예제 #1
        public static GlacialTreeList NewGlacialTreeList(string name)
            GlacialTreeList list = new GlacialTreeList("0DAA8D90BB9ACC06C6FDDF11F7DD73E8");

            list.Name      = name;
            list.BackColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.Window;
            list.BackgroundStretchToFit = true;
            list.Dock                     = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill;
            list.ItemHeight               = 19;
            list.Location                 = new System.Drawing.Point(0, 0);
            list.MultiSelect              = false;
            list.ShowPlusMinus            = false;
            list.HotColumnTracking        = false;
            list.HotNodeTracking          = false;
            list.SnapLastColumn           = true;
            list.AlternateBackground      = Color.AliceBlue;
            list.UnfocusedSelectionColor  = Color.LightGray;
            list.ShowRootLines            = false;
            list.ShowFocusRect            = true;
            list.FastFind                 = false;
            list.AlternatingColors        = false;
            list.OptimizeForHighNodeCount = false;
            list.HotTrackingColor         = SystemColors.HotTrack;
            list.SelectedTextColor        = SystemColors.HighlightText;
            list.SelectionColor           = SystemColors.Highlight;
            list.ControlStyle             = GTLControlStyles.XP;
            list.Font                     = new System.Drawing.Font("Tahoma", 9.25F);

예제 #2
        private void InitializeComponents()
            //  Account List

            accounts = ControlHelper.NewGlacialTreeList("AccountLimitPaneData");

            accounts.SelectedIndexChanged +=
                new GTSelectionChangedEventHandler(

            //  account list columns

            GTLColumn account_name = new GTLColumn();

            account_name.BackColor  = Color.White;
            account_name.CheckBoxes = false;
            account_name.ImageIndex = -1;
            account_name.Name       = "account_name";
            account_name.Text       = "Account";
            account_name.Width      = 132;
            account_name.SortType   = SortTypes.InsertionSort;

            accounts.Columns.AddRange(new GTLColumn [] { account_name });

            //  Context Menu

            ContextMenu ctxMenu = new ContextMenu();

            //  First, build the actions that you can do

            ctxMenu.MenuItems.AddRange(new MenuItem []
                new MenuItem("CREATE ACCOUNT", new EventHandler(FireCreateAccount)),
                new MenuItem("-"),
                new MenuItem("CLONE ACCOUNT", new EventHandler(FireCloneAccount))

            ctxMenu.MenuItems[0].Enabled = false;
            ctxMenu.MenuItems[2].Enabled = false;

            accounts.ContextMenu = ctxMenu;

            this.Controls.AddRange(new Control[] { accounts });
예제 #3
        private void InitializeComponents()
            //  Account List

            accounts           = new GlacialTreeList("0DAA8D90BB9ACC06C6FDDF11F7DD73E8");
            accounts.BackColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.Window;
            accounts.BackgroundStretchToFit = true;
            accounts.Dock                     = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill;
            accounts.ItemHeight               = 19;
            accounts.Location                 = new System.Drawing.Point(10, 80);
            accounts.MultiSelect              = false;
            accounts.ShowPlusMinus            = false;
            accounts.HotColumnTracking        = false;
            accounts.HotNodeTracking          = false;
            accounts.SnapLastColumn           = true;
            accounts.AlternateBackground      = Color.AliceBlue;
            accounts.ShowRootLines            = false;
            accounts.ShowFocusRect            = true;
            accounts.FastFind                 = true;
            accounts.AlternatingColors        = false;
            accounts.Name                     = "accounts";
            accounts.OptimizeForHighNodeCount = false;
            accounts.HotTrackingColor         = SystemColors.HotTrack;
            accounts.SelectedTextColor        = SystemColors.HighlightText;
            accounts.SelectionColor           = SystemColors.Highlight;
            accounts.UnfocusedSelectionColor  = SystemColors.Highlight;
            accounts.ControlStyle             = GTLControlStyles.XP;
            accounts.Font                     = new System.Drawing.Font("Tahoma", 9.25F);

            //  account list columns

            GTLColumn account_name = new GTLColumn();

            account_name.BackColor  = Color.White;
            account_name.CheckBoxes = false;
            account_name.ImageIndex = -1;
            account_name.Name       = "account_name";
            account_name.Text       = "Account";
            account_name.Width      = 132;
            account_name.SortType   = SortTypes.InsertionSort;

