public string RegisterUser(string Username, string Password, string cpuID, string TransactionID, string Email, string servr) { GlobusHttpHelper HttpHelpr = new GlobusHttpHelper(); string res = string.Empty; string url = string.Empty; //getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(Photolink), "",""); url = "http://" + servr + "/register.php?user="******"&pass="******"&cpid=" + cpuID + "&transid=" + TransactionID + "&email=" + Email + "&LicType=" + Globals.licType + " "; try { res = HttpHelpr.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(url), "", "", ""); //res = HttpHelpr.GetHtml(url); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(res)) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); res = HttpHelpr.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(url), "", "", ""); //res = HttpHelpr.GetHtml(url); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(res)) { Gtk.Application.Quit(); } } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine(ex.Message, PDGlobals.pathErrorLog + "\\ErrorLogLicensing.txt"); } return(res); }
public List <string> FetchLinksToSearch(string yahoosearchpage) { bool nextbuttonstatus = false; string nextpagelink = yahoosearchpage; List <string> spamtemplist = new List <string>(); bool currentpagefound = false; try { do { nextbuttonstatus = false; currentpagefound = false; string yahoopge = httphelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(nextpagelink)); string[] nextpagelinks = Regex.Split(yahoopge, "<a"); nextpagelink = ""; foreach (string links in nextpagelinks) { try { if (links.Contains("/question/index")) { string link = Regex.Replace(links, " ", "").Replace("\t", "").Replace("\n", ""); link = link.Substring(8, link.IndexOf("\">") - 8); spamtemplist.Add("" + link); } if (links.Contains("/search/search_result")) { if (nextpagelink == "" && currentpagefound == true && links.Contains(";page") && links.Contains("rel=\"next\" href=\"/search/search_result")) { nextpagelink = ("" + links.Substring(18, links.IndexOf("\">") - 18)).Replace("&", "&").Replace(";p", "p"); nextbuttonstatus = true; } } if (links.Contains(" class=\"current")) { currentpagefound = true; } } catch { Console.WriteLine("if condition error"); } } } while (nextbuttonstatus != false); } catch { Console.WriteLine("error in do whil loop"); } return(spamtemplist); }
protected override string GetPostData() { GlobusHttpHelper httphelper = new GlobusHttpHelper(); string yahoopge = httphelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri("")); string splitstring = ((yahoopge.Substring(yahoopge.IndexOf("onsubmit=") + 30, yahoopge.IndexOf("form: login information") - (yahoopge.IndexOf("onsubmit=") + 60))).Replace("\n", "").Replace("\t", "").Replace("<input type=\"hidden\" name=", "&").Replace(">", "").Replace("value", "").Replace("\"", "") + "&login="******"manish_patel226" + "&passwd=" + "man_007" + "&.save=Sign+In").Replace(" ", "").Replace("index", ""); splitstring = splitstring.Substring(1, splitstring.Length - 1).Replace(":", "%3A").Replace("/", "%2F").Replace("knowsrch_ver=0&c=&ivt=&sg=", "knowsrch_ver%3D0%26c%3D%26ivt%3D%26sg%3D"); return(splitstring); }
public bool HotmailWithoutReference(string Email, string Password) { GlobusHttpHelper HttpHelper = new GlobusHttpHelper(); bool activate = false; Chilkat.Http http = new Chilkat.Http(); #region Hotmail try { if (Email.Contains("@hotmail")) { if (popClient.Connected) { popClient.Disconnect(); } popClient.Connect("", int.Parse("995"), true); popClient.Authenticate(Email, Password); int Count = popClient.GetMessageCount(); for (int i = Count; i >= 1; i--) { OpenPOP.MIME.Message Message = popClient.GetMessage(i); string subject = string.Empty; subject = Message.Headers.Subject; if (Message.Headers.Subject.Contains("[WordPress] Activate") && Message.Headers.Subject.Contains("")) { foreach (string href in GetUrlsFromStringHotmail(Message.MessageBody[0])) { try { string staticUrl = string.Empty; staticUrl = href; string res = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(staticUrl), "", ""); responce = http.QuickGetStr(staticUrl); if (responce.Contains("Your account is now active")) { Log("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Account activated ]"); activate = true; } } catch (Exception ex) { } } } } } } catch { }; #endregion return(activate); }
public void withDrawConnection(ref GlobusHttpHelper HttpHelper, Dictionary <string, string> SlectedContacts, string UserName) { try { string csrfToken = string.Empty; string sourceAlias = string.Empty; string referer = ""; string actionUrl = ""; string postData = string.Empty; string url = ""; string src = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(url)); if (src.Contains("csrfToken=")) { try { csrfToken = Utils.getBetween(src, "csrfToken=", "\""); if (csrfToken.Contains("%3A")) { csrfToken = csrfToken.Replace("%3A", ":"); } } catch { } } if (src.Contains("sourceAlias")) { try { sourceAlias = Utils.getBetween(src, "sourceAlias", "}"); sourceAlias = Utils.getBetween(sourceAlias, "value\":\"", "\""); if (sourceAlias.Contains("\\u002d")) { sourceAlias = sourceAlias.Replace("\u002d", "-"); } } catch { } } foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> item in SlectedContacts) { string invitationId = item.Value.Split(':')[1]; postData = "csrfToken=" + csrfToken + "&sourceAlias=" + sourceAlias + "&Ids=" + invitationId; string responce = HttpHelper.postDataFormessagePosting(new Uri(actionUrl), postData, referer); if (responce.Contains("status\":\"ok\"")) { //AddLoggerManageConnection(""); } } } catch { } }
private void CheckVersion() { try { thisVersionNumber = GetAssemblyVersion(); string textFileLocationOnServer = ""; GlobusHttpHelper httpHelper = new GlobusHttpHelper(); string textFileData = httpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(textFileLocationOnServer)); string verstatus = string.Empty; if (Globals.IsProVersion) { verstatus = "Fdpro Version"; } if (Globals.IsBasicVersion) { verstatus = "Fdbasic Version"; } else if (Globals.IsProVersion && Globals.IsBasicVersion) { verstatus = Globals.Licence_Details.Split('&')[1]; } string latestVersion = Regex.Split(textFileData, "<:>")[0]; string updateVersionPath = Regex.Split(textFileData, "<:>")[1]; if (thisVersionNumber == latestVersion) { this.Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(delegate { ModernDialog.ShowMessage("You have the Updated Version", "Information", btnMessage); })); } else { this.Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(delegate { var check = ModernDialog.ShowMessage("An Updated Version Available - Do you Want to Upgrade!", "Update Available", btnUsed); if (check.ToString().Equals("Yes")) { System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("iexplore", updateVersionPath); this.Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(delegate { this.Close(); })); } })); } } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error("Error : " + ex.StackTrace); } }
public static void ParsePAge(string url) { var gcc = new GlobusHttpHelper(); var html = gcc.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(url)); html = File.ReadAllText("F:/Matrix.html"); var hd = new HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument(); hd.LoadHtml(html); var hn = hd.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//*"); }
//public void ScraperHasTage(ref FacebookUser fbUser, string Hash, Guid BoardfbPageId) //{ // GlobusHttpHelper HttpHelper = fbUser.globusHttpHelper; // string KeyWord = Hash; // string pageSource_Home = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri("" + KeyWord)); // List<string> pageSouceSplit = new List<string>(); // string[] trendingArr = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(pageSource_Home, "li data-topicid="); // string[] PagesLink = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(pageSource_Home, "uiLikePageButton"); // foreach (var item in PagesLink) // { // pageSouceSplit.Add(item); // } // PagesLink = PagesLink.Skip(1).ToArray(); // foreach (var item_pageSouceSplit in pageSouceSplit) // { // try // { // if (item_pageSouceSplit.Contains("<!DOCTYPE html>")) // { // continue; // } // Dictionary<string, string> listContent = ScrapHasTagPages(item_pageSouceSplit); // Domain.Socioboard.Domain.Boardfbfeeds fbfeed = new Domain.Socioboard.Domain.Boardfbfeeds(); // fbfeed.Id = Guid.NewGuid(); // fbfeed.Isvisible = true; // fbfeed.Message = listContent["Message"]; // fbfeed.Image = listContent["PostImage"]; // fbfeed.Description = listContent["Title"]; // string[] splitdate = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(listContent["Time"], "at"); // string d = splitdate[0].Trim(); // string t = splitdate[1].Trim(); // fbfeed.Createddate = Convert.ToDateTime(d + " " + t); // fbfeed.Feedid = listContent["PostId"]; // fbfeed.Type = listContent["Type"]; // fbfeed.Type = listContent["Link"]; // fbfeed.Fbpageprofileid = BoardfbPageId; // if (!boardrepo.checkFacebookFeedExists(fbfeed.Feedid, BoardfbPageId)) // { // boardrepo.addBoardFbPageFeed(fbfeed); // } // // Please Write Code get Dictionary data // // // } // catch { }; // } // try // { // string ajaxpipe_token = Utils.getBetween(pageSource_Home, "\"ajaxpipe_token\":\"", "\""); // string[] data_c = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(pageSource_Home, "data-cursor="); // string cursor = Utils.getBetween(data_c[4], "\"", "="); // if (cursor.Contains("data-dedupekey")) // { // cursor = "-" + cursor; // cursor = Utils.getBetween(cursor, "-", "\""); // } // string sectionid = Utils.getBetween(pageSource_Home, "section_id\\\":", ","); // string userid = Utils.getBetween(pageSource_Home, "USER_ID\":\"", "\""); // string feed_Id = "90842368"; // string pager_id = "u_ps_0_0_1n"; // for (int i = 2; i < 50; i++) // { // try // { // Thread.Sleep(30 * 1000); // List<string> pageSouceSplitPagination = new List<string>(); // if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fbUser.username)) // { // break; // } // //GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("Please wait... Searching for data from Page :" + i + " with User Name : " + fbUser.username); // string req = "" + ajaxpipe_token + "&no_script_path=1&data=%7B%22cursor%22%3A%22" + cursor + "%22%2C%22preload_next_cursor%22%3Anull%2C%22pager_config%22%3A%22%7B%5C%22edge%5C%22%3Anull%2C%5C%22source_id%5C%22%3Anull%2C%5C%22section_id%5C%22%3A" + sectionid + "%2C%5C%22pause_at%5C%22%3Anull%2C%5C%22stream_id%5C%22%3Anull%2C%5C%22section_type%5C%22%3A1%2C%5C%22sizes%5C%22%3Anull%2C%5C%22most_recent%5C%22%3Afalse%2C%5C%22unread_session%5C%22%3Afalse%2C%5C%22continue_top_news_feed%5C%22%3Afalse%2C%5C%22ranking_model%5C%22%3Anull%2C%5C%22unread_only%5C%22%3Afalse%7D%22%2C%22pager_id%22%3A%22" + pager_id + "%22%2C%22scroll_count%22%3A1%2C%22start_unread_session%22%3Afalse%2C%22start_continue_top_news_feed%22%3Afalse%2C%22feed_stream_id%22%3A" + feed_Id + "%2C%22snapshot_time%22%3Anull%7D&__user="******"&__a=1&__dyn=7nm8RW8BgCBynzpQ9UoHaEWCueyrhEK49oKiWFaaBGeqrYw8popyujhElx2ubhHximmey8szoyfwgo&__req=jsonp_2&__rev=1583304&__adt=" + i + ""; // // string respReq = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(req)); // respReq = respReq.Replace("\\", "").Replace("u003C", "<"); // string[] arrrespReq = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(respReq, "source_id"); // feed_Id = Utils.getBetween(respReq, "feed_stream_id", "snapshot_time"); // feed_Id = Utils.getBetween(feed_Id, "A", "u"); // string[] pager_id1 = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(respReq, "_4-u2 mbl "); // pager_id = Utils.getBetween(pager_id1[2], "id=\"", "\""); // data_c = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(respReq, "data-cursor="); // if (data_c.Length < 8) // { // cursor = Utils.getBetween(data_c[data_c.Length - 1], "\"", "="); // } // cursor = Utils.getBetween(data_c[8], "\"", "="); // if (cursor.Contains("data-dedupekey")) // { // cursor = "-" + cursor; // cursor = Utils.getBetween(cursor, "-", "\""); // } // string[] PagesLinkPagination = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(respReq, "<span>Suggested Post</span>"); // foreach (var item in PagesLinkPagination) // { // pageSouceSplitPagination.Add(item); // } // PagesLink = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(respReq, "uiLikePageButton"); // foreach (var item in PagesLink) // { // pageSouceSplitPagination.Add(item); // } // foreach (var item_pageSouceSplit in pageSouceSplit) // { // try // { // if (item_pageSouceSplit.Contains("<!DOCTYPE html>")) // { // continue; // } // Dictionary<string, string> listContent = ScrapHasTagPages(item_pageSouceSplit); // Domain.Socioboard.Domain.Boardfbfeeds fbfeed = new Domain.Socioboard.Domain.Boardfbfeeds(); // fbfeed.Id = Guid.NewGuid(); // fbfeed.Isvisible = true; // fbfeed.Message = listContent["Message"]; // fbfeed.Image = listContent["PostImage"]; // fbfeed.Description = listContent["Title"]; // string[] splitdate = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(listContent["Time"], "at"); // string d = splitdate[0].Trim(); // string t = splitdate[1].Trim(); // fbfeed.Createddate = Convert.ToDateTime(d + " " + t); // fbfeed.Feedid = listContent["PostId"]; // fbfeed.Type = listContent["Type"]; // fbfeed.Type = listContent["Link"]; // fbfeed.Fbpageprofileid = BoardfbPageId; // if (!boardrepo.checkFacebookFeedExists(fbfeed.Feedid, BoardfbPageId)) // { // boardrepo.addBoardFbPageFeed(fbfeed); // } // // Please Write Code get Dictionary data // // // } // catch { }; // } // } // catch (Exception ex) // { //GlobusLogHelper.log.Error(ex.StackTrace); // } // } // } // catch // { } //} //public Dictionary<string, string> ScrapHasTagPages(string Value) //{ // string redirectionHref = string.Empty; // string title = string.Empty; // List<string[]> Likedata = new List<string[]>(); // Dictionary<string, string> HasTagData = new Dictionary<string, string>(); // // foreach (var Value in Likepages) // { // try // { // redirectionHref = Utils.getBetween(Value, "href=\"", "\""); // string profileUrl = redirectionHref;//1 // if (redirectionHref.Contains("")) // { // string[] Arr_Title = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(Value, "<span class=\"fwb fcg\""); // foreach (var valuetitle in Arr_Title) // { // try // { // // title = Utils.getBetween(valuetitle, "<a", "/a>"); // title = Utils.getBetween(valuetitle, "\">", "/a>"); // if (!title.Equals(string.Empty)) // { // title = Utils.getBetween(title, "\">", "<"); // if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(title)) // { // break; // } // } // } // catch (Exception) // { // } // } // string profileName = title;//2 // string Message = Utils.getBetween(Value, "<p>", "<").Replace("@", "@").Replace("&", "&").Replace("u0025", "%");//7 // string[] timeDetails = Regex.Split(Value, "<abbr"); // string postedTime = string.Empty; // try // { // postedTime = Utils.getBetween(timeDetails[1], "=\"", "\""); // } // catch { }; // string postid = string.Empty; // try // { // postid = Utils.getBetween(timeDetails[0], "fbid=", "&"); // if (postid == "") // { // postid = Utils.getBetween(timeDetails[0], "/posts/", "\" target="); // } // } // catch // { // } // string[] DetailedInfo = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(Value, "<div class=\"_6m7\">"); // string detail = string.Empty; // try // { // detail = "-" + DetailedInfo[1];//8 // detail = Utils.getBetween(detail, "-", "</div>").Replace("&", "&").Replace("u0025", "%"); // if (detail.Contains("<a ")) // { // string GetVisitUrl = Utils.getBetween(detail, "\">", "</a>"); // detail = Utils.getBetween("$$$####" + detail, "$$$####", "<a href=") + "-" + GetVisitUrl; // } // } // catch // { }; // string[] ArrDetail = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(Value, "<div class=\"mbs _6m6\">"); // string Titles = string.Empty; // // string Url = Utils.getBetween(ArrDetail[0], "", ""); // try // { // Titles = Utils.getBetween(ArrDetail[1], ">", "</a>").Replace("@", "@").Replace("&", "&").Replace("u0025", "%");//6 // if (Titles.Contains("Sachin Tendulkar")) // { // } // } // catch { }; // string SiteRedirectionUrl = string.Empty; // try // { // SiteRedirectionUrl = Utils.getBetween(ArrDetail[1], "LinkshimAsyncLink.swap(this, "", ");"); // } // catch { }; // try // { // SiteRedirectionUrl = Uri.UnescapeDataString(SiteRedirectionUrl).Replace("\\u0025", "%").Replace("\\", "");//4 // } // catch { }; // string websiteUrl = string.Empty; // try // { // websiteUrl = Utils.getBetween(SiteRedirectionUrl, "//", "/"); // } // catch { }; // string redirectionImg = string.Empty; // try // { // string[] adImg = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(Value, "<img class=\"scaledImageFitWidth img\""); // redirectionImg = Utils.getBetween(adImg[1], "src=\"", "\"").Replace("&", "&"); // } // catch { }; // string[] profImg = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(Value, "<img class=\"_s0 5xib 5sq7 _rw img\""); // string profileImg = string.Empty; // try // { // profileImg = Utils.getBetween(profImg[0], "src=\"", "\"").Replace("&", "&"); // } // catch { }; // HasTagData.Add("Title", title); // HasTagData.Add("Time", postedTime); // HasTagData.Add("Type", "link"); // HasTagData.Add("Message", Message); // HasTagData.Add("Image", profileImg); // HasTagData.Add("PostImage", redirectionImg); // HasTagData.Add("PostId", postid); // HasTagData.Add("Link", SiteRedirectionUrl); // } // } // catch { }; // } // return HasTagData; //} public static List <Domain.Socioboard.Domain.DiscoverySearch> ScraperHasTage(string Hash) { GlobusHttpHelper HttpHelper = new GlobusHttpHelper(); string KeyWord = Hash; string pageSource_Home = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri("" + KeyWord)); List <string> pageSouceSplit = new List <string>(); string[] PagesLink = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(pageSource_Home, "_4-u2 mbm _5jmm _5pat _5v3q _4-u8"); foreach (var item in PagesLink) { pageSouceSplit.Add(item); } PagesLink = PagesLink.Skip(1).ToArray(); List <Domain.Socioboard.Domain.DiscoverySearch> discSearchList = new List <Domain.Socioboard.Domain.DiscoverySearch>(); foreach (var item_pageSouceSplit in pageSouceSplit) { Domain.Socioboard.Domain.DiscoverySearch discSearchObj = new Domain.Socioboard.Domain.DiscoverySearch(); try { if (item_pageSouceSplit.Contains("<!DOCTYPE html>")) { continue; } Dictionary <string, string> listContent = ScrapHasTagPages(item_pageSouceSplit); // Domain.Socioboard.Domain.Boardfbfeeds fbfeed = new Domain.Socioboard.Domain.Boardfbfeeds(); discSearchObj.Id = Guid.NewGuid(); discSearchObj.Message = listContent["Message"]; //discSearchObj.Image = listContent["PostImage"]; //discSearchObj.Description = listContent["Title"]; string[] splitdate = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(listContent["Time"], "at"); string d = splitdate[0].Trim(); string t = splitdate[1].Trim(); discSearchObj.CreatedTime = Convert.ToDateTime(d + " " + t); discSearchObj.MessageId = listContent["PostId"]; //discSearchObj.Type = listContent["Type"]; //discSearchObj.Link = listContent["Link"]; discSearchObj.FromId = listContent["FromId"]; discSearchObj.FromName = listContent["FromName"]; //discSearchObj.Fbpageprofileid = BoardfbPageId; discSearchList.Add(discSearchObj); } catch { }; } return(discSearchList); }
public static List <string> GetLatestTrendsFromTwiter() { ILog logger = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(TwitterScrapeHelper)); List <string> lstOfTrends = new List <string>(); try { GlobusHttpHelper objGlobusHttpHelper = new GlobusHttpHelper(); string homepageUrl = ""; string trendsUrl = ""; string homePageResponse = objGlobusHttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(trendsUrl), "", ""); try { string[] GetTrends = Regex.Split(homePageResponse, "data-trend-name="); GetTrends = GetTrends.Skip(1).ToArray(); foreach (string item in GetTrends) { try { string trend = Utils.getBetween(item, "\"", "\\\"").Replace("'", "'"); lstOfTrends.Add(trend); } catch (Exception ex) { //GlobusLogHelper.log.Error("Error Get Current Trends ==> " + ex.Message); logger.Error("Error Get Current Trends ==> " + ex.Message); logger.Error(ex.StackTrace); } } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error("Error Get Current Trends ==> " + ex.Message); logger.Error(ex.StackTrace); } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error("Error Get Current Trends ==> " + ex.Message); logger.Error(ex.StackTrace); } return(lstOfTrends); }
public Dictionary <string, string> getAllMembers(ref GlobusHttpHelper HttpHelper, string userName) { Dictionary <string, string> details = new Dictionary <string, string>(); try { string url = ""; string src = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(url)); if (src.Contains("{\"lastName\"")) { string[] arr = Regex.Split(src, "{\"lastName\""); foreach (string item in arr) { try { if (!item.Contains("<!DOCTYPE")) { string invitationId = string.Empty; string Id = string.Empty; string fullName = Utils.getBetween(item, "i18n_check_to_remove\":\"", "\","); fullName = Utils.getBetween(fullName + "###", "to remove", "###"); fullName = fullName.Trim(); if (item.Contains("")) { invitationId = Utils.getBetween(item, "\"invitationId\":\"", "\",\""); } if (item.Contains("memberId\":")) { Id = Utils.getBetween(item, "memberId\":", "}"); } Id = userName + ":" + Id; details.Add(Id, fullName + ":" + invitationId); } } catch { } } } } catch { } return(details); }
public bool RepinwithMessage(string PinId, string myMessage, string Board, string NumberOfPage, ref PinInterestUser objPinUser) { try { string getPinPageSource = string.Empty; string pinUrl = string.Empty; string url = "" + PinId; string CheckPinPageSource = objPinUser.globusHttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(url), "", string.Empty, ""); if (!CheckPinPageSource.Contains("<div>Something went wrong!</div>") && !CheckPinPageSource.Contains("<div>Sorry. We've let our engineers know.</div>") && !CheckPinPageSource.Contains("<div>Whoops! We couldn't find that page.</div>") && !CheckPinPageSource.Contains("<div class=\"suggestionText\">How about these instead?</div>")) { pinUrl = "" + PinId + "/"; } else { GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Pin " + PinId + " Is InCorrect ]"); } try { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Globals.ItemSelect)) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + "] => [ Repining " + PinId + " For " + objPinUser.Username + "In" + Globals.ItemSelect + " ]"); } else { GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + "] => [ Repining " + PinId + " For " + objPinUser.Username + " ]"); } } catch { }; try { GlobusHttpHelper objhttp = new GlobusHttpHelper(); getPinPageSource = objhttp.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(pinUrl), "", "", ""); } catch { }; string description = string.Empty; string link = string.Empty; string boardId = string.Empty; string RepinPagesource = string.Empty; string appVersion = string.Empty; try { if (getPinPageSource.Contains("description_html")) { description = Utils.Utils.getBetween(getPinPageSource, "description_html\":", ", \"title\":").Replace("\"", "").Replace("&", "%26").Trim(); description = description.Replace(" ", "+").Replace(",", "%2C").Replace("amp;", ""); } if (getPinPageSource.Contains("serving_link")) { link = Utils.Utils.getBetween(getPinPageSource, "serving_link\":", ", \"is_promoted").Replace("\"", "").Trim(); link = link.Replace(":", "%3A").Replace("/", "%2F").Replace("?", "%3F").Replace("=", "%3D").Replace("&", "%26"); } if (getPinPageSource.Contains("board_id")) { try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Board)) { Random rnd = new Random(); int BoardNum = rnd.Next(0, objPinUser.Boards.Count - 1); boardId = objPinUser.Boards[BoardNum]; } else { boardId = Board; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(boardId.ToString())) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + "] => [Board is not present in your account , can't repin]"); return false; } } catch (Exception) { } } else if (getPinPageSource.Contains("board")) { boardId = Board; } lock (Lock_RepinonBoard) { string Checking = objPinUser.globusHttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri("")); if (Checking.Contains("profileName")) { if (Checking.Contains("profileName")) { appVersion = Utils.Utils.getBetween(Checking, "\"app_version\": \"", "\", \""); } } else { ObjAccountManager.LoginPinterestAccount(ref objPinUser); } string RedirectUrl = GlobusHttpHelper.valueURl.Split('.')[0]; string newHomePage = RedirectUrl + ""; string linkurl = string.Empty; string RepinpostData = "source_url=%2Fpin%2F" + PinId + "%2F&data=%7B%22options%22%3A%7B%22pin_id%22%3A%22" + PinId + "%22%2C%22description%22%3A%22" + myMessage + "%22%2C%22link%22%3A%22" + link + "%22%2C%22is_video%22%3Afalse%2C%22board_id%22%3A%22" + Board + "%22%7D%2C%22context%22%3A%7B%7D%7D&module_path=Modal()%3EPinCreate3(resource%3DPinResource(id%3D" + PinId + "))%3EBoardPicker(resource%3DBoardPickerBoardsResource(filter%3Dall))%3ESelectList(view_type%3DpinCreate3%2C+selected_section_index%3Dundefined%2C+selected_item_index%3Dundefined%2C+highlight_matched_text%3Dtrue%2C+suppress_hover_events%3Dundefined%2C+item_module%3D%5Bobject+Object%5D)"; string PostPageUrl = RedirectUrl + ""; try { RepinPagesource = objPinUser.globusHttpHelper.postFormDataProxyREPin(new Uri(PostPageUrl), RepinpostData, newHomePage, objPinUser.App_version); } catch (Exception ex) { } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(RepinPagesource)) { try { if (getPinPageSource.Contains("class=\"sourceFlagWrapper")) { try { BaseLib.GlobusRegex rgx = new GlobusRegex(); string urldata = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(getPinPageSource, "sourceFlagWrapper")[1], "</a>")[0]; linkurl = rgx.GetHrefUrlTag(urldata).Replace("href=\"", string.Empty); } catch (Exception ex) { } } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(linkurl)) { try { string urldata = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(getPinPageSource, "sourceFlagWrapper")[1], "</a>")[0]; string Datavalue = urldata.Substring(urldata.IndexOf("href=\\\"")); int startindex = Datavalue.IndexOf("href=\\\""); string start = Datavalue.Substring(startindex).Replace("href=\\\"", ""); int endindex = start.IndexOf("\\\""); string end = start.Substring(0, endindex); linkurl = end;// Datavalue.Substring(0, Datavalue.IndexOf("\\\">")).Replace("\\", string.Empty).Replace("\n", string.Empty).Replace(">", string.Empty).Replace("href=\"", string.Empty); } catch { }; } try { string postdata1 = "source_url=%2Fpin%2F" + PinId + "%2F&data=%7B%22options%22%3A%7B%22board_id%22%3A%22" + Board + "%22%2C%22description%22%3A%22" + myMessage + "%22%2C%22link%22%3A%22" + Uri.EscapeDataString(linkurl) + "%22%2C%22is_video%22%3Afalse%2C%22pin_id%22%3A%22" + PinId + "%22%7D%2C%22context%22%3A%7B%22app_version%22%3A%22" + objPinUser.App_version + "%22%2C%22https_exp%22%3Afalse%7D%7D&module_path=App()%3ECloseup(resource%3DPinResource(id%3D" + PinId + "))%3EPinActionBar(resource%3DPinResource(id%3D" + PinId + "))%3EShowModalButton(module%3DPinCreate)%23Modal(module%3DPinCreate(resource%3DPinResource(id%3D" + PinId + ")))"; string afterposting = objPinUser.globusHttpHelper.postFormDataProxy(new Uri(""), postdata1, "" + PinId + "/", "", 0, "", ""); if (!afterposting.Contains("<div>Uh oh! Something went wrong.")) { return true; } return false; } catch (Exception ex) { }; } catch (Exception ex) { } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(RepinPagesource)) { try { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Globals.ItemSelect)) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + "] => [ Repining " + PinId + " For " + objPinUser.Username + " In " + Globals.ItemSelect + " is Done. ]"); } else { GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + "] => [ Repining " + PinId + " For " + objPinUser.Username + " is Done. ]"); } } catch { }; return true; } else { GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + "] => [ Repining " + PinId + " For " + objPinUser.Username + " is Failed. ]"); return false; } } } catch { }; return false; } catch (Exception Ex) { return false; } }
public static string GetUserIDFromUsername_New(string username, out string Status, ref GlobusHttpHelper HttpHelper) { string GetStatus = string.Empty; clsDBQueryManager DB = new clsDBQueryManager(); DataSet ds = DB.GetUserId(username); string user_id = string.Empty; try { if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow dataRow in ds.Tables["tb_UsernameDetails"].Rows) { user_id = dataRow.ItemArray[0].ToString(); Status = "No Error"; return user_id; } } } catch { }; try { string id = string.Empty; string pagesource = string.Empty; pagesource = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri("" + username), "", ""); if (!pagesource.Contains("Rate limit exceeded. Clients may not make more than 150 requests per hour.") && !pagesource.Contains("Sorry, that page does not exist") && !pagesource.Contains("User has been suspended")) { // pagesource = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri("" + username), "", ""); try { int startindex = pagesource.IndexOf("profile_id"); string start = pagesource.Substring(startindex).Replace("profile_id", ""); int endindex = start.IndexOf(","); string end = start.Substring(0, endindex).Replace(""", "").Replace("\"", "").Replace(":", "").Trim(); user_id = end.Trim(); } catch { } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(user_id)) { try { int startindex = pagesource.IndexOf("ProfileTweet-authorDetails\">"); string start = pagesource.Substring(startindex).Replace("ProfileTweet-authorDetails\">", ""); int endindex = start.IndexOf("\">"); string end = start.Substring(start.IndexOf("data-user-id="), endindex - start.IndexOf("data-user-id=")).Replace("data-user-id=", "").Replace("\"", ""); user_id = end.Trim(); } catch { } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(user_id)) { try { int startindex = pagesource.IndexOf("stats js-mini-profile-stats \" data-user-id=\""); if (startindex == -1) { startindex = pagesource.IndexOf("user-actions btn-group not-following not-muting \" data-user-id=\""); } if (startindex == -1) { startindex = pagesource.IndexOf("user-actions btn-group not-following not-muting protected\" data-user-id=\""); } string start = pagesource.Substring(startindex).Replace("stats js-mini-profile-stats \" data-user-id=\"", "").Replace("user-actions btn-group not-following not-muting \" data-user-id=\"", "").Replace("user-actions btn-group not-following not-muting protected\" data-user-id=\"", "").Trim(); //int endindex = start.IndexOf("\">"); int endindex = start.IndexOf("\""); string end = start.Substring(0, endindex); user_id = end.Replace("\"", ""); } catch { } } } else if (pagesource.Contains("Rate limit exceeded. Clients may not make more than 150 requests per hour.")) { GetStatus = "Rate limit exceeded"; } else if (pagesource.Contains("Sorry, that page does not exist")) { GetStatus = "Sorry, that page does not exist"; } else if (pagesource.Contains("User has been suspended")) { GetStatus = "User has been suspended"; } } catch (Exception ex) { Globussoft.GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine(DateTime.Now + " --> Error --> GetUserIDFromUsername() -- " + username + " --> " + ex.Message, Globals.Path_TwitterDataScrapper); Globussoft.GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("Error --> GetUserIDFromUsername() -- " + username + " --> " + ex.Message, Globals.Path_TwtErrorLogs); GetStatus = "Error"; } Status = "No Error"; return user_id; }
public void Start_Comment(ref InstagramUser IGcomment) { try { lstThreadsCommentPoster.Add(Thread.CurrentThread); lstThreadsCommentPoster.Distinct(); Thread.CurrentThread.IsBackground = true; } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error("Error : " + ex.StackTrace); } try { bool ProcessStartORnot = false; GlobusHttpHelper obj = IGcomment.globusHttpHelper; // string res_secondURL = obj.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(IGGlobals.Instance.IGTestURL), ""); string res_secondURL = obj.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(""), ""); int parsedValue; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(CommentPhoto_ID) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(message_comment)) { string s = CommentPhoto_ID; string k = message_comment; ClGlobul.CommentIdsForMSG.Clear(); ClGlobul.commentMsgList.Clear(); if (s.Contains(',')) { string[] Data = s.Split(','); foreach (var item in Data) { ClGlobul.CommentIdsForMSG.Add(item); } } else { ClGlobul.CommentIdsForMSG.Add(CommentPhoto_ID); } if (k.Contains(",")) { string[] data1 = Regex.Split(k, ","); foreach (string item in data1) { ClGlobul.commentMsgList.Add(item); } } else { ClGlobul.commentMsgList.Add(message_comment); } } } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error("Error : " + ex.StackTrace); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(message_comment_path)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(message_comment))//txtsingalmsg { // ClGlobul.commentMsgList.Clear(); if (Nothread_comment != 0) { //if (MessageBox.Show("Do you really want to Start Without Thread", "Confirm", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes) //txtsingalmsg //{ // ProcessStartORnot = true; // ClGlobul.NoOfcommentThread = 1; // try // { // string AllMessege = txtsingalmsg.Text.Trim(); // string[] ListMessages = Regex.Split(AllMessege, ","); // foreach (string str in ListMessages) // { // ClGlobul.commentMsgList.Add(str); // } // } // catch { }; //} //else //{ //} } else { try { ClGlobul.NoOfcommentThread = Nothread_comment; try { string AllMessege = message_comment; string[] ListMessages = Regex.Split(AllMessege, ","); foreach (string str in ListMessages) { ClGlobul.commentMsgList.Add(str); } } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error("Error : " + ex.StackTrace); } } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error("Error : " + ex.StackTrace); } } } else { GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Please upload Comments. ]"); } } if (status == "Success") { foreach (var CommentIdsForMSG_item in ClGlobul.CommentIdsForMSG) { getComment(CommentIdsForMSG_item, ref IGcomment); } } else { if (status == "Failed") { GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Login Fail. ]" + IGcomment.username); } } }
public void SignupMultiThreaded(object parameters) { Array paramsArray = new object[3]; paramsArray = (Array)parameters; string Email = string.Empty; string Password = string.Empty; string proxyAddress = string.Empty; string proxyPort = string.Empty; string proxyUsername = string.Empty; string proxyPassword = string.Empty; string emailData = (string)paramsArray.GetValue(0); string username = (string)paramsArray.GetValue(1); string name = (string)paramsArray.GetValue(2); try { Email = emailData.Split(':')[0]; Password = emailData.Split(':')[1]; } catch (Exception ex) { AddToListBox(ex.Message); } if (emailData.Split(':').Length > 5) { proxyAddress = emailData.Split(':')[2]; proxyPort = emailData.Split(':')[3]; proxyUsername = emailData.Split(':')[4]; proxyPassword = emailData.Split(':')[5]; } else if (emailData.Split(':').Length == 4) { proxyAddress = emailData.Split(':')[2]; proxyPort = emailData.Split(':')[3]; } try { if (!(username.Count() < 15 || Password.Count() > 6)) { if (username.Count() > 15) { AddToListBox("Username Must Not be greater than 15 char"); } else if (Password.Count() < 6) { AddToListBox("Password Must Not be less than 6 char"); } } } catch { } Random randm = new Random(); double cachestop = randm.NextDouble(); string textUrl = globusHelper.getHtmlfromUrlProxy(new Uri(""), proxyAddress, proxyPort, proxyUsername, proxyPassword, "", ""); string pagesource1 = globusHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(""), "", ""); string pagesource2 = globusHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri("" + cachestop + "&lang=en"), "", ""); try { int IndexStart = pagesource2.IndexOf("challenge :"); string Start = pagesource2.Substring(IndexStart); int IndexEnd = Start.IndexOf("',"); string End = Start.Substring(0, IndexEnd).Replace("challenge :", "").Replace("'", "").Replace(" ", ""); capcthavalue = End; ImageURL = "" + End; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("1 :" + ex.StackTrace); } WebClient webclient = new WebClient(); webclient.DownloadFile(ImageURL, Application.LocalUserAppDataPath + "\\Image.jpg"); try { int StartIndex = textUrl.IndexOf("phx-signup-form"); string Start = textUrl.Substring(StartIndex); int EndIndex = Start.IndexOf("name=\"authenticity_token"); string End = Start.Substring(0, EndIndex).Replace("phx-signup-form", "").Replace("method=\"POST\"", "").Replace("action=\"\"", ""); authenticitytoken = End.Replace("class=\"\">", "").Replace("<input type=\"hidden\"", "").Replace("class=\"\">", "").Replace("value=\"", "").Replace("\n", "").Replace("\"", "").Replace(" ", ""); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("2 :" + ex.StackTrace); } try { bool Created = true; string url = "" + Email.Replace("@", "%40").Replace(" ", "") + "&suggest_on_username=true&context=signup"; string EmailCheck = globusHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(url), "", ""); string Usernamecheck = globusHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(""******"&full_name=" + name + "&email=&suggest_on_username=true&context=signup"), "", ""); if (EmailCheck.Contains("Email has already been taken. An email can only be used on one Twitter account at a time")) { Created = false; } else if (Usernamecheck.Contains("Username has already been taken")) { Created = false; } else if (EmailCheck.Contains("You cannot have a blank email address")) { Created = false; } if (Created) { byte[] args = webclient.DownloadData(ImageURL); string[] arr1 = new string[] { "indianbill007", "sumit1234", "" }; string captchaText = DecodeDBC(arr1, args); string postdata = "authenticity_token=" + authenticitytoken + "&user%5Bname%5D=" + name + "&user%5Bemail%5D=" + Email.Replace(" ", "") + "&user%5Buser_password%5D=" + Password + "&user%5Bscreen_name%5D=" + username + "&user%5Bremember_me_on_signup%5D=1&user%5Bremember_me_on_signup%5D=&context=&recaptcha_challenge_field=" + capcthavalue + "&recaptcha_response_field=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(captchaText) + "&user%5Bdiscoverable_by_email%5D=1&user%5Bsend_email_newsletter%5D=1"; string AccountcraetePageSource = globusHelper.postFormData(new Uri(""), postdata, "", "", "", "", ""); if (AccountcraetePageSource.Contains("id=\"signout-form\"") && AccountcraetePageSource.Contains("/logout")) { MessageBox.Show("Account created"); } if (Created) { ClsEmailActivator EmailActivate = new ClsEmailActivator(); bool verified = EmailActivate.EmailVerification(Email.Replace(" ", ""), Password, ref globusHelper); if (verified) { AddToListBox("Account Verified"); } } } else { if (EmailCheck.Contains("Email has already been taken. An email can only be used on one Twitter account at a time")) { AddToListBox("Email has already been taken. An email can only be used on one Twitter account at a time"); } else if (Usernamecheck.Contains("Username has already been taken")) { AddToListBox("Username has already been taken"); } else if (EmailCheck.Contains("You cannot have a blank email address")) { AddToListBox("You cannot have a blank email address"); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("3 :" + ex.StackTrace); } }
public static List <string> GetPhotoId(string hashTag) { string url = "" + "tag/" + hashTag; GlobusHttpHelper objInstagramUser = new GlobusHttpHelper(); List <string> lstPhotoId = new List <string> (); int counter = 0; string pageSource = objInstagramUser.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(url), "", ""); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pageSource)) { if (pageSource.Contains("<div class=\"mainimg_wrapper\">")) { string[] arr = Regex.Split(pageSource, "<div class=\"mainimg_wrapper\">"); if (arr.Length > 1) { arr = arr.Skip(1).ToArray(); foreach (string itemarr in arr) { try { string startString = "<a href=\"/p/"; string endString = "\" class=\"mainimg\""; string imageId = string.Empty; string imageSrc = string.Empty; if (itemarr.Contains("<a href=\"/p/")) { int indexStart = itemarr.IndexOf("<a href=\"/p/"); string itemarrNow = itemarr.Substring(indexStart); if (itemarrNow.Contains(startString) && itemarrNow.Contains(endString)) { try { imageId = GlobusHttpHelper.getBetween(itemarrNow, startString, endString).Replace("/", ""); } catch { } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(imageId)) { lstPhotoId.Add(imageId); lstPhotoId.Distinct(); if (lstPhotoId.Count >= counterPhotoId) { return(lstPhotoId); } //imageId = ""+imageId; } } } } catch (Exception ex) { } } #region pagination string pageLink = string.Empty; while (true) { //if (stopScrapImageBool) return; string startString = "<a href=\""; string endString = "\" class=\"mainimg\""; string imageId = string.Empty; string imageSrc = string.Empty; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pageLink)) { pageSource = objInstagramUser.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(pageLink), "", ""); } if (pageSource.Contains("<ul class=\"pager\">") && pageSource.Contains("rel=\"next\">")) { try { pageLink = GlobusHttpHelper.getBetween(pageSource, "<ul class=\"pager\">", "rel=\"next\">"); } catch { } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pageLink)) { try { int len = pageLink.IndexOf("<a href=\""); len = len + ("<a href=\"").Length; pageLink = pageLink.Substring(len); pageLink = pageLink.Trim(); pageLink = pageLink.TrimEnd(new char[] { '"' }); pageLink = "" + pageLink; } catch { } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pageLink)) { string response = string.Empty; try { response = objInstagramUser.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(pageLink), "", ""); } catch { } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(response)) { if (response.Contains("<div class=\"mainimg_wrapper\">")) { try { string[] arr1 = Regex.Split(response, "<div class=\"mainimg_wrapper\">"); if (arr1.Length > 1) { arr1 = arr1.Skip(1).ToArray(); foreach (string items in arr1) { try { //if (stopScrapImageBool) return; if (items.Contains("<a href=\"/p/")) { int indexStart = items.IndexOf("<a href=\"/p/"); string itemarrNow = items.Substring(indexStart); try { imageId = GlobusHttpHelper.getBetween(itemarrNow, startString, endString).Replace("/", ""); } catch { } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(imageId)) { lstPhotoId.Add(imageId); lstPhotoId.Distinct(); if (lstPhotoId.Count >= counterPhotoId) { return(lstPhotoId); } //imageId = ""+imageId; } counter++; //Addtologger("Image DownLoaded with ImageName "+imageId+"_"+counter); if (lstPhotoId.Count >= counterPhotoId) { return(lstPhotoId); } } } catch { } } if (lstPhotoId.Count >= counterPhotoId) { return(lstPhotoId); } } } catch { } } } else { } } else { break; } } else { break; } } else { break; } } #endregion } } } return(lstPhotoId); }
private void RequestJSCSSIMG(string pageSource, ref GlobusHttpHelper HttpHelper) { ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = delegate { return true; }; //CSS Request foreach (string item in GetHrefsFromString(pageSource)) { if (item.Contains(".css")) { string cssSource = item.Replace(" ", "").Trim(); try { string res = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(cssSource)); } catch (Exception) { Thread.Sleep(500); try { string res = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(cssSource)); } catch (Exception) { } } } } //JS Request string[] scriptArr = Regex.Split(pageSource, "/script>"); foreach (string item in scriptArr) { if (item.Contains("static.ak.") || item.Contains("profile.ak.")) { int startIndx = item.LastIndexOf("src=") + "src=".Length + 1; int endIndx = item.IndexOf(">", startIndx) - 1; string jsSource = item.Substring(startIndx, endIndx - startIndx); if (jsSource.StartsWith("http://static.ak.") || jsSource.StartsWith("https://static.ak.") || jsSource.StartsWith("http://s-static.ak.") || jsSource.StartsWith("https://s-static.ak.")) { try { string res = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(jsSource)); } catch (Exception) { Thread.Sleep(500); try { string res = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(jsSource)); } catch (Exception) { } } } } } ///IMG Request string[] imageArr = Regex.Split(pageSource, "<img"); foreach (string item in imageArr) { if (item.Contains("static.ak.") || item.Contains("profile.ak.")) { int startIndx = item.IndexOf("src=") + "src=".Length + 1; int endIndx = item.IndexOf("\"", startIndx + 1); string jsSource = item.Substring(startIndx, endIndx - startIndx); if (jsSource.StartsWith("http://static.ak.") || jsSource.StartsWith("https://static.ak.") || jsSource.StartsWith("http://s-static.ak.") || jsSource.StartsWith("https://s-static.ak.")) { if (jsSource.Contains(".png") || jsSource.Contains(".gif") || jsSource.Contains(".jpg") || jsSource.Contains(".jpeg")) { try { string res = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(jsSource)); } catch (Exception) { Thread.Sleep(500); try { string res = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(jsSource)); } catch (Exception) { } } } } } } }
