예제 #1
        private void DrawFeature(IFeature feature)
            if (LayerData.GeoType == "1")
                Geometry.Point2D pos = new Geometry.Point2D(feature.GeoData);
                AddSpot(new Point(pos.x, pos.y), feature);
                AddLable(new Point(pos.x, pos.y), LayerLableStyle.GetLable(feature));
            else if (LayerData.GeoType == "2")
                Geometry.Polyline poly = new Geometry.Polyline(feature.GeoData);
                if (IsRoad())
                    AddRoadStroke(poly.Points.Select(p => new Point(p.x, p.y)).ToArray(), feature);
                if (!IsRoad())
                    AddPolyline(poly.Points.Select(p => new Point(p.x, p.y)).ToArray(), feature);
                    AddRoadFill(poly.Points.Select(p => new Point(p.x, p.y)).ToArray(), feature);

                string        text = LayerLableStyle.GetLable(feature);
                double        linearRepeatInterval = LayerLableStyle.LinearRepeatInterval;
                double        length    = poly.Length;
                List <double> positions = new List <double>(); // mod 20130528 与SVG同步
                if (length > 0 && length < 2 * linearRepeatInterval)
                    positions.Add(length / 2);
                    int index = 1;
                    while (index * linearRepeatInterval < length)
                        positions.Add(index * linearRepeatInterval);
                foreach (double position in positions)
                    Geometry.Point2D tempPt   = poly.GetPointAtDist(position);
                    double           tanVal   = poly.GetFirstDerivative(position);
                    double           rotation = Math.Atan(tanVal);
                    double           angle    = 180 / Math.PI * rotation;
                    AddLable(new Point(tempPt.x, tempPt.y), text, angle);
            else if (LayerData.GeoType == "4")
                Geometry.Polygon poly   = new Geometry.Polygon(feature.GeoData);
                Geometry.Point2D center = poly.Centroid; // mod 20130507
                AddPolygon(poly.Points.Select(p => new Point(p.x, p.y)).ToArray(), feature);
                AddLable(new Point(center.x, center.y), LayerLableStyle.GetLable(feature));
예제 #2
        public Dictionary <Feature, VectorLayer> PartHitTest(Geometry.Extent2D extent)
            Dictionary <Feature, VectorLayer> multiResult = new Dictionary <Feature, VectorLayer>();

            if (LayerData.GeoType == "1")
                foreach (Feature f in LayerData.Features)
                    Geometry.Point2D p = new Geometry.Point2D(f.GeoData);
                    if (extent.IsPointIn(p))
                        multiResult.Add(f, LayerData);
            else if (LayerData.GeoType == "2")
                foreach (Feature f in LayerData.Features)
                    Geometry.Polyline poly = new Geometry.Polyline(f.GeoData);
                    foreach (var point in poly.Points)
                        if (extent.IsPointIn(point))
                            multiResult.Add(f, LayerData);
            else if (LayerData.GeoType == "4")
                foreach (Feature f in LayerData.Features)
                    Geometry.Polygon poly = new Geometry.Polygon(f.GeoData);
                    foreach (var point in poly.Points)
                        if (extent.IsPointIn(point))
                            multiResult.Add(f, LayerData);

예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Perform the 'get' operation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="polyline"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <since>6.0</since>
        public Commands.Result Get(out Geometry.Polyline polyline)
            IntPtr ptr_this = NonConstPointer();

            polyline = null;
            using (var points = new SimpleArrayPoint3d())
                IntPtr ptr_points = points.NonConstPointer();
                var    rc         = (Commands.Result)UnsafeNativeMethods.RHC_RhinoGetPolyline2(ptr_this, ptr_points, IntPtr.Zero);
                if (rc == Commands.Result.Success)
                    polyline = new Geometry.Polyline(points.ToArray());
예제 #4
        public override void ApplyFluidTheme(IDataFluidTheme theme)
            if (LayerData.GeoType == "2")
                foreach (var feature in Features)
                    var    f        = feature.Key;
                    var    geometry = feature.Value.Geometry as PathGeometry;
                    var    poly     = new Geometry.Polyline(f.GeoData);
                    double length   = poly.Length;
                    if (length < 10)
                    double velocity  = theme.GetVelocity(f);
                    double time      = length / velocity;
                    double space     = 1 / theme.GetDensity(f);
                    int    spotCount = (int)(length / space) + 1;
                    var    color     = theme.GetColor(f);

                    for (int i = 0; i < spotCount; i++)
                        PointAnimationUsingPath paup = new PointAnimationUsingPath();
                        paup.PathGeometry   = geometry;
                        paup.Duration       = new Duration(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, (int)(time * 1000)));
                        paup.RepeatBehavior = RepeatBehavior.Forever;
                        paup.BeginTime      = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, (int)(time / spotCount * i * 1000));

