/// <summary>
        /// Generate a thumbnail from frontpage of a PDF document.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="document"></param>
        /// <param name="documentfile"></param>
        /// <param name="url"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private string GenerateThumbnail(Document document, HttpPostedFileBase documentfile, string url)
            if (document.documentUrl.Contains(".pdf"))
                string filtype;
                string seofilename     = MakeSeoFriendlyDocumentName(documentfile, out filtype, out seofilename);
                string documentNameSeo = RegisterUrls.MakeSeoFriendlyString(document.name);

                string input  = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath(Constants.DataDirectory + Document.DataDirectory), document.register.seoname + "_" + documentNameSeo + "_v" + document.versionNumber + "_" + seofilename + "." + filtype);
                string output = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath(Constants.DataDirectory + Document.DataDirectory), document.register.seoname + "_thumbnail_" + documentNameSeo + "_v" + document.versionNumber + "_" + seofilename + ".jpg");
                GhostscriptWrapper.GenerateOutput(input, output, GsSettings());

                ImageResizer.ImageJob newImage =
                    new ImageResizer.ImageJob(output, output,
                                              new ImageResizer.Instructions("maxwidth=160;maxheight=300;quality=75"));


                return(url + document.register.seoname + "_thumbnail_" + documentNameSeo + "_v" + document.versionNumber + "_" + seofilename + ".jpg");
            else if (document.documentUrl.Contains(".xsd"))
예제 #2
        private void ButtonGenerate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                string               inputPath  = this.textBoxInputPath.Text;
                string               outputPath = this.textBoxOutputPath.Text;
                int                  page       = (int)this.numericUpDownPage.Value;
                int                  resolution = (int)this.numericUpDownResolution.Value;
                GhostscriptDevices   device     = (GhostscriptDevices)this.comboBoxDevice.SelectedItem;
                GhostscriptPageSizes pageSize   = (GhostscriptPageSizes)this.comboBoxPageSize.SelectedItem;

                GhostscriptSettings ghostscriptSettings = new GhostscriptSettings
                    Page = new GhostscriptPages {
                        Start = page, End = page
                    Device     = device,
                    Resolution = new Size(resolution, resolution),
                    Size       = new GhostscriptPageSize {
                        Native = pageSize
                GhostscriptWrapper.GenerateOutput(inputPath, outputPath, ghostscriptSettings);

            catch (Exception exception)
예제 #3
        public void Verify(FileInfo pdf)
            if (!pdf.Exists)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("File to verify does not exist '{0}'".Fmt(pdf.FullName));

            using (var destination = new DisposableFile()) {
                    inputPath: pdf.FullName,
                    outputPath: destination.File.FullName,
                    settings: new GhostscriptSettings {
                    Device     = GhostscriptDevices.tiff24nc,
                    Resolution = new Size(72, 72),
                    Size       = new GhostscriptPageSize {
                        Native = GhostscriptPageSizes.letter
                //GhostScript embeds a creation timestamp on each page of the tiff. Obviously if its different every time the files won't match up byte for byte. So normalize
                using (var tiff = Tiff.Open(destination.File.FullName, "a")) {
                    Enumerable.Range(0, tiff.NumberOfDirectories()).ForEach(i => {
                        tiff.SetField(TiffTag.DATETIME, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("2010:01:01 12:00:00"));                         //any constant date will do the trick here.
                Approvals.Verify(GetTiffApprovalWriter(destination.File), GetNamer(), GetReporter());
예제 #4
        public static void WriteOut(int pJpegWidth = 0, int[] pages = null)
            var OutputPath = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory;
            var sourceFile = "test.pdf";

            var jpegFile = Path.ChangeExtension(sourceFile, "jpg");

            var settings = new GhostscriptSettings
                Page       = { AllPages = false, Start = 1, End = 1 },
                Size       = { Native = GhostscriptPageSizes.a2 },
                Device     = GhostscriptDevices.png16m,
                Resolution = new Size(150, 122)

