public void menuPage_ViewMenuItems() { Task.Run(() => GetMenuItemsRequest.SendGetMenuItemsRequest()); int menuItemCount = testMenuList.menuItems.Count(); Assert.AreEqual(menuItemCount, 12); }
public async Task RefreshMenuItemLists() { var validMenuItemList = await GetMenuItemsRequest.SendGetMenuItemsRequest(); var menuItemsList = RealmManager.All <MenuItemList>().FirstOrDefault().menuItems; uxAppliedItemsList.ItemsSource = menuItemsList; uxRequiredItemsList.ItemsSource = menuItemsList; }
public async void RefreshEmployeeList() { RealmManager.RemoveAll <EmployeeList>(); RealmManager.RemoveAll <Employee>(); await GetEmployeeListRequest.SendGetEmployeeListRequest(); await GetMenuItemsRequest.SendGetMenuItemsRequest(); uxEmployeeListView.ItemsSource = RealmManager.All <EmployeeList>().FirstOrDefault().employees.ToList(); }
private async void RefreshMenuItemList() { RealmManager.RemoveAll <MenuItemList>(); RealmManager.RemoveAll <MenuItem>(); var validGetMenuItemsRequest = await GetMenuItemsRequest.SendGetMenuItemsRequest(); if (validGetMenuItemsRequest) { uxMenuItemListView.ItemsSource = RealmManager.All <MenuItemList>().FirstOrDefault().menuItems.ToList(); } }
public void CheckOut_MenuItemsRemove() { Task.Run(() => GetMenuItemsRequest.SendGetMenuItemsRequest()); OrderList testOrder = new OrderList(); TabletApp.Models.MenuItem testItem = testMenuList.menuItems[0]; TabletApp.Models.OrderItem testOrderItem = new OrderItem(testItem); testOrder.orderItems.Add(testOrderItem); testOrder.orderItems.Remove(testOrderItem); Assert.IsEmpty(testOrder.orderItems); }
public void CheckOut_MenuItemsAdd() { Task.Run(() => GetMenuItemsRequest.SendGetMenuItemsRequest()).Wait(); testMenuList = RealmManager.All <MenuList>().FirstOrDefault(); OrderList testOrder = new OrderList(); TabletApp.Models.MenuItem testItem = testMenuList.menuItems[0]; TabletApp.Models.OrderItem testOrderItem = new OrderItem(testItem); testOrder.orderItems.Add(testOrderItem); Assert.AreEqual(testOrder.orderItems[0].name, "Dijktra's Jalenpeno Poppers"); }
private async Task <List <CompDisplay> > SyncCompData(IList <Comp> comps) { List <CompDisplay> compDisplays = new List <CompDisplay>(); if (comps.Count == 0) { return(compDisplays); } var validGetMenuItems = await GetMenuItemsRequest.SendGetMenuItemsRequest(); foreach (Comp comp in comps) { CompDisplay compDisplay = new CompDisplay(); MenuItem menuItem = RealmManager.Find <MenuItem>(comp.menuItem_id); compDisplay.MenuItemName =; compDisplay.Price = menuItem.price; compDisplay.Reason = comp.reason; compDisplays.Add(compDisplay); } return(compDisplays); }
private async void UpdateHotItem() { //initalizing last week date DateTime td = DateTime.Today.AddDays(-(int)DateTime.Today.DayOfWeek); //sets td to the beginning of the week DateTime lastWeekStart = new DateTime(td.Year, td.Month, td.Day, 0, 0, 0).AddDays(-7); //Checking if hotItem are still up to date if (RealmManager.All <HotItem>().FirstOrDefault() != null) { //getting last time hot items have been updated DateTime lastUpdated = DateTime.Parse(RealmManager.All <HotItem>().FirstOrDefault().createdAt); if (DateTime.Compare(lastWeekStart, lastUpdated) == 0) { //return; } } RealmManager.RemoveAll <OrderList>(); RealmManager.RemoveAll <MenuItemList>(); List <MenuItem> somelist = new List <MenuItem>(); //finding each distinct category and adding it await GetOrdersRequest.SendGetOrdersRequest(); await GetMenuItemsRequest.SendGetMenuItemsRequest(); //creating a list of every menu item id for each order including duplicates List <OrderItem> menuItemIds = new List <OrderItem>(); //creating a dictionary to keep track of the count of each menuItem Dictionary <String, Dictionary <MenuItem, int> > menuItemCounter = new Dictionary <String, Dictionary <MenuItem, int> >(); foreach (Order o in RealmManager.All <OrderList>().FirstOrDefault().orders) { //this will ignore all uncompleted orders if (o.time_completed == null) { continue; } DateTime orderTime = DateTime.ParseExact(o.time_completed.Replace('T', ' ').TrimEnd('Z'), "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); //Makes it