                        ColorAnimation ca = new ColorAnimation(color.Item1, color.Item2, new Duration(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, (int)(time * 1000))));
                        ca.RepeatBehavior = RepeatBehavior.Forever;
                        ca.BeginTime      = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, (int)(time / spotCount * i * 1000));

                        double          radius      = theme.GetDiameter(f) / 2;
                        var             fill        = new SolidColorBrush(color.Item1);
                        EllipseGeometry spot        = new EllipseGeometry(new Point(), radius, radius);
                        GeometryDrawing spotDrawing = new GeometryDrawing(fill, null, spot);
                        spot.BeginAnimation(EllipseGeometry.CenterProperty, paup);
                        fill.BeginAnimation(SolidColorBrush.ColorProperty, ca);
예제 #5
        public Feature HitTest(Geometry.Point2D worldPos)
            Feature result = null;

            if (LayerData.GeoType == "1")
                foreach (Feature f in LayerData.Features)
                    Geometry.Point2D p = new Geometry.Point2D(f.GeoData);
                    if (p.DistTo(worldPos) < 5 * MapControl.Current.Scale)
                        result = f;
            else if (LayerData.GeoType == "2")
                foreach (Feature f in LayerData.Features)
                    Geometry.Polyline poly = new Geometry.Polyline(f.GeoData);
                    if (poly.DistToPoint(worldPos) < 5 * MapControl.Current.Scale)
                        result = f;
            else if (LayerData.GeoType == "4")
                foreach (Feature f in LayerData.Features)
                    Geometry.Polygon poly = new Geometry.Polygon(f.GeoData);
                    if (poly.IsPointIn(worldPos))
                        result = f;
예제 #6
        public virtual void SetData(VectorLayer layer)
            LayerData       = layer;
            LayerStyle      = GetLayerStyle(layer);
            LayerLableStyle = GetLabelStyle(layer);
            LabelLayer = new MapLayer();

            if (layer.GeoType == "1")
                foreach (Feature feature in layer.Features)
                    Geometry.Point2D pos = new Geometry.Point2D(feature.GeoData);
                    AddSpot(new Point(pos.x, pos.y), feature);
                    AddLable(new Point(pos.x, pos.y), LayerLableStyle.GetLable(feature));
            else if (layer.GeoType == "2")
                if (IsRoad())
                    foreach (Feature feature in layer.Features)
                        Geometry.Polyline polyline = new Geometry.Polyline(feature.GeoData);
                        AddRoadStroke(polyline.Points.Select(p => new Point(p.x, p.y)).ToArray(), feature);
                foreach (Feature feature in layer.Features)
                    Geometry.Polyline poly = new Geometry.Polyline(feature.GeoData);
                    if (!IsRoad())
                        AddPolyline(poly.Points.Select(p => new Point(p.x, p.y)).ToArray(), feature);
                        AddRoadFill(poly.Points.Select(p => new Point(p.x, p.y)).ToArray(), feature);
                foreach (Feature feature in layer.Features) // mod 20130516 最后统一加标签
                    Geometry.Polyline poly = new Geometry.Polyline(feature.GeoData);
                    string            text = LayerLableStyle.GetLable(feature);
                    double            linearRepeatInterval = LayerLableStyle.LinearRepeatInterval;
                    double            length = poly.Length;
                    //double scale = 4;  // 这个时候出现主窗口的Scale是不合适的。
                    List <double> positions = new List <double>(); // mod 20130528 与SVG同步
                    if (length > 0 && length < 2 * linearRepeatInterval)
                        positions.Add(length / 2);
                        int index = 1;
                        while (index * linearRepeatInterval < length)
                            positions.Add(index * linearRepeatInterval);
                    foreach (double position in positions)
                        Geometry.Point2D tempPt   = poly.GetPointAtDist(position);
                        double           tanVal   = poly.GetFirstDerivative(position);
                        double           rotation = Math.Atan(tanVal);
                        double           angle    = 180 / Math.PI * rotation;
                        AddLable(new Point(tempPt.x, tempPt.y), text, angle);
            else if (layer.GeoType == "4")
                foreach (Feature feature in layer.Features)
                    Geometry.Polygon poly   = new Geometry.Polygon(feature.GeoData);
                    Geometry.Point2D center = poly.Centroid;
                    AddPolygon(poly.Points.Select(p => new Point(p.x, p.y)).ToArray(), feature);
                    AddLable(new Point(center.x, center.y), LayerLableStyle.GetLable(feature));
        public string Render(int width = 0, int height = 0)
            SetSvgCanvas(_svgWriter, _extents, width, height);