private void btnStart_Searching_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { AllOfTheseWords = (txtAllofTheseKeywords.Text).ToString(); ThisExtractPhrase = (txtThisExactPhrase.Text).ToString(); AnyOfTheseWords = (txtAnyOfTheseWords.Text).ToString(); TheseHashTags = (txtTheseHashTags.Text).ToString(); NoneOfTheseWords = (txtNoneofTheseWords.Text).ToString(); FromTheseAccounts = (txtFromTheseAccounts.Text).ToString(); ToTheseAccounts = (txtToTheseAccounts.Text).ToString(); MentionTheseAccounts = (txtMentioningTheseAccounts.Text).ToString(); NearThisPlace = (txtNearThisPlace.Text).ToString(); AddToLog_AdvancedSearch("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => Process Started"); try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ThisExtractPhrase)) { ThisExtractPhrase = ""; } else { ThisExtractPhrase = "%20%22" + ThisExtractPhrase; } } catch { } try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(AnyOfTheseWords)) { AnyOfTheseWords = ""; } else { AnyOfTheseWords = "%22%20" + AnyOfTheseWords; } } catch { } try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(TheseHashTags)) { TheseHashTags = ""; } else { TheseHashTags = "%20%23" + TheseHashTags; } } catch { } try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(NoneOfTheseWords)) { NoneOfTheseWords = ""; } else { NoneOfTheseWords = "%20-" + NoneOfTheseWords; } } catch { } try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(FromTheseAccounts)) { FromTheseAccounts = ""; } else { FromTheseAccounts = "%20from%3A" + FromTheseAccounts; } } catch { } try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ToTheseAccounts)) { ToTheseAccounts = ""; } else { ToTheseAccounts = "%20to%3A" + ToTheseAccounts; } } catch { } try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(MentionTheseAccounts)) { MentionTheseAccounts = ""; } else { MentionTheseAccounts = "%20%40" + MentionTheseAccounts; } } catch { } try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(NearThisPlace)) { NearThisPlace = ""; } else { NearThisPlace = "%20near%3A%22" + NearThisPlace; } } catch { } try { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtAllofTheseKeywords.Text)) { #region Commented //try //{ // string Url = "" + AllOfTheseWords + ThisExtractPhrase + AnyOfTheseWords + NoneOfTheseWords + TheseHashTags + _selectedLanguage + FromTheseAccounts + ToTheseAccounts + MentionTheseAccounts + NearThisPlace + "%22%20within%3A15mi&src=typd"; // string response = _GlobusHttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(Url), "", ""); //} //catch { } public List<StructTweetIDs> NewKeywordStructDataForSearchByKeyword(string keyword) #endregion { try { BaseLib.GlobusRegex regx = new GlobusRegex(); int counter = 0; string res_Get_searchURL = string.Empty; string searchURL = string.Empty; string maxid = string.Empty; string TweetId = string.Empty; string text = string.Empty; string ProfileName = string.Empty; string Location = string.Empty; string Bio = string.Empty; string website = string.Empty; string NoOfTweets = string.Empty; string Followers = string.Empty; string Followings = string.Empty; int noOfRecords = 0; try { noOfRecords = int.Parse(txtNoOfRecords.Text); } catch { } startAgain: if (counter == 0) { searchURL = "" + AllOfTheseWords + ThisExtractPhrase + AnyOfTheseWords + NoneOfTheseWords + TheseHashTags + _selectedLanguage + FromTheseAccounts + ToTheseAccounts + MentionTheseAccounts + NearThisPlace + "%22%20within%3A15mi&src=typd" + "&f=realtime"; counter++; } else { searchURL = "" + AllOfTheseWords + ThisExtractPhrase + AnyOfTheseWords + NoneOfTheseWords + TheseHashTags + _selectedLanguage + FromTheseAccounts + ToTheseAccounts + MentionTheseAccounts + NearThisPlace + "%22%20within%3A15mi&src=typd" + "&f=realtime&include_available_features=1&include_entities=1&last_note_ts=0&oldest_unread_id=0&scroll_cursor=" + TweetId + ""; } try { res_Get_searchURL = _GlobusHttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(searchURL), "", ""); AddToLog_AdvancedSearch("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => Finding results for entered details "); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(res_Get_searchURL)) { res_Get_searchURL = _GlobusHttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(searchURL), "", ""); } try { //string sjss = globushttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(searchURL), "", ""); string[] splitRes = Regex.Split(res_Get_searchURL, "refresh_cursor"); //splitRes = splitRes.Skip(1).ToArray(); foreach (string item in splitRes) { if (item.Contains("refresh_cursor")) { int startIndex = item.IndexOf("TWEET-"); string start = item.Substring(startIndex).Replace("data-user-id=\\\"", ""); int endIndex = start.IndexOf("\""); string end = start.Substring(0, endIndex).Replace("id_str", "").Replace("\"", "").Replace(":", "").Replace("{", "").Replace("}", "").Replace("]", ""); TweetId = end; } if (item.Contains("scroll_cursor")) { int startIndex = item.IndexOf("TWEET-"); string start = item.Substring(startIndex).Replace("data-user-id=\\\"", ""); int endIndex = start.IndexOf("\""); string end = start.Substring(0, endIndex).Replace("id_str", "").Replace("\"", "").Replace(":", "").Replace("{", "").Replace("}", "").Replace("]", ""); TweetId = end; } } } catch (Exception) { } } catch (Exception ex) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(2000); res_Get_searchURL = _GlobusHttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(searchURL), "", ""); } // && !res_Get_searchURL.Contains("has_more_items\":false") if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(res_Get_searchURL)) { //string[] splitRes = Regex.Split(res_Get_searchURL, "data-item-id"); //Regex.Split(res_Get_searchURL, "\"in_reply_to_status_id_str\""); string[] splitRes = Regex.Split(res_Get_searchURL, "data-item-id"); splitRes = splitRes.Skip(1).ToArray(); foreach (string item in splitRes) { if (item.Contains("data-screen-name=") && !item.Contains("js-actionable-user js-profile-popup-actionable")) { //var avc = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<dynamic>(res_Get_searchURL); //string DataHtml = (string)avc["items_html"]; } else { continue; } string modified_Item = "\"from_user\"" + item; string id = ""; try { int startIndex = item.IndexOf("data-user-id="); string start = item.Substring(startIndex).Replace("data-user-id=\\\"", ""); int endIndex = start.IndexOf("\\\""); string end = start.Substring(0, endIndex).Replace("id_str", "").Replace("\"", "").Replace(":", "").Replace("{", "").Replace("}", "").Replace("]", ""); id = end; //lst_structTweetIDs.Add(id); AddToLog_AdvancedSearch("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => User Id " + id); } catch (Exception ex) { id = "null"; //Globussoft.GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine(DateTime.Now + " --> Error --> GetPhotoFromUsername() -- id -- " + keyword + " --> " + ex.Message, Globals.Path_TwitterDataScrapper); } string from_user_id = ""; try { int startIndex = item.IndexOf("data-screen-name=\\\""); string start = item.Substring(startIndex).Replace("data-screen-name=\\\"", ""); int endIndex = start.IndexOf("\\\""); string end = start.Substring(0, endIndex).Replace("from_user_id\":", "").Replace("\"", "").Replace(":", "").Replace("{", "").Replace("_str", "").Replace("user", "").Replace("}", "").Replace("]", ""); from_user_id = end; AddToLog_AdvancedSearch("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => User ScreenName " + from_user_id); } catch (Exception ex) { from_user_id = "null"; // Globussoft.GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine(DateTime.Now + " --> Error --> GetPhotoFromUsername() -- " + keyword + " -- from_user_id --> " + ex.Message, Globals.Path_TwitterDataScrapper); } string tweetUserid = string.Empty; try { int startIndex = item.IndexOf("=\\\""); string start = item.Substring(startIndex).Replace("=\\\"", ""); int endIndex = start.IndexOf("\\\""); string end = start.Substring(0, endIndex).Replace("from_user_id\":", "").Replace("\"", "").Replace(":", "").Replace("{", "").Replace("_str", "").Replace("user", "").Replace("}", "").Replace("]", ""); tweetUserid = end; AddToLog_AdvancedSearch("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => Tweet Id " + tweetUserid); } catch (Exception ex) { from_user_id = "null"; } ///Tweet Text #region Commented //try //{ // int startindex = item.IndexOf("js-tweet-text tweet-text\""); // if (startindex == -1) // { // startindex = 0; // startindex = item.IndexOf("js-tweet-text tweet-text"); // } // string start = item.Substring(startindex).Replace("js-tweet-text tweet-text\"", "").Replace("js-tweet-text tweet-text tweet-text-rtl\"", ""); // int endindex = start.IndexOf("</p>"); // if (endindex == -1) // { // endindex = 0; // endindex = start.IndexOf("stream-item-footer"); // } // string end = start.Substring(0, endindex); // end = regx.StripTagsRegex(end); // text = end.Replace(" ", "").Replace("a href=", "").Replace("/a", "").Replace("<span", "").Replace("</span", "").Replace("class=\\\"js-display-url\\\"", "").Replace("class=\\\"tco-ellipsis\\\"", "").Replace("class=\\\"invisible\\\"", "").Replace("<strong>", "").Replace("target=\\\"_blank\\\"", "").Replace("class=\\\"twitter-timeline-link\\\"", "").Replace("</strong>", "").Replace("rel=\\\"nofollow\\\" dir=\\\"ltr\\\" data-expanded-url=", ""); // text = text.Replace(""", "").Replace("<", "").Replace(">", "").Replace("\"", "").Replace("\\", "").Replace("title=", ""); // string[] array = Regex.Split(text, "http"); // text = string.Empty; // foreach (string itemData in array) // { // if (!itemData.Contains("")) // { // string data = string.Empty; // if (itemData.Contains("//")) // { // data = ("http" + itemData).Replace(" span ", string.Empty); // if (!text.Contains(itemData.Replace(" ", "")))// && !data.Contains("class") && !text.Contains(data)) // { // text += data.Replace("u003c", string.Empty).Replace("u003e", string.Empty); // } // } // else // { // if (!text.Contains(itemData.Replace(" ", ""))) // { // text += itemData.Replace("u003c", string.Empty).Replace("u003e", string.Empty).Replace("js-tweet-text tweet-text", ""); // } // } // } // } //} //catch { }; #endregion twtboardpro.TwitterDataScrapper.StructTweetIDs structTweetIDs = new twtboardpro.TwitterDataScrapper.StructTweetIDs(); if (id != "null") { structTweetIDs.ID_Tweet = tweetUserid; structTweetIDs.ID_Tweet_User = id; structTweetIDs.username__Tweet_User = from_user_id; structTweetIDs.wholeTweetMessage = text; lst_structTweetIDs.Add(structTweetIDs); } //if (!File.Exists(Globals.Path_KeywordScrapedListData + "-" + keyword + ".csv")) //{ // GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("USERID , USERNAME , PROFILE NAME , BIO , LOCATION , WEBSITE , NO OF TWEETS , FOLLOWERS , FOLLOWINGS", Globals.Path_KeywordScrapedListData + "-" + keyword + ".csv"); //} { ChilkatHttpHelpr objChilkat = new ChilkatHttpHelpr(); GlobusHttpHelper HttpHelper = new GlobusHttpHelper(); string ProfilePageSource = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri("" + from_user_id), "", ""); string Responce = ProfilePageSource; #region Convert HTML to XML string xHtml = objChilkat.ConvertHtmlToXml(Responce); Chilkat.Xml xml = new Chilkat.Xml(); xml.LoadXml(xHtml); Chilkat.Xml xNode = default(Chilkat.Xml); Chilkat.Xml xBeginSearchAfter = default(Chilkat.Xml); #endregion int counterdata = 0; xBeginSearchAfter = null; string dataDescription = string.Empty; xNode = xml.SearchForAttribute(xBeginSearchAfter, "h1", "class", "ProfileHeaderCard-name"); while ((xNode != null)) { xBeginSearchAfter = xNode; if (counterdata == 0) { ProfileName = xNode.AccumulateTagContent("text", "script|style"); counterdata++; } else if (counterdata == 1) { website = xNode.AccumulateTagContent("text", "script|style"); counterdata++; } else { break; } xNode = xml.SearchForAttribute(xBeginSearchAfter, "a", "class", "u-textUserColor"); } xBeginSearchAfter = null; dataDescription = string.Empty; xNode = xml.SearchForAttribute(xBeginSearchAfter, "p", "class", "ProfileHeaderCard-bio u-dir");//bio profile-field"); while ((xNode != null)) { xBeginSearchAfter = xNode; Bio = xNode.AccumulateTagContent("text", "script|style").Replace("'", "'").Replace(" ", string.Empty).Trim(); break; } xBeginSearchAfter = null; dataDescription = string.Empty; xNode = xml.SearchForAttribute(xBeginSearchAfter, "span", "class", "ProfileHeaderCard-locationText u-dir");//location profile-field"); while ((xNode != null)) { xBeginSearchAfter = xNode; Location = xNode.AccumulateTagContent("text", "script|style"); break; } int counterData = 0; xBeginSearchAfter = null; dataDescription = string.Empty; xNode = xml.SearchForAttribute(xBeginSearchAfter, "a", "class", "ProfileNav-stat ProfileNav-stat--link u-borderUserColor u-textCenter js-tooltip js-nav");//location profile-field"); while ((xNode != null)) { xBeginSearchAfter = xNode; if (counterData == 0) { // NoOfTweets = xml.SearchForAttribute(xBeginSearchAfter, "span", "class", "ProfileNav-value"); NoOfTweets = xNode.AccumulateTagContent("text", "script|style").Replace("Tweets", string.Empty).Replace(",", string.Empty).Replace("Tweet", string.Empty); counterData++; } else if (counterData == 1) { Followings = xNode.AccumulateTagContent("text", "script|style").Replace(" Following", string.Empty).Replace(",", string.Empty).Replace("Following", string.Empty); counterData++; } else if (counterData == 2) { Followers = xNode.AccumulateTagContent("text", "script|style").Replace("Followers", string.Empty).Replace(",", string.Empty).Replace("Follower", string.Empty); counterData++; } else { break; } //xNode = xml.SearchForAttribute(xBeginSearchAfter, "a", "class", "js-nav"); xNode = xml.SearchForAttribute(xBeginSearchAfter, "a", "class", "ProfileNav-stat ProfileNav-stat--link u-borderUserColor u-textCenter js-tooltip js-openSignupDialog js-nonNavigable u-textUserColor"); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(from_user_id) && tweetUserid != "null") { string Id_user = tweetUserid.Replace("}]", string.Empty).Trim(); Globals.lstScrapedUserIDs.Add(Id_user); // GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine(id + "," + from_user_id + "," + ProfileName + "," + Bio.Replace(",", "") + "," + Location.Replace(",", "") + "," + website + "," + NoOfTweets.Replace(",", "").Replace("Tweets", "") + "," + Followers.Replace(",", "").Replace("Following", "") + "," + Followings.Replace(",", "").Replace("Followers", "").Replace("Follower", ""), Globals.Path_KeywordScrapedListData + "-" + keyword + ".csv"); // Log("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ " + from_user_id + "," + Id_user + "," + ProfileName + "," + Bio.Replace(",", "") + "," + Location + "," + website + "," + NoOfTweets + "," + Followers + "," + Followings + " ]"); } } lst_structTweetIDs = lst_structTweetIDs.Distinct().ToList(); if (lst_structTweetIDs.Count >= noOfRecords) { // return lst_structTweetIDs; } } if (lst_structTweetIDs.Count <= noOfRecords) { maxid = lst_structTweetIDs[lst_structTweetIDs.Count - 1].ID_Tweet; if (res_Get_searchURL.Contains("has_moreitems\":false")) { } else { goto startAgain; } } else { if (res_Get_searchURL.Contains("has_more_items\":false")) { } else goto startAgain; } } } catch (Exception ex) { } } } } catch { } }
public string FormURL(ref LinkedinUser objLinkedinUser) { GlobusHttpHelper objHttpHelper = objLinkedinUser.globusHttpHelper; string url = ""; try { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentCompany)) { url = url + "&company=" + currentCompany; // url = url + "&companyScope=" + GlobalsScraper.selectedCurrentPast_Input_SalesNav; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(relationship)) { int i = 0; string[] rawRelationship = Regex.Split(relationship, ","); string addRelationshipValue = "facet=N"; for (i = 0; i < rawRelationship.Count(); i++) { addRelationshipValue = addRelationshipValue + "&facet.N=" + rawRelationship[i]; } url = url + addRelationshipValue; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(location)) { string locationResponse = objHttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri("" + Uri.EscapeDataString(location))); string rawLocationValue = Utils.getBetween(locationResponse, "\"id\":\"", "\",\""); url = url + "&facet=G&facet.G=" + rawLocationValue; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(title)) { url = url + "&jobTitle=" + title; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(titleScope)) { url = url + "&titleScope=" + titleScope; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(industry)) { int i = 0; string[] rawIndustry = Regex.Split(industry, ","); string addIndustryValue = "&facet=I"; for (i = 0; i < rawIndustry.Count(); i++) { addIndustryValue = addIndustryValue + "&facet.I=" + rawIndustry[i]; } url = url + addIndustryValue; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(country)) { // url = url + "&countryCode=" +; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(within)) { url = url + "&radiusMiles=" + within; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(postalCode)) { url = url + "&postalCode=" + postalCode; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(firstName)) { url = url + "&firstName=" + firstName; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lastName)) { url = url + "&lastName=" + lastName; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(seniorityLevel)) { int i = 0; string[] rawSeniorityLevel = Regex.Split(seniorityLevel, ","); string addSeniorityValue = "&facet=SE"; for (i = 0; i < rawSeniorityLevel.Count(); i++) { addSeniorityValue = addSeniorityValue + "&facet.SE=" + rawSeniorityLevel[i]; } url = url + addSeniorityValue; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(function)) { int i = 0; string[] rawFunction = Regex.Split(function, ","); string addFunctionValue = "&facet=FA"; for (i = 0; i < rawFunction.Count(); i++) { addFunctionValue = addFunctionValue + "&facet.FA=" + rawFunction[i]; } url = url + addFunctionValue; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(companySize)) { int i = 0; string[] rawCompanySize = Regex.Split(companySize, ","); string addCompanySizeValue = "&facet=CS"; for (i = 0; i < rawCompanySize.Count(); i++) { addCompanySizeValue = addCompanySizeValue + "&facet.CS=" + rawCompanySize[i]; } url = url + addCompanySizeValue; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(yearOfExperience)) { int i = 0; string[] rawYearsOfExperience = Regex.Split(yearOfExperience, ","); string addYearsOfExperienceValue = "&facet=TE"; for (i = 0; i < rawYearsOfExperience.Count(); i++) { addYearsOfExperienceValue = addYearsOfExperienceValue + "&facet.TE=" + rawYearsOfExperience[i]; } url = url + addYearsOfExperienceValue; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(language)) { int i = 0; string[] rawlanguage = Regex.Split(language, ","); string addLanguageValue = "&facet=L"; for (i = 0; i < rawlanguage.Count(); i++) { addLanguageValue = addLanguageValue + "&facet.L=" + rawlanguage[i]; } url = url + addLanguageValue; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(whenJoined)) { int i = 0; string[] rawWhenJoined = Regex.Split(whenJoined, ","); string addWhenJoinedValue = "&facet=DR"; for (i = 0; i < rawWhenJoined.Count(); i++) { addWhenJoinedValue = addWhenJoinedValue + "&facet.DR=" + rawWhenJoined[i]; } url = url + addWhenJoinedValue; } //url = url + "&defaultSelection=false&start=replaceVariableCounter&count=100"; url = url + "&defaultSelection=false&start=0&count=10&searchHistoryId=1540160093"; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(keyword)) { url = url + "&keywords=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(keyword) + "&trk=lss-search-tab"; } else { url = url + "&trk=lss-search-tab"; } } catch (Exception ex) { } return(url); }
private void FindTheGroupUrls(GlobusHttpHelper chilkatHttpHelper, Dictionary<string, string> CheckDuplicates, string Username, int GetCountMember, string keyword) { try { lstThreadsGroupMemberScraper.Add(Thread.CurrentThread); lstThreadsGroupMemberScraper.Distinct(); Thread.CurrentThread.IsBackground = true; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Error : " + ex.StackTrace); } try { string strKeyword = keyword; string strGroupUrl = FBGlobals.Instance.fbfacebookSearchPhpQUrl + strKeyword + "&init=quick&type=groups"; // "" strGroupUrl = ""+strKeyword+"&type=groups"; string __user = ""; string fb_dtsg = ""; string pgSrc_FanPageSearch = chilkatHttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(strGroupUrl),"",""); __user = GlobusHttpHelper.GetParamValue(pgSrc_FanPageSearch, "user"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(__user)) { __user = GlobusHttpHelper.ParseJson(pgSrc_FanPageSearch, "user"); } fb_dtsg = GlobusHttpHelper.GetParamValue(pgSrc_FanPageSearch, "fb_dtsg"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fb_dtsg)) { fb_dtsg = GlobusHttpHelper.ParseJson(pgSrc_FanPageSearch, "fb_dtsg"); } List<string> pagesList = GetGroups_FBSearch(pgSrc_FanPageSearch); List<string> distinctPages = pagesList.Distinct().ToList(); foreach (string distpage in distinctPages) { try { string distpage1 = distpage.Replace("d", "groups/"); sgroupid.Add(distpage1); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Error : " + ex.StackTrace); } } string ajaxRequestURL = GetAjaxURL_MoreResults(pgSrc_FanPageSearch); List<string> list = new List<string>(); List<string> lstLinkData = new List<string>(); /* if(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ajaxRequestURL)) { ajaxRequestURL = FBGlobals.Instance.fbhomeurl + ajaxRequestURL + "&__a=1&__user="******""; // "" ajaxRequestURL = Uri.UnescapeDataString(ajaxRequestURL) + "&init=quick"; string res_ajaxRequest = chilkatHttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(ajaxRequestURL),"",""); string[] Linklist = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(res_ajaxRequest, "href="); try { foreach (string itemurl in Linklist) { try { if (!itemurl.Contains("<!DOCTYPE html")) { if (!itemurl.Contains(@"http:\/\/")) { lstLinkData.Add(itemurl); string strLink = itemurl.Substring(0, 70); if (strLink.Contains("group") && strLink.Contains("onclick")) { try { string[] tempArr = strLink.Split('"'); string temp = tempArr[1]; temp = temp.Replace("\\", ""); temp = "" + temp; // "" list.Add(temp); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Error : " + ex.StackTrace); } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Error : " + ex.StackTrace); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Error : " + ex.StackTrace); } } */ string[] PageSplit = {}; if(true) { try{ PageSplit = Regex.Split(pgSrc_FanPageSearch,"group_id"); } catch{}; if(PageSplit.Count()!=1) { try { List<string> PageSplitList = PageSplit.ToList(); PageSplitList.RemoveAt(0); foreach(string item in PageSplitList) { if(item.Contains("<!DOCTYPE html>")) { continue; } list = list.Distinct().ToList(); if(GroupManager.noOfGroupsToScrap <= list.Count()) { break; } string groupId = FBUtils.getBetween(item,"=","\""); if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(groupId)) { list.Add("" +groupId); AddToLogger_GroupManager("Added Group Id : " + groupId); } } } catch{}; } else { try { try { PageSplit = Regex.Split(pgSrc_FanPageSearch,"<a href=\"/groups"); } catch{}; List<string> PageSplitList = PageSplit.ToList(); PageSplitList.RemoveAt(0); foreach(string item in PageSplitList) { if(item.Contains("<!DOCTYPE html>")) { continue; } list = list.Distinct().ToList(); if(GroupManager.noOfGroupsToScrap <= list.Count()) { break; } string groupId = FBUtils.getBetween(item,"/","/"); if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(groupId)) { list.Add("" +groupId); AddToLogger_GroupManager("Added Group Id : " + groupId); } } } catch{}; } int countForlistIteminPrvious =0; int countFormaximumScrap = 0; while(true) { countFormaximumScrap++; if(GroupManager.noOfGroupsToScrap<=countFormaximumScrap) { AddToLogger_GroupManager("No. of Groups Found To Scrape : " + list.Count()); break; } list = list.Distinct().ToList(); countForlistIteminPrvious = list.Count(); try { if(GroupManager.noOfGroupsToScrap <= list.Count()) { AddToLogger_GroupManager("No of Groups Found To Scrape : " + list.Count()); break; } PageSplit = Regex.Split(pgSrc_FanPageSearch,"rel=\"ajaxify\""); //rel=\"ajaxify\" if(PageSplit.Count()==1) { string splitIt = "&offset="; PageSplit = Regex.Split(pgSrc_FanPageSearch,splitIt); //rel=\"ajaxify\" if(PageSplit.Count()==1) { AddToLogger_GroupManager("All Group Id Scraped "); break; } if(PageSplit.Count()>1) { PageSplit[1] = "/search/results/more/?q=" + strKeyword + "&offset=" + PageSplit[1] ; ajaxRequestURL = FBUtils.getBetween(PageSplit[1],"","\\\""); } } else { ajaxRequestURL = FBUtils.getBetween(PageSplit[1],"href=\"","\""); } ajaxRequestURL = ajaxRequestURL.Replace("amp;","").Replace("type=all","type=groups").Replace("\\","%2C").Replace("u00252C",""); ajaxRequestURL = "" + ajaxRequestURL + "&__user="******"&__a=1&__dyn=7AmajEyl35xKt2u6aEyx90BCxO4oKAdDgZ9LHwxBxCbzEeAq68K5Uc-dwIxbxjx27W88y98uyk4EKUyVWz9E&__req=c&__rev=" + FBUtils.getBetween(PageSplit[1],"revision\":",","); pgSrc_FanPageSearch = chilkatHttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(ajaxRequestURL),"",""); string allListGroup = FBUtils.getBetween(pgSrc_FanPageSearch,""ents":"","""); string[] Linklist = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(allListGroup, ","); foreach(string item in Linklist) { list = list.Distinct().ToList(); if(GroupManager.noOfGroupsToScrap <= list.Count()) { break; } try { if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item) && item.Count() < 20) { list.Add(""+item); AddToLogger_GroupManager("Added Group Id : " + item); } } catch{}; } if(countForlistIteminPrvious==list.Count()) { AddToLogger_GroupManager("No of Groups Found To Scrape : " + list.Count()); break; } list = list.Distinct().ToList(); } catch{}; } } list = list.Distinct().ToList(); sgroupid.AddRange(list); //} foreach (string lsturl in sgroupid) { try { string findstatus = chilkatHttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(lsturl),"",""); GetCountMember = GetMemberCounts(GetCountMember, findstatus); //if (GroupUrlScraperCheckMembersMin <= GetCountMember && GroupUrlScraperCheckMembersMax >= GetCountMember) { List<string> GroupType =new List<string>(); List<string> Groupmember = new List<string>(); List<string> GroupName=new List<string>(); try { if (GroupType[0].Contains("Closed Group")) { try { string[] owner = Regex.Split(findstatus, "uiInfoTable mtm profileInfoTable uiInfoTableFixed noBorder"); string[] ownerlink = Regex.Split(owner[1], "uiProfilePortrait"); if (ownerlink[0].Contains("Admins")) { string stradminlink = ownerlink[1].Substring(ownerlink[1].IndexOf("href=\""), (ownerlink[1].IndexOf(">", ownerlink[1].IndexOf("href=\"")) - ownerlink[1].IndexOf("href=\""))).Replace("href=\"", string.Empty).Replace("\"", string.Empty).Trim(); string stradminname = ownerlink[1].Substring(ownerlink[1].IndexOf("/>"), (ownerlink[1].IndexOf("</a>", ownerlink[1].IndexOf("/>")) - ownerlink[1].IndexOf("/>"))).Replace("/>", string.Empty).Replace("\"", string.Empty).Trim(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Error : " + ex.StackTrace); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Error : " + ex.StackTrace); } string NoOfGroupMember = string.Empty; if (Groupmember!=null) { foreach (string item in Groupmember) { try { if (!item.Contains("Facebook © 2012 English (US)") && item.Contains("members")) { NoOfGroupMember = item; } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Error : " + ex.StackTrace); } } } if (findstatus.Contains("uiHeaderActions fsm fwn fcg")) { string[] Arr = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(findstatus,"uiHeaderActions fsm fwn fcg"); if (Arr.Count()==3) { try { NoOfGroupMember = GlobusHttpHelper.getBetween(Arr[2], "/\">", "members</a>").Replace(",", string.Empty); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Error : " + ex.StackTrace); } } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(NoOfGroupMember)) { string[] Arr = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(findstatus, "uiHeader uiHeaderTopAndBottomBorder uiHeaderSection"); try { NoOfGroupMember = GlobusHttpHelper.getBetween(Arr[1], "Members (", ")</h3>").Replace(",", string.Empty); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Error : " + ex.StackTrace); } } string fanpageTitle = ""; if(findstatus.Contains("id=\"pageTitle\">")) { try { fanpageTitle = FBUtils.getBetween(findstatus,"id=\"pageTitle\">","</title>"); } catch{}; } string fanpageCatagory = ""; if(findstatus.Contains("_5mo6")) { try { string[] fanpageCatagoryList = Regex.Split(findstatus,"_5mo6"); fanpageCatagory = FBUtils.getBetween(fanpageCatagoryList[1],">","<"); } catch{}; } if(fanpageTitle.Contains("&")) { fanpageTitle = fanpageTitle.Replace("&" , ""); } string groupType =string.Empty; try { groupType = GroupType[0]; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Error : " + ex.StackTrace); } //if (CheckScrapeOpenGroupUrlsScraper) { try { // if (groupType.Contains("Open group") || groupType.Contains("Open Group") || groupType.Contains("Public Group")) { //objclsgrpmngr.InsertGroupUrl(strKeyword, lsturl, groupType, Selectedusername); AddToLogger_GroupManager("Scraped GroupUrl Is :" + lsturl + " GroupMember : " + GetCountMember + " Keyword : " + strKeyword + "UserName : "******" fanpageTitle : " + fanpageTitle + "fanpageCatagory : " + fanpageCatagory); try { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ExportFilePathGroupMemberScraperByKeyWords)) { //StreamReader objStreamReader = new StreamReader(ExportFilePathGroupMemberScraperByKeyWords,Encoding.GetEncoding(1250)); //string ReadExportFilePathGroupMemberScraperByKeyWords = objStreamReader.ReadToEnd(); //objStreamReader.Close(); List<string> lst_wholeDataOfCsv = Globussoft.GlobusFileHelper.readcsvfile(ExportFilePathGroupMemberScraperByKeyWords); string wholeDataOfCsv=""; foreach(string str in lst_wholeDataOfCsv) { wholeDataOfCsv = wholeDataOfCsv + str; } if(!wholeDataOfCsv.Contains(lsturl)) { string Grppurl = string.Empty; string Grpkeyword = string.Empty; string GrpTypes = string.Empty; Grppurl = lsturl; Grpkeyword = strKeyword; GrpTypes = groupType; try { CheckDuplicates.Add(Grppurl, Grppurl); string CSVHeader = "GroupUrl" + "," + "SearchKeyword" + "," + "NumberOfMember" + "," + "PageTitle" + "," + "PageCatagory"; string CSV_Content = Grppurl.Replace(",","") + "," + Grpkeyword.Replace(",","") + ", " + GetCountMember+ "," + fanpageTitle.Replace(",","") + ", " + fanpageCatagory.Replace(",",""); string Txt_Content = Grppurl + "\t\t\t" + "," + Grpkeyword + "\t\t\t" + "," + GetCountMember; Globussoft.GlobusFileHelper.ExportDataCSVFile(CSVHeader, CSV_Content, ExportFilePathGroupMemberScraperByKeyWords); //FBGlobals.path_LinuxSuccessFullyLike //Globussoft.GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine(Txt_Content, ExportFilePathGroupMemberScraperTxt); AddToLogger_GroupManager("Data Export In csv File !" + CSV_Content); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Error : " + ex.StackTrace); } } else { AddToLogger_GroupManager("Data Aleady Exist in the csv path !"); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Error : " + ex.StackTrace); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Error : " + ex.StackTrace); } } /* if (CheckScrapeCloseGroupUrlsScraper) { if (groupType.Contains("Closed Group") || groupType.Contains("Closed Group")) { // objclsgrpmngr.InsertGroupUrl(strKeyword, lsturl, groupType, Selectedusername); AddToLogger_GroupManager("Scrap GroupUrl Is :" + lsturl + " GroupMember : " + GetCountMember + " Keyword : " + strKeyword + "UserName : "******"GroupUrl" + "," + "Groupkeyword" + ", " + "GroupTypes" + "," + "NumberOfMember"; string CSV_Content = Grppurl + "," + Grpkeyword + ", " + GrpTypes + "," + GetCountMember; string Txt_Content = Grppurl + "\t\t\t" + "," + Grpkeyword + "\t\t\t" + ", " + GrpTypes + "\t\t\t" + "," + GetCountMember; //Globussoft.GlobusFileHelper.ExportDataCSVFile(CSVHeader, CSV_Content, ExportFilePathGroupMemberScraperByKeyWords); //Globussoft.GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine(Txt_Content, ExportFilePathGroupMemberScraperTxt); AddToLogger_GroupManager("Data Export In csv File !" + CSV_Content); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Error : " + ex.StackTrace); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Error : " + ex.StackTrace); } } }*/ /*try { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ExportFilePathGroupMemberScraperByKeyWords) && CheckScrapeCloseGroupUrlsScraper == false && CheckScrapeOpenGroupUrlsScraper == false) { string Grppurl = string.Empty; string Grpkeyword = string.Empty; string GrpTypes = string.Empty; Grppurl = lsturl; Grpkeyword = strKeyword; GrpTypes = groupType; try { CheckDuplicates.Add(Grppurl, Grppurl); AddToLogger_GroupManager("Scrap GroupUrl Is :" + lsturl + " GroupMember : " + GetCountMember + " Keyword : " + strKeyword + "UserName : "******"GroupUrl" + "," + "Groupkeyword" + ", " + "GroupTypes" + "," + "NumberOfMember"; string CSV_Content = Grppurl + "," + Grpkeyword + ", " + GrpTypes + "," + GetCountMember; string Txt_Content = Grppurl + "\t\t\t" + "," + Grpkeyword + "\t\t\t" + ", " + GrpTypes + "\t\t\t" + "," + GetCountMember; //Globussoft.GlobusFileHelper.ExportDataCSVFile(CSVHeader, CSV_Content, ExportFilePathGroupMemberScraperByKeyWords); //Globussoft.GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine(Txt_Content, ExportFilePathGroupMemberScraperTxt); AddToLogger_GroupManager("Data Export In csv File !" + CSV_Content); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Error : " + ex.StackTrace); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Error : " + ex.StackTrace); } */ } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Error : " + ex.StackTrace); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Error : " + ex.StackTrace); } //return GetCountMember; }
private void FindTheGroupUrls_Old_Old(GlobusHttpHelper chilkatHttpHelper, Dictionary<string, string> CheckDuplicates, string Username, int GetCountMember, string keyword) { try { lstThreadsGroupMemberScraper.Add(Thread.CurrentThread); lstThreadsGroupMemberScraper.Distinct(); Thread.CurrentThread.IsBackground = true; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Error : " + ex.StackTrace); } try { string strKeyword = keyword; string strGroupUrl = FBGlobals.Instance.fbfacebookSearchPhpQUrl + strKeyword + "&init=quick&type=groups"; // "" string __user = ""; string fb_dtsg = ""; string pgSrc_FanPageSearch = chilkatHttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(strGroupUrl),"",""); __user = GlobusHttpHelper.GetParamValue(pgSrc_FanPageSearch, "user"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(__user)) { __user = GlobusHttpHelper.ParseJson(pgSrc_FanPageSearch, "user"); } fb_dtsg = GlobusHttpHelper.GetParamValue(pgSrc_FanPageSearch, "fb_dtsg"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fb_dtsg)) { fb_dtsg = GlobusHttpHelper.ParseJson(pgSrc_FanPageSearch, "fb_dtsg"); } List<string> pagesList = GetGroups_FBSearch(pgSrc_FanPageSearch); List<string> distinctPages = pagesList.Distinct().ToList(); foreach (string distpage in distinctPages) { try { string distpage1 = distpage.Replace("d", "groups/"); sgroupid.Add(distpage1); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Error : " + ex.StackTrace); } } string ajaxRequestURL = GetAjaxURL_MoreResults(pgSrc_FanPageSearch); ajaxRequestURL = FBGlobals.Instance.fbhomeurl + ajaxRequestURL + "&__a=1&__user="******""; // "" ajaxRequestURL = Uri.UnescapeDataString(ajaxRequestURL) + "&init=quick"; string res_ajaxRequest = chilkatHttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(ajaxRequestURL),"",""); string[] Linklist = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(res_ajaxRequest, "href="); List<string> list = new List<string>(); List<string> lstLinkData = new List<string>(); try { foreach (string itemurl in Linklist) { try { if (!itemurl.Contains("<!DOCTYPE html")) { if (!itemurl.Contains(@"http:\/\/")) { lstLinkData.Add(itemurl); string strLink = itemurl.Substring(0, 70); if (strLink.Contains("group") && strLink.Contains("onclick")) { try { string[] tempArr = strLink.Split('"'); string temp = tempArr[1]; temp = temp.Replace("\\", ""); temp = "" + temp; // "" list.Add(temp); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Error : " + ex.StackTrace); } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Error : " + ex.StackTrace); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Error : " + ex.StackTrace); } list = list.Distinct().ToList(); sgroupid.AddRange(list); //} foreach (string lsturl in sgroupid) { try { string findstatus = chilkatHttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(lsturl),"",""); GetCountMember = GetMemberCounts(GetCountMember, findstatus); //if (GroupUrlScraperCheckMembersMin <= GetCountMember && GroupUrlScraperCheckMembersMax >= GetCountMember) { List<string> GroupType =new List<string>(); List<string> Groupmember = new List<string>(); List<string> GroupName=new List<string>(); try { if (GroupType[0].Contains("Closed Group")) { try { string[] owner = Regex.Split(findstatus, "uiInfoTable mtm profileInfoTable uiInfoTableFixed noBorder"); string[] ownerlink = Regex.Split(owner[1], "uiProfilePortrait"); if (ownerlink[0].Contains("Admins")) { string stradminlink = ownerlink[1].Substring(ownerlink[1].IndexOf("href=\""), (ownerlink[1].IndexOf(">", ownerlink[1].IndexOf("href=\"")) - ownerlink[1].IndexOf("href=\""))).Replace("href=\"", string.Empty).Replace("\"", string.Empty).Trim(); string stradminname = ownerlink[1].Substring(ownerlink[1].IndexOf("/>"), (ownerlink[1].IndexOf("</a>", ownerlink[1].IndexOf("/>")) - ownerlink[1].IndexOf("/>"))).Replace("/>", string.Empty).Replace("\"", string.Empty).Trim(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Error : " + ex.StackTrace); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Error : " + ex.StackTrace); } string NoOfGroupMember = string.Empty; if (Groupmember!=null) { foreach (string item in Groupmember) { try { if (!item.Contains("Facebook © 2012 English (US)") && item.Contains("members")) { NoOfGroupMember = item; } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Error : " + ex.StackTrace); } } } if (findstatus.Contains("uiHeaderActions fsm fwn fcg")) { string[] Arr = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(findstatus,"uiHeaderActions fsm fwn fcg"); if (Arr.Count()==3) { try { NoOfGroupMember = GlobusHttpHelper.getBetween(Arr[2], "/\">", "members</a>").Replace(",", string.Empty); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Error : " + ex.StackTrace); } } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(NoOfGroupMember)) { string[] Arr = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(findstatus, "uiHeader uiHeaderTopAndBottomBorder uiHeaderSection"); try { NoOfGroupMember = GlobusHttpHelper.getBetween(Arr[1], "Members (", ")</h3>").Replace(",", string.Empty); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Error : " + ex.StackTrace); } } string groupType =string.Empty; try { groupType = GroupType[0]; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Error : " + ex.StackTrace); } //if (CheckScrapeOpenGroupUrlsScraper) { try { // if (groupType.Contains("Open group") || groupType.Contains("Open Group") || groupType.Contains("Public Group")) { //objclsgrpmngr.InsertGroupUrl(strKeyword, lsturl, groupType, Selectedusername); AddToLogger_GroupManager("Scrap GroupUrl Is :" + lsturl + " GroupMember : " + GetCountMember + " Keyword : " + strKeyword + "UserName : "******""; foreach(string str in lst_wholeDataOfCsv) { wholeDataOfCsv = wholeDataOfCsv + str; } if(!wholeDataOfCsv.Contains(lsturl)) { string Grppurl = string.Empty; string Grpkeyword = string.Empty; string GrpTypes = string.Empty; Grppurl = lsturl; Grpkeyword = strKeyword; GrpTypes = groupType; try { CheckDuplicates.Add(Grppurl, Grppurl); string CSVHeader = "GroupUrl" + "," + "SearchKeyword" + "," + "NumberOfMember"; string CSV_Content = Grppurl + "," + Grpkeyword + ", " + GetCountMember; string Txt_Content = Grppurl + "\t\t\t" + "," + Grpkeyword + "\t\t\t" + "," + GetCountMember; Globussoft.GlobusFileHelper.ExportDataCSVFile(CSVHeader, CSV_Content, ExportFilePathGroupMemberScraperByKeyWords); //FBGlobals.path_LinuxSuccessFullyLike //Globussoft.GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine(Txt_Content, ExportFilePathGroupMemberScraperTxt); AddToLogger_GroupManager("Data Export In csv File !" + CSV_Content); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Error : " + ex.StackTrace); } } else { AddToLogger_GroupManager("Data Aleady Exist in the csv path !"); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Error : " + ex.StackTrace); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Error : " + ex.StackTrace); } } /* if (CheckScrapeCloseGroupUrlsScraper) { if (groupType.Contains("Closed Group") || groupType.Contains("Closed Group")) { // objclsgrpmngr.InsertGroupUrl(strKeyword, lsturl, groupType, Selectedusername); AddToLogger_GroupManager("Scrap GroupUrl Is :" + lsturl + " GroupMember : " + GetCountMember + " Keyword : " + strKeyword + "UserName : "******"GroupUrl" + "," + "Groupkeyword" + ", " + "GroupTypes" + "," + "NumberOfMember"; string CSV_Content = Grppurl + "," + Grpkeyword + ", " + GrpTypes + "," + GetCountMember; string Txt_Content = Grppurl + "\t\t\t" + "," + Grpkeyword + "\t\t\t" + ", " + GrpTypes + "\t\t\t" + "," + GetCountMember; //Globussoft.GlobusFileHelper.ExportDataCSVFile(CSVHeader, CSV_Content, ExportFilePathGroupMemberScraperByKeyWords); //Globussoft.GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine(Txt_Content, ExportFilePathGroupMemberScraperTxt); AddToLogger_GroupManager("Data Export In csv File !" + CSV_Content); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Error : " + ex.StackTrace); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Error : " + ex.StackTrace); } } }*/ /*try { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ExportFilePathGroupMemberScraperByKeyWords) && CheckScrapeCloseGroupUrlsScraper == false && CheckScrapeOpenGroupUrlsScraper == false) { string Grppurl = string.Empty; string Grpkeyword = string.Empty; string GrpTypes = string.Empty; Grppurl = lsturl; Grpkeyword = strKeyword; GrpTypes = groupType; try { CheckDuplicates.Add(Grppurl, Grppurl); AddToLogger_GroupManager("Scrap GroupUrl Is :" + lsturl + " GroupMember : " + GetCountMember + " Keyword : " + strKeyword + "UserName : "******"GroupUrl" + "," + "Groupkeyword" + ", " + "GroupTypes" + "," + "NumberOfMember"; string CSV_Content = Grppurl + "," + Grpkeyword + ", " + GrpTypes + "," + GetCountMember; string Txt_Content = Grppurl + "\t\t\t" + "," + Grpkeyword + "\t\t\t" + ", " + GrpTypes + "\t\t\t" + "," + GetCountMember; //Globussoft.GlobusFileHelper.ExportDataCSVFile(CSVHeader, CSV_Content, ExportFilePathGroupMemberScraperByKeyWords); //Globussoft.GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine(Txt_Content, ExportFilePathGroupMemberScraperTxt); AddToLogger_GroupManager("Data Export In csv File !" + CSV_Content); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Error : " + ex.StackTrace); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Error : " + ex.StackTrace); } */ } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Error : " + ex.StackTrace); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Error : " + ex.StackTrace); } //return GetCountMember; }
public void ScrapeProfileDetails(ref GlobusHttpHelper objHttpHelper, List <string> ProfileUrls) { foreach (string profileURL in ProfileUrls) { try { CheckDuplicate.Add(profileURL, profileURL); } catch (Exception) { continue; } string name = string.Empty; string memberID = string.Empty; string imageUrl = string.Empty; string connection = string.Empty; string location = string.Empty; string industry = string.Empty; string headlineTitle = string.Empty; string currentTitle = string.Empty; string pastTitles = string.Empty; string currentCompany = string.Empty; string pastCompanies = string.Empty; string skills = string.Empty; string numberOfConnections = string.Empty; string education = string.Empty; string email = string.Empty; string phoneNumber = string.Empty; //if (SalesNavigatorGlobals.isStop) //{ // return; //} try { GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Scraping profile details of profile url : " + profileURL + " ]"); string pgSource = objHttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(profileURL)); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pgSource)) { pgSource = objHttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(profileURL)); } if (!pgSource.Contains("\"profile\":")) { Thread.Sleep(2000); pgSource = objHttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(profileURL)); } name = GetName(pgSource); memberID = Utils.getBetween(profileURL, "profile/", ",").Trim(); imageUrl = GetImageUrl(pgSource); email = GetEmail(pgSource); phoneNumber = GetPhoneNumber(pgSource); connection = GetConnection(pgSource); location = GetLocation(pgSource); industry = GetIndustry(pgSource); headlineTitle = GetHeadlineTitle(pgSource); headlineTitle = headlineTitle.Replace("\\u002d", string.Empty); string allTitles = GetAllTitle(pgSource).Replace("d/b/a", string.Empty).Replace("&", string.Empty); //title at company : title at company : title at company try { string[] titles = Regex.Split(allTitles, " : "); currentTitle = Utils.getBetween(titles[0], "", " at "); foreach (string item in titles) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pastTitles)) { pastTitles = Utils.getBetween(item, "", " at "); } else { pastTitles = pastTitles + ":" + Utils.getBetween(item, "", " at "); } } currentCompany = Utils.getBetween(titles[0] + "@", " at ", "@").Replace("d/b/a", string.Empty); foreach (string item in titles) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pastCompanies)) { pastCompanies = Utils.getBetween(item + "@", " at ", "@").Replace("d/b/a", string.Empty); } else { if (!pastCompanies.Contains(Utils.getBetween(item + "@", " at ", "@"))) { pastCompanies = pastCompanies + ":" + Utils.getBetween(item + "@", " at ", "@").Replace("d/b/a", string.Empty); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { } skills = GetSkills(pgSource); numberOfConnections = GetNumberOfConnections(pgSource); education = GetEducation(pgSource); } catch (Exception ex) { } lstProfileUrls.Remove(profileURL); WriteDataToCSV(name, profileURL, memberID, connection, location, industry, headlineTitle, currentTitle, pastTitles, currentCompany, pastCompanies, skills, numberOfConnections, education, email, phoneNumber); } }
public void GetMultipleRecords(ref GlobusHttpHelper HttpHelper) { try { string csrfToken = string.Empty; string LastName = string.Empty; string FirstName = string.Empty; string Industry = string.Empty; string Postalcode = string.Empty; string Distance = string.Empty; string contentSummary = string.Empty; string Title = string.Empty; string Company = string.Empty; string school = string.Empty; string Country = string.Empty; string countrycode = string.Empty; string industrycode = string.Empty; string rsid = string.Empty; string pageSource = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl1(new Uri("")); try { try { string[] Arr_Pst = Regex.Split(postalCode, "("); } catch { } try { Postalcode = postalCode.Substring(0, postalCode.IndexOf(" ")); Country = postalCode.Replace(Postalcode, string.Empty).Replace(")", string.Empty).Replace("(", string.Empty).Trim(); } catch { if (Postalcode == string.Empty) { Postalcode = postalCode; } } } catch { } if (pageSource.Contains("csrfToken")) { csrfToken = pageSource.Substring(pageSource.IndexOf("csrfToken"), 100); string[] Arr = csrfToken.Split('&'); csrfToken = Arr[0]; csrfToken = csrfToken.Replace("csrfToken=", ""); csrfToken = csrfToken.Replace("%3A", ":"); } InBoardPro.GetIndustryCode objIndustry = new GetIndustryCode(); Dictionary <string, string> Dict_IndustryCode = new Dictionary <string, string>(); Dict_IndustryCode = objIndustry.getIndustry(); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> item in Dict_IndustryCode) { try { string toloweritem = item.Value.ToLower(); string tolowerindustrytype = industryType.ToLower(); if (toloweritem == tolowerindustrytype) { //SearchCriteria.Country = item.Key; industrycode = item.Key; break; } } catch { } } Dictionary <string, string> Dict_CountryCode = new Dictionary <string, string>(); Dict_CountryCode = objIndustry.getCountry(); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> item in Dict_CountryCode) { try { string toloweritem = item.Value.ToLower(); string tolowercountrytype = Country.ToLower(); if (toloweritem == tolowercountrytype) { countrycode = item.Key; break; } } catch { } } string Firstresponse = string.Empty; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(countrycode)) { countrycode = "us"; } string FirstGetRequestUrl = string.Empty; string FirstGetResponse = string.Empty; { try { FirstGetRequestUrl = "" + lastName + "&searchLocationType=I&countryCode=" + countrycode + "&postalCode=" + Postalcode + "&distance=" + distance + "&keepFacets=keepFacets&page_num=1&facet_I=" + industrycode + "&pplSearchOrigin=ADVS&viewCriteria=2&sortCriteria=R&redir=redir"; FirstGetResponse = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl1(new Uri(FirstGetRequestUrl)); } catch { } } int RecordCount = 0; try { RecordCount = objIndustry.GetPageNo(FirstGetResponse); if (RecordCount == 0) { string getAdvPagedata = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(""), ""); try { int startindex = getAdvPagedata.IndexOf("rsid="); string start = getAdvPagedata.Substring(startindex).Replace("rsid=", ""); int endindex = start.IndexOf("&"); string end = start.Substring(0, endindex); rsid = end; } catch (Exception ex) { } try { FirstGetRequestUrl = "" + lastName + "&postalCode=" + postalCode + "&openAdvancedForm=true&locationType=I&countryCode=" + countrycode + "&distance=" + distance + "&f_I=" + industrycode.Replace(" ", "") + "&rsid=" + rsid + "&orig=ADVS"; FirstGetResponse = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl1(new Uri(FirstGetRequestUrl)); } catch { } } RecordCount = objIndustry.GetPageNo(FirstGetResponse); if (lastName != string.Empty && industryType == string.Empty) { Loger("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Get RecordCount : " + RecordCount + " Using UserName : "******" Zip Code : " + postalCode.ToString() + " Distance : " + distance + " LastName : " + lastName + " ]"); } if (industryType != string.Empty && lastName == string.Empty) { Loger("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Get RecordCount : " + RecordCount + " Using UserName : "******" Zip Code : " + postalCode.ToString() + " Distance : " + distance + " Industry : " + industryType + " ]"); } if (lastName == string.Empty && industryType == string.Empty) { Loger("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Get RecordCount : " + RecordCount + " Using UserName : "******" Zip Code : " + postalCode.ToString() + " Distance : " + distance + " ]"); } } catch { } try { LinkedinScrappDbManager objLsManager = new LinkedinScrappDbManager(); objLsManager.InsertScarppRecordData(Postalcode, distance, industryType, lastName, RecordCount); } catch { } try { string prxyadress = string.Empty; try { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(proxyAddress) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(proxyPort)) { prxyadress = proxyAddress + ":" + proxyPort; } } catch { } if (lastName != string.Empty && industryType == string.Empty) { string CSVHeader = "LastName" + "," + "CentralZipCode" + "," + "DistanceFromZipCode" + "," + "Number Of Result" + "," + "UserName" + "," + "Password" + "," + "Proxy" + "," + "ProxyPwd "; string CSV_Content = lastName.ToString().Replace(",", ";") + "," + postalCode.ToString().Replace(",", ";") + "," + distance.ToString().Replace(",", ";") + "," + RecordCount.ToString().Replace(",", ";") + "," + accountUser.Replace(",", ";") + "," + accountPass.Replace(",", ";") + "," + prxyadress.Replace(",", ";") + "," + proxyPassword.Replace(",", ";"); CSVUtilities.ExportDataCSVFile(CSVHeader, CSV_Content, Globals.path_InBoardProGetDataResultCountLastNameWise); } if (industryType != string.Empty && lastName == string.Empty) { string CSVHeader = "IndustryZone" + "," + "CentralZipCode" + "," + "DistanceFromZipCode" + "," + "Number Of Result" + "," + "UserName" + "," + "Password" + "," + "Proxy" + "," + "ProxyPwd "; string CSV_Content = industryType.ToString().Replace(",", ";") + "," + postalCode.ToString().Replace(",", ";") + "," + distance.ToString().Replace(",", ";") + "," + RecordCount.ToString().Replace(",", ";") + "," + accountUser.Replace(",", ";") + "," + accountPass.Replace(",", ";") + "," + prxyadress.Replace(",", ";") + "," + proxyPassword.Replace(",", ";"); CSVUtilities.ExportDataCSVFile(CSVHeader, CSV_Content, Globals.path_InBoardProGetDataResultCountIndustryZoneWise); } if (lastName == string.Empty && industryType == string.Empty) { string CSVHeader = "CentralZipCode" + "," + "DistanceFromZipCode" + "," + "Number Of Result" + "," + "UserName" + "," + "Password" + "," + "Proxy" + "," + "ProxyPwd "; string CSV_Content = postalCode.ToString().Replace(",", ";") + "," + distance.ToString().Replace(",", ";") + "," + RecordCount.ToString().Replace(",", ";") + "," + accountUser.Replace(",", ";") + "," + accountPass.Replace(",", ";") + "," + prxyadress.Replace(",", ";") + "," + proxyPassword.Replace(",", ";"); CSVUtilities.ExportDataCSVFile(CSVHeader, CSV_Content, Globals.path_InBoardProGetDataResultCountZipCodeWise); } } catch { } } catch { } }
