예제 #1
        private Globals.BondDirection?GetPlacement()
            Globals.BondDirection dir = Globals.BondDirection.None;

            var vec = GetPrettyDoubleBondVector();

            if (vec == null)
                dir = Globals.BondDirection.None;
                // Azure DevOps #713
                if (double.IsNaN(vec.Value.X) || double.IsNaN(vec.Value.Y))
                    dir = Globals.BondDirection.None;
                    dir = (Globals.BondDirection)Math.Sign(Vector.CrossProduct(vec.Value, BondVector));

예제 #2
        private Globals.BondDirection?GetPlacement()
            Globals.BondDirection dir = Globals.BondDirection.None;

            var vec = GetPrettyDoubleBondVector();

            if (vec == null)
                dir = Globals.BondDirection.None;
                dir = (Globals.BondDirection)Math.Sign(Vector.CrossProduct(vec.Value, BondVector));

예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Circles a ring
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="start">Atom to start at</param>
        /// <param name="direction">Which direction to go in</param>
        /// <returns>IEnumerable&lt;Atom&gt; that iterates through the ring</returns>
        public IEnumerable <Atom> Traverse(Atom start = null,
                                           Globals.BondDirection direction = Globals.BondDirection.Anticlockwise)
            HashSet <Atom> res = new HashSet <Atom>();

            Atom next;

            if (start == null)
                start = Atoms.First();

            //start with the start atom, and find the other two adjacent atoms that are part of the ring
            var adj = from n in start.Neighbours
                      where Atoms.Contains(n)
                      select n;
            var nextatoms = adj.ToArray();

            if (nextatoms.Length >= 2)
                Vector v1 = nextatoms[0].Position - start.Position;
                Vector v2 = nextatoms[1].Position - start.Position;

                //make sure a positive angle is the direction in which we want to travel
                //multiply the angle by the direction to choose the correct atom
                double angle = (int)direction * Vector.AngleBetween(v1, v2);

                next = angle > 0 ? nextatoms[0] : nextatoms[1];
                //circle the ring, making sure we ignore atoms we've visited already
                while (next != null)
                    yield return(next);

                    var candidates = next.NeighbourSet; //get the set of atoms around the next atom
                    //get rid of all the atoms NOT in the ring or already in the set
                    candidates.RemoveWhere(a => res.Contains(a) || !Atoms.Contains(a));
                    next = candidates.FirstOrDefault();
예제 #4
        public static BondLayout GetBondDescriptor(AtomVisual startAtomVisual, AtomVisual endAtomVisual,
                                                   double modelXamlBondLength, Globals.BondStereo parentStereo,
                                                   Point startAtomPosition, Point endAtomPosition,
                                                   double?parentOrderValue, Globals.BondDirection parentPlacement,
                                                   Point?centroid, Point?secondaryCentroid)
            if (parentStereo == Globals.BondStereo.Wedge || parentStereo == Globals.BondStereo.Hatch)
                WedgeBondLayout wbd = new WedgeBondLayout()
                    Start           = startAtomPosition,
                    End             = endAtomPosition,
                    StartAtomVisual = startAtomVisual,
                    EndAtomVisual   = endAtomVisual

                var  endAtom    = endAtomVisual.ParentAtom;
                var  otherBonds = endAtom.Bonds.Except(new[] { startAtomVisual.ParentAtom.BondBetween(endAtom) }).ToList();
                Bond bond       = null;
                if (otherBonds.Any())
                    bond = otherBonds.ToArray()[0];

                bool chamferBond = (otherBonds.Any() &&
                                    (endAtom.Element as Element) == Globals.PeriodicTable.C &&
                                    endAtom.SymbolText == "" &&
                                    bond.Order == Globals.OrderSingle);
                if (!chamferBond)
                    wbd.CappedOff = false;
                    BondGeometry.GetWedgeBondGeometry(wbd, modelXamlBondLength);
                    var nonHPs = (from b in otherBonds
                                  select b.OtherAtom(endAtom).Position).ToList();
                    if (nonHPs.Any())
                        wbd.CappedOff = true;
                        BondGeometry.GetChamferedWedgeGeometry(wbd, modelXamlBondLength, nonHPs);
                        wbd.CappedOff = false;
                        BondGeometry.GetWedgeBondGeometry(wbd, modelXamlBondLength);


