity.X + 1.5f;
                Main.gore[goreIndex].velocity.Y = Main.gore[goreIndex].velocity.Y + 1.5f;
                goreIndex = Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(projectile.position.X + (float)(projectile.width / 2) - 24f, projectile.position.Y + (float)(projectile.height / 2) - 24f), default(Vector2), Main.rand.Next(61, 64), 1f);
                Main.gore[goreIndex].scale      = 1.5f;
                Main.gore[goreIndex].velocity.X = Main.gore[goreIndex].velocity.X - 1.5f;
                Main.gore[goreIndex].velocity.Y = Main.gore[goreIndex].velocity.Y + 1.5f;
                goreIndex = Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(projectile.position.X + (float)(projectile.width / 2) - 24f, projectile.position.Y + (float)(projectile.height / 2) - 24f), default(Vector2), Main.rand.Next(61, 64), 1f);
                Main.gore[goreIndex].scale      = 1.5f;
                Main.gore[goreIndex].velocity.X = Main.gore[goreIndex].velocity.X + 1.5f;
                Main.gore[goreIndex].velocity.Y = Main.gore[goreIndex].velocity.Y - 1.5f;
                goreIndex = Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(projectile.position.X + (float)(projectile.width / 2) - 24f, projectile.position.Y + (float)(projectile.height / 2) - 24f), default(Vector2), Main.rand.Next(61, 64), 1f);
                Main.gore[goreIndex].scale      = 1.5f;
                Main.gore[goreIndex].velocity.X = Main.gore[goreIndex].velocity.X - 1.5f;
                Main.gore[goreIndex].velocity.Y = Main.gore[goreIndex].velocity.Y - 1.5f;
            // reset size to normal width and height.
            projectile.position.X = projectile.position.X + (float)(projectile.width / 2);
            projectile.position.Y = projectile.position.Y + (float)(projectile.height / 2);
            projectile.width      = 48;
            projectile.height     = 48;
            projectile.position.X = projectile.position.X - (float)(projectile.width / 2);
            projectile.position.Y = projectile.position.Y - (float)(projectile.height / 2);
 public void explode()
     Main.PlaySound(2, (int)projectile.position.X, (int)projectile.position.Y, 62, 0.8f);
     projectile.velocity.X = 0;
     projectile.velocity.Y = 0;
     Gore.NewGore(projectile.position - projectile.Size, new Vector2(0, 0), mod.GetGoreSlot("Gores/Explosions/DreadBomb"));
     Lighting.AddLight(projectile.position, 1f, 1f, 0.5f);
     projectile.position.X = projectile.position.X + (float)(projectile.width / 2);
     projectile.position.Y = projectile.position.Y + (float)(projectile.height / 2);
     projectile.width      = 96;
     projectile.height     = 96;
     projectile.penetrate  = 30;
     projectile.position.X = projectile.position.X - (float)(projectile.width / 2);
     projectile.position.Y = projectile.position.Y - (float)(projectile.height / 2);
     projectile.knockBack  = 8f;
     for (int k = 0; k < 2 + Main.rand.Next(2); k++)
         int num1 = Gore.NewGore(projectile.Center, new Vector2(Main.rand.Next(4) - 2, Main.rand.Next(4) - 2), GoreID.ChimneySmoke1);
         Main.gore[num1].timeLeft = Main.rand.Next(50) + 45;
     for (int k = 0; k < 2 + Main.rand.Next(2); k++)
         int num1 = Gore.NewGore(projectile.Center, new Vector2(Main.rand.Next(4) - 2, Main.rand.Next(4) - 2), GoreID.ChimneySmoke2);
         Main.gore[num1].timeLeft = Main.rand.Next(30) + 35;
     for (int k = 0; k < 2 + Main.rand.Next(2); k++)
         int num1 = Gore.NewGore(projectile.Center, new Vector2(Main.rand.Next(4) - 2, Main.rand.Next(4) - 2), GoreID.ChimneySmoke3);
         Main.gore[num1].timeLeft = Main.rand.Next(20) + 25;
     for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++)
         int num1 = Dust.NewDust(projectile.position, projectile.width, projectile.height, mod.DustType("OrangeLight"), Main.rand.Next(10) - 5, Main.rand.Next(10) - 5);
         Main.dust[num1].noGravity  = true;
         Main.dust[num1].velocity.X = Main.rand.NextFloat() * 5 - 2.5f;
         Main.dust[num1].velocity.X = Main.rand.NextFloat() * 5 - 2.5f;
     for (int k = 0; k < 12; k++)
         int num1 = Dust.NewDust(projectile.position, projectile.width, projectile.height, mod.DustType("YellowLight"), Main.rand.Next(10) - 5, Main.rand.Next(10) - 5);
         Main.dust[num1].noGravity  = true;
         Main.dust[num1].velocity.X = Main.rand.NextFloat() * 5 - 2.5f;
         Main.dust[num1].velocity.X = Main.rand.NextFloat() * 5 - 2.5f;
     projectile.hide         = true;
     projectile.timeLeft     = bonusTime;
     projectile.extraUpdates = bonusTime;
     canExplode = false;
        public override void AI()
            if (!LegendWorld.OvergrowBossOpen)
                npc.dontTakeDamage = true;
                npc.dontTakeDamage = false;