public void scrapUserInfo(object param) { try { Array paramsArray = new object[1]; paramsArray = (Array)param; string UserName = (string)paramsArray.GetValue(0); string userId = string.Empty; string ProfileName = string.Empty; string Location = string.Empty; string Bio = string.Empty; string website = string.Empty; string NoOfTweets = string.Empty; string Followers = string.Empty; string Followings = string.Empty; string IsProfilePIc = string.Empty; ChilkatHttpHelpr objChilkat = new ChilkatHttpHelpr(); GlobusHttpHelper HttpHelper = new GlobusHttpHelper(); string ProfilePageSource = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri("" + UserName.Trim()), "", ""); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ProfilePageSource)) { ProfilePageSource = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri("" + UserName.Trim()), "", ""); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ProfilePageSource)) { AddToLog_ScrapMember("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ User " + UserName + " is not exist or page source getting null.]"); return; } if (ProfilePageSource.Contains("Account suspended")) { AddToLog_ScrapMember("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ User " + UserName + " is suspended ]"); return; } string Responce = ProfilePageSource; #region Convert HTML to XML string xHtml = objChilkat.ConvertHtmlToXml(Responce); Chilkat.Xml xml = new Chilkat.Xml(); xml.LoadXml(xHtml); Chilkat.Xml xNode = default(Chilkat.Xml); Chilkat.Xml xBeginSearchAfter = default(Chilkat.Xml); #endregion int counterdata = 0; xBeginSearchAfter = null; string dataDescription = string.Empty; //xNode = xml.SearchForAttribute(xBeginSearchAfter, "span", "class", "profile-field"); xNode = xml.SearchForAttribute(xBeginSearchAfter, "h1", "class", "ProfileHeaderCard-name"); while ((xNode != null)) { xBeginSearchAfter = xNode; if (counterdata == 0) { ProfileName = xNode.AccumulateTagContent("text", "script|style"); if (ProfileName.Contains("Verified account")) { ProfileName = ProfileName.Replace("Verified account", " "); } counterdata++; } else if (counterdata == 1) { website = xNode.AccumulateTagContent("text", "script|style"); if (website.Contains("Twitter Status")) { website = ""; } counterdata++; } else { break; } //xNode = xml.SearchForAttribute(xBeginSearchAfter, "span", "class", "profile-field"); xNode = xml.SearchForAttribute(xBeginSearchAfter, "a", "class", "u-textUserColor"); } xBeginSearchAfter = null; dataDescription = string.Empty; xNode = xml.SearchForAttribute(xBeginSearchAfter, "p", "class", "ProfileHeaderCard-bio u-dir");//bio profile-field"); while ((xNode != null)) { xBeginSearchAfter = xNode; Bio = xNode.AccumulateTagContent("text", "script|style").Replace("'", "'").Replace(" ", string.Empty).Trim(); break; } xBeginSearchAfter = null; dataDescription = string.Empty; //xNode = xml.SearchForAttribute(xBeginSearchAfter, "span", "class", "location profile-field"); xNode = xml.SearchForAttribute(xBeginSearchAfter, "span", "class", "ProfileHeaderCard-locationText u-dir");//location profile-field"); while ((xNode != null)) { xBeginSearchAfter = xNode; Location = xNode.AccumulateTagContent("text", "script|style"); break; } int counterData = 0; xBeginSearchAfter = null; dataDescription = string.Empty; //xNode = xml.SearchForAttribute(xBeginSearchAfter, "a", "data-element-term", "tweet_stats"); xNode = xml.SearchForAttribute(xBeginSearchAfter, "a", "class", "ProfileNav-stat ProfileNav-stat--link u-borderUserColor u-textCenter js-tooltip js-nav"); while ((xNode != null)) { xBeginSearchAfter = xNode; if (counterData == 0) { NoOfTweets = xNode.AccumulateTagContent("text", "script|style").Replace("Tweets", string.Empty).Replace(",", string.Empty).Replace("Tweet", string.Empty); counterData++; } else if (counterData == 1) { Followings = xNode.AccumulateTagContent("text", "script|style").Replace(" Following", string.Empty).Replace(",", string.Empty).Replace("Following", string.Empty); counterData++; } else if (counterData == 2) { Followers = xNode.AccumulateTagContent("text", "script|style").Replace("Followers", string.Empty).Replace(",", string.Empty).Replace("Follower", string.Empty); counterData++; } else { break; } //xNode = xml.SearchForAttribute(xBeginSearchAfter, "a", "class", "js-nav"); xNode = xml.SearchForAttribute(xBeginSearchAfter, "a", "class", "ProfileNav-stat ProfileNav-stat--link u-borderUserColor u-textCenter js-tooltip js-openSignupDialog js-nonNavigable u-textUserColor"); } try { int startindex = ProfilePageSource.IndexOf("profile_id"); string start = ProfilePageSource.Substring(startindex).Replace("profile_id", ""); int endindex = start.IndexOf(","); string end = start.Substring(0, endindex).Replace(""", "").Replace("\"", "").Replace(":", "").Trim(); userId = end.Trim(); if (userId.Length > 15) { startindex = ProfilePageSource.IndexOf("profile_id""); start = ProfilePageSource.Substring(startindex).Replace("profile_id"", ""); endindex = start.IndexOf(","); end = start.Substring(0, endindex).Replace(""", "").Replace("\"", "").Replace(":", "").Replace(";", "").Trim(); userId = end.Trim(); } } catch { } if (ProfilePageSource.Contains("default_profile_6_400x400") || ProfilePageSource.Contains("default_profile_5_400x400") || ProfilePageSource.Contains("default_profile_4_400x400") || ProfilePageSource.Contains("default_profile_3_400x400") || ProfilePageSource.Contains("default_profile_2_400x400") || ProfilePageSource.Contains("default_profile_1_400x400") || ProfilePageSource.Contains("default_profile_0_400x400")) { IsProfilePIc = "No"; } else { IsProfilePIc = "Yes"; } if (!File.Exists(Globals.Path_UserListInfoData)) { GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("USERID , USERNAME , PROFILE NAME , BIO , LOCATION , WEBSITE , NO OF TWEETS , FOLLOWERS , FOLLOWINGS, ProfilePic", Globals.Path_UserListInfoData); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(UserName)) { //string Id_user = item.ID_Tweet_User.Replace("}]", string.Empty).Trim(); //Globals.lstScrapedUserIDs.Add(Id_user); GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine(userId + "," + UserName + "," + ProfileName + "," + Bio.Replace(",", "") + "," + Location.Replace(",", "") + "," + website + "," + NoOfTweets.Replace(",", "").Replace("Tweets", "") + "," + Followers.Replace(",", "").Replace("Following", "") + "," + Followings.Replace(",", "").Replace("Followers", "").Replace("Follower", "") + "," + IsProfilePIc, Globals.Path_UserListInfoData); AddToLog_ScrapMember("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ " + userId + "," + UserName + "," + ProfileName + "," + Bio.Replace(",", "") + "," + Location + "," + website + "," + NoOfTweets + "," + Followers + "," + Followings + " ," + IsProfilePIc + "]"); } } catch { } }
public void GetBoardsForRepinUpdated(ref PinInterestUser objPinUser, string Username) { try { GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + "] => [ Start Getting Boards For User " + Username + " ]"); try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Globals.ItemSelect)) { UserUrl = "" + Username; } else { UserUrl = "" + Username + "/" + Globals.ItemSelect; } GlobusHttpHelper objGlobusHttpHelper = new GlobusHttpHelper(); string aa = objGlobusHttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(UserUrl), "", "", objPinUser.UserAgent); string[] Items = Regex.Split(aa, Username); Items = Items.Skip(1).ToArray(); foreach (string item in Items) { try { if (item.Contains("board_id")) { string[] Data = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(item, "board_id");//{"board_id": foreach (string Dataitem in Data) { try { if (Dataitem.Contains("-end-")) { continue; } if (Dataitem.Contains("_1399706961_75.jpg")) { continue; } if (Dataitem.Contains("board_name") || Dataitem.Contains("name\": \"Board") || Dataitem.Contains("anchored\": true")) //"board_name": { try { int LastPoint = Dataitem.IndexOf("board_name");//board_name //Board if (LastPoint <= 0) { LastPoint = Dataitem.IndexOf(","); ac = Dataitem.Substring(0, LastPoint).Replace("\": \"", string.Empty).Replace("\"", "").Replace(", ", string.Empty).Replace("field_set_keygrid_item}}name", string.Empty).Trim(); } else { ac = Dataitem.Substring(0, LastPoint).Replace("\": \"", string.Empty).Replace("\"", "").Replace(", ", string.Empty).Replace("field_set_keygrid_item}}name", string.Empty).Trim(); } if (!objPinUser.Boards.Contains(ac)) { //I have to validate here so that only BoardId gets through if (NumberHelper.ValidateNumber(ac)) { objPinUser.Boards.Add(ac); } } } catch (Exception ex) { } } } catch(Exception ex) { }; }//end of Foreach loop } } catch (Exception ex) { } } objPinUser.Boards.Count(); //objPinUser.Boards.AddRange(Boards); GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + "] => [ Get All Boards for User " + objPinUser.Name + " ]"); } catch (Exception ex) { }; } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error(" => [ Boards Getting Process Failed ]"); } }
public List<string> GetUserFollowing(string UserName, int NoOfPage, int FollowingCount) { try { string FollowUrl = string.Empty; string AppVersion = string.Empty; string bookmark = string.Empty; string referer = string.Empty; string User = string.Empty; List<string> followings = new List<string>(); ClGlobul.lstTotalUserScraped.Clear(); List<string> lstFollowing = new List<string>(); GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + "] => [ Starting Extraction Of Following For " + UserName + " ]"); GlobusHttpHelper globusHttpHelper = new GlobusHttpHelper(); string TotalFollowingUrl = "" + UserName; string responseFollowingUrl = globusHttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(TotalFollowingUrl), referer, string.Empty, ""); int TotalFollowing = int.Parse(Utils.Utils.getBetween(responseFollowingUrl, "following_count\":", ",")); int PageCount = TotalFollowing / 12 + 1; for (int i = 1; i <= PageCount; i++) { try { string FollowerPageSource = string.Empty; if (i == 1) { FollowUrl = "" + UserName + "/following/"; FollowerPageSource = globusHttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(FollowUrl), referer, string.Empty, ""); referer = FollowUrl; } else { FollowUrl = "" + UserName + "%2Ffollowing%2F&data=%7B%22options%22%3A%7B%22username%22%3A%22" + UserName + "%22%2C%22bookmarks%22%3A%5B%22" + bookmark + "%3D%22%5D%7D%2C%22context%22%3A%7B%7D%7D&module_path=App(module%3D%5Bobject+Object%5D)&_=144204352215" + (i - 1); try { FollowerPageSource = globusHttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrlProxy(new Uri(FollowUrl), referer, "", 80, string.Empty, "", ""); } catch { FollowerPageSource = globusHttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrlProxy(new Uri(FollowUrl), "", Convert.ToInt32(""), "", ""); } if (FollowerPageSource.Contains("Whoops! We couldn't find that page.")) { break; } } ///Get App Version if (FollowerPageSource.Contains("app_version") && string.IsNullOrEmpty(AppVersion)) { string[] ArrAppVersion = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(FollowerPageSource, "app_version"); if (ArrAppVersion.Count() > 0) { string DataString = ArrAppVersion[ArrAppVersion.Count() - 1]; int startindex = DataString.IndexOf("\": \""); int endindex = DataString.IndexOf("\", \""); AppVersion = DataString.Substring(startindex, endindex - startindex).Replace("\": \"", ""); } } ///get bookmarks value from page /// if (FollowerPageSource.Contains("bookmarks")) { string[] bookmarksDataArr = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(FollowerPageSource, "bookmarks"); string Datavalue = string.Empty; if (bookmarksDataArr.Count() > 2) Datavalue = bookmarksDataArr[bookmarksDataArr.Count() - 2]; else Datavalue = bookmarksDataArr[bookmarksDataArr.Count() - 1]; bookmark = Datavalue.Substring(Datavalue.IndexOf(": [\"") + 4, Datavalue.IndexOf("]") - Datavalue.IndexOf(": [\"") - 5); } try { if (!FollowerPageSource.Contains("No one has followed")) { List<string> lst = objGlobusRegex.GetHrefUrlTags(FollowerPageSource); if (lst.Count == 0) { lst = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(FollowerPageSource, "href").ToList(); if (lst.Count() == 1) { lst = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(FollowerPageSource, "\"username\":").ToList(); } } foreach (string item in lst) { if (item.Contains("class=\"userWrapper") || item.Contains("class=\\\"userWrapper")) { try { if (item.Contains("\\")) { int FirstPinPoint = item.IndexOf("=\\\"/"); int SecondPinPoint = item.IndexOf("/\\\""); User = item.Substring(FirstPinPoint, SecondPinPoint - FirstPinPoint).Replace("\"", string.Empty).Replace("\\", string.Empty).Replace("=", string.Empty).Replace("/", string.Empty).Trim(); } else { int FirstPinPoint = item.IndexOf("href="); int SecondPinPoint = item.IndexOf("class="); User = item.Substring(FirstPinPoint, SecondPinPoint - FirstPinPoint).Replace("\"", string.Empty).Replace("href=", string.Empty).Replace("/", string.Empty).Trim(); } if (followings.Count == FollowingCount) { break; } followings.Add(User); //GlobusLogHelper.log.Info(" => [ " + User + " ]"); } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error(" Error : " + ex.StackTrace); } } if (i > 1) { if (item.Contains("\"request_identifier\":")) { continue; } else { try { User = Utils.Utils.getBetween(item, "\"", "\""); if (User == UserName) { break; } followings.Add(User); //GlobusLogHelper.log.Info(" => [ " + User + " ]"); if (followings.Count == FollowingCount) { break; } } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error(" Error : " + ex.StackTrace); } } } } followings = followings.Distinct().ToList(); foreach (string lstdata in followings) { lstFollowing.Add(lstdata); #region AccountReport //string module = "Scraper"; //string status = "Following"; //qm.insertAccReportScrapeUser(module, lstdata, status, DateTime.Now); //objScraperDelegate(); #endregion if (lstFollowing.Count >= maxNoOfRePinCount) { break; } } ClGlobul.lstTotalUserScraped = lstFollowing.Distinct().ToList(); if (ClGlobul.lstTotalUserScraped.Count >= maxNoOfRePinCount) { return ClGlobul.lstTotalUserScraped; } Thread.Sleep(1000); } else { GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + "] => [ No following ]"); break; } } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error(" Error :" + ex.StackTrace); } } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error(" Error :" + ex.StackTrace); break; } } GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + "] => [ Total Followings : " + ClGlobul.lstTotalUserScraped.Count + " ]"); } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error(" Error :" + ex.StackTrace); } return ClGlobul.lstTotalUserScraped; }
public static void RequestJSCSSIMG(string pageSource, ref GlobusHttpHelper HttpHelper) { ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = delegate { return(true); }; List <string> listURLs = new List <string>(); try { //CSS Request foreach (string item in GetHrefsFromString(pageSource)) { if (item.Contains(".css")) { string cssSource = item.Replace(" ", "").Trim(); try { //string res = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(cssSource)); listURLs.Add(cssSource); } catch (Exception) { Thread.Sleep(500); try { string res = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(cssSource), "", ""); } catch (Exception) { } } } } //JS Request string[] scriptArr = Regex.Split(pageSource, "/script>"); foreach (string item in scriptArr) { try { if (item.Contains("static.ak.") || item.Contains("profile.ak.")) { int startIndx = item.LastIndexOf("src=") + "src=".Length + 1; int endIndx = item.IndexOf(">", startIndx) - 1; string jsSource = item.Substring(startIndx, endIndx - startIndx); //if (jsSource.StartsWith("http://static.ak.") || jsSource.StartsWith("https://static.ak.") || jsSource.StartsWith("http://s-static.ak.") || jsSource.StartsWith("https://s-static.ak.")) if (jsSource.StartsWith("http://static.ak.") || jsSource.StartsWith("https://static.ak.") || jsSource.StartsWith("http://s-static.ak.") || jsSource.StartsWith("https://s-static.ak.") || jsSource.StartsWith("http://profile.ak.") || jsSource.StartsWith("https://profile.ak.") || jsSource.StartsWith("http://s-profile.ak.") || jsSource.StartsWith("https://s-profile.ak.")) { try { //string res = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(jsSource)); listURLs.Add(jsSource); } catch (Exception) { Thread.Sleep(500); try { string res = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(jsSource), "", ""); } catch (Exception) { } } } } } catch (Exception) { } } string[] moreScriptArray = Regex.Split(pageSource, "\"src\":"); foreach (string item in moreScriptArray) { try { int startIndx = 1; int endIndx = item.IndexOf("\"", startIndx); string jsSource = item.Substring(startIndx, endIndx - startIndx).Replace("\\", ""); if (jsSource.Contains(".js")) { //string res = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(jsSource)); listURLs.Add(jsSource); } } catch (Exception) { } } ///IMG Request string[] imageArr = Regex.Split(pageSource, "<img"); foreach (string item in imageArr) { try { if (item.Contains("static.ak.") || item.Contains("profile.ak.")) { int startIndx = item.IndexOf("src=") + "src=".Length + 1; int endIndx = item.IndexOf("\"", startIndx + 1); string jsSource = item.Substring(startIndx, endIndx - startIndx); //if (jsSource.StartsWith("http://static.ak.") || jsSource.StartsWith("https://static.ak.") || jsSource.StartsWith("http://s-static.ak.") || jsSource.StartsWith("https://s-static.ak.")) if (jsSource.StartsWith("http://static.ak.") || jsSource.StartsWith("https://static.ak.") || jsSource.StartsWith("http://s-static.ak.") || jsSource.StartsWith("https://s-static.ak.") || jsSource.StartsWith("http://profile.ak.") || jsSource.StartsWith("https://profile.ak.") || jsSource.StartsWith("http://s-profile.ak.") || jsSource.StartsWith("https://s-profile.ak.")) { if (jsSource.Contains(".png") || jsSource.Contains(".gif") || jsSource.Contains(".jpg") || jsSource.Contains(".jpeg")) { try { //string res = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(jsSource)); listURLs.Add(jsSource); } catch (Exception) { Thread.Sleep(500); try { string res = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(jsSource), "", ""); } catch (Exception) { } } } } } } catch (Exception) { } } listURLs = listURLs.Distinct().ToList(); foreach (string item in listURLs) { try { string res = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(item), "", ""); } catch { }; } } catch { }; }
private void SummitCaptchaMulti(string captchaText, ref GlobusHttpHelper HttpHelper, string post_form_id, string lsd, string reg_instance, string firstname, string lastname, string reg_email__, string reg_email_confirmation__, string reg_passwd__, string sex, string birthday_month, string birthday_day, string birthday_year, string captcha_persist_data, string captcha_session, string extra_challenge_params, string recaptcha_public_key, string authp_pisg_nonce_tt, string authp, string psig, string nonce, string tt, string time, string challenge, string CaptchaSummit) { captchaText = captchaText.Replace(" ", "%20"); string strUrl = "" + post_form_id + "&lsd=" + lsd + "®_instance=" + reg_instance + "&locale=en_US&terms=on&abtest_registration_group=1&referrer=&md5pass=&validate_mx_records=1&ab_test_data=DDAHLDHSSh%2FhZdZLLSDAdZDLLHDODLHHHHADAAAANR%2FmiZKICC%2FHB%2F&firstname=" + firstname + "&lastname=" + lastname + "®_email__=" + reg_email__ + "®_email_confirmation__=" + reg_email_confirmation__ + "®_passwd__=" + reg_passwd__ + "&sex=" + sex + "&birthday_month=" + birthday_month + "&birthday_day=" + birthday_day + "&birthday_year=" + birthday_year + "&captcha_persist_data=" + captcha_persist_data + "&captcha_session=" + captcha_session + "&extra_challenge_params=" + extra_challenge_params + "&recaptcha_type=password&recaptcha_challenge_field=" + challenge + "&captcha_response=" + captchaText + "&__user=0"; string pageSourceSummitCaptcha = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(strUrl)); /// JS, CSS, Image Requests RequestsJSCSSIMG.RequestJSCSSIMG(pageSourceSummitCaptcha, ref HttpHelper); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pageSourceSummitCaptcha) && pageSourceSummitCaptcha.Contains("registration_succeeded")) { AddToListBox("Registration Succeeded"); string res = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri("" + reg_email__)); // JS, CSS, Image Requests //RequestsJSCSSIMG.RequestJSCSSIMG(res, ref HttpHelper); } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pageSourceSummitCaptcha) && pageSourceSummitCaptcha.Contains("It looks like you already have an account on Facebook")) { strUrl = strUrl.Replace("", ""); pageSourceSummitCaptcha = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(strUrl)); string res = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri("" + reg_email__)); // JS, CSS, Image Requests //RequestsJSCSSIMG.RequestJSCSSIMG(res, ref HttpHelper); } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pageSourceSummitCaptcha) && pageSourceSummitCaptcha.Contains("The text you entered didn't match the security check")) { AddToListBox("The text you entered didn't match the security check. Retrying.."); } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pageSourceSummitCaptcha) && pageSourceSummitCaptcha.Contains("You took too much time")) { AddToListBox("You took too much time in submitting captcha. Retrying.."); } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pageSourceSummitCaptcha) && pageSourceSummitCaptcha.Contains("to an existing account")) { AddToListBox("This email is associated to an existing account"); } else { AddToListBox("Couldn't create account with " + reg_email__ + ""); } }
public string LoginUsingGlobusHttp(ref InstagramUser InstagramUser) { ///Sign In #region comment //GlobusHttpHelper httpHelper = InstagramUser.globusHttpHelper; //GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Logging in with Account : " + InstagramUser.username + " ]"); //string Status = "Failed"; //try //{ // string firstUrl = ""; // #region for Chk Authorization By Anil // // string Authorization_respo = httpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(firstUrl)); // #endregion // // // string secondURL = ""; // // string Authorization_respo1 = httpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(secondURL)); // ChilkatHttpHelpr objchilkat = new ChilkatHttpHelpr(); // string res_secondURL = string.Empty; // if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(proxyAddress) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(proxyPort)) // { // try // { // // res_secondURL = objchilkat.GetHtmlProxy(secondURL, proxyAddress, proxyPort, proxyUsername, proxyPassword); // res_secondURL = httpHelper.getHtmlfromUrlProxy(new Uri(secondURL), "", proxyAddress, proxyPort, proxyUsername, proxyPassword); // } // catch { }; // } // else // { // res_secondURL = httpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(secondURL), ""); // //res_secondURL = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrlProxy(new Uri(secondURL), "", proxyAddress, proxyPort, proxyUsername, proxyPassword); // } // string nextUrl = string.Empty; // string res_nextUrl = string.Empty; // if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(res_secondURL)) // { // nextUrl = ""; // res_nextUrl = httpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(nextUrl), "");//postFormDataProxy // } // else // { // GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Logged in Failed with Account :" + InstagramUser.username + " ]"); // Status = "Failed"; // this.LoggedIn = false; // } // try // { // int FirstPointToken_nextUrl = res_nextUrl.IndexOf("csrfmiddlewaretoken");//csrfmiddlewaretoken // string FirstTokenSubString_nextUrl = res_nextUrl.Substring(FirstPointToken_nextUrl); // int SecondPointToken_nextUrl = FirstTokenSubString_nextUrl.IndexOf("/>"); // this.Token = FirstTokenSubString_nextUrl.Substring(0, SecondPointToken_nextUrl).Replace("csrfmiddlewaretoken", string.Empty).Replace("value=", string.Empty).Replace("\"", string.Empty).Replace("'", string.Empty).Trim(); // } // catch { }; // string login = "******"; // string postdata_Login = string.Empty; // string res_postdata_Login = string.Empty; // try // { // postdata_Login = "******" + this.Token + "&username="******"&password="******""; // } // catch { }; // try // { // res_postdata_Login = httpHelper.postFormData(new Uri(login), postdata_Login, login, ""); // if(res_postdata_Login.Contains("value=\"Authorize\"")) // { // string res_token= string.Empty; // //string csrftoken = ""; // try // { // res_token = httpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(""), ""); // } // catch { }; // string csrftoken = Utils.getBetween(res_token, "\"csrfmiddlewaretoken\" value=\"", "\"/>"); // string login_Authorise=""; // string postAuthorise = "csrfmiddlewaretoken=" + csrftoken + "&allow=Authorize"; // try // { // string res_postAuthorise = httpHelper.postFormData(new Uri(login_Authorise), postAuthorise, login_Authorise, ""); // } // catch { }; // } // if (res_postdata_Login.Contains("Authorization Request — Instagram")) // { // Authorization = "No"; // } // else // { // Authorization = "Yes"; // } // if (res_postdata_Login.Contains("Please register your email address from") || res_postdata_Login.Contains("Please register your Phone Number from")) // { // if (res_postdata_Login.Contains("Please register your Phone Number from")) // { // acc_status = "Phone"; // } // else // { // acc_status = "Email"; // } // } // else // { // acc_status = "Ok"; // } // } // catch { }; // string autho = ""; // if (res_postdata_Login.Contains("Please enter a correct username and password")) // { // Status = "Failed"; // this.LoggedIn = false; // } // else if (res_postdata_Login.Contains("requesting access to your Instagram account") || postdata_Login.Contains("is requesting to do the following")) // { // Status = "AccessIssue"; // } // else if (res_postdata_Login.Contains("logout") || postdata_Login.Contains("LOG OUT")) //{ // GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Logged in with Account Success :" + InstagramUser.username + " ]"); // Status = "Success"; // this.LoggedIn = true; // string str = httpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri("" + InstagramUser.username)); // UpdateCampaign(InstagramUser.username, str, "Success"); // InstagramUser.isloggedin = true; // } // else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(res_secondURL)) // { // Status = "Failed"; // this.LoggedIn = false; // InstagramUser.isloggedin = false; // } // //nameval.Clear(); // return Status; //} //catch (Exception ex) //{ // return ex.Message; //} #endregion try { string Status = "Failed"; string url = IGGlobals.Instance.IGInstagramurl; string firstResoponse = InstagramUser.globusHttpHelper.GetData_LoginThroughInstagram(new Uri(url), InstagramUser.proxyip, InstagramUser.proxyport, InstagramUser.proxyusername, InstagramUser.proxyport); string poatData = "username="******"&password="******""; string response = InstagramUser.globusHttpHelper.PostData_LoginThroughInstagram(new Uri(url), poatData, "", token); string dataBeforelogin = InstagramUser.globusHttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(IGGlobals.Instance.IGInstagramAuthorizeurl), IGGlobals.Instance.IGWEPME, ""); if (dataBeforelogin.Contains("Was This You?")) { string crs_token = Utils.getBetween(response, "=\"csrfmiddlewaretoken\" value=\"", "\"/>"); string post_data = "csrfmiddlewaretoken=" + crs_token + "&approve=It+Was+Me"; string next_hit = InstagramUser.globusHttpHelper.PostData_LoginThroughInstagram(new Uri(""), post_data, "", crs_token); string post_data2 = "csrfmiddlewaretoken=" + crs_token + "&OK=OK"; string finalhit = InstagramUser.globusHttpHelper.PostData_LoginThroughInstagram(new Uri(""), post_data2, "", crs_token); dataBeforelogin = InstagramUser.globusHttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(IGGlobals.Instance.IGInstagramAuthorizeurl), IGGlobals.Instance.IGWEPME, ""); } //#region For icono //string Home_icon_Url = InstagramUser.globusHttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(""), ""); //string Icon_url = IGGlobals.Instance.IGiconosquareAuthorizeurl; //string PPagesource = InstagramUser.globusHttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(Icon_url), ""); //string responce_icon = InstagramUser.globusHttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(IGGlobals.Instance.IGiconosquareviewUrl), ""); //#endregion // dataBeforelogin = InstagramUser.globusHttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(IGGlobals.Instance.IGInstagramAuthorizeurl), IGGlobals.Instance.IGWEPME, ""); // dataBeforelogin = InstagramUser.globusHttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(IGGlobals.Instance.IGWebstaFeedUrl), IGGlobals.Instance.IGWEPME, ""); // dataBeforelogin = InstagramUser.globusHttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(IGGlobals.Instance.IGInstagramAuthorizeurl), IGGlobals.Instance.IGWEPME, ""); // dataBeforelogin = InstagramUser.globusHttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(IGGlobals.Instance.IGWebstaFeedUrl), IGGlobals.Instance.IGWEPME, ""); try { if (dataBeforelogin.Contains("Authorization Request — Instagram")) { Authorization = "No"; } else { Authorization = "Yes"; } if (dataBeforelogin.Contains("Please register your email address from") || dataBeforelogin.Contains("Please register your Phone Number from")) { if (dataBeforelogin.Contains("Please register your Phone Number from")) { acc_status = "Phone"; } else { acc_status = "Email"; } } else { acc_status = "Ok"; } } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("Error :" + ex.StackTrace); } if (dataBeforelogin.Contains(InstagramUser.username.ToLower()))//marieturnipseed55614 { if (value) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Logged in with Account Success :" + InstagramUser.username + " ]"); } InstagramUser.isloggedin = true; Status = "Success"; this.LoggedIn = true; string str = httpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri("" + InstagramUser.username + "/")); UpdateCampaign(InstagramUser.username, str, "Success"); value = false; } else { GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Logged in with Account Fail :" + InstagramUser.username + " ]"); } return(Status); } catch { return(null); }; }
/// <summary> /// Makes Http Request to Confirmation URL from Mail, also requests other JS, CSS URLs /// </summary> /// <param name="ConfirmationUrl"></param> /// <param name="gif"></param> /// <param name="logpic"></param> public void EmailVerificationMultithreaded(string ConfirmationUrl, string gif, string logpic, string email, string password, string proxyAddress, string proxyPort, string proxyUsername, string proxyPassword, ref GlobusHttpHelper HttpHelper) { int intProxyPort = 80; Regex IdCheck = new Regex("^[0-9]*$"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(proxyPort) && IdCheck.IsMatch(proxyPort)) { intProxyPort = int.Parse(proxyPort); } string pgSrc_ConfirmationUrl = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrlProxy(new Uri(ConfirmationUrl), proxyAddress, intProxyPort, proxyUsername, proxyPassword); string valueLSD = "name=" + "\"lsd\""; string pgSrc_Login = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri("")); int startIndex = pgSrc_Login.IndexOf(valueLSD) + 18; string value = pgSrc_Login.Substring(startIndex, 5); //Log("Logging in with " + Username); string ResponseLogin = HttpHelper.postFormDataProxy(new Uri(""), "charset_test=%E2%82%AC%2C%C2%B4%2C%E2%82%AC%2C%C2%B4%2C%E6%B0%B4%2C%D0%94%2C%D0%84&lsd=" + value + "&locale=en_US&email=" + email.Split('@')[0] + "%40" + email.Split('@')[1] + "&pass="******"&persistent=1&default_persistent=1&charset_test=%E2%82%AC%2C%C2%B4%2C%E2%82%AC%2C%C2%B4%2C%E6%B0%B4%2C%D0%94%2C%D0%84&lsd=" + value + "", proxyAddress, intProxyPort, proxyUsername, proxyPassword); pgSrc_ConfirmationUrl = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(ConfirmationUrl)); try { string pgSrc_Gif = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(gif)); } catch { } try { string pgSrc_Logpic = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(logpic + "&s=a")); } catch { } try { string pgSrc_Logpic = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(logpic)); } catch { } //** User Id ***************////////////////////////////////// string UsreId = string.Empty; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(UsreId)) { UsreId = GlobusHttpHelper.ParseJson(ResponseLogin, "user"); } //*** Post Data **************////////////////////////////////// string fb_dtsg = GlobusHttpHelper.GetParamValue(ResponseLogin, "fb_dtsg");//pageSourceHome.Substring(pageSourceHome.IndexOf("fb_dtsg") + 16, 8); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fb_dtsg)) { fb_dtsg = GlobusHttpHelper.ParseJson(ResponseLogin, "fb_dtsg"); } string post_form_id = GlobusHttpHelper.GetParamValue(ResponseLogin, "post_form_id");//pageSourceHome.Substring(pageSourceHome.IndexOf("post_form_id"), 200); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(post_form_id)) { post_form_id = GlobusHttpHelper.ParseJson(ResponseLogin, "post_form_id"); } string pgSrc_email_confirmed = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri("")); string pgSrc_contact_importer = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri("")); #region Skipping Code ///Code for skipping additional optional Page try { string phstamp = "165816812085115" + RandomNumberGenerator.GenerateRandom(10848130, 10999999); string postDataSkipFirstStep = "post_form_id=" + post_form_id + "&fb_dtsg=" + fb_dtsg + "&step_name=friend_requests&next_step_name=contact_importer&skip=Skip&lsd&post_form_id_source=AsyncRequest&__user="******"&phstamp=" + phstamp; string postRes = HttpHelper.postFormData(new Uri(""), postDataSkipFirstStep); Thread.Sleep(1000); } catch { } pgSrc_contact_importer = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri("")); //** FB Account Check email varified or not ***********************************************************************************// #region FB Account Check email varified or not //string pageSrc1 = string.Empty; string pageSrc2 = string.Empty; string pageSrc3 = string.Empty; string pageSrc4 = string.Empty; string substr1 = string.Empty; //if (pgSrc_contact_importer.Contains("Are your friends already on Facebook?") && pgSrc_contact_importer.Contains("Skip this step")) if (true) { string phstamp = "16581677684757" + RandomNumberGenerator.GenerateRandom(5104244, 9999954); string newPostData = "post_form_id=" + post_form_id + "&fb_dtsg=" + fb_dtsg + "&step_name=contact_importer&next_step_name=classmates_coworkers&previous_step_name=friend_requests&skip=Skip%20this%20step&lsd&post_form_id_source=AsyncRequest&__user="******"&phstamp=" + phstamp + ""; string postRes = HttpHelper.postFormData(new Uri(""), newPostData); pgSrc_contact_importer = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri("")); Thread.Sleep(1000); //pgSrc_contact_importer = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri("")); } //if ((pgSrc_contact_importer.Contains("Fill out your Profile Info") || pgSrc_contact_importer.Contains("Fill out your Profile info")) && pgSrc_contact_importer.Contains("Skip")) if (true) { string phstamp = "16581677684757" + RandomNumberGenerator.GenerateRandom(5104244, 9999954); string newPostData = "post_form_id=" + post_form_id + "&fb_dtsg=" + fb_dtsg + "&step_name=classmates_coworkers&next_step_name=upload_profile_pic&previous_step_name=contact_importer¤t_pane=info&hs[school][id][0]=&hs[school][text][0]=&hs[start_year][text][0]=-1&hs[year][text][0]=-1&hs[entry_id][0]=&college[entry_id][0]=&college[school][id][0]=0&college[school][text][0]=&college[start_year][text][0]=-1&college[year][text][0]=-1&college[type][0]=college&work[employer][id][0]=0&work[employer][text][0]=&work[entry_id][0]=&skip=Skip&lsd&post_form_id_source=AsyncRequest&__user="******"&phstamp=" + phstamp + ""; string postRes = HttpHelper.postFormData(new Uri(""), newPostData); ///Post Data Parsing Dictionary<string, string> lstfriend_browser_id = new Dictionary<string, string>(); string[] initFriendArray = Regex.Split(postRes, "FriendStatus.initFriend"); int tempCount = 0; foreach (string item in initFriendArray) { if (tempCount == 0) { tempCount++; continue; } if (tempCount > 0) { int startIndx = item.IndexOf("(\\") + "(\\".Length + 1; int endIndx = item.IndexOf("\\", startIndx); string paramValue = item.Substring(startIndx, endIndx - startIndx); lstfriend_browser_id.Add("friend_browser_id[" + (tempCount - 1) + "]=", paramValue); tempCount++; } } string partPostData = string.Empty; foreach (var item in lstfriend_browser_id) { partPostData = partPostData + item.Key + item.Value + "&"; } phstamp = "16581677684757" + RandomNumberGenerator.GenerateRandom(5104244, 9999954); string newPostData1 = "post_form_id=" + post_form_id + "&fb_dtsg=" + fb_dtsg + "&step_name=classmates_coworkers&next_step_name=upload_profile_pic&previous_step_name=contact_importer¤t_pane=pymk&hs[school][id][0]=&hs[school][text][0]=&hs[year][text][0]=-1&hs[entry_id][0]=&college[entry_id][0]=&college[school][id][0]=0&college[school][text][0]=&college[year][text][0]=-1&college[type][0]=college&work[employer][id][0]=0&work[employer][text][0]=&work[entry_id][0]=&skip=Skip&lsd&post_form_id_source=AsyncRequest&__user="******"&" + partPostData + "phstamp=" + phstamp + "";//"post_form_id=" + post_form_id + "&fb_dtsg=" + fb_dtsg + "&step_name=classmates_coworkers&next_step_name=upload_profile_pic&previous_step_name=contact_importer¤t_pane=pymk&friend_browser_id[0]=100002869910855&friend_browser_id[1]=100001857152486&friend_browser_id[2]=575678600&friend_browser_id[3]=100003506761599&friend_browser_id[4]=563402235&friend_browser_id[5]=1268675170&friend_browser_id[6]=1701838026&friend_browser_id[7]=623640106&friend_browser_id[8]=648873235&friend_browser_id[9]=100000151781814&friend_browser_id[10]=657007597&friend_browser_id[11]=1483373867&friend_browser_id[12]=778266161&friend_browser_id[13]=1087830021&friend_browser_id[14]=100001333876108&friend_browser_id[15]=100000534308531&friend_browser_id[16]=1213205246&friend_browser_id[17]=45608778&friend_browser_id[18]=100003080150820&friend_browser_id[19]=892195716&friend_browser_id[20]=100001238774509&friend_browser_id[21]=45602360&friend_browser_id[22]=100000054900916&friend_browser_id[23]=100001308090108&friend_browser_id[24]=100000400766182&friend_browser_id[25]=100001159247338&friend_browser_id[26]=1537081666&friend_browser_id[27]=100000743261988&friend_browser_id[28]=1029373920&friend_browser_id[29]=1077680976&friend_browser_id[30]=100000001266475&friend_browser_id[31]=504487658&friend_browser_id[32]=82600225&friend_browser_id[33]=1023509811&friend_browser_id[34]=100000128061486&friend_browser_id[35]=100001853125513&friend_browser_id[36]=576201748&friend_browser_id[37]=22806492&friend_browser_id[38]=100003232772830&friend_browser_id[39]=1447942875&friend_browser_id[40]=100000131241521&friend_browser_id[41]=100002076794734&friend_browser_id[42]=1397169487&friend_browser_id[43]=1457321074&friend_browser_id[44]=1170969536&friend_browser_id[45]=18903839&friend_browser_id[46]=695329369&friend_browser_id[47]=1265734280&friend_browser_id[48]=698096805&friend_browser_id[49]=777678515&friend_browser_id[50]=529685319&hs[school][id][0]=&hs[school][text][0]=&hs[year][text][0]=-1&hs[entry_id][0]=&college[entry_id][0]=&college[school][id][0]=0&college[school][text][0]=&college[year][text][0]=-1&college[type][0]=college&work[employer][id][0]=0&work[employer][text][0]=&work[entry_id][0]=&skip=Skip&lsd&post_form_id_source=AsyncRequest&__user=100003556207009&phstamp=1658167541109987992266"; string postRes1 = HttpHelper.postFormData(new Uri(""), newPostData1); pageSrc2 = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri("")); Thread.Sleep(1000); //pageSrc2 = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri("")); string image_Get = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri("")); try { phstamp = "16581677684757" + RandomNumberGenerator.GenerateRandom(5104244, 9999954); string newPostData2 = "post_form_id=" + post_form_id + "&fb_dtsg=" + fb_dtsg + "&step=upload_profile_pic&step_name=upload_profile_pic&previous_step_name=classmates_coworkers&skip=Skip&lsd&post_form_id_source=AsyncRequest&__user="******"&phstamp=" + phstamp + ""; string postRes2 = HttpHelper.postFormData(new Uri(""), newPostData2); } catch { } try { phstamp = "16581677684757" + RandomNumberGenerator.GenerateRandom(5104244, 9999954); string newPostData3 = "post_form_id=" + post_form_id + "&fb_dtsg=" + fb_dtsg + "&step=upload_profile_pic&step_name=upload_profile_pic&previous_step_name=classmates_coworkers&submit=Save%20%26%20Continue&lsd&post_form_id_source=AsyncRequest&__user="******"&phstamp=" + phstamp + ""; string postRes3 = HttpHelper.postFormData(new Uri(""), newPostData3); } catch { } } if (pageSrc2.Contains("Set your profile picture") && pageSrc2.Contains("Skip")) { string phstamp = "16581677684757" + RandomNumberGenerator.GenerateRandom(5104244, 9999954); string newPostData = "post_form_id=" + post_form_id + "&fb_dtsg=" + fb_dtsg + "&step_name=upload_profile_pic&previous_step_name=classmates_coworkers&skip=Skip&lsd&post_form_id_source=AsyncRequest&__user="******"&phstamp=" + phstamp + ""; try { string postRes = HttpHelper.postFormData(new Uri(""), newPostData); pageSrc3 = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri("")); pageSrc3 = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri("")); } catch { } } #endregion if (pageSrc3.Contains("complete the sign-up process")) { } if (pgSrc_contact_importer.Contains("complete the sign-up process")) { } #endregion ////**Post Message For User***********************///////////////////////////////////////////////////// try { string pageSourceHome = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri("")); if (pageSourceHome.Contains("complete the sign-up process")) { Console.WriteLine("Account is not verified for : " + email); } else { } } catch { } AddToListBox("Email verification completed for : " + email); //LoggerVerify("Email verification completed for : " + Email); }
public void PostFinalMsgGroupMember_1By1(ref GlobusHttpHelper HttpHelper, Dictionary <string, string> SlectedContacts, List <string> GrpMemSubjectlist, List <string> GrpMemMessagelist, string msg, string body, string UserName, string FromemailId, string FromEmailNam, string SelectedGrpName, string grpId, bool mesg_with_tag, bool msg_spintaxt, int mindelay, int maxdelay, bool preventMsgSameGroup, bool preventMsgWithoutGroup, bool preventMsgGlobal) { try { MsgGroupMemDbManager objMsgGroupMemDbMgr = new MsgGroupMemDbManager(); string postdata = string.Empty; string postUrl = string.Empty; string ResLogin = string.Empty; string csrfToken = string.Empty; string sourceAlias = string.Empty; string ReturnString = string.Empty; string PostMsgSubject = string.Empty; string PostMsgBody = string.Empty; string FString = string.Empty; try { string MessageText = string.Empty; string PostedMessage = string.Empty; string senderEmail = string.Empty; string getComposeData = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri("")); try { int startindex = getComposeData.IndexOf("\"senderEmail\" value=\""); if (startindex < 0) { startindex = getComposeData.IndexOf("\"senderEmail\",\"value\":\""); } string start = getComposeData.Substring(startindex).Replace("\"senderEmail\" value=\"", string.Empty).Replace("\"senderEmail\",\"value\":\"", string.Empty); int endindex = start.IndexOf("\"/>"); if (endindex < 0) { endindex = start.IndexOf("\",\""); } string end = start.Substring(0, endindex).Replace("\"/>", string.Empty).Replace("\",\"", string.Empty); senderEmail = end.Trim(); } catch { } string pageSource = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl1(new Uri("")); if (pageSource.Contains("csrfToken")) { try { csrfToken = pageSource.Substring(pageSource.IndexOf("csrfToken"), 50); string[] Arr = csrfToken.Split('<'); csrfToken = Arr[0]; csrfToken = csrfToken.Replace("csrfToken", "").Replace("\"", string.Empty).Replace("value", string.Empty).Replace("cs", string.Empty).Replace("id", string.Empty).Replace("=", string.Empty).Replace("\n", string.Empty).Replace(">", string.Empty).Replace("<script typ", string.Empty); csrfToken = csrfToken.Trim(); } catch (Exception ex) { } } if (pageSource.Contains("sourceAlias")) { try { sourceAlias = pageSource.Substring(pageSource.IndexOf("sourceAlias"), 100); string[] Arr = sourceAlias.Split('"'); sourceAlias = Arr[2]; } catch (Exception ex) { } } if (pageSource.Contains("goback=")) { try { } catch (Exception ex) { } } foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> itemChecked in SlectedContacts) { try { DataSet ds = new DataSet(); DataSet ds_bList = new DataSet(); string ContactName = string.Empty; string Nstring = string.Empty; string connId = string.Empty; string FName = string.Empty; string Lname = string.Empty; string tempBody = string.Empty; string tempsubject = string.Empty; string n_ame1 = string.Empty; //grpId = itemChecked.Key.ToString(); try { // FName = itemChecked.Value.Split(' ')[0]; // Lname = itemChecked.Value.Split(' ')[1]; try { n_ame1 = itemChecked.Value.Split(']')[1].Trim();; } catch { } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(n_ame1)) { try { n_ame1 = itemChecked.Value; } catch { } } string[] n_ame = Regex.Split(n_ame1, " "); FName = " " + n_ame[0]; Lname = n_ame[1]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(n_ame[2])) { Lname = Lname + n_ame[2]; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(n_ame[3])) { Lname = Lname + n_ame[3]; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(n_ame[4])) { Lname = Lname + n_ame[4]; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(n_ame[5])) { Lname = Lname + n_ame[5]; } } catch (Exception ex) { } try { ContactName = FName + " " + Lname; ContactName = ContactName.Replace("%20", " "); } catch { } Log("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Adding Contact : " + ContactName + " ]"); string ToCd = itemChecked.Key; List <string> AddAllString = new List <string>(); if (FString == string.Empty) { string CompString = "{" + "\"" + "_" + ToCd.Trim() + "\"" + ":" + "{" + "\"" + "memberId" + "\"" + ":" + "\"" + ToCd.Trim() + "\"" + "," + "\"" + "firstName" + "\"" + ":" + "\"" + FName + "\"" + "," + "\"" + "lastName" + "\"" + ":" + "\"" + Lname + "\"" + "}"; FString = CompString; } else { string CompString = "\"" + "_" + ToCd.Trim() + "\"" + ":" + "{" + "\"" + "memberId" + "\"" + ":" + "\"" + ToCd.Trim() + "\"" + "," + "\"" + "firstName" + "\"" + ":" + "\"" + FName + "\"" + "," + "\"" + "lastName" + "\"" + ":" + "\"" + Lname + "\"" + "}"; FString = CompString; } if (Nstring == string.Empty) { Nstring = FString; connId = ToCd; } else { Nstring += "," + FString; connId += " " + ToCd; } Nstring += "}"; try { string PostMessage = string.Empty; string ResponseStatusMsg = string.Empty; Log("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Message Sending Process Running.. ]"); if (msg_spintaxt == true) { try { msg = GrpMemSubjectlist[RandomNumberGenerator.GenerateRandom(0, GrpMemSubjectlist.Count - 1)]; body = GrpMemMessagelist[RandomNumberGenerator.GenerateRandom(0, GrpMemMessagelist.Count - 1)]; } catch { } } try { tempsubject = msg; tempBody = body; } catch { } if (mesg_with_tag == true) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(FName)) { tempBody = body.Replace("<Insert Name>", ContactName); } else { tempBody = GlobusSpinHelper.spinLargeText(new Random(), body); if (lstSubjectReuse.Count == GrpMemSubjectlist.Count) { lstSubjectReuse.Clear(); } foreach (var itemSubject in GrpMemSubjectlist) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(TemporarySubject)) { TemporarySubject = itemSubject; tempsubject = itemSubject; lstSubjectReuse.Add(itemSubject); break; } else if (!lstSubjectReuse.Contains(itemSubject)) { TemporarySubject = itemSubject; tempsubject = itemSubject; lstSubjectReuse.Add(itemSubject); break; } else { continue; } } tempBody = tempBody.Replace("<Insert Name>", FName); tempsubject = tempsubject.Replace("<Insert Name>", FName); } } else { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(FName)) { tempBody = body.Replace("<Insert Name>", ContactName); } else { tempBody = body.Replace("<Insert Name>", FName); } } if (SelectedGrpName.Contains(":")) { try { string[] arrSelectedGrpName = Regex.Split(SelectedGrpName, ":"); if (arrSelectedGrpName.Length > 1) { SelectedGrpName = arrSelectedGrpName[1]; } } catch (Exception ex) { } } if (mesg_with_tag == true) { tempBody = tempBody.Replace("<Insert Group>", SelectedGrpName); tempBody = tempBody.Replace("<Insert From Email>", FromEmailNam); tempBody = tempBody.Replace("<Insert Name>", string.Empty).Replace("<Insert Group>", string.Empty).Replace("<Insert From Email>", string.Empty); } else { tempBody = tempBody.Replace("<Insert Group>", SelectedGrpName); tempBody = tempBody.Replace("<Insert From Email>", FromEmailNam); tempBody = tempBody.Replace("<Insert Name>", string.Empty).Replace("<Insert Group>", string.Empty).Replace("<Insert From Email>", string.Empty); } //Check BlackListed Accounts try { string Querystring = "Select ProfileID From tb_BlackListAccount Where ProfileID ='" + itemChecked.Key + "'"; ds_bList = DataBaseHandler.SelectQuery(Querystring, "tb_BlackListAccount"); } catch { } if (preventMsgSameGroup) { try { string Querystring = "Select MsgFrom,MsgToId,MsgTo,MsgGroupId,MsgGroupName,MsgSubject,MsgBody From tb_ManageMsgGroupMem Where MsgFrom ='" + UserName + "' and MsgGroupId = " + grpId + " and MsgToId = " + connId + ""; ds = DataBaseHandler.SelectQuery(Querystring, "tb_ManageMsgGroupMem"); } catch { } } if (preventMsgWithoutGroup) { try { string Querystring = "Select MsgFrom,MsgToId,MsgTo,MsgGroupId,MsgGroupName,MsgSubject,MsgBody From tb_ManageMsgGroupMem Where MsgFrom ='" + UserName + "' and MsgToId = " + connId + ""; ds = DataBaseHandler.SelectQuery(Querystring, "tb_ManageMsgGroupMem"); } catch { } } if (preventMsgGlobal) { try { string Querystring = "Select MsgFrom,MsgToId,MsgTo,MsgGroupId,MsgGroupName,MsgSubject,MsgBody From tb_ManageMsgGroupMem Where MsgToId = " + connId + ""; ds = DataBaseHandler.SelectQuery(Querystring, "tb_ManageMsgGroupMem"); } catch { } } try { if (ds.Tables.Count > 0) { if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { PostMessage = ""; ResponseStatusMsg = "Already Sent"; } else { if (ds_bList.Tables.Count > 0 && ds_bList.