easier for keying the revenue map by WEEK orderTime = orderTime.AddDays(-(int)orderTime.DayOfWeek); orderTime = new DateTime(orderTime.Year, orderTime.Month, orderTime.Day, 0, 0, 0); //only added menuItems from orders for the current month if (DateTime.Compare(lastWeekStart, orderTime) == 0) { foreach (OrderItem oi in o.menuItems) { menuItemIds.Add(oi); //add next menuitem id } } } List <MenuItem> tempList = RealmManager.All <MenuItem>().ToList(); //updating menuItem map to see how often each was ordered foreach (OrderItem o in menuItemIds) { MenuItem tempMenuItem = tempList.Find(x => x._id == o._id); if (tempMenuItem == null) { continue; } if (menuItemCounter.ContainsKey(tempMenuItem.category)) { try { menuItemCounter[tempMenuItem.category][tempMenuItem] = menuItemCounter[tempMenuItem.category][tempMenuItem] + 1; } catch { menuItemCounter[tempMenuItem.category].Add(tempMenuItem, 1); } } else { menuItemCounter[tempMenuItem.category] = new Dictionary <MenuItem, int> { { tempMenuItem, 1 } }; } } foreach (string key in menuItemCounter.Keys) { KeyValuePair <MenuItem, int> topMenuItem; //finding the top menuItem for each category topMenuItem = menuItemCounter[key].Aggregate((x, y) => x.Value > y.Value ? x : y); //grabbing what was the top menuItem in the category from the previous week HotItem tempItem = RealmManager.Find <HotItem>(topMenuItem.Key.category); //if hotitem is in realm yet if (tempItem == null) { //creating new hotitem object HotItem tempHotItem = new HotItem(); tempHotItem.category = topMenuItem.Key.category; tempHotItem.createdAt = lastWeekStart.ToString(); tempHotItem._id = topMenuItem.Key._id; //getting menuItem object from list using hotItem MenuItem tempMenuItem = tempList.Find(x => x._id == topMenuItem.Key._id); RealmManager.Write(() => tempMenuItem.isHot = true); //updating database var response = await UpdateHotItemRequest.SendUpdateMenuItemRequest(tempMenuItem); //updaing realm RealmManager.AddOrUpdate <HotItem>(tempHotItem); if (!response) { ContentDialog responseAlert = new ContentDialog { Title = "Unsuccessful", Content = "Hot Item has not been updated successfully", CloseButtonText = "Ok" }; ContentDialogResult result = await responseAlert.ShowAsync(); } } else { //if the hot item is infact new if (tempItem._id != topMenuItem.Key._id) { //finding old hotitem menuItem object MenuItem oldMenuItem = tempList.Find(x => x._id == tempItem._id); RealmManager.Write(() => oldMenuItem.isHot = false); //updating old hotItem in database var Firstresponse = await UpdateHotItemRequest.SendUpdateMenuItemRequest(oldMenuItem); if (!Firstresponse) { ContentDialog responseAlert = new ContentDialog { Title = "Unsuccessful", Content = "Original hot item has not been updated successfully", CloseButtonText = "Ok" }; ContentDialogResult result = await responseAlert.ShowAsync(); } //finding new menuItem object using new hotItem MenuItem newMenuItem = tempList.Find(x => x._id == topMenuItem.Key._id); RealmManager.Write(() => newMenuItem.isHot = true); var Secondresponse = await UpdateHotItemRequest.SendUpdateMenuItemRequest(newMenuItem); //updating hot item in realm to match new hot Item RealmManager.Write(() => { tempItem._id = topMenuItem.Key._id; tempItem.createdAt = lastWeekStart.ToString(); }); if (!Secondresponse) { ContentDialog responseAlert = new ContentDialog { Title = "Unsuccessful", Content = "Hot Item has not been updated successfully", CloseButtonText = "Ok" }; ContentDialogResult result = await responseAlert.ShowAsync(); } } } } ContentDialog responseAlertCheck = new ContentDialog { Title = "Successful", Content = "Hot Items have been updated successfully", CloseButtonText = "Ok" }; ContentDialogResult resultCheck = await responseAlertCheck.ShowAsync(); }