            if (!(Main.npc.Any(n => n.active && n.type == ModContent.NPCType <OvergrowBoss>())))
            NPC boss = Main.npc.FirstOrDefault(n => n.active && n.type == ModContent.NPCType <OvergrowBoss>());

            if (npc.immortal)
            if (npc.ai[0] >= 30)
                npc.active = false;
            if (npc.ai[0] > 0)
                Vector2 pos = Vector2.Lerp(npc.Center, boss.Center + Vector2.Normalize(npc.Center - boss.Center) * 80, npc.ai[0] / 30f);
                for (int k = 0; k < 5; k++)
                    Dust.NewDustPerfect(pos, ModContent.DustType <Dusts.Stamina>(), Vector2.One.RotatedByRandom(6.28f));
                    if (Main.rand.Next(2) == 0)
                        Dust.NewDustPerfect(pos, ModContent.DustType <Dusts.Stone>(), Vector2.One.RotatedByRandom(6.28f));
                if (npc.ai[0] % 3 == 0)
                    Gore.NewGore(pos, new Vector2(0, 1), mod.GetGoreSlot("Gores/ChainGore"));
                if (npc.ai[0] % 8 == 0)
                    Main.PlaySound(mod.GetLegacySoundSlot(SoundType.Custom, "Sounds/ChainHit").WithPitchVariance(0.4f), pos);
            if (npc.ai[0] == 1)
예제 #19
파일: Dunekeeper.cs 프로젝트: birb7/Eternal
 public override void HitEffect(int hitDirection, double damage)
     if (npc.life <= 0)
         for (int k = 0; k < 60; k++)
             Dust.NewDust(npc.Center, npc.width, npc.height, 6, 2.5f * hitDirection, -2.5f, 0, default(Color), 0.7f);
             Dust.NewDust(npc.Center, npc.width, npc.height, 6, 2.5f * hitDirection, -2.5f, 0, default(Color), 0.7f);
             Dust.NewDust(npc.Center, npc.width, npc.height, 6, 2.5f * hitDirection, -2.5f, 0, default(Color), 0.7f);
         Gore.NewGore(npc.Center, npc.velocity, mod.GetGoreSlot("Gores/DunekeeperEye"), 1f);
         Gore.NewGore(npc.Center, npc.velocity, mod.GetGoreSlot("Gores/DunekeeperLeftHalf"), 1f);
         Gore.NewGore(npc.Center, npc.velocity, mod.GetGoreSlot("Gores/DunekeeperRightHalf"), 1f);
예제 #20
 public override void HitEffect(int hitDirection, double damage)
     if (npc.life <= 0)
         Gore.NewGore(npc.position, npc.velocity, mod.GetGoreSlot("Gores/ReaverSharkGore"), 1f);
     for (int k = 0; k < 11; k++)
         Dust.NewDust(npc.position, npc.width, npc.height, 5, npc.direction, -1f, 1, default(Color), .61f);
     for (int k = 0; k < 5; k++)
         Dust.NewDust(npc.position, npc.width, npc.height, 5, npc.direction, -1f, 1, default(Color), .91f);
예제 #21
        public override void AI()
            Player player = Main.LocalPlayer;

            int distance = (int)Vector2.Distance(projectile.Center, player.Center);

