예제 #1
        private void ProcessGetChanges()
            DeltaSyncSummary deltaSyncSummary = new DeltaSyncSummary();
            List <IEnumerable <DeltaSyncBatchResults> > list = deltaSyncSummary.Samples as List <IEnumerable <DeltaSyncBatchResults> >;

            ExProgressRecord exProgressRecord  = new ExProgressRecord(1, new LocalizedString("Delta Sync"), new LocalizedString("Sync Call"));
            ExProgressRecord exProgressRecord2 = new ExProgressRecord(2, new LocalizedString("Sync Call"), new LocalizedString("GetChanges"));

            exProgressRecord2.ParentActivityId = exProgressRecord.ActivityId;
            for (int i = 0; i < this.SampleCountForStatistics; i++)
                exProgressRecord.CurrentOperation = Strings.GetMsoDiagnosticsProgressIteration(i + 1, this.SampleCountForStatistics);
                exProgressRecord.PercentComplete  = i * 100 / this.SampleCountForStatistics;
                exProgressRecord.RecordType       = ProgressRecordType.Processing;
                byte[] lastCookie = this.Cookie;
                List <DeltaSyncBatchResults> list2 = new List <DeltaSyncBatchResults>();
                for (int j = 0; j < this.MaxNumberOfBatches; j++)
                    exProgressRecord2.CurrentOperation = Strings.GetMsoDiagnosticsProgressBatch(j + 1, this.MaxNumberOfBatches);
                    exProgressRecord2.PercentComplete  = j * 100 / this.MaxNumberOfBatches;
                    exProgressRecord2.RecordType       = ProgressRecordType.Processing;
                    ExDateTime         now              = ExDateTime.Now;
                    GetChangesResponse changes          = this.MsoSyncService.SyncProxy.GetChanges(new GetChangesRequest(lastCookie));
                    TimeSpan           responseTime     = ExDateTime.Now - now;
                    DirectoryChanges   getChangesResult = changes.GetChangesResult;
                    if (getChangesResult != null)
                        DeltaSyncBatchResults deltaSyncBatchResults = new DeltaSyncBatchResults(getChangesResult);
                        deltaSyncBatchResults.Stats.ResponseTime = responseTime;
                        deltaSyncBatchResults.LastCookie         = lastCookie;
                        deltaSyncBatchResults.RawResponse        = this.MsoSyncService.RawResponse;
                        lastCookie = getChangesResult.NextCookie;
                    if (getChangesResult == null || !getChangesResult.More)
                if (list2.Last <DeltaSyncBatchResults>().More)
                exProgressRecord2.RecordType = ProgressRecordType.Completed;
            exProgressRecord.RecordType = ProgressRecordType.Completed;
        public ActionResult GetChanges()
            //Create get changes response
            GetChangesResponse response = new GetChangesResponse();
            response.Result.Changes = ComparisonWidget.GetChanges();
            response.Result.ResultFileName = ComparisonWidget.helper._service.resultFileName;

            //Serialize response
            var serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();
            var serializedData = serializer.Serialize(response);
            return Content(serializedData);
        public ActionResult GetChanges()
            //Create get changes response
            GetChangesResponse response = new GetChangesResponse();

            response.Result.Changes        = ComparisonWidget.GetChanges();
            response.Result.ResultFileName = ComparisonWidget.helper._service.resultFileName;

            //Serialize response
            var serializer     = new JavaScriptSerializer();
            var serializedData = serializer.Serialize(response);

        /// <summary>
        /// Get changes for a client using the knowledge that is passed in.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="serverBlob">Client knowledge as byte[]</param>
        /// <returns>Response containing the new knowledge and the list of changes.</returns>
        public GetChangesResponse GetChanges(byte[] serverBlob)
            bool isNewClient = false;
            var response = new GetChangesResponse();

            var syncBlob = new SyncBlob();
            byte[] clientKnowledgeBlob = null;

            // If the incoming knowledge blob is null, then we need to initialize a new scope
            // for this request. 
            if (null == serverBlob || 0 == serverBlob.Length)
                // Create a new Guid and use that as the client Id.
                Guid clientId = Guid.NewGuid();

                _clientScopeName = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}_{1}", _scopeName, clientId);

                _clientSyncId = new SyncId(clientId);


                isNewClient = true;

                syncBlob.ClientScopeName = clientId.ToString();
                SyncBlob incomingBlob = SyncBlob.DeSerialize(serverBlob);


                syncBlob.ClientScopeName = incomingBlob.ClientScopeName;

                clientKnowledgeBlob = incomingBlob.ClientKnowledge;

                if (null != incomingBlob.BatchCode && null != incomingBlob.NextBatch)
                    // This is a batched request, so handle it separately.
                    return GetChanges(incomingBlob.ClientKnowledge, incomingBlob.BatchCode.Value, incomingBlob.NextBatch.Value);

            // Intialize a SqlSyncProvider object.
            _sqlSyncProvider = CreateSqlSyncProviderInstance(_clientScopeName, _serverConnectionString, _configuration.SyncObjectSchema);

            var sessionContext = new SyncSessionContext(_sqlSyncProvider.IdFormats, new SyncCallbacks());