private async void KPIComboBox_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e) { // this is the selections on the combo box string viewSelection = e.AddedItems[0].ToString(); //excutes if the GET order request returns back okay if (await GetOrdersRequest.SendGetOrdersRequest() && await GetMenuItemsRequest.SendGetMenuItemsRequest()) { //creating a dictionary to keep track of the count of each menuItem Dictionary <String, int> menuItemCounter = new Dictionary <String, int>(); foreach (MenuItem m in RealmManager.All <MenuItemList>().FirstOrDefault().menuItems) { menuItemCounter.Add(m._id, 0); } //will keep track of revenue made yearly, monthly and weekly Dictionary <DateTime, int> revenueCalendar = new Dictionary <DateTime, int>(); //creating a list of every menu item id for each order including duplicates List <string> menuItemIds = new List <string>(); //Will store a date and the number of orders Dictionary <DateTime, int> orderCount = new Dictionary <DateTime, int>(); //figuring out which view needs to be populated switch (viewSelection) { //MONTHLY VIEW case "Current Weekly View": if (await DisplayWeeklyViewAsync(menuItemCounter, revenueCalendar, menuItemIds, orderCount)) { break; } else { //Error handling ContentDialog responseAlert = new ContentDialog { Title = "Weekly View Error", Content = "Something went wrong with the selection.", CloseButtonText = "Ok" }; ContentDialogResult result = await responseAlert.ShowAsync(); break; } //WEEKLY VIEW case "Current Monthly View": if (await DisplayMonthlyViewAsync(menuItemCounter, revenueCalendar, menuItemIds, orderCount)) { break; } else { //Error handling ContentDialog responseAlert = new ContentDialog { Title = "Monthly View Error", Content = "Something went wrong with the selection.", CloseButtonText = "Ok" }; ContentDialogResult result = await responseAlert.ShowAsync(); break; } //YEARLY VIEW case "Current Yearly View": if (await DisplayYearlyViewAsync(menuItemCounter, revenueCalendar, menuItemIds, orderCount)) { break; } else { //Error handling ContentDialog responseAlert = new ContentDialog { Title = "Yearly View Error", Content = "Something went wrong with the selection.", CloseButtonText = "Ok" }; ContentDialogResult result = await responseAlert.ShowAsync(); break; } } } else { //Error handling ContentDialog responseAlert = new ContentDialog { Title = "Combobox Error", Content = "Something went wrong with the selection.", CloseButtonText = "Ok" }; ContentDialogResult result = await responseAlert.ShowAsync(); } }
async void SetupMenuItems() { await GetMenuItemsRequest.SendGetMenuItemsRequest(); await GetIngredientsRequest.SendGetIngredientsRequest(); IngredientList ingredientList = new IngredientList(); for (int i = 0; i < RealmManager.All <IngredientList>().First().doc.Count(); i++) { ingredientList.doc.Add(RealmManager.All <IngredientList>().First().doc[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < RealmManager.All <MenuList>().First().menuItems.Count(); i++) { Models.MenuItem currItem = RealmManager.All <MenuList>().First().menuItems[i]; bool available = true; for (int j = 0; j < currItem.ingredients.Count(); j++) { IList <Ingredient> ingredients = ingredientList.doc.Where((Ingredient ing) => (ing._id == currItem.ingredients[j]._id)).ToList <Ingredient>(); for (int k = 0; k < ingredients.Count(); k++) { if (ingredients[k].quantity == 0) { available = false; break; } } if (!available) { break; } } if (!available) { continue; } Button newButton = new Button() { Text =, Margin = new Thickness(30, 0, 30, 15), FontSize = 20, WidthRequest = 100, FontAttributes = FontAttributes.Bold, TextColor = Xamarin.Forms.Color.White, CornerRadius = 15, BackgroundColor = Xamarin.Forms.Color.FromHex("#24BF87"), }; newButton.Clicked += async(sender, args) => await Navigation.PushAsync(new menuItemPage(currItem)); if (currItem.category == "Entrees") { entreeScroll.Children.Add(newButton); } else if (currItem.category == "Appetizers") { appScroll.Children.Add(newButton); } else if (currItem.category == "Kids Meals") { kidsScroll.Children.Add(newButton); } else if (currItem.category == "Drinks") { drinkScroll.Children.Add(newButton); } else if (currItem.category == "Sides") { sideScroll.Children.Add(newButton); } else if (currItem.category == "Desserts") { dessertScroll.Children.Add(newButton); } else if (currItem.category == "$5 Meal Deals") { fiveMealScroll.Children.Add(newButton); } else { otherScroll.Children.Add(newButton); } } }