            if (distance < 100)
                player.AddBuff(ModContent.BuffType <HealingZoneBuff>(), 300);
                if (Main.rand.NextBool(30))
                    int num143 = Gore.NewGore(new Vector2(projectile.Center.X + Main.rand.Next(-50, 50), projectile.Center.Y + Main.rand.Next(-50, 50)), new Vector2((float)Main.rand.Next(-10, 11) * 0.1f, (float)Main.rand.Next(-20, -10) * 0.1f), 331, (float)Main.rand.Next(80, 120) * 0.01f);
예제 #22
 public override void HitEffect(int hitDirection, double damage)
     if (npc.life <= 0)
         for (int k = 0; k < 20; k++)
             Dust.NewDust(npc.position, npc.width, npc.height, 151, 2.5f * hitDirection, -2.5f, 0, default(Color), 0.7f);
         Gore.NewGore(npc.position, npc.velocity, mod.GetGoreSlot("Gores/DeadlingHead1"), 1f);
         Gore.NewGore(npc.position, npc.velocity, mod.GetGoreSlot("Gores/DeadlingLeg"), 1f);
         Gore.NewGore(npc.position, npc.velocity, mod.GetGoreSlot("Gores/DeadlingArm"), 1f);
         Gore.NewGore(npc.position, npc.velocity, mod.GetGoreSlot("Gores/DeadlingLeg"), 1f);
         Gore.NewGore(npc.position, npc.velocity, mod.GetGoreSlot("Gores/DeadlingArm"), 1f);
예제 #23
        public override void Kill(int timeLeft)
            Main.PlaySound(mod.GetLegacySoundSlot(SoundType.Custom, "Sounds/rumboom"), projectile.Center);
            Main.PlaySound(SoundID.Item, (int)projectile.position.X, (int)projectile.position.Y, 27);

            for (int i = 1; i < 5; ++i)
                Gore.NewGore(projectile.Center, Vector2.Zero, mod.GetGoreSlot("Gores/Rum/RumGore" + i), 1f);

            Projectile.NewProjectile(projectile.Center, Vector2.Zero, ModContent.ProjectileType <RumExplosion>(), projectile.damage, projectile.knockBack, projectile.owner);

            Projectile.NewProjectileDirect(projectile.Center - new Vector2(0, 15), new Vector2(0.25f, 15), ModContent.ProjectileType <RumFire>(), (int)(projectile.damage * 0.75f), projectile.knockBack, projectile.owner, 1, 12).timeLeft   = 60;
            Projectile.NewProjectileDirect(projectile.Center - new Vector2(0, 15), new Vector2(-0.25f, 15), ModContent.ProjectileType <RumFire>(), (int)(projectile.damage * 0.75f), projectile.knockBack, projectile.owner, -1, 12).timeLeft = 60;
예제 #24
 public override void Kill(int timeLeft)
     Collision.HitTiles(projectile.position, projectile.velocity, projectile.width, projectile.height);
     for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
         int d = Dust.NewDust(projectile.position + projectile.velocity, projectile.width, projectile.height, 167, projectile.oldVelocity.X * 0.2f, projectile.oldVelocity.Y * 0.2f);
         Main.dust[d].noGravity = true;
         Main.dust[d].scale     = 1.2f;
     Main.PlaySound(SoundID.NPCDeath16, (int)projectile.Center.X, (int)projectile.Center.Y);
     for (int i = 1; i <= 3; i++)
         Gore.NewGore(projectile.Center, projectile.velocity, mod.GetGoreSlot("Gores/Scarabeus/largescarab" + i.ToString()));
예제 #25
 public override void HitEffect(int hitDirection, double damage)
     if (npc.life <= 0)
         for (int k = 0; k < 20; k++)
             Dust.NewDust(npc.position, npc.width, npc.height, ModContent.DustType <Sparkle>(), npc.velocity.X, npc.velocity.Y, 0, Color.White, 1);
         Gore.NewGore(npc.position, npc.velocity, mod.GetGoreSlot("Gores/LuminousDefenderGore1"), 1f);
         Gore.NewGore(npc.position, npc.velocity, mod.GetGoreSlot("Gores/LuminousDefenderGore2"), 1f);
         Gore.NewGore(npc.position, npc.velocity, mod.GetGoreSlot("Gores/LuminousDefenderGore3"), 1f);
         Gore.NewGore(npc.position, npc.velocity, mod.GetGoreSlot("Gores/LuminousDefenderGore4"), 1f);
         Gore.NewGore(npc.position, npc.velocity, mod.GetGoreSlot("Gores/LuminousDefenderGore5"), 1f);
예제 #26
 public override void HitEffect(int hitDirection, double damage)
     if (npc.life <= 0)
         Gore.NewGore(npc.position, npc.velocity, mod.GetGoreSlot("Gores/CyberKingGore1"), 1f);
         Gore.NewGore(npc.position, npc.velocity, mod.GetGoreSlot("Gores/CyberKingGore2"), 1f);
         Gore.NewGore(npc.position, npc.velocity, mod.GetGoreSlot("Gores/CyberKingGore2"), 1f);
         Gore.NewGore(npc.position, npc.velocity, mod.GetGoreSlot("Gores/CyberKingGore2"), 1f);
         Gore.NewGore(npc.position, npc.velocity, mod.GetGoreSlot("Gores/CyberKingGore2"), 1f);
         Gore.NewGore(npc.position, npc.velocity, mod.GetGoreSlot("Gores/CyberKingGore3"), 1f);
         Gore.NewGore(npc.position, npc.velocity, mod.GetGoreSlot("Gores/CyberKingGore3"), 1f);
         Gore.NewGore(npc.position, npc.velocity, mod.GetGoreSlot("Gores/CyberKingGore3"), 1f);
         Gore.NewGore(npc.position, npc.velocity, mod.GetGoreSlot("Gores/CyberKingGore3"), 1f);
예제 #27
        public override void HitEffect(int hitDirection, double damage)
            if (npc.life <= 0 && Main.netMode != 2)
                Gore gore = Gore.NewGoreDirect(npc.Center, RandomVel, mod.GetGoreSlot("Gores/Mobs/OwtchGore"), npc.scale);
                gore.position -= new Vector2(Main.goreTexture[gore.type].Width, Main.goreTexture[gore.type].Height) / 2;
                gore.timeLeft  = 60;

