예제 #1
        public object Get(GetLicense request)
            var license = documentSession
                          .Include <Model.License, Customer>(lic => lic.CustomerId)
                          .Include <Product>(lic => lic.ProductId)
                          .Load <Model.License>(request.Id);

            if (license == null)
                HttpError.NotFound("License not found!");

            return(new LicenseDto
                Customer = documentSession.Load <Customer>(license.CustomerId),
                Product = new ProductDto().PopulateWith(documentSession.Load <Product>(license.ProductId))
예제 #2
        public object Get(GetLicense request)
            var license = documentSession
                .Include<Model.License, Customer>(lic => lic.CustomerId)
                .Include<Product>(lic => lic.ProductId)

            if (license == null)
                HttpError.NotFound("License not found!");

            return new LicenseDto
                           Customer = documentSession.Load<Customer>(license.CustomerId),
                           Product = new ProductDto().PopulateWith(documentSession.Load<Product>(license.ProductId))
예제 #3
        // Gets License, updates SQL, sends Email
        bool GrabLicense(List <CartItem> cart, Info info, int orderId, Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, object> > data)
            // Get num of Licenses
            int numL = cart.Select(v => v._num).Sum();
            // Create Licenses
            GetLicense GL       = new GetLicense(_sql);
            var        licenses = new int[numL].Select(v => GL.GetIt()).ToList();

            if (_sql.State == ConnectionState.Closed)
                _sql.Open();                                            // Re-Check
            // SQL Submit each License
            int ix = 0;

            foreach (var item in cart)
                for (int i = 0; i < item._num; i++)
                    var com = new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO [License] ([License],[userid],[user],[orderId],[model])" +
                                             "VALUES (@License,@userid,@user,@orderId,@model)", _sql);
                    com.Parameters.AddWithValue("@License", licenses[ix++].ToUpper());
                    com.Parameters.AddWithValue("@userid", info.id);
                    com.Parameters.AddWithValue("@user", info.Email);
                    com.Parameters.AddWithValue("@orderId", orderId);
                    com.Parameters.AddWithValue("@model", item._model);
                    if (com.ExecuteNonQuery() == 0)
                        throw new Exception(info.Email);

            // Send Email -------------
            string header = $"Thank You for Your Order!";
            string msg    = $"<p>Order#: {orderId}<br />Total: ${GetTotal(cart)}<br />Date: {DateTime.Now}</p>\n";

            msg += $"<p>Thank you for your order {info.First}!</p>\n" +
                   "<p>Here are your purchased License(s):</p>\n";
            ix = 0;
            // Loop Each Item to get each License
            msg += "<p>";
            foreach (var item in cart)
                msg += data[item._model]["description"] + ":<br />";
                for (int i = 0; i < item._num; i++)
                    msg += "&emsp;&emsp;" + licenses[ix++].ToUpper() + "<br />";
            msg += "</p>\n";
            msg += "<p><b>NOTE!:</b> Please be sure to keep these Licenses in a safe place.</p>";
            msg += "<p><b>To Activate Product:</b>If you have not already done so, please go to the page of the product you purchased and download the software. Then, copy and paste " +
                   "the current License above into the &quot;License&quot; field to Activate the software.</p>";
            // HTML Template
            string html = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(Data._otherFiles + "/Email.html");

            html = html.Replace("[[*header*]]", header).Replace("[[*body*]]", msg);
            // Send Email: Func Starts new Task to send Email
            Data.SendEmail("Your Order at SupraCharger.com", html, info.Email, isBodyHtml: true);
            // Return