            _sqlSyncProvider.BeginSession(SyncProviderPosition.Remote, sessionContext);

                // Get the SyncKnowledge from the blob. If the blob is null, initialize a default SyncKnowledge object.
                SyncKnowledge clientKnowledge = GetSyncKnowledgeFromBlob(clientKnowledgeBlob);

                DbSyncContext dbSyncContext;

                uint changeBatchSize = (_configuration.IsBatchingEnabled)
                                           ? (uint)_configuration.DownloadBatchSizeInKB
                                           : 0;

                RowSorter rowSorter = null;

                    object changeDataRetriever;

                    // Get the next batch.
                    _sqlSyncProvider.GetChangeBatch(changeBatchSize, clientKnowledge,
                                                    out changeDataRetriever);

                    dbSyncContext = (DbSyncContext)changeDataRetriever;

                    // Only initialize the RowSorter, if the data is batched.
                    if (null == rowSorter && _configuration.IsBatchingEnabled)
                        // Clone the client knowledge.
                        var clonedClientKnowledge = clientKnowledge.Clone();

                        // Combine with the MadeWithKnowledge of the server.

                        // Use the new knowledge and get and instance of the RowSorter class.
                        rowSorter = GetRowSorter(clonedClientKnowledge);

                    // Remove version information from the result dataset.

                    // For a new client, we don't want to send tombstones. This will reduce amount of data
                    // transferred and the client doesn't care about tombstones anyways.
                    if (isNewClient)

                    // Add the dataset to the row sorter. Only use this if batching is enabled.
                    if (_configuration.IsBatchingEnabled)

                        // Delete the batch file generated by the provider, since we have read it.
                        // Otherwise we will keep accumulating files which are not needed.
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(dbSyncContext.BatchFileName) && File.Exists(dbSyncContext.BatchFileName))

                } while (!dbSyncContext.IsLastBatch && dbSyncContext.IsDataBatched);

                List<IOfflineEntity> entities;

                if (_configuration.IsBatchingEnabled)
                    // If batching is enabled.
                    Batch batch = SaveBatchesAndReturnFirstBatch(rowSorter);

                    if (null == batch)
                        entities = new List<IOfflineEntity>();
                        // Conver to to entities.
                        entities = _converter.ConvertDataSetToEntities(batch.Data);

                        //Only combine the knowledge of this batch.

                        response.IsLastBatch = batch.IsLastBatch;
                        syncBlob.IsLastBatch = batch.IsLastBatch;

                        if (batch.IsLastBatch)
                            syncBlob.NextBatch = null;
                            syncBlob.BatchCode = null;
                            syncBlob.NextBatch = batch.NextBatch;
                            syncBlob.BatchCode = batch.BatchCode;
                    // No batching.
                    response.IsLastBatch = true;

                    entities = _converter.ConvertDataSetToEntities(dbSyncContext.DataSet);

                    // combine the client and the server knowledge.
                    // the server may have an updated knowledge from the last time the client sync'd.

                // Save data in the response object.
                syncBlob.ClientKnowledge = clientKnowledge.Serialize();

                response.ServerBlob = syncBlob.Serialize();
                response.EntityList = entities;

            return response;
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the next batch of changes for a client.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="serverBlob">Client knowledge as byte[]</param>
        /// <param name="batchCode">batchcode for the batch</param>
        /// <param name="nextBatchSequenceNumber">Sequence number of the next batch</param>
        /// <returns>Response containing the new knowledge and the list of changes.</returns>
        private GetChangesResponse GetChanges(byte[] serverBlob, Guid batchCode, Guid nextBatchSequenceNumber)
            WebUtil.CheckArgumentNull(serverBlob, "clientKnowledgeBlob");

            // Get the next batch using the batch handler implementation.
            Batch batch = _batchHandler.GetNextBatch(batchCode, nextBatchSequenceNumber);

            if (null == batch)
                // Since we did'nt get a batch, default to the full get changes call.
                return GetChanges(serverBlob);

            // Intialize a SqlSyncProvider object.
            _sqlSyncProvider = CreateSqlSyncProviderInstance(_clientScopeName, _serverConnectionString, _configuration.SyncObjectSchema);

            SyncKnowledge clientKnowledge = GetSyncKnowledgeFromBlob(serverBlob);

            List<IOfflineEntity> entities = _converter.ConvertDataSetToEntities(batch.Data);

            //Only combine the knowledge of this batch.
            clientKnowledge.Combine(SyncKnowledge.Deserialize(_sqlSyncProvider.IdFormats, batch.LearnedKnowledge));

            var syncBlob = new SyncBlob
                                   ClientScopeName = _clientSyncId.GetGuidId().ToString(),
                                   ClientKnowledge = clientKnowledge.Serialize(),
                                   BatchCode = batch.BatchCode,
                                   IsLastBatch = batch.IsLastBatch,
                                   NextBatch = batch.NextBatch

            // Save data in the response object.
            var response = new GetChangesResponse
                                   EntityList = entities,
                                   IsLastBatch = batch.IsLastBatch,
                                   ServerBlob = syncBlob.Serialize()

            return response;