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { Log("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ User: "******" is Added BlackListed List For Send Messages Pls Check ]"); ResponseStatusMsg = "BlackListed"; } else { PostMessage = "csrfToken=" + csrfToken + "&subject=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(msg.ToString()) + "&body=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(tempBody.ToString()) + "&submit=Send+Message&fromName=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(FromEmailNam) + "&showRecipeints=showRecipeints&fromEmail=" + FromemailId + "&connectionIds=" + connId + "&connectionNames=&allowEditRcpts=true&addMoreRcpts=false&openSocialAppBodySuffix=&st=&viewerDestinationUrl=&contentType=MEBC&groupID=" + grpId + ""; ResponseStatusMsg = HttpHelper.postFormData(new Uri(""), PostMessage); } } } else { if (ds_bList.Tables.Count > 0) { if (ds_bList.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { Log("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ User: "******" is Added BlackListed List For Send Messages Pls Check ]"); ResponseStatusMsg = "BlackListed"; } else { PostMessage = "csrfToken=" + csrfToken + "&subject=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(tempsubject.ToString()) + "&body=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(tempBody.ToString()) + "&submit=Send+Message&fromName=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(FromEmailNam) + "&showRecipeints=showRecipeints&fromEmail=" + FromemailId + "&connectionIds=" + connId + "&connectionNames=&allowEditRcpts=true&addMoreRcpts=false&openSocialAppBodySuffix=&st=&viewerDestinationUrl=&contentType=MEBC&groupID=" + grpId + ""; ResponseStatusMsg = HttpHelper.postFormData(new Uri(""), PostMessage); } } } } catch (Exception) { //PostMessage = "csrfToken=" + csrfToken + "&subject=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(msg.ToString()) + "&body=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(tempBody.ToString()) + "&submit=Send+Message&showRecipeints=showRecipeintsfromName=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(FromEmailNam) + "&fromEmail=" + FromemailId + "&connectionIds=" + connId + "&connectionNames=&allowEditRcpts=true&addMoreRcpts=false&openSocialAppBodySuffix=&st=&viewerDestinationUrl=&contentType=MEBC&groupID=" + grpId + ""; //ResponseStatusMsg = HttpHelper.postFormData(new Uri(""), PostMessage); } if ((!ResponseStatusMsg.Contains("Your message was successfully sent.") && !ResponseStatusMsg.Contains("Already Sent")) && (!ResponseStatusMsg.Contains("Se ha enviado tu mensaje satisfactoriamente") && !ResponseStatusMsg.Contains("Ya ha sido enviada") && !ResponseStatusMsg.Contains("Uw bericht is verzonden"))) { if (ResponseStatusMsg.Contains("Already Sent") || (ResponseStatusMsg.Contains("Ya ha sido enviada") || (ResponseStatusMsg.Contains("BlackListed")))) { continue; } try { pageSource = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl1(new Uri("" + grpId)); if (pageSource.Contains("contentType=")) { try { string contentType = pageSource.Substring(pageSource.IndexOf("contentType="), pageSource.IndexOf("&", pageSource.IndexOf("contentType=")) - pageSource.IndexOf("contentType=")).Replace("contentType=", string.Empty).Replace("contentType=", string.Empty).Trim(); string pageSource2 = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl1(new Uri("" + contentType + "&connId=" + connId + "&groupID=" + grpId + "")); PostMessage = "csrfToken=" + csrfToken + "&subject=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(msg.ToString()) + "&body=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(tempBody.ToString()) + "&submit=Send+Message&showRecipeints=showRecipeints&fromName=" + FromEmailNam + "&fromEmail=" + FromemailId + "&connectionIds=" + connId + "&connectionNames=" + Uri.EscapeUriString(Nstring) + "&allowEditRcpts=true&addMoreRcpts=false&openSocialAppBodySuffix=&st=&viewerDestinationUrl=&contentType=" + contentType + "&groupID=" + grpId + ""; } catch (Exception ex) { } } ResponseStatusMsg = HttpHelper.postFormData(new Uri(""), PostMessage); } catch (Exception ex) { } } if ((ResponseStatusMsg.Contains("Your message was successfully sent.")) || (ResponseStatusMsg.Contains("Se ha enviado tu mensaje satisfactoriamente") || (ResponseStatusMsg.Contains("Uw bericht is verzonden")))) { Log("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Subject Posted : " + tempsubject + " ]"); Log("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Body Text Posted : " + tempBody.ToString() + " ]"); Log("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Message Posted To Account: " + ContactName + " ]"); ReturnString = "Your message was successfully sent."; #region CSV string bdy = string.Empty; try { bdy = body.ToString().Replace("\r", string.Empty).Replace("\n", " ").Replace(",", " "); } catch { } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(bdy)) { bdy = tempBody.ToString().Replace(",", ":"); } string CSVHeader = "UserName" + "," + "Subject" + "," + "Body Text" + "," + "ContactName"; string CSV_Content = UserName + "," + tempsubject + "," + bdy.ToString() + "," + ContactName; CSVUtilities.ExportDataCSVFile(CSVHeader, CSV_Content, Globals.path_MessageSentGroupMember); try { objMsgGroupMemDbMgr.InsertMsgGroupMemData(UserName, Convert.ToInt32(connId), ContactName, Convert.ToInt32(grpId), SelectedGrpName, msg, tempBody); } catch { } #endregion } else if (ResponseStatusMsg.Contains("There was an unexpected problem that prevented us from completing your request")) { Log("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ There was an unexpected problem that prevented us from completing your request ! ]"); GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("Error In Message Posting", Globals.path_MessageGroupMember); } else if (ResponseStatusMsg.Contains("You are no longer authorized to message this")) { Log("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ You are no longer authorized to message this ! ]"); GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("Error In Message Posting", Globals.path_MessageGroupMember); } else if ((ResponseStatusMsg.Contains("Already Sent")) || (ResponseStatusMsg.Contains("Ya ha sido enviada"))) { string bdy = string.Empty; try { bdy = body.ToString().Replace("\r", string.Empty).Replace("\n", " ").Replace(",", " "); } catch { } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(bdy)) { bdy = tempBody.ToString().Replace(",", ":"); } string CSVHeader = "UserName" + "," + "Subject" + "," + "Body Text" + "," + "ContactName"; string CSV_Content = UserName + "," + msg + "," + bdy.ToString() + "," + ContactName; CSVUtilities.ExportDataCSVFile(CSVHeader, CSV_Content, Globals.path_MessageAlreadySentGroupMember); Log("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Message Not Posted To Account: " + ContactName + " because it has sent the same message]"); } else { Log("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Error In Message Posting ]"); GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("Error In Message Posting", Globals.path_MessageGroupMember); } int delay = RandomNumberGenerator.GenerateRandom(mindelay, maxdelay); Log("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Delay for : " + delay + " Seconds ]"); Thread.Sleep(delay * 1000); } catch (Exception ex) { //Log("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Error:" + ex.Message + "StackTrace --> >>>" + ex.StackTrace + " ]"); GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine(" Error:" + ex.Message + "StackTrace --> >>>" + ex.StackTrace, Globals.path_MessageGroupMember); } } catch (Exception ex) { //Log("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Error:" + ex.Message + "StackTrace --> >>>" + ex.StackTrace); GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine(" Error:" + ex.Message + "StackTrace --> >>>" + ex.StackTrace, Globals.path_MessageGroupMember); } } } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("DateTime :- " + DateTime.Now + " :: Error --> PostFinalMsgGroupMember() --> 1 --> " + ex.Message + "StackTrace --> >>>" + ex.StackTrace, Globals.Path_LinkedinErrorLogs); GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("DateTime :- " + DateTime.Now + " :: Error --> PostFinalMsgGroupMember() --> 1 --> " + ex.Message + "StackTrace --> >>>" + ex.StackTrace, Globals.path_MessageGroupMember); } } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("DateTime :- " + DateTime.Now + " :: Error --> PostFinalMsgGroupMember() --> 2 --> " + ex.Message + "StackTrace --> >>>" + ex.StackTrace, Globals.Path_LinkedinErrorLogs); GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("DateTime :- " + DateTime.Now + " :: Error --> PostFinalMsgGroupMember() --> 2 --> " + ex.Message + "StackTrace --> >>>" + ex.StackTrace, Globals.Path_LinkedinComposeMessageErrorLogs); } }
public List <string> GetMembers(string TweetUrl, ref GlobusHttpHelper HttpHelper, out string ReturnStatus) { string cursor = "-1"; string FollowingUrl = string.Empty; List <string> lstIds = new List <string>(); string userID; string Screen_name; int counter = 0; try { // string numResult = Regex.Match(TweetUrl, @"\d+").Value; TweetUrl = TweetUrl + "@@@"; string numResult = getBetween(TweetUrl, "status/", "@@@"); StartAgain: String DataCursor = string.Empty; if (counter == 0) { FollowingUrl = "" + numResult + "?include_available_features=1&include_entities=1&max_position=0";//TweetUrl; counter++; } else { FollowingUrl = "" + numResult + "?include_available_features=1&include_entities=1&max_position=" + cursor.Trim(); } string Data = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(FollowingUrl), "", ""); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Data)) { Data = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(FollowingUrl), "", ""); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Data)) { AddToLog_ScrapMember("Either Url is Invalid or PageSource is getting Null or Empty."); ReturnStatus = "Error"; return(lstIds); } String DataCursor1 = string.Empty; if (!Data.Contains("Rate limit exceeded") && !Data.Contains("{\"errors\":[{\"message\":\"Sorry, that page does not exist\",\"code\":34}]}") && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Data)) { String[] DataDivArr; if (Data.Contains("js-stream-tweet js-actionable-tweet")) { DataDivArr = Regex.Split(Data, "js-stream-tweet js-actionable-tweet"); } else { DataDivArr = Regex.Split(Data, "simple-tweet tweet"); } foreach (var DataDivArr_item in DataDivArr) { if (DataDivArr_item.Contains("min_position")) { //String DataCurso = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(Data, "data-cursor")[1]; DataCursor1 = DataDivArr_item.Substring(DataDivArr_item.IndexOf("min_position\":"), DataDivArr_item.IndexOf(",")).Replace(">", string.Empty).Replace("\n", string.Empty).Replace("\"", string.Empty).Replace("min_position", string.Empty).Replace(":", "").Replace(",", "").Trim(); } if (DataDivArr_item.Contains("<!DOCTYPE html>") || DataDivArr_item.Contains("min_position")) { continue; } if (DataDivArr_item.Contains("data-screen-name")) { int endIndex = 0; int startIndex = DataDivArr_item.IndexOf("data-screen-name"); try { endIndex = DataDivArr_item.IndexOf("data-name"); } catch { } if (endIndex == -1) { endIndex = DataDivArr_item.IndexOf("data-feedback-token"); } string GetDataStr = DataDivArr_item.Substring(startIndex, endIndex); //string _SCRNameID = (GetDataStr.Substring(GetDataStr.IndexOf("data-user-id"), GetDataStr.IndexOf("data-feedback-token", GetDataStr.IndexOf("data-user-id")) - GetDataStr.IndexOf("data-user-id")).Replace("data-user-id", string.Empty).Replace("=", string.Empty).Replace("\"", "").Replace("\\\\n", string.Empty).Replace("data-screen-name=", string.Empty).Replace("\\", "").Trim()); string _SCRName = (GetDataStr.Substring(GetDataStr.IndexOf("data-screen-name="), GetDataStr.IndexOf("data-user-id", GetDataStr.IndexOf("data-screen-name=")) - GetDataStr.IndexOf("data-screen-name=")).Replace("data-screen-name=", string.Empty).Replace("=", string.Empty).Replace("\"", "").Replace("\\\\n", string.Empty).Replace("data-screen-name=", string.Empty).Replace("\\", "").Trim()); if (_SCRName.Contains(" ")) { _SCRName = _SCRName.Split(' ')[0]; } if (noOfRecords > lstIds.Count) { lstIds.Add(_SCRName); lstIds = lstIds.Distinct().ToList(); AddToLog_ScrapMember("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [" + _SCRName + " ]"); if (!File.Exists(Globals.Path_ScrapedMembersList)) { GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine(" UserName , Url", Globals.Path_ScrapedMembersList); } GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine(_SCRName + "," + TweetUrl, Globals.Path_ScrapedMembersList); } } } if (noOfRecords != lstIds.Count) { if (Data.Contains("min_position")) { DataCursor1 = Data.Substring(Data.IndexOf("min_position\":"), Data.IndexOf(",")).Replace(">", string.Empty).Replace("\n", string.Empty).Replace("\"", string.Empty).Replace("min_position", string.Empty).Replace(":", string.Empty).Replace(",", string.Empty).Trim(); cursor = DataCursor1; if (cursor.Contains("null") || cursor.Contains("Null")) { ReturnStatus = "No Error"; return(lstIds); } if (cursor != "0") { goto StartAgain; } } if (Data.Contains("\"has_more_items\":true")) { int startindex = Data.IndexOf("cursor"); string start = Data.Substring(startindex).Replace("cursor", ""); int lastindex = -1; lastindex = start.IndexOf(","); if (lastindex > 40) { lastindex = start.IndexOf("\n"); } string end = start.Substring(0, lastindex).Replace("\"", "").Replace("\n", string.Empty).Replace("=", string.Empty).Replace(":", string.Empty).Trim(); cursor = end; if (cursor != "0") { goto StartAgain; } } } ReturnStatus = "No Error"; return(lstIds); } else if (Data.Contains("401 Unauthorized")) { ReturnStatus = "Account is Suspended. "; return(new List <string>()); } else if (Data.Contains("{\"errors\":[{\"message\":\"Sorry, that page does not exist\",\"code\":34}]}")) { ReturnStatus = "Sorry, that page does not exist :"; return(lstIds); } else if (Data.Contains("Rate limit exceeded. Clients may not make more than 150 requests per hour.")) { ReturnStatus = "Rate limit exceeded. Clients may not make more than 150 requests per hour.:-"; return(lstIds); } else { ReturnStatus = "Error"; return(lstIds); } } catch (Exception ex) { //Globussoft.GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine(DateTime.Now + " --> Error --> getMembers() -- "" --> " + ex.Message, Globals.Path_TwitterDataScrapper); Globussoft.GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("Error --> getMembers() -- " + "" + " --> " + ex.Message, Globals.Path_TwtErrorLogs); //AddToLog_ScrapMember("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ You have entered invalid URL " + FollowingUrl + " ]"); ReturnStatus = "Error"; return(lstIds); } }
private void StartScrapingImage() { lstThreadStopProcess.Add(Thread.CurrentThread); lstThreadStopProcess.Distinct(); Thread.CurrentThread.IsBackground = true; try { foreach (string item in lstscrapeUserNameForImage) { if (rad_UserName.Checked) { try { string url = "" + item; AddtoLoggerscrapeUserNameorIDForImages("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => Scraping Image For @" + item + " ]"); string pagesource = objGlobusHttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(url), "", ""); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pagesource)) { AddtoLoggerscrapeUserNameorIDForImages("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] =>Please enter valid User Name ]"); } else { string profileImageUrl = objGlobusHttpHelper.getBetween(pagesource, "class=\"ProfileAvatar-image \"", "alt=").Replace("src", "").Replace("=", "").Replace("\"", "").Trim(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(profileImageUrl)) { AddtoLoggerscrapeUserNameorIDForImages("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => Got Url :-" + profileImageUrl + " ]"); AddtoLoggerscrapeUserNameorIDForImages("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => Saving Image of " + item + " in " + Globals.path_ScrapedImageFolder + " ]"); //List<string> lstStoreImagesurl = new List<string>(); //lstStoreImagesurl.Add(str); //foreach (string item1 in lstStoreImagesurl) { SaveImageWithUrl(profileImageUrl, Globals.path_ScrapedImageFolder + "\\" + item + ".jpg"); } } else { AddtoLoggerscrapeUserNameorIDForImages("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => No image Url found for user :-" + item + " ]"); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.Write(ex.Message); } } else if (rad_UserID.Checked) { try { string url = "" + item; AddtoLoggerscrapeUserNameorIDForImages("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => Scraping Image For @" + item + " ]"); string pagesource = objGlobusHttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(url), "", ""); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pagesource)) { pagesource = objGlobusHttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(url), "", ""); } if (pagesource == null) { AddtoLoggerscrapeUserNameorIDForImages("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] =>Please enter valid User Id ]"); } else { string profileImageUrl = objGlobusHttpHelper.getBetween(pagesource, "class=\"photo", "alt=").Replace("src", "").Replace("=", "").Replace("\"", "").Trim(); AddtoLoggerscrapeUserNameorIDForImages("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => Got Url :-" + profileImageUrl + " ]"); AddtoLoggerscrapeUserNameorIDForImages("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => Saving Image of " + item + " in C:\\Users\\GLB-264\\Desktop\\twtboardpro ]"); //List<string> lstStoreImagesurl = new List<string>(); //lstStoreImagesurl.Add(str); //foreach (string item1 in lstStoreImagesurl) { SaveImageWithUrl(profileImageUrl, Globals.path_ScrapedImageFolder + "\\" + item + ".jpg"); } } } catch { } } else { MessageBox.Show("Please check Username or User Id Option"); try { btnStartScraping.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate() { btnStartScraping.Enabled = true; })); } catch { } return; } } // MessageBox.Show("Please check Username or User Id Option"); } catch { }; AddtoLoggerscrapeUserNameorIDForImages("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => Process completed ]"); AddtoLoggerscrapeUserNameorIDForImages("[ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------]"); }
private void GettingData(object obj) { try { GlobusHttpHelper httpHelper = new GlobusHttpHelper(); string str = (string)obj; string[] RowData = Regex.Split(str, ","); try { string aa = RowData[1].ToString().Replace("\"", string.Empty); Uri uri = new Uri(aa); string Response = httpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(uri); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Response)) { string Idetifier = string.Empty; string Stock = "ERR"; string Price = "ERR"; try { //string aa = GetIdentifier(Response, RowData); Idetifier = GetValues(Response, RowData[0], RowData[2], RowData[3]); logger.LogStatus("RowNumber --" + RowData[0] + " -- Idetifier -- " + Idetifier); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.LogDebug("RowNumber --" + RowData[0] + "--" + ex.Message); } try { //string bb = GetStock(Response, RowData); Stock = GetValues(Response, RowData[0], RowData[5], RowData[6]); logger.LogStatus("RowNumber --" + RowData[0] + " -- Stock -- " + Stock); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.LogDebug("RowNumber --" + RowData[0] + "--" + ex.Message); } try { //string CC = GetPrice(Response, RowData); Price = GetValues(Response, RowData[0], RowData[8], RowData[9]).Replace("£", "Amount" + " "); if (!Price.Contains("Amount") && !Price.Contains("ERR")) { Price = "Amout" + " " + Price; } logger.LogStatus("RowNumber --" + RowData[0] + " -- Price -- " + Price); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.LogDebug("RowNumber --" + RowData[0] + "--" + ex.Message); } string Data = RowData[0] + "," + "1" + "," + Stock + "," + Price; logger.LogStatus("RowNumber --" + RowData[0] + " -- Data -- " + Data); WriteData(Data); } else { } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.LogError(ex.Message); if (ex.Message.Contains("Invalid URI")) { string Data = RowData[0] + "," + "0" + "," + string.Empty + "," + string.Empty; WriteData(Data); logger.LogStatus("RowNumber --" + RowData[0] + "-- Invalid Url Setting Url Value 0"); } } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.LogDebug("Error --" + ex.Message); } }
public Dictionary<string, string> AddSpecificGroupUser(ref GlobusHttpHelper HttpHelper, LinkedinUser objLinkedinUser, string gid) { string endName = string.Empty; string DeegreeConn = string.Empty; string endKey = string.Empty; string Locality = string.Empty; string Val_sourceAlias = string.Empty; string Val_key = string.Empty; string Val_defaultText = string.Empty; string Name = string.Empty; string Val_CsrToken = string.Empty; string Val_Subject = string.Empty; string Val_greeting = string.Empty; string Val_AuthToken = string.Empty; string Val_AuthType = string.Empty; string val_trk = string.Empty; string Val_lastName = string.Empty; string html = string.Empty; string Title = string.Empty; #region Data Initialization string GroupMemId = string.Empty; string GroupName = string.Empty; string Industry = string.Empty; string URLprofile = string.Empty; string firstname = string.Empty; string lastname = string.Empty; string location = string.Empty; string country = string.Empty; string postal = string.Empty; string phone = string.Empty; string USERemail = string.Empty; string code = string.Empty; string education1 = string.Empty; string education2 = string.Empty; string titlecurrent = string.Empty; string companycurrent = string.Empty; string titlepast1 = string.Empty; string companypast1 = string.Empty; string titlepast2 = string.Empty; string companypast2 = string.Empty; string titlepast3 = string.Empty; string companypast3 = string.Empty; string titlepast4 = string.Empty; string companypast4 = string.Empty; string Recommendations = string.Empty; string Connection = string.Empty; string Designation = string.Empty; string Website = string.Empty; string Contactsettings = string.Empty; string recomandation = string.Empty; string titleCurrenttitle = string.Empty; string titleCurrenttitle2 = string.Empty; string titleCurrenttitle3 = string.Empty; string titleCurrenttitle4 = string.Empty; string Skill = string.Empty; string TypeOfProfile = "Public"; List<string> EducationList = new List<string>(); string Finaldata = string.Empty; string EducationCollection = string.Empty; List<string> checkerlst = new List<string>(); List<string> checkgrplist = new List<string>(); string groupscollectin = string.Empty; string strFamilyName = string.Empty; string LDS_LoginID = string.Empty; string LDS_Websites = string.Empty; string LDS_UserProfileLink = string.Empty; string LDS_CurrentTitle = string.Empty; string LDS_Experience = string.Empty; string LDS_UserContact = string.Empty; string LDS_PastTitles = string.Empty; string LDS_BackGround_Summary = string.Empty; string LDS_Desc_AllComp = string.Empty; string Company = string.Empty; List<string> lstpasttitle = new List<string>(); List<string> checkpasttitle = new List<string>(); string csrfToken = string.Empty; string pageSource = string.Empty; string[] RgxSikValue = new string[] { }; string[] RgxPageNo = new string[] { }; string sikvalue = string.Empty; int pageno = 25; int counter = 0; string group_Url = string.Empty; string pagination_url = string.Empty; string groupId = string.Empty; string UserID = string.Empty; #endregion try { HttpHelper = objLinkedinUser.globusHttpHelper; UserID = objLinkedinUser.username; GroupSpecMem.Clear(); GroupName = gid.Split('^')[0]; groupId = gid.Split(':')[1]; string pageSource1 = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri("")); if (pageSource1.Contains("csrfToken")) { csrfToken = pageSource1.Substring(pageSource1.IndexOf("csrfToken"), 50); string[] Arr = csrfToken.Split('>'); csrfToken = Arr[0]; csrfToken = csrfToken.Replace(":", "%3A").Replace("csrfToken", "").Replace("\"", string.Empty).Replace("value", string.Empty).Replace("cs", string.Empty).Replace("id", string.Empty).Replace("=", string.Empty).Replace("\n", string.Empty).Replace(">", string.Empty).Replace("<script src", string.Empty); csrfToken = csrfToken.Trim(); } for (int i = 1; i <= pageno; i++) { counter++; string[] RgxGroupData = new string[] { }; #region with group search if (WithGroupSearch == true) { string txid = (UnixTimestampFromDateTime(System.DateTime.Now) * 1000).ToString(); if (counter == 1) { // pageSource = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri("" + gid.Split(':')[2])); pageSource = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri("" + gid.Split(':')[1])); string Gid = string.Empty; try { Gid = gid.Split(':')[1]; } catch (Exception ex) { } string URL = "" + Gid; pageSource = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(URL)); RgxSikValue = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(pageSource, "sik"); try { sikvalue = RgxSikValue[1].Split('&')[0].Replace("=", string.Empty); } catch { } try { if (NumberHelper.ValidateNumber(sikvalue)) { sikvalue = sikvalue.Split('\"')[0]; } else { sikvalue = sikvalue.Split('\"')[0]; } } catch { sikvalue = sikvalue.Split('\"')[0]; } //if (pageSource.Contains("<p class=\"paginate\">")) //{ // pagination_url = Utils.getBetween(pageSource, "<p class=\"paginate\">", "</a>"); // pagination_url = Utils.getBetween(pagination_url, "href=\"", "\">").Replace("amp;", ""); // pagination_url = "" + pagination_url; //} if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sikvalue)) { //string postdata = "csrfToken=" + csrfToken + "&searchField=" + SearchKeyword + "&searchMembers=submit&searchMembers=Search&gid=" + gid.Split(':')[2] + "&goback=.gna_" + gid.Split(':')[2] + ""; //pageSource = HttpHelper.postFormDataRef(new Uri(""), postdata, "" + gid.Split(':')[2] + "&sik=" + txid + "&split_page=" + i + "&goback=%2Egna_" + gid.Split(':')[2] + "", "", ""); #region Commented by sharan string postdata = "csrfToken=" + csrfToken + "&searchField=" + SearchKeyword + "&searchMembers=submit&searchMembers=Search&gid=" + gid.Split(':')[1] + "&goback=.gna_" + gid.Split(':')[1] + ""; pageSource = HttpHelper.postFormDataRef(new Uri(""), postdata, "" + gid.Split(':')[1] + "&sik=" + txid + "&split_page=" + i + "&goback=%2Egna_" + gid.Split(':')[1] + "", "", ""); #endregion #region written by sharan pageSource = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri("" + csrfToken + "&search=" + SearchKeyword.Replace(" ", "+") + "&gid=" + gid.Split(':')[1])); #endregion //string postdata = "csrfToken=" + csrfToken + "&searchField=" + SearchKeyword + "&searchMembers=submit&searchMembers=Search&gid=" + gid.Split(':')[1] + "&goback=.gna_" + gid.Split(':')[1] + ""; //pageSource = HttpHelper.postFormDataRef(new Uri(""), postdata, "" + gid.Split(':')[1] + "&sik=" + txid + "&split_page=" + i + "&goback=%2Egna_" + gid.Split(':')[1] + "", "", ""); } else { pageSource = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri("" + csrfToken + "&search=" + SearchKeyword.Replace(" ", "+") + "&gid=" + gid.Split(':')[1])); // pageSource = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri("" + csrfToken + "&search=" + SearchKeyword.Replace(" ", "+") + "&gid=" + gid.Split(':')[1])); } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sikvalue)) { if (counter > 1) { // string getdata = "" + gid.Split(':')[2] + "&sik=" + txid + "&split_page=" + i + "&goback=%2Egna_" + gid.Split(':')[2] + ""; string getdata = "" + gid.Split(':')[1] + "&sik=" + txid + "&split_page=" + i + "&goback=%2Egna_" + gid.Split(':')[1] + ""; string new_pagination_url = pagination_url; new_pagination_url = Utils.getBetween("###" + new_pagination_url, "###", "page="); new_pagination_url = new_pagination_url + "page=" + counter; pageSource = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(new_pagination_url)); // pageSource = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(getdata)); // string getdata = "" + gid.Split(':')[1] + "&sik=" + txid + "&split_page=" + i + "&goback=%2Egna_" + gid.Split(':')[1] + ""; // pageSource = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(getdata)); } RgxGroupData = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(pageSource, "<li class=\"member\">"); if (counter == 1) { try { RgxPageNo = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(pageSource, "<h3 class=\"page-title\">Search Results: <span>"); pageno = Convert.ToInt32(RgxPageNo[1].Split('<')[0].Replace("(", string.Empty).Replace(")", string.Empty).Replace("+", string.Empty).Trim()); pageno = pageno / 20 + 1; } catch { } if (pageno > 25) { pageno = 25; } try { if (pageSource.Contains("<p class=\"paginate\">")) { pagination_url = Utils.getBetween(pageSource, "<p class=\"paginate\">", "</a>"); pagination_url = Utils.getBetween(pagination_url, "href=\"", "\">").Replace("amp;", ""); pagination_url = "" + pagination_url; pagination_url = pagination_url.Replace("amp;", ""); } } catch { } } } else { // RgxGroupData = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(pageSource, "<li class=\"member\">"); if (counter > 1) { //string getdata = "" + csrfToken + "&search=" + SearchKeyword.Replace(" ", "+") + "&gid=" + gid.Split(':')[2] + "&page="+i; //string getdata = "" + csrfToken + "&search=" + SearchKeyword.Replace(" ", "+") + "&gid=" + gid.Split(':')[2] + "&page=" + i; string new_pagination_url = pagination_url; new_pagination_url = Utils.getBetween("###" + new_pagination_url, "###", "page="); new_pagination_url = new_pagination_url + "page=" + counter; pageSource = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(new_pagination_url)); // pageSource = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(getdata)); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sikvalue) && counter == 1) { try { if (pageSource.Contains("<p class=\"paginate\">")) { pagination_url = Utils.getBetween(pageSource, "<p class=\"paginate\">", "</a>"); pagination_url = Utils.getBetween(pagination_url, "href=\"", "\">").Replace("amp;", ""); pagination_url = "" + pagination_url; pagination_url = pagination_url.Replace("amp;", ""); } } catch { } } RgxGroupData = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(pageSource, "<li class=\"member\">"); if (counter == 1) { try { RgxPageNo = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(pageSource, "<h3 class=\"page-title\">Search Results <span>"); pageno = Convert.ToInt32(RgxPageNo[1].Split('<')[0].Replace("(", string.Empty).Replace(")", string.Empty).Replace("+", string.Empty).Trim()); pageno = pageno / 20 + 1; } catch { } if (pageno > 25) { pageno = 25; } } } } #endregion else { //pageSource = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri("" + gid.Split(':')[2] + "&split_page=" + i + "")); pageSource = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri("" + gid.Split(':')[1] + "&page=" + i)); group_Url = "" + gid.Split(':')[1]; RgxGroupData = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(pageSource, "<li class=\"member\" id=\""); if (RgxGroupData.Length == 1) { RgxGroupData = Regex.Split(pageSource, "<span class=\"new-miniprofile-container\""); if (RgxGroupData.Length == 1) { break; } } } #region for csv if (WithCsvinAddFriend == true) { List<string> PageSerchUrl = ChilkatBasedRegex.GettingAllUrls(pageSource, "profile/view?id"); string FrnAcceptUrL = string.Empty; foreach (string item in PageSerchUrl) { try { if (item.Contains("/profile/view?id")) { FrnAcceptUrL = "" + item; string[] urll = Regex.Split(FrnAcceptUrL, "&authType"); GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ " + FrnAcceptUrL + " ]"); string stringSource = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(FrnAcceptUrL)); #region GroupMemId try { string[] gid1 = FrnAcceptUrL.Split('&'); GroupMemId = gid1[0].Replace("", string.Empty); } catch { } #endregion #region Name try { try { strFamilyName = stringSource.Substring(stringSource.IndexOf("\"See Full Name\",\"i18n_Edit\":\"Edit\",\"fmt__full_name\":\""), (stringSource.IndexOf("i18n__expand_your_network_to_see_more", stringSource.IndexOf("\"See Full Name\",\"i18n_Edit\":\"Edit\",\"fmt__full_name\":\"")) - stringSource.IndexOf("\"See Full Name\",\"i18n_Edit\":\"Edit\",\"fmt__full_name\":\""))).Replace("\"See Full Name\",\"i18n_Edit\":\"Edit\",\"fmt__full_name\":\"", string.Empty).Replace("\\", string.Empty).Replace("\"", string.Empty).Replace(",", string.Empty).Trim(); } catch { try { strFamilyName = stringSource.Substring(stringSource.IndexOf("i18n__Overview_for_X"), (stringSource.IndexOf(",", stringSource.IndexOf("i18n__Overview_for_X")) - stringSource.IndexOf("i18n__Overview_for_X"))).Replace("i18n__Overview_for_X", string.Empty).Replace("\\", string.Empty).Replace("\"", string.Empty).Replace(",", string.Empty).Replace(":Overview for", "").Trim(); } catch { } } } catch { } #endregion #region Namesplitation string[] NameArr = new string[5]; if (strFamilyName.Contains(" ")) { try { NameArr = Regex.Split(strFamilyName, " "); } catch { } } #endregion #region FirstName try { firstname = NameArr[0]; } catch { } #endregion #region LastName try { lastname = NameArr[1]; if (NameArr.Count() == 3) { lastname = NameArr[1] + " " + NameArr[2]; } if (lastname.Contains("}]")) { #region Name try { try { strFamilyName = stringSource.Substring(stringSource.IndexOf("<span class=\"n fn\">")).Replace("\\", string.Empty).Replace("\"", string.Empty).Replace(",", string.Empty).Trim(); } catch { try { strFamilyName = stringSource.Substring(stringSource.IndexOf("fmt__full_name\":"), (stringSource.IndexOf(",", stringSource.IndexOf("fmt__full_name\":")) - stringSource.IndexOf("fmt__full_name\":"))).Replace("fmt__full_name\":", string.Empty).Replace("\\", string.Empty).Replace("\"", string.Empty).Replace(",", string.Empty).Trim(); } catch { } } } catch { } #endregion } } catch { } #endregion #region Company Company = string.Empty; try { try { try { //Company = stringSource.Substring(stringSource.IndexOf("visible\":true,\"memberHeadline"), (stringSource.IndexOf("memberID", stringSource.IndexOf("visible\":true,\"memberHeadline")) - stringSource.IndexOf("visible\":true,\"memberHeadline"))).Replace("visible\":true,\"memberHeadline", string.Empty).Replace("\\", string.Empty).Replace("\"", string.Empty).Replace(",", string.Empty).Replace(":", string.Empty).Replace(" ", string.Empty).Trim(); Company = stringSource.Substring(stringSource.IndexOf("\"memberHeadline"), (stringSource.IndexOf("memberID", stringSource.IndexOf("\"memberHeadline")) - stringSource.IndexOf("\"memberHeadline"))).Replace("\"memberHeadline", string.Empty).Replace("\\", string.Empty).Replace("\"", string.Empty).Replace(",", string.Empty).Replace(":", string.Empty).Replace("i18n__LocationLocationcompletenessLevel4", string.Empty).Replace("visibletrue", "").Replace("isPortfoliofalse", string.Empty).Replace("isLNLedtrue", string.Empty).Trim(); } catch { } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Company)) { try { //memberHeadline Company = stringSource.Substring(stringSource.IndexOf("memberHeadline\":"), (stringSource.IndexOf(",", stringSource.IndexOf("memberHeadline\":")) - stringSource.IndexOf("memberHeadline\":"))).Replace("memberHeadline\":", string.Empty).Replace("\\", string.Empty).Replace("\"", string.Empty).Replace(",", string.Empty).Replace(":", string.Empty).Replace(" ", string.Empty).Replace(":", "").Replace("&dsh;", "").Replace("&", "").Replace(";", "").Replace("isPortfoliofalse", string.Empty).Replace("isLNLedtrue", string.Empty).Trim(); } catch { } } titlecurrent = string.Empty; companycurrent = string.Empty; string[] strdesigandcompany = new string[4]; if (Company.Contains(" at ") || Company.Contains(" of ")) { try { strdesigandcompany = Regex.Split(Company, " at "); if (strdesigandcompany.Count() == 1) { strdesigandcompany = Regex.Split(Company, " of "); } } catch { } #region Title try { titlecurrent = strdesigandcompany[0]; } catch { } #endregion #region Current Company try { companycurrent = strdesigandcompany[1]; } catch { } #endregion } if (titlecurrent == string.Empty) { titlecurrent = Company; } } catch { } #region PastCompany string[] companylist = Regex.Split(stringSource, "companyName\""); string AllComapny = string.Empty; string Companyname = string.Empty; checkerlst.Clear(); foreach (string item1 in companylist) { try { if (!item1.Contains("<!DOCTYPE html>")) { Companyname = item1.Substring(item1.IndexOf(":"), (item1.IndexOf(",", item1.IndexOf(":")) - item1.IndexOf(":"))).Replace(":", string.Empty).Replace("\\", string.Empty).Replace("\"", string.Empty).Replace(",", string.Empty).Replace(":", string.Empty).Replace("]", string.Empty).Replace("}", string.Empty).Trim(); //Checklist.Add(item); string items = item1; checkerlst.Add(Companyname); checkerlst = checkerlst.Distinct().ToList(); } } catch { } } AllComapny = string.Empty; foreach (string item1 in checkerlst) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(AllComapny)) { AllComapny = item1.Replace("}", "").Replace("]", "").Replace("&", "&"); } else { AllComapny = AllComapny + " : " + item1.Replace("}", "").Replace("]", "").Replace("&", "&"); } } if (companycurrent == string.Empty) { companycurrent = checkerlst[0].ToString(); } #endregion #endregion Company #region Company Descripription try { string[] str_CompanyDesc = Regex.Split(stringSource, "showSummarySection"); foreach (string item2 in str_CompanyDesc) { try { string Current_Company = string.Empty; if (!item2.Contains("<!DOCTYPE html>")) { int startindex = item2.IndexOf("specialties\":\""); if (startindex > 0) { try { string start = item2.Substring(startindex).Replace("specialties\":", ""); int endindex = start.IndexOf("\",\"associatedWith\""); string end = start.Substring(0, endindex); Current_Company = end.Replace(",\"specialties_lb\":", string.Empty).Replace("\"", string.Empty).Replace("summary_lb", "Summary").Replace(",", ";").Replace("\"u002", "-"); LDS_BackGround_Summary = Current_Company; } catch { } } } if (!item2.Contains("<!DOCTYPE html>")) { int startindex = item2.IndexOf("\"summary_lb\""); if (startindex > 0) { try { string start = item2.Substring(startindex).Replace("\"summary_lb\"", ""); int endindex = start.IndexOf("\",\"associatedWith\""); string end = start.Substring(0, endindex); Current_Company = end.Replace(",\"specialties_lb\":", string.Empty).Replace("<br>", string.Empty).Replace("\n\"", string.Empty).Replace("\"", string.Empty).Replace("summary_lb", "Summary").Replace(",", ";").Replace("u002", "-").Replace(":", string.Empty); LDS_BackGround_Summary = Current_Company; } catch { } } } } catch { } } } catch { } #endregion #region Education EducationCollection = string.Empty; try { try { EducationCollection = stringSource.Substring(stringSource.IndexOf("\"schoolName\":"), (stringSource.IndexOf(",", stringSource.IndexOf("\"schoolName\":")) - stringSource.IndexOf("\"schoolName\":"))).Replace("\"schoolName\":", string.Empty).Replace("\\", string.Empty).Replace("\"", string.Empty).Replace(",", string.Empty).Trim(); } catch { try { // education1 = stringSource.Substring(stringSource.IndexOf("i18n__Overview_for_X"), (stringSource.IndexOf(",", stringSource.IndexOf("i18n__Overview_for_X")) - stringSource.IndexOf("i18n__Overview_for_X"))).Replace("i18n__Overview_for_X", string.Empty).Replace("\\", string.Empty).Replace("\"", string.Empty).Replace(",", string.Empty).Replace(":Overview for", "").Trim(); } catch { } } } catch { } #endregion #region Email try { string[] str_Email = Regex.Split(stringSource, "email\""); USERemail = stringSource.Substring(stringSource.IndexOf("[{\"email\":"), (stringSource.IndexOf("}]", stringSource.IndexOf("[{\"email\":")) - stringSource.IndexOf("[{\"email\":"))).Replace("[{\"email\":", string.Empty).Replace("\\", string.Empty).Replace("\"", string.Empty).Replace(",", string.Empty).Replace(":", string.Empty).Trim(); } catch (Exception ex) { } #endregion Email #region Website Website = string.Empty; try { Website = stringSource.Substring(stringSource.IndexOf("[{\"URL\":"), (stringSource.IndexOf(",", stringSource.IndexOf("[{\"URL\":")) - stringSource.IndexOf("[{\"URL\":"))).Replace("[{\"URL\":", string.Empty).Replace("\\", string.Empty).Replace("\"", string.Empty).Replace(",", string.Empty).Replace("}]", string.Empty).Trim(); } catch { } #endregion Website #region location location = string.Empty; try { location = stringSource.Substring(stringSource.IndexOf("Country\",\"fmt__location\":"), (stringSource.IndexOf("i18n_no_location_matches", stringSource.IndexOf("Country\",\"fmt__location\":")) - stringSource.IndexOf("Country\",\"fmt__location\":"))).Replace("Country\",\"fmt__location\":", string.Empty).Replace("\\", string.Empty).Replace("\"", string.Empty).Replace(":", string.Empty).Replace(",", string.Empty).Trim(); } catch (Exception ex) { try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(location)) { int startindex = stringSource.IndexOf("\"fmt_location\":\""); if (startindex > 0) { string start = stringSource.Substring(startindex).Replace("\"fmt_location\":\"", ""); int endindex = start.IndexOf("\","); string end = start.Substring(0, endindex); country = end; } } } catch (Exception ex1) { } } #endregion location #region Country try { int startindex = stringSource.IndexOf("\"locationName\":\""); if (startindex > 0) { string start = stringSource.Substring(startindex).Replace("\"locationName\":\"", ""); int endindex = start.IndexOf("\","); string end = start.Substring(0, endindex); location = end; } } catch (Exception ex) { } #endregion #region Industry Industry = string.Empty; try { //Industry = stringSource.Substring(stringSource.IndexOf("fmt__industry_highlight\":"), (stringSource.IndexOf(",", stringSource.IndexOf("fmt__industry_highlight\":")) - stringSource.IndexOf("fmt__industry_highlight\":"))).Replace("fmt__industry_highlight\":", string.Empty).Replace("\\", string.Empty).Replace("\"", string.Empty).Replace(",", string.Empty).Replace(":", string.Empty).Trim(); int startindex = stringSource.IndexOf("\"industry_highlight\":\""); if (startindex > 0) { string start = stringSource.Substring(startindex).Replace("\"industry_highlight\":\"", ""); int endindex = start.IndexOf("\","); string end = start.Substring(0, endindex).Replace("&", "&"); Industry = end; } } catch (Exception ex) { } #endregion Industry #region Connection Connection = string.Empty; try { //Connection = stringSource.Substring(stringSource.IndexOf("_count_string\":"), (stringSource.IndexOf(",", stringSource.IndexOf("_count_string\":")) - stringSource.IndexOf("_count_string\":"))).Replace("_count_string\":", string.Empty).Replace("\\", string.Empty).Replace("\"", string.Empty).Replace(",", string.Empty).Replace(":", string.Empty).Trim(); int startindex = stringSource.IndexOf("\"numberOfConnections\":"); if (startindex > 0) { string start = stringSource.Substring(startindex).Replace("\"numberOfConnections\":", ""); int endindex = start.IndexOf(","); string end = start.Substring(0, endindex).Replace("&", "&").Replace("}", string.Empty); Connection = end; } } catch (Exception ex) { } #endregion Connection #region Recommendation try { //recomandation = stringSource.Substring(stringSource.IndexOf("i18n__Recommend_Query\":"), (stringSource.IndexOf(",", stringSource.IndexOf("i18n__Recommend_Query\":")) - stringSource.IndexOf("i18n__Recommend_Query\":"))).Replace("i18n__Recommend_Query\":", string.Empty).Replace("\\", string.Empty).Replace("\"", string.Empty).Replace(",", string.Empty).Replace(":", string.Empty).Trim(); string PageSource = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri("" + GroupMemId + "&authType=OUT_OF_NETWORK&authToken=rXRG&goback=%2Efps_PBCK_*1_*1_*1_*1_*1_*1_tcs_*2_CP_I_us_*1_*1_false_1_R_*1_*51_*1_*51_true_*1_*2_*2_*2_*2_*2_*2_*2_*2_*2_*2_*2_*2_*2_*2_*2_*2_*2_*2_*2_*2")); string[] arrayRecommendedName = Regex.Split(PageSource, "headline"); List<string> ListRecommendationName = new List<string>(); recomandation = string.Empty; foreach (var itemRecomName in arrayRecommendedName) { try { if (!itemRecomName.Contains("Endorsements")) { try { int startindex = itemRecomName.IndexOf(":"); string start = itemRecomName.Substring(startindex); int endIndex = start.IndexOf("\","); string Heading = (start.Substring(0, endIndex).Replace("\"", string.Empty).Replace(":", string.Empty)); int startindex1 = itemRecomName.IndexOf("fmt__referrerfullName"); string start1 = itemRecomName.Substring(startindex1); int endIndex1 = start1.IndexOf("\","); Name = (start1.Substring(0, endIndex1).Replace("\"", string.Empty).Replace("fmt__referrerfullName", string.Empty).Replace(":", string.Empty)); ListRecommendationName.Add(Name + " : " + Heading); } catch { } } } catch { } } foreach (var item5 in ListRecommendationName) { if (recomandation == string.Empty) { recomandation = item5; } else { recomandation += " - " + item5; } } } catch { } #endregion #region Experience LDS_Experience = string.Empty; if (LDS_Experience == string.Empty) { try { string[] array = Regex.Split(stringSource, "title_highlight"); string exp = string.Empty; string comp = string.Empty; List<string> ListExperince = new List<string>(); string SelItem = string.Empty; foreach (var itemGrps in array) { try { if (itemGrps.Contains("title_pivot") && !itemGrps.Contains("<!DOCTYPE html")) //">Join { try { int startindex = itemGrps.IndexOf("\":\""); string start = itemGrps.Substring(startindex); int endIndex = start.IndexOf(","); exp = (start.Substring(0, endIndex).Replace("\"", string.Empty).Replace(":", string.Empty).Replace("&", "&").Replace(";", string.Empty).Replace("\\u002d", "-").Replace("name:", string.Empty)); } catch { } try { int startindex1 = itemGrps.IndexOf("companyName"); string start1 = itemGrps.Substring(startindex1); int endIndex1 = start1.IndexOf(","); comp = (start1.Substring(0, endIndex1).Replace("\"", string.Empty).Replace("companyName", string.Empty).Replace(":", string.Empty).Replace(";", string.Empty).Replace("\\u002d", "-").Replace("name:", string.Empty)); } catch { } if (titlecurrent == string.Empty) { titlecurrent = exp; } if (companycurrent == string.Empty) { companycurrent = comp; } ListExperince.Add(exp + ":" + comp); } } catch { } } foreach (var itemExp in ListExperince) { if (LDS_Experience == string.Empty) { LDS_Experience = itemExp; } else { LDS_Experience += " - " + itemExp; } } } catch { } } #endregion #region Group try { string PageSource = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri("" + GroupMemId + "&locale=&snapshotID=&authToken=&authType=name&invAcpt=¬Contactable=&primaryAction=&isPublic=false&sfd=true&_=1366115853014")); string[] array = Regex.Split(PageSource, "href=\"/groupRegistration?"); string[] array1 = Regex.Split(PageSource, "groupRegistration?"); List<string> ListGroupName = new List<string>(); string SelItem = string.Empty; foreach (var itemGrps in array1) { try { if (itemGrps.Contains("?gid=") && !itemGrps.Contains("<!DOCTYPE html")) //">Join { if (itemGrps.IndexOf("?gid=") == 0) { try { int startindex = itemGrps.IndexOf("\"name\":"); string start = itemGrps.Substring(startindex); int endIndex = start.IndexOf(","); ListGroupName.Add(start.Substring(0, endIndex).Replace("\"", string.Empty).Replace("amp", string.Empty).Replace("&", string.Empty).Replace(";", string.Empty).Replace("csrfToken", string.Empty).Replace("name:", string.Empty)); } catch { } } } } catch { } } foreach (var item6 in ListGroupName) { if (groupscollectin == string.Empty) { groupscollectin = item6; } else { groupscollectin += " - " + item6; } } } catch { } #endregion #region skill and Expertise try { string[] strarr_skill = Regex.Split(stringSource, "endorse-item-name-text\""); string[] strarr_skill1 = Regex.Split(stringSource, "fmt__skill_name\""); if (strarr_skill.Count() >= 2) { foreach (string item7 in strarr_skill) { try { if (!item7.Contains("!DOCTYPE html")) { try { string Grp = item7.Substring(item7.IndexOf("<"), (item7.IndexOf(">", item7.IndexOf("<")) - item7.IndexOf("<"))).Replace("<", string.Empty).Replace("\\", string.Empty).Replace("\"", string.Empty).Replace(",", string.Empty).Replace(":", string.Empty).Trim(); checkgrplist.Add(Grp); checkgrplist.Distinct().ToList(); } catch { } } } catch { } } foreach (string item8 in checkgrplist) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Skill)) { Skill = item8; } else { Skill = Skill + " - " + item8; } } } else { if (strarr_skill1.Count() >= 2) { try { foreach (string skillitem in strarr_skill1) { if (!skillitem.Contains("!DOCTYPE html")) { try { string Grp = skillitem.Substring(skillitem.IndexOf(":"), (skillitem.IndexOf("}", skillitem.IndexOf(":")) - skillitem.IndexOf(":"))).Replace(":", string.Empty).Replace("\\", string.Empty).Replace("\"", string.Empty).Replace(",", string.Empty).Replace(":", string.Empty).Trim(); checkgrplist.Add(Grp); checkgrplist.Distinct().ToList(); } catch { } } } foreach (string item9 in checkgrplist) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Skill)) { Skill = item9; } else { Skill = Skill + " - " + item9; } } } catch (Exception ex) { } } } } catch (Exception ex) { } #endregion #region Pasttitle and All Company Summary string[] pasttitles = Regex.Split(stringSource, "company_name"); string pstTitlesitem = string.Empty; string pstDescCompitem = string.Empty; LDS_PastTitles = string.Empty; pasttitles = pasttitles.Skip(1).ToArray(); foreach (string item10 in pasttitles) { if (item10.Contains("positionId")) { try { int startindex = item10.IndexOf(":"); if (startindex > 0) { string start = item10.Substring(startindex).Replace(":\"", ""); int endindex = start.IndexOf("\","); string end = start.Substring(0, endindex); pstTitlesitem = end.Replace(",", ";"); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(LDS_PastTitles)) { LDS_PastTitles = pstTitlesitem; } else { LDS_PastTitles = LDS_PastTitles + " : " + pstTitlesitem; } int startindex1 = item10.IndexOf("summary_lb\":\""); if (startindex > 0) { string start1 = item10.Substring(startindex1).Replace("summary_lb\":\"", ""); int endindex1 = 0; if (start1.Contains("associatedWith")) { endindex1 = start1.IndexOf("\",\"associatedWith\""); if (start1.Contains("\"}")) { endindex1 = start1.IndexOf("\"}"); } } else if (start1.Contains("\"}")) { endindex1 = start1.IndexOf("\"}"); } string end1 = start1.Substring(0, endindex1); pstDescCompitem = end1.Replace(",", ";").Replace("u002d", "-").Replace("<br>", string.Empty).Replace("\n\"", string.Empty); if (pstDescCompitem.Contains("\";\"associatedWith")) { pstDescCompitem = Regex.Split(pstDescCompitem, "\";\"associatedWith")[0]; } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(LDS_Desc_AllComp)) { LDS_Desc_AllComp = pstTitlesitem + "-" + pstDescCompitem + " ++ "; } else { LDS_Desc_AllComp = LDS_Desc_AllComp + pstTitlesitem + "-" + pstDescCompitem + " ++ "; } } catch { } } } #endregion #region FullUrl try { string[] UrlFull = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(FrnAcceptUrL, "&authType"); LDS_UserProfileLink = UrlFull[0]; LDS_UserProfileLink = UrlFull[0]; // LDS_UserProfileLink = stringSource.Substring(stringSource.IndexOf("canonicalUrl\":"), (stringSource.IndexOf(",", stringSource.IndexOf("canonicalUrl\":")) - stringSource.IndexOf("canonicalUrl\":"))).Replace("canonicalUrl\":", string.Empty).Replace("\\", string.Empty).Replace("\"", string.Empty).Replace(",", string.Empty).Replace(":", string.Empty).Trim(); } catch { } #endregion LDS_LoginID = objLinkedinUser.username; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(firstname)) { firstname = "Linkedin Member"; } LDS_BackGround_Summary = LDS_BackGround_Summary.Replace("\n", "").Replace("-", "").Replace("d", "").Replace("•", "").Replace(";", "").Replace("\n", "").Replace(",", "").Replace("ȁ", "").Trim(); LDS_Desc_AllComp = "NA"; Skill = "NA"; string LDS_FinalData = TypeOfProfile + "," + LDS_UserProfileLink + "," + firstname + "," + lastname + "," + Company.Replace(",", ";") + "," + titlecurrent.Replace(",", ";") + "," + companycurrent.Replace(",", ";") + "," + LDS_Desc_AllComp + "," + LDS_BackGround_Summary.Replace(",", ";") + "," + Connection.Replace(",", ";") + "," + recomandation.Replace(",", string.Empty) + "," + Skill.Replace(",", ";") + "," + LDS_Experience.Replace(",", string.Empty) + "," + EducationCollection.Replace(",", ";") + "," + groupscollectin.Replace(",", ";") + "," + USERemail.Replace(",", ";") + "," + LDS_UserContact.Replace(",", ";") + "," + LDS_PastTitles + "," + AllComapny.Replace(",", ";") + "," + country.Replace(",", ";") + "," + location.Replace(",", ";") + "," + Industry.Replace(",", ";") + "," + Website.Replace(",", ";") + "," + LDS_LoginID.Replace(",", ";") + ","; // AppFileHelper.AddingLinkedInGroupMemberDataToCSVFile(LDS_FinalData, SearchCriteria.FileName); } catch { } } } catch { } } } #endregion foreach (var GrpUser in RgxGroupData) { try { if (GrpUser.Contains("member")) { if (GrpUser.Contains("title=\"YOU") || GrpUser.Contains("<!DOCTYPE html>")) { if (GrpUser.Contains("title=\"YOU")) { } continue; } string profileUrl = string.Empty; try { profileUrl = Utils.getBetween(GrpUser, "<a href=\"", "\">"); } catch { } try { //data-li-fullName="Kashish Arora">Send message</a> int startindex = GrpUser.IndexOf("fullName="); if (startindex > 0) { endName = string.Empty; string start = GrpUser.Substring(startindex); int endIndex = start.IndexOf(">Send message<"); if (endIndex == -1) { endIndex = start.IndexOf(">"); } endName = start.Substring(0, endIndex).Replace("fullName=", string.Empty).Replace("'", string.Empty).Replace(",", string.Empty).Replace("/", string.Empty).Replace("\"", string.Empty).Replace("&", "&").Replace(""", "'").Replace("tracking=anetppl_sendmsg", string.Empty).Replace("tracking=anetppl_invite", string.Empty).Replace("\\u00e9", "é").Trim(); } else { endName = string.Empty; int startindex1 = GrpUser.IndexOf("alt="); string start = GrpUser.Substring(startindex1).Replace("alt=\"", ""); int endIndex = start.IndexOf("\""); try { endName = start.Substring(0, endIndex).Replace("alt=", string.Empty).Replace("'", string.Empty).Replace(",", string.Empty).Replace(">", string.Empty).Replace("\"", string.Empty).Replace("&", "&").Replace(""", "'").Replace("tracking=anetppl_sendmsg", string.Empty).Replace("tracking=anetppl_invite", string.Empty).Replace("\\u00e9", "é").Trim(); } catch { } try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(endName)) { endName = start.Substring(start.IndexOf("alt="), start.IndexOf("class=", start.IndexOf("alt=")) - start.IndexOf("alt=")).Replace("alt=", string.Empty).Replace("alt=", string.Empty).Replace("\"", string.Empty).Replace(""", "'").Replace("tracking=anetppl_sendmsg", string.Empty).Replace("tracking=anetppl_invite", string.Empty).Replace("\\u00e9", "é").Trim(); } } catch { } } } catch { } //Deegree connection try { int startindex = GrpUser.IndexOf("<span class=\"degree-icon\">"); if (startindex > 0) { DeegreeConn = string.Empty; string start = GrpUser.Substring(startindex); int endIndex = start.IndexOf("<sup>"); DeegreeConn = start.Substring(0, endIndex).Replace("<span class=\"degree-icon\">", string.Empty); if (DeegreeConn == "1") { DeegreeConn = DeegreeConn + "st"; } else if (DeegreeConn == "2") { DeegreeConn = DeegreeConn + "nd"; } else if (DeegreeConn == "3") { DeegreeConn = DeegreeConn + "rd"; } } else { startindex = GrpUser.IndexOf("span class=\"degree-icon group\">"); DeegreeConn = string.Empty; if (startindex > 0) { DeegreeConn = string.Empty; string start = GrpUser.Substring(startindex); int endIndex = start.IndexOf("</span>"); DeegreeConn = start.Substring(0, endIndex).Replace("span class=\"degree-icon group\">", string.Empty); } if (DeegreeConn == string.Empty) { DeegreeConn = "3rd"; } } } catch { } try { int startindex2 = GrpUser.IndexOf("memberId="); if (startindex2 > 0) { endKey = string.Empty; string start1 = GrpUser.Substring(startindex2); int endIndex1 = start1.IndexOf("data-li-fullName="); endKey = start1.Substring(0, endIndex1).Replace("memberId=", string.Empty).Replace("'", string.Empty).Replace(",", string.Empty).Replace("/", string.Empty).Replace("\"", string.Empty).Trim(); } else { endKey = string.Empty; int startindex3 = GrpUser.IndexOf("member-"); string start1 = GrpUser.Substring(startindex3); int endIndex1 = start1.IndexOf(">"); endKey = start1.Substring(0, endIndex1).Replace("member-", string.Empty).Replace("'", string.Empty).Replace(",", string.Empty).Replace(">", string.Empty).Replace("\"", string.Empty).Trim(); } } catch { } try { GroupSpecMem.Add(endKey, " [" + GroupName.Replace(",", string.Empty) + " ] " + endName + " (" + DeegreeConn.Replace(",", string.Empty) + ")"); string item = UserID + "," + GroupName.Replace(",", string.Empty) + "," + group_Url.Replace("'", "").Replace("\r", "").Replace(" ", "").Replace("\n", " ") + "," + endName + "," + profileUrl.Replace("'", "").Replace("\r", "").Replace(" ", "").Replace("\n", " ") + "," + DeegreeConn.Replace(",", string.Empty); // AddingLinkedInDataToCSVFile1(item); if (WithGroupSearch == true) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Added Group Member : " + endName + " (" + DeegreeConn + ") with Search keyword : " + SearchKeyword + " ]"); // objfrmMain.AddLoggerLoggerForGroupScraper("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Added Group Member : " + endName + " (" + DeegreeConn + ") with Search keyword : " + SearchKeyword + " ]"); } else { GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Added Group Member : " + endName + " ]"); } } catch { } } else { } } catch { } } return GroupSpecMem; } #region new code_11_26 if (GroupSpecMem.Count <= 0) { List<string> lstNewMembers = new List<string>(); bool gotScrapeUrl = false; int startPage = 10; string url = "" + groupId + "?projection=MINI&count=20&start=0"; GetItemToScrapeUrls: List<string> lstitemForScrap = new List<string>(); // pageSource = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(url), "" + groupId + "", "", ""); #region Cookie settings // string CookieDaata = "bcookie=\"v=2&e456608f-798a-4a30-8111-4abf66a2a2d2\"; bscookie=\"v=1&201504281150112c2cb966-888b-44d4-8fe3-2bed850fc88eAQH5LeTYIub6nyWgnwTdMWl9XSSvnwsJ\"; visit=\"v=1&M\"; _chartbeat2=vnNg6xd-hkBwUPD5.1439389439450.1439994463832.10000001; VID=V_2015_08_19_07_4913; ELOQUA=GUID=28AF04F863BF45A78F3AA16B2C88EFBC; BKUT=1439994600; sessionid=\"eyJkamFuZ29fdGltZXpvbmUiOiJBc2lhL0tvbGthdGEifQ:1a1DwL:Z1TtuNNPyqGqvT1Pix66crqU9RA\"; csrftoken=fGdgb242nAkaqdDI0T72TptnHK9Fq9MM; _ga=GA1.2.1307723840.1448360766; L1c=5eba1285; oz_props_fetch_size1_125011638=9; wutan=YjukjFsDQIHEoN/VG0Nwwa8w7dzs308V6oAfSeVHCY8=; L1e=4a2dae59; oz_props_fetch_size1_394473043=5; oz_props_fetch_size1_394482147=1; sl=\"v=1&y7Ik2\"; li_at=AQEDAReDUeMB8eJnAAABUXFNV2wAAAFRcbs0bEsAw1uzWq20X7lGOtdsUgxs31vuFr1q74cnHL82GBdRUIVjbPbKccr0gJVqHj9mqczMKjWVA417H7gRrQeFQARUNssZqNTx0aZZR1hyEmdxvf4iYbF1; liap=true; JSESSIONID=\"ajax:7383772031323678847\"; share_setting=PUBLIC; sdsc=1%3A1SZM1shxDNbLt36wZwCgPgvN58iw%3D; _lipt=0_0MPCZKVCxoBpoHR17D_hDUfM2NiX0FG-oN1B8U9sDtgK_Ydwh1Gw2TGDG8LSwwC-BWGgocnwaixcQM_gvLFHZRCDaMOR9vUNoFFU7Pv4sekUOXFI9ys8jl6QfmKapvABKOlY89bVv5mqx58JvuF7NyP6lyWIckctWO6k6UG0iu1y6ABeq4BLdi4Hx_r4fhtEsbUgeBtzZHE00OAoBcpWzyBorypcrsvu10vjpfQ4JrlkZcgesHUL0zqxRmg6dwbDlfWnQT0C4hwhjEdaTEVNTp; lidc=\"b=LB47:g=319:u=13:i=1449305064:t=1449390866:s=AQG1xLWNXv_mwQpQa_XpXXydwVB0xggq\"; lang=\"v=2&lang=en-us\"; RT=s=1449305300845&"; // string[] CookieDaatalst = Regex.Split(CookieDaata, ";"); // HttpHelper.gCookies = new System.Net.CookieCollection(); // System.Net.CookieCollection CookieCollection = new System.Net.CookieCollection(); // foreach (string itemlst in CookieDaatalst) // { // try // { // string[] namevalue = Regex.Split(itemlst, "="); // string name = namevalue[0].Replace(" ",""); // string value = namevalue[1].Replace(" ", ""); // string Domain = ""; // System.Net.Cookie cookie = new System.Net.Cookie(); // cookie.Name = name; // cookie.Value = value; // cookie.Domain = Domain; // bool IsFound = false; // try // { // foreach (System.Net.Cookie cokieitem in HttpHelper.gCookies) // { // if (cookie == cokieitem) // { // IsFound = true; // break; // } // } // if (!IsFound) // { // HttpHelper.gCookies.Add(cookie); // } // } // catch { }; // } // catch { }; // } #endregion pageSource = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(url), "" + groupId + "", "", ""); string[] arr = Regex.Split(pageSource, ".jpg\",\"name\":"); foreach (var itemArr in arr) { if (itemArr.Contains("{\"data\":[{\"profileUrl\"")) { continue; } string memberName = string.Empty; string memberId = string.Empty; memberName = Utils.getBetween(itemArr, "\"", "\",\""); memberId = Utils.getBetween(itemArr, "id\":\"", "\",\""); GroupName = GroupName.Replace(",", string.Empty); try { if (!memberName.Contains("data\":[{\"")) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Added Group Member : " + memberName + " ]"); GroupSpecMem.Add(memberId, " [" + GroupName + " ] " + memberName); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.Write(ex); } //string name = Utils.getBetween(itemArr, "\"", ",").Replace("\"", ""); //string memberId = Utils.getBetween(itemArr, "nonIterableMemberId\":", ",").Replace("\"", ""); string itemToScrapUrl = "" + memberId + "&authType=name&authToken=2ZLd"; if (!lstitemForScrap.Contains(itemToScrapUrl)) { gotScrapeUrl = true; lstitemForScrap.Add(itemToScrapUrl); } } if (gotScrapeUrl) { //foreach (var itemForScrap in lstitemForScrap) //{ // if (!lstNewMembers.Contains(itemForScrap)) // { // if (!obj_ClsScrapGroupMember.CrawlingLinkedInPage(itemForScrap, ref HttpHelper)) // { // obj_ClsScrapGroupMember.CrawlingPageDataSource(itemForScrap, ref HttpHelper); // } // lstNewMembers.Add(itemForScrap); // } //} startPage = startPage + 10; url = "" + groupId + "?membershipStatus=MEMBER&start=" + startPage + "&projection=FULL"; gotScrapeUrl = false; if (startPage <= 500) { goto GetItemToScrapeUrls; } } } #endregion } catch (Exception ex) { } return GroupSpecMem; }
public void ExtractGroupsdetailsSearchScraper(ref FacebookUser fbUser) { try { GlobusHttpHelper objHelper = fbUser.globusHttpHelper; string url = string.Empty; if (SearchGroup_Membership == "all" && SearchGroup_Privacy == "all" && SearchGroup_Name == "all" && SearchGroup_About == "all") { url = ""; string Response = objHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(url)); string User = string.Empty; DataParser(Response, ref fbUser); string AjaxResponse = AjaxPostForSearch(Response, Response, ref fbUser); // string AjaxResponse = AjaxPostForSearch("", Response, ref FBuser); while (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(AjaxResponse)) { //if (Pagecounter < MaxItreation) //{ string[] SerachList2 = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(AjaxResponse, "clearfix _zw"); if (GlobalExistCounter > 99) { Console.WriteLine("Page response not give the data for more time,so we skip the scraping process"); break; } foreach (string item in SerachList2) { try { if (!item.Contains("<!DOCTYPE html>")) { if (GlobalExistCounter < 100) { DataParserAjax(AjaxResponse, ref fbUser); } else { break; } } } catch { }; } AjaxResponse = AjaxPostForSearch(AjaxResponse, Response, ref fbUser); Pagecounter = Pagecounter + 1; } } else { url = ""; string Response = objHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(url)); string AjaxUrl = ""; string AjaxResponce = AjaxPostForSearch(Response, Response, ref fbUser); } } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error("Error : " + ex.StackTrace); } }
public Dictionary<string, string> GetGroupNames(ref GlobusHttpHelper HttpHelper, string user) { try { // string url = "¬Contactable=&primaryAction=&isPublic=false&sfd=false&_=1448346384101"; string url = ""; string pageSource = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(url)); string[] arr = Regex.Split(pageSource, "<h3>"); string profId = Utils.getBetween(arr[2], "<a href=\"", "\""); pageSource = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(profId)); if (pageSource == "" || pageSource.Contains("Make sure you have cookies and Javascript enabled in your browser before signing in") || pageSource.Contains("manual_redirect_link")) { Thread.Sleep(2000); pageSource = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri("")); } if (pageSource == "" || pageSource.Contains("Make sure you have cookies and Javascript enabled in your browser before signing in") || pageSource.Contains("manual_redirect_link")) { Thread.Sleep(2000); pageSource = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri("")); } if (pageSource == "" || pageSource.Contains("Make sure you have cookies and Javascript enabled in your browser before signing in") || pageSource.Contains("manual_redirect_link")) { Thread.Sleep(2000); pageSource = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri("")); } if (pageSource.Contains("Your Groups") && pageSource.Contains("You may be interested in")) { string[] RgxGroupData = Regex.Split(pageSource, "h3 class=\"title\""); foreach (var GrpName in RgxGroupData) { string groupName = Utils.getBetween(GrpName, ">", "</h3>"); groupName = groupName + ":" + user; } } if (pageSource.Contains("media-block has-activity")) { string[] RgxGroupData = Regex.Split(pageSource, "media-content"); foreach (var GrpName in RgxGroupData) { string endName = string.Empty; string endKey = string.Empty; try { if (GrpName.Contains("<!DOCTYPE html>") || GrpName.Contains("Membership Pending")) { continue; } if (GrpName.Contains("<a href=\"/groups/") || (GrpName.Contains("<a href=\"/groups?"))) { if ((GrpName.Contains("public"))) { try { int startindex = GrpName.IndexOf("class=\"public\""); string start = GrpName.Substring(startindex); int endIndex = start.IndexOf("</a>"); endName = start.Substring(0, endIndex).Replace("title", string.Empty).Replace("=", string.Empty).Replace(">", string.Empty).Replace("groups", string.Empty).Replace("/", string.Empty).Replace("\"", string.Empty).Replace("&", "&").Replace("classpublic", string.Empty).Replace(""", "'").Replace(":", ";").Replace("This is an open group", string.Empty); endName = endName.Replace("&", "&") + "^" + user; } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("Exception: " + ex); } try { endKey = ""; int startindex1 = GrpName.IndexOf("group"); string start1 = GrpName.Substring(startindex1); int endIndex1 = start1.IndexOf("?"); endKey = start1.Substring(0, endIndex1).Replace("groups", string.Empty).Replace("/", string.Empty).Replace("<a href=", string.Empty).Replace("\"", string.Empty); if (endKey == string.Empty) { startindex1 = GrpName.IndexOf("gid="); start1 = GrpName.Substring(startindex1); endIndex1 = start1.IndexOf("&"); endKey = start1.Substring(0, endIndex1).Replace("gid=", string.Empty).Trim(); if (!NumberHelper.ValidateNumber(endKey)) { try { endKey = endKey.Split('\"')[0]; } catch { } } } } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("Exception : " + ex); } if (endKey.Contains("analyticsURL")) { continue; } if (endKey == string.Empty) { try { int startindex2 = GrpName.IndexOf("gid="); string start2 = GrpName.Substring(startindex2); int endIndex2 = start2.IndexOf("&"); endKey = start2.Substring(0, endIndex2).Replace("gid", string.Empty).Replace("=", string.Empty); } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("Exc"); } } else { string[] endKeyLast = endKey.Split('-'); try { if (NumberHelper.ValidateNumber(endKeyLast[1])) { endKey = endKeyLast[1]; } else if (NumberHelper.ValidateNumber(endKeyLast[2])) { endKey = endKeyLast[2]; } else if (NumberHelper.ValidateNumber(endKeyLast[3])) { endKey = endKeyLast[3]; } else if (NumberHelper.ValidateNumber(endKeyLast[4])) { endKey = endKeyLast[4]; } else if (NumberHelper.ValidateNumber(endKeyLast[5])) { endKey = endKeyLast[5]; } else if (NumberHelper.ValidateNumber(endKeyLast[6])) { endKey = endKeyLast[6]; } } catch { } } try { if (NumberHelper.ValidateNumber(endKey)) { GroupName.Add(endName, endKey); GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("Group Name: " + endName); } } catch { } } } if (GrpName.Contains("<a href=\"/groups/") || (GrpName.Contains("<a href=\"/groups?"))) { if ((GrpName.Contains("private"))) { try { int startindex = GrpName.IndexOf("class=\"private\""); string start = GrpName.Substring(startindex); int endIndex = start.IndexOf("</a>"); endName = start.Substring(0, endIndex).Replace("=", string.Empty).Replace(">", string.Empty).Replace("groups", string.Empty).Replace("/", string.Empty).Replace("\"", string.Empty).Replace("&", "&").Replace(""", "'").Replace(":", ";").Replace("classprivate", string.Empty); endName = endName.Replace("&", "&") + "^" + user; } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("Exception : "+ex); } try { int startindex1 = GrpName.IndexOf("gid="); string start1 = GrpName.Substring(startindex1); int endIndex1 = start1.IndexOf("&"); endKey = start1.Substring(0, endIndex1).Replace("gid=", string.Empty).Replace("/", string.Empty).Replace("<a href=", string.Empty).Replace("\"", string.Empty).Replace("class=blanket-target><a>groups?home=", string.Empty).Trim(); if (endKey == string.Empty) { try { endKey = endKey.Split(' ')[0].Trim(); } catch { } } } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("Exception : "+ex); } if (endKey.Contains("analyticsURL")) { continue; } if (endKey == string.Empty) { try { int startindex2 = GrpName.IndexOf("gid="); string start2 = GrpName.Substring(startindex2); int endIndex2 = start2.IndexOf("&"); endKey = start2.Substring(0, endIndex2).Replace("gid", string.Empty).Replace("=", string.Empty); if (!NumberHelper.ValidateNumber(endKey)) { try { endKey = endKey.Split('\"')[0]; } catch { } } } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("Exception : "+ex); } } else { string[] endKeyLast = endKey.Split('-'); try { if (NumberHelper.ValidateNumber(endKeyLast[1])) { endKey = endKeyLast[1]; } else if (NumberHelper.ValidateNumber(endKeyLast[2])) { endKey = endKeyLast[2]; } else if (NumberHelper.ValidateNumber(endKeyLast[3])) { endKey = endKeyLast[3]; } else if (NumberHelper.ValidateNumber(endKeyLast[4])) { endKey = endKeyLast[4]; } else if (NumberHelper.ValidateNumber(endKeyLast[5])) { endKey = endKeyLast[5]; } else if (NumberHelper.ValidateNumber(endKeyLast[6])) { endKey = endKeyLast[6]; } } catch { } } try { if (NumberHelper.ValidateNumber(endKey)) { GroupName.Add(endName, endKey); } } catch { } } } } catch { } } } else if(pageSource.Contains("{\"content\":{\"Following\":")) { string[] RgxGroupData = Regex.Split(pageSource, "groupID"); RgxGroupData = RgxGroupData.Skip(1).ToArray(); foreach(string item in RgxGroupData) { try { string grpName = string.Empty; string grpId = string.Empty; grpName = Utils.getBetween(item, "name\":\"", "\",\""); grpId = Utils.getBetween(item, "\":", ",\""); grpName = grpName + "^" + user; if (NumberHelper.ValidateNumber(grpId)) { GroupName.Add(grpName, grpId); GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("Group Name : " + grpName); } } catch (Exception ex) { } } } else if (pageSource.Contains("link_groups_settings") || GroupName.Count==0) { try { //string[] arr1 = Regex.Split(pageSource, "<h3>"); //string profileId = Utils.getBetween(arr1[2], "<a href=\"", "\""); //pageSource = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(profileId)); string[] arr1_groups = Regex.Split(pageSource, "link_groups_settings"); arr1_groups = arr1_groups.Skip(1).ToArray(); foreach (string item in arr1_groups) { try { string grpName = string.Empty; string grpId = string.Empty; grpName = Utils.getBetween(item, "name\":\"", "\",\""); grpId = Utils.getBetween(item, "&gid=", "&"); grpName = grpName + "^" + user; if (NumberHelper.ValidateNumber(grpId)) { GroupName.Add(grpName, grpId); GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("Group Name : " + grpName); } } catch (Exception ex) { } } } catch { } if (GroupName.Count == 0) { try { string url_to_get_Groups = string.Empty; url_to_get_Groups = Utils.getBetween(pageSource, "<div id=\"groups-container", "</div>"); url_to_get_Groups = Utils.getBetween(url_to_get_Groups, "url\":\"", "\"})"); pageSource = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(url_to_get_Groups)); string[] arr1_groups = Regex.Split(pageSource, "link_groups_settings"); arr1_groups = arr1_groups.Skip(1).ToArray(); foreach (string item in arr1_groups) { try { string grpName = string.Empty; string grpId = string.Empty; grpName = Utils.getBetween(item, "name\":\"", "\",\""); grpName = grpName.Replace(":", ""); grpId = Utils.getBetween(item, "&gid=", "&"); grpName = grpName + "^" + user; if (NumberHelper.ValidateNumber(grpId)) { GroupName.Add(grpName, grpId); GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("Group Name : " + grpName.Split('^')[0]); } } catch { } } } catch { } } } else { if (pageSource.Contains("View More</span>")) { pageSource = Utils.getBetween(pageSource, "<ul class=\"group-list\">", "View More</span>"); } else { string pageSource1 = Utils.getBetween(pageSource, "<ul class=\"group-list\">", "<li class=\"find-more\">"); } string[] RgxGroupData = Regex.Split(pageSource, "h3 class=\"title\"");//"<li class="); RgxGroupData = RgxGroupData.Skip(1).ToArray(); foreach (var GrpName in RgxGroupData) { string endName = string.Empty; string endKey = string.Empty; try { if (GrpName.Contains("<!DOCTYPE html>") || GrpName.Contains("Pending")) { continue; } //if (GrpName.Contains("<a href=\"/groups/") || (GrpName.Contains("<a href=\"/groups?"))) //{ //if ((GrpName.Contains("title"))) //{ try { int startindex = GrpName.IndexOf("class=\"title\""); string start = GrpName.Substring(startindex).Replace("class=\"title\"", string.Empty); int endIndex = start.IndexOf("<span"); endName = start.Substring(0, endIndex).Replace("title", string.Empty).Replace("=", string.Empty).Replace(">", string.Empty).Replace("groups", string.Empty).Replace("/", string.Empty).Replace("\"", string.Empty).Replace("&", "&").Replace("classpublic", string.Empty).Replace(""", "'").Replace(":", ";").Replace("This is an open group", string.Empty).Replace("class", "").Replace("'", "'"); endName = Utils.getBetween(GrpName, ">", "</h3>"); if (endName.Contains("<span")) { string[] RegexSpan = Regex.Split(endName, "<span"); endName = RegexSpan[0]; endName = endName.Replace(":", "").Replace("&", ""); } if (endName.Contains("<div group-activity")) { endIndex = endName.IndexOf("<h3"); endName = endName.Substring(0, endIndex).Replace("<h3", "").Replace("<div group-activity", ""); } endName = endName.Replace("&", "&") + "^" + user; } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("Exception : " + ex); } try { endKey = ""; //int startindex1 = GrpName.IndexOf("group"); //string start1 = GrpName.Substring(startindex1); //int endIndex1 = start1.IndexOf("?"); //endKey = start1.Substring(0, endIndex1).Replace("groups", string.Empty).Replace("/", string.Empty).Replace("<a href=", string.Empty).Replace("\"", string.Empty); if (endKey == string.Empty) { int startindex1 = GrpName.IndexOf("gid="); string start1 = GrpName.Substring(startindex1); int endIndex1 = start1.IndexOf("&"); endKey = start1.Substring(0, endIndex1).Replace("gid=", string.Empty).Trim(); if (!NumberHelper.ValidateNumber(endKey)) { try { endKey = endKey.Split('\"')[0]; } catch { } } } } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("Exception : " + ex); } if (endKey.Contains("analyticsURL")) { continue; } if (endKey == string.Empty) { try { int startindex2 = GrpName.IndexOf("gid="); string start2 = GrpName.Substring(startindex2); int endIndex2 = start2.IndexOf("&"); endKey = start2.Substring(0, endIndex2).Replace("gid", string.Empty).Replace("=", string.Empty); } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("Exception : " + ex); } } else { string[] endKeyLast = endKey.Split('-'); try { if (NumberHelper.ValidateNumber(endKeyLast[1])) { endKey = endKeyLast[1]; } else if (NumberHelper.ValidateNumber(endKeyLast[2])) { endKey = endKeyLast[2]; } else if (NumberHelper.ValidateNumber(endKeyLast[3])) { endKey = endKeyLast[3]; } else if (NumberHelper.ValidateNumber(endKeyLast[4])) { endKey = endKeyLast[4]; } else if (NumberHelper.ValidateNumber(endKeyLast[5])) { endKey = endKeyLast[5]; } else if (NumberHelper.ValidateNumber(endKeyLast[6])) { endKey = endKeyLast[6]; } } catch { } } try { if (NumberHelper.ValidateNumber(endKey)) { GroupName.Add(endName, endKey); } } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("Exception : " + ex); } //} //} } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("Exception : " + ex); } } } return GroupName; } catch (Exception ex) { return GroupName; } }
public List<string> GetFollowings_NewForMobileVersion(string userID, out string ReturnStatus) { GlobusHttpHelper HttpHelper = new GlobusHttpHelper(); //Log("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Searching For Followers For " + userID + " ]"); string cursor = "0"; int counter = 0; string FollowingUrl = string.Empty; List<string> lstIds = new List<string>(); string Data = string.Empty; string FindCursor = string.Empty; try { StartAgain: //Thread.Sleep(1000); string[] splitRes = new string[] { }; if (counter == 0) { string aa = "" + userID + "/following"; Data = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(aa), "", ""); if (Data.Contains("class=\"w-button-more\"")) { int startindex = Data.IndexOf("cursor="); string start = Data.Substring(startindex).Replace("cursor=", ""); int lastindex = start.IndexOf(">"); if (lastindex < 0) { lastindex = start.IndexOf(">"); } string end = start.Substring(0, lastindex).Replace("\"", ""); cursor = end; } else { //splitRes = Regex.Split(Data, "<div class=\"GridTimeline-items"); } counter++; //Data = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri("" + userID + "/followers"), "", ""); } else { Data = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri("" + userID + "/following?cursor=" + cursor), "", ""); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Data)) { for (int i = 1; i <= 3; i++) { Thread.Sleep(3000); Data = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri("" + userID + "/following?cursor=" + cursor), "", ""); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Data)) { break; } } //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Data)) //{ // Log(" pagesource not found "); //} } if (Data == "Too Many Requestes") { //Log("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Wait for 15 minutes For furthur Scraping because Twitter banned for scraping. its already too many requestes. ]"); Thread.Sleep(15 * 60 * 1000); Data = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri("" + userID + "/following?cursor=" + cursor), "", ""); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Data) || Data == "Too Many Requestes") { //Log("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Wait for 5 minutes more For furthur Scraping. ]"); Thread.Sleep(5 * 60 * 1000); for (int i = 1; i <= 3; i++) { Thread.Sleep(3000); Data = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri("" + userID + "/following?cursor=" + cursor), "", ""); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Data)) { break; } } //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Data)) //{ // Log(" pagesource not found "); //} } } //var avc = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<dynamic>(Data); //cursor = string.Empty; //string DataHtml = (string)avc["items_html"]; //cursor = (string)avc["cursor"]; } if (cursor == "0") { Thread.Sleep(2000); Data = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri("" + userID + "/following?cursor=" + cursor), "", ""); } if (Data.Contains("401 Unauthorized")) { ReturnStatus = "Account is Suspended. "; return lstIds; } else if (!Data.Contains("Rate limit exceeded") && !Data.Contains("{\"errors\":[{\"message\":\"Sorry, that page does not exist\",\"code\":34}]}") && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Data)) { string[] arraydata = null; string startWith = string.Empty; if (Data.Contains("<strong class=\"fullname\">")) { arraydata = Regex.Split(Data, "<strong class=\"fullname\">"); //startWith = ""; } else { //arraydata = Regex.Split(Data, "js-stream-item"); //startWith = "\\\" role=\\\"listitem\\\""; } arraydata = arraydata.Skip(1).ToArray(); foreach (string id in arraydata) { string userid = string.Empty; string username = string.Empty; if (cursor == "0") { try { int startindex = id.IndexOf("id="); string start = id.Substring(startindex).Replace("id=", string.Empty); int endindex = start.IndexOf("&"); string end = start.Substring(0, endindex); userid = end; } catch { } } else { try { int startindex = id.IndexOf("id="); string start = id.Substring(startindex).Replace("id=", string.Empty); int endindex = start.IndexOf("&"); string end = start.Substring(0, endindex); userid = end; } catch (Exception ex) { Globussoft.GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine(DateTime.Now + " --> Error --> GetFollowers_New() -- " + userid + " --> " + ex.Message, Globals.Path_TwitterDataScrapper); Globussoft.GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("Error --> GetFollowers_New() -- " + userid + " --> " + ex.Message, Globals.Path_TwtErrorLogs); } } if (cursor == "0") { try { int startindex = id.IndexOf("@</span>"); string start = id.Substring(startindex).Replace("@</span>", string.Empty); int endindex = start.IndexOf("</span></a>"); string end = start.Substring(0, endindex); username = end; } catch { } } else { try { int startindex = id.IndexOf("@</span>"); string start = id.Substring(startindex).Replace("@</span>", string.Empty); int endindex = start.IndexOf("</span></a>"); string end = start.Substring(0, endindex); username = end; } catch (Exception ex) { Globussoft.GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine(DateTime.Now + " --> Error --> GetFollowers_New() -- " + username + " --> " + ex.Message, Globals.Path_TwitterDataScrapper); Globussoft.GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("Error --> GetFollowers_New() -- " + username + " --> " + ex.Message, Globals.Path_TwtErrorLogs); } } if (CounterDataNo > 0) { if (lstIds.Count == CounterDataNo) { ReturnStatus = "No Error"; lstIds = lstIds.Distinct().ToList(); return lstIds; } else { Globals.lstScrapedUserIDs.Add(userid); lstIds.Add(userid + ":" + username); lstIds = lstIds.Distinct().ToList(); if (username.Contains("/span") || userid.Contains("/span")) { } //Log("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ " + userid + ":" + username + " ]"); //write to csv GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine(userID + "," + userid + "," + username, Globals.Path_ScrapedFollowingsList + "_" + userID + ".csv"); } } try { } catch (Exception ex) { Globussoft.GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine(DateTime.Now + " --> Error --> GetFollowers_New() -- " + username + " --> database --> " + ex.Message, Globals.Path_TwitterDataScrapper); Globussoft.GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("Error --> GetFollowers_New() -- " + username + " --> database --> " + ex.Message, Globals.Path_TwtErrorLogs); } } if (Data.Contains("Show more people")) { int startindex = Data.IndexOf("cursor="); string start = Data.Substring(startindex).Replace("cursor=", ""); int lastindex = start.IndexOf(">"); if (lastindex < 0) { lastindex = start.IndexOf(">"); } string end = start.Substring(0, lastindex).Replace("\"", ""); cursor = end; if (cursor != "0") { goto StartAgain; } } ReturnStatus = "No Error"; lstIds = lstIds.Distinct().ToList(); return lstIds; } else if (!Data.Contains("Show more people")) { ReturnStatus = "Sorry, that page does not exist :" + userID; lstIds = lstIds.Distinct().ToList(); return lstIds; } else if (Data.Contains("Rate limit exceeded. Clients may not make more than 150 requests per hour.")) { ReturnStatus = "Rate limit exceeded. Clients may not make more than 150 requests per hour.:-" + userID; lstIds = lstIds.Distinct().ToList(); return lstIds; } else { ReturnStatus = "Error"; lstIds = lstIds.Distinct().ToList(); return lstIds; } } catch (Exception ex) { Globussoft.GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine(DateTime.Now + " --> Error --> GetFollowers_New() -- " + userID + " --> " + ex.Message, Globals.Path_TwitterDataScrapper); Globussoft.GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("Error --> GetFollowers_New() -- " + userID + " --> " + ex.Message, Globals.Path_TwtErrorLogs); ReturnStatus = "Error"; lstIds = lstIds.Distinct().ToList(); return lstIds; } }
public void PostFinalMsgGroupMember_1By1(ref GlobusHttpHelper HttpHelper, Dictionary<string, string> SlectedContacts, List<string> GrpMemSubjectlist, List<string> GrpMemMessagelist, string msg, string body, string UserName, string FromemailId, string FromEmailNam, string SelectedGrpName, string grpId, bool mesg_with_tag, bool msg_spintaxt, int mindelay, int maxdelay, bool preventMsgSameGroup, bool preventMsgWithoutGroup, bool preventMsgGlobal) { try { // MsgGroupMemDbManager objMsgGroupMemDbMgr = new MsgGroupMemDbManager(); string postdata = string.Empty; string postUrl = string.Empty; string ResLogin = string.Empty; string csrfToken = string.Empty; string sourceAlias = string.Empty; string ReturnString = string.Empty; string PostMsgSubject = string.Empty; string PostMsgBody = string.Empty; string FString = string.Empty; try { string MessageText = string.Empty; string PostedMessage = string.Empty; string senderEmail = string.Empty; string getComposeData = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri("")); if (!getComposeData.Contains("There was an error with the file upload. Please try again later.")) { #region MyRegion try { int startindex = getComposeData.IndexOf("\"senderEmail\" value=\""); if (startindex < 0) { startindex = getComposeData.IndexOf("\"senderEmail\",\"value\":\""); } string start = getComposeData.Substring(startindex).Replace("\"senderEmail\" value=\"", string.Empty).Replace("\"senderEmail\",\"value\":\"", string.Empty); int endindex = start.IndexOf("\"/>"); if (endindex < 0) { endindex = start.IndexOf("\",\""); } string end = start.Substring(0, endindex).Replace("\"/>", string.Empty).Replace("\",\"", string.Empty); senderEmail = end.Trim(); } catch (Exception ex) { senderEmail = Utils.getBetween(getComposeData, "<", ">"); } string pageSource = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri("")); if (pageSource.Contains("csrfToken")) { try { csrfToken = pageSource.Substring(pageSource.IndexOf("csrfToken"), 50); string[] Arr = csrfToken.Split('<'); csrfToken = Arr[0]; csrfToken = csrfToken.Replace("csrfToken", "").Replace("\"", string.Empty).Replace("value", string.Empty).Replace("cs", string.Empty).Replace("id", string.Empty).Replace("=", string.Empty).Replace("\n", string.Empty).Replace(">", string.Empty).Replace("<script typ", string.Empty); csrfToken = csrfToken.Trim(); } catch (Exception ex) { } } if (pageSource.Contains("sourceAlias")) { try { sourceAlias = pageSource.Substring(pageSource.IndexOf("sourceAlias"), 100); string[] Arr = sourceAlias.Split('"'); sourceAlias = Arr[2]; } catch (Exception ex) { } } if (pageSource.Contains("goback=")) { try { } catch (Exception ex) { } } foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> itemChecked in SlectedContacts) { try { DataSet ds = new DataSet(); DataSet ds_bList = new DataSet(); string ContactName = string.Empty; string Nstring = string.Empty; string connId = string.Empty; string FName = string.Empty; string Lname = string.Empty; string tempBody = string.Empty; string tempsubject = string.Empty; string n_ame1 = string.Empty; //grpId = itemChecked.Key.ToString(); try { // FName = itemChecked.Value.Split(' ')[0]; // Lname = itemChecked.Value.Split(' ')[1]; try { n_ame1 = itemChecked.Value.Split(']')[1].Trim(); ; } catch { } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(n_ame1)) { try { n_ame1 = itemChecked.Value; } catch { } } string[] n_ame = Regex.Split(n_ame1, " "); FName = " " + n_ame[0]; Lname = n_ame[1]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(n_ame[2])) { Lname = Lname + n_ame[2]; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(n_ame[3])) { Lname = Lname + n_ame[3]; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(n_ame[4])) { Lname = Lname + n_ame[4]; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(n_ame[5])) { Lname = Lname + n_ame[5]; } } catch (Exception ex) { } try { ContactName = FName + " " + Lname; ContactName = ContactName.Replace("%20", " "); } catch { } GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Adding Contact : " + ContactName + " ]"); string ToCd = itemChecked.Key; List<string> AddAllString = new List<string>(); if (FString == string.Empty) { string CompString = "{" + "\"" + "_" + ToCd.Trim() + "\"" + ":" + "{" + "\"" + "memberId" + "\"" + ":" + "\"" + ToCd.Trim() + "\"" + "," + "\"" + "firstName" + "\"" + ":" + "\"" + FName + "\"" + "," + "\"" + "lastName" + "\"" + ":" + "\"" + Lname + "\"" + "}"; FString = CompString; } else { string CompString = "\"" + "_" + ToCd.Trim() + "\"" + ":" + "{" + "\"" + "memberId" + "\"" + ":" + "\"" + ToCd.Trim() + "\"" + "," + "\"" + "firstName" + "\"" + ":" + "\"" + FName + "\"" + "," + "\"" + "lastName" + "\"" + ":" + "\"" + Lname + "\"" + "}"; FString = CompString; } if (Nstring == string.Empty) { Nstring = FString; connId = ToCd; } else { Nstring += "," + FString; connId += " " + ToCd; } Nstring += "}"; tempsubject = msg; try { string PostMessage = string.Empty; string ResponseStatusMsg = string.Empty; GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Message Sending Process Running.. ]"); if (mesg_with_tag == true) { tempsubject = msg; } if (msg_spintaxt == true) { try { msg = GrpMemSubjectlist[RandomNumberGenerator.GenerateRandom(0, GrpMemSubjectlist.Count - 1)]; body = GrpMemMessagelist[RandomNumberGenerator.GenerateRandom(0, GrpMemMessagelist.Count - 1)]; } catch { } } if (mesg_with_tag == true) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(FName)) { tempBody = body.Replace("<Insert Name>", ContactName); } else { // tempBody = GlobusSpinHelper.spinLargeText(new Random(), body); // if (lstSubjectReuse.Count == GrpMemSubjectlist.Count) // { // lstSubjectReuse.Clear(); // } //foreach (var itemSubject in GrpMemSubjectlist) //{ // if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(TemporarySubject)) // { // TemporarySubject = itemSubject; // tempsubject = itemSubject; // lstSubjectReuse.Add(itemSubject); // break; // } // else if (!lstSubjectReuse.Contains(itemSubject)) // { // TemporarySubject = itemSubject; // tempsubject = itemSubject; // lstSubjectReuse.Add(itemSubject); // break; // } // else // { // continue; // } //} tempBody = tempBody.Replace("<Insert Name>", FName); tempsubject = tempsubject.Replace("<Insert Name>", FName); } } else { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(FName)) { tempBody = body.Replace("<Insert Name>", ContactName); } else { tempBody = body.Replace("<Insert Name>", FName); } } if (SelectedGrpName.Contains(":")) { try { string[] arrSelectedGrpName = Regex.Split(SelectedGrpName, ":"); if (arrSelectedGrpName.Length > 1) { SelectedGrpName = arrSelectedGrpName[1]; } } catch (Exception ex) { } } if (mesg_with_tag == true) { tempBody = tempBody.Replace("<Insert Group>", SelectedGrpName); tempBody = tempBody.Replace("<Insert From Email>", FromEmailNam); tempBody = tempBody.Replace("<Insert Name>", string.Empty).Replace("<Insert Group>", string.Empty).Replace("<Insert From Email>", string.Empty); } else { tempBody = tempBody.Replace("<Insert Group>", SelectedGrpName); tempBody = tempBody.Replace("<Insert From Email>", FromEmailNam); tempBody = tempBody.Replace("<Insert Name>", string.Empty).Replace("<Insert Group>", string.Empty).Replace("<Insert From Email>", string.Empty); } //Check BlackListed Accounts try { string Querystring = "Select ProfileID From tb_BlackListAccount Where ProfileID ='" + itemChecked.Key + "'"; ds_bList = DataBaseHandler.SelectQuery(Querystring, "tb_BlackListAccount"); } catch { } if (preventMsgSameGroup) { try { string Querystring = "Select MsgFrom,MsgToId,MsgTo,MsgGroupId,MsgGroupName,MsgSubject,MsgBody From tb_ManageMsgGroupMem Where MsgFrom ='" + UserName + "' and MsgGroupId = " + grpId + " and MsgToId = " + connId + ""; ds = DataBaseHandler.SelectQuery(Querystring, "tb_ManageMsgGroupMem"); } catch { } } if (preventMsgWithoutGroup) { try { string Querystring = "Select MsgFrom,MsgToId,MsgTo,MsgGroupId,MsgGroupName,MsgSubject,MsgBody From tb_ManageMsgGroupMem Where MsgFrom ='" + UserName + "' and MsgToId = " + connId + ""; ds = DataBaseHandler.SelectQuery(Querystring, "tb_ManageMsgGroupMem"); } catch { } } if (preventMsgGlobal) { try { string Querystring = "Select MsgFrom,MsgToId,MsgTo,MsgGroupId,MsgGroupName,MsgSubject,MsgBody From tb_ManageMsgGroupMem Where MsgToId = " + connId + ""; ds = DataBaseHandler.SelectQuery(Querystring, "tb_ManageMsgGroupMem"); } catch { } } try { if (ds.Tables.Count > 0) { if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { PostMessage = ""; ResponseStatusMsg = "Already Sent"; } else { if (ds_bList.Tables.Count > 0 && ds_bList.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ User: "******" is Added BlackListed List For Send Messages Pls Check ]"); ResponseStatusMsg = "BlackListed"; } else { try { string Url_compose = "" + ToCd + "&groupId=" + grpId; string Responce = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(Url_compose)); { string PostUrlsssss = ""; string PostDataFinal1 = "senderEmail=645883950&ccInput=&subject=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(tempsubject.ToString()) + "&body=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(tempBody.ToString()) + "&persist=true&showRecipients=showRecipients&isReply=&isForward=&itemId=&recipients=" + ToCd + "&recipientNames=%5B%7B%22memberId%22%3A" + ToCd + "%2C%22fullName%22%3A%22" + ContactName + "%22%7D%5D&groupId=" + grpId + "&csrfToken=" + csrfToken + "&sourceAlias=0_3mbGc9okCQbybxvc2A5Vz5&submit=Envoyer"; ResponseStatusMsg = HttpHelper.postFormData(new Uri(PostUrlsssss), PostDataFinal1); } } catch (Exception ex) { } if (ResponseStatusMsg.Contains("upload_error") && ResponseStatusMsg.Contains("There was an error with the file upload. Please try again later")) { PostMessage = "csrfToken=" + csrfToken + "&subject=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(msg.ToString()) + "&body=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(tempBody.ToString()) + "&submit=Send+Message&fromName=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(FromEmailNam) + "&showRecipeints=showRecipeints&fromEmail=" + FromemailId + "&connectionIds=" + connId + "&connectionNames=&allowEditRcpts=true&addMoreRcpts=false&openSocialAppBodySuffix=&st=&viewerDestinationUrl=&contentType=MEBC&groupID=" + grpId + ""; ResponseStatusMsg = HttpHelper.postFormData(new Uri(""), PostMessage); } } } } else { if (ds_bList.Tables.Count > 0) { if (ds_bList.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ User: "******" is Added BlackListed List For Send Messages Pls Check ]"); ResponseStatusMsg = "BlackListed"; } else { try { string Url_compose = "" + ToCd + "&groupId=" + grpId; string Responce = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(Url_compose)); { string PostUrlsssss = ""; string PostDataFinal1 = "senderEmail=645883950&ccInput=&subject=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(tempsubject.ToString()) + "&body=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(tempBody.ToString()) + "&persist=true&showRecipients=showRecipients&isReply=&isForward=&itemId=&recipients=" + ToCd + "&recipientNames=%5B%7B%22memberId%22%3A" + ToCd + "%2C%22fullName%22%3A%22" + ContactName + "%22%7D%5D&groupId=" + grpId + "&csrfToken=" + csrfToken + "&sourceAlias=0_3mbGc9okCQbybxvc2A5Vz5&submit=Envoyer"; ResponseStatusMsg = HttpHelper.postFormData(new Uri(PostUrlsssss), PostDataFinal1); } } catch (Exception ex) { } if (ResponseStatusMsg.Contains("upload_error") && ResponseStatusMsg.Contains("There was an error with the file upload. Please try again later")) { PostMessage = "csrfToken=" + csrfToken + "&subject=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(msg.ToString()) + "&body=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(tempBody.ToString()) + "&submit=Send+Message&fromName=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(FromEmailNam) + "&showRecipeints=showRecipeints&fromEmail=" + FromemailId + "&connectionIds=" + connId + "&connectionNames=&allowEditRcpts=true&addMoreRcpts=false&openSocialAppBodySuffix=&st=&viewerDestinationUrl=&contentType=MEBC&groupID=" + grpId + ""; ResponseStatusMsg = HttpHelper.postFormData(new Uri(""), PostMessage); } // PostMessage = "csrfToken=" + csrfToken + "&subject=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(tempsubject.ToString()) + "&body=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(tempBody.ToString()) + "&submit=Send+Message&fromName=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(FromEmailNam) + "&showRecipeints=showRecipeints&fromEmail=" + FromemailId + "&connectionIds=" + connId + "&connectionNames=&allowEditRcpts=true&addMoreRcpts=false&openSocialAppBodySuffix=&st=&viewerDestinationUrl=&contentType=MEBC&groupID=" + grpId + ""; // ResponseStatusMsg = HttpHelper.postFormData(new Uri(""), PostMessage); } } } } catch (Exception) { // if (ResponseStatusMsg.Contains("upload_error") && ResponseStatusMsg.Contains("There was an error with the file upload. Please try again later")) { PostMessage = "csrfToken=" + csrfToken + "&subject=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(msg.ToString()) + "&body=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(tempBody.ToString()) + "&submit=Send+Message&fromName=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(FromEmailNam) + "&showRecipeints=showRecipeints&fromEmail=" + FromemailId + "&connectionIds=" + connId + "&connectionNames=&allowEditRcpts=true&addMoreRcpts=false&openSocialAppBodySuffix=&st=&viewerDestinationUrl=&contentType=MEBC&groupID=" + grpId + ""; ResponseStatusMsg = HttpHelper.postFormData(new Uri(""), PostMessage); } //PostMessage = "csrfToken=" + csrfToken + "&subject=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(msg.ToString()) + "&body=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(tempBody.ToString()) + "&submit=Send+Message&showRecipeints=showRecipeintsfromName=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(FromEmailNam) + "&fromEmail=" + FromemailId + "&connectionIds=" + connId + "&connectionNames=&allowEditRcpts=true&addMoreRcpts=false&openSocialAppBodySuffix=&st=&viewerDestinationUrl=&contentType=MEBC&groupID=" + grpId + ""; //ResponseStatusMsg = HttpHelper.postFormData(new Uri(""), PostMessage); } if ((!ResponseStatusMsg.Contains("Your message was successfully sent.") && !ResponseStatusMsg.Contains("Already Sent")) && (!ResponseStatusMsg.Contains("Se ha enviado tu mensaje satisfactoriamente") && !ResponseStatusMsg.Contains("Ya ha sido enviada") && !ResponseStatusMsg.Contains("Uw bericht is verzonden"))) { if (ResponseStatusMsg.Contains("Already Sent") || (ResponseStatusMsg.Contains("Ya ha sido enviada") || (ResponseStatusMsg.Contains("BlackListed")))) { continue; } try { pageSource = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri("" + grpId)); if (pageSource.Contains("contentType=")) { try { string Url_compose = "" + ToCd + "&groupId=" + grpId; string Responce = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(Url_compose)); { string PostUrlsssss = ""; string PostDataFinal1 = "senderEmail=645883950&ccInput=&subject=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(tempsubject.ToString()) + "&body=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(tempBody.ToString()) + "&persist=true&showRecipients=showRecipients&isReply=&isForward=&itemId=&recipients=" + ToCd + "&recipientNames=%5B%7B%22memberId%22%3A" + ToCd + "%2C%22fullName%22%3A%22" + ContactName + "%22%7D%5D&groupId=" + grpId + "&csrfToken=" + csrfToken + "&sourceAlias=0_3mbGc9okCQbybxvc2A5Vz5&submit=Envoyer"; ResponseStatusMsg = HttpHelper.postFormData(new Uri(PostUrlsssss), PostDataFinal1); } if (ResponseStatusMsg.Contains("upload_error") && ResponseStatusMsg.Contains("There was an error with the file upload. Please try again later")) { PostMessage = "csrfToken=" + csrfToken + "&subject=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(msg.ToString()) + "&body=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(tempBody.ToString()) + "&submit=Send+Message&fromName=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(FromEmailNam) + "&showRecipeints=showRecipeints&fromEmail=" + FromemailId + "&connectionIds=" + connId + "&connectionNames=&allowEditRcpts=true&addMoreRcpts=false&openSocialAppBodySuffix=&st=&viewerDestinationUrl=&contentType=MEBC&groupID=" + grpId + ""; ResponseStatusMsg = HttpHelper.postFormData(new Uri(""), PostMessage); } } catch (Exception ex) { } //try //{ // string contentType = pageSource.Substring(pageSource.IndexOf("contentType="), pageSource.IndexOf("&", pageSource.IndexOf("contentType=")) - pageSource.IndexOf("contentType=")).Replace("contentType=", string.Empty).Replace("contentType=", string.Empty).Trim(); // string pageSource2 = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl1(new Uri("" + contentType + "&connId=" + connId + "&groupID=" + grpId + "")); // // PostMessage = "csrfToken=" + csrfToken + "&subject=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(msg.ToString()) + "&body=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(tempBody.ToString()) + "&submit=Send+Message&showRecipeints=showRecipeints&fromName=" + FromEmailNam + "&fromEmail=" + FromemailId + "&connectionIds=" + connId + "&connectionNames=" + Uri.EscapeUriString(Nstring) + "&allowEditRcpts=true&addMoreRcpts=false&openSocialAppBodySuffix=&st=&viewerDestinationUrl=&contentType=" + contentType + "&groupID=" + grpId + ""; // string postData_Message_posting = "senderEmail=914640570&ccInput=&subject=hi&body=hello&persist=true&showRecipients=showRecipients&isReply=&isForward=&itemId=&recipients=313092875&recipientNames=%5B%7B%22memberId%22%3A313092875%2C%22fullName%22%3A%22SibghatUllah+K.