// retourne le répertoire pour les fichiers de config pour la base ou pour un client donné private string GetDirectoryFile(string NomClient = "") { environnementProjet.sPathBase = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory; environnementProjet.sPathBase += "configFiles\\"; environnementProjet.sPathBaseClient = environnementProjet.sPathBase; // par defaut NomClient = NomClient.Trim(); NomClient = NomClient.Replace(' ', '_'); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(NomClient)) { environnementProjet.sPathBaseClient = environnementProjet.sPathBase + NomClient; if (!Directory.Exists(environnementProjet.sPathBaseClient)) { try { Directory.CreateDirectory(environnementProjet.sPathBaseClient); SingleLogFileAsXml.Instance().AjouteLog("SingleSessionConfig", "@GetDirectoryFile : Creation nouveau répertoire : " + environnementProjet.sPathBaseClient); } catch (Exception ex) { SingleLogFileAsXml.Instance().AjouteLog("SingleSessionConfig", "@GetDirectoryFile : PB : " + ex.Message); } } else { GlobalLog.Instance().AjouteLog("SingleSessionConfig", "@GetDirectoryFile : Environnement Global Existe : " + environnementProjet.sPathBaseClient); } environnementProjet.sPathBaseClient += "\\"; return(environnementProjet.sPathBaseClient); } return(environnementProjet.sPathBase); }
public string GetConnexionString() { string sResult = ""; try { // Recherche des connexion pour BDD : var appSetting = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings; foreach (var app in appSetting) { var appItem = app; } var config = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings; foreach (var s in config) { string sconfig = s.ToString(); var liste = sconfig.Split(';').ToList(); string SourceProvider = ""; string SourceCatalogue = ""; foreach (var param in liste) { if (param.Contains("provider connection string=\"data source=")) { SourceProvider = param.Replace("provider connection string=\"data source=", ""); } if (param.Contains("initial catalog=")) { SourceCatalogue = param.Replace("initial catalog=", ""); } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(SourceProvider) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(SourceCatalogue)) { StatutItemBDD statutItemBDD = new StatutItemBDD() { SourceProvider = SourceProvider, SourceCatalogue = SourceCatalogue }; publishStatutAllBDD.listStatutItemBDD.Add(statutItemBDD); sResult += "SourceProvider : " + SourceProvider + " \nSourceCatalogue : " + SourceCatalogue; } else { sResult += "No SourceProvider and NoSourceCatalogue"; } } } catch (Exception ex) { GlobalLog.Instance().AjouteLog("SingleStatutBDD", "GetConnexionString ex :" + ex.Message); sResult += "Exception : " + ex.Message; } return(sResult); }
public void QUERY_GetStructure_CONSTRAINT_COLUMN_USAGE(InfoDataBase infoDataBase) { string queryGetNumCmd = "SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.CONSTRAINT_COLUMN_USAGE "; Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); string sDebug = ""; try { OdbcCommand CmdGetNumCmd = null; CmdGetNumCmd = GetNewCmdSQL(queryGetNumCmd); var dr = CmdGetNumCmd.ExecuteReader(); int cpt = 0; while (dr.Read()) { string TABLE_CATALOG = dr["TABLE_CATALOG"].ToString(); sDebug += "\nTABLE_CATALOG : " + TABLE_CATALOG; string TABLE_SCHEMA = dr["TABLE_SCHEMA"].ToString(); sDebug += " TABLE_SCHEMA : " + TABLE_SCHEMA; string TABLE_NAME = dr["TABLE_NAME"].ToString(); sDebug += " TABLE_NAME : " + TABLE_NAME; string COLUMN_NAME = dr["COLUMN_NAME"].ToString(); sDebug += " COLUMN_NAME : " + COLUMN_NAME; string CONSTRAINT_CATALOG = dr["CONSTRAINT_CATALOG"].ToString(); sDebug += " CONSTRAINT_CATALOG : " + CONSTRAINT_CATALOG; string CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA = dr["CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA"].ToString(); sDebug += " CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA : " + CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA; string CONSTRAINT_NAME = dr["CONSTRAINT_NAME"].ToString(); sDebug += " CONSTRAINT_NAME : " + CONSTRAINT_NAME; var table = infoDataBase.listInfosTable.Where(c => c.NomTable == TABLE_NAME).FirstOrDefault(); if (table != null) { var column = table.listInfosColumn.Where(c => c.NomColonne == COLUMN_NAME).FirstOrDefault(); if (column != null) { column.ContrainteCatalog = CONSTRAINT_CATALOG; column.ContrainteSchema = CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA; column.ContrainteNom = CONSTRAINT_NAME; } } cpt++; } } catch (Exception ex) { GlobalLog.Instance().AjouteLog("xAffaireLigneArticleAS400", "@QUERY_GetStructure Exception :" + ex.Message); } sw.Stop(); }
