예제 #1
	public override bool Action(GoapPlan _currentPlan, GoapWorldstate _worldState)
		GameObject goalNode = null;

		//if the path has not already been made
		if (_currentPlan.plannedPath.Value == null || _currentPlan.plannedPath.Key != actionName)
			KeyValuePair<string, List<GameObject>> tempPath = new KeyValuePair<string, List<GameObject>>(actionName, _currentPlan.plannedPath.Value);
			_currentPlan.plannedPath = tempPath;

			TruncOct enemyTroct= core.actor.targetEnemy.currentTrOct.GetComponent<TruncOct>();

			List<TruncOct> inLineTrocts = new List<TruncOct>();

			//List all trocts leading from enemy location
			//loop through all faces of the troct
			for (int i = 0; i < enemyTroct.Faces.Count; i++)
				//if the current face has no connection, continue to the next face.
				if (enemyTroct.connections[i] != TruncOct.connectionState.Connected)
				else //else it it connected and should be pushed as far as it can go outwards
					//get the next troct
					TruncOct newTroct = _worldState.topology[enemyTroct.connectionObjects[i]].GetComponent<TruncOct>();

					List<TruncOct> direction = new List<TruncOct>();

					inLineTrocts.AddRange (TroctsInDirection(direction, i, newTroct, _worldState));

			//find the closest one that is avaliable
			float closestDistance = float.MaxValue;
			TruncOct closestTroct;

			for (int i = 0; i < inLineTrocts.Count; i++)
				float tempDist = Vector3.Distance(core.actor.currentTrOct.transform.position, inLineTrocts[i].transform.position);
				if (tempDist < closestDistance)
					closestDistance = tempDist;
					closestTroct = inLineTrocts[i];

					goalNode = closestTroct.gameObject;
			//now plot a route to A* pathfind to
			_currentPlan.plotRoute(core.actor, core.actor.currentTrOct, goalNode);

		//try to follow the A* path
		return ProceedAlongPath(_currentPlan);
예제 #2
	public override bool Action(GoapPlan _currentPlan, GoapWorldstate _worldState)
		GameObject goalNode = null;

		//if there is not currently a path, plot a course towards a random undiscovered area
		if (_currentPlan.plannedPath.Value == null)
			//compile a list of all trocts concealed by the fow
			List<GameObject> undiscoveredTrocts = new List<GameObject>();
			foreach (GameObject _trOctObj in _worldState.topology)
				if (_trOctObj.GetComponent<TruncOct>().inFow)

			//find the one with the largest combined distance from all allies
			float biggestDistance = 0f;
			GameObject furthestTroct;
			for (int i = 0; i < undiscoveredTrocts.Count; i++)
				float totalDistance = 0f;

				for (int j = 0; j < _worldState.allies.Count; j++)
					totalDistance += Vector3.Distance(undiscoveredTrocts[i].transform.position, _worldState.allies[j].currentTrOct.transform.position);

				if (totalDistance > biggestDistance)
					furthestTroct = undiscoveredTrocts[i];
					biggestDistance = totalDistance;

					//this will be the goal TrOct
					goalNode = furthestTroct;

			//plot a route using the central A* plotter through the current plan
			_currentPlan.plotRoute(core.actor, core.actor.currentTrOct, goalNode);

		// attempt to follow the path that was either preexisting or was just generated
		return ProceedAlongPath(_currentPlan);
예제 #3
	/// <summary>
	/// Carry out the GOAP action, in this case, move to a safer area.
	/// </summary>
	/// <param name="_currentPlan">Current plan.</param>
	/// <param name="_worldState">World state.</param>
	public override bool Action(GoapPlan _currentPlan, GoapWorldstate _worldState)
		GameObject goalNode = null;

		//if the path has not already been made
		if (_currentPlan.plannedPath.Value == null || _currentPlan.plannedPath.Key != actionName)
			KeyValuePair<string, List<GameObject>> tempPath = new KeyValuePair<string, List<GameObject>>(actionName, _currentPlan.plannedPath.Value);
			_currentPlan.plannedPath = tempPath;

			List<TruncOct> inLineTrocts = new List<TruncOct>();

			//compile a list of trocts from all visible enemies
			for (int i = 0; i < _worldState.enemyData.Count; i++)
				TruncOct enemyTroct = _worldState.enemyData[i].enemyLocation;

				//List all trocts leading from enemy location
				//loop through all faces of the troct
				for (int j = 0; j < enemyTroct.Faces.Count; j++)
					//if the current face has no connection, continue to the next face.
					if (enemyTroct.connections[j] != TruncOct.connectionState.Connected)
					else //else it it connected and should be pushed as far as it can go outwards
						//get the next troct
						TruncOct newTroct = _worldState.topology[enemyTroct.connectionObjects[j]].GetComponent<TruncOct>();

						List<TruncOct> direction = new List<TruncOct>();

						inLineTrocts.AddRange (TroctsInDirection(direction, j, newTroct, _worldState));

			//find the closest troct in line that is not in line with the enemy
			List<TruncOct> inLineSelf = new List<TruncOct>();

			TruncOct thisTroct = core.actor.currentTrOct.GetComponent<TruncOct>();

			//loop through all faces of the troct
			for (int i = 0; i < thisTroct.Faces.Count; i++)
				//if the current face has no connection, continue to the next face.
				if (thisTroct.connections[i] != TruncOct.connectionState.Connected)
				else //else it it connected and should be pushed as far as it can go outwards
					//get the next troct
					TruncOct newTroct = _worldState.topology[thisTroct.connectionObjects[i]].GetComponent<TruncOct>();

					List<TruncOct> direction = new List<TruncOct>();

					inLineSelf.AddRange (TroctsInDirection(direction, i, newTroct, _worldState));

			TruncOct targetTroct = null;

			//compare to find a troct that is not inline with an enemy
			for (int i = 0; i < inLineSelf.Count; i++)
				if (!inLineTrocts.Contains(inLineSelf[i]))
					targetTroct = inLineSelf[i];

			//if a new location still needs to be found
			if (targetTroct == null)
				//else find a close troct that is not in line
				List<TruncOct> closeTrocts = new List<TruncOct>();

				foreach(GameObject _tObject in GameManager.instance.allTrocts)
					if (Vector3.Distance(core.actor.transform.position, _tObject.transform.position) <= (core.actor.viewDistance / 1.5f))
						if (!inLineTrocts.Contains(_tObject.GetComponent<TruncOct>()))
							targetTroct = _tObject.GetComponent<TruncOct>();

				//if a close one cant be found, just generate a random one by force, we must move!
				while ((!inLineTrocts.Contains(targetTroct) && targetTroct == null) || targetTroct == null)
					TruncOct rand = GameManager.instance.allTrocts[Random.Range(0, GameManager.instance.allTrocts.Count)].GetComponent<TruncOct>();

					if (!inLineTrocts.Contains(rand))
						targetTroct = rand;

			goalNode = targetTroct.gameObject;

			//now plot a route to A* pathfind to
			_currentPlan.plotRoute(core.actor, core.actor.currentTrOct, goalNode);

		//try to follow the A* path
		return ProceedAlongPath(_currentPlan);