+Khan%22%7D%5D&groupId=" + grpId + "&csrfToken=" + csrfToken + "&sourceAlias=0_3mbGc9okCQbybxvc2A5Vz5&submit=Send+Message"; // string postUrlll = ""; // ResponseStatusMsg = HttpHelper.postFormData(new Uri(postUrlll), postData_Message_posting); //} //catch (Exception ex) //{ //} } // ResponseStatusMsg = HttpHelper.postFormData(new Uri(""), PostMessage); } catch (Exception ex) { } } if ((ResponseStatusMsg.Contains("Your message was successfully sent.")) || (ResponseStatusMsg.Contains("Se ha enviado tu mensaje satisfactoriamente") || (ResponseStatusMsg.Contains("Uw bericht is verzonden")))) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Subject Posted : " + tempsubject + " ]"); GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Body Text Posted : " + tempBody.ToString() + " ]"); GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Message Posted To Account: " + ContactName + " ]"); ReturnString = "Your message was successfully sent."; #region CSV string bdy = string.Empty; try { bdy = body.ToString().Replace("\r", string.Empty).Replace("\n", " ").Replace(",", " "); } catch { } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(bdy)) { bdy = tempBody.ToString().Replace(",", ":"); } string CSVHeader = "UserName" + "," + "Subject" + "," + "Body Text" + "," + "ContactName"; string CSV_Content = UserName + "," + tempsubject + "," + bdy.ToString() + "," + ContactName; CSVUtilities.ExportDataCSVFile(CSVHeader, CSV_Content, FilePath.path_MessageSentGroupMember); try { InsertMsgGroupMemData(UserName, Convert.ToInt32(connId), ContactName, Convert.ToInt32(grpId), SelectedGrpName, msg, tempBody); } catch { } #endregion } else if (ResponseStatusMsg.Contains("There was an unexpected problem that prevented us from completing your request")) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ There was an unexpected problem that prevented us from completing your request ! ]"); GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("Error In Message Posting", FilePath.path_MessageGroupMember); } else if (ResponseStatusMsg.Contains("You are no longer authorized to message this")) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ You are no longer authorized to message this ! ]"); GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("Error In Message Posting", FilePath.path_MessageGroupMember); } else if ((ResponseStatusMsg.Contains("Already Sent")) || (ResponseStatusMsg.Contains("Ya ha sido enviada"))) { string bdy = string.Empty; try { bdy = body.ToString().Replace("\r", string.Empty).Replace("\n", " ").Replace(",", " "); } catch { } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(bdy)) { bdy = tempBody.ToString().Replace(",", ":"); } string CSVHeader = "UserName" + "," + "Subject" + "," + "Body Text" + "," + "ContactName"; string CSV_Content = UserName + "," + msg + "," + bdy.ToString() + "," + ContactName; CSVUtilities.ExportDataCSVFile(CSVHeader, CSV_Content, FilePath.path_MessageAlreadySentGroupMember); GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Message Not Posted To Account: " + ContactName + " because it has sent the same message]"); } else if ((ResponseStatusMsg.Contains("Votre message a bien")) || ResponseStatusMsg.Contains("class=\"alert success") || (ResponseStatusMsg.Contains("Ya ha sido enviada"))) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Subject Posted : " + tempsubject + " ]"); GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Body Text Posted : " + tempBody.ToString() + " ]"); GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Message Posted To Account: " + ContactName + " ]"); ReturnString = "Your message was successfully sent."; string bdy = string.Empty; try { bdy = body.ToString().Replace("\r", string.Empty).Replace("\n", " ").Replace(",", " "); } catch { } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(bdy)) { bdy = tempBody.ToString().Replace(",", ":"); } string CSVHeader = "UserName" + "," + "Subject" + "," + "Body Text" + "," + "ContactName"; string CSV_Content = UserName + "," + tempsubject + "," + bdy.ToString() + "," + ContactName; CSVUtilities.ExportDataCSVFile(CSVHeader, CSV_Content, FilePath.path_MessageSentGroupMember); try { InsertMsgGroupMemData(UserName, Convert.ToInt32(connId), ContactName, Convert.ToInt32(grpId), SelectedGrpName, msg, tempBody); } catch { } } else { GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Error In Message Posting ]"); GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("Error In Message Posting", FilePath.path_MessageGroupMember); } int delay = RandomNumberGenerator.GenerateRandom(mindelay, maxdelay); GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Delay for : " + delay + " Seconds ]"); Thread.Sleep(delay * 1000); } catch (Exception ex) { //Log("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Error:" + ex.Message + "StackTrace --> >>>" + ex.StackTrace + " ]"); GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine(" Error:" + ex.Message + "StackTrace --> >>>" + ex.StackTrace, FilePath.path_MessageGroupMember); } } catch (Exception ex) { //Log("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Error:" + ex.Message + "StackTrace --> >>>" + ex.StackTrace); GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine(" Error:" + ex.Message + "StackTrace --> >>>" + ex.StackTrace, FilePath.path_MessageGroupMember); } } #endregion } else { try { int startindex = getComposeData.IndexOf("\"senderEmail\" value=\""); if (startindex < 0) { startindex = getComposeData.IndexOf("\"senderEmail\",\"value\":\""); } string start = getComposeData.Substring(startindex).Replace("\"senderEmail\" value=\"", string.Empty).Replace("\"senderEmail\",\"value\":\"", string.Empty); int endindex = start.IndexOf("\"/>"); if (endindex < 0) { endindex = start.IndexOf("\",\""); } string end = start.Substring(0, endindex).Replace("\"/>", string.Empty).Replace("\",\"", string.Empty); senderEmail = end.Trim(); } catch (Exception ex) { senderEmail = Utils.getBetween(getComposeData, "<", ">"); } string pageSource = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri("")); if (pageSource.Contains("csrfToken")) { try { csrfToken = pageSource.Substring(pageSource.IndexOf("csrfToken"), 50); string[] Arr = csrfToken.Split('<'); csrfToken = Arr[0]; csrfToken = csrfToken.Replace("csrfToken", "").Replace("\"", string.Empty).Replace("value", string.Empty).Replace("cs", string.Empty).Replace("id", string.Empty).Replace("=", string.Empty).Replace("\n", string.Empty).Replace(">", string.Empty).Replace("<script typ", string.Empty); csrfToken = csrfToken.Trim(); } catch (Exception ex) { } } if (pageSource.Contains("sourceAlias")) { try { sourceAlias = pageSource.Substring(pageSource.IndexOf("sourceAlias"), 100); string[] Arr = sourceAlias.Split('"'); sourceAlias = Arr[2]; } catch (Exception ex) { } } if (pageSource.Contains("goback=")) { try { } catch (Exception ex) { } } foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> itemChecked in SlectedContacts) { try { DataSet ds = new DataSet(); DataSet ds_bList = new DataSet(); string ContactName = string.Empty; string Nstring = string.Empty; string connId = string.Empty; string FName = string.Empty; string Lname = string.Empty; string tempBody = string.Empty; string tempsubject = string.Empty; string n_ame1 = string.Empty; //grpId = itemChecked.Key.ToString(); try { // FName = itemChecked.Value.Split(' ')[0]; // Lname = itemChecked.Value.Split(' ')[1]; try { n_ame1 = itemChecked.Value.Split(']')[1].Trim(); ; } catch { } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(n_ame1)) { try { n_ame1 = itemChecked.Value; } catch { } } string[] n_ame = Regex.Split(n_ame1, " "); FName = " " + n_ame[0]; Lname = n_ame[1]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(n_ame[2])) { Lname = Lname + n_ame[2]; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(n_ame[3])) { Lname = Lname + n_ame[3]; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(n_ame[4])) { Lname = Lname + n_ame[4]; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(n_ame[5])) { Lname = Lname + n_ame[5]; } } catch (Exception ex) { } try { ContactName = FName + " " + Lname; ContactName = ContactName.Replace("%20", " "); } catch { } GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Adding Contact : " + ContactName + " ]"); string ToCd = itemChecked.Key; List<string> AddAllString = new List<string>(); if (FString == string.Empty) { string CompString = "{" + "\"" + "_" + ToCd.Trim() + "\"" + ":" + "{" + "\"" + "memberId" + "\"" + ":" + "\"" + ToCd.Trim() + "\"" + "," + "\"" + "firstName" + "\"" + ":" + "\"" + FName + "\"" + "," + "\"" + "lastName" + "\"" + ":" + "\"" + Lname + "\"" + "}"; FString = CompString; } else { string CompString = "\"" + "_" + ToCd.Trim() + "\"" + ":" + "{" + "\"" + "memberId" + "\"" + ":" + "\"" + ToCd.Trim() + "\"" + "," + "\"" + "firstName" + "\"" + ":" + "\"" + FName + "\"" + "," + "\"" + "lastName" + "\"" + ":" + "\"" + Lname + "\"" + "}"; FString = CompString; } if (Nstring == string.Empty) { Nstring = FString; connId = ToCd; } else { Nstring += "," + FString; connId += " " + ToCd; } Nstring += "}"; tempsubject = msg; string full_name = string.Empty; try { string PostMessage = string.Empty; string ResponseStatusMsg = string.Empty; GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Message Sending Process Running.. ]"); if (mesg_with_tag == true) { tempsubject = msg; } if (msg_spintaxt == true) { try { msg = GrpMemSubjectlist[RandomNumberGenerator.GenerateRandom(0, GrpMemSubjectlist.Count - 1)]; body = GrpMemMessagelist[RandomNumberGenerator.GenerateRandom(0, GrpMemMessagelist.Count - 1)]; } catch { } } if (mesg_with_tag == true) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(FName)) { tempBody = body.Replace("<Insert Name>", ContactName); } else { //tempBody = GlobusSpinHelper.spinLargeText(new Random(), body); //if (lstSubjectReuse.Count == GrpMemSubjectlist.Count) //{ // lstSubjectReuse.Clear(); //} //foreach (var itemSubject in GrpMemSubjectlist) //{ // if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(TemporarySubject)) // { // TemporarySubject = itemSubject; // tempsubject = itemSubject; // lstSubjectReuse.Add(itemSubject); // break; // } // else if (!lstSubjectReuse.Contains(itemSubject)) // { // TemporarySubject = itemSubject; // tempsubject = itemSubject; // lstSubjectReuse.Add(itemSubject); // break; // } // else // { // continue; // } //} tempBody = tempBody.Replace("<Insert Name>", FName); tempsubject = tempsubject.Replace("<Insert Name>", FName); } } else { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(FName)) { tempBody = body.Replace("<Insert Name>", ContactName); } else { tempBody = body.Replace("<Insert Name>", FName); } } if (SelectedGrpName.Contains(":")) { try { string[] arrSelectedGrpName = Regex.Split(SelectedGrpName, ":"); if (arrSelectedGrpName.Length > 1) { SelectedGrpName = arrSelectedGrpName[1]; } } catch (Exception ex) { } } try { full_name = Utils.getBetween("####" + ContactName, "####", "("); } catch { } #region To insert Full Name if (mesg_with_tag == true) { try { if (tempsubject.Contains("<Insert Full Name>")) { tempsubject = tempsubject.Replace("<Insert Full Name>", full_name); } if (tempBody.Contains("<Insert Full Name>")) { tempBody = tempBody.Replace("<Insert Full Name>", full_name); } } catch { } } #endregion if (mesg_with_tag == true) { tempBody = tempBody.Replace("<Insert Group>", SelectedGrpName); tempBody = tempBody.Replace("<Insert From Email>", senderEmail); tempBody = tempBody.Replace("<Insert Name>", string.Empty).Replace("<Insert Group>", string.Empty).Replace("<Insert From Email>", string.Empty); tempsubject = tempsubject.Replace("<Insert Group>", SelectedGrpName); tempsubject = tempsubject.Replace("<Insert From Email>", senderEmail); tempsubject = tempsubject.Replace("<Insert Name>", string.Empty).Replace("<Insert Group>", string.Empty).Replace("<Insert From Email>", string.Empty); } else { tempBody = tempBody.Replace("<Insert Group>", SelectedGrpName); tempBody = tempBody.Replace("<Insert From Email>", FromEmailNam); tempBody = tempBody.Replace("<Insert Name>", string.Empty).Replace("<Insert Group>", string.Empty).Replace("<Insert From Email>", string.Empty); } //Check BlackListed Accounts try { string Querystring = "Select ProfileID From tb_BlackListAccount Where ProfileID ='" + itemChecked.Key + "'"; ds_bList = DataBaseHandler.SelectQuery(Querystring, "tb_BlackListAccount"); } catch { } if (preventMsgSameGroup) { try { string Querystring = "Select MsgFrom,MsgToId,MsgTo,MsgGroupId,MsgGroupName,MsgSubject,MsgBody From tb_ManageMsgGroupMem Where MsgFrom ='" + UserName + "' and MsgGroupId = " + grpId + " and MsgToId = " + connId + ""; ds = DataBaseHandler.SelectQuery(Querystring, "tb_ManageMsgGroupMem"); } catch { } } if (preventMsgWithoutGroup) { try { string Querystring = "Select MsgFrom,MsgToId,MsgTo,MsgGroupId,MsgGroupName,MsgSubject,MsgBody From tb_ManageMsgGroupMem Where MsgFrom ='" + UserName + "' and MsgToId = " + connId + ""; ds = DataBaseHandler.SelectQuery(Querystring, "tb_ManageMsgGroupMem"); } catch { } } if (preventMsgGlobal) { try { string Querystring = "Select MsgFrom,MsgToId,MsgTo,MsgGroupId,MsgGroupName,MsgSubject,MsgBody From tb_ManageMsgGroupMem Where MsgToId = " + connId + ""; ds = DataBaseHandler.SelectQuery(Querystring, "tb_ManageMsgGroupMem"); } catch { } } try { if (ds.Tables.Count > 0) { if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { PostMessage = ""; ResponseStatusMsg = "Already Sent"; } else { if (ds_bList.Tables.Count > 0 && ds_bList.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ User: "******" is Added BlackListed List For Send Messages Pls Check ]"); ResponseStatusMsg = "BlackListed"; } else { #region send InMail if (IssendInMail) { try { string csrfToken_inmail = string.Empty; string Referer_InMail = string.Empty; string authToken = string.Empty; string url = "" + ToCd; string responce_Inmail = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(url)); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(responce_Inmail)) { try { csrfToken_inmail = Utils.getBetween(responce_Inmail, "csrfToken=", "\">"); } catch { } } string subject_InMail = tempsubject.Replace(" ", "+"); string body_InMail = tempBody.Replace(" ", "+"); Referer_InMail = "" + ToCd; string Action_url_InMail = "" + csrfToken_inmail; // Referer_InMail = "" + ToCd + "&creationType=DC&authToken=" + authToken + "&authType=name&utm_source=Profile_inmail&utm_medium=onsite&utm_campaign=Subs"; string postData_InMail = "title=" + subject_InMail + "&document=" + body_InMail + "&destID=" + ToCd + "&creationType=DC&proposalType=" + category_to_send_inmail + "&authType=&authToken="; ResponseStatusMsg = HttpHelper.postDataFormessagePosting(new Uri(Action_url_InMail), postData_InMail, Referer_InMail); } catch { } } #endregion #region direct message else { try { string Url_compose = "" + ToCd + "&groupId=" + grpId; string Responce = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(Url_compose)); string url = "" + ToCd + "&groupId=" + grpId; string emailSender = string.Empty; string resp = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(url)); try { emailSender = Utils.getBetween(resp, "senderEmail-composeForm", "recipientNames"); emailSender = Utils.getBetween(emailSender, "value\":\"", "\"}"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(emailSender)) { try { emailSender = Utils.getBetween(resp, "senderEmail", "selected\":true"); emailSender = Utils.getBetween(emailSender, "\"value\":\"", "\","); } catch { } } } catch { } try { ContactName = ContactName.Trim(); ContactName = Utils.getBetween("###" + ContactName, "###", "("); ContactName = ContactName.Replace(" ", "+"); } catch { } string postUrlFinal = ""; string PostDataFinal = "senderEmail=" + emailSender + "&ccInput=&subject=" + tempsubject.Replace(" ", "+") + "&body=" + tempBody.Replace(" ", "+") + "&persist=true&showRecipients=showRecipients&isReply=&isForward=&itemId=&recipients=" + ToCd + "&recipientNames=%5B%7B%22memberId%22%3A" + ToCd + "%2C%22fullName%22%3A%22" + ContactName + "%22%7D%5D&groupId=" + grpId + "&csrfToken=" + csrfToken + "&sourceAlias=0_3mbGc9okCQbybxvc2A5Vz5&submit=Send+Message"; ResponseStatusMsg = HttpHelper.postFormData(new Uri(postUrlFinal), PostDataFinal); } catch { } } #endregion if (!ResponseStatusMsg.Contains("Your message was successfully sent")) { //string Url_compose1 = "" + ToCd + "&groupId=" + grpId; //string Responce1 = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(Url_compose1)); //string postUrlFinal1 = ""; //string PostDataFinal1 = "senderEmail=914640570&ccInput=&subject=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(tempsubject.ToString()) + "&body=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(tempBody.ToString()) + "&persist=true&showRecipients=showRecipients&isReply=&isForward=&itemId=&recipients=" + ToCd + "&recipientNames=%5B%7B%22memberId%22%3A" + ToCd + "%2C%22fullName%22%3A%22" + ContactName + "%22%7D%5D&groupId=" + grpId + "&csrfToken=" + csrfToken + "&sourceAlias=0_3mbGc9okCQbybxvc2A5Vz5&submit=Send+Message"; //ResponseStatusMsg = HttpHelper.postFormData(new Uri(postUrlFinal1), PostDataFinal1); //if (ResponseStatusMsg.Contains("upload_error") && ResponseStatusMsg.Contains("There was an error with the file upload. Please try again later")) //{ // PostMessage = "csrfToken=" + csrfToken + "&subject=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(msg.ToString()) + "&body=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(tempBody.ToString()) + "&submit=Send+Message&fromName=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(FromEmailNam) + "&showRecipeints=showRecipeints&fromEmail=" + FromemailId + "&connectionIds=" + connId + "&connectionNames=&allowEditRcpts=true&addMoreRcpts=false&openSocialAppBodySuffix=&st=&viewerDestinationUrl=&contentType=MEBC&groupID=" + grpId + ""; // ResponseStatusMsg = HttpHelper.postFormData(new Uri(""), PostMessage); //} } //Comment By ajay //PostMessage = "csrfToken=" + csrfToken + "&subject=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(msg.ToString()) + "&body=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(tempBody.ToString()) + "&submit=Send+Message&fromName=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(FromEmailNam) + "&showRecipeints=showRecipeints&fromEmail=" + FromemailId + "&connectionIds=" + connId + "&connectionNames=&allowEditRcpts=true&addMoreRcpts=false&openSocialAppBodySuffix=&st=&viewerDestinationUrl=&contentType=MEBC&groupID=" + grpId + ""; //ResponseStatusMsg = HttpHelper.postFormData(new Uri(""), PostMessage); } } } else { if (ds_bList.Tables.Count > 0) { if (ds_bList.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ User: "******" is Added BlackListed List For Send Messages Pls Check ]"); ResponseStatusMsg = "BlackListed"; } else { #region wriiten by sharan #region Send InMail if (IssendInMail) { try { string csrfToken_inmail = string.Empty; string Referer_InMail = string.Empty; string authToken = string.Empty; string url = "" + ToCd; string responce_Inmail = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(url)); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(responce_Inmail)) { csrfToken_inmail = Utils.getBetween(responce_Inmail, "csrfToken=", "\">"); // Referer_InMail = Utils.getBetween(responce_Inmail, "X-FS-Origin-Request\":\"", "\""); } string subject_InMail = tempsubject.Replace(" ", "+"); string body_InMail = tempBody.Replace(" ", "+"); Referer_InMail = "" + ToCd; string Action_url_InMail = "" + csrfToken_inmail; // Referer_InMail = "" + ToCd + "&creationType=DC&authToken=" + authToken + "&authType=name&utm_source=Profile_inmail&utm_medium=onsite&utm_campaign=Subs"; string postData_InMail = "title=" + subject_InMail + "&document=" + body_InMail + "&destID=" + ToCd + "&creationType=DC&proposalType=" + category_to_send_inmail + "&authType=&authToken="; ResponseStatusMsg = HttpHelper.postDataFormessagePosting(new Uri(Action_url_InMail), postData_InMail, Referer_InMail); } catch { } } #endregion #region directMessage else { try { string Url_compose = "" + ToCd + "&groupId=" + grpId; string Responce = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(Url_compose)); string url = "" + ToCd + "&groupId=" + grpId; string emailSender = string.Empty; string resp = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(url)); try { emailSender = Utils.getBetween(resp, "senderEmail-composeForm", "recipientNames"); emailSender = Utils.getBetween(emailSender, "value\":\"", "\"}"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(emailSender)) { try { emailSender = Utils.getBetween(resp, "senderEmail", "selected\":true"); emailSender = Utils.getBetween(emailSender, "\"value\":\"", "\","); } catch { } } } catch { } try { ContactName = ContactName.Trim(); ContactName = Utils.getBetween("###" + ContactName, "###", "("); ContactName = ContactName.Replace(" ", "+"); } catch { } string postUrlFinal = ""; string PostDataFinal = "senderEmail=" + emailSender + "&ccInput=&subject=" + tempsubject.Replace(" ", "+") + "&body=" + tempBody.Replace(" ", "+") + "&persist=true&showRecipients=showRecipients&isReply=&isForward=&itemId=&recipients=" + ToCd + "&recipientNames=%5B%7B%22memberId%22%3A" + ToCd + "%2C%22fullName%22%3A%22" + ContactName + "%22%7D%5D&groupId=" + grpId + "&csrfToken=" + csrfToken + "&sourceAlias=0_3mbGc9okCQbybxvc2A5Vz5&submit=Send+Message"; ResponseStatusMsg = HttpHelper.postFormData(new Uri(postUrlFinal), PostDataFinal); } catch { } } #endregion if (ResponseStatusMsg.Contains("Sorry, you have reached a limit for directly messaging group members")) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Sorry, you have reached a limit for directly messaging group members]"); return; } if (!ResponseStatusMsg.Contains("Your message was successfully sent")) { try { //string action_url = "" + csrfToken; //string referer = "" + ToCd + "&creationType=OPEN_LINK&authToken=mdaI&authType=name&utm_source=Profile_inmail&utm_medium=onsite&utm_campaign=Subs"; //string pd = "title=" + tempsubject.Replace(" ", "+") + "&document=" + tempBody.Replace(" ", "+") + "&destID=" + ToCd + "&creationType=OPEN_LINK&proposalType=JOB_OFFER&senderEmail=&authType=name&authToken=llYo"; //ResponseStatusMsg = HttpHelper.postDataFormessagePosting(new Uri(action_url), pd, referer); } catch { } } #endregion //string Url_compose = "" + ToCd + "&groupId=" + grpId; //string Responce = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(Url_compose)); //string postUrlFinal = ""; //string PostDataFinal = "senderEmail=913067065&ccInput=&subject=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(tempsubject) + "+&body=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(tempBody) + "&persist=true&showRecipients=showRecipients&isReply=&isForward=&itemId=&recipients=" + ToCd + "&recipientNames=%5B%7B%22memberId%22%3A" + ToCd + "%2C%22fullName%22%3A%22" + ContactName.Replace(" ", "+") + "%22%7D%5D&groupId=" + grpId + "&csrfToken=" + csrfToken + "&sourceAlias=0_3mbGc9okCQbybxvc2A5Vz5&submit=Send+Message"; //ResponseStatusMsg = HttpHelper.postFormData(new Uri(postUrlFinal), PostDataFinal); //if (ResponseStatusMsg.Contains("upload_error") && ResponseStatusMsg.Contains("There was an error with the file upload. Please try again later")) //{ // PostMessage = "csrfToken=" + csrfToken + "&subject=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(tempsubject.ToString()) + "&body=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(tempBody.ToString()) + "&submit=Send+Message&fromName=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(FromEmailNam) + "&showRecipeints=showRecipeints&fromEmail=" + FromemailId + "&connectionIds=" + connId + "&connectionNames=&allowEditRcpts=true&addMoreRcpts=false&openSocialAppBodySuffix=&st=&viewerDestinationUrl=&contentType=MEBC&groupID=" + grpId + ""; // ResponseStatusMsg = HttpHelper.postFormData(new Uri(""), PostMessage); //} } } } } catch (Exception) { //PostMessage = "csrfToken=" + csrfToken + "&subject=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(msg.ToString()) + "&body=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(tempBody.ToString()) + "&submit=Send+Message&showRecipeints=showRecipeintsfromName=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(FromEmailNam) + "&fromEmail=" + FromemailId + "&connectionIds=" + connId + "&connectionNames=&allowEditRcpts=true&addMoreRcpts=false&openSocialAppBodySuffix=&st=&viewerDestinationUrl=&contentType=MEBC&groupID=" + grpId + ""; //ResponseStatusMsg = HttpHelper.postFormData(new Uri(""), PostMessage); } #region commented for null response //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ResponseStatusMsg)) //{ // try // { // string action_url = ""+ToCd+"&groupId="+grpId; // string referer = ""+grpId; // string get_response = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(action_url)); // if (get_response.Contains("memberProfile")) // { // string all_details = Utils.getBetween(get_response, "<code id", "<script>"); // string[] arr = Regex.Split(all_details, "recipients"); // string recipient_details = string.Empty; // string authToken = string.Empty; // foreach (string item in arr) // { // if (item.Contains(ToCd)) // { // recipient_details = item; // break; // } // } // authToken = Utils.getBetween(recipient_details, "authToken", "\"}"); // string s1 = Utils.getBetween("###" + authToken, "###", "profileId"); // string first_last_name = Utils.getBetween("###" + s1, "", "profileId"); // first_last_name = first_last_name + "profileId\":\""; // } // } // catch // { } //} #endregion #region commented by sharan after LI update //if ((!ResponseStatusMsg.Contains("Your message was successfully sent.") && !ResponseStatusMsg.Contains("Already Sent")) && (!ResponseStatusMsg.Contains("Se ha enviado tu mensaje satisfactoriamente") && !ResponseStatusMsg.Contains("Ya ha sido enviada") && !ResponseStatusMsg.Contains("Uw bericht is verzonden"))) //{ // if (ResponseStatusMsg.Contains("Already Sent") || (ResponseStatusMsg.Contains("Ya ha sido enviada") || (ResponseStatusMsg.Contains("BlackListed")))) // { // continue; // } // try // { // pageSource = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl1(new Uri("" + grpId)); // if (pageSource.Contains("contentType=")) // { // try // { // string Url_compose = "" + ToCd + "&groupId=" + grpId; // string Responce = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(Url_compose)); // string postUrlFinal = ""; // string PostDataFinal = "senderEmail=914640570&ccInput=&subject=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(tempsubject.ToString()) + "&body=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(tempBody.ToString()) + "&persist=true&showRecipients=showRecipients&isReply=&isForward=&itemId=&recipients=" + ToCd + "&recipientNames=%5B%7B%22memberId%22%3A" + ToCd + "%2C%22fullName%22%3A%22" + ContactName + "%22%7D%5D&groupId=" + grpId + "&csrfToken=" + csrfToken + "&sourceAlias=0_3mbGc9okCQbybxvc2A5Vz5&submit=Send+Message"; // ResponseStatusMsg = HttpHelper.postFormData(new Uri(postUrlFinal), PostDataFinal); // if (ResponseStatusMsg.Contains("upload_error") && ResponseStatusMsg.Contains("There was an error with the file upload. Please try again later")) // { // PostMessage = "csrfToken=" + csrfToken + "&subject=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(tempsubject.ToString()) + "&body=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(tempBody.ToString()) + "&submit=Send+Message&fromName=" + Uri.EscapeDataString(FromEmailNam) + "&showRecipeints=showRecipeints&fromEmail=" + FromemailId + "&connectionIds=" + connId + "&connectionNames=&allowEditRcpts=true&addMoreRcpts=false&openSocialAppBodySuffix=&st=&viewerDestinationUrl=&contentType=MEBC&groupID=" + grpId + ""; // ResponseStatusMsg = HttpHelper.postFormData(new Uri(""), PostMessage); // } // #region MyRegion // #endregion // } // catch (Exception ex) // { // } // } // ResponseStatusMsg = HttpHelper.postFormData(new Uri(""), PostMessage); // } // catch (Exception ex) // { // } //} #endregion if ((ResponseStatusMsg.Contains("Your message was successfully sent.")) || (ResponseStatusMsg.Contains("Se ha enviado tu mensaje satisfactoriamente") || (ResponseStatusMsg.Contains("Uw bericht is verzonden")) || ResponseStatusMsg.Contains("success")) || ResponseStatusMsg.Contains("inmCategory")) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Subject Posted : " + tempsubject + " ]"); GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Body Text Posted : " + tempBody.ToString() + " ]"); if (IssendInMail) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ InMail Posted To Account: " + ContactName + " ]"); } else { GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Message Posted To Account: " + ContactName + " ]"); } ReturnString = "Your message was successfully sent."; #region CSV string bdy = string.Empty; try { bdy = body.ToString().Replace("\r", string.Empty).Replace("\n", " ").Replace(",", " "); } catch { } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(bdy)) { bdy = tempBody.ToString().Replace(",", ":"); } string CSVHeader = "UserName" + "," + "Subject" + "," + "Body Text" + "," + "ContactName"; string CSV_Content = UserName + "," + tempsubject + "," + bdy.ToString() + "," + ContactName; CSVUtilities.ExportDataCSVFile(CSVHeader, CSV_Content, FilePath.path_MessageSentGroupMember); try { InsertMsgGroupMemData(UserName, Convert.ToInt32(connId), ContactName, Convert.ToInt32(grpId), SelectedGrpName, msg, tempBody); } catch { } #endregion } else if (ResponseStatusMsg.Contains("There was an unexpected problem that prevented us from completing your request")) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ There was an unexpected problem that prevented us from completing your request ! ]"); GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("Error In Message Posting", FilePath.path_MessageGroupMember); } else if (ResponseStatusMsg.Contains("You are no longer authorized to message this")) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ You are no longer authorized to message this ! ]"); GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("Error In Message Posting", FilePath.path_MessageGroupMember); } else if ((ResponseStatusMsg.Contains("Already Sent")) || (ResponseStatusMsg.Contains("Ya ha sido enviada"))) { string bdy = string.Empty; try { bdy = body.ToString().Replace("\r", string.Empty).Replace("\n", " ").Replace(",", " "); } catch { } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(bdy)) { bdy = tempBody.ToString().Replace(",", ":"); } string CSVHeader = "UserName" + "," + "Subject" + "," + "Body Text" + "," + "ContactName"; string CSV_Content = UserName + "," + msg + "," + bdy.ToString() + "," + ContactName; CSVUtilities.ExportDataCSVFile(CSVHeader, CSV_Content, FilePath.path_MessageAlreadySentGroupMember); GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Message Not Posted To Account: " + ContactName + " because it has sent the same message]"); } else { GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Error In Message Posting ]"); GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("Error In Message Posting", FilePath.path_MessageGroupMember); } int delay = RandomNumberGenerator.GenerateRandom(mindelay, maxdelay); GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Delay for : " + delay + " Seconds ]"); Thread.Sleep(delay * 1000); } catch (Exception ex) { //Log("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Error:" + ex.Message + "StackTrace --> >>>" + ex.StackTrace + " ]"); GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine(" Error:" + ex.Message + "StackTrace --> >>>" + ex.StackTrace, FilePath.path_MessageGroupMember); } } catch (Exception ex) { //Log("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Error:" + ex.Message + "StackTrace --> >>>" + ex.StackTrace); GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine(" Error:" + ex.Message + "StackTrace --> >>>" + ex.StackTrace, FilePath.path_MessageGroupMember); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("Exception ex : " + ex); } } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("Exception : " + ex); } }
public void StartActionMultithreadRePin(ref PinInterestUser objPinUserRepin, List<string> Usercount) { try { try { lstThreadsRePin.Add(Thread.CurrentThread); lstThreadsRePin.Distinct().ToList(); Thread.CurrentThread.IsBackground = true; } catch (Exception ex) { }; PinInterestUser objPinUser = (PinInterestUser)objPinUserRepin; string screen_Name = objPinUser.ScreenName; clsSettingDB db = new clsSettingDB(); if (ObjAccountManager.Boards.Count <= 0) { try { GetBoardsForRepinUpdated(ref objPinUser, screen_Name); //new Thread(() => GetBoardsForRepinUpdated(ref objPinUser, screen_Name)).Start(); // Not returning only Board but Pics also //GetBoardsForRepinUpdated(ref objPinUser, screen_Name); } catch (Exception Ex) { } } if (objPinUser.Boards.Count > 0 || objPinUser.Boards.Count == 0) { Random Boardrnd = new Random(); int BoardNum = 0; try { BoardNum = Boardrnd.Next(0, objPinUser.Boards.Count - 1); } catch (Exception ex) { // GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("Error --> StartRepinMultiThreaded() 1--> " + ex.Message, ApplicationData.ErrorLogFile); } string BoardNumber = string.Empty; try { BoardNum = Boardrnd.Next(0, objPinUser.Boards.Count - 1); BoardNumber = objPinUser.Boards[BoardNum]; } catch (Exception ex) { //GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("Error --> StartRepinMultiThreaded() 1--> " + ex.Message, ApplicationData.ErrorLogFile); } int RepinCount = 0; if (!rdbUsePinNo) { try { if (rdbRepinNormalType == true) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + "] => [ Getting Normal Pins From Account ]"); lstAllPins = objLikeManager.GetPins(ref objPinUser, maxNoOfRePinCount); Random Pinrnd = new Random(); ClGlobul.lstPins = lstAllPins.OrderBy(x => Pinrnd.Next()).ToList(); } else { try { GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + "] => [ Getting Random Users Pins From Account ]"); string userName = objPinUser.ScreenName; userName = screen_Name; //lstFollowings = objScrape.GetUserFollowing_new(userName, 1, maxNoOfRePinCount);//GetUserFollowing lstFollowings = GetUserFollowing(userName, 1, maxNoOfRePinCount); foreach (string FollowName in lstFollowings) { try { Random rnd = new Random(); int FollowingNum = rnd.Next(0, lstFollowings.Count - 1); FollowingName = lstFollowings[FollowingNum]; ClGlobul.lstPins.Clear(); List<string> lstRepinPin = UserPins_Repin(FollowingName, ref objPinUser); ClGlobul.lstPins.AddRange(lstRepinPin); ClGlobul.lstPins = ClGlobul.lstPins.Distinct().ToList(); if (maxNoOfRePinCount < ClGlobul.lstPins.Count) { break; } } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error(" Error :" + ex.StackTrace); } } // ClGlobul.lstPins = UserPins_Repin(FollowingName, ref objPinUser); //ClGlobul.lstPins = objLikeManager.GetPins(ref objPinUser, maxNoOfRePinCount); //checklogin = objPinUser.globusHttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri("")); } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error(" Error :" + ex.StackTrace); } } string Message = string.Empty; string[] lstPinsArray = ClGlobul.lstPins.ToArray(); foreach (string Pin in lstPinsArray) { try { if (NumberHelper.ValidateNumber(Pin)) { try { if (maxNoOfRePinCount == RepinCount) { break; } if (maxNoOfRePinCount >= RepinCount) { Random Messagernd = new Random(); int MessageNum = 0; if (ClGlobul.RepinMessagesList.Count == 2) { try { foreach (var itemMsg in ClGlobul.RepinMessagesList) { if (Message == itemMsg) { continue; } else { Message = itemMsg; break; } } GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + "] => [ Message :" + Message + " ]"); } catch (Exception ex) { } } else if (ClGlobul.RepinMessagesList.Count > 0) { try { MessageNum = Messagernd.Next(0, ClGlobul.RepinMessagesList.Count - 1); Message = ClGlobul.RepinMessagesList[MessageNum].Trim(); GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + "] => [ Message :" + Message + " ]"); } catch (Exception ex) { //GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("Error --> StartRepinMultiThreaded() 2--> " + ex.Message, ApplicationData.ErrorLogFile); } } try { string NoOfPages = "0";//No use as far as I know try { int index = ClGlobul.lstPins.Where(x => x == Pin).Select(x => ClGlobul.lstPins.IndexOf(x)).Single<int>(); NoOfPages = Convert.ToString(index / 25); } catch { } try { Random rndBoard = new Random(); int NumBoard = rndBoard.Next(0, objPinUser.Boards.Count - 1); BoardNumber = objPinUser.Boards[NumBoard]; } catch (Exception ex) { } string Url = "" + objPinUser.ScreenName; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(oneTimePagesource)) { try { GlobusHttpHelper objHttp = new GlobusHttpHelper(); oneTimePagesource = objHttp.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(Url), "", "", ""); } catch { }; } if (arrBoardName == null) { try { arrBoardName = Regex.Split(oneTimePagesource, "board\", \"id\""); } catch { }; } foreach (var itemBoardName in arrBoardName) { try { if (itemBoardName.Contains(BoardNumber))//&&itemBoardName.Contains("board\", \"id\"")) { BoardName = Utils.Utils.getBetween(itemBoardName, "name", "}").Replace(":", "").Replace("\"", "").Trim(); } } catch (Exception ex) { } } BoardName = BoardName.Replace(" ", "-").ToLower().Replace("(", "").Replace(")", "").Replace("!", "").Trim(); bool IsRePined = RepinwithMessage(Pin, Message, BoardNumber, NoOfPages, ref objPinUser); if (IsRePined) { #region AccountReport // string module = "RePin"; // string status = "Repined"; // Qm.insertAccRePort(objPinUser.Username, module, "" + Pin, "", "", Message, "", "", status, "", "", DateTime.Now); // objRepinDelegate(); #endregion db.insertRePinRecord(objPinUser.Username, objPinUser.Niches, Pin); RepinCount++; try { string CSV_Header = "UserName" + "," + "Pin" + "," + "Message" + "," + "Board Number" + "," + "BoardUrl" + "," + "Date"; string CSV_Data = objPinUser.Username + "," + "" + Pin + "," + Message + "," + "Board No. : " + BoardNumber + "," + Url + "/" + BoardName + "," + System.DateTime.Now.ToString(); string path = PDGlobals.FolderCreation(PDGlobals.Pindominator_Folder_Path, "Repin"); PDGlobals.ExportDataCSVFile(CSV_Header, CSV_Data, path + "\\Repin.csv"); } catch (Exception ex) { } } else { RepinCount++; } if (rdbDivideGivenByUser_RePin == true) { CountGivenByUser_RePin--; if (CountGivenByUser_RePin < 0) { break; } } int delay = RandomNumberGenerator.GenerateRandom(minDelayRePin, maxDelayRePin); GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + "] => [ Delay For " + delay + " Seconds ]"); Thread.Sleep(delay * 1000); } catch (Exception ex) { //GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("Error --> StartRepinMultiThreaded() 3--> " + ex.Message, ApplicationData.ErrorLogFile); } } } catch (Exception ex) { // GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("Error --> StartRepinMultiThreaded() 4--> " + ex.Message, ApplicationData.ErrorLogFile); } } } catch (Exception ex) { } } } catch (Exception ex) { } } else if (rdbUsePinNo == true) { try { if (ClGlobul.lstRepinUrl.Count < maxNoOfRePinCount) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + "] => [Repin Count can't be greater than uploaded Pins.]"); return; } GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + "] => [ Repining Uploaded Pins ]"); int RepinCount_ListRepin_New = maxNoOfRePinCount; foreach (string RepinUrl in Usercount) { try { if (RepinCount_ListRepin_New <= 0) { break; } //} } catch { }; string NoOfPages = "0"; try { int index = ClGlobul.lstRepinUrl.Where(x => x == RepinUrl).Select(x => ClGlobul.lstRepinUrl.IndexOf(x)).Single<int>(); NoOfPages = Convert.ToString(index / 25); } catch { }; string Message = string.Empty; if (ClGlobul.RepinMessagesList.Count > 1) { Message = ClGlobul.RepinMessagesList[RandomNumberGenerator.GenerateRandom(0, ClGlobul.RepinMessagesList.Count - 1)]; } else if (ClGlobul.RepinMessagesList.Count == 1) { Message = ClGlobul.RepinMessagesList[0]; } else { Message = ""; } Thread.Sleep(1000); bool IsRepinned = RepinwithMessage(RepinUrl.Replace(" ", ""), Message, BoardNumber, NoOfPages, ref objPinUser); if (IsRepinned) { #region AccountReport // string module = "RePin"; // string status = "Repined"; // Qm.insertAccRePort(objPinUser.Username, module, "" + RepinUrl, "", "", Message, "", "", status, "", "", DateTime.Now); // objRepinDelegate(); #endregion GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + "] => [ Repin Pin : " + RepinUrl + " ]"); db.insertRePinRecord(objPinUser.Username, objPinUser.Niches, RepinUrl); RepinCount++; RepinCount_ListRepin_New--; try { string CSV_Header = "UserName" + "," + "RepinUrl" + "," + "Message" + "," + "Board Number" + "," + "Date"; string CSV_Data = objPinUser.Username + "," + "" + RepinUrl + "," + Message + "," + "Board No. : " + BoardNumber + "," + System.DateTime.Now.ToString(); string path = PDGlobals.FolderCreation(PDGlobals.Pindominator_Folder_Path, "Repin"); PDGlobals.ExportDataCSVFile(CSV_Header, CSV_Data, path + "\\UsePin.csv"); } catch (Exception ex) { } } else { GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + "] => [ Not Repin Pin : " + RepinUrl + " ]"); } int Delay = RandomNumberGenerator.GenerateRandom(minDelayRePin, maxDelayRePin); GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + "] => [ Delay for " + Delay + " Seconds ]"); Thread.Sleep(Delay * 1000); } } catch (Exception ex) { }; } else { GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + "] => [ No Boards Found in Account :" + objPinUser.Username + " ]"); } } } catch(Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error(" Error :" + ex.StackTrace); } finally { RePindata_count--; try { if (countThreadControllerRePin >= NoOfThreadsRePin) { lock (RePinObjThread) { Monitor.Pulse(RePinObjThread); } } } catch (Exception Ex) { } countThreadControllerRePin--; if (RePindata_count == 0 || CountGivenByUser_RePin < 0) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + "] => [ PROCESS COMPLETED ]"); GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); } } }
public string FromEmailCodeMsgGroupMem(ref GlobusHttpHelper HttpHelper, string gid) { string FromId = string.Empty; string pageSource = string.Empty; string[] RgxGroupData = new string[] { }; List<string> lstpasttitle = new List<string>(); List<string> checkpasttitle = new List<string>(); string GroupName = string.Empty; string csrfToken = string.Empty; string[] RgxSikValue = new string[] { }; string[] RgxPageNo = new string[] { }; string sikvalue = string.Empty; try { string pageSource1 = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri("")); if (pageSource1.Contains("csrfToken")) { csrfToken = pageSource1.Substring(pageSource1.IndexOf("csrfToken"), 50); string[] Arr = csrfToken.Split('>'); csrfToken = Arr[0]; csrfToken = csrfToken.Replace(":", "%3A").Replace("csrfToken", "").Replace("\"", string.Empty).Replace("value", string.Empty).Replace("cs", string.Empty).Replace("id", string.Empty).Replace("=", string.Empty).Replace("\n", string.Empty).Replace(">", string.Empty).Replace("<script src", string.Empty); csrfToken = csrfToken.Trim(); } pageSource = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri("" + gid)); RgxSikValue = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(pageSource, "sik"); try { sikvalue = RgxSikValue[1].Split('&')[0].Replace("=", string.Empty); } catch { } try { if (NumberHelper.ValidateNumber(sikvalue)) { sikvalue = sikvalue.Split('\"')[0]; } else { sikvalue = sikvalue.Split('\"')[0]; } } catch { sikvalue = sikvalue.Split('\"')[0]; } string getdata = "" + gid + "&sik=" + sikvalue + "&split_page=1"; pageSource = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(getdata)); RgxGroupData = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(pageSource, "name=\"fromEmail\""); try { FromId = RgxGroupData[1].Split('=')[1]; FromId = FromId.Replace("id", string.Empty).Replace("\"", string.Empty).Trim().ToString(); } catch { } } catch { return FromId; } return FromId; }
public List<string> UserPins_Repin(string UserName, ref PinInterestUser objPinUser) { List<string> lstUsernamePin = new List<string>(); try { GlobusRegex objGlobusRegex = new GlobusRegex(); GlobusHttpHelper objglobusHttpHelper = new GlobusHttpHelper(); GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + "] => [ Start Getting Pins For this User " + UserName + " ]"); string UserPins = string.Empty; if (UserName.Contains("")) { UserUrl = UserName; UserPins = UserName + "pins/"; } else { UserUrl = "" + UserName + "/"; UserPins = "" + UserName + "/pins/"; } try { UserPageSource = objglobusHttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(UserUrl), "", string.Empty, objPinUser.UserAgent); UserPinPageSource = objglobusHttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(UserPins), UserUrl, string.Empty, objPinUser.UserAgent); } catch (Exception ex) { } List<string> lst = objGlobusRegex.GetHrefUrlTagsForPinDescription(UserPinPageSource); lst = lst.Distinct().ToList(); string PinUrl = string.Empty; foreach (string item in lst) { try { if (item.Contains("/pin/")) { if (!item.Contains("/pin/A")) { try { int FirstPinPoint = item.IndexOf("/pins/"); int SecondPinPoint = item.IndexOf("class="); PinUrl = Utils.Utils.getBetween(item, "/pin/", "/\" class="); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(PinUrl)) { lstUsernamePin.Add(PinUrl); } } catch (Exception ex) { PinUrl = item.Replace("/pins/", ""); lstUsernamePin.Add(PinUrl); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { } } lstUsernamePin = lstUsernamePin.Distinct().ToList(); lstUsernamePin.Reverse(); GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + "] => [ Total Pin Urls Collected " + lstUsernamePin.Count + " ]"); } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error(" Error :" + ex.StackTrace); } return lstUsernamePin; }
public string FromName(ref GlobusHttpHelper HttpHelper) { try { string FromNm = string.Empty; string pageSource = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri("")); string[] RgxGroupData = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(pageSource, "fmt_full_display_name"); foreach (var fromname in RgxGroupData) { if (fromname.Contains("\":\"")) { try { if (!(fromname.Contains("<!DOCTYPE html>"))) { try { int StartIndex = fromname.IndexOf("\":\""); string start = fromname.Substring(StartIndex); int endIndex = start.IndexOf("i18n_optional_not_pinyin"); FromNm = start.Substring(0, endIndex).Replace("\"", string.Empty).Replace("\":\"", string.Empty); FromNam = FromNm.Split(',')[0].Replace(":", string.Empty).Replace("\\u002d", "-"); } catch { } try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(FromNm) || FromNm.Contains("LastName")) { int StartIndex = fromname.IndexOf("\":\""); string start = fromname.Substring(StartIndex); int endIndex = start.IndexOf(","); FromNm = start.Substring(0, endIndex).Replace("\"", string.Empty).Replace("\":\"", string.Empty); FromNam = FromNm.Split(',')[0].Replace(":", string.Empty); } } catch { } } } catch { } } } return FromNam; } catch (Exception ex) { return FromNam; } }