public void QUERY_GetStructure_sys_objects(InfoDataBase infoDataBase) { string queryGetNumCmd = "SELECT * FROM sys.sysobjects "; Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); string sDebug = ""; try { OdbcCommand CmdGetNumCmd = null; CmdGetNumCmd = GetNewCmdSQL(queryGetNumCmd); var dr = CmdGetNumCmd.ExecuteReader(); int cpt = 0; while (dr.Read()) // signification voir : https://msdn.microsoft.com/fr-fr/library/ms177596(v=sql.120).aspx { string name = dr["name"].ToString(); // Nom de l'objet sDebug += "\nname : " + name; string id = dr["id"].ToString().Trim(); // Numero identification de l'objet sDebug += " id : " + id; string xtype = dr["xtype"].ToString(); // Type d'objet exple : S = TableSystème, P = Procédure stockée, U= Table Utilisateur, IF = Fonction de table Inline, sDebug += " xtype : " + xtype; // D : Valeur par défaut ou contrainte DEFAULT, F = Contrainte Foreign Key, PK = Contrainte PrimaryKey, UK = Contrainte UNIQUE string uid = dr["uid"].ToString(); sDebug += " uid : " + uid; // uid ID de schèma du propriétaire de l'objet... voir // On saute ici plusieurs colonnes Non prises en charge... string parent_obj = dr["parent_obj"].ToString(); // Numero d'id de l'objet parent, par exemple l'Id de table s'il s'agit d'un declencheur ou d'une contrainte. sDebug += " parent_obj : " + parent_obj; string crdate = dr["crdate"].ToString(); // Date de creation de l'objet sDebug += " crdate : " + crdate; string ftcatid = dr["ftcatid"].ToString(); // Identificateur du catalogue de texte intégral pour tables users enregistrées sDebug += " ftcatid : " + ftcatid; string type = dr["type"].ToString(); // Type d'objet sDebug += " type : " + type; InfoSysObject infoSysObject = new InfoSysObject() { ObjectName = name, Id_Object = int.Parse(id), xTypeObject = xtype, ParentIdObject = int.Parse(parent_obj), sDateTimeCreationObject = crdate }; infoDataBase.listInfoSysObject.Add(infoSysObject); cpt++; } } catch (Exception ex) { GlobalLog.Instance().AjouteLog("xAffaireLigneArticleAS400", "@QUERY_GetStructure Exception :" + ex.Message); } sw.Stop(); }
// RECIP /INIT des fichiers de config #region Fichier de config d'entrée environnement et client a conserver. private XmlEnvironnementSession GetXmlEnvironnementSession(string sPath) { XmlEnvironnementSession xmlEnvironnementSession = null; if (File.Exists(sPath)) { xmlEnvironnementSession = FastSerialisation.Instance().GetSaveStructInCurrentDirectory <XmlEnvironnementSession>(sPath); return(xmlEnvironnementSession); } else { GlobalLog.Instance().AjouteLog("SingleSessionConfig", "@GetXmlEnvironnementSession : Path n'EXISTE PAS : "******"", listEnvironnementExecutionDefault = new List <EnvironnementExecution>() }; EnvironnementExecution environnementExecution = new EnvironnementExecution() { IsDefault = true, NomEnvironnement = "DEV1", listConnexionDB = new List <ConnexionDB>() }; ConnexionDB connexionDB = new ConnexionDB() { NomConnectionBDD = "BDDProcess", ToConnect = true, ModeConnectionString = true, NomServeur = "FAUVEL-PORTABLE\\SQLEXPRESS", NomDB = "XXPackingProcessV3", NomModel = "BdModel.ModelDBxxProcessV3", ExtraConnectionStringOdbc = "" }; environnementExecution.listConnexionDB.Add(connexionDB); environnementExecution.connexionServeurPrint = new ConnexionServeurPrint() { ToConnect = true, sServeurWCF = "", pathConfigSerciceMoteur = "D:\\ServiceMoteurImpression\fichierini.config", IsMoteurOnThisHost = true, VersionGestionnaire = "V1", ListNomImprimanteToConnect = new List <string>() }; environnementExecution.configWebInterface = new ConfigWebInterface() { ListeMenuVisibles = new List <string>(), ListeShortButton = new List <ConfigShortButton>() }; environnementExecution.configWebInterface.ListeMenuVisibles.Add("showProcess"); environnementExecution.configWebInterface.ListeMenuVisibles.Add("showPrinterData"); environnementExecution.configWebInterface.ListeShortButton.Add(new ConfigShortButton() { BtnName = "TPrint", BtnClick = "Printer" }); xmlEnvironnementSession.listEnvironnementExecutionDefault.Add(environnementExecution); string statutMes = FastSerialisation.Instance().SaveStructInCurrentDirectory <XmlEnvironnementSession>(xmlEnvironnementSession, sPath); SingleLogFileAsXml.Instance().AjouteLog("SingleSessionConfig", "@GetXmlEnvironnementSession : Config n'existe pas : creation : " + sPath + " : " + statutMes); return(xmlEnvironnementSession); }
