/// <summary>
        ///     Builds an embed that shows upcoming playtest events and events from the queue
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="getSchedule">Get events from Queue</param>
        /// <param name="getCalendar">Get events from Calendar</param>
        /// <returns>Built embed with events</returns>
        public async Task <EmbedBuilder> GetUpcomingEvents(bool getSchedule, bool getCalendar)
            var author = "Current ";
            var embed  = new EmbedBuilder().WithColor(new Color(55, 55, 165))
                         .WithFooter($"Current CT Time: {DateTime.Now}")
                         .WithDescription("[View Testing Calendar](http://playtesting.tophattwaffle.com) " +
                                          "| [View Testing Requirements](https://www.tophattwaffle.com/playtesting) " +
                                          "| View Queue with `>Schedule`");

            if (getSchedule)
                author += "Playtest Requests";
                var testQueue = DatabaseUtil.GetAllPlaytestRequests().ToList();
                //No tests found - do nothing
                if (testQueue.Count == 0)
                    embed.AddField("No playtest requests found!", "Submit your own with: `>request`");
                    for (var i = 0; i < testQueue.Count; i++)
                        //Don't have more than 24
                        if (embed.Fields.Count >= 24)

                        var info = "Creator(s): ";
                        foreach (var creator in testQueue[i].CreatorsDiscord)
                            var user = _dataService.GetSocketGuildUser(creator);
                            if (user != null)
                                info += $"`{user}`, ";
                                info += $"Could not get user `{creator}`, ";

                        info  = info.Trim(',', ' ');
                        info += $"\nGame: `{testQueue[i].Game}`" +
                                $"\nRequested Time: `{testQueue[i].TestDate:ddd, MMM d, HH:mm}`" +
                                $"\n[Map Images]({testQueue[i].ImgurAlbum}) - " +
                                $"[Workshop Link]({testQueue[i].WorkshopURL})\n";

                        embed.AddField($"[{i}] - {testQueue[i].MapName} - {testQueue[i].TestType}", info, true);

            if (getCalendar)
                //If we added requests, toss "and" in there.
                author += getSchedule ? " and " : "";

                author += "Scheduled Playtests";
                var testEvents = await _calendar.GetNextMonthAsync(DateTime.Now);

                if (testEvents.Items.Count == 0)
                    embed.AddField("No scheduled playtests found!", "Submit yours with: `>request`");
                    foreach (var item in testEvents.Items)
                        if (embed.Fields.Count >= 24)

                        //Get the moderator for each test
                        var strippedHtml = item.Description.Replace("<br>", "\n").Replace("&nbsp;", "");
                        strippedHtml = Regex.Replace(strippedHtml, "<.*?>", string.Empty);
                        var description = strippedHtml.Trim().Split('\n')
                                          .Select(line => line.Substring(line.IndexOf(':') + 1).Trim()).ToImmutableArray();
                        var mod = _dataService.GetSocketUser(description.ElementAtOrDefault(4));

                        embed.AddField($"{item.Summary} - {description.ElementAtOrDefault(3)}",
                                       $"`Scheduled`\nStart Time: `{item.Start.DateTime:ddd, MMM d, HH:mm}`\nModerator: {mod.Mention}" +
                                       $"\n[Map Images]({description.ElementAtOrDefault(1)}) - " +
                                       $"[Workshop Link]({description.ElementAtOrDefault(2)})\n",

            if (embed.Fields.Count >= 24)
                embed.AddField("Max Fields Added",
                               "Somehow there are more items than Discord embeds allow. Some items omitted.");