            //wavy bond
            if (parentStereo == Globals.BondStereo.Indeterminate && parentOrderValue == 1.0)
                BondLayout sbd = new BondLayout
                    Start           = startAtomPosition,
                    End             = endAtomPosition,
                    StartAtomVisual = startAtomVisual,
                    EndAtomVisual   = endAtomVisual
                BondGeometry.GetWavyBondGeometry(sbd, modelXamlBondLength);

            switch (parentOrderValue)
            //indeterminate double
            case 2 when parentStereo == Globals.BondStereo.Indeterminate:
                DoubleBondLayout dbd = new DoubleBondLayout()
                    StartAtomVisual = startAtomVisual,
                    EndAtomVisual   = endAtomVisual,
                    Start           = startAtomPosition,
                    End             = endAtomPosition
                BondGeometry.GetCrossedDoubleGeometry(dbd, modelXamlBondLength);

            //partial or undefined bonds
            case 0:
            case 0.5:
            case 1.0:
                BondLayout sbd = new BondLayout
                    Start           = startAtomPosition,
                    End             = endAtomPosition,
                    StartAtomVisual = startAtomVisual,
                    EndAtomVisual   = endAtomVisual


            //double bond & 1.5 bond
            case 1.5:
            case 2:
                DoubleBondLayout dbd2 = new DoubleBondLayout()
                    StartAtomVisual   = startAtomVisual,
                    EndAtomVisual     = endAtomVisual,
                    Start             = startAtomPosition,
                    End               = endAtomPosition,
                    Placement         = parentPlacement,
                    PrimaryCentroid   = centroid,
                    SecondaryCentroid = secondaryCentroid

                BondGeometry.GetDoubleBondGeometry(dbd2, modelXamlBondLength);

            //triple and 2.5 bond
            case 2.5:
            case 3:
                TripleBondLayout tbd = new TripleBondLayout()
                    StartAtomVisual   = startAtomVisual,
                    EndAtomVisual     = endAtomVisual,
                    Start             = startAtomPosition,
                    End               = endAtomPosition,
                    Placement         = parentPlacement,
                    PrimaryCentroid   = centroid,
                    SecondaryCentroid = secondaryCentroid
                BondGeometry.GetTripleBondGeometry(tbd, modelXamlBondLength);

예제 #5
        public static BondLayout GetBondDescriptor(AtomVisual startAtomVisual, AtomVisual endAtomVisual,
                                                   double modelXamlBondLength, Globals.BondStereo parentStereo,
                                                   Point startAtomPosition, Point endAtomPosition,
                                                   double?parentOrderValue, Globals.BondDirection parentPlacement,
                                                   Point?centroid, Point?secondaryCentroid, double standoff)
            List <Point> startAtomHull = new List <Point>();
            List <Point> endAtomHull   = new List <Point>();

            if (startAtomVisual.ParentAtom.SymbolText != "" || startAtomVisual.ShowAllCarbons)
                startAtomHull = startAtomVisual.Hull;
            if (endAtomVisual.ParentAtom.SymbolText != "" || endAtomVisual.ShowAllCarbons)
                endAtomHull = endAtomVisual.Hull;
            if ((parentStereo == Globals.BondStereo.Wedge || parentStereo == Globals.BondStereo.Hatch) &&
                parentOrderValue == 1)
                WedgeBondLayout wbd = new WedgeBondLayout
                    Start         = startAtomPosition,
                    End           = endAtomPosition,
                    StartAtomHull = startAtomHull,
                    EndAtomHull   = endAtomHull

                var endAtom    = endAtomVisual.ParentAtom;
                var otherBonds = endAtom.Bonds.Except(new[] { startAtomVisual.ParentAtom.BondBetween(endAtom) }).ToList();

                Bond bond    = null;
                bool oblique = true;
                if (otherBonds.Any())
                    bond = otherBonds.ToArray()[0];
                    Vector wedgevector = wbd.End - wbd.Start;
                    foreach (Bond b in otherBonds)
                        Atom   otherAtom = b.OtherAtom(endAtom);
                        Vector v         = wbd.End - otherAtom.Position;
                        double angle     = System.Math.Abs(Vector.AngleBetween(wedgevector, v));

