private void SetPointStyle(GeometryStyle style, XmlElement PointSymbolizer, XmlNamespaceManager nsm) { string stroke = string.Empty; string strokeWidth = string.Empty; string strokeOpacity = string.Empty; string strokeLinejoin = string.Empty; string strokeLineCap = string.Empty; string strokeDasharray = string.Empty; string strokeDashOffset = string.Empty; string fill = string.Empty; string fillOpacity = string.Empty; string pointSymbolPath = string.Empty; XmlNodeList pointSymbols = PointSymbolizer.SelectNodes( "sld:Graphic/sld:ExternalGraphic/sld:OnlineResource", nsm); foreach (XmlElement pointSymbol in pointSymbols) { if (pointSymbol != null) { pointSymbolPath = pointSymbol.GetAttribute("xlink:href"); } } SetStyle(style, stroke, strokeWidth, strokeOpacity, strokeLinejoin, strokeLineCap, strokeDasharray, strokeDashOffset, fill, fillOpacity, pointSymbolPath); }
/// <summary> /// returns a Random VectorStyle with no symbols. /// /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public static GeometryStyle RandomGeometryStyle() { GeometryStyle vs = new GeometryStyle(); vs.EnableOutline = random.Next(0, 2) == 1; vs.Fill = RandomBrush(); vs.Line = RandomPen(); vs.Outline = RandomPen(); vs.Symbol = RandomSymbol(); vs.Outline.Width += vs.Line.Width; vs.HighlightFill = RandomBrush(); vs.HighlightLine = RandomPen(); vs.HighlightOutline = RandomPen(); vs.HighlightSymbol = RandomSymbol(); vs.SelectFill = RandomBrush(); vs.SelectLine = RandomPen(); vs.SelectOutline = RandomPen(); vs.SelectSymbol = RandomSymbol(); return vs; }
private static GeometryStyle generateStyle(String layer) { GeometryStyle style = new GeometryStyle(); style.Enabled = true; switch (layer) { case "Marshland": case "Robot Tracks": case "Roads": case "Fires": case "Treasures": case "Nice Views": case "Fault Lines": case "Contamination": case "Notices": case "Radioactive Fuel Rods": case "Bases": case "Houses": case "Measures": case "Contacts": case "Prospects": default: style.Fill = new SolidStyleBrush(getColorEntry(_rnd.Next(0, _colorTable.Count)).Value); style.HighlightFill = new SolidStyleBrush(getColorEntry(_rnd.Next(0, _colorTable.Count)).Value); style.SelectFill = new SolidStyleBrush(getColorEntry(_rnd.Next(0, _colorTable.Count)).Value); style.Outline = new StylePen(getColorEntry(_rnd.Next(0, _colorTable.Count)).Value, _rnd.NextDouble() * 6); style.HighlightOutline = new StylePen(getColorEntry(_rnd.Next(0, _colorTable.Count)).Value, _rnd.NextDouble() * 6); style.SelectOutline = new StylePen(getColorEntry(_rnd.Next(0, _colorTable.Count)).Value, _rnd.NextDouble() * 6); break; } return(style); }
/// <summary> /// returns a Random VectorStyle with no symbols. /// /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public static GeometryStyle RandomGeometryStyle() { GeometryStyle vs = new GeometryStyle(); vs.EnableOutline = random.Next(0, 2) == 1; vs.Fill = RandomBrush(); vs.Line = RandomPen(); vs.Outline = RandomPen(); vs.Symbol = RandomSymbol(); vs.Outline.Width += vs.Line.Width; vs.HighlightFill = RandomBrush(); vs.HighlightLine = RandomPen(); vs.HighlightOutline = RandomPen(); vs.HighlightSymbol = RandomSymbol(); vs.SelectFill = RandomBrush(); vs.SelectLine = RandomPen(); vs.SelectOutline = RandomPen(); vs.SelectSymbol = RandomSymbol(); return(vs); }
public IDictionary <string, GeometryStyle> ParseFeatureStyle(XmlDocument doc) { Dictionary <string, GeometryStyle> styles = new Dictionary <string, GeometryStyle>(); // Load SLD file NameTable nt = new NameTable(); XmlNamespaceManager nsm = new XmlNamespaceManager(nt); nsm.AddNamespace("sld", ""); nsm.AddNamespace("ogc", ""); nsm.AddNamespace("xlink", ""); XmlDocument sldConfig = new XmlDocument(nt); sldConfig.LoadXml(doc.OuterXml); XmlNodeList featureTypeStyleEls = sldConfig.SelectNodes("//sld:FeatureTypeStyle", nsm); foreach (XmlElement featTypeStyle in featureTypeStyleEls) { XmlElement el = (XmlElement)featTypeStyle.SelectSingleNode("sld:FeatureTypeName", nsm); string mainName = el != null ? el.InnerText : ""; XmlNodeList rules = featTypeStyle.SelectNodes("sld:Rule", nsm); foreach (XmlElement rule in rules) { el = (XmlElement)rule.SelectSingleNode("sld:Name", nsm); string name = el != null ? el.InnerText : ""; GeometryStyle style = new GeometryStyle(); SetSymbologyForRule(style, rule, nsm); styles.Add(mainName + ":" + name, style); } } return(styles); //style.AreFeaturesSelectable //style.Enabled //style.EnableOutline //style.Fill //style.HighlightFill //style.HighlightLine //style.HighlightOutline //style.HighlightSymbol //style.Line //style.MaxVisible //style.MinVisible //style.Outline //style.RenderingMode //style.SelectFill //style.SelectLine //style.SelectOutline //style.SelectSymbol }
