예제 #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Get all the parameter names published on the rosparam server.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="id">Unique ID for the service call.</param>
 /// <param name="onGetParamNames">Callback on getting the parameter names.</param>
 public static void GetParamNames(string id, Func <string[], Task> onGetParamNames)
     ZOROSBridgeConnection.Instance.CallService <EmptyServiceRequest, GetParamNamesResponse>(new EmptyServiceRequest(), "/rosapi/get_param_names", id, (bridge, responseMsg) => {
         GetParamNamesResponse response = (GetParamNamesResponse)responseMsg;
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        /// # run a ROS Bridge Connection TCP server for BSON encoding:
        /// roslaunch rosbridge_server rosbridge_tcp.launch bson_only_mode:=true
        ZOROSBridgeConnection.Instance.Serialization          = ZOROSBridgeConnection.SerializationType.BSON;
        ZOROSBridgeConnection.Instance.ROSBridgeConnectEvent += delegate(ZOROSBridgeConnection rosbridge) {
            Debug.Log("INFO: Connected to ROS Bridge");

            // test advertising
            rosbridge.Advertise("cmd_vel_zero", "geometry_msgs/Twist");

            // test ROS subscription
            // NOTE: this message should alway be returned by the ROS Bridge.  If not there is something wrong
            // with the `roslaunch rosbridge_server rosbridge_tcp.launch bson_only_mode:=true` setup
            rosbridge.Subscribe <Int32Message>("subscriber_1", "client_count", "std_msgs/Int32", (bridge, msg) => {
                Debug.Log("INFO:  Received subscription: " + ((Int32Message)msg).data);

            // test ROS subscription
            // See: `zero_sim_ros/scripts/zo_publisher_test.py`
            // `rosrun zero_sim_ros zo_publisher_test.py`
            rosbridge.Subscribe <StringMessage>("subscriber_1", "chatter", "std_msgs/String", (bridge, msg) => {
                Debug.Log("INFO:  Received subscription: " + ((StringMessage)msg).data);

            // test ROS service provider
            // On command line run: `rosservice call /unity/test_service true`
            rosbridge.AdvertiseService <SetBoolServiceRequest>("unity/test_service", "std_srvs/SetBool", (bridge, msg, id) => {
                Debug.Log("INFO: Servicing the unity/test_service request: " + ((SetBoolServiceRequest)msg).data.ToString());

                // respond back
                bridge.ServiceResponse <SetBoolServiceResponse>(new SetBoolServiceResponse(true, "hello world"), "unity/test_service", true, id);


            // test ROS service call by getting rosparam param names from rosbridge service
            rosbridge.CallService <EmptyServiceRequest, GetParamNamesResponse>(new EmptyServiceRequest(), "/rosapi/get_param_names", "unity_test_1", (bridge, responseMsg) => {
                GetParamNamesResponse response = (GetParamNamesResponse)responseMsg;
                foreach (string name in response.names)
                    Debug.Log("INFO: Received unity_test_1 rosapi/GetParamNames response name: " + name);

        ZOROSBridgeConnection.Instance.ROSBridgeDisconnectEvent += delegate(ZOROSBridgeConnection controller) {
            Debug.Log("INFO: Disconnected to ROS Bridge");

        // connect to ROS Bridge asynchronously.
        Task controllerSubscriptionTask = Task.Run(async() => {
            await ZOROSBridgeConnection.Instance.ConnectAsync();
예제 #3
 /// <summary> Setter constructor. </summary>
 public GetParamNames(GetParamNamesRequest request)
     Request  = request;
     Response = new GetParamNamesResponse();
예제 #4
 /// <summary> Empty constructor. </summary>
 public GetParamNames()
     Request  = GetParamNamesRequest.Singleton;
     Response = new GetParamNamesResponse();