private void InitMedalStandings() { List <MedalStandings> MedalsStanding = new List <MedalStandings>(); GetPropForSelectedService service = new GetPropForSelectedService(); List <string> bufCountries = service.GetOlympsResult().Where(x => x.Olympiad.Date == CurrentOlympaid.Date).GroupBy(x => x.Person.Country.Name).Select(g => g.Key).ToList(); var OlympRes = service.GetOlympsResult().Where(x => x.Olympiad.Date == CurrentOlympaid.Date); if (OlympRes == null) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < bufCountries.Count; i++) { MedalStandings bufMedal = new MedalStandings(); bufMedal.Country = bufCountries[i]; bufMedal.Golds = OlympRes.Where(x => x.Person.Country.Name == bufMedal.Country && x.Place == 1).Count(); bufMedal.Sereb = OlympRes.Where(x => x.Person.Country.Name == bufMedal.Country && x.Place == 2).Count();; bufMedal.Bronz = OlympRes.Where(x => x.Person.Country.Name == bufMedal.Country && x.Place == 3).Count(); bufMedal.All = bufMedal.Golds + bufMedal.Sereb + bufMedal.Bronz; MedalsStanding.Add(bufMedal); } MedalsStanding.OrderBy(x => x.All); MedalStandingsListBox.ItemsSource = MedalsStanding.OrderByDescending(x => x.All); for (int i = 0; i < MedalStandingsListBox.Items.Count; i++) { (MedalStandingsListBox.Items[i] as MedalStandings).Number = i + 1; } }
private void OlympiadTreeView_MouseDoubleClick(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e) { GetPropForSelectedService service = new GetPropForSelectedService(); DateTime currOlympDate = new DateTime(); foreach (var o in service.GetOlympiads()) { string bufName; string gettingOlympName; bufName = ((sender as TreeView).SelectedItem as TreeViewItem).Header.ToString(); gettingOlympName = $"{o.Type.Name} olympiad in {o.Country.Name} {String.Format("{0:y}", o.Date)}"; if (bufName == gettingOlympName) { currOlympDate = o.Date; } } if (CurrentOlympaid != null) { if (CurrentOlympaid.Date == currOlympDate) { return; } } CurrentOlympaid = service.GetOlympiads().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Date == currOlympDate); MainStackPanel.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; InitContentUI(); }
private void Add_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (DatePicker.DisplayDate == null) { MessageBox.Show("Date can`t be null."); return; } Olympiad newType = new Olympiad(); GetPropForSelectedService getService = new GetPropForSelectedService(); newType.Date = DatePicker.SelectedDate.Value; newType.Type = getService.GetOlympTypes().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == (OlympTypeComboBox.SelectedItem as OlympType).Name); newType.Country = getService.GetCountry().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == (CountryComboBox.SelectedValue as Country).Name); foreach (var o in getService.GetOlympiads()) { if (o.Date == newType.Date) { MessageBox.Show($"Olympiads in {o.Date.ToString("0:d")} alredy exists."); } } AddingService addService = new AddingService(); addService.AddOlympiad(newType); MessageBox.Show("Olympiad adding"); }
private void OlympiadComboBox_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e) { GetPropForSelectedService getService = new GetPropForSelectedService(); PersonComboBox.ItemsSource = getService.GetPersons() .Where(x => x.Country.Name == (OlympiadComboBox.SelectedValue as Olympiad).Country.Name); }
private void LoadSportsMedalists(string Sport) { GetPropForSelectedService service = new GetPropForSelectedService(); List <SportMedal> sportsMedals = new List <SportMedal>(); var Res = service.GetOlympsResult().Where(x => x.Olympiad.Date == CurrentOlympaid.Date && x.SportType.Name == Sport && x.Place == 1).Select(x => x.Person).ToList(); if (Res == null) { return; } foreach (var p in Res) { SportMedal sportMedal = new SportMedal(); sportMedal.Country = p.Country.Name; sportMedal.AllName = $"{p.FirstName} {p.SecondName} {p.ThirdName}"; sportsMedals.Add(sportMedal); } StatStore_SportsMedalistListBox.ItemsSource = sportsMedals.OrderByDescending(x => x.Country); for (int i = 0; i < StatStore_SportsMedalistListBox.Items.Count; i++) { (StatStore_SportsMedalistListBox.Items[i] as SportMedal).Number = i + 1; } }