public void QUERY_GetStructure_TABLES(InfoDataBase infoDataBase) { string queryGetNumCmd = "SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES "; Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); string sDebug = ""; try { OdbcCommand CmdGetNumCmd = null; CmdGetNumCmd = GetNewCmdSQL(queryGetNumCmd); var dr = CmdGetNumCmd.ExecuteReader(); int cpt = 0; while (dr.Read()) { string TABLE_CATALOG = dr["TABLE_CATALOG"].ToString(); sDebug += "\nTABLE_CATALOG : " + TABLE_CATALOG; string TABLE_SCHEMA = dr["TABLE_SCHEMA"].ToString(); sDebug += " TABLE_SCHEMA : " + TABLE_SCHEMA; string TABLE_NAME = dr["TABLE_NAME"].ToString(); sDebug += " TABLE_NAME : " + TABLE_NAME; string TABLE_TYPE = dr["TABLE_TYPE"].ToString(); sDebug += " TABLE_TYPE : " + TABLE_TYPE; InfosTable infosTable = new InfosTable() { NomTable = TABLE_NAME, TableType = TABLE_TYPE }; var sysTable = infoDataBase.listInfoSysObject.Where(c => c.ObjectName == TABLE_NAME).FirstOrDefault(); if (sysTable != null) { infosTable.infoSysObject = sysTable; } else { infoDataBase.CptNotDefined++; } infoDataBase.listInfosTable.Add(infosTable); cpt++; } } catch (Exception ex) { GlobalLog.Instance().AjouteLog("xAffaireLigneArticleAS400", "@QUERY_GetStructure Exception :" + ex.Message); } sw.Stop(); }
public int QUERY_Simple(string sQuery) { int Reponse = -1; try { var Cmd = GetNewCmdSQL(sQuery); var dr = Cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (dr.Read()) { var r = dr[0].ToString(); // seulement le premier élément interesse Reponse = int.Parse(r); } } catch (Exception ex) { GlobalLog.Instance().AjouteLog("xArticleAS400", "@QUERY_Simple : Exception : " + ex.Message); } return(Reponse); }
public void QUERY_GetStructure_REFERENTIAL_CONSTRAINTS(InfoDataBase infoDataBase) { string queryGetNumCmd = "SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.REFERENTIAL_CONSTRAINTS "; Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); string sDebug = ""; try { OdbcCommand CmdGetNumCmd = null; CmdGetNumCmd = GetNewCmdSQL(queryGetNumCmd); var dr = CmdGetNumCmd.ExecuteReader(); int cpt = 0; while (dr.Read()) { string CONSTRAINT_CATALOG = dr["CONSTRAINT_CATALOG"].ToString(); sDebug += "\nCONSTRAINT_CATALOG : " + CONSTRAINT_CATALOG; string CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA = dr["CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA"].ToString(); sDebug += " CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA : " + CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA; string CONSTRAINT_NAME = dr["CONSTRAINT_NAME"].ToString(); sDebug += " CONSTRAINT_NAME : " + CONSTRAINT_NAME; string UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT_CATALOG = dr["UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT_CATALOG"].ToString(); sDebug += " UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT_CATALOG : " + UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT_CATALOG; string UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA = dr["UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA"].ToString(); sDebug += " UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA : " + UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA; string UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT_NAME = dr["UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT_NAME"].ToString(); sDebug += " UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT_NAME : " + UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT_NAME; string MATCH_OPTION = dr["MATCH_OPTION"].ToString(); sDebug += " MATCH_OPTION : " + MATCH_OPTION; string UPDATE_RULE = dr["UPDATE_RULE"].ToString(); sDebug += " UPDATE_RULE : " + UPDATE_RULE; string DELETE_RULE = dr["DELETE_RULE"].ToString(); sDebug += " DELETE_RULE : " + DELETE_RULE; cpt++; } } catch (Exception ex) { GlobalLog.Instance().AjouteLog("xAffaireLigneArticleAS400", "@QUERY_GetStructure Exception :" + ex.Message); } sw.Stop(); }
public int QUERY_Lignes(string sQuery) { int Reponse = -1; try { var Cmd = GetNewCmdSQL(sQuery); var dr = Cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (dr.Read()) { for (int i = 0; i < dr.FieldCount; i++) { dr[i].ToString(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { GlobalLog.Instance().AjouteLog("xArticleAS400", "@QUERY_Lignes : " + ex.Message); } return(Reponse); }