private void SetStrokeStyle(GeometryStyle style, XmlElement StrokeSymbolizer, XmlNamespaceManager nsm) { string stroke = string.Empty; string strokeWidth = string.Empty; string strokeOpacity = string.Empty; string strokeLinejoin = string.Empty; string strokeLineCap = string.Empty; string strokeDasharray = string.Empty; string strokeDashOffset = string.Empty; string fill = string.Empty; string fillOpacity = string.Empty; string pointSymbolPath = string.Empty; XmlNodeList polygonStrokeSymbols = StrokeSymbolizer.SelectNodes("sld:Stroke/sld:CssParameter", nsm); foreach (XmlElement polygonStrokeSymbol in polygonStrokeSymbols) { if (polygonStrokeSymbol != null) { switch (polygonStrokeSymbol.GetAttribute("name")) { // line case "stroke": stroke = polygonStrokeSymbol.InnerXml; break; case "stroke-width": strokeWidth = polygonStrokeSymbol.InnerXml; break; case "stroke-opacity": strokeOpacity = polygonStrokeSymbol.InnerXml; break; case "stroke-linejoin": //“mitre”, “round”, and “bevel” strokeLinejoin = polygonStrokeSymbol.InnerXml; break; case "stroke-linecap": //“butt”, “round”, and “square”. strokeLineCap = polygonStrokeSymbol.InnerXml; break; case "stroke-dasharray": strokeDasharray = polygonStrokeSymbol.InnerXml; break; case "stroke-dashoffset": strokeDashOffset = polygonStrokeSymbol.InnerXml; break; } } } SetStyle(style, stroke, strokeWidth, strokeOpacity, strokeLinejoin, strokeLineCap, strokeDasharray, strokeDashOffset, fill, fillOpacity, pointSymbolPath); }
private IStyle calculateVectorStyle(IStyle min, IStyle max, Double value) { if (!(min is GeometryStyle && max is GeometryStyle)) { throw new ArgumentException( "Both min style and max style must be vector styles to compute a gradient vector style"); } GeometryStyle style = new GeometryStyle(); GeometryStyle vectorMin = min as GeometryStyle; GeometryStyle vectorMax = max as GeometryStyle; Double dFrac = fraction(value); Single fFrac = Convert.ToSingle(dFrac); style.Enabled = (dFrac > 0.5 ? min.Enabled : max.Enabled); style.EnableOutline = (dFrac > 0.5 ? vectorMin.EnableOutline : vectorMax.EnableOutline); if (_fillColorBlend != null) { style.Fill = new SolidStyleBrush(_fillColorBlend.GetColor(fFrac)); } else if (vectorMin.Fill != null && vectorMax.Fill != null) { style.Fill = interpolateBrush(vectorMin.Fill, vectorMax.Fill, value); } if (vectorMin.Line != null && vectorMax.Line != null) { style.Line = interpolatePen(vectorMin.Line, vectorMax.Line, value); } if (_lineColorBlend != null) { style.Line.BackgroundBrush = new SolidStyleBrush(_lineColorBlend.GetColor(fFrac)); } if (vectorMin.Outline != null && vectorMax.Outline != null) { style.Outline = interpolatePen(vectorMin.Outline, vectorMax.Outline, value); } style.MinVisible = interpolateDouble(min.MinVisible, max.MinVisible, value); style.MaxVisible = interpolateDouble(min.MaxVisible, max.MaxVisible, value); style.Symbol = (dFrac > 0.5 ? vectorMin.Symbol : vectorMax.Symbol); style.HighlightSymbol = (dFrac > 0.5 ? vectorMin.HighlightSymbol : vectorMax.HighlightSymbol); //We don't interpolate the offset but let it follow the symbol instead style.SelectSymbol = (dFrac > 0.5 ? vectorMin.SelectSymbol : vectorMax.SelectSymbol); return(style); }
private IEnumerable <TRenderObject> enumerateGeoCollection( IGeometryCollection collection, GeometryStyle style, RenderState renderState) { foreach (IGeometry geometry in collection) { IEnumerable <TRenderObject> rendering = renderGeometry(geometry, style, renderState); foreach (TRenderObject renderObject in rendering) { yield return(renderObject); } } }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new instance of the PointSymbolControl. /// </summary> public SymbolControl() { InitializeComponent(); ItemCount = 17; CellWidth = 24; CellHeight = 24; for (int i = 0; i < ItemCount; i++) { var sdo = new GeometryStyle(); sdo.Marker.SetVectorMarker((VectorMarker)i); sdo.Marker.Size = 0.8f * CellWidth; sdo.Fill.Color = Color.Orange; _icons.Add(sdo); } OnDrawItem += PointSymbolControl_OnDrawItem; }