            GTLColumn notional_pl = new GTLColumn();

            notional_pl.BackColor     = Color.White;
            notional_pl.CheckBoxes    = false;
            notional_pl.ImageIndex    = -1;
            notional_pl.Name          = "notional_pl";
            notional_pl.Text          = "PL";
            notional_pl.Width         = 100;
            notional_pl.TextAlignment = ContentAlignment.MiddleRight;
            notional_pl.SortType      = SortTypes.InsertionSort;

            accounts.Columns.AddRange(new GTLColumn [] { account_name, notional_pl });

            //  Send to FIX checkbox

            sendToFix                  = new CheckBox();
            sendToFix.AutoSize         = true;
            sendToFix.CausesValidation = false;
            sendToFix.Checked          = false;
            sendToFix.Text             = "Release to FIX Engine";
            sendToFix.Location         = new System.Drawing.Point(10, 24);
            sendToFix.Click           += new EventHandler(FireSendToFixChanged);

            //  flatten menu-items

            toolStripMenuItem      = new ToolStripMenuItem();
            toolStripMenuItem.Name = "ALL";
            toolStripMenuItem.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(188, 22);
            toolStripMenuItem.Text = "Flatten ALL Open Positions";
            //toolStripMenuItem.Click += new EventHandler( FireFlattenAccount );

            //  toolStripSeparator

            toolStripSeparator      = new ToolStripSeparator();
            toolStripSeparator.Name = "toolStripSeparator";
            toolStripSeparator.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(185, 6);

            System.ComponentModel.IContainer components = new System.ComponentModel.Container();
            splitButtonDropDown      = new ContextMenuStrip(components);
            splitButtonDropDown.Name = "splitButtonDropDown";
            splitButtonDropDown.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(189, 76);

            //  Split button

            splitButton                         = new SplitButton();
            splitButton.Enabled                 = sendToFix.Checked;
            splitButton.AutoSize                = true;
            splitButton.AlwaysDropDown          = true;
            splitButton.Location                = new System.Drawing.Point(10, 52);
            splitButton.ClickedImage            = "SplitButtonClickedImage.gif";
            splitButton.ContextMenuStrip        = splitButtonDropDown;
            splitButton.DisabledImage           = "SplitButtonDisabledImage.gif";
            splitButton.HoverImage              = "SplitButtonHoverImage.gif";
            splitButton.ImageAlign              = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleRight;
            splitButton.ImageKey                = "SplitButtonImage.gif";
            splitButton.Name                    = "splitButton";
            splitButton.NormalImage             = "SplitButtonImage.gif";
            splitButton.Size                    = new System.Drawing.Size(125, 26);
            splitButton.TabIndex                = 0;
            splitButton.Text                    = "Flatten Positions";
            splitButton.TextAlign               = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft;
            splitButton.TextImageRelation       = System.Windows.Forms.TextImageRelation.TextBeforeImage;
            splitButton.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true;

            GroupBox statusGroupBox = new GroupBox();

            statusGroupBox.Dock      = DockStyle.Top;
            statusGroupBox.AutoSize  = true;
            statusGroupBox.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.Standard;
            statusGroupBox.Text      = "Dealing Status";
            statusGroupBox.Controls.AddRange(new Control [] {

            Panel spacer1 = new Panel();

            spacer1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(125, 12);
            spacer1.Dock = DockStyle.Top;

            Panel spacer2 = new Panel();

            spacer2.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(125, 12);
            spacer2.Dock = DockStyle.Top;

            this.Controls.AddRange(new Control[] {
예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Notifies the client that a resource viewer has been opened.
        /// </summary>
        protected void ViewerOpened(int index, object value)
            TabPage page = (TabPage)value;
            NWN2ConversationViewer viewer = page.Control as NWN2ConversationViewer;

            if (viewer == null)

            try {
                GlacialTreeList tree = (GlacialTreeList)viewer.Controls["panelResults"].Controls["treeListResults"];
                if (tree == null)
                    throw new ApplicationException("Couldn't find GlacialTreeList.");

                winforms.MenuItem addEditScript    = new winforms.MenuItem("Add script");
                winforms.MenuItem deleteScript     = new winforms.MenuItem("Delete script");
                winforms.MenuItem addEditCondition = new winforms.MenuItem("Add condition");
                winforms.MenuItem deleteCondition  = new winforms.MenuItem("Delete condition");

                addEditScript.Click += delegate
                    if (tree.SelectedNodes.Count != 1)
                        MessageBox.Show("Select a single line of the conversation.");