public int QUERY_Count(string sTable) { string query = "SELECT Count(*) FROM " + sTable; int count = 0; try { OdbcCommand Cmd = null; Cmd = GetNewCmdSQL(query); var dr = Cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (dr.Read()) { count = (int)dr[0]; } } catch (Exception ex) { GlobalLog.Instance().AjouteLog("xArticleAS400", "@xArticleAS400#07 QUERY_CountListeArticlesFamille : Exception : " + ex.Message); } return(count); }
public void QUERY_GetStructure_KEY_COLUMN_USAGE(InfoDataBase infoDataBase) { string queryGetNumCmd = "SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE "; Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); string sDebug = ""; try { OdbcCommand CmdGetNumCmd = null; CmdGetNumCmd = GetNewCmdSQL(queryGetNumCmd); var dr = CmdGetNumCmd.ExecuteReader(); int cpt = 0; while (dr.Read()) { string CONSTRAINT_CATALOG = dr["CONSTRAINT_CATALOG"].ToString(); sDebug += "\nCONSTRAINT_CATALOG : " + CONSTRAINT_CATALOG; string CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA = dr["CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA"].ToString(); sDebug += " CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA : " + CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA; string CONSTRAINT_NAME = dr["CONSTRAINT_NAME"].ToString(); sDebug += " CONSTRAINT_NAME : " + CONSTRAINT_NAME; string TABLE_CATALOG = dr["TABLE_CATALOG"].ToString(); sDebug += " TABLE_CATALOG : " + TABLE_CATALOG; string TABLE_SCHEMA = dr["TABLE_SCHEMA"].ToString(); sDebug += " TABLE_SCHEMA : " + TABLE_SCHEMA; string TABLE_NAME = dr["TABLE_NAME"].ToString(); sDebug += " TABLE_NAME : " + TABLE_NAME; string COLUMN_NAME = dr["COLUMN_NAME"].ToString(); sDebug += " COLUMN_NAME : " + COLUMN_NAME; string ORDINAL_POSITION = dr["ORDINAL_POSITION"].ToString(); sDebug += " ORDINAL_POSITION : " + ORDINAL_POSITION; cpt++; } } catch (Exception ex) { GlobalLog.Instance().AjouteLog("xAffaireLigneArticleAS400", "@QUERY_GetStructure Exception :" + ex.Message); } sw.Stop(); }
public bool OpenConnectionDB() { if (IsKeepOpen) // si KeepOpen on n'ouvre pas { return(true); } if (ConnectOdbc != null) { try { if (ConnectOdbc.State != ConnectionState.Open) { ConnectOdbc.Open(); } return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { GlobalLog.Instance().AjouteLog("SingleAnalyseTableSQL", "@OpenConnectionDB Exception :" + ex.Message); return(false); } } return(false); }
public void QUERY_GetStructure_sys_indexes(InfoDataBase infoDataBase) { string queryGetNumCmd = "SELECT * FROM sys.indexes "; Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); string sDebug = ""; try { OdbcCommand CmdGetNumCmd = null; CmdGetNumCmd = GetNewCmdSQL(queryGetNumCmd); var dr = CmdGetNumCmd.ExecuteReader(); int cpt = 0; while (dr.Read()) { string object_id = dr["object_id"].ToString(); sDebug += "\nobject_id : " + object_id; string name = dr["name"].ToString(); sDebug += " name : " + name; string index_id = dr["index_id"].ToString(); sDebug += " index_id : " + index_id; string type = dr["type"].ToString(); sDebug += " type : " + type; string type_desc = dr["type_desc"].ToString(); sDebug += " type_desc : " + type_desc; string referenced_column_id = dr["is_primary_key"].ToString(); sDebug += " is_primary_key : " + referenced_column_id; cpt++; } } catch (Exception ex) { GlobalLog.Instance().AjouteLog("xAffaireLigneArticleAS400", "@QUERY_GetStructure Exception :" + ex.Message); } sw.Stop(); }
public void QUERY_GetStructure_COLUMS(InfoDataBase infoDataBase) { string queryGetNumCmd = "SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS "; Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); string sDebug = ""; try { OdbcCommand CmdGetNumCmd = null; CmdGetNumCmd = GetNewCmdSQL(queryGetNumCmd); var dr = CmdGetNumCmd.ExecuteReader(); int cpt = 0; while (dr.Read()) { string TABLE_CATALOG = dr["TABLE_CATALOG"].ToString(); sDebug += "\nTABLE_CATALOG : " + TABLE_CATALOG; string TABLE_SCHEMA = dr["TABLE_SCHEMA"].ToString(); sDebug += " TABLE_SCHEMA : " + TABLE_SCHEMA; string TABLE_NAME = dr["TABLE_NAME"].ToString(); sDebug += " TABLE_NAME : " + TABLE_NAME; string COLUMN_NAME = dr["COLUMN_NAME"].ToString(); sDebug += " COLUMN_NAME : " + COLUMN_NAME; string ORDINAL_POSITION = dr["ORDINAL_POSITION"].ToString(); sDebug += " ORDINAL_POSITION : " + ORDINAL_POSITION; string IS_NULLABLE = dr["IS_NULLABLE"].ToString(); sDebug += " IS_NULLABLE : " + IS_NULLABLE; string DATA_TYPE = dr["DATA_TYPE"].ToString(); sDebug += " DATA_TYPE : " + DATA_TYPE; string CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH = dr["CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH"].ToString(); sDebug += " CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH : " + CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH; var table = infoDataBase.listInfosTable.Where(c => c.NomTable == TABLE_NAME).FirstOrDefault(); if (table != null) { InfosColumn infosColumn = new InfosColumn() { NomColonne = COLUMN_NAME, sPositionOrdinale = ORDINAL_POSITION, isNullable = IS_NULLABLE, sDataType = DATA_TYPE, caracterMaxLenght = CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH }; var syscolumn = table.infoSysObject.listInfosSysColums.Where(c => c.NameColumns == COLUMN_NAME).FirstOrDefault(); if (syscolumn != null) { infosColumn.infosSysColums = syscolumn; } else { infoDataBase.CptNotDefined++; } table.listInfosColumn.Add(infosColumn); } else { infoDataBase.CptNotDefined++; } cpt++; } } catch (Exception ex) { GlobalLog.Instance().AjouteLog("xAffaireLigneArticleAS400", "@QUERY_GetStructure Exception :" + ex.Message); } sw.Stop(); }
public string FirstInit() { ProjectClientName = ""; string sPathBase = GetDirectoryFile(); // get répertoire racine pour les configs try { // exploration des répertoires et fichiers pour infos var listDirectoryClient = Directory.GetDirectories(sPathBase).ToList(); string sTemp = ""; string sTempFile = ""; foreach (var d in listDirectoryClient) { sTemp = d.Replace(sPathBase, ""); ClientRepertoire clientRepertoire = new ClientRepertoire() { NomRepertoire = sTemp, listFichiers = new List <string>() }; var listFiles = Directory.GetFiles(d).ToList(); foreach (var f in listFiles) { sTempFile = f.Replace(d + "\\", ""); clientRepertoire.listFichiers.Add(sTempFile); } environnementGlobal.listClientRepertoire.Add(clientRepertoire); } // tentative de récupérations des 2 principaux fichiers de config au demarrage ConfigEnvironnementSession et ConfigEnvironnementClient s'il y a lieu string sPathMainConfig = sPathBase + "ConfigEnvironnementSession.xml"; if (File.Exists(sPathMainConfig)) { GlobalLog.Instance().AjouteLog("SingleSessionConfig", "@FirstInit : Config Environnement Client EXISTE : " + sPathMainConfig); } else { GlobalLog.Instance().AjouteLog("SingleSessionConfig", "@FirstInit : Config Environnement Client N'EXISTE PAS : "******"SingleSessionConfig", "@FirstInit : configEnvironnementSession OK / AutoStart : " + configEnvironnementSession.AutoStartSurClient + "/ client Name : " + configEnvironnementSession.AutoStartClientName); } else { GlobalLog.Instance().AjouteLog("SingleSessionConfig", "@FirstInit : configEnvironnementSession = NULL !!"); } if (configEnvironnementSession != null && configEnvironnementSession.AutoStartSurClient && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(configEnvironnementSession.AutoStartClientName)) { ProjectClientName = configEnvironnementSession.AutoStartClientName; DummyModifMainEnvironnementConfig(configEnvironnementSession, sPathMainConfig); // pour mise a jour eventuelle sPathBase = GetDirectoryFile(configEnvironnementSession.AutoStartClientName); environnementProjet.ClientName = configEnvironnementSession.AutoStartClientName; EnvironnementExecutionActif = configEnvironnementSession.listEnvironnementExecutionDefault.Where(c => c.IsDefault).FirstOrDefault(); // set de l'environnement d'exécution actif // Recup / Init des fichiers dans rep client.. // a ajuster en fonction utilité des fichiers string sPathClientConfig = sPathBase + "ConfigEnvironnementClient.xml"; configEnvironnementClient = GetXmlConfigEnvironnementClient(sPathClientConfig); if (configEnvironnementClient != null && configEnvironnementClient.listTypeFileConfigNeeded != null) { DummyModifClientEnvironnementConfig(configEnvironnementClient, sPathClientConfig); // pour mise a jour eventuelle environnementProjet.IsClientSelectedOK = true; environnementProjet.listTypeFileConfigNeeded = new List <TypeFileConfigNeeded>(); environnementProjet.listTypeFileConfigNeeded.Add(new TypeFileConfigNeeded() { LibelleFile = "Config", TypeFileConfig = "XmlConfigEnvironnementClient", NameFileConfig = "ConfigEnvironnementClient.xml" }); environnementProjet.listTypeFileConfigNeeded.AddRange(configEnvironnementClient.listTypeFileConfigNeeded); foreach (var conf in configEnvironnementClient.listTypeFileConfigNeeded) { LoadConfigFile(conf); } var environnemntExecutionClient = configEnvironnementClient.listEnvironnementExecution.Where(c => c.IsDefault).FirstOrDefault(); // set de l'environnement d'exécution actif if (environnemntExecutionClient != null) { EnvironnementExecutionActif = environnemntExecutionClient; } } } else { GlobalLog.Instance().AjouteLog("SingleSessionConfig", "@FirstInit : Il n'y a pas de Config Environnement : " + sPathMainConfig); } } catch (Exception ex) { GlobalLog.Instance().AjouteLog("SingleSessionConfig", "@FirstInit : Exception : " + ex.Message); } return(ProjectClientName); }
