public GhostRun(frmPacmanGame frm, PacmanBoard b, GhostColor color) { this.color = color; parentForm = frm; board = b; this.Init(); }
public GhostRun(frmPacmanGame frm, PacmanBoard b, GhostColor color, int algorithm, int stage) { this.color = color; parentForm = frm; board = b; this.algorithm = algorithm; this.stage = stage; this.Init(); }
private void changePic(Point P, Direction D, GhostColor color, bool sprite1, GhostState state) { switch (color) { case GhostColor.RED: if (picRedGhost != null) { pnl.Controls.Remove(picRedGhost); } picRedGhost = new PictureBox(); picRedGhost.BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.Zoom; picRedGhost.Location = new Point((int)(P.X * cellWidth + 4), (int)(P.Y * cellHeight + 4)); picRedGhost.Size = new Size((int)(4 * cellWidth) - 6, (int)(4 * cellHeight) - 6); picRedGhost.BackgroundImage = findImage(D, color, sprite1, state); pnl.Controls.Add(picRedGhost); break; case GhostColor.BLUE: if (picBlueGhost != null) { pnl.Controls.Remove(picBlueGhost); } picBlueGhost = new PictureBox(); picBlueGhost.BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.Zoom; picBlueGhost.Location = new Point((int)(P.X * cellWidth + 4), (int)(P.Y * cellHeight + 4)); picBlueGhost.Size = new Size((int)(4 * cellWidth) - 6, (int)(4 * cellHeight) - 6); picBlueGhost.BackgroundImage = findImage(D, color, sprite1, state); pnl.Controls.Add(picBlueGhost); break; case GhostColor.PINK: if (picPinkGhost != null) { pnl.Controls.Remove(picPinkGhost); } picPinkGhost = new PictureBox(); picPinkGhost.BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.Zoom; picPinkGhost.Location = new Point((int)(P.X * cellWidth + 4), (int)(P.Y * cellHeight + 4)); picPinkGhost.Size = new Size((int)(4 * cellWidth) - 6, (int)(4 * cellHeight) - 6); picPinkGhost.BackgroundImage = findImage(D, color, sprite1, state); pnl.Controls.Add(picPinkGhost); break; case GhostColor.YELLOW: if (picYellowGhost != null) { pnl.Controls.Remove(picYellowGhost); } picYellowGhost = new PictureBox(); picYellowGhost.BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.Zoom; picYellowGhost.Location = new Point((int)(P.X * cellWidth + 4), (int)(P.Y * cellHeight + 4)); picYellowGhost.Size = new Size((int)(4 * cellWidth) - 6, (int)(4 * cellHeight) - 6); picYellowGhost.BackgroundImage = findImage(D, color, sprite1, state); pnl.Controls.Add(picYellowGhost); break; } }
public void SetGhostState(GhostColor color, GhostState state) { switch (color) { case GhostColor.RED: RedGhost.gState = state; break; case GhostColor.BLUE: BlueGhost.gState = state; break; case GhostColor.PINK: PinkGhost.gState = state; break; case GhostColor.YELLOW: YellowGhost.gState = state; break; } }
public void setCollision(GhostColor color) { switch (color) { case GhostColor.RED: redCollision = true; break; case GhostColor.BLUE: blueCollision = true; break; case GhostColor.PINK: pinkCollision = true; break; case GhostColor.YELLOW: yellowCollision = true; break; } }
public MovingGhost(GhostColor color) { //Initalizes the instances of ghosts, images and starting positions switch (color) { case GhostColor.Red: Position = new Point(22, 8); ghostImage[(int)EyePosition.Left] = Images.redGhost_left; ghostImage[(int)EyePosition.Right] = Images.redGhost_right; break; case GhostColor.Blue: Position = new Point(20, 8); ghostImage[(int)EyePosition.Left] = Images.blueGhost_left; ghostImage[(int)EyePosition.Right] = Images.blueGhost_right; break; default: break; } Color = color; stepsBeforeChangeDirection = rnd.Next(7); currentDirection = Direction.Up; }
public IDictionary <Direction, ISprite> getGhostSprite(GhostColor color) { string resource = $"Sprites.ghost_{color.ToString().ToLower()}.png"; return(DirectionSprite(resource, GHOST_ANIMATION_FRAMES)); }
public Ghost(GhostColor color, Position pos, int id) : base(id, pos) { Color = color; }