                        try {
                            GTLTreeNode node = (GTLTreeNode)tree.SelectedNodes[0];

                            NWN2ConversationConnector connector = node.Tag as NWN2ConversationConnector;

                            if (connector != null)
                                addScriptToLine.Invoke(connector, viewer.Conversation);
                        catch (Exception x) {
                            MessageBox.Show("Something went wrong when adding/editing the script.\n\n" + x);

                addEditCondition.Click += delegate
                    if (tree.SelectedNodes.Count != 1)
                        MessageBox.Show("Select a single line of the conversation.");

                        try {
                            GTLTreeNode node = (GTLTreeNode)tree.SelectedNodes[0];

                            NWN2ConversationConnector connector = node.Tag as NWN2ConversationConnector;

                            if (connector != null)
                                addConditionToLine.Invoke(connector, viewer.Conversation);
                        catch (Exception x) {
                            MessageBox.Show("Something went wrong when adding/editing the script.\n\n" + x);

                deleteScript.Click += delegate
                    if (tree.SelectedNodes.Count != 1)
                        MessageBox.Show("Select a single line of the conversation.");

                        try {
                            GTLTreeNode node = (GTLTreeNode)tree.SelectedNodes[0];

                            NWN2ConversationConnector connector = node.Tag as NWN2ConversationConnector;

                            if (connector != null && connector.Actions.Count > 0)
                                MessageBoxResult result = MessageBox.Show("Delete the script on this line?", "Delete?", MessageBoxButton.YesNo);
                                if (result == MessageBoxResult.Yes)
                                    string scriptName = connector.Actions[0].Script.FullName;
                                    Log.WriteAction(LogAction.deleted, "script", scriptName + " (was attached to line '" + connector.Line.Text.GetSafeString(OEIShared.Utils.BWLanguages.CurrentLanguage) + "')");
                        catch (Exception x) {
                            MessageBox.Show("Something went wrong when deleting the script.\n\n" + x);

                deleteCondition.Click += delegate
                    if (tree.SelectedNodes.Count != 1)
                        MessageBox.Show("Select a single line of the conversation.");

                        try {
                            GTLTreeNode node = (GTLTreeNode)tree.SelectedNodes[0];

                            NWN2ConversationConnector connector = node.Tag as NWN2ConversationConnector;

                            if (connector != null && connector.Conditions.Count > 0)
                                MessageBoxResult result = MessageBox.Show("Delete the condition on this line?", "Delete?", MessageBoxButton.YesNo);
                                if (result == MessageBoxResult.Yes)
                                    string scriptName = connector.Conditions[0].Script.FullName;
                                    Log.WriteAction(LogAction.deleted, "script", scriptName + " (was attached as condition to line '" + connector.Line.Text.GetSafeString(OEIShared.Utils.BWLanguages.CurrentLanguage) + "')");
                        catch (Exception x) {
                            MessageBox.Show("Something went wrong when deleting the condition.\n\n" + x);

                tree.ContextMenu.Popup += delegate
                    if (tree.SelectedNodes.Count != 1)
                        addEditScript.Enabled    = false;
                        addEditCondition.Enabled = false;
                        deleteScript.Enabled     = false;
                        deleteCondition.Enabled  = false;

                        GTLTreeNode node = (GTLTreeNode)tree.SelectedNodes[0];

                        NWN2ConversationConnector connector = node.Tag as NWN2ConversationConnector;

                        if (connector == null)
                            addEditScript.Enabled    = false;
                            addEditCondition.Enabled = false;
                            addEditScript.Enabled    = true;
                            addEditCondition.Enabled = true;

                        if (connector != null && ScriptHelper.HasFlipScriptAttachedAsAction(connector))
                            addEditScript.Text   = "Edit script";
                            deleteScript.Enabled = true;
                            addEditScript.Text   = "Add script";
                            deleteScript.Enabled = false;

                        if (connector != null && ScriptHelper.HasFlipScriptAttachedAsCondition(connector))
                            addEditCondition.Text   = "Edit condition";
                            deleteCondition.Enabled = true;
                            addEditCondition.Text   = "Add condition";
                            deleteCondition.Enabled = false;

            catch (Exception x) {
                MessageBox.Show("Error when trying to integrate Flip with conversation editor.", x.ToString());