public void QUERY_GetStructure_sys_columns(InfoDataBase infoDataBase) { string queryGetNumCmd = "SELECT * FROM sys.columns "; Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); string sDebug = ""; try { OdbcCommand CmdGetNumCmd = null; CmdGetNumCmd = GetNewCmdSQL(queryGetNumCmd); var dr = CmdGetNumCmd.ExecuteReader(); int cpt = 0; while (dr.Read()) { string object_id = dr["object_id"].ToString(); sDebug += "\nobject_id : " + object_id; string name = dr["name"].ToString(); sDebug += " name : " + name; string column_id = dr["column_id"].ToString(); sDebug += " column_id : " + column_id; string system_type_id = dr["system_type_id"].ToString(); sDebug += " system_type_id : " + system_type_id; string user_type_id = dr["user_type_id"].ToString(); sDebug += " user_type_id : " + user_type_id; string max_length = dr["max_length"].ToString(); sDebug += " max_length : " + user_type_id; string precision = dr["precision"].ToString(); sDebug += " precision : " + precision; string scale = dr["scale"].ToString(); sDebug += " scale : " + scale; string collation_name = dr["collation_name"].ToString(); sDebug += " collation_name : " + collation_name; string is_nullable = dr["is_nullable"].ToString(); sDebug += " is_nullable : " + is_nullable; string is_ansi_padded = dr["is_ansi_padded"].ToString(); sDebug += " is_ansi_padded : " + is_ansi_padded; string is_rowguidcol = dr["is_rowguidcol"].ToString(); sDebug += " is_rowguidcol : " + is_rowguidcol; string is_identity = dr["is_identity"].ToString(); sDebug += " is_identity : " + is_identity; string is_computed = dr["is_computed"].ToString(); sDebug += " is_computed : " + is_computed; string is_filestream = dr["is_filestream"].ToString(); sDebug += " is_filestream : " + is_filestream; InfosSysColums infosSysColums = new InfosSysColums() { OwnerId = int.Parse(object_id), NameColumns = name, column_Id = int.Parse(column_id), sysTypeId = system_type_id, useTypeId = user_type_id, MaxLenght = int.Parse(max_length), IsNullable = is_nullable, IsIdentity = is_identity, IsComputed = is_computed, IsRowGuidCol = is_rowguidcol }; var obj = infoDataBase.listInfoSysObject.Where(c => c.Id_Object == infosSysColums.OwnerId).FirstOrDefault(); if (obj != null) { obj.listInfosSysColums.Add(infosSysColums); } cpt++; } } catch (Exception ex) { GlobalLog.Instance().AjouteLog("xAffaireLigneArticleAS400", "@QUERY_GetStructure Exception :" + ex.Message); } sw.Stop(); }
public void QUERY_GetStructure_sys_foreign_key_columns(InfoDataBase infoDataBase) { string queryGetNumCmd = "SELECT * FROM sys.foreign_key_columns "; Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); string sDebug = ""; try { OdbcCommand CmdGetNumCmd = null; CmdGetNumCmd = GetNewCmdSQL(queryGetNumCmd); string sdebug1 = ""; var dr = CmdGetNumCmd.ExecuteReader(); int cpt = 0; while (dr.Read()) { string constraint_object_id = dr["constraint_object_id"].ToString(); sDebug += "\nconstraint_object_id : " + constraint_object_id; string constraint_column_id = dr["constraint_column_id"].ToString(); sDebug += " constraint_column_id : " + constraint_column_id; string parent_object_id = dr["parent_object_id"].ToString(); sDebug += " parent_object_id : " + parent_object_id; string parent_column_id = dr["parent_column_id"].ToString(); sDebug += " parent_column_id : " + parent_column_id; string referenced_object_id = dr["referenced_object_id"].ToString(); sDebug += " referenced_object_id : " + referenced_object_id; string referenced_column_id = dr["referenced_column_id"].ToString(); sDebug += " referenced_column_id : " + referenced_column_id; InfosContraintes infosContraintes = new InfosContraintes() { constraint_object_id = int.Parse(constraint_object_id), constraint_column_id = int.Parse(constraint_column_id), parent_object_id = int.Parse(parent_object_id), parent_column_id = int.Parse(parent_column_id), referenced_object_id = int.Parse(referenced_object_id), referenced_column_id = int.Parse(referenced_column_id) }; var obj1 = infoDataBase.listInfoSysObject.Where(c => c.Id_Object == infosContraintes.constraint_object_id).FirstOrDefault(); if (obj1 != null) { infosContraintes.name_constraint_object_id = obj1.ObjectName; } var obj2 = infoDataBase.listInfoSysObject.Where(c => c.Id_Object == infosContraintes.parent_object_id).FirstOrDefault(); if (obj2 != null) { infosContraintes.name_parent_object_id = obj2.ObjectName; } var obj3 = infoDataBase.listInfoSysObject.Where(c => c.Id_Object == infosContraintes.referenced_object_id).FirstOrDefault(); if (obj3 != null) { infosContraintes.name_referenced_object_id = obj3.ObjectName; } sdebug1 += "\n" + infosContraintes.name_constraint_object_id; sdebug1 += " [" + infosContraintes.constraint_column_id + "] "; sdebug1 += " = "; sdebug1 += string.IsNullOrEmpty(infosContraintes.name_parent_object_id) ? "?? " + infosContraintes.parent_object_id.ToString() + " ??" : infosContraintes.name_parent_object_id; sdebug1 += " [" + infosContraintes.parent_column_id + "] "; sdebug1 += " <-> "; sdebug1 += string.IsNullOrEmpty(infosContraintes.name_referenced_object_id) ? "?? " + infosContraintes.referenced_object_id.ToString() + " ??" : infosContraintes.name_referenced_object_id; sdebug1 += " [" + infosContraintes.referenced_column_id + "] "; infoDataBase.listInfosContraintes.Add(infosContraintes); cpt++; } } catch (Exception ex) { GlobalLog.Instance().AjouteLog("xAffaireLigneArticleAS400", "@QUERY_GetStructure Exception :" + ex.Message); } sw.Stop(); }
public InfoDataBase GetStructure(bool modeForce) { if (infoDataBase == null || modeForce) { infoDataBase = new InfoDataBase(); if (OpenConnectionDB()) { // Récupération des donnes sys.. QUERY_GetStructure_sys_objects(infoDataBase); // récupération de tous les obejcts de la database QUERY_GetStructure_sys_foreign_key_columns(infoDataBase); // Récupération des contraintes foreign key QUERY_GetStructure_sys_columns(infoDataBase); // Récup des infos sys pour les colonnes QUERY_GetStructure_sys_indexes(infoDataBase); QUERY_GetStructure_TABLES(infoDataBase); QUERY_GetStructure_COLUMS(infoDataBase); QUERY_GetStructure_CONSTRAINT_COLUMN_USAGE(infoDataBase); QUERY_GetStructure_KEY_COLUMN_USAGE(infoDataBase); QUERY_GetStructure_REFERENTIAL_CONSTRAINTS(infoDataBase); foreach (var table in infoDataBase.listInfosTable) { int count = QUERY_Count(table.NomTable); table.NbreCount = count; table.DestinationDifferent = table.NbreCount != table.NbreCountOrigine; // pour le moment les différences sont sur le count.. // Pour les reférence Foreign Key : TableRelationTable tableRelationTableFK = new TableRelationTable() { NomTable = table.NomTable, TypeContrainte = eTypeContrainte.ForeignKey, NbreCountRec = count, NbreRelation = 0, listRelationToTable = new List <RelationToTable>() }; var lstTableForeignKey = infoDataBase.listInfosContraintes.Where(c => c.name_parent_object_id == table.NomTable).ToList(); if (lstTableForeignKey.Count != 0) { tableRelationTableFK.NbreRelation = lstTableForeignKey.Count; foreach (var t in lstTableForeignKey) // On ne descend ici qu'au premier niveau de relation { TableRelationTable tableRelationTable = new TableRelationTable() { NomTable = t.name_referenced_object_id, listRelationToTable = new List <RelationToTable>() }; RelationToTable relationToTable = new RelationToTable() { NomContrainte = t.name_constraint_object_id, TableRelation = tableRelationTable, IdColumnFrom = t.parent_column_id, IdColumnTo = t.referenced_column_id }; tableRelationTableFK.listRelationToTable.Add(relationToTable); } } table.NbreForeignKey = lstTableForeignKey.Count; table.TableRelationTableForeignKey = tableRelationTableFK; infoDataBase.listTableRelationTable.Add(tableRelationTableFK); // Pour les reférence Ref Foreign Key : TableRelationTable tableRelationTableRefFK = new TableRelationTable() { NomTable = table.NomTable, TypeContrainte = eTypeContrainte.RefForeignKey, NbreCountRec = count, NbreRelation = 0, listRelationToTable = new List <RelationToTable>() }; var lstTableRefForeignKey = infoDataBase.listInfosContraintes.Where(c => c.name_referenced_object_id == table.NomTable).ToList(); if (lstTableRefForeignKey.Count != 0) { tableRelationTableRefFK.NbreRelation = lstTableRefForeignKey.Count; foreach (var t in lstTableRefForeignKey) { TableRelationTable tableRelationTable = new TableRelationTable() { NomTable = t.name_parent_object_id, listRelationToTable = new List <RelationToTable>() }; RelationToTable relationToTable = new RelationToTable() { NomContrainte = t.name_constraint_object_id, TableRelation = tableRelationTable, IdColumnFrom = t.referenced_column_id, IdColumnTo = t.parent_column_id }; tableRelationTableRefFK.listRelationToTable.Add(relationToTable); } } table.NbreRefForeignKey = lstTableRefForeignKey.Count; table.TableRelationTableRefForeignKey = tableRelationTableRefFK; infoDataBase.listTableRelationTable.Add(tableRelationTableRefFK); // POur l'identity : foreach (var c in table.listInfosColumn) { int Position = int.Parse(c.sPositionOrdinale); bool Identity = c.infosSysColums.IsIdentity == "True"; if (Position == 1 && Identity) { table.HasColumnIdentity = true; } } } CloseConnectionDB(); } else { GlobalLog.Instance().AjouteLog("xAffaireLigneArticleAS400", "@GetStructure #01 GetLignes DB not open !"); } // Premier filtrage général , on ne retient que les tables USer (BASE TABLE), on exclu les vues et table système: infoDataBase.listInfosTable = infoDataBase.listInfosTable.Where(c => c.TableType == "BASE TABLE" && c.NomTable != "sysdiagrams").OrderBy(c => c.NomTable).ToList(); } return(infoDataBase); }
public string ReadExcelFile(string FileName) { bool ConfigExist = true; xmlConfigInputExcelFile = SingleSessionConfig.Instance().GetXmlConfigInputExcelFile(); if (xmlConfigInputExcelFile == null || xmlConfigInputExcelFile.ColInfos == null) { xmlConfigInputExcelFile = new XmlConfigInputExcelFile() { ColInfos = new List <ColInfo>(), NbCol = 0, FamilleName = "", ConfigOKForUpdateArticle = false }; ConfigExist = false; } //this.xmlConfigInputExcelFile = xmlConfigInputExcelFile; int NumOnglet = 1; lastStatutFichier = new StatutFichier() { ListExcellLine = new List <ExcelLine>(), ListeColonnes = new List <ExcelColonne>(), ChampsColonnes = new List <string>() }; try { FileInfo template = new FileInfo(FileName); using (ExcelPackage xlPackage = new ExcelPackage(template)) { ExcelWorksheet worksheet = xlPackage.Workbook.Worksheets[NumOnglet]; // Calcul du nombre de ligne consécutives int RowBase = 1; string sValeur = ""; do { sValeur = worksheet.Cell(RowBase, 1).Value; RowBase++; }while (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sValeur)); // calcul du nombre de colonnes int ColBase = 1; do { sValeur = worksheet.Cell(1, ColBase).Value; ColBase++; }while (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sValeur)); RowBase--; ColBase--; lastStatutFichier.NbRow = RowBase; lastStatutFichier.NbCol = ColBase; for (int row = 1; row < RowBase; row++) { var line = new ExcelLine() { LineRow = row, listValues = new List <string>(), listValuesExtended = new List <ValueExtended>() }; for (int col = 1; col < ColBase; col++) { string varCellule = worksheet.Cell(row, col).Value; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(varCellule)) { //varCellule = "___"; } if (row == 1) { ExcelColonne excelColonne = new ExcelColonne() { Nom = varCellule, NumColonne = col }; lastStatutFichier.ListeColonnes.Add(excelColonne); lastStatutFichier.ChampsColonnes.Add(varCellule); // old.. } else { line.listValues.Add(varCellule); ValueExtended valueExtended = new ValueExtended() { PosCol = col, Value = varCellule }; line.listValuesExtended.Add(valueExtended); } } lastStatutFichier.ListExcellLine.Add(line); } if (ConfigExist) // Test si compatibilité du fichier excel avec Config Fichier { lastStatutFichier.Message = "Config excel available : "; lastStatutFichier.ConfigOKForUpdateArticle = xmlConfigInputExcelFile.ConfigOKForUpdateArticle; if (xmlConfigInputExcelFile.NbCol != lastStatutFichier.NbCol) { lastStatutFichier.Erreur = true; lastStatutFichier.Message += "Col Number not match with config"; } else { int NbreDifference = 0; for (int i = 0; i < lastStatutFichier.NbCol; i++) { if (xmlConfigInputExcelFile.ColInfos[i].ColName != lastStatutFichier.ListeColonnes[i].Nom) { NbreDifference++; } } if (NbreDifference > 0) { lastStatutFichier.Erreur = true; lastStatutFichier.Message += "Col Name not match with config"; } } if (!lastStatutFichier.Erreur) { // SI tout est OK.. lastStatutFichier.Message += "Erreur sur xmlConfigInputExcelFile ( a regènèrer)"; } } else { lastStatutFichier.Message = "Config excel NOT available : Creation xmlConfigInputExcelFile "; xmlConfigInputExcelFile.NbCol = lastStatutFichier.NbCol; xmlConfigInputExcelFile.ColInfos = new List <ColInfo>(); foreach (var v in lastStatutFichier.ListeColonnes) { xmlConfigInputExcelFile.ColInfos.Add(new ColInfo() { ColPosition = v.NumColonne, ColName = v.Nom, ToArticleCodeCritere = "", ToArticleNomCritere = "", ToArticleTypeCritere = 0, IsCritereFamille = false, IsMandatory = true }); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { GlobalLog.Instance().AjouteLog("SingleExcel", "ReadExcelFile ex :" + ex.Message); } return(lastStatutFichier.Message); }