            if (pages.Length > 1)
                // PDF contains multiple pages, make each one into a jpg
                var iPageNumber = 0;
                foreach (var page in pages)
                    //FORMAT: GhostscriptWrapper.GenerateOutput(<pdf file path>, <destination jpg path>, <settings>);
                    GhostscriptWrapper.GenerateOutput(OutputPath + sourceFile, OutputPath + jpegFile.Replace(".jpg", "_" + iPageNumber + ".jpg"), settings);      // add page number into jpg string
                    settings.Page.Start = settings.Page.End = iPageNumber + 1;
                //FORMAT: GhostscriptWrapper.GenerateOutput(<pdf file path>, <destination jpg path>, <settings>);
                GhostscriptWrapper.GenerateOutput(OutputPath + sourceFile, OutputPath + jpegFile, settings);
예제 #5
 public static void GetPdfThumbnail(string sourcePdfFilePath, string destinationPngFilePath, int StartPage = 1, int EndPage = 1, GhostscriptPageSizes PageSize = GhostscriptPageSizes.a4)
     // Use GhostscriptSharp to convert the pdf to a png
     GhostscriptWrapper.GenerateOutput(sourcePdfFilePath, destinationPngFilePath,
                                       new GhostscriptSettings
         Device = GhostscriptDevices.pngalpha,
         Page   = new GhostscriptPages
             // Only make a thumbnail of the first page
             Start    = StartPage,
             End      = EndPage,
             AllPages = false
         Resolution = new Size
             // Render at 72x72 dpi
             Height = 300,
             Width  = 300
         Size = new GhostscriptPageSize
             // The dimensions of the incoming PDF must be
             // specified. The example PDF is US Letter sized.
             Native = PageSize
예제 #6
        public GhostscriptSession GenerateForTesseract(string inputPath)

            var settings = GhostscriptSettingsFactory.Tesseract();

            GhostscriptWrapper.GenerateOutput(inputPath, OutputPattern + settings.GetDeviceExtension(), settings);
        public void GenerateSinglePageOutput()
            var settings = new GhostscriptSettings
                Page       = { AllPages = false, Start = 1, End = 1 },
                Size       = { Native = GhostscriptPageSizes.a2 },
                Device     = GhostscriptDevices.png16m,
                Resolution = new Size(150, 122)

            GhostscriptWrapper.GenerateOutput(OutputPath + TEST_FILE_LOCATION, OutputPath + SINGLE_FILE_LOCATION, settings);
            Assert.IsTrue(File.Exists(OutputPath + SINGLE_FILE_LOCATION));
    public void f_ConvertAllPDF(string pdfPath, string savePath)
        GhostscriptSettings ghostscriptSettings = new GhostscriptSettings();

        ghostscriptSettings.Device      = GhostscriptSharp.Settings.GhostscriptDevices.jpeg;    //圖片類型
        ghostscriptSettings.Size.Native = GhostscriptSharp.Settings.GhostscriptPageSizes.legal; //legal為原尺寸
        //ghostscriptSettings.Size.Manual = new System.Drawing.Size(2552, 3579); //此為設定固定尺寸
        ghostscriptSettings.Resolution    = new System.Drawing.Size(150, 150);                  //此為解析度
        ghostscriptSettings.Page.AllPages = true;
        GhostscriptWrapper.GenerateOutput(pdfPath, savePath, ghostscriptSettings);

예제 #9
        public GhostscriptSession GenerateOutput(IPdfContent pdfInfo)

            var inputFilename = Id + ".pdf";
            var inputPath     = Path.Combine(Folder, inputFilename);


            var settings = GhostscriptSettingsFactory.Default();

            GhostscriptWrapper.GenerateOutput(inputPath, OutputPattern + settings.GetDeviceExtension(), settings);
예제 #10
        private static void PdfToJpg(string path, string fileName, GhostscriptDevices devise, GhostscriptPageSizes pageFormat, int qualityX, int qualityY)
            var settingsForConvert = new GhostscriptSettings {
                Device = devise
            var pageSize = new GhostscriptPageSize {
                Native = pageFormat

            settingsForConvert.Size       = pageSize;
            settingsForConvert.Resolution = new System.Drawing.Size(qualityX, qualityY);

