// This does once-per-light work, as well as once-per-material-per-light work.
    // So this ends up being called multiple times with the same parameters, except
    // for matObjName.
    // matObjName is the name of the material being exported
    // lightObjectName is the name of the light
    public void ExportLight(LightPayload payload, IExportableMaterial exportableMaterial)
        ObjectName lightNodeName = new ObjectName(payload.legacyUniqueName); // does need to be unique

        // Add the light to the scene -- this does _not_ need to be done per-material.
        // As a result, the node will generally have already been created.
        GlTF_Node node = GlTF_Node.GetOrCreate(G, lightNodeName, payload.xform, null, out _);

        node.lightNameThatDoesNothing = payload.name;

        // The names of the uniforms can be anything, really. Named after the light is the most
        // logical choice, but note that nobody checks that two lights don't have the same name.
        // Thankfully for Tilt Brush, they don't.
        // This should probably have used a guaranteed-unique name from the start but I don't want
        // to change it now because it'd break my diffs and be kind of ugly.
        string lightUniformPrefix = payload.name;

        AddUniform(exportableMaterial, lightUniformPrefix + "_matrix",
                   GlTF_Technique.Type.FLOAT_MAT4, GlTF_Technique.Semantic.MODELVIEW, node);

        // Add light color.
        GlTF_Material mtl = G.materials[exportableMaterial];
        var           val = new GlTF_Material.ColorKV {
            key   = lightUniformPrefix + "_color",
            color = payload.lightColor

        AddUniform(exportableMaterial, val.key,
                   GlTF_Technique.Type.FLOAT_VEC4, GlTF_Technique.Semantic.UNKNOWN, node);
예제 #2
        // Returns a GlTF_Node; null means "there is no node for this group".
        public GlTF_Node GetGroupNode(uint groupId)
            GlTF_Globals G = m_exporter.G;

            if (!G.Gltf2 || groupId == 0)
                // When exporting for Poly be maximally compatible and don't create interior nodes
            ObjectName name = new ObjectName($"group_{groupId}");

            return(GlTF_Node.GetOrCreate(G, name, Matrix4x4.identity, null, out _));
    // Doesn't do material export; for that see ExportMeshPayload
    private GlTF_Node ExportMeshPayload_NoMaterial(
        BaseMeshPayload mesh,
        [CanBeNull] GlTF_Node parent,
        Matrix4x4?localXf = null)
        ObjectName   meshNameAndId = new ObjectName(mesh.legacyUniqueName);
        GeometryPool pool          = mesh.geometry;
        Matrix4x4    xf            = localXf ?? mesh.xform;
        // Create a Node and (usually) a Mesh, both named after meshNameAndId.
        // This is safe because the namespaces for Node and Mesh are distinct.
        // If we have already seen the GeometryPool, the Mesh will be reused.
        // In this (less common) case, the Node and Mesh will have different names.

        // We don't actually ever use the "VERTEXID" attribute, even in gltf1.
        // It's time to cut it away.
        // Also, in gltf2, it needs to be called _VERTEXID anyway since it's a custom attribute
        GlTF_VertexLayout gltfLayout = new GlTF_VertexLayout(G, pool.Layout);

        int numTris = pool.NumTriIndices / 3;

        if (numTris < 1)

        NumTris += numTris;

        GlTF_Mesh gltfMesh;

        // Share meshes for any repeated geometry pool.
        if (!m_meshCache.TryGetValue(pool, out gltfMesh))
            gltfMesh      = new GlTF_Mesh(G);
            gltfMesh.name = GlTF_Mesh.GetNameFromObject(meshNameAndId);
            gltfMesh.PresentationNameOverride = mesh.geometryName;
            m_meshCache.Add(pool, gltfMesh);

            // Populate mesh data only once.
            AddMeshDependencies(meshNameAndId, mesh.exportableMaterial, gltfMesh, gltfLayout);

        // The mesh may or may not be shared, but every mesh will have a distinct node to allow them
        // to have unique transforms.
        GlTF_Node node = GlTF_Node.GetOrCreate(G, meshNameAndId, xf, parent, out _);

        node.m_mesh = gltfMesh;
        node.PresentationNameOverride = mesh.nodeName;