public AddOlympiadWindow() { InitializeComponent(); GetPropForSelectedService service = new GetPropForSelectedService(); Countries = service.GetCountry(false); OlympTypes = service.GetOlympTypes(false); if (Countries.Count <= 0) { this.Hide(); MessageBox.Show("Add countries first."); this.Close(); return; } if (OlympTypes.Count <= 0) { this.Hide(); MessageBox.Show("Add olymp types first."); this.Close(); return; } OlympTypeComboBox.ItemsSource = OlympTypes; CountryComboBox.ItemsSource = Countries; this.DataContext = this; }
private void LoadOlympaidTeamStats(string Team) { GetPropForSelectedService service = new GetPropForSelectedService(); List <TeamStat> TeamStats = new List <TeamStat>(); var Res = service.GetOlympsResult() .Where(x => x.Person.Country.Name == Team) .Select(x => new { x.Person, x.Place }).ToList(); List <string> SportTypes = service.GetOlympsResult().GroupBy(x => x.SportType).Select(x => x.Key.Name).ToList(); if (Res == null) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < Res.Count; i++) { TeamStat teamStat = new TeamStat(); teamStat.Sport = SportTypes[i]; teamStat.AllName = $"{Res[i].Person.FirstName}" + $" {Res[i].Person.SecondName} " + $"{Res[i].Person.ThirdName}"; teamStat.Place = Res[i].Place; TeamStats.Add(teamStat); } //foreach (var s in Res) //{ // TeamStat teamStat = new TeamStat(); // teamStat.Sport = s.SportType.Name; // teamStat.AllName = $"{s.Person.FirstName}" + // $" {s.Person.SecondName} " + // $"{s.Person.ThirdName}"; // teamStat.Place = s.Place; // TeamStats.Add(teamStat); //} if (TeamStats == null) { return; } StatStore_TeamStatsListBox.ItemsSource = TeamStats.OrderByDescending(x => x.Place); for (int i = 0; i < StatStore_TeamStatsListBox.Items.Count; i++) { (StatStore_TeamStatsListBox.Items[i] as TeamStat).Number = i + 1; } }
private void InitOlympList() { GetPropForSelectedService service = new GetPropForSelectedService(); foreach (var o in service.GetOlympiads().OrderByDescending(x => x.Date)) { TreeViewItem Item = new TreeViewItem(); Item.Header = $"{o.Type.Name} olympiad in {o.Country.Name} {String.Format("{0:y}", o.Date)}"; OlympiadTreeView.Items.Add(Item); } }
private void InitAthleteRecord() { GetPropForSelectedService service = new GetPropForSelectedService(); var bufSports = service.GetOlympsResult().GroupBy(x => x.SportType.Name).Select(x => x.Key).ToList(); try { StatStore_RecodHolderComboBOx.ItemsSource = bufSports; StatStore_RecodHolderComboBOx.SelectedItem = bufSports[0]; } catch (Exception) { } }
private void InitTeamStats() { GetPropForSelectedService service = new GetPropForSelectedService(); List <string> bufCountries = service.GetOlympsResult().Where(x => x.Olympiad.Date == CurrentOlympaid.Date).GroupBy(x => x.Person.Country.Name).Select(g => g.Key).ToList(); try { StatStore_TeamStatsCountryComboBox.ItemsSource = bufCountries; StatStore_TeamStatsCountryComboBox.SelectedItem = StatStore_TeamStatsCountryComboBox.Items[0]; } catch (Exception) { } }
private void InitCompositionOfOlympTeam() { GetPropForSelectedService service = new GetPropForSelectedService(); List <string> countries = service.GetOlympsResult().GroupBy(x => x.Person.Country.Name).Select(x => x.Key).OrderByDescending(x => x.Count()).ToList(); try { StatStore_CompositionOfOlympTeamComboBox.ItemsSource = countries; StatStore_CompositionOfOlympTeamComboBox.SelectedItem = countries[0]; } catch (Exception) { } }