private Bitmap findImage(Direction D, GhostColor color, bool sprite1, GhostState state) { if (state == GhostState.BONUSEND) { if (sprite1) { return(new Bitmap(Properties.Resources.BonusWGhost1)); } else { return(new Bitmap(Properties.Resources.BonusWGhost2)); } } else if (state == GhostState.BONUS) { if (sprite1) { return(new Bitmap(Properties.Resources.BonusBGhost1)); } else { return(new Bitmap(Properties.Resources.BonusBGhost2)); } } else if (state == GhostState.EATEN) { switch (D) { case Direction.DOWN: return(new Bitmap(Properties.Resources.eyesDown)); case Direction.UP: return(new Bitmap(Properties.Resources.eyesUp)); case Direction.RIGHT: return(new Bitmap(Properties.Resources.eyesRight)); case Direction.LEFT: return(new Bitmap(Properties.Resources.eyesLeft)); default: return(null); } } else { switch (color) { case GhostColor.RED: switch (D) { case Direction.DOWN: if (sprite1) { return(new Bitmap(Properties.Resources.RedGhostDown1)); } else { return(new Bitmap(Properties.Resources.RedGhostDown2)); } case Direction.UP: if (sprite1) { return(new Bitmap(Properties.Resources.RedGhostUp1)); } else { return(new Bitmap(Properties.Resources.RedGhostUp2)); } case Direction.RIGHT: if (sprite1) { return(new Bitmap(Properties.Resources.RedGhostRight1)); } else { return(new Bitmap(Properties.Resources.RedGhostRight2)); } case Direction.LEFT: if (sprite1) { return(new Bitmap(Properties.Resources.RedGhostLeft1)); } else { return(new Bitmap(Properties.Resources.RedGhostLeft2)); } default: return(null); } case GhostColor.BLUE: switch (D) { case Direction.DOWN: if (sprite1) { return(new Bitmap(Properties.Resources.BlueGhostDown1)); } else { return(new Bitmap(Properties.Resources.BlueGhostDown2)); } case Direction.UP: if (sprite1) { return(new Bitmap(Properties.Resources.BlueGhostUp1)); } else { return(new Bitmap(Properties.Resources.BlueGhostUp2)); } case Direction.RIGHT: if (sprite1) { return(new Bitmap(Properties.Resources.BlueGhostRight1)); } else { return(new Bitmap(Properties.Resources.BlueGhostRight2)); } case Direction.LEFT: if (sprite1) { return(new Bitmap(Properties.Resources.BlueGhostLeft1)); } else { return(new Bitmap(Properties.Resources.BlueGhostLeft2)); } default: return(null); } case GhostColor.PINK: switch (D) { case Direction.DOWN: if (sprite1) { return(new Bitmap(Properties.Resources.PinkGhostDown1)); } else { return(new Bitmap(Properties.Resources.PinkGhostDown2)); } case Direction.UP: if (sprite1) { return(new Bitmap(Properties.Resources.PinkGhostUp1)); } else { return(new Bitmap(Properties.Resources.PinkGhostUp2)); } case Direction.RIGHT: if (sprite1) { return(new Bitmap(Properties.Resources.PinkGhostRight1)); } else { return(new Bitmap(Properties.Resources.PinkGhostRight2)); } case Direction.LEFT: if (sprite1) { return(new Bitmap(Properties.Resources.PinkGhostLeft1)); } else { return(new Bitmap(Properties.Resources.PinkGhostLeft2)); } default: return(null); } case GhostColor.YELLOW: switch (D) { case Direction.DOWN: if (sprite1) { return(new Bitmap(Properties.Resources.YellowGhostDown1)); } else { return(new Bitmap(Properties.Resources.YellowGhostDown2)); } case Direction.UP: if (sprite1) { return(new Bitmap(Properties.Resources.YellowGhostUp1)); } else { return(new Bitmap(Properties.Resources.YellowGhostUp2)); } case Direction.RIGHT: if (sprite1) { return(new Bitmap(Properties.Resources.YellowGhostRight1)); } else { return(new Bitmap(Properties.Resources.YellowGhostRight2)); } case Direction.LEFT: if (sprite1) { return(new Bitmap(Properties.Resources.YellowGhostLeft1)); } else { return(new Bitmap(Properties.Resources.YellowGhostLeft2)); } default: return(null); } default: return(null); } } }
public void GhostMove(Point P, Direction D, GhostColor color, bool sprite1, GhostState state) { pnl.Invoke(new GhostPaint(changePic), P, D, color, sprite1, state); }
public ServerGhost(GhostColor color, Position pos, int id, Speed speed) : base(color, pos, id) { Speed = speed; }
// 何色を生成するか指定できる private void Spawn(GhostColor ghostColor) { GameObject goGhost = Instantiate(spawnGhosts[(int)ghostColor]); goGhost.GetComponent <GhostController> ().WarpRandomPos(); }