private void SetFillStyle(GeometryStyle style, XmlElement fillSymbolizer, XmlNamespaceManager nsm) { string stroke = string.Empty; string strokeWidth = string.Empty; string strokeOpacity = string.Empty; string strokeLinejoin = string.Empty; string strokeLineCap = string.Empty; string strokeDasharray = string.Empty; string strokeDashOffset = string.Empty; string fill = string.Empty; string fillOpacity = string.Empty; string pointSymbolPath = string.Empty; XmlNodeList polygonFillSymbols = fillSymbolizer.SelectNodes("sld:Fill/sld:CssParameter", nsm); foreach (XmlElement polygonFillSymbol in polygonFillSymbols) { if (polygonFillSymbol != null) { switch (polygonFillSymbol.GetAttribute("name")) { //polygon case "fill": fill = polygonFillSymbol.InnerXml; break; case "fill-opacity": fillOpacity = polygonFillSymbol.InnerXml; break; } } } SetStyle(style, stroke, strokeWidth, strokeOpacity, strokeLinejoin, strokeLineCap, strokeDasharray, strokeDashOffset, fill, fillOpacity, pointSymbolPath); //Call down to stroke style SetStrokeStyle(style, fillSymbolizer, nsm); }
private void SetSymbologyForRule(GeometryStyle style, XmlElement rule, XmlNamespaceManager nsm) { XmlNodeList polygonSymbolizers = rule.SelectNodes("sld:PolygonSymbolizer", nsm); XmlNodeList lineSymbolizers = rule.SelectNodes("sld:LineSymbolizer", nsm); XmlNodeList pointSymbolizers = rule.SelectNodes("sld:PointSymbolizer", nsm); if (polygonSymbolizers != null) { if (polygonSymbolizers.Count > 0) { foreach (XmlElement polygonSymbolizer in polygonSymbolizers) { SetFillStyle(style, polygonSymbolizer, nsm); } } } if (lineSymbolizers != null) { if (lineSymbolizers.Count > 0) { foreach (XmlElement lineSymbolizer in lineSymbolizers) { SetStrokeStyle(style, lineSymbolizer, nsm); } } } if (pointSymbolizers != null) { if (pointSymbolizers.Count > 0) { foreach (XmlElement pointSymbolizer in pointSymbolizers) { SetPointStyle(style, pointSymbolizer, nsm); } } } }
private void styles_ListChanged(object sender, ListChangedEventArgs e) { if (e.ListChangedType == ListChangedType.ItemAdded) { string name = ""; GeometryStyle style = null; object o = styles[e.NewIndex]; if (o is KeyValuePair <string, GeometryStyle> ) { KeyValuePair <string, GeometryStyle> kvp = (KeyValuePair <string, GeometryStyle>)o; name = kvp.Key; style = kvp.Value; } stylesTree1.AddStyleNode(e.NewIndex, name, style); } else if (e.ListChangedType == ListChangedType.ItemDeleted) { stylesTree1.Nodes.RemoveAt(e.OldIndex); } }
private static GeometryStyle generateStyle(String layer) { GeometryStyle style = new GeometryStyle(); style.Enabled = true; switch (layer) { case "Marshland": case "Robot Tracks": case "Roads": case "Fires": case "Treasures": case "Nice Views": case "Fault Lines": case "Contamination": case "Notices": case "Radioactive Fuel Rods": case "Bases": case "Houses": case "Measures": case "Contacts": case "Prospects": default: style.Fill = new SolidStyleBrush(getColorEntry(_rnd.Next(0, _colorTable.Count)).Value); style.HighlightFill = new SolidStyleBrush(getColorEntry(_rnd.Next(0, _colorTable.Count)).Value); style.SelectFill = new SolidStyleBrush(getColorEntry(_rnd.Next(0, _colorTable.Count)).Value); style.Outline = new StylePen(getColorEntry(_rnd.Next(0, _colorTable.Count)).Value, _rnd.NextDouble() * 6); style.HighlightOutline = new StylePen(getColorEntry(_rnd.Next(0, _colorTable.Count)).Value, _rnd.NextDouble() * 6); style.SelectOutline = new StylePen(getColorEntry(_rnd.Next(0, _colorTable.Count)).Value, _rnd.NextDouble() * 6); break; } return style; }
private IEnumerable <TRenderObject> renderGeometry( IGeometry geometry, GeometryStyle style, RenderState renderState) { if (geometry is IPolygon) { return(DrawPolygon(geometry as IPolygon, style.Fill, style.HighlightFill, style.SelectFill, style.Outline, style.HighlightOutline, style.SelectOutline, renderState)); } if (geometry is IMultiPolygon) { return(DrawMultiPolygon(geometry as IMultiPolygon, style.Fill, style.HighlightFill, style.SelectFill, style.Outline, style.HighlightOutline, style.SelectOutline, renderState)); } if (geometry is ILineString) { return(DrawLineString(geometry as ILineString, style.Line, style.HighlightLine, style.SelectLine, style.Outline, style.HighlightOutline, style.SelectOutline, renderState)); } if (geometry is IMultiLineString) { return(DrawMultiLineString(geometry as IMultiLineString, style.Line, style.HighlightLine, style.SelectLine, style.Outline, style.HighlightOutline, style.SelectOutline, renderState)); } if (geometry is IPoint) { return(DrawPoint(geometry