public void UnFollowBack(ref InstagramUser Gram_Obj) { try { lstThreadsunFollowerbackPoster.Add(Thread.CurrentThread); lstThreadsunFollowerbackPoster.Distinct(); Thread.CurrentThread.IsBackground = true; } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error("Error : " + ex.StackTrace); } DataSet ds = null; int days = No_Days_To_Unfollow; try { ds = Qm.SelectFollowUser("Followed", Gram_Obj.username); DataTable firstTable = ds.Tables[0]; if(firstTable.Rows.Count==0) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("!! Inputed Days you Enter at that Days you not Follow Any user Thourgh This Bot !!"); return; } foreach (DataRow dRow in firstTable.Rows) { string following_username = dRow["FollowTime"].ToString() + ""; string follow_Username = dRow["FollowingUser"].ToString() + ""; DateTime dt = DateTime.Parse(following_username); TimeSpan tsDays = DateTime.Now.Date.Subtract(dt.Date); if (tsDays.TotalDays <= days) { lst_UnfollowUser.Add(follow_Username); lst_UnfollowUser = lst_UnfollowUser.Distinct().ToList(); } } GlobusHttpHelper obj_globalus = new GlobusHttpHelper(); #region Scrape Follower string gramfeed_user_Url = "" + Gram_Obj.username; List<string> follower_list = new List<string>(); int count = 0; ClGlobul.switchAccount = false; string GramFeed_Userhit = obj_globalus.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(gramfeed_user_Url), ""); string client_Id = Utils.getBetween(GramFeed_Userhit, "client_id=", "&"); string Id_Url = "" + Gram_Obj.username + "&client_id=" + client_Id + "&callback=jQuery183011914858664385974_1455619732855&_=1455619735024"; string Gram_Hit_second = obj_globalus.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(Id_Url), ""); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Gram_Hit_second)) { Gram_Hit_second = obj_ChangeProxy.chnageproxyMethod(Id_Url); } string GramFeed_UserId = Utils.getBetween(Gram_Hit_second, "id\":", "\",").Replace(" ","").Replace("\"",""); string Follower_Url = "" + GramFeed_UserId + "/followed-by?client_id=" + client_Id + "&callback=jQuery183011914858664385974_1455619732855&_=1455619735024"; string GramFeed_UserFollower = obj_globalus.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(Follower_Url), ""); if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(GramFeed_UserFollower)) { GramFeed_UserFollower = obj_ChangeProxy.chnageproxyMethod(Follower_Url); } string[] follower_regexlist = Regex.Split(GramFeed_UserFollower, "username"); foreach (string item in follower_regexlist) { if (item.Contains("profile_picture")) { string user_name = Utils.getBetween(item, "\":\"", "\""); if (!lst_Follower_unfollowback.Contains(user_name)) { lst_Follower_unfollowback.Add(user_name); lst_Follower_unfollowback = lst_Follower_unfollowback.Distinct().ToList(); } else { break; } } } if (GramFeed_UserFollower.Contains("next_url")) { value = true; while (value) { if (GramFeed_UserFollower.Contains("next_url")) { string hit_data = Utils.getBetween(GramFeed_UserFollower, "next_url\":\"", "\",").Replace("\u0026", "&").Replace("\\", "").Replace("u0026", "&"); GramFeed_UserFollower = obj_globalus.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(hit_data), ""); string[] follower_regexlist2 = Regex.Split(GramFeed_UserFollower, "username"); foreach (string item in follower_regexlist2) { if (item.Contains("profile_picture")) { string user_name = Utils.getBetween(item, "\":\"", "\""); if (!lst_Follower_unfollowback.Contains(user_name)) { lst_Follower_unfollowback.Add(user_name); lst_Follower_unfollowback = lst_Follower_unfollowback.Distinct().ToList(); } else { break; } } } //if (minDelayUnFollowerBack != 0) //{ // mindelay = minDelayUnFollowerBack; //} //if (maxDelayUnFollowerBack != 0) //{ // maxdelay = maxDelayUnFollowerBack; //} // delay = RandomNumberGenerator.GenerateRandom(mindelay, maxdelay); //GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Delay For " + delay + " Seconds "); //Thread.Sleep(delay * 1000); } else { value = false; } } } #endregion #region UnfollowBack Process try { int Sum = 0; foreach (string item in lst_UnfollowUser) { string resp_test = Gram_Obj.globusHttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri("" + item)); if (!lst_Follower_unfollowback.Contains(item)) { if (resp_test.Contains("followed_by_viewer\":false") || resp_test.Contains("requested_by_viewer\":false")) { Sum++; IsunfollowBack = true; unfollowAccount(ref Gram_Obj, item, Sum); Qm.DeleteunfollowUser(item); if (minDelayUnFollowerBack != 0) { mindelay = minDelayUnFollowerBack; } if (maxDelayUnFollowerBack != 0) { maxdelay = maxDelayUnFollowerBack; } Random rn = new Random(); int delay = RandomNumberGenerator.GenerateRandom(mindelay, maxdelay); delay = rn.Next(mindelay, maxdelay); GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Delay For " + delay + " Seconds ]"); Thread.Sleep(delay * 1000); } else { if(resp_test.Contains("followed_by_viewer\":true") || resp_test.Contains("requested_by_viewer\":true")) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Info(item+ "--> Start Follow -->" +Gram_Obj.username); } } } else { // User Follow Back to You. } } } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error("Error:" + ex.StackTrace); } #endregion } catch(Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error("Error:" + ex.StackTrace); } GlobusLogHelper.log.Info(" ---Process Completed--- "); }
public void GetRecords(ref GlobusHttpHelper HttpHelper) { try { string csrfToken = string.Empty; string LastName = string.Empty; string FirstName = string.Empty; string Industry = string.Empty; string Postalcode = string.Empty; string Distance = string.Empty; string contentSummary = string.Empty; string Title = string.Empty; string Company = string.Empty; string school = string.Empty; string Country = string.Empty; string countrycode = string.Empty; string industrycode = string.Empty; string rsid = string.Empty; string pageSource = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl1(new Uri("")); try { try { string[] Arr_Pst = Regex.Split(postalCode, "("); } catch { } try { Postalcode = postalCode.Substring(0, postalCode.IndexOf(" ")); Country = postalCode.Replace(Postalcode, string.Empty).Replace(")", string.Empty).Replace("(", string.Empty).Trim(); //Postalcode = Arr_Pst[0].Replace(" ", string.Empty).Trim(); //Country = Arr_Pst[1].Replace("{", string.Empty).Replace("}", string.Empty).Trim(); } catch { if (Postalcode == string.Empty) { Postalcode = postalCode; } } } catch { } if (pageSource.Contains("csrfToken")) { csrfToken = pageSource.Substring(pageSource.IndexOf("csrfToken"), 100); string[] Arr = csrfToken.Split('&'); csrfToken = Arr[0]; csrfToken = csrfToken.Replace("csrfToken=", ""); csrfToken = csrfToken.Replace("%3A", ":"); } InBoardPro.GetIndustryCode objIndustry = new GetIndustryCode(); Dictionary <string, string> Dict_IndustryCode = new Dictionary <string, string>(); Dict_IndustryCode = objIndustry.getIndustry(); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> item in Dict_IndustryCode) { try { string toloweritem = item.Value.ToLower(); string tolowerindustrytype = industryType.ToLower(); if (toloweritem == tolowerindustrytype) { //SearchCriteria.Country = item.Key; industrycode = item.Key; break; } } catch { } } Dictionary <string, string> Dict_CountryCode = new Dictionary <string, string>(); Dict_CountryCode = objIndustry.getCountry(); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> item in Dict_CountryCode) { try { string toloweritem = item.Value.ToLower(); string tolowercountrytype = Country.ToLower(); if (toloweritem == tolowercountrytype) { countrycode = item.Key; break; } } catch { } } string Firstresponse = string.Empty; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(countrycode)) { countrycode = "us"; } string FirstGetRequestUrl = string.Empty; string FirstGetResponse = string.Empty; { try { FirstGetRequestUrl = "" + lastName + "&searchLocationType=I&countryCode=" + countrycode + "&postalCode=" + Postalcode + "&distance=" + distance + "&keepFacets=keepFacets&page_num=1&facet_I=" + industrycode + "&pplSearchOrigin=ADVS&viewCriteria=2&sortCriteria=R&redir=redir"; FirstGetResponse = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl1(new Uri(FirstGetRequestUrl)); } catch { } } int RecordCount = 0; try { RecordCount = objIndustry.GetPageNo(FirstGetResponse); if (RecordCount == 0) { string getAdvPagedata = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(""), ""); try { int startindex = getAdvPagedata.IndexOf("rsid="); string start = getAdvPagedata.Substring(startindex).Replace("rsid=", ""); int endindex = start.IndexOf("&"); string end = start.Substring(0, endindex); rsid = end; } catch (Exception ex) { } //FirstGetRequestUrl = "" + lastName + "&postalCode=" + postalCode + "&openAdvancedForm=true&locationType=I&countryCode=" + countrycode + "&distance=" + distance + "&facet_I=" + industrycode + "&sortBy=R&rsid=" + rsid + "&orig=MDYS"; //,S,A&rsid=2247217581372762829704&orig=MDYS"; //" + lastName + "&postalCode=" + postalCode + "&openAdvancedForm=true&locationType=I&countryCode=" + countrycode + "&distance=" + distance + "&facet_I=" + industrycode + "&sortBy=R&rsid=" + rsid + "&orig=MDYS"; try { FirstGetRequestUrl = "" + lastName + "&postalCode=" + postalCode + "&openAdvancedForm=true&locationType=I&countryCode=" + countrycode + "&distance=" + distance + "&f_I=" + industrycode.Replace(" ", "") + "&rsid=" + rsid + "&orig=ADVS"; FirstGetResponse = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl1(new Uri(FirstGetRequestUrl)); } catch { } } RecordCount = objIndustry.GetPageNo(FirstGetResponse); Loger("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Get RecordCount : " + RecordCount + " Using UserName : "******" Postal Code : " + postalCode.ToString() + " Distance : " + distance + " Industry : " + industrycode + " ]"); } catch { } try { LinkedinScrappDbManager objLsManager = new LinkedinScrappDbManager(); objLsManager.InsertScarppRecordData(Postalcode, distance, industryType, lastName, RecordCount); } catch { } try { string prxyadress = string.Empty; try { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(proxyAddress) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(proxyPort)) { prxyadress = proxyAddress + ":" + proxyPort; } } catch { } string CSVHeader = "PostalCode" + "," + "Distance" + "," + "IndustryType" + "," + "LastName" + "," + "UserName" + "," + "Password" + "," + "Proxy" + "," + "ProxyPwd " + "," + "Number Of Result"; // + "," + "Connection" + "," + "Recommendations " + "," + "SkillAndExpertise " + "," + "Experience " + "," + " Education" + "," + "Groups" + "," + "UserEmail" + "," + "UserContactNumber" + "," + "PastTitles" + "," + "PastCompany" + "," + "Location" + "," + "Country" + "," + "Industry" + "," + "WebSites" + "," + "LinkedinLogInID" + ","; string CSV_Content = postalCode.Replace(",", ";") + "," + distance.Replace(",", ";") + "," + industryType.Replace(",", ";") + "," + lastName.Replace(",", ";") + "," + accountUser.Replace(",", ";") + "," + accountPass.Replace(",", ";") + "," + prxyadress.Replace(",", ";") + "," + proxyPassword.Replace(",", ";") + "," + RecordCount.ToString().Replace(",", ";"); //+ "," + Connection.Replace(",", ";") + "," + recomandation.Replace(",", string.Empty) + "," + Skill.Replace(",", ";") + "," + LDS_Experience.Replace(",", string.Empty) + "," + EducationCollection.Replace(",", ";") + "," + groupscollectin.Replace(",", ";") + "," + USERemail.Replace(",", ";") + "," + LDS_UserContact.Replace(",", ";") + "," + LDS_PastTitles + "," + AllComapny.Replace(",", ";") + "," + country.Replace(",", ";") + "," + location.Replace(",", ";") + "," + Industry.Replace(",", ";") + "," + Website.Replace(",", ";") + "," + accountUser + ",";// +TypeOfProfile + ","; CSVUtilities.ExportDataCSVFile(CSVHeader, CSV_Content, Globals.path_InBoardProGetDataResultCount); } catch { } } catch { } }
public List<string> GetUserFollowing_newComment(string UserName, int NoOfPage, int FollowingCount) { List<string> TotalFollowerComment = new List<string>(); try { List<string> FollowerComment = new List<string>(); GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Starting Extraction Of Following For " + UserName + " ]"); GlobusHttpHelper objglobusHttpHelper = new GlobusHttpHelper(); for (int i = 1; i <= 1000; i++) { try { string FollowerPageSource = string.Empty; if (i == 1) { FollowUrl = "" + UserName + "/following/"; FollowerPageSource = objglobusHttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(FollowUrl), referer, string.Empty, ""); referer = FollowUrl; } else { FollowUrl = "" + UserName + "%2Ffollowing%2F&data=%7B%22options%22%3A%7B%22username%22%3A%22" + UserName + "%22%2C%22bookmarks%22%3A%5B%22" + bookmark + "%3D%22%5D%7D%2C%22context%22%3A%7B%7D%7D&module_path=App(module%3D%5Bobject+Object%5D)&_=144204352215" + (i - 1); try { FollowerPageSource = objglobusHttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrlProxy(new Uri(FollowUrl), referer, "", 80, string.Empty, "", ""); } catch { FollowerPageSource = objglobusHttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrlProxy(new Uri(FollowUrl), "", Convert.ToInt32(""), "", ""); } if (FollowerPageSource.Contains("Whoops! We couldn't find that page.")) { break; } } ///Get App Version if (FollowerPageSource.Contains("app_version") && string.IsNullOrEmpty(AppVersion)) { string[] ArrAppVersion = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(FollowerPageSource, "app_version"); if (ArrAppVersion.Count() > 0) { string DataString = ArrAppVersion[ArrAppVersion.Count() - 1]; int startindex = DataString.IndexOf("\": \""); int endindex = DataString.IndexOf("\", \""); AppVersion = DataString.Substring(startindex, endindex - startindex).Replace("\": \"", ""); } } ///get bookmarks value from page /// if (FollowerPageSource.Contains("bookmarks")) { string[] bookmarksDataArr = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(FollowerPageSource, "bookmarks"); string Datavalue = string.Empty; if (bookmarksDataArr.Count() > 2) Datavalue = bookmarksDataArr[bookmarksDataArr.Count() - 2]; else Datavalue = bookmarksDataArr[bookmarksDataArr.Count() - 1]; bookmark = Datavalue.Substring(Datavalue.IndexOf(": [\"") + 4, Datavalue.IndexOf("]") - Datavalue.IndexOf(": [\"") - 5); } try { if (!FollowerPageSource.Contains("No one has followed")) { List<string> lst = objGlobusRegex.GetHrefUrlTags(FollowerPageSource); if (lst.Count == 0) { lst = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(FollowerPageSource, "href").ToList(); if (lst.Count() == 1) { lst = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(FollowerPageSource, "\"username\":").ToList(); } } foreach (string item in lst) { if (item.Contains("class=\"userWrapper") || item.Contains("class=\\\"userWrapper")) { try { if (item.Contains("\\")) { int FirstPinPoint = item.IndexOf("=\\\"/"); int SecondPinPoint = item.IndexOf("/\\\""); User = item.Substring(FirstPinPoint, SecondPinPoint - FirstPinPoint).Replace("\"", string.Empty).Replace("\\", string.Empty).Replace("=", string.Empty).Replace("/", string.Empty).Trim(); } else { int FirstPinPoint = item.IndexOf("href="); int SecondPinPoint = item.IndexOf("class="); User = item.Substring(FirstPinPoint, SecondPinPoint - FirstPinPoint).Replace("\"", string.Empty).Replace("href=", string.Empty).Replace("/", string.Empty).Trim(); } FollowerComment.Add(User); //GlobusLogHelper.log.Info(" => [ " + User + " ]"); if (FollowerComment.Count == FollowingCount) { break; } } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error(" Error : " + ex.StackTrace); } } if (i > 1) { if (item.Contains("\"request_identifier\":")) { continue; } else { try { User = Utils.Utils.getBetween(item, "\"", "\""); if (User == UserName) { break; } FollowerComment.Add(User); //GlobusLogHelper.log.Info(" => [ " + User + " ]"); if (FollowerComment.Count == FollowingCount) { break; } } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error(" Error : " + ex.StackTrace); } } } } FollowerComment = FollowerComment.Distinct().ToList(); foreach (string lstdata in FollowerComment) { TotalFollowerComment.Add(lstdata); } TotalFollowerComment = TotalFollowerComment.Distinct().ToList(); //if (TotalFollowerComment.Count == MaxComment) //{ // break; //} Thread.Sleep(1000); } else { GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ No following ]"); break; } } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error(" Error :" + ex.StackTrace); } } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error(" Error :" + ex.StackTrace); break; } } //GlobusLogHelper.log.Info(" => [ Finished Extracting following For " + UserName + " ]"); //GlobusLogHelper.log.Info(" => [ Process Completed Please. Now you can export file ]"); } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusLogHelper.log.Error(" Error :" + ex.StackTrace); } GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Total Followings : " + TotalFollowerComment.Count + " ]"); return TotalFollowerComment; }
private void btnStart_Searching_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { AllOfTheseWords = (txtAllofTheseKeywords.Text).ToString(); ThisExtractPhrase = (txtThisExactPhrase.Text).ToString(); AnyOfTheseWords = (txtAnyOfTheseWords.Text).ToString(); TheseHashTags = (txtTheseHashTags.Text).ToString(); NoneOfTheseWords = (txtNoneofTheseWords.Text).ToString(); FromTheseAccounts = (txtFromTheseAccounts.Text).ToString(); ToTheseAccounts = (txtToTheseAccounts.Text).ToString(); MentionTheseAccounts = (txtMentioningTheseAccounts.Text).ToString(); NearThisPlace = (txtNearThisPlace.Text).ToString(); AddToLog_AdvancedSearch("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => Process Started"); try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ThisExtractPhrase)) { ThisExtractPhrase = ""; } else { ThisExtractPhrase = "%20%22" + ThisExtractPhrase; } } catch { } try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(AnyOfTheseWords)) { AnyOfTheseWords = ""; } else { AnyOfTheseWords = "%22%20" + AnyOfTheseWords; } } catch { } try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(TheseHashTags)) { TheseHashTags = ""; } else { TheseHashTags = "%20%23" + TheseHashTags; } } catch { } try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(NoneOfTheseWords)) { NoneOfTheseWords = ""; } else { NoneOfTheseWords = "%20-" + NoneOfTheseWords; } } catch { } try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(FromTheseAccounts)) { FromTheseAccounts = ""; } else { FromTheseAccounts = "%20from%3A" + FromTheseAccounts; } } catch { } try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ToTheseAccounts)) { ToTheseAccounts = ""; } else { ToTheseAccounts = "%20to%3A" + ToTheseAccounts; } } catch { } try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(MentionTheseAccounts)) { MentionTheseAccounts = ""; } else { MentionTheseAccounts = "%20%40" + MentionTheseAccounts; } } catch { } try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(NearThisPlace)) { NearThisPlace = ""; } else { NearThisPlace = "%20near%3A%22" + NearThisPlace; } } catch { } try { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtAllofTheseKeywords.Text)) { #region Commented //try //{ // string Url = "" + AllOfTheseWords + ThisExtractPhrase + AnyOfTheseWords + NoneOfTheseWords + TheseHashTags + _selectedLanguage + FromTheseAccounts + ToTheseAccounts + MentionTheseAccounts + NearThisPlace + "%22%20within%3A15mi&src=typd"; // string response = _GlobusHttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(Url), "", ""); //} //catch { } public List<StructTweetIDs> NewKeywordStructDataForSearchByKeyword(string keyword) #endregion { try { BaseLib.GlobusRegex regx = new GlobusRegex(); int counter = 0; string res_Get_searchURL = string.Empty; string searchURL = string.Empty; string maxid = string.Empty; string TweetId = string.Empty; string text = string.Empty; string ProfileName = string.Empty; string Location = string.Empty; string Bio = string.Empty; string website = string.Empty; string NoOfTweets = string.Empty; string Followers = string.Empty; string Followings = string.Empty; int noOfRecords = 0; try { noOfRecords = int.Parse(txtNoOfRecords.Text); } catch { } startAgain: if (counter == 0) { searchURL = "" + AllOfTheseWords + ThisExtractPhrase + AnyOfTheseWords + NoneOfTheseWords + TheseHashTags + _selectedLanguage + FromTheseAccounts + ToTheseAccounts + MentionTheseAccounts + NearThisPlace + "%22%20within%3A15mi&src=typd" + "&f=realtime"; counter++; } else { searchURL = "" + AllOfTheseWords + ThisExtractPhrase + AnyOfTheseWords + NoneOfTheseWords + TheseHashTags + _selectedLanguage + FromTheseAccounts + ToTheseAccounts + MentionTheseAccounts + NearThisPlace + "%22%20within%3A15mi&src=typd" + "&f=realtime&include_available_features=1&include_entities=1&last_note_ts=0&oldest_unread_id=0&scroll_cursor=" + TweetId + ""; } try { res_Get_searchURL = _GlobusHttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(searchURL), "", ""); AddToLog_AdvancedSearch("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => Finding results for entered details "); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(res_Get_searchURL)) { res_Get_searchURL = _GlobusHttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(searchURL), "", ""); } try { //string sjss = globushttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(searchURL), "", ""); string[] splitRes = Regex.Split(res_Get_searchURL, "refresh_cursor"); //splitRes = splitRes.Skip(1).ToArray(); foreach (string item in splitRes) { if (item.Contains("refresh_cursor")) { int startIndex = item.IndexOf("TWEET-"); string start = item.Substring(startIndex).Replace("data-user-id=\\\"", ""); int endIndex = start.IndexOf("\""); string end = start.Substring(0, endIndex).Replace("id_str", "").Replace("\"", "").Replace(":", "").Replace("{", "").Replace("}", "").Replace("]", ""); TweetId = end; } if (item.Contains("scroll_cursor")) { int startIndex = item.IndexOf("TWEET-"); string start = item.Substring(startIndex).Replace("data-user-id=\\\"", ""); int endIndex = start.IndexOf("\""); string end = start.Substring(0, endIndex).Replace("id_str", "").Replace("\"", "").Replace(":", "").Replace("{", "").Replace("}", "").Replace("]", ""); TweetId = end; } } } catch (Exception) { } } catch (Exception ex) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(2000); res_Get_searchURL = _GlobusHttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(searchURL), "", ""); } // && !res_Get_searchURL.Contains("has_more_items\":false") if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(res_Get_searchURL)) { //string[] splitRes = Regex.Split(res_Get_searchURL, "data-item-id"); //Regex.Split(res_Get_searchURL, "\"in_reply_to_status_id_str\""); string[] splitRes = Regex.Split(res_Get_searchURL, "data-item-id"); splitRes = splitRes.Skip(1).ToArray(); foreach (string item in splitRes) { if (item.Contains("data-screen-name=") && !item.Contains("js-actionable-user js-profile-popup-actionable")) { //var avc = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<dynamic>(res_Get_searchURL); //string DataHtml = (string)avc["items_html"]; } else { continue; } string modified_Item = "\"from_user\"" + item; string id = ""; try { int startIndex = item.IndexOf("data-user-id="); string start = item.Substring(startIndex).Replace("data-user-id=\\\"", ""); int endIndex = start.IndexOf("\\\""); string end = start.Substring(0, endIndex).Replace("id_str", "").Replace("\"", "").Replace(":", "").Replace("{", "").Replace("}", "").Replace("]", ""); id = end; //lst_structTweetIDs.Add(id); AddToLog_AdvancedSearch("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => User Id " + id); } catch (Exception ex) { id = "null"; //Globussoft.GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine(DateTime.Now + " --> Error --> GetPhotoFromUsername() -- id -- " + keyword + " --> " + ex.Message, Globals.Path_TwitterDataScrapper); } string from_user_id = ""; try { int startIndex = item.IndexOf("data-screen-name=\\\""); string start = item.Substring(startIndex).Replace("data-screen-name=\\\"", ""); int endIndex = start.IndexOf("\\\""); string end = start.Substring(0, endIndex).Replace("from_user_id\":", "").Replace("\"", "").Replace(":", "").Replace("{", "").Replace("_str", "").Replace("user", "").Replace("}", "").Replace("]", ""); from_user_id = end; AddToLog_AdvancedSearch("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => User ScreenName " + from_user_id); } catch (Exception ex) { from_user_id = "null"; // Globussoft.GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine(DateTime.Now + " --> Error --> GetPhotoFromUsername() -- " + keyword + " -- from_user_id --> " + ex.Message, Globals.Path_TwitterDataScrapper); } string tweetUserid = string.Empty; try { int startIndex = item.IndexOf("=\\\""); string start = item.Substring(startIndex).Replace("=\\\"", ""); int endIndex = start.IndexOf("\\\""); string end = start.Substring(0, endIndex).Replace("from_user_id\":", "").Replace("\"", "").Replace(":", "").Replace("{", "").Replace("_str", "").Replace("user", "").Replace("}", "").Replace("]", ""); tweetUserid = end; AddToLog_AdvancedSearch("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => Tweet Id " + tweetUserid); } catch (Exception ex) { from_user_id = "null"; } ///Tweet Text #region Commented //try //{ // int startindex = item.IndexOf("js-tweet-text tweet-text\""); // if (startindex == -1) // { // startindex = 0; // startindex = item.IndexOf("js-tweet-text tweet-text"); // } // string start = item.Substring(startindex).Replace("js-tweet-text tweet-text\"", "").Replace("js-tweet-text tweet-text tweet-text-rtl\"", ""); // int endindex = start.IndexOf("</p>"); // if (endindex == -1) // { // endindex = 0; // endindex = start.IndexOf("stream-item-footer"); // } // string end = start.Substring(0, endindex); // end = regx.StripTagsRegex(end); // text = end.Replace(" ", "").Replace("a href=", "").Replace("/a", "").Replace("<span", "").Replace("</span", "").Replace("class=\\\"js-display-url\\\"", "").Replace("class=\\\"tco-ellipsis\\\"", "").Replace("class=\\\"invisible\\\"", "").Replace("<strong>", "").Replace("target=\\\"_blank\\\"", "").Replace("class=\\\"twitter-timeline-link\\\"", "").Replace("</strong>", "").Replace("rel=\\\"nofollow\\\" dir=\\\"ltr\\\" data-expanded-url=", ""); // text = text.Replace(""", "").Replace("<", "").Replace(">", "").Replace("\"", "").Replace("\\", "").Replace("title=", ""); // string[] array = Regex.Split(text, "http"); // text = string.Empty; // foreach (string itemData in array) // { // if (!itemData.Contains("")) // { // string data = string.Empty; // if (itemData.Contains("//")) // { // data = ("http" + itemData).Replace(" span ", string.Empty); // if (!text.Contains(itemData.Replace(" ", "")))// && !data.Contains("class") && !text.Contains(data)) // { // text += data.Replace("u003c", string.Empty).Replace("u003e", string.Empty); // } // } // else // { // if (!text.Contains(itemData.Replace(" ", ""))) // { // text += itemData.Replace("u003c", string.Empty).Replace("u003e", string.Empty).Replace("js-tweet-text tweet-text", ""); // } // } // } // } //} //catch { }; #endregion twtboardpro.TwitterDataScrapper.StructTweetIDs structTweetIDs = new twtboardpro.TwitterDataScrapper.StructTweetIDs(); if (id != "null") { structTweetIDs.ID_Tweet = tweetUserid; structTweetIDs.ID_Tweet_User = id; structTweetIDs.username__Tweet_User = from_user_id; structTweetIDs.wholeTweetMessage = text; lst_structTweetIDs.Add(structTweetIDs); } //if (!File.Exists(Globals.Path_KeywordScrapedListData + "-" + keyword + ".csv")) //{ // GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("USERID , USERNAME , PROFILE NAME , BIO , LOCATION , WEBSITE , NO OF TWEETS , FOLLOWERS , FOLLOWINGS", Globals.Path_KeywordScrapedListData + "-" + keyword + ".csv"); //} { ChilkatHttpHelpr objChilkat = new ChilkatHttpHelpr(); GlobusHttpHelper HttpHelper = new GlobusHttpHelper(); string ProfilePageSource = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri("" + from_user_id), "", ""); string Responce = ProfilePageSource; #region Convert HTML to XML string xHtml = objChilkat.ConvertHtmlToXml(Responce); Chilkat.Xml xml = new Chilkat.Xml(); xml.LoadXml(xHtml); Chilkat.Xml xNode = default(Chilkat.Xml); Chilkat.Xml xBeginSearchAfter = default(Chilkat.Xml); #endregion int counterdata = 0; xBeginSearchAfter = null; string dataDescription = string.Empty; xNode = xml.SearchForAttribute(xBeginSearchAfter, "h1", "class", "ProfileHeaderCard-name"); while ((xNode != null)) { xBeginSearchAfter = xNode; if (counterdata == 0) { ProfileName = xNode.AccumulateTagContent("text", "script|style"); counterdata++; } else if (counterdata == 1) { website = xNode.AccumulateTagContent("text", "script|style"); counterdata++; } else { break; } xNode = xml.SearchForAttribute(xBeginSearchAfter, "a", "class", "u-textUserColor"); } xBeginSearchAfter = null; dataDescription = string.Empty; xNode = xml.SearchForAttribute(xBeginSearchAfter, "p", "class", "ProfileHeaderCard-bio u-dir");//bio profile-field"); while ((xNode != null)) { xBeginSearchAfter = xNode; Bio = xNode.AccumulateTagContent("text", "script|style").Replace("'", "'").Replace(" ", string.Empty).Trim(); break; } xBeginSearchAfter = null; dataDescription = string.Empty; xNode = xml.SearchForAttribute(xBeginSearchAfter, "span", "class", "ProfileHeaderCard-locationText u-dir");//location profile-field"); while ((xNode != null)) { xBeginSearchAfter = xNode; Location = xNode.AccumulateTagContent("text", "script|style"); break; } int counterData = 0; xBeginSearchAfter = null; dataDescription = string.Empty; xNode = xml.SearchForAttribute(xBeginSearchAfter, "a", "class", "ProfileNav-stat ProfileNav-stat--link u-borderUserColor u-textCenter js-tooltip js-nav");//location profile-field"); while ((xNode != null)) { xBeginSearchAfter = xNode; if (counterData == 0) { // NoOfTweets = xml.SearchForAttribute(xBeginSearchAfter, "span", "class", "ProfileNav-value"); NoOfTweets = xNode.AccumulateTagContent("text", "script|style").Replace("Tweets", string.Empty).Replace(",", string.Empty).Replace("Tweet", string.Empty); counterData++; } else if (counterData == 1) { Followings = xNode.AccumulateTagContent("text", "script|style").Replace(" Following", string.Empty).Replace(",", string.Empty).Replace("Following", string.Empty); counterData++; } else if (counterData == 2) { Followers = xNode.AccumulateTagContent("text", "script|style").Replace("Followers", string.Empty).Replace(",", string.Empty).Replace("Follower", string.Empty); counterData++; } else { break; } //xNode = xml.SearchForAttribute(xBeginSearchAfter, "a", "class", "js-nav"); xNode = xml.SearchForAttribute(xBeginSearchAfter, "a", "class", "ProfileNav-stat ProfileNav-stat--link u-borderUserColor u-textCenter js-tooltip js-openSignupDialog js-nonNavigable u-textUserColor"); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(from_user_id) && tweetUserid != "null") { string Id_user = tweetUserid.Replace("}]", string.Empty).Trim(); Globals.lstScrapedUserIDs.Add(Id_user); // GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine(id + "," + from_user_id + "," + ProfileName + "," + Bio.Replace(",", "") + "," + Location.Replace(",", "") + "," + website + "," + NoOfTweets.Replace(",", "").Replace("Tweets", "") + "," + Followers.Replace(",", "").Replace("Following", "") + "," + Followings.Replace(",", "").Replace("Followers", "").Replace("Follower", ""), Globals.Path_KeywordScrapedListData + "-" + keyword + ".csv"); // Log("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ " + from_user_id + "," + Id_user + "," + ProfileName + "," + Bio.Replace(",", "") + "," + Location + "," + website + "," + NoOfTweets + "," + Followers + "," + Followings + " ]"); } } lst_structTweetIDs = lst_structTweetIDs.Distinct().ToList(); if (lst_structTweetIDs.Count >= noOfRecords) { // return lst_structTweetIDs; } } if (lst_structTweetIDs.Count <= noOfRecords) { maxid = lst_structTweetIDs[lst_structTweetIDs.Count - 1].ID_Tweet; if (res_Get_searchURL.Contains("has_moreitems\":false")) { } else { goto startAgain; } } else { if (res_Get_searchURL.Contains("has_more_items\":false")) { } else { goto startAgain; } } } } catch (Exception ex) { } } } } catch { } }
private void ThreadPoolMethod(object parameters) { try { //string email = (string)parameters; Array paramsArray = new object[2]; paramsArray = (Array)parameters; string email = (string)paramsArray.GetValue(0); int count_Names = (int)paramsArray.GetValue(1); GlobusHttpHelper HttpHelper = new GlobusHttpHelper(); string post_form_id = string.Empty; string lsd = string.Empty; string reg_instance = string.Empty; string firstname = string.Empty; string lastname = string.Empty; string reg_email__ = string.Empty; string reg_email_confirmation__ = string.Empty; string reg_passwd__ = string.Empty; string sex = string.Empty; string birthday_month = string.Empty; string birthday_day = string.Empty; string birthday_year = string.Empty; string captcha_persist_data = string.Empty; string captcha_session = string.Empty; string extra_challenge_params = string.Empty; string recaptcha_public_key = string.Empty; string authp_pisg_nonce_tt = null; string authp = string.Empty; string psig = string.Empty; string nonce = string.Empty; string tt = string.Empty; string time = string.Empty; string challenge = string.Empty; string CaptchaSummit = string.Empty; string Email = string.Empty; string Password = string.Empty; string proxyAddress = string.Empty; string proxyPort = string.Empty; string proxyUsername = string.Empty; string proxyPassword = string.Empty; try { Email = email.Split(':')[0]; Password = email.Split(':')[1]; firstname = listFirstName[count_Names]; lastname = listLastName[count_Names]; } catch (Exception ex){ AddToListBox(ex.Message); } AddToListBox("Creating Account with " + Email); string responseMessage = string.Empty; string captchaSrcMulti = string.Empty; #region Commented // captchaSrcMulti = GetCaptchaImageMulti(email, ref HttpHelper, ref post_form_id, ref lsd, //ref reg_instance, //ref firstname, //ref lastname, //ref reg_email__, //ref reg_email_confirmation__, //ref reg_passwd__, //ref sex, //ref birthday_month, //ref birthday_day, //ref birthday_year, //ref captcha_persist_data, //ref captcha_session, //ref extra_challenge_params, //ref recaptcha_public_key, //ref authp_pisg_nonce_tt, //ref authp, //ref psig, //ref nonce, //ref tt, //ref time, //ref challenge, //ref CaptchaSummit); // if (email.Split(':').Length > 5) // { // proxyAddress = email.Split(':')[2]; // proxyPort = email.Split(':')[3]; // proxyUsername = email.Split(':')[4]; // proxyPassword = email.Split(':')[5]; // //AddToListBox("Setting proxy " + proxyAddress + ":" + proxyPort); // } // else if (email.Split(':').Length == 4) // { // //MessageBox.Show("Private proxies not loaded with emails \n Accounts will be created with public proxies"); // proxyAddress = email.Split(':')[2]; // proxyPort = email.Split(':')[3]; // } #endregion GetCaptchaImageMultiModified(email, ref HttpHelper, ref post_form_id, ref lsd, ref reg_instance, ref firstname, ref lastname, ref reg_email__, ref reg_email_confirmation__, ref reg_passwd__, ref sex, ref birthday_month, ref birthday_day, ref birthday_year, ref captcha_persist_data, ref captcha_session, ref extra_challenge_params, ref recaptcha_public_key, ref authp_pisg_nonce_tt, ref authp, ref psig, ref nonce, ref tt, ref time, ref challenge, ref CaptchaSummit); if (email.Split(':').Length > 5) { proxyAddress = email.Split(':')[2]; proxyPort = email.Split(':')[3]; proxyUsername = email.Split(':')[4]; proxyPassword = email.Split(':')[5]; //AddToListBox("Setting proxy " + proxyAddress + ":" + proxyPort); } else if (email.Split(':').Length == 4) { //MessageBox.Show("Private proxies not loaded with emails \n Accounts will be created with public proxies"); proxyAddress = email.Split(':')[2]; proxyPort = email.Split(':')[3]; } //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(captchaSrcMulti)) //{ #region Old Captcha Method // if (UseDBC) // { // System.Net.WebClient webClient = new System.Net.WebClient(); // byte[] imageBytes = webClient.DownloadData(captchaSrcMulti); // //Getting Captcha Text // string captchaText = DecodeDBC(new string[] { Globals.DBCUsername, Globals.DBCPassword, "" }, imageBytes); // if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(captchaText)) // { // SummitCaptchaMulti(captchaText, ref HttpHelper, post_form_id, lsd, //reg_instance, //firstname, //lastname, //reg_email__, //reg_email_confirmation__, //reg_passwd__, //sex, //birthday_month, //birthday_day, //birthday_year, //captcha_persist_data, //captcha_session, //extra_challenge_params, //recaptcha_public_key, //authp_pisg_nonce_tt = null, //authp, //psig, //nonce, //tt, //time, //challenge, //CaptchaSummit); // } // else // { // AddToListBox("Captcha text NULL for : " + Email); // } // } // else if (UseDeCaptcher) // { // DownloadImageViaWebClient(captchaSrcMulti, Email.Split('@')[0]); // System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(15000); // //Getting Captcha Text using Decaptcher // string Captchatext = decaptcha(decaptchaImagePath + "\\decaptcha" + Email.Split('@')[0]); // try // { // File.Delete(decaptchaImagePath + "\\decaptcha" + Email.Split('@')[0]); // } // catch (Exception) { } // if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Captchatext)) // { // SummitCaptchaMulti(Captchatext, ref HttpHelper, post_form_id, lsd, //reg_instance, //firstname, //lastname, //reg_email__, //reg_email_confirmation__, //reg_passwd__, //sex, //birthday_month, //birthday_day, //birthday_year, //captcha_persist_data, //captcha_session, //extra_challenge_params, //recaptcha_public_key, //authp_pisg_nonce_tt = null, //authp, //psig, //nonce, //tt, //time, //challenge, //CaptchaSummit); // } // else // { // AddToListBox("Captcha text NULL for : " + Email); // } // } #endregion //string url_Registration = "" + post_form_id + "&lsd=" + lsd + "®_instance=" + reg_instance + "&locale=en_US&terms=on&abtest_registration_group=1&referrer=&md5pass=&validate_mx_records=1&asked_to_login=0&ab_test_data=&firstname=" + firstname + "&lastname=" + lastname + "®_email__=" + reg_email__ + "®_email_confirmation__=" + reg_email_confirmation__ + "®_passwd__=" + reg_passwd__ + "&sex=" + sex + "&birthday_month=" + birthday_month + "&birthday_day=" + birthday_day + "&birthday_year=" + birthday_year + "&captcha_persist_data=" + captcha_persist_data + "&captcha_session=" + captcha_session + "&extra_challenge_params=" + extra_challenge_params + "&recaptcha_type=password&recaptcha_challenge_field=" + challenge + "&captcha_response=" + "" + "&ignore=captcha|pc&__user=0"; string url_Registration = "" + post_form_id + "&lsd=" + lsd + "®_instance=" + reg_instance + "&locale=en_US&terms=on&abtest_registration_group=1&referrer=&md5pass=&validate_mx_records=1&asked_to_login=0&ab_test_data=AAAAAAAAAAAA%2FA%2FAAAAA%2FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA%2FAA%2FfAAfABAAD&firstname=" + firstname + "&lastname=" + lastname + "®_email__=" + reg_email__ + "®_email_confirmation__=" + reg_email_confirmation__ + "®_passwd__=" + reg_passwd__ + "&sex=" + sex + "&birthday_month=" + birthday_month + "&birthday_day=" + birthday_day + "&birthday_year=" + birthday_year + "&captcha_persist_data=" + captcha_persist_data + "&captcha_session=" + captcha_session + "&extra_challenge_params=" + extra_challenge_params + "&recaptcha_type=password&captcha_response=" + "" + "&ignore=captcha%7Cpc&__user=0"; string res_Registration = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(url_Registration)); //reg_passwd__ = Uri.UnescapeDataString(reg_passwd__); FinishRegistrationMultiThreaded(res_Registration, Email, Password, proxyAddress, proxyPort, proxyUsername, proxyPassword, ref HttpHelper); //} } catch (Exception ex) { AddToListBox(ex.Message); } }
public void Pagination(ref GlobusHttpHelper objHttpHelper, string mainUrl) { int PageCunt = 1; try { string totalResults = string.Empty; bool dispTotalResults = true; string mainPageResponse = string.Empty; int paginationCounter = 0; do { //mainUrl = mainUrl.Replace("replaceVariableCounter", paginationCounter.ToString()); //if (SalesNavigatorGlobals.isStop) //{ // return; //} ///string hoMEuRL = ""; // string Url = mainUrl.Replace("replaceVariableCounter", paginationCounter.ToString()); mainPageResponse = objHttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(mainUrl)); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(mainPageResponse)) { mainPageResponse = objHttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl1(new Uri("")); mainPageResponse = objHttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(mainUrl)); } //if (mainPageResponse.Contains("We'll be back soon.")&&(mainPageResponse.Contains("We're getting things cleaned up."))) //{ // string unwatedStr = ""+""+"&trk=lss-search-tab";// "&countryCode=" + Utils.getBetween(mainUrl, "&countryCode=", "&"); // mainPageResponse = objHttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(mainUrl.Replace(unwatedStr, paginationCounter.ToString()))); //} if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(mainPageResponse)) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(mainPageResponse)) { //MessageBox.Show("Null response from internet. Please check your internet connection and restart the software."); GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ No response from internet. Please check your internet connection. ] "); } Thread.Sleep(2000); mainPageResponse = objHttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(mainUrl.Replace("replaceVariableCounter", paginationCounter.ToString()))); } try { if (dispTotalResults) { totalResults = Utils.getBetween(mainPageResponse, "\"total\":", ",\"").Trim(); GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Total results found : " + totalResults + " ]"); GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Scraping profile Url ]"); dispTotalResults = false; } } catch { } int checkCountUrls = 0; string[] profileUrl_Split = Regex.Split(mainPageResponse, "\"profileUrl\""); List<string> ProfileList = new List<string>(); foreach (string profileUrlItem in profileUrl_Split) { if (!profileUrlItem.Contains("<!DOCTYPE")) { checkCountUrls++; string profileUrl = Utils.getBetween(profileUrlItem, ":\"", "\",\""); lstProfileUrls.Add(profileUrl); GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Scraped Url : " + profileUrl + " ] "); ProfileList.Add(profileUrl); } } Thread.Sleep(1000); ScrapeProfileDetails(ref objHttpHelper, ProfileList); int startindex = paginationCounter; paginationCounter = paginationCounter + 100; mainUrl = CreatePaginationUrl(mainUrl, startindex, paginationCounter); } while (mainPageResponse.Contains("\"profileUrl\":\"")); } catch (Exception ex) { } }
private void FinishRegistrationMultiThreaded(string responseRegistration, string email, string password, string proxyAddress, string proxyPort, string proxyUser, string proxyPassword, ref GlobusHttpHelper HttpHelper) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(responseRegistration) && responseRegistration.Contains("registration_succeeded")) { AddToListBox("Registration Succeeded"); try { string res = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri("" + email)); /// JS, CSS, Image Requests RequestsJSCSSIMG.RequestJSCSSIMG(res, ref HttpHelper); } catch { }; VerifiyAccountMultiThreaded(email, password, proxyAddress, proxyPort, proxyUser, proxyPassword, ref HttpHelper); } //else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(responseRegistration) && responseRegistration.Contains("It looks like you already have an account on Facebook")) else { AddToListBox("It looks like you already have an account on Facebook"); try { string res = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri("" + email)); /// JS, CSS, Image Requests RequestsJSCSSIMG.RequestJSCSSIMG(res, ref HttpHelper); } catch { }; VerifiyAccountMultiThreaded(email, password, proxyAddress, proxyPort, proxyUser, proxyPassword, ref HttpHelper); } #region Old Code //else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(responseRegistration) && responseRegistration.Contains("The text you entered didn't match the security check")) //{ // //AddToListBox("The text you entered didn't match the security check. Retrying.."); // //accountCounter--; //Decrement Counter as it'll be incremented in next line => GoToNextAccount() // ////And we don't want to switch the account now // //GoToNextAccount(); //} //else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(responseRegistration) && responseRegistration.Contains("You took too much time")) //{ // //AddToListBox("You took too much time in submitting captcha. Retrying.."); // //accountCounter--; //Decrement Counter as it'll be incremented in next line => GoToNextAccount() // ////And we don't want to switch the account now // //GoToNextAccount(); //} //else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(responseRegistration) && responseRegistration.Contains("to an existing account")) //{ // //AddToListBox("This email is associated to an existing account"); // //accountCounter--; //Decrement Counter as it'll be incremented in next line => GoToNextAccount() // ////And we don't want to switch the account now // //GoToNextAccount(); //} //else //{ // if (retryCounter <= 2) // { // ////AddToListBox("Error in submitting captcha. Retrying.."); // //accountCounter--; //Decrement Counter as it'll be incremented in next line => GoToNextAccount() // //And we don't want to switch the account now // ////GoToNextAccount(); // } // else // { // //retryCounter = 0; //Reset the retryCounter as we're switching account now // //AddToListBox("Couldn't create account with " + Email + "---Switching to next account"); // //GoToNextAccount(); // } //} #endregion }
public bool ValidateCPUID(ref string statusMessage, string servr, ref string username, ref string password, ref string txnID, ref string email, string freeTrialKey, string cpuID) { //BaseLib.GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("UserName: "******" CPUID:" + cpuID, Globals.DesktopFolder + "\\LogLicensingProcess.txt"); try { #region Drct //string cpuID = FetchMacId(); //string SelectQuery = "Select * from users where cpuid='" + cpuID + "'"; //DataSet ds = DataBaseHandler.SelectQuery(SelectQuery, "users"); //if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 1) //{ // string status = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["status"].ToString(); // if (status.ToLower() == "active") // { // statusMessage = "active"; // return true; // } // else if (status.ToLower() == "nonactive") // { // statusMessage = "nonactive"; // return false; // } // else if (status.ToLower() == "suspended") // { // statusMessage = "suspended"; // return false; // } //} #endregion #region Through php //string cpuID = FetchMacId(); //ChilkatHttpHelpr HttpHelpr = new ChilkatHttpHelpr(); HttpHelpr = new GlobusHttpHelper(); #region Servr 1 { string res = string.Empty; string url = "http://" + servr + "/GetUserData.php?cpid=" + cpuID + ""; res = HttpHelpr.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(url), "", "", ""); res = HttpHelpr.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(url), "", "", ""); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(res)) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); res = HttpHelpr.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(url), "", "", ""); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(res)) { string activationstatus = string.Empty; string dateTime = string.Empty; //string username = string.Empty; //string txnID = string.Empty; string trimmed_response = res.Replace("<pre>", "").Replace("</pre>", "").Trim().ToLower(); //BaseLib.GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("ValidateCPUID(Responce):" + trimmed_response, Globals.DesktopFolder + "\\LogLicensingProcess.txt"); string[] array_status = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(trimmed_response, "<:>"); try { activationstatus = array_status[0].ToLower(); //BaseLib.GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("ValidateCPUID(Status):" + activationstatus, Globals.DesktopFolder + "\\LogLicensingProcess.txt"); } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine(ex.Message, PDGlobals.pathErrorLog + "\\ErrorLogLicensing.txt"); } try { dateTime = array_status[1].ToLower(); //BaseLib.GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("ValidateCPUID(LicenseDate):" + dateTime, Globals.DesktopFolder + "\\LogLicensingProcess.txt"); } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine(ex.Message, PDGlobals.pathErrorLog + "\\ErrorLogLicensing.txt"); } try { username = array_status[2].ToLower(); //BaseLib.GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("ValidateCPUID(Username):" + username, Globals.DesktopFolder + "\\LogLicensingProcess.txt"); } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine(ex.Message, PDGlobals.pathErrorLog + "\\ErrorLogLicensing.txt"); } try { password = array_status[3].ToLower(); //GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("ValidateCPUID(Username):" + username, Globals.DesktopFolder + "\\LogLicensingProcess.txt"); } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine(ex.Message, PDGlobals.pathErrorLog + "\\ErrorLogLicensing.txt"); } try { txnID = array_status[4].ToLower(); } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine(ex.Message, PDGlobals.pathErrorLog + "\\ErrorLogLicensing.txt"); } try { email = array_status[5].ToLower(); //GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("ValidateCPUID(Username):" + username, Globals.DesktopFolder + "\\LogLicensingProcess.txt"); } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine(ex.Message, PDGlobals.pathErrorLog + "\\ErrorLogLicensing.txt"); } try { Globals.licType = array_status[6].ToLower(); } catch { } if (trimmed_response.ToLower().Contains(freeTrialKey) && ((activationstatus.ToLower() == "active") || (activationstatus.ToLower() == "nonactive"))) { //Globals.IsFreeVersion = true ; if (CheckActivationUpdateStatus(cpuID, dateTime, activationstatus, servr)) { statusMessage = "active"; //servr = "1"; return(true); } else { statusMessage = "trialexpired"; return(false); } if (activationstatus.ToLower() == "active") { statusMessage = "active"; //BaseLib.GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("ValidateCPUID(Status):" + statusMessage, Globals.DesktopFolder + "\\LogLicensingProcess.txt"); //servr = "1"; return(true); } else if (activationstatus.ToLower() == "nonactive") { //Update status as Active string url1 = "http://" + servr + "/UpdateStatus.php?cpid=" + cpuID + "&status=" + "Active"; string updateRes = HttpHelpr.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(url1), "", "", ""); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(updateRes)) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); updateRes = HttpHelpr.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(url1), "", "", ""); } // BaseLib.GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("ValidateCPUID(Your Free Version is Activated):" + statusMessage, Globals.DesktopFolder + "\\LogLicensingProcess.txt"); // MessageBox.Show("Your Free Version is Activated"); return(true); } } else if (activationstatus.ToLower() == "active") { statusMessage = "active"; //BaseLib.GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("ValidateCPUID(LicenceStatus2):" + statusMessage, Globals.DesktopFolder + "\\LogLicensingProcess.txt"); return(true); // DisableControls(); } else if (activationstatus.ToLower() == "nonactive") { statusMessage = "nonactive"; //BaseLib.GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("ValidateCPUID(LicenceStatus2):" + statusMessage, Globals.DesktopFolder + "\\LogLicensingProcess.txt"); // MessageBox.Show("Verification of your txn is under process.\n Please wait for your Transaction to be verified.\n Please Contact To Support Team to activate your license, Skype Id Is :- Facedominatorsupport"); return(false); // DisableControls(); } else if (trimmed_response.Contains("trialexpired")) { statusMessage = "trialexpired"; //need to know the naviagtion site : // BaseLib.GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("ValidateCPUID(LicenceStatus2):" + statusMessage, Globals.DesktopFolder + "\\LogLicensingProcess.txt"); // MessageBox.Show("Your 3 Days Trial Version has Expired. Please visit our site: to purchase your License"); return(false); } else if (trimmed_response.ToLower() == "suspended") { statusMessage = "suspended"; //BaseLib.GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("ValidateCPUID(LicenceStatus2):" + statusMessage, Globals.DesktopFolder + "\\LogLicensingProcess.txt"); return(false); } else if (trimmed_response.Contains("no record found")) { statusMessage = "norecordfound"; //BaseLib.GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("ValidateCPUID(LicenceStatus2):" + statusMessage, Globals.DesktopFolder + "\\LogLicensingProcess.txt"); return(false); } else { statusMessage = "Some Error in Licensing Server"; //BaseLib.GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("ValidateCPUID(LicenceStatus2):" + statusMessage, Globals.DesktopFolder + "\\LogLicensingProcess.txt"); return(false); } } else { statusMessage = "ServerDown"; // BaseLib.GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("ValidateCPUID(LicenceStatus2):" + statusMessage, Globals.DesktopFolder + "\\LogLicensingProcess.txt"); return(false); } } #endregion #endregion } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace); statusMessage = "Error in License Validation"; Loger("Error in License Validation"); //MessageBox.Show(ex.StackTrace); } return(false); }