            GhostscriptWrapper.GenerateOutput(path, @"C:\YR\Receipt\" + fileName + "_" + ".jpg", settingsForConvert); // here you could set path and name for out put file.
예제 #11
        public void ConvertToTif()
            var destination = new FileInfo(Path.GetTempPath() + "test_ConvertToTif.tif");

                inputPath: TEST_FILE_LOCATION, outputPath: destination.FullName,
                settings: new GhostscriptSettings
                Device     = GhostscriptDevices.tiffg4,
                Resolution = new Size(400, 400),
                Page       = GhostscriptPages.All,
                Size       = new GhostscriptPageSize {
                    Native = GhostscriptPageSizes.a4
        private string getImageFromPdf(string baseFilePass, string pdfFielName)
            string imgFileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(pdfFielName) + ".png";

                GhostscriptSettings settings = new GhostscriptSettings();
                settings.Page.AllPages = true;                                                //全ページ出力
                settings.Page.Start    = 1;                                                   //出力開始ページ
                settings.Page.End      = 1;                                                   //出力終了ページ
                settings.Size.Native   = GhostscriptSharp.Settings.GhostscriptPageSizes.a0;   //出力サイズ指定
                settings.Device        = GhostscriptSharp.Settings.GhostscriptDevices.png256; //出力ファイルフォーマット指定(pngで指定)
                settings.Resolution    = new Size(600, 600);                                  //出力Dpi

                string inputPath  = baseFilePass + "\\" + pdfFielName;
                string outputPath = baseFilePass + "\\" + imgFileName;
                GhostscriptWrapper.GenerateOutput(inputPath, outputPath, settings); // Create the initial thumbnail

                if (!System.IO.File.Exists(outputPath))
                    imgFileName = "";
                    outLogMsg(pdfFielName, "Pdf埋め込み画像なし");
                    outLogMsg(pdfFielName, "Pdf画像変換完了");
            catch (Exception exp)
                imgFileName = "";
                outLogMsg(pdfFielName, "Pdf画像取得実施エラー : " + exp.Message);

예제 #13
 /*   private int Decoder(string SourcePdfFileName,string DestPdfFileName, string Contact)
  * {
  *     try
  *     {
  *         PdfReader pdfReader = new PdfReader(SourcePdfFileName);
  *         FileStream signedPdfs = new FileStream(DestPdfFileName, FileMode.Create);//the output pdf file
  *         PdfStamper pdfStamper = new PdfStamper(pdfReader, signedPdfs, '\0');
  *         PdfContentByte pdfData = pdfStamper.GetOverContent(1);
  *         //Create the QR Code/2D Code-------------------------------
  *         Image qrImage = GenerateQRCode(Contact);
  *         iTextSharp.text.Image itsQrCodeImage = iTextSharp.text.Image.GetInstance(qrImage, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg);
  *         itsQrCodeImage.SetAbsolutePosition(270, 50);
  *         pdfData.AddImage(itsQrCodeImage);
  *         pdfStamper.Close();
  *         return 1;
  *     }
  *     catch(Exception e)
  *     {
  *         ViewBag.exception = e.Message;
  *         return 0;
  *     }
  * }*/
 private int convertToImage(string sourcePdfFilePath, string destinationPngFilePath)
         // Use GhostscriptSharp to convert the pdf to a png
         GhostscriptWrapper.GenerateOutput(sourcePdfFilePath, destinationPngFilePath, new GhostscriptSettings
             Device = GhostscriptDevices.pngalpha,
             Page   = new GhostscriptPages
                 // Only make a thumbnail of the first page
                 Start    = 1,
                 End      = 1,
                 AllPages = false
             Resolution = new Size
                 // Render at 72x72 dpi
                 Height = 72,
                 Width  = 72
             Size = new GhostscriptPageSize
                 // The dimentions of the incoming PDF must be
                 // specified. The example PDF is US Letter sized.
                 Native = GhostscriptPageSizes.a4
     catch (Exception e)
         ViewBag.exception = e.Message;