            var layers = _map.Layers.OrderBy(l => GetLayerOrder(l.Name)).ToList();

            foreach (VectorLayer layer in layers)
                // Run overlay procedure
                var order = GetLayerOrder(layer.Name);
                if (_overlayRenderProcedures.ContainsKey(order))

                // Set SVG styles using layer style config
                var layerConfig = GetLayerConfigByName(layer.Name);
                SetVectorStyles(_svgWriter, layerConfig);
                var themeFilter = _themeFilters.ContainsKey(layer.Name) ? _themeFilters[layer.Name] : null;

                if (layer.GeoType == "1")
                    foreach (Feature feature in layer.Features)
                        // Set SVG styles using theme
                        SetVectorStyles(_svgWriter, themeFilter, feature);
                        Geometry.Point2D pos = new Geometry.Point2D(feature.GeoData);
                        AddCircle(20, pos.x, pos.y);

                    SetTextStyles(_svgWriter, layerConfig);
                    foreach (Feature feature in layer.Features)
                        Geometry.Point2D pos = new Geometry.Point2D(feature.GeoData);
                        AddText(GetLabel(layerConfig, feature), pos.x, pos.y);
                else if (layer.GeoType == "2")
                    if (layerConfig != null && layerConfig.StrokeBundle != null && layerConfig.StrokeBundle.Strokes.Count > 0)
                        foreach (VectorStyle strokeStyle in layerConfig.StrokeBundle.Strokes)
                            // Set SVG styles using this bundle element style
                            SetVectorStyles(_svgWriter, strokeStyle);
                            foreach (Feature feature in layer.Features)
                                Geometry.Polyline poly = new Geometry.Polyline(feature.GeoData);
                        foreach (Feature feature in layer.Features)
                            // Set SVG styles using theme
                            SetVectorStyles(_svgWriter, themeFilter, feature);
                            Geometry.Polyline poly = new Geometry.Polyline(feature.GeoData);

                    // Whatever case, add label in the end in case of overlapping with shapes
                    if (layerConfig != null && layerConfig.LabelStyle != null)
                        SetTextStyles(_svgWriter, layerConfig);
                        foreach (Feature feature in layer.Features)
                            // Add label every specified length
                            Geometry.Polyline poly = new Geometry.Polyline(feature.GeoData);
                            string            text = GetLabel(layerConfig, feature);
                            double            linearRepeatInterval = layerConfig.LabelStyle.LinearRepeatInterval;
                            double            length    = poly.Length;
                            List <double>     positions = new List <double>();
                            if (length > 0 && length < 2 * linearRepeatInterval)
                                positions.Add(length / 2);
                                int index = 1;
                                while (index * linearRepeatInterval < length)
                                    positions.Add(index * linearRepeatInterval);
                            foreach (double position in positions)
                                Geometry.Point2D pos      = poly.GetPointAtDist(position);
                                double           tan      = poly.GetFirstDerivative(position);
                                double           rotation = Math.Atan(tan);
                                double           angle    = -180 / Math.PI * rotation;
                                AddText(text, pos.x, pos.y, angle);
                else if (layer.GeoType == "4")
                    foreach (Feature feature in layer.Features)
                        // Set SVG styles using theme
                        SetVectorStyles(_svgWriter, themeFilter, feature);
                        Geometry.Polygon poly = new Geometry.Polygon(feature.GeoData);

                    SetTextStyles(_svgWriter, layerConfig);
                    foreach (Feature feature in layer.Features)
                        Geometry.Polygon poly   = new Geometry.Polygon(feature.GeoData);
                        Geometry.Point2D center = poly.Centroid;
                        AddText(GetLabel(layerConfig, feature), center.x, center.y);