private void InitSportsMedalists() { GetPropForSelectedService service = new GetPropForSelectedService(); List <string> sports = service.GetOlympsResult().Where(x => x.Olympiad.Date == CurrentOlympaid.Date).GroupBy(x => x.SportType.Name).Select(x => x.Key).ToList(); try { StatStore_SportsMedalistComboBox.ItemsSource = sports; StatStore_SportsMedalistComboBox.SelectedItem = StatStore_SportsMedalistComboBox.Items[0]; } catch (Exception) { } }
public AddCityWindow() { InitializeComponent(); GetPropForSelectedService getService = new GetPropForSelectedService(); if (getService.GetCountry(true).Count <= 0) { MessageBox.Show("Add country first."); this.Close(); return; } CountryComboBox.ItemsSource = getService.GetCountry(false); this.DataContext = this; }
private void Add_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { OlympResult newType = new OlympResult(); GetPropForSelectedService getService = new GetPropForSelectedService(); newType.OlympID = getService.GetOlympiads().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Date == (OlympiadComboBox.SelectedItem as Olympiad).Date).ID; newType.SportTypeID = getService.GetSportTypes().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == (OlympiadComboBox.SelectedItem as SportType).Name).ID; newType.PersonID = getService.GetPersons().FirstOrDefault(x => x.FirstName == (OlympiadComboBox.SelectedItem as Person).FirstName && x.SecondName == (OlympiadComboBox.SelectedItem as Person).SecondName && x.ThirdName == (OlympiadComboBox.SelectedItem as Person).ThirdName).ID; newType.Place = Convert.ToInt32(PlaceTextBox.Text); foreach (var or in getService.GetOlympsResult()) { if (or.Olympiad.Date == newType.Olympiad.Date) { if (or.SportType.Name == newType.SportType.Name) { //if(or.City.Name == newType.City.Name) if (or.Person.FirstName == newType.Person.FirstName) { if (or.Person.SecondName == newType.Person.SecondName) { if (or.Person.ThirdName == newType.Person.ThirdName) { if (or.Place == newType.Place) { MessageBox.Show("This node alredy exist."); return; } } } } } } } AddingService addService = new AddingService(); addService.AddOlympiadResultNode(newType); MessageBox.Show("New result node adding."); }
private void LoadAthleteRecordHolder(string Sport) { GetPropForSelectedService service = new GetPropForSelectedService(); Person Res = service.GetOlympsResult().Where(x => x.SportType.Name == Sport && x.Place == 1).Select(x => x.Person).First(); string Holder; if (Res == null) { Holder = "None"; StatStore_RecodHolderTextBlock.Text = Holder; return; } Holder = $"{Res.FirstName} {Res.SecondName} {Res.ThirdName}"; StatStore_RecodHolderTextBlock.Text = Holder; }
private void LoadCompositionOfOlympTeam(string Team) { GetPropForSelectedService service = new GetPropForSelectedService(); List <TeamStat> TeamStats = new List <TeamStat>(); var Res = service.GetOlympsResult().Where(x => x.Person.Country.Name == Team).GroupBy(x => new { x.Person, x.Person.Country, x.SportType }).ToList(); CompositionOfOlympTeamWindow window = new CompositionOfOlympTeamWindow(Team, Res.Select(x => x.Key.Person).ToList(), Res.Select(x => x.Key.SportType).ToList()); window.ShowDialog(); }
private void Add_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (DatePicker.DisplayDate == null) { MessageBox.Show("Date can`t be null."); return; } if (PhotoPath == null) { MessageBox.Show("Photo can`t be null."); return; } Person newType = new Person(); GetPropForSelectedService getService = new GetPropForSelectedService(); newType.FirstName = FirstName; newType.SecondName = SecondName; newType.ThirdName = ThirdName; newType.CountryID = getService.GetCountry(false).FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == (CountryComboBox.SelectedItem as Country).Name).ID; newType.DateOfBirth = DatePicker.SelectedDate.Value; newType.PhotoPath = PhotoPath; foreach (var p in getService.GetPersons()) { if (p.FirstName == newType.FirstName) { if (p.SecondName == newType.SecondName) { if (p.ThirdName == newType.ThirdName) { MessageBox.Show($"{p.FirstName} {p.SecondName} {p.ThirdName} alredy exist`s."); return; } } } } AddingService addService = new AddingService(); addService.AddPerson(newType); MessageBox.Show("New person added."); }
