예제 #1
        //TODO: have controller be global, or static
        private void fetchAllMDFiles(MetaDataController controller, string relativeRequestPath, string parentID)
            string googleFolderName = "application/vnd.google-apps.folder";
            int    numItemsPerFetch = 1000;

            //over arching list of files in this directory
            IList <Google.Apis.Drive.v3.Data.File> allFiles = new List <Google.Apis.Drive.v3.Data.File>();

            //Each iteration fill the files list.
            IList <Google.Apis.Drive.v3.Data.File> iterationFiles;

            //Execution for each iteration
            FileList exec;

            var googleDriveService = InitializeAPI.googleDriveService;

            FilesResource.ListRequest listRequest = googleDriveService.Files.List();

            string nextPageToken = null;

            Boolean moreFilesExist = true;

            //get all files in this directory
            while (moreFilesExist)
                listRequest          = googleDriveService.Files.List();
                listRequest.Fields   = "nextPageToken, files";
                listRequest.PageSize = numItemsPerFetch; //get 20 things each pass
                listRequest.Q        = "'" + parentID + "' in parents";
                //get the next 10 possible folders
                if (nextPageToken != null)
                    listRequest.PageToken = nextPageToken;
                exec           = listRequest.Execute();
                nextPageToken  = exec.NextPageToken;
                iterationFiles = exec.Files;

                foreach (var cur in iterationFiles)
                    if (cur.Trashed != true)
                        //not trash
                if (iterationFiles.Count != numItemsPerFetch)
                    //we did not have max items, no more items to fetch
                    moreFilesExist = false;

            //now we have all files/folders in the current directory

            Google.Apis.Drive.v3.Data.File curFile;

            JavaScriptSerializer serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();
            string           curFileSerialized;
            string           cleansedName;
            CommonDescriptor curCD;

            while (allFiles.Count != 0)               //while there are elements
                curFile           = allFiles.First(); //get first file
                curFileSerialized = serializer.Serialize(curFile);
                //pathForFile = controller.getAbsoluteFilePathForAddingMDFile(relativeRequestPath);

                if (curFile.MimeType.Equals(googleFolderName)) //folder
                    //For each folder add the metaDataFolder, the CD, and then recurse.
                    cleansedName = controller.addMetaDataFolder(curFileSerialized, relativeRequestPath, curFile.Name);
                    curCD        = googleCommParser.createCommonDescriptor(relativeRequestPath, curFileSerialized);
                    fetchAllMDFiles(controller, relativeRequestPath + "\\" + cleansedName, curFile.Id);
                else  //file
                    //For each file add the metadatafile, and the CD.

                    //cleansedName is the 'clean' name of the curFile.Name, don't need to use it cause this terminates.
                    cleansedName = controller.addMetaDataFile(curFileSerialized, relativeRequestPath, curFile.Name);
                    curCD        = googleCommParser.createCommonDescriptor(relativeRequestPath, curFileSerialized);
                allFiles.RemoveAt(0); //remove this element