as IPoint, style.Symbol, style.HighlightSymbol, style.SelectSymbol, renderState)); } if (geometry is IMultiPoint) { return(DrawMultiPoint(geometry as IMultiPoint, style.Symbol, style.HighlightSymbol, style.SelectSymbol, renderState)); } if (geometry is IGeometryCollection) { //List<TRenderObject> renderObjects = new List<TRenderObject>(); //foreach (IGeometry g in (geometry as IGeometryCollection)) //{ // renderObjects.AddRange(renderGeometry(g, style, renderState)); //} //return renderObjects; return(enumerateGeoCollection(geometry as IGeometryCollection, style, renderState)); } throw new NotSupportedException( String.Format("IGeometry type is not supported: {0}", geometry.GetType())); }
/// <summary> /// Fills the image list with icons according to the selected colors /// </summary> protected override void RefreshImageList() { if (_style == ImageComboStyle.Common) { return; } _list.Images.Clear(); int width = _style == ImageComboStyle.PointShape ? 20 : 64; Size sz = new Size(width, 16); _list.ImageSize = sz; int imgHeight = _list.ImageSize.Height; int imgWidth = _list.ImageSize.Width; var rect = new Rectangle(PADDING_X, PADDING_Y, imgWidth - 1 - PADDING_X * 2, imgHeight - 1 - PADDING_Y * 2); var foreColor = Enabled ? Color.Black : Color.Gray; for (int i = 0; i < _itemCount; i++) { var img = new Bitmap(imgWidth, imgHeight, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb); var g = Graphics.FromImage(img); switch (_style) { // frame type combo case ImageComboStyle.FrameType: { if (i == 0) { g.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(_color1), rect); g.DrawRectangle(new Pen(foreColor), rect); } else if (i == 1) { g.FillEllipse(new SolidBrush(_color1), rect); g.DrawEllipse(new Pen(foreColor), rect); } else if (i == 2) { float left = rect.X; float right = rect.X + rect.Width; float top = rect.Y; float bottom = rect.Y + rect.Height; GraphicsPath path = new GraphicsPath(); path.StartFigure(); path.AddLine(left + (rect.Height / 4), top, right - (rect.Height / 4), top); path.AddLine(right - (rect.Height / 4), top, right, (top + bottom) / 2); path.AddLine(right, (top + bottom) / 2, right - (rect.Height / 4), bottom); path.AddLine(right - (rect.Height / 4), bottom, left + (rect.Height / 4), bottom); path.AddLine(left + (rect.Height / 4), bottom, left, (top + bottom) / 2); path.AddLine(left, (top + bottom) / 2, left + (rect.Height / 4), top); path.CloseFigure(); g.FillPath(new SolidBrush(_color1), path); g.DrawPath(new Pen(foreColor), path); path.Dispose(); } break; } // linear gradient combo case ImageComboStyle.LinearGradient: { if ((LinearGradient)i == LinearGradient.None) { g.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(_color1), rect); g.DrawRectangle(new Pen(_outlineColor), rect); } else { LinearGradientBrush lgb = new LinearGradientBrush(rect, _color1, _color2, (LinearGradientMode)i); g.FillRectangle(lgb, rect); g.DrawRectangle(new Pen(_outlineColor), rect); lgb.Dispose(); } break; } // line style combo case ImageComboStyle.LineStyle: { var pen = new Pen(_outlineColor) { DashStyle = (DashStyle)i, Width = 2 }; g.DrawLine(pen, new Point(rect.Left, rect.Top + rect.Height / 2), new Point(rect.Right, rect.Top + rect.Height / 2)); break; } // line width combo case ImageComboStyle.LineWidth: { var pen = new Pen(_outlineColor) { Width = i + 1 }; g.DrawLine(pen, new Point(rect.Left, rect.Top + rect.Height / 2), new Point(rect.Right, rect.Top + rect.Height / 2)); break; } case ImageComboStyle.PointShape: { IGeometryStyle sdo = new GeometryStyle(); sdo.Fill.Color = _color1; sdo.Line.Color = _outlineColor; var marker = sdo.Marker; marker.VectorMarker = (VectorMarkerType)i; marker.Type = MarkerType.Vector; marker.Size = 12; if (marker.VectorMarker == VectorMarkerType.Star) { marker.VectorSideCount = 5; marker.Rotation = 17; marker.Size = 14; } else if (marker.VectorMarker == VectorMarkerType.Arrow) { marker.Size = 14; marker.Rotation = 0; } else { marker.VectorSideCount = 4; marker.Rotation = 0; marker.Size = 12; } sdo.DrawPoint(g, 0.0f, 0.0f, imgWidth, imgHeight, BackColor); break; } case ImageComboStyle.HatchStyle: { HatchBrush br = new HatchBrush((HatchStyle)i, _color1, Color.Transparent); g.FillRectangle(br, rect); g.DrawRectangle(new Pen(_outlineColor), rect); br.Dispose(); break; } case ImageComboStyle.HatchStyleWithNone: { if (i == 0) { g.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(_color1), rect); g.DrawRectangle(new Pen(_outlineColor), rect); } else { HatchBrush br = new HatchBrush((HatchStyle)(i - 1), _color1, Color.Transparent); g.FillRectangle(br, rect); g.DrawRectangle(new Pen(_outlineColor), rect); br.Dispose(); } break; } default: return; } _list.Images.Add(img); } }