/// <summary> /// Returns Captcha Image from Facebook /// </summary> /// <param name="responseMessage"></param> /// <returns></returns> public string GetCaptchaImageMulti(string email, ref GlobusHttpHelper HttpHelper, ref string post_form_id, ref string lsd, ref string reg_instance, ref string firstname, ref string lastname, ref string reg_email__, ref string reg_email_confirmation__, ref string reg_passwd__, ref string sex, ref string birthday_month, ref string birthday_day, ref string birthday_year, ref string captcha_persist_data, ref string captcha_session, ref string extra_challenge_params, ref string recaptcha_public_key, ref string authp_pisg_nonce_tt, ref string authp, ref string psig, ref string nonce, ref string tt, ref string time, ref string challenge, ref string CaptchaSummit) { string proxyAddress = string.Empty; string proxyPort = string.Empty; string proxyUsername = string.Empty; string proxyPassword = string.Empty; string FirstName = string.Empty; string LastName = string.Empty; string Email = string.Empty; string Password = string.Empty; string DOB = string.Empty; Email = email.Split(':')[0]; Password = email.Split(':')[1]; if (email.Split(':').Length > 5) { proxyAddress = email.Split(':')[2]; proxyPort = email.Split(':')[3]; proxyUsername = email.Split(':')[4]; proxyPassword = email.Split(':')[5]; //AddToListBox("Setting proxy " + proxyAddress + ":" + proxyPort); } else if (email.Split(':').Length == 4) { //MessageBox.Show("Private proxies not loaded with emails \n Accounts will be created with public proxies"); proxyAddress = email.Split(':')[2]; proxyPort = email.Split(':')[3]; } if (listFirstName.Count > 0) { try { FirstName = listFirstName[RandomNumberGenerator.GenerateRandom(0, listFirstName.Count)]; } catch (Exception ex) { FirstName = string.Empty; } } if (listLastName.Count > 0) { try { LastName = listLastName[RandomNumberGenerator.GenerateRandom(0, listLastName.Count)]; } catch (Exception ex) { LastName = string.Empty; } } #region Get Params //string post_form_id = string.Empty; //string lsd = string.Empty; //string reg_instance = string.Empty; //string firstname = string.Empty; //string lastname = string.Empty; //string reg_email__ = string.Empty; //string reg_email_confirmation__ = string.Empty; //string reg_passwd__ = string.Empty; //string sex = string.Empty; //string birthday_month = string.Empty; //string birthday_day = string.Empty; //string birthday_year = string.Empty; //string captcha_persist_data = string.Empty; //string captcha_session = string.Empty; //string extra_challenge_params = string.Empty; //string recaptcha_public_key = string.Empty; //string authp_pisg_nonce_tt = null; //string authp = string.Empty; //string psig = string.Empty; //string nonce = string.Empty; //string tt = string.Empty; //string time = string.Empty; //string challenge = string.Empty; //string CaptchaSummit = string.Empty; int intProxyPort = 80; Regex IdCheck = new Regex("^[0-9]*$"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(proxyPort) && IdCheck.IsMatch(proxyPort)) { intProxyPort = int.Parse(proxyPort); } AddToListBox("Fetching Captcha"); LogFacebookCreator("Fetching Captcha"); //GlobusHttpHelper HttpHelper = new GlobusHttpHelper(); //Create new instance string pageSource = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrlProxy(new Uri(""), proxyAddress, intProxyPort, proxyUsername, proxyPassword); #region CSS, JS, & Pixel requests to avoid Socket Detection ///JS, CSS, Image Requests //RequestJSCSSIMG(pageSource, ref HttpHelper); RequestsJSCSSIMG.RequestJSCSSIMG(pageSource, ref HttpHelper); //try //{ // string req1 = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri("")); //} //catch (Exception) //{ //} //try //{ // string req2 = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri("")); //} //catch (Exception) //{ //} ///Pixel request string reg_instanceValue = GetParamValue(pageSource, "reg_instance"); //string asyncSignal = RandomNumberGenerator.GenerateRandom(3000, 4000).ToString(); string asyncSignal = string.Empty; try { asyncSignal = RandomNumberGenerator.GenerateRandom(3000, 8000).ToString(); } catch (Exception) { } string pixel = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri("®_instance=" + reg_instanceValue + "&asyncSignal=" + asyncSignal + "&__user=0")); #endregion //Delay after loading Sign Up //Thread.Sleep(12000); //string Response1 = HttpHelper.postFormDataProxy(new Uri(""), "", proxyAddress, intProxyPort, proxyUsername, proxyPassword); //string Response12 = HttpHelper.postFormDataProxy(new Uri(""), "", proxyAddress, intProxyPort, proxyUsername, proxyPassword); //string pageSource12 = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrlProxy(new Uri(""), proxyAddress, intProxyPort, proxyUsername, proxyPassword); //**** update by ritesh 20-9-11 *****///////////////////////////////// //*** For post_form_id ********//////////////////////////////////////////////// AddToListBox("searching the captcha data" + Email); if (pageSource.Contains("post_form_id")) { string post_id = pageSource.Substring(pageSource.IndexOf("post_form_id"), 200); string[] Arr1 = post_id.Split('"'); post_form_id = Arr1[2]; } if (pageSource.Contains("lsd")) { string lsd_val = pageSource.Substring(pageSource.IndexOf("lsd"), 100); string[] Arr_lsd = lsd_val.Split('"'); lsd = Arr_lsd[2]; } if (pageSource.Contains("reg_instance")) { string reg_instance_val = pageSource.Substring(pageSource.IndexOf("reg_instance"), 200); string[] Arr_reg = reg_instance_val.Split('"'); reg_instance = Arr_reg[4]; } firstname = FirstName.Replace(" ", "%20"); lastname = LastName.Replace(" ", "%20"); reg_email__ = Email.Replace("@", "%40"); reg_email_confirmation__ = Email.Replace("@", "%40"); reg_passwd__ = Password.Replace("@", "%40"); sex = SexSelect; birthday_month = RandomNumberGenerator.GenerateRandom(1, 12).ToString(); birthday_day = RandomNumberGenerator.GenerateRandom(1, 28).ToString(); birthday_year = RandomNumberGenerator.GenerateRandom(1980, 1990).ToString(); if (pageSource.Contains("captcha_persist_data")) { string captcha_persist_data_val = pageSource.Substring(pageSource.IndexOf("captcha_persist_data"), 500); string[] Arr_captcha_persist_data_val = captcha_persist_data_val.Split('"'); captcha_persist_data = Arr_captcha_persist_data_val[4]; } if (pageSource.Contains("captcha_session")) { string captcha_session_val = pageSource.Substring(pageSource.IndexOf("captcha_session"), 200); string[] Arr_captcha_session_val = captcha_session_val.Split('"'); captcha_session = Arr_captcha_session_val[4]; } if (pageSource.Contains("extra_challenge_params")) { string extra_challenge_params_val = pageSource.Substring(pageSource.IndexOf("extra_challenge_params"), 500); string[] Arr_extra_challenge_params_val = extra_challenge_params_val.Split('"'); authp_pisg_nonce_tt = Arr_extra_challenge_params_val[4]; extra_challenge_params = Arr_extra_challenge_params_val[4]; extra_challenge_params = extra_challenge_params.Replace("=", "%3D"); extra_challenge_params = extra_challenge_params.Replace("&", "%26"); } #endregion //AddToListBox("get the first url" + Email); ///Delay after filling info //int delay = 0; //try //{ // delay = RandomNumberGenerator.GenerateRandom(minDelay, maxDelay) * 1000; // if (delay < 4000) // { // delay = RandomNumberGenerator.GenerateRandom(8000, 12000); // } //} //catch (Exception) //{ //} //AddToListBox("Delaying for " + delay / 1000 + " seconds"); //Thread.Sleep(delay); //Thread.Sleep(RandomNumberGenerator.GenerateRandom(4000, 8000)); //////////////////////////////*****Gets Captcha URL****//////////////////////////////////////////////// string pageSourceCaptcha = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri("" + post_form_id + "&lsd=" + lsd + "®_instance=" + reg_instance + "&locale=en_US&terms=on&abtest_registration_group=1&referrer=&md5pass=&validate_mx_records=1&ab_test_data=&firstname=" + firstname + "&lastname=" + lastname + "®_email__=" + reg_email__ + "®_email_confirmation__=" + reg_email_confirmation__ + "®_passwd__=" + reg_passwd__ + "&sex=" + sex + "&birthday_month=" + birthday_month + "&birthday_day=" + birthday_day + "&birthday_year=" + birthday_year + "&captcha_persist_data=" + captcha_persist_data + "&captcha_session=" + captcha_session + "&extra_challenge_params=" + extra_challenge_params + "&recaptcha_type=password&captcha_response=&ignore=captcha%7Cpc&__user=0")); //JS, CSS, Image Requests RequestsJSCSSIMG.RequestJSCSSIMG(pageSourceCaptcha, ref HttpHelper); if (!pageSourceCaptcha.Contains("There is an existing account associated with this email")) { if (pageSource.Contains("RegUtil.recaptcha_public_key")) { string recaptcha_public_key_val = pageSource.Substring(pageSource.IndexOf("RegUtil.recaptcha_public_key"), 200); string[] Arr_recaptcha_public_key = recaptcha_public_key_val.Split('"'); recaptcha_public_key = Arr_recaptcha_public_key[1]; } if (authp_pisg_nonce_tt != null) { string[] ArrpisgTemp = authp_pisg_nonce_tt.Split('='); authp = ArrpisgTemp[1]; authp = authp.Replace("&psig", ""); psig = ArrpisgTemp[2]; psig = psig.Replace("&nonce", ""); nonce = ArrpisgTemp[3]; nonce = nonce.Replace("&tt", ""); tt = ArrpisgTemp[4]; tt = tt.Replace("&time", ""); time = ArrpisgTemp[5]; time = time.Substring(0, 10); } AddToListBox("loading captcha" + Email); string pageSourceCaptcha1 = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri("" + recaptcha_public_key + "&ajax=1&xcachestop=0.4159115800857506&authp=" + authp + "&psig=" + psig + "&nonce=" + nonce + "&tt=" + tt + "&time=" + time + "&new_audio_default=1")); ////JS, CSS, Image Requests //RequestsJSCSSIMG.RequestJSCSSIMG(pageSourceCaptcha1, ref HttpHelper); // string challenge = string.Empty; if (pageSourceCaptcha1.Contains("challenge")) { string challenge_val = pageSourceCaptcha1.Substring(pageSourceCaptcha1.IndexOf("challenge"), 300); string[] Arr_challenge = challenge_val.Split('\''); challenge = Arr_challenge[1]; } return "" + challenge; //string pageSourceCaptcha2 = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrlImage(new Uri("" + challenge)); } else { //responseMessage = "There is an existing account with " + Email; AddToListBox("There is an existing account with " + Email); return null; } }
public void Pagination(ref GlobusHttpHelper objHttpHelper, string mainUrl) { int PageCunt = 1; try { string totalResults = string.Empty; bool dispTotalResults = true; string mainPageResponse = string.Empty; int paginationCounter = 0; do { //mainUrl = mainUrl.Replace("replaceVariableCounter", paginationCounter.ToString()); //if (SalesNavigatorGlobals.isStop) //{ // return; //} ///string hoMEuRL = ""; // string Url = mainUrl.Replace("replaceVariableCounter", paginationCounter.ToString()); mainPageResponse = objHttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(mainUrl)); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(mainPageResponse)) { mainPageResponse = objHttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl1(new Uri("")); mainPageResponse = objHttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(mainUrl)); } //if (mainPageResponse.Contains("We'll be back soon.")&&(mainPageResponse.Contains("We're getting things cleaned up."))) //{ // string unwatedStr = ""+""+"&trk=lss-search-tab";// "&countryCode=" + Utils.getBetween(mainUrl, "&countryCode=", "&"); // mainPageResponse = objHttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(mainUrl.Replace(unwatedStr, paginationCounter.ToString()))); //} if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(mainPageResponse)) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(mainPageResponse)) { //MessageBox.Show("Null response from internet. Please check your internet connection and restart the software."); GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ No response from internet. Please check your internet connection. ] "); } Thread.Sleep(2000); mainPageResponse = objHttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(mainUrl.Replace("replaceVariableCounter", paginationCounter.ToString()))); } try { if (dispTotalResults) { totalResults = Utils.getBetween(mainPageResponse, "\"total\":", ",\"").Trim(); GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Total results found : " + totalResults + " ]"); GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Scraping profile Url ]"); dispTotalResults = false; } } catch { } int checkCountUrls = 0; string[] profileUrl_Split = Regex.Split(mainPageResponse, "\"profileUrl\""); List <string> ProfileList = new List <string>(); foreach (string profileUrlItem in profileUrl_Split) { if (!profileUrlItem.Contains("<!DOCTYPE")) { checkCountUrls++; string profileUrl = Utils.getBetween(profileUrlItem, ":\"", "\",\""); lstProfileUrls.Add(profileUrl); GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Scraped Url : " + profileUrl + " ] "); ProfileList.Add(profileUrl); } } Thread.Sleep(1000); ScrapeProfileDetails(ref objHttpHelper, ProfileList); int startindex = paginationCounter; paginationCounter = paginationCounter + 100; mainUrl = CreatePaginationUrl(mainUrl, startindex, paginationCounter); } while (mainPageResponse.Contains("\"profileUrl\":\"")); } catch (Exception ex) { } }
public static List<string> GetPhotoId(string hashTag) { string url = "" + "tag/" + hashTag; GlobusHttpHelper objInstagramUser = new GlobusHttpHelper (); List<string> lstPhotoId = new List<string> (); int counter = 0; string pageSource = objInstagramUser.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(url),"",""); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (pageSource)) { if (pageSource.Contains ("<div class=\"mainimg_wrapper\">")) { string[] arr = Regex.Split (pageSource, "<div class=\"mainimg_wrapper\">"); if (arr.Length > 1) { arr = arr.Skip (1).ToArray (); foreach (string itemarr in arr) { try { string startString = "<a href=\"/p/"; string endString = "\" class=\"mainimg\""; string imageId=string.Empty; string imageSrc = string.Empty; if(itemarr.Contains("<a href=\"/p/")) { int indexStart = itemarr.IndexOf("<a href=\"/p/"); string itemarrNow = itemarr.Substring(indexStart); if (itemarrNow.Contains(startString) && itemarrNow.Contains(endString)) { try { imageId = GlobusHttpHelper.getBetween(itemarrNow, startString, endString).Replace("/",""); } catch { } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(imageId)) { lstPhotoId.Add(imageId); lstPhotoId.Distinct(); if(lstPhotoId.Count>=counterPhotoId) { return lstPhotoId; } //imageId = ""+imageId; } } } } catch(Exception ex) { } } #region pagination string pageLink = string.Empty; while (true) { //if (stopScrapImageBool) return; string startString = "<a href=\""; string endString = "\" class=\"mainimg\""; string imageId = string.Empty; string imageSrc = string.Empty; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pageLink)) { pageSource = objInstagramUser.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(pageLink),"",""); } if (pageSource.Contains("<ul class=\"pager\">") && pageSource.Contains("rel=\"next\">")) { try { pageLink = GlobusHttpHelper.getBetween(pageSource, "<ul class=\"pager\">", "rel=\"next\">"); } catch { } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pageLink)) { try { int len = pageLink.IndexOf("<a href=\""); len = len + ("<a href=\"").Length; pageLink = pageLink.Substring(len); pageLink = pageLink.Trim(); pageLink = pageLink.TrimEnd(new char[] { '"' }); pageLink = "" + pageLink; } catch { } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pageLink)) { string response = string.Empty; try { response = objInstagramUser.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(pageLink),"",""); } catch { } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(response)) { if (response.Contains("<div class=\"mainimg_wrapper\">")) { try { string[] arr1 = Regex.Split(response, "<div class=\"mainimg_wrapper\">"); if (arr1.Length > 1) { arr1 = arr1.Skip(1).ToArray(); foreach (string items in arr1) { try { //if (stopScrapImageBool) return; if (items.Contains("<a href=\"/p/")) { int indexStart = items.IndexOf("<a href=\"/p/"); string itemarrNow = items.Substring(indexStart); try { imageId = GlobusHttpHelper.getBetween(itemarrNow, startString, endString).Replace("/",""); } catch { } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(imageId)) { lstPhotoId.Add(imageId); lstPhotoId.Distinct(); if(lstPhotoId.Count>=counterPhotoId) { return lstPhotoId; } //imageId = ""+imageId; } counter++; //Addtologger("Image DownLoaded with ImageName "+imageId+"_"+counter); if(lstPhotoId.Count>=counterPhotoId) { return lstPhotoId; } } } catch { } } if(lstPhotoId.Count>=counterPhotoId) { return lstPhotoId; } } } catch { } } } else { } } else { break; } } else { break; } } else { break; } } #endregion } } } return lstPhotoId; }
private void ButonTest_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { UserControl abc = new UserControl(); abc.Show(); //TweetAccountManager tweetAccountManager = new TweetAccountManager(); //tweetAccountManager.Username = "******"; //tweetAccountManager.Password = "******"; ////tweetAccountManager.proxyAddress = ""; ////tweetAccountManager.proxyPort = "8888"; ////tweetAccountManager.proxyUsername = "******"; ////tweetAccountManager.proxyPassword = "******"; //tweetAccountManager.follower.logEvents.addToLogger += new EventHandler(logEvents_Follower_addToLogger); ////tweetAccountManager.logEvents.addToLogger += logEvents_Follower_addToLogger; //tweetAccountManager.Login(); ////tweetAccountManager.UpdateProfile(); //string unfollowuserId = "569071036"; //string unfollowpost_authenticity_token = tweetAccountManager.postAuthenticityToken; //string unfollowpostdata = "user_id=" + unfollowuserId + "&post_authenticity_token=" + tweetAccountManager.postAuthenticityToken; //////string unfollowresponse = tweetAccountManager.globusHttpHelper.postFormData(new Uri(""), unfollowpostdata, "", "", "XMLHttpRequest", "true", ""); //string res_PostFollow = tweetAccountManager.globusHttpHelper.postFormData(new Uri(""), unfollowpostdata, "", string.Empty, "XMLHttpRequest", "true", ""); //ParseJson(); GlobusHttpHelper httpHelper = new GlobusHttpHelper(); string res = httpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(""), "", ""); }
public void getTweetUsers(string Url, ref GlobusHttpHelper HttpHelper) { string cursor = "-1"; string FollowingUrl = string.Empty; List <string> lstIds = new List <string>(); string userID; string Screen_name; int counter = 0; try { Url = Url + "@@@"; string numResult = getBetween(Url, "status/", "@@@"); //Regex.Match(Url, @"\d+").Value; FollowingUrl = "" + numResult; string Data = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(FollowingUrl), "", ""); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Data)) { Data = HttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(FollowingUrl), "", ""); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Data)) { AddToLog_ScrapMember("Either Url is Invalid or PageSource is getting Null or Empty."); //ReturnStatus = "Error"; return; } String[] DataDivArr = null; if (Data.Contains("js-stream-item stream-item stream-item")) { DataDivArr = Regex.Split(Data, "js-stream-item stream-item stream-item"); } foreach (var DataDivArr_item in DataDivArr) { if (DataDivArr_item.Contains("data-screen-name")) { int endIndex = 0; int startIndex = DataDivArr_item.IndexOf("data-screen-name"); try { endIndex = DataDivArr_item.IndexOf("data-name"); } catch { } if (endIndex == -1) { endIndex = DataDivArr_item.IndexOf("data-feedback-token"); } string GetDataStr = DataDivArr_item.Substring(startIndex, endIndex); //string _SCRNameID = (GetDataStr.Substring(GetDataStr.IndexOf("data-user-id"), GetDataStr.IndexOf("data-feedback-token", GetDataStr.IndexOf("data-user-id")) - GetDataStr.IndexOf("data-user-id")).Replace("data-user-id", string.Empty).Replace("=", string.Empty).Replace("\"", "").Replace("\\\\n", string.Empty).Replace("data-screen-name=", string.Empty).Replace("\\", "").Trim()); string _SCRName = (GetDataStr.Substring(GetDataStr.IndexOf("data-screen-name="), GetDataStr.IndexOf("data-user-id", GetDataStr.IndexOf("data-screen-name=")) - GetDataStr.IndexOf("data-screen-name=")).Replace("data-screen-name=", string.Empty).Replace("=", string.Empty).Replace("\"", "").Replace("\\\\n", string.Empty).Replace("data-screen-name=", string.Empty).Replace("\\", "").Trim()); if (_SCRName.Contains(" ")) { _SCRName = _SCRName.Split(' ')[0]; } //if (noOfRecords > lstIds.Count) { lstIds.Add(_SCRName); lstIds = lstIds.Distinct().ToList(); AddToLog_ScrapMember("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [" + _SCRName + " ]"); if (!File.Exists(Globals.Path_ScrapedMembersList)) { GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine(" UserName , Url", Globals.Path_ScrapedMembersList); } GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine(_SCRName + "," + Url, Globals.Path_ScrapedMembersList); } } } } catch { } }
public void GetPostCommentParsing(string posturl, ref GlobusHttpHelper objGlobusHttpHelper, string pageid, string UserId, ref List<string> Idlist,string pageUrl) { #region Variables resion string posthtml = string.Empty; string posturl1 = string.Empty; string post = string.Empty; string like_id = string.Empty; string like_name = string.Empty; string commentid = string.Empty; string commentmsg = string.Empty; string commentcreated_time = string.Empty; string commentlike_count = string.Empty; string user_likes = string.Empty; string post_date = string.Empty; string linkurl = string.Empty; string pictureurl = string.Empty; string statustype = string.Empty; string type = string.Empty; string fromname = string.Empty; string postid = posturl.Split('/')[posturl.Split('/').Count() - 1].ToString(); //string postid = string.Empty; string userid = string.Empty; string fromid = string.Empty; string getlikecomment = string.Empty; DateTime comment_date = new DateTime(); #endregion if (posturl.Contains("https:")) { posturl1 = posturl; } else { posturl1 =("" + posturl).Replace("\\",string.Empty); } try { posthtml = objGlobusHttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(posturl1)); //post = socioHelper.getBetween(posthtml, "class=\"hasCaption\">", "<i class=\"_4-k1 img sp_LWp1MpKGrs1 sx_35a5d8").Replace("<br />", " "); string post1 = Utils.getBetween(posthtml, "<p>", "<form rel=\"async").Replace("See Translation", ""); post = Regex.Replace(post1, "<[^>]+>| ", ""); try { pictureurl = Utils.getBetween(posthtml, "id=\"fbPhotoImage\" src=\"", "\" alt=\"\" /></div><div").Replace("amp;", ""); } catch (Exception ex) { } getlikecomment = Utils.getBetween(posthtml, "feedbacktargets\":", "mentionsdatasource\":"); JObject jobjectdata = JObject.Parse("{" + Utils.getBetween(posthtml, "showsendonentertip\":true}],", ",\"actions\":[]") + "}"); try { var Comments = jobjectdata["comments"]; foreach (var _Commentitem in Comments) { string commentfrom_id = string.Empty; string commentfrom_name = string.Empty; commentid = _Commentitem["id"].ToString().Replace("\"", string.Empty).Trim(); commentmsg = _Commentitem["body"]["text"].ToString().Replace("\"", string.Empty).Trim(); commentfrom_id = _Commentitem["author"].ToString().Replace("\"", string.Empty).Trim(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace); } try { string likerurl = "" + postid + "&actorid=" + pageid + "&__asyncDialog=1&__user="******"&__a=1&__dyn=7n8ajEBQ9FoBZypQ9UoHFaeFDzECiq78hACF3pqzCC-C26m6oKezpUgDyQqUgF5BzEy6E&__req=28&__rev=1461180"; string likerhtml = objGlobusHttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(likerurl)); string[] splitliker = Regex.Split(likerhtml, "_s0 _rw img"); foreach (string liker_item in splitliker) { if (!liker_item.Contains("for (;;);")) { like_id = Utils.getBetween(liker_item, "data-hovercard=\\\"\\/ajax\\/hovercard\\/user.php?id=", "&extragetparams"); Idlist.Add(like_id); DataParsingWithGraphApi(like_id, pageUrl); //like_name = Utils.getBetween(liker_item, "profile_browser\\u002522\\u00257D\\\">", "\\u003C\\/a>"); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace); } }
public void ScrapeProfileDetails(ref GlobusHttpHelper objHttpHelper, List<string> ProfileUrls) { foreach (string profileURL in ProfileUrls) { try { CheckDuplicate.Add(profileURL, profileURL); } catch (Exception) { continue; } string name = string.Empty; string memberID = string.Empty; string imageUrl = string.Empty; string connection = string.Empty; string location = string.Empty; string industry = string.Empty; string headlineTitle = string.Empty; string currentTitle = string.Empty; string pastTitles = string.Empty; string currentCompany = string.Empty; string pastCompanies = string.Empty; string skills = string.Empty; string numberOfConnections = string.Empty; string education = string.Empty; string email = string.Empty; string phoneNumber = string.Empty; //if (SalesNavigatorGlobals.isStop) //{ // return; //} try { GlobusLogHelper.log.Info("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Scraping profile details of profile url : " + profileURL + " ]"); string pgSource = objHttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(profileURL)); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pgSource)) { pgSource = objHttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(profileURL)); } if (!pgSource.Contains("\"profile\":")) { Thread.Sleep(2000); pgSource = objHttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(profileURL)); } name = GetName(pgSource); memberID = Utils.getBetween(profileURL, "profile/", ",").Trim(); imageUrl = GetImageUrl(pgSource); email = GetEmail(pgSource); phoneNumber = GetPhoneNumber(pgSource); connection = GetConnection(pgSource); location = GetLocation(pgSource); industry = GetIndustry(pgSource); headlineTitle = GetHeadlineTitle(pgSource); headlineTitle = headlineTitle.Replace("\\u002d", string.Empty); string allTitles = GetAllTitle(pgSource).Replace("d/b/a", string.Empty).Replace("&", string.Empty); //title at company : title at company : title at company try { string[] titles = Regex.Split(allTitles, " : "); currentTitle = Utils.getBetween(titles[0], "", " at "); foreach (string item in titles) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pastTitles)) { pastTitles = Utils.getBetween(item, "", " at "); } else { pastTitles = pastTitles + ":" + Utils.getBetween(item, "", " at "); } } currentCompany = Utils.getBetween(titles[0] + "@", " at ", "@").Replace("d/b/a", string.Empty); foreach (string item in titles) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pastCompanies)) { pastCompanies = Utils.getBetween(item + "@", " at ", "@").Replace("d/b/a", string.Empty); } else { if (!pastCompanies.Contains(Utils.getBetween(item + "@", " at ", "@"))) { pastCompanies = pastCompanies + ":" + Utils.getBetween(item + "@", " at ", "@").Replace("d/b/a", string.Empty); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { } skills = GetSkills(pgSource); numberOfConnections = GetNumberOfConnections(pgSource); education = GetEducation(pgSource); } catch (Exception ex) { } lstProfileUrls.Remove(profileURL); WriteDataToCSV(name, profileURL, memberID, connection, location, industry, headlineTitle, currentTitle, pastTitles, currentCompany, pastCompanies, skills, numberOfConnections, education, email, phoneNumber); } }
public bool Login() { string OAuthVerifier = string.Empty; string OAuthenticityToken = string.Empty; string OAuthToken = string.Empty; string PinToken = string.Empty; string InviteUrl = string.Empty; bool IsAccountCreated = false; try { string ts = GenerateTimeStamp(); InviteUrl = "" + PinEmail + "&invite=" + InviteCode; InviteUrl = "" + InviteCode; int intProxyPort = 80; if (ApplicationData.ValidateNumber(this.proxyPort)) { intProxyPort = int.Parse(this.proxyPort); } string TwitterPageContent = httpHelper.getHtmlfromUrlProxy(new Uri(""), "", this.proxyAddress, intProxyPort, this.proxyUsername, this.proxyPassword, this.userAgent); string BootPageContent = httpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(""), "", "", this.userAgent); //string PostData = "session%5Busername_or_email%5D=" + TwitterUsername + "&session%5Bpassword%5D=" + TwitterPassword + "&scribe_log=%5B%22%7B%5C%22event_name%5C%22%3A%5C%22web%3Afront%3Alogin_callout%3Aform%3A%3Alogin_click%5C%22%2C%5C%22noob_level%5C%22%3Anull%2C%5C%22internal_referer%5C%22%3Anull%2C%5C%22user_id%5C%22%3A0%2C%5C%22page%5C%22%3A%5C%22front%5C%22%2C%5C%22_category_%5C%22%3A%5C%22client_event%5C%22%2C%5C%22ts%5C%22%3A" + ts + "%7D%22%5D&redirect_after_login="******""), PostData, "", "" , this.userAgent); //string ts = GenerateTimeStamp(); string get_twitter_first = string.Empty; try { get_twitter_first = httpHelper.getHtmlfromUrlProxy(new Uri(""), "", proxyAddress, 0, proxyUsername, proxyPassword, ""); } catch (Exception ex) { //string get_twitter_first = globusHttpHelper1.getHtmlfromUrlp(new Uri(""), string.Empty, string.Empty); //Thread.Sleep(1000); get_twitter_first = httpHelper.getHtmlfromUrlProxy(new Uri(""), "", proxyAddress, 0, proxyUsername, proxyPassword, ""); } string postAuthenticityToken = ""; int startIndx = get_twitter_first.IndexOf("postAuthenticityToken"); if (startIndx > 0) { int indexstart = startIndx + "postAuthenticityToken".Length + 3; int endIndx = get_twitter_first.IndexOf("\"", startIndx); postAuthenticityToken = get_twitter_first.Substring(startIndx, endIndx - startIndx).Replace(",", ""); if (postAuthenticityToken.Contains("postAuthenticityToken")) { try { string[] getOuthentication = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(get_twitter_first, "\"postAuthenticityToken\":\""); string[] authenticity = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(getOuthentication[1], ","); if (authenticity[0].IndexOf("\"") > 0) { int indexStart1 = authenticity[0].IndexOf("\""); string start = authenticity[0].Substring(0, indexStart1); postAuthenticityToken = start.Replace("\"", "").Replace(":", ""); } } catch { }; } } else { string[] array = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(get_twitter_first, "<input type=\"hidden\""); foreach (string item in array) { if (item.Contains("authenticity_token")) { int startindex = item.IndexOf("value=\""); if (startindex > 0) { string start = item.Substring(startindex).Replace("value=\"", ""); int endIndex = start.IndexOf("\""); string end = start.Substring(0, endIndex); postAuthenticityToken = end; break; } } } } string get_twitter_second = httpHelper.postFormData(new Uri(""), "log%5B%5D=%7B%22event_name%22%3A%22web%3Amobile_gallery%3Agallery%3A%3A%3Aimpression%22%2C%22noob_level%22%3Anull%2C%22internal_referer%22%3Anull%2C%22context%22%3A%22mobile_gallery%22%2C%22event_info%22%3A%22mobile_app_download%22%2C%22user_id%22%3A0%2C%22page%22%3A%22mobile_gallery%22%2C%22_category_%22%3A%22client_event%22%2C%22ts%22%3A" + ts + "%7D", "!/download", "", ""); //globusHttpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(""), "", string.Empty); string get2nd = httpHelper.getHtmlfromUrlProxy(new Uri(""), "", proxyAddress, 0, proxyUsername, proxyPassword, ""); string get_api = httpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(""), "", "", ""); //Old postdata //string postData = "session%5Busername_or_email%5D=" + Username + "&session%5Bpassword%5D=" + Password + "&scribe_log=%5B%22%7B%5C%22event_name%5C%22%3A%5C%22web%3Afront%3Alogin_callout%3Aform%3A%3Alogin_click%5C%22%2C%5C%22noob_level%5C%22%3Anull%2C%5C%22internal_referer%5C%22%3Anull%2C%5C%22user_id%5C%22%3A0%2C%5C%22page%5C%22%3A%5C%22front%5C%22%2C%5C%22_category_%5C%22%3A%5C%22client_event%5C%22%2C%5C%22ts%5C%22%3A" + ts + "%7D%22%5D&redirect_after_login="******"session%5Busername_or_email%5D=" + TwitterUsername + "&session%5Bpassword%5D=" + TwitterPassword + "&scribe_log=&redirect_after_login=&authenticity_token=" + postAuthenticityToken + ""; string response_Login = httpHelper.postFormData(new Uri(""), postData, "", "", ""); string AfterPostPageContent = httpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(""), "", "", this.userAgent); if (AfterPostPageContent.Contains("signout-button")) { string InvitePageContent = httpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(InviteUrl), "", "", this.userAgent); if (InvitePageContent.Contains("This invite code is not valid")) { IsAccountCreated = false; Log("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ This invite code is not valid " + PinEmail + " ]"); return(IsAccountCreated); } string InvitedPageContent = httpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(""), InviteUrl, "", this.userAgent); if (InvitedPageContent.Contains("Logout")) { IsAccountCreated = true; Log("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ This twitter account allready added with pinterest " + TwitterUsername + " ]"); return(IsAccountCreated); } Uri ResponseUri = httpHelper.GetResponseData(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ResponseUri.OriginalString)) { if (ResponseUri.OriginalString.Contains("verify_captcha/?")) { //List<string> lstData = GetCapctha(); //string challenge = string.Empty; //string response = string.Empty; //challenge = lstData[0].ToString(); //response = lstData[1].ToString(); //response = response.Replace(" ", "+"); //string postUrl = ""; //string postData = "challenge=" + challenge + "&response=" + response; //string POstResponse = httpHelper.postFormData(new Uri(postUrl), postData, "", string.Empty); //string pageSrcWelcome = httpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(""), postUrl, ""); } if (ResponseUri.OriginalString.Contains("")) { OAuthVerifier = ResponseUri.OriginalString; int FirstPointToken = InvitedPageContent.IndexOf("csrfmiddlewaretoken"); string FirstTokenSubString = InvitedPageContent.Substring(FirstPointToken); int SecondPointToken = FirstTokenSubString.IndexOf("/>"); PinToken = FirstTokenSubString.Substring(0, SecondPointToken).Replace("csrfmiddlewaretoken", string.Empty).Replace("value=", string.Empty).Replace("'", string.Empty).Trim(); } if (ResponseUri.OriginalString.Contains("")) { int FirstAuthenticityPoint = InvitedPageContent.IndexOf("authenticity_token\" type=\"hidden\""); string FirstSubAuthenticity = InvitedPageContent.Substring(FirstAuthenticityPoint); OAuthenticityToken = FirstSubAuthenticity.Substring(FirstSubAuthenticity.IndexOf("value="), (FirstSubAuthenticity.IndexOf("/></div>")) - (FirstSubAuthenticity.IndexOf("value="))).Replace("value=", string.Empty).Replace("\"", string.Empty).Trim(); OAuthToken = ResponseUri.OriginalString.Replace("", string.Empty).Replace("", string.Empty); string AcceptPostData = "authenticity_token=" + OAuthenticityToken + "&oauth_token=" + OAuthToken; string OauthUrl = "" + OAuthToken; string AcceptedPageContent = httpHelper.postFormData(new Uri(""), AcceptPostData, OauthUrl, string.Empty, this.userAgent); int FirstOAuthVerifierPoint = AcceptedPageContent.IndexOf(""); string FirstSuboAuth = AcceptedPageContent.Substring(FirstOAuthVerifierPoint); OAuthVerifier = FirstSuboAuth.Substring(0, FirstSuboAuth.IndexOf(">")).Replace("\"", string.Empty).Trim();//.Replace("&oauth_verifier=", string.Empty).Trim(); string PinterestRegistrationPageContent = httpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(OAuthVerifier), string.Empty, string.Empty, this.userAgent); if (!PinterestRegistrationPageContent.Contains("Oops! We are having some issues talking to Twitter. Please try again later")) { int FirstPointToken = PinterestRegistrationPageContent.IndexOf("csrfmiddlewaretoken"); string FirstTokenSubString = PinterestRegistrationPageContent.Substring(FirstPointToken); int SecondPointToken = FirstTokenSubString.IndexOf("/>"); PinToken = FirstTokenSubString.Substring(0, SecondPointToken).Replace("csrfmiddlewaretoken", string.Empty).Replace("value=", string.Empty).Replace("'", string.Empty).Trim(); } else { Log("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ We are having some issues talking to Twitter. Please try again later ]"); return(false); } } //Checking For User Name string CheckUserNameUrl = ""******"&csrfmiddlewaretoken=" + PinToken; string User = httpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(CheckUserNameUrl), OAuthVerifier, PinToken, this.userAgent); if (User.Contains("username is already")) { int num = RandomNumberGenerator.GenerateRandom(100, 1000); PinUserName = PinUserName + num.ToString(); //Checking For User Name CheckUserNameUrl = ""******"&csrfmiddlewaretoken=" + PinToken; User = httpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(CheckUserNameUrl), OAuthVerifier, PinToken, this.userAgent); } ////Checking For User Name //string CheckEmailUrl = "" + PinEmail + "&csrfmiddlewaretoken=" + PinToken; //string Email = httpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(CheckEmailUrl), OAuthVerifier, PinToken); //if (!Email.Contains("success")) //{ // //IsPinLoggedIn = true; // Log("This email not valid " + PinEmail); // return; //} string RegistrationPostData = "username="******"&email=" + PinEmail + "&password="******"&invite=" + InviteCode.Replace(" ", "").Replace("", "") + "&twitter=1&csrfmiddlewaretoken=" + PinToken + "&"; string RegistredPageContent = httpHelper.postFormData(new Uri(""), RegistrationPostData, OAuthVerifier, string.Empty, this.userAgent); if (RegistredPageContent.Contains("recaptcha/api/js/recaptcha")) { List <string> lstData = GetCapctha(); string challenge = string.Empty; string response = string.Empty; challenge = lstData[0].ToString(); response = lstData[1].ToString(); response = response.Replace(" ", "+"); string postUrl = ""; string postData1 = "challenge=" + challenge + "&response=" + response; string POstResponse = httpHelper.postFormData(new Uri(postUrl), postData1, OAuthVerifier, PinToken, this.userAgent); RegistredPageContent = httpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(""), "", "", this.userAgent); } if (RegistredPageContent.Contains("architecture")) { IsAccountCreated = true; Log("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Account Created " + PinUserName + " ]"); } else { IsAccountCreated = false; Log("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Account Not Created " + PinUserName + " ]"); return(IsAccountCreated); } string WelcomPageContent = httpHelper.postFormData(new Uri(""), "", OAuthVerifier, PinToken, this.userAgent); //Changed By Gargi On 22nd May 2012 --> request from fiddler changed //string CategoryPostData = "categories=architecture&user_follow=true"; string CategoryPostData = "categories=art%2Ccars_motorcycles%2Cdesign%2Cdiy_crafts%2Ceducation%2Carchitecture%2Cfitness"; string CategoryPageContent = httpHelper.postFormData(new Uri(""), CategoryPostData, "", PinToken, this.userAgent); if (CategoryPageContent.Contains("success")) { IsAccountCreated = true; Log("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Initial Category Added " + PinUserName + " ]"); } string AllowUserPostData = "follow_users%5B%5D=sharp&follow_users%5B%5D=neillehepworth&follow_users%5B%5D=miamalm&follow_users%5B%5D=kiluka&follow_users%5B%5D=gaileguevara&follow_users%5B%5D=jellway&follow_users%5B%5D=richard_larue&follow_users%5B%5D=rayestudio&follow_users%5B%5D=jdraper&follow_users%5B%5D=shashashasha"; //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ApplicationData.UsersToFollow)) //{ // AllowUserPostData = "follow_users%5B%5D=sharp&follow_users%5B%5D=neillehepworth&follow_users%5B%5D=miamalm&follow_users%5B%5D=kiluka&follow_users%5B%5D=gaileguevara&follow_users%5B%5D=jellway&follow_users%5B%5D=richard_larue&follow_users%5B%5D=rayestudio&follow_users%5B%5D=jdraper&follow_users%5B%5D=shashashasha"; //} //else //{ // AllowUserPostData = ApplicationData.UsersToFollow; //} string AlloweduserPostData = httpHelper.postFormData(new Uri(""), AllowUserPostData, "", PinToken, this.userAgent); if (AlloweduserPostData.Contains("success")) { IsAccountCreated = true; Log("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Intial User Added " + PinUserName + " ]"); } string BordPostData = "board_names%5B%5D=Products+I+Love&board_names%5B%5D=Favorite+Places+%26+Spaces&board_names%5B%5D=Books+Worth+Reading&board_names%5B%5D=My+Style&board_names%5B%5D=For+the+Home"; string BoardPostedPageContent = httpHelper.postFormData(new Uri(""), BordPostData, "", PinToken, this.userAgent); if (BoardPostedPageContent.Contains("success")) { IsAccountCreated = true; Log("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Intial Board Added " + PinUserName + " ]"); } } return(IsAccountCreated); } else { Log("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Twitter Account Not Logged In :" + TwitterUsername + " ]"); return(IsAccountCreated); } } catch (Exception ex) { //Log("Error " + ex.Message); return(IsAccountCreated); } }
/// <summary> /// Checks the status of the CPUID from Database /// If status is Active, MainFrm starts /// </summary> /// #region ValidateCPUID public bool ValidateCPUID(ref string statusMessage, string cpuID) { try { #region Through php string res = string.Empty; string url = string.Empty; //getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(Photolink), "",""); url = "" + cpuID + ""; res = HttpHelpr.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(url), "", "", ""); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(res)) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); res = HttpHelpr.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(url), "", "", ""); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(res)) { string status = string.Empty; string dateTime = string.Empty; string username = string.Empty; string txnID = string.Empty; string trimmed_response = res.Replace("<pre>", "").Replace("</pre>", "").Trim().ToLower(); // BaseLib.GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("ValidateCPUID(Responce):" + trimmed_response, Globals.DesktopFolder + "\\LogLicensingProcess.txt"); string[] array_status = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(trimmed_response, "<:>"); try { status = array_status[0].ToLower(); } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine(ex.Message + "ValidateCPUID", PDGlobals.pathErrorLog + "\\ErrorLogLicensing.txt"); } try { dateTime = array_status[1].ToLower(); Loger("Date:" + dateTime); //BaseLib.GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("ValidateCPUID(LicensingDate):" + dateTime, Globals.DesktopFolder + "\\LogLicensingProcess.txt"); } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine(ex.Message, PDGlobals.pathErrorLog + "\\ErrorLogLicensing.txt"); } try { username = array_status[2].ToLower(); //BaseLib.GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("ValidateCPUID(Username):" + username, Globals.DesktopFolder + "\\LogLicensingProcess.txt"); } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine(ex.Message, PDGlobals.pathErrorLog + "\\ErrorLogLicensing.txt"); } try { txnID = array_status[3].ToLower(); //BaseLib.GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("ValidateCPUID(TxnId):" + txnID, Globals.DesktopFolder + "\\LogLicensingProcess.txt"); } catch (Exception ex) { GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine(ex.Message, PDGlobals.pathErrorLog + "\\ErrorLogLicensing.txt"); } if (trimmed_response.ToLower().Contains("freetrial") && ((status.ToLower() == "active") || (status.ToLower() == "nonactive"))) { if (CheckActivationUpdateStatus(cpuID, dateTime, status, "")) { statusMessage = "Active"; //BaseLib.GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("ValidateCPUID(Licence Status):" + statusMessage, Globals.DesktopFolder + "\\LogLicensingProcess.txt"); return(true); } else { statusMessage = "trialexpired"; //BaseLib.GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("ValidateCPUID(Licence Status):" + statusMessage, Globals.DesktopFolder + "\\LogLicensingProcess.txt"); return(false); } } else if (status.ToLower() == "active") { statusMessage = "active"; //BaseLib.GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("ValidateCPUID(Licence Status):" + statusMessage, Globals.DesktopFolder + "\\LogLicensingProcess.txt"); return(true); // DisableControls(); } else if (status.ToLower() == "nonactive") { statusMessage = "nonactive"; //BaseLib.GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("ValidateCPUID(Licence Status):" + statusMessage, Globals.DesktopFolder + "\\LogLicensingProcess.txt"); //MessageDialog md = new MessageDialog (this, DialogFlags.Modal, MessageType.Info, ButtonsType.Ok, "Verification of your txn is under process.\\n Please wait for your Transaction to be verified"); //ResponseType response = (ResponseType)md.Run (); //md.Destroy(); //MessageBox.Show("Verification of your txn is under process.\n Please wait for your Transaction to be verified"); return(false); } else if (trimmed_response.Contains("trialexpired")) { statusMessage = "trialexpired"; //BaseLib.GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("ValidateCPUID(Licence Status):" + statusMessage, Globals.DesktopFolder + "\\LogLicensingProcess.txt"); //MessageBox.Show("Your 3 Days Trial Version has Expired."); return(false); } else if (trimmed_response.ToLower() == "suspended") { statusMessage = "suspended"; //BaseLib.GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("ValidateCPUID(Licence Status):" + statusMessage, Globals.DesktopFolder + "\\LogLicensingProcess.txt"); return(false); } else if (trimmed_response.Contains("no record found")) { statusMessage = "norecordfound"; //BaseLib.GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("ValidateCPUID(Licence Status):" + statusMessage, Globals.DesktopFolder + "\\LogLicensingProcess.txt"); return(false); } else { statusMessage = "Some Error in Status Field"; //BaseLib.GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("ValidateCPUID(Licence Status):" + statusMessage, Globals.DesktopFolder + "\\LogLicensingProcess.txt"); return(false); } } else { statusMessage = "ServerDown"; //BaseLib.GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("ValidateCPUID Sorry:" + statusMessage, Globals.DesktopFolder + "\\LogLicensingProcess.txt"); return(false); } #endregion } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace); statusMessage = "Error in License Validation"; GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine(ex.Message + "ValidateCPUID", PDGlobals.pathErrorLog + "\\ErrorLogLicensing.txt"); //MessageBox.Show(ex.StackTrace); } return(false); }
private void CheckVersion() { try { string thisVersionNumber = GetAssemblyNumber(); string textFileLocationOnServer = "";//""; GlobusHttpHelper httpHelper = new GlobusHttpHelper(); string textFileData = httpHelper.getHtmlfromUrl(new Uri(textFileLocationOnServer), "", ""); string latestVersion = Regex.Split(textFileData, "<:>")[0]; string updateVersionPath = Regex.Split(textFileData, "<:>")[1]; if (thisVersionNumber == latestVersion) { MessageBox.Show("You have the Updated Version", "Information"); } else { if (MessageBox.Show("An Updated Version Available - Do you Want to Upgrade!", "Update Available", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes) { System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("iexplore", updateVersionPath); this.Close(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.StackTrace); AddToGeneralLogs("Error in Auto Update Module"); } }