private void InitHostestOfOlymps() { GetPropForSelectedService service = new GetPropForSelectedService(); //var count = service.GetOlympsResult().GroupBy(x => x.Person.Country).Select(group => new //{ // Name = group.Key, // Count = group.Count() //}).OrderByDescending(x => x.Count).Select(x => x.Count).ToList(); //var count = service.GetOlympsResult().GroupBy(x => x.Person.Country).Select(group => new //{ // Count = group.Count() //}).Select(x => x.Count); var country = service.GetOlympsResult().GroupBy(x => x.Person.Country.Name).OrderByDescending(x => x.Count()).First(); StatStore_ThemeMostHostTextBlock.Text = country.Key; }
public AddOlympResultNode() { InitializeComponent(); GetPropForSelectedService getService = new GetPropForSelectedService(); Olympiads = RemakeOlymp(getService.GetOlympiads()); SportTypes = getService.GetSportTypes(); //Cities = getService.GetCities(); Persons = getService.GetPersons(); DataCheck(); OlympiadComboBox.ItemsSource = Olympiads; SportTypeComboBox.ItemsSource = SportTypes; PersonComboBox.ItemsSource = Persons; this.DataContext = this; }
public AddPersonWindow() { InitializeComponent(); GetPropForSelectedService service = new GetPropForSelectedService(); Countries = service.GetCountry(true); if (Countries.Count <= 0) { this.Hide(); MessageBox.Show("Add countries first."); this.Close(); return; } CountryComboBox.ItemsSource = Countries; this.DataContext = this; }
private void OlympResultInit() { GetPropForSelectedService service = new GetPropForSelectedService(); var Results = service.GetOlympsResult(); List <OlympResultNodeTemplate> ResultsData = new List <OlympResultNodeTemplate>(); foreach (var r in Results) { OlympResultNodeTemplate node = new OlympResultNodeTemplate(); node.OlympiadName = $"{r.Olympiad.Type.Name} olympiad in {r.Olympiad.Country.Name} {String.Format("{0:y}", r.Olympiad.Date)}"; node.PersonName = $"{r.Person.FirstName} {r.Person.SecondName} {r.Person.ThirdName}"; node.SportTypeName = r.SportType.Name; node.Place = r.Place; ResultsData.Add(node); } OlympResultDataGrid.ItemsSource = ResultsData; }
private void Add_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Country newType = new Country(); newType.Name = Name_; GetPropForSelectedService GettingService = new GetPropForSelectedService(); foreach (var type in GettingService.GetCountry()) { if (type.Name == Name_) { MessageBox.Show($"{Name_} alredy exists."); return; } } AddingService service = new AddingService(); service.AddCountry(newType); MessageBox.Show("New country added."); }
private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { SportType newType = new SportType(); newType.Name = Name_; GetPropForSelectedService GettingService = new GetPropForSelectedService(); foreach (var type in GettingService.GetSportTypes()) { if (type.Name == Name_) { MessageBox.Show($"{Name_} type alredy exists."); return; } } AddingService service = new AddingService(); service.AddSportType(newType); MessageBox.Show("New sport type added."); }
private void Add_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { City newType = new City(); newType.Name = Name_; newType.Country = (CountryComboBox.SelectedItem as Country); GetPropForSelectedService GettingService = new GetPropForSelectedService(); foreach (var type in GettingService.GetCities()) { if (type.Name == Name_) { MessageBox.Show($"{Name_} type alredy exists."); return; } } AddingService service = new AddingService(); service.AddCity(newType); MessageBox.Show("New city added."); }