예제 #1
     * This code ain't mine homie.
     * Code Adapted from: https://medium.com/@rotolonico/firebase-database-in-unity-with-rest-api-42f2cf6a2bbf
     * Code Author: Domenico Rotolo
     * Code Accessed on: 21/09/2019

    //this method is used to pull the comments from firebase
    //it takes the callback method as a parameter
    public void LoadComments(GetUsersCallback callback)
        //database call
        RestClient.Get(databaseURL + "/" + locationName + ".json?auth=" + idToken).Then(response =>
            //recieve the contents of the db call as a json
            var responseJson = response.Text;

            //parse the data
            var data = fsJsonParser.Parse(responseJson);

            //create new object to hold the deserialized data
            object deserialized = null;

            //try to deserialize the data following the dictionary definition + the data defintion of the MarkerCommentClass, referencing the data into the
            //deserialized object
            serializer.TryDeserialize(data, typeof(Dictionary <string, MarkerCommentClass>), ref deserialized);

            //store data as a dictionary
            var users = deserialized as Dictionary <string, MarkerCommentClass>;

            //this is used to actually create the dictionary
예제 #2
    //Retrieve all user details
    /// <summary>
    /// Function which is used to retrieve all the user details from the database
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="callback"></param>
    public static void GetUsers(GetUsersCallback callback)
        RestClient.Get("https://engeenur-17baa.firebaseio.com/students.json").Then(response => {
            var responseJson    = response.Text;
            var data            = fsJsonParser.Parse(responseJson);
            object deserialized = null;
            serializer.TryDeserialize(data, typeof(Dictionary <string, UserData>), ref deserialized);

            var userDatas = deserialized as Dictionary <string, UserData>;
예제 #3
    public static void GetUsers(string level, GetUsersCallback callback)
        RestClient.Get($"{databaseUrl}users/{level}.json").Then(response => {
            var responseJson    = response.Text;
            var data            = fsJsonParser.Parse(responseJson);
            object deserialized = null;
            serializer.TryDeserialize(data, typeof(Dictionary <string, User>), ref deserialized);
            var users = deserialized as Dictionary <string, User>;

예제 #4
    public static void GetUsers(GetUsersCallback callback)
        RestClient.Get($"{databaseURL}/users.json").Then(response => {
            var responseJson = response.Text;
            Debug.Log("Response: " + responseJson);
            //Using FullSerializer library to serialize a Dictionary datatype in this case
            var data            = fsJsonParser.Parse(responseJson);
            object deserialized = null;
            serializer.TryDeserialize(data, typeof(Dictionary <string, User>), ref deserialized);

            var users = deserialized as Dictionary <string, User>;
예제 #5
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets all users from the Firebase Database
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="callback"> What to do after all users are downloaded successfully </param>
    public static void GetUsers(GetUsersCallback callback)
        RestClient.Get($"{databaseURL}users.json").Then(response =>
            var responseJson = response.Text;

            // Using the FullSerializer library: https://github.com/jacobdufault/fullserializer
            // to serialize more complex types (a Dictionary, in this case)
            var data            = fsJsonParser.Parse(responseJson);
            object deserialized = null;
            serializer.TryDeserialize(data, typeof(Dictionary <string, User>), ref deserialized);

            var users = deserialized as Dictionary <string, User>;
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets all users from the Firebase Database
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="callback"> What to do after all users are downloaded successfully </param>
    public static void GetUsers(GetUsersCallback callback)
        string idToken = PlayerPrefs.GetString("Current_idToken");
        string doc_id  = PlayerPrefs.GetString("Current_localId");

        RestClient.Get($"{databaseURL}Patients/" + doc_id + ".json?auth=" + idToken).Then(response =>
            var responseJson = response.Text;

            // Using the FullSerializer library: https://github.com/jacobdufault/fullserializer
            // to serialize more complex types (a Dictionary, in this case)
            var data            = fsJsonParser.Parse(responseJson);
            object deserialized = null;
            serializer.TryDeserialize(data, typeof(Dictionary <string, Patient>), ref deserialized);

            var users = deserialized as Dictionary <string, Patient>;
예제 #7
    public static void GetCoordinates(GetUsersCallback callback)
        RestClient.Get($"{databaseURL}/coordinates/dronelocation.json").Then(response => {
            var responseJson = response.Text;
            // Debug.Log("Response" + responseJson);
            var N   = JSON.Parse(responseJson);
            targetX = N["x"].AsFloat;
            targetY = N["y"].AsFloat;
            targetZ = N["z"].AsFloat;
            // Debug.Log("X is: " + targetX );
            //Using FullSerializer library to serialize a Dictionary datatype in this case
            var data            = fsJsonParser.Parse(responseJson);
            object deserialized = null;
            serializer.TryDeserialize(data, typeof(Dictionary <string, User>), ref deserialized);

            var users = deserialized as Dictionary <string, User>;
예제 #8
     * This code ain't mine homie.
     * Code Adapted from: https://medium.com/@rotolonico/firebase-database-in-unity-with-rest-api-42f2cf6a2bbf
     * Code Author: Domenico Rotolo
     * Code Accessed on: 21/09/2019

    //this code is to load the comments from firebase for this location
    public void LoadComments(GetUsersCallback callback)
        Debug.Log("Location Name:" + locationName);
        RestClient.Get(databaseURL + "/" + locationName + ".json?auth=" + idToken).Then(response =>
            var responseJson = response.Text;

            var data = fsJsonParser.Parse(responseJson);

            object deserialized = null;

            serializer.TryDeserialize(data, typeof(Dictionary <string, MarkerCommentClass>), ref deserialized);

            var users = deserialized as Dictionary <string, MarkerCommentClass>;
            Debug.Log("Right before the callback!");

예제 #9
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets all users from the Firebase Database
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="callback"> What to do after all users are downloaded successfully </param>
    public static void GetUsers(GetUsersCallback callback)
        string idToken = PlayerPrefs.GetString("Current_idToken");
        string doc_id  = PlayerPrefs.GetString("Current_localId");

        RestClient.Get($"https://fyp-2020-smart-rehab.firebaseio.com/Appointments/" + doc_id + ".json?auth=" + idToken).Then(response =>
            var responseJson = response.Text;

            // Using the FullSerializer library: https://github.com/jacobdufault/fullserializer
            // to serialize more complex types (a Dictionary, in this case)
            var data            = fsJsonParser.Parse(responseJson);
            object deserialized = null;
            serializer.TryDeserialize(data, typeof(Dictionary <string, Appointment>), ref deserialized);

            var users = deserialized as Dictionary <string, Appointment>;
        }).Catch(error =>
            Debug.Log("Appointment Not Found");