                        if (angle < 109.5 || angle > 130.5)
                            oblique = false;

                bool chamferBond = otherBonds.Any() &&
                                   oblique &&
                                   (endAtom.Element as Element) == Globals.PeriodicTable.C &&
                                   endAtom.SymbolText == "" &&
                                   bond.Order == Globals.OrderSingle;
                if (!chamferBond)
                    wbd.CappedOff = false;
                    BondGeometry.GetWedgeBondGeometry(wbd, modelXamlBondLength, standoff);
                    var nonHPs = (from b in otherBonds
                                  select b.OtherAtom(endAtom).Position).ToList();
                    if (nonHPs.Any())
                        wbd.CappedOff = true;
                        BondGeometry.GetChamferedWedgeGeometry(wbd, modelXamlBondLength, nonHPs, standoff);
                        wbd.CappedOff = false;
                        BondGeometry.GetWedgeBondGeometry(wbd, modelXamlBondLength, standoff);


            //wavy bond
            if (parentStereo == Globals.BondStereo.Indeterminate && parentOrderValue == 1.0)
                BondLayout sbd = new BondLayout
                    Start         = startAtomPosition,
                    End           = endAtomPosition,
                    StartAtomHull = startAtomHull,
                    EndAtomHull   = endAtomHull
                BondGeometry.GetWavyBondGeometry(sbd, modelXamlBondLength, standoff);

            switch (parentOrderValue)
            //indeterminate double
            case 2 when parentStereo == Globals.BondStereo.Indeterminate:
                DoubleBondLayout dbd = new DoubleBondLayout()
                    StartAtomHull          = startAtomHull,
                    EndAtomHull            = endAtomHull,
                    Start                  = startAtomPosition,
                    End                    = endAtomPosition,
                    StartNeigbourPositions = (from Atom a in startAtomVisual.ParentAtom.NeighboursExcept(endAtomVisual.ParentAtom)
                                              select a.Position).ToList(),
                    EndNeighbourPositions = (from Atom a in endAtomVisual.ParentAtom.NeighboursExcept(startAtomVisual.ParentAtom)
                                             select a.Position).ToList()
                BondGeometry.GetCrossedDoubleGeometry(dbd, modelXamlBondLength, standoff);

            //partial or undefined bonds
            case 0:
            case 0.5:
            case 1.0:
                BondLayout sbd = new BondLayout
                    Start         = startAtomPosition,
                    End           = endAtomPosition,
                    StartAtomHull = startAtomHull,
                    EndAtomHull   = endAtomHull

                BondGeometry.GetSingleBondGeometry(sbd, standoff);

            //double bond & 1.5 bond
            case 1.5:
            case 2:
                DoubleBondLayout dbd2 = new DoubleBondLayout()
                    StartAtomHull          = startAtomHull,
                    EndAtomHull            = endAtomHull,
                    Start                  = startAtomPosition,
                    End                    = endAtomPosition,
                    Placement              = parentPlacement,
                    PrimaryCentroid        = centroid,
                    SecondaryCentroid      = secondaryCentroid,
                    StartNeigbourPositions = (from Atom a in startAtomVisual.ParentAtom.NeighboursExcept(endAtomVisual.ParentAtom)
                                              select a.Position).ToList(),
                    EndNeighbourPositions = (from Atom a in endAtomVisual.ParentAtom.NeighboursExcept(startAtomVisual.ParentAtom)
                                             select a.Position).ToList()

                BondGeometry.GetDoubleBondGeometry(dbd2, modelXamlBondLength, standoff);

            //triple and 2.5 bond
            case 2.5:
            case 3:
                TripleBondLayout tbd = new TripleBondLayout()
                    StartAtomHull     = startAtomHull,
                    EndAtomHull       = endAtomHull,
                    Start             = startAtomPosition,
                    End               = endAtomPosition,
                    Placement         = parentPlacement,
                    PrimaryCentroid   = centroid,
                    SecondaryCentroid = secondaryCentroid
                BondGeometry.GetTripleBondGeometry(tbd, modelXamlBondLength, standoff);