                for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                    Dust dust = Dust.NewDustDirect(new Vector2(npc.position.X, npc.position.Y), npc.width, npc.height, 69, RandomVel.X, RandomVel.Y, 0, default(Color), 1f);
                    dust.noGravity = false;
예제 #28
        public override void HitEffect(int hitDirection, double damage)
            if (npc.life <= 0)
                for (int k = 0; k < 20; k++)
                    Dust.NewDust(npc.position, npc.width, npc.height, 151, 2.5f * hitDirection, -2.5f, 0, default(Color), 0.7f);

                for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                    Gore.NewGore(npc.position, npc.velocity, mod.GetGoreSlot($"Gores/TheUndertakerGore{i+1}"), 1f);
예제 #29
        public override void Kill(int timeLeft)
            Player player = Main.player[projectile.owner];

            Main.PlaySound(new Terraria.Audio.LegacySoundStyle(4, 19));
            Main.PlaySound(new Terraria.Audio.LegacySoundStyle(2, 107));
            for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
                Gore.NewGore(projectile.position, new Vector2(), Main.rand.Next(134, 137), 1);
            if (Main.rand.Next(4) == 0 && !player.HasBuff(ModContent.BuffType <CrimsonSkullBuff>()) && projectile.friendly)
                Item.NewItem((int)projectile.position.X, (int)projectile.position.Y - 20, projectile.width, projectile.height, ModContent.ItemType <CrimsonSkull>());
예제 #30
 public override void HitEffect(int hitDirection, double damage)
     if (npc.life <= 0)
         for (int k = 0; k < 20; k++)
             Dust.NewDust(npc.position, npc.width, npc.height, 191, 2.5f * hitDirection, -2.5f, 0, Color.Green, 0.7f);
         Dust.NewDust(npc.position, npc.width, npc.height, 191, 2.5f * hitDirection, -2.5f, 0, Color.Green, 0.7f);
         Dust.NewDust(npc.position, npc.width, npc.height, 191, 2.5f * hitDirection, -2.5f, 0, Color.Green, 0.7f);
         Gore.NewGore(npc.position, npc.velocity, 99, 1f);
         Gore.NewGore(npc.position, npc.velocity, 99, 1f);
         Gore.NewGore(npc.position, npc.velocity, 99, 1f);