public void AddStyleNode(int index, string name, GeometryStyle style) { Nodes.Insert(index, new GeometryStyleNode(style, name)); }
private void AppendPoints(GeometryStyle style, List<PointF> points) { if (_points.ContainsKey(style) == false) _points[style] = new List<PointF>(); _points[style].AddRange(points); }
private void AppendStrokePath(GeometryStyle style, GraphicsPath stroke) { if (_strokes.ContainsKey(style) == false) _strokes[style] = new List<GraphicsPath>(); _strokes[style].Add(stroke); }
private void AppendFilledPath(GeometryStyle style, GraphicsPath path) { if (_fills.ContainsKey(style) == false) _fills[style] = new List<GraphicsPath>(); _fills[style].Add(path); }
/// <summary> /// Renders the geometry of the <paramref name="feature"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="feature">The feature to render.</param> /// <param name="style">The style to use to render the feature.</param> /// <returns>An enumeration of positioned render objects suitable for display.</returns> protected override IEnumerable <TRenderObject> DoRenderFeature(IFeatureDataRecord feature, GeometryStyle style, RenderState renderState, ILayer layer) { if (feature == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("feature"); } if (style == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("style"); } if (feature.Geometry == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Feature must have a geometry to be rendered."); } return(renderGeometry(feature.Geometry, style, renderState)); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new layer with the given name, style and datasource. /// </summary> /// <param name="layername">Name of the layer.</param> /// <param name="style">Style to apply to the layer.</param> /// <param name="dataSource">Data source.</param> public GeometryLayer(String layername, GeometryStyle style, IFeatureProvider dataSource) : base(layername, style, dataSource) { }
private IStyle calculateVectorStyle(IStyle min, IStyle max, Double value) { if (!(min is GeometryStyle && max is GeometryStyle)) { throw new ArgumentException( "Both min style and max style must be vector styles to compute a gradient vector style"); } GeometryStyle style = new GeometryStyle(); GeometryStyle vectorMin = min as GeometryStyle; GeometryStyle vectorMax = max as GeometryStyle; Double dFrac = fraction(value); Single fFrac = Convert.ToSingle(dFrac); style.Enabled = (dFrac > 0.5 ? min.Enabled : max.Enabled); style.EnableOutline = (dFrac > 0.5 ? vectorMin.EnableOutline : vectorMax.EnableOutline); if (_fillColorBlend != null) { style.Fill = new SolidStyleBrush(_fillColorBlend.GetColor(fFrac)); } else if (vectorMin.Fill != null && vectorMax.Fill != null) { style.Fill = interpolateBrush(vectorMin.Fill, vectorMax.Fill, value); } if (vectorMin.Line != null && vectorMax.Line != null) { style.Line = interpolatePen(vectorMin.Line, vectorMax.Line, value); } if (_lineColorBlend != null) { style.Line.BackgroundBrush = new SolidStyleBrush(_lineColorBlend.GetColor(fFrac)); } if (vectorMin.Outline != null && vectorMax.Outline != null) { style.Outline = interpolatePen(vectorMin.Outline, vectorMax.Outline, value); } style.MinVisible = interpolateDouble(min.MinVisible, max.MinVisible, value); style.MaxVisible = interpolateDouble(min.MaxVisible, max.MaxVisible, value); style.Symbol = (dFrac > 0.5 ? vectorMin.Symbol : vectorMax.Symbol); style.HighlightSymbol = (dFrac > 0.5 ? vectorMin.HighlightSymbol : vectorMax.HighlightSymbol); //We don't interpolate the offset but let it follow the symbol instead style.SelectSymbol = (dFrac > 0.5 ? vectorMin.SelectSymbol : vectorMax.SelectSymbol); return style; }
private void SetSymbologyForRule(GeometryStyle style, XmlElement rule, XmlNamespaceManager nsm) { XmlNodeList polygonSymbolizers = rule.SelectNodes("sld:PolygonSymbolizer", nsm); XmlNodeList lineSymbolizers = rule.SelectNodes("sld:LineSymbolizer", nsm); XmlNodeList pointSymbolizers = rule.SelectNodes("sld:PointSymbolizer", nsm); if (polygonSymbolizers != null) if (polygonSymbolizers.Count > 0) { foreach (XmlElement polygonSymbolizer in polygonSymbolizers) { SetFillStyle(style, polygonSymbolizer, nsm); } } if (lineSymbolizers != null) if (lineSymbolizers.Count > 0) { foreach (XmlElement lineSymbolizer in lineSymbolizers) { SetStrokeStyle(style, lineSymbolizer, nsm); } } if (pointSymbolizers != null) if (pointSymbolizers.Count > 0) { foreach (XmlElement pointSymbolizer in pointSymbolizers) { SetPointStyle(style, pointSymbolizer, nsm); } } }
