예제 #1
        public GetAutoBookVersionModel GetVersion()
            string url         = $"{_autoBook.Api}/version";
            var    webRequest  = CreateHttpWebRequest(url, "GET", GetAuthHeaders(authType, _accessToken), string.Empty, null);
            var    webResponse = (HttpWebResponse)webRequest.GetResponse();

            ThrowExceptionIfNotSuccess(webResponse, new List <HttpStatusCode>()

            // Get response
            GetAutoBookVersionModel version = null;

            using (var reader = new StreamReader(webResponse.GetResponseStream()))
                string data = reader.ReadToEnd().ToLower();
                version = DeserializeContentBody <GetAutoBookVersionModel>(data);
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Executes provisioning tests
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private List <SystemTestResult> ExecuteProvisioningTests(List <AutoBook> autoBooks)
            List <SystemTestResult> results = new List <SystemTestResult>();

            using (var scope = _repositoryFactory.BeginRepositoryScope())
                var autoBookInstanceConfigurationRepository = scope.CreateRepository <IAutoBookInstanceConfigurationRepository>();

                if (!_autoBooks.Settings.AutoProvisioning)   // Auto-provisioning enabled
                    results.Add(new SystemTestResult(SystemTestResult.ResultTypes.Warning, _category, "Automatic AutoBook provisioning is disabled. AutoBooks must be managed manually. " +
                                                     "Crashed AutoBooks will not be automatically restarted.", ""));
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(_autoBooks.Settings.ApplicationVersion))
                    results.Add(new SystemTestResult(SystemTestResult.ResultTypes.Error, _category, "The AutoBook version is not set in the configuration. It is not possible to create AutoBook instances.", ""));
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(_autoBooks.Settings.ProvisioningAPIURL))
                    results.Add(new SystemTestResult(SystemTestResult.ResultTypes.Error, _category, "The Provisioning API URL is not set in the configuration. It is not possible to create AutoBook instances.", ""));

                if (_autoBooks.Settings.AutoProvisioning)
                    var autoBookInstanceConfigurations = autoBookInstanceConfigurationRepository.GetAll();
                    if (!autoBookInstanceConfigurations.Any())
                        results.Add(new SystemTestResult(SystemTestResult.ResultTypes.Error, _category, "There are no AutoBook instance configurations. It is not possible to create AutoBook instances.", ""));
                    if (_autoBooks.Settings.MinInstances > 0)
                        results.Add(new SystemTestResult(SystemTestResult.ResultTypes.Warning, _category, string.Format("The minimum number of AutoBook instances is set to {0} but, for cost reasons, it is recommended to be zero so that " +
                                                                                                                        "the instances are deleted when they are no longer needed.", _autoBooks.Settings.MinInstances), ""));

                // Warn if AutoBooks are running the wrong versions
                if (!_autoBooks.Settings.Locked && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(_autoBooks.Settings.ApplicationVersion))     // Do nothing if provisioning in progress
                    foreach (var autoBook in autoBooks)
                        IAutoBook autoBookInterface = _autoBooks.GetInterface(autoBook);
                            GetAutoBookVersionModel getAutoBookVersionModel = autoBookInterface.GetVersion();
                            if (getAutoBookVersionModel.Version.ToUpper() != _autoBooks.Settings.ApplicationVersion.ToUpper())
                                results.Add(new SystemTestResult(SystemTestResult.ResultTypes.Warning, _category, string.Format("AutoBook {0} is running version {1} but the settings indicate that it should be running {2}. Please check that auto-provisioning is working.", autoBook.Id, getAutoBookVersionModel.Version, _autoBooks.Settings.ApplicationVersion), ""));
                        catch { };      // Ignore error

                if (!_autoBooks.Settings.Locked)    // Don't check if provisioning in progress
                    // Warn if insufficient AutoBooks
                    if (_autoBooks.Settings.MinInstances > 0 && autoBooks.Count < _autoBooks.Settings.MinInstances)
                        results.Add(new SystemTestResult(SystemTestResult.ResultTypes.Warning, _category, string.Format("The settings indicate a minimum of {0} AutoBooks but currently there are only {1} AutoBooks.", _autoBooks.Settings.MinInstances, autoBooks.Count), ""));

                    // Warn if too many AutoBooks
                    if (_autoBooks.Settings.MaxInstances > 0 && autoBooks.Count > _autoBooks.Settings.MaxInstances)
                        results.Add(new SystemTestResult(SystemTestResult.ResultTypes.Warning, _category, string.Format("The settings indicate a maximum of {0} AutoBooks but currently there are {1} AutoBooks.", _autoBooks.Settings.MinInstances, autoBooks.Count), ""));

                // Test AutoBooks API. If we can't contact it then we can't provision AutoBooks
                    bool testProvisioningResult = _autoBooks.TestProvisioning();
                    results.Add(new SystemTestResult(SystemTestResult.ResultTypes.Error, _category, "There was an error testing the AutoBooks API. It will prevent AutoBooks from being provisioned, unprovisioned or restarted.", ""));