/// <summary>
        /// Retrieves document information for document at provided URL. Retrieves file from specified URL and tries to detect file type when fileName parameter is not specified. Saves retrieved file in storage. Use fileName and folder parameters to specify desired file name and folder to save file. When file with specified name already exists in storage new unique file name will be used for file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="request">Request. <see cref="GetDocumentInfoFromUrlRequest" /></param>
        /// <returns><see cref="DocumentInfo"/></returns>
        public DocumentInfo GetDocumentInfoFromUrl(GetDocumentInfoFromUrlRequest request)
            // verify the required parameter 'url' is set
            if (request.Url == null)
                throw new ApiException(400, "Missing required parameter 'url' when calling GetDocumentInfoFromUrl");

            // create path and map variables
            var resourcePath = this.configuration.GetApiRootUrl() + "/signature/document/info";

            resourcePath = Regex
                           .Replace(resourcePath, "\\*", string.Empty)
                           .Replace("&amp;", "&")
                           .Replace("/?", "?");
            resourcePath = UrlHelper.AddQueryParameterToUrl(resourcePath, "url", request.Url);
            resourcePath = UrlHelper.AddQueryParameterToUrl(resourcePath, "password", request.Password);
            resourcePath = UrlHelper.AddQueryParameterToUrl(resourcePath, "storage", request.Storage);

            var response = this.apiInvoker.InvokeApi(

            if (response != null)
                return((DocumentInfo)SerializationHelper.Deserialize(response, typeof(DocumentInfo)));

예제 #2
        public void DocumentInfoFromUrlTests()
            var request = new GetDocumentInfoFromUrlRequest
                Url      = @"https://www.dropbox.com/s/bzx1xm68zd0c910/PieChart.docx?dl=0",
                Password = null,
                Storage  = null,

            var response = SignatureApi.GetDocumentInfoFromUrl(request);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, response.Pages.TotalCount);