public static Geometry FromFileSystemEntry(FileSystemEntry entry) { var geometry = new Geometry(); using (var stream = entry.Open()) using (var reader = new StreamReader(stream)) { string line; int image = 0; float thickness = 0; Matrix2x2 rotMat = new Matrix2x2(); Vector2 translation = new Vector2(); ColorRgba color = new ColorRgba(0, 0, 0, 0); GeometryStyle style = GeometryStyle.Undefined; var tris = new List <Triangle2D>(); var lines = new List <Line2D>(); Action ApplyStyle = () => { switch (style) { //no data parsed yet case GeometryStyle.Undefined: break; case GeometryStyle.TexturedTri: geometry.Entries.Add(new GeometryTexturedTriangles(new List <Triangle2D>(tris), color, image, rotMat, translation)); tris.Clear(); break; case GeometryStyle.SolidTri: geometry.Entries.Add(new GeometrySolidTriangles(new List <Triangle2D>(tris), color)); tris.Clear(); break; case GeometryStyle.Line: geometry.Entries.Add(new GeometryLines(new List <Line2D>(lines), color, thickness)); lines.Clear(); break; } style = GeometryStyle.Undefined; }; while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null) { line = line.Trim(); var lineMode = line.First(); line = line.TrimStart('c', 's', 'l', 't'); var paramList = line.Split(':'); //trim each entry of the param list for (var i = 0; i < paramList.Length; ++i) { paramList[i] = paramList[i].Trim(); } switch (lineMode) { //Clear - Finish the last geometry case 'c': ApplyStyle(); break; //Style - Header for the following data case 's': //Check that we have atleast 1 param if (paramList.Length < 1) { throw new InvalidDataException(); } //Check which style we are using switch (paramList.First()) { //this is the solid triangle style case "s": if (paramList.Length != 5) { throw new InvalidDataException(); } style = GeometryStyle.SolidTri; color.R = Convert.ToByte(paramList[1]); color.G = Convert.ToByte(paramList[2]); color.B = Convert.ToByte(paramList[3]); color.A = Convert.ToByte(paramList[4]); break; //this is the line style case "l": if (paramList.Length != 6) { throw new InvalidDataException(); } style = GeometryStyle.Line; thickness = ParseUtility.ParseFloat(paramList[1]); color.R = Convert.ToByte(paramList[2]); color.G = Convert.ToByte(paramList[3]); color.B = Convert.ToByte(paramList[4]); color.A = Convert.ToByte(paramList[5]); break; //this is the textured triangle style case "tc": if (paramList.Length != 12) { throw new InvalidDataException(); } style = GeometryStyle.TexturedTri; color.R = Convert.ToByte(paramList[1]); color.G = Convert.ToByte(paramList[2]); color.B = Convert.ToByte(paramList[3]); color.A = Convert.ToByte(paramList[4]); //image id used image = Convert.ToInt32(paramList[5]); //transformation parameters, to map the geometry above the texture rotMat.M11 = ParseUtility.ParseFloat(paramList[6]); rotMat.M12 = ParseUtility.ParseFloat(paramList[7]); rotMat.M21 = ParseUtility.ParseFloat(paramList[8]); rotMat.M22 = ParseUtility.ParseFloat(paramList[9]); translation.X = ParseUtility.ParseFloat(paramList[10]); translation.Y = ParseUtility.ParseFloat(paramList[11]); break; } break; //A line case 'l': Line2D lin; lin.V0 = new Vector2(ParseUtility.ParseFloat(paramList[0]), ParseUtility.ParseFloat(paramList[1])); lin.V1 = new Vector2(ParseUtility.ParseFloat(paramList[2]), ParseUtility.ParseFloat(paramList[3])); lines.Add(lin); break; //A triangle case 't': Triangle2D tri; tri.V0 = new Vector2(ParseUtility.ParseFloat(paramList[0]), ParseUtility.ParseFloat(paramList[1])); tri.V1 = new Vector2(ParseUtility.ParseFloat(paramList[2]), ParseUtility.ParseFloat(paramList[3])); tri.V2 = new Vector2(ParseUtility.ParseFloat(paramList[4]), ParseUtility.ParseFloat(paramList[5])); tris.Add(tri); break; } } ApplyStyle(); } geometry.CalculateBoundings(); return(geometry); }
private void SetStyle( GeometryStyle style, string stroke, string strokeWidth, string strokeOpacity, string strokeLinejoin, string strokeLineCap, string strokeDasharray, string strokeDashOffset, string fill, string fillOpacity, string pointSymbolPath ) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(stroke)) { Color color = ColorTranslator.FromHtml(stroke); int opacity = 255; double width = 1; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(strokeOpacity)) { opacity = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(Convert.ToDouble(strokeOpacity) / 0.0039215, 0)); if (opacity > 255) { opacity = 255; } } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(strokeWidth)) { width = Convert.ToDouble(strokeWidth); } StyleBrush brush = new SolidStyleBrush(new StyleColor(Convert.ToInt32(color.B), Convert.ToInt32(color.G), Convert.ToInt32(color.R), opacity)); StylePen pen = new StylePen(brush, width); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(strokeLinejoin)) { switch (strokeLinejoin.ToLower()) { case "mitre": pen.LineJoin = StyleLineJoin.Miter; break; case "round": pen.LineJoin = StyleLineJoin.Round; break; case "bevel": pen.LineJoin = StyleLineJoin.Bevel; break; //case "miterclipped": // Not in SLD // pen.LineJoin = StyleLineJoin.MiterClipped; // break; } } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(strokeLineCap)) { switch (strokeLineCap.ToLower()) { case "butt": pen.StartCap = StyleLineCap.Flat; pen.EndCap = StyleLineCap.Flat; break; case "round": pen.StartCap = StyleLineCap.Round; pen.EndCap = StyleLineCap.Round; break; case "square": pen.StartCap = StyleLineCap.Square; pen.EndCap = StyleLineCap.Square; break; // N.B. Loads of others not used in SLD } } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(strokeDasharray)) { string[] Numbers = strokeDasharray.Split(Char.Parse(" ")); IEnumerable <float> dbls = Processor.Select(Numbers, delegate(string o) { return(float.Parse(o)); }); pen.DashPattern = Enumerable.ToArray(dbls); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(strokeDashOffset)) { float dashOffset; bool success; success = float.TryParse(strokeDashOffset, out dashOffset); if (success) { pen.DashOffset = dashOffset; } } // Set pen style.Line = pen; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(fill)) { Color color = ColorTranslator.FromHtml(fill); int opacity = 255; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(fillOpacity)) { opacity = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(Convert.ToDouble(fillOpacity) / 0.0039215, 0)); if (opacity > 255) { opacity = 255; } } StyleBrush brush = new SolidStyleBrush(new StyleColor(Convert.ToInt32(color.B), Convert.ToInt32(color.G), Convert.ToInt32(color.R), opacity)); style.Fill = brush; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(pointSymbolPath)) { Uri source = new Uri(pointSymbolPath); if (source.IsFile && File.Exists(source.AbsolutePath)) { Bitmap b = new Bitmap(source.AbsolutePath); MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); b.Save(ms, ImageFormat.Png); ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); style.Symbol = new Symbol2D(ms, new Size2D(12, 10)); } else if (source.IsAbsoluteUri) { ///TODO } } style.Enabled = true; style.EnableOutline = true; }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new BasicGeometryRenderer2D with the given VectorRenderer2D instance. /// </summary> /// <param name="vectorRenderer"> /// A vector renderer. /// </param> /// <param name="defaultStyle"> /// The default style to apply to a feature's geometry. /// </param> public BasicGeometryRenderer2D(VectorRenderer2D <TRenderObject> vectorRenderer, GeometryStyle defaultStyle) : base(vectorRenderer) { DefaultStyle = defaultStyle; }
private Pen FromGeomStyleToPen(GeometryStyle geometryStyle) { System.Windows.Media.Color c = geometryStyle.StrokeColor; Pen v_pen = new Pen(Color.FromArgb(c.A, c.R, c.G, c.B), geometryStyle.StrokeWidth); v_pen.LineJoin = LineJoin.Round; return v_pen; }
public IDictionary<string, GeometryStyle> ParseFeatureStyle(XmlDocument doc) { Dictionary<string, GeometryStyle> styles = new Dictionary<string, GeometryStyle>(); // Load SLD file NameTable nt = new NameTable(); XmlNamespaceManager nsm = new XmlNamespaceManager(nt); nsm.AddNamespace("sld", ""); nsm.AddNamespace("ogc", ""); nsm.AddNamespace("xlink", ""); XmlDocument sldConfig = new XmlDocument(nt); sldConfig.LoadXml(doc.OuterXml); XmlNodeList featureTypeStyleEls = sldConfig.SelectNodes("//sld:FeatureTypeStyle", nsm); foreach (XmlElement featTypeStyle in featureTypeStyleEls) { XmlElement el = (XmlElement) featTypeStyle.SelectSingleNode("sld:FeatureTypeName", nsm); string mainName = el != null ? el.InnerText : ""; XmlNodeList rules = featTypeStyle.SelectNodes("sld:Rule", nsm); foreach (XmlElement rule in rules) { el = (XmlElement) rule.SelectSingleNode("sld:Name", nsm); string name = el != null ? el.InnerText : ""; GeometryStyle style = new GeometryStyle(); SetSymbologyForRule(style, rule, nsm); styles.Add(mainName + ":" + name, style); } } return styles; //style.AreFeaturesSelectable //style.Enabled //style.EnableOutline //style.Fill //style.HighlightFill //style.HighlightLine //style.HighlightOutline //style.HighlightSymbol //style.Line //style.MaxVisible //style.MinVisible //style.Outline //style.RenderingMode //style.SelectFill //style.SelectLine //style.SelectOutline //style.SelectSymbol }
private Brush FromGeomStyleToBrush(GeometryStyle geometryStyle) { System.Windows.Media.Color c = geometryStyle.FillColor; return new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(c.A, c.R, c.G, c.B)); }
private void SetStyle( GeometryStyle style, string stroke, string strokeWidth, string strokeOpacity, string strokeLinejoin, string strokeLineCap, string strokeDasharray, string strokeDashOffset, string fill, string fillOpacity, string pointSymbolPath ) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(stroke)) { Color color = ColorTranslator.FromHtml(stroke); int opacity = 255; double width = 1; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(strokeOpacity)) { opacity = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(Convert.ToDouble(strokeOpacity)/0.0039215, 0)); if (opacity > 255) opacity = 255; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(strokeWidth)) { width = Convert.ToDouble(strokeWidth); } StyleBrush brush = new SolidStyleBrush(new StyleColor(Convert.ToInt32(color.B), Convert.ToInt32(color.G), Convert.ToInt32(color.R), opacity)); StylePen pen = new StylePen(brush, width); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(strokeLinejoin)) { switch (strokeLinejoin.ToLower()) { case "mitre": pen.LineJoin = StyleLineJoin.Miter; break; case "round": pen.LineJoin = StyleLineJoin.Round; break; case "bevel": pen.LineJoin = StyleLineJoin.Bevel; break; //case "miterclipped": // Not in SLD // pen.LineJoin = StyleLineJoin.MiterClipped; // break; } } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(strokeLineCap)) { switch (strokeLineCap.ToLower()) { case "butt": pen.StartCap = StyleLineCap.Flat; pen.EndCap = StyleLineCap.Flat; break; case "round": pen.StartCap = StyleLineCap.Round; pen.EndCap = StyleLineCap.Round; break; case "square": pen.StartCap = StyleLineCap.Square; pen.EndCap = StyleLineCap.Square; break; // N.B. Loads of others not used in SLD } } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(strokeDasharray)) { string[] Numbers = strokeDasharray.Split(Char.Parse(" ")); IEnumerable<float> dbls = Processor.Select(Numbers, delegate(string o) { return float.Parse(o); }); pen.DashPattern = Enumerable.ToArray(dbls); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(strokeDashOffset)) { float dashOffset; bool success; success = float.TryParse(strokeDashOffset, out dashOffset); if (success) pen.DashOffset = dashOffset; } // Set pen style.Line = pen; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(fill)) { Color color = ColorTranslator.FromHtml(fill); int opacity = 255; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(fillOpacity)) { opacity = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(Convert.ToDouble(fillOpacity)/0.0039215, 0)); if (opacity > 255) opacity = 255; } StyleBrush brush = new SolidStyleBrush(new StyleColor(Convert.ToInt32(color.B), Convert.ToInt32(color.G), Convert.ToInt32(color.R), opacity)); style.Fill = brush; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(pointSymbolPath)) { Uri source = new Uri(pointSymbolPath); if (source.IsFile && File.Exists(source.AbsolutePath)) { Bitmap b = new Bitmap(source.AbsolutePath); MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); b.Save(ms, ImageFormat.Png); ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); style.Symbol = new Symbol2D(ms, new Size2D(12, 10)); } else if (source.IsAbsoluteUri) { ///TODO } } style.Enabled = true; style.EnableOutline = true; }
private Bitmap FromGeomStyleToPoint(Bitmap sourceBitmap, GeometryStyle geometryStyle) { return TintBitmap(sourceBitmap, geometryStyle.FillColor.ToGDI(), 1f); }
public GeometryRowStyle(GeometryStyle style, GeometryType type) { Style = style; Type = type; }