예제 #1
 public void get_country_should_fail(string country)
     Assert.Throws <Exception>(() => Geography.GetCountry(country));
예제 #2
    protected void showLifeline(string strAbbr, int lifelineType)
        Geography geography = new Geography();
        DataRow   drData = geography.GetCountry(strAbbr);
        string    strImage, strText;
        DataTable dt;
        DataRow   dd;

        switch (lifelineType)
        case 1:         //latlng
            litLifeline.Text     = "<h3>" + drData["country"].ToString() + " is located at (" + drData["lat"].ToString() + ", " + drData["lng"].ToString() + ")</h3>";
            llicon.ImageUrl      = "images/icons/latlng.png";
            llicon.AlternateText = "Latitude and longitude";
            llicon.ToolTip       = "Latitude and longitude";

        case 2:         //flag
            strImage             = "<img class=\"flag\" src=\"" + drData["flagurl"].ToString() + "\" alt=\"Country Flag\" title=\"Country Flag\" onclick=\"zoomBox()\" >";
            litLifeline.Text     = strImage;
            llicon.ImageUrl      = "images/icons/flag.png";
            llicon.AlternateText = "Flag";
            llicon.ToolTip       = "Flag";
            zoomTitle            = "Country Flag";
            litZoom.Text         = "<img class=\"flag\" src=\"" + drData["flagurl"].ToString() + "\" alt =\"Country Flag\" title=\"Country Flag\">";
            ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, GetType(), "zoomBox", "zoomBox()", true);

        case 3:         //locator
            strImage             = "<img class=\"locator\" src=\"" + drData["locurl"].ToString() + "\" alt=\"Country Locator\" title=\"Country Locator\" onclick=\"zoomBox()\" >";
            litLifeline.Text     = strImage;
            llicon.ImageUrl      = "images/icons/locator.png";
            llicon.AlternateText = "Locator map";
            llicon.ToolTip       = "Locator map";
            zoomTitle            = "Country Locator Map";
            litZoom.Text         = "<img class=\"locator\" src=\"" + drData["locurl"].ToString() + "\" alt=\"Country Locator\" title=\"Country Locator\" >";
            ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, GetType(), "zoomBox", "zoomBox()", true);

        case 4:         //map
            strImage             = "<img class=\"map\" src=\"" + drData["mapurl"].ToString() + "\" alt=\"Country Map\" title=\"Country Map\" onclick=\"zoomBox()\" >";
            litLifeline.Text     = strImage;
            llicon.ImageUrl      = "images/icons/map.png";
            llicon.AlternateText = "Country map";
            llicon.ToolTip       = "Country map";
            zoomTitle            = "Country Map";
            litZoom.Text         = "<img class=\"map\" src=\"" + drData["mapurl"].ToString() + "\" alt=\"Country Map\" title=\"Country Map\" >";
            ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, GetType(), "zoomBox", "zoomBox()", true);

        case 5:         //population and area
            litLifeline.Text     = "<h3>" + drData["country"].ToString() + " has a population of <span class='datum'>" + ((int)drData["population"]).ToString("#,##0") + " (" + stringToOrdinal(drData["poprank"].ToString()) + ")</span>";
            litLifeline.Text    += " and an area of <span class='datum'>" + Convert.ToInt32(drData["area"]).ToString("#,##0") + " sq. mi. (" + stringToOrdinal(drData["arearank"].ToString()) + ")</span></h3>";
            llicon.ImageUrl      = "images/icons/population.png";
            llicon.AlternateText = "Population and area";
            llicon.ToolTip       = "Population and area";

        case 6:         //elevation extremes
            litLifeline.Text     = "<h3>" + drData["country"].ToString() + " has a low point of <span class='datum'>" + drData["lowpoint"].ToString() + " (" + drData["lowelevation"].ToString() + " m.)</span>";
            litLifeline.Text    += " and a high point of <span class='datum'>" + drData["highpoint"].ToString() + " (" + drData["highelevation"].ToString() + " m.)</span></h3>";
            llicon.ImageUrl      = "images/icons/elevation.png";
            llicon.AlternateText = "Elevation extremes";
            llicon.ToolTip       = "Elevation extremes";

        case 7:                                                                                                  //terrain and climate
            string terrain = drData["terrain"].ToString();
            terrain = terrain.Substring(0, 1).ToLower() + terrain.Substring(1, terrain.Length - 1);              //uncapitalize first letter
            string climate = drData["climate"].ToString();
            climate              = climate.Substring(0, 1).ToLower() + climate.Substring(1, climate.Length - 1); //uncapitalize first letter
            litLifeline.Text     = "<h4>" + drData["country"].ToString() + "'s terrain is <span class='datum'>" + terrain + "</span></h4>";
            litLifeline.Text    += "<h4>The climate is <span class='datum'>" + climate + "</span></h4>";
            llicon.ImageUrl      = "images/icons/terrain.png";
            llicon.AlternateText = "Terrain and climate";
            llicon.ToolTip       = "Terrain and climate";

        case 8:         //religions
            litLifeline.Text     = "<h3>" + drData["country"].ToString() + "'s religions are <span class='datum'>" + drData["religions"].ToString() + "</span></h3>";
            llicon.ImageUrl      = "images/icons/religion.png";
            llicon.AlternateText = "Religions";
            llicon.ToolTip       = "Religions";

        case 9:         //languages
            litLifeline.Text     = "<h3>" + drData["country"].ToString() + "'s main languages include <span class='datum'>" + drData["languages"].ToString() + "</span></h3>";
            llicon.ImageUrl      = "images/icons/language.png";
            llicon.AlternateText = "Main languages";
            llicon.ToolTip       = "Main languages";

        case 10:         //currency
            litLifeline.Text     = "<h3>" + drData["country"].ToString() + "'s monetary unit is the <span class='datum'>" + drData["currency"].ToString() + "</span></h3>";
            llicon.ImageUrl      = "images/icons/currency.png";
            llicon.AlternateText = "Currency";
            llicon.ToolTip       = "Currency";

        case 11:         //notes
            litLifeline.Text     = "<h4>" + drData["note"].ToString() + "</h4>";
            llicon.ImageUrl      = "images/icons/note.png";
            llicon.AlternateText = "Note";
            llicon.ToolTip       = "Note";

        case 12:         //shape
            strImage             = "<div class=\"shapeContainer\"><img class=\"shape\" src=\"images/shape/" + drData["a2"].ToString() + ".jpg\" alt=\"Country Shape\" title=\"Country Shape\" onclick=\"zoomBox()\"></div>";
            litLifeline.Text     = strImage;
            llicon.ImageUrl      = "images/icons/shape.png";
            llicon.AlternateText = "Country Shape";
            llicon.ToolTip       = "Country Shape";
            zoomTitle            = "Country Shape";
            litZoom.Text         = "<img class=\"shape\" src=\"images/shape/" + drData["a2"].ToString() + ".jpg\" alt=\"Country Shape\" title=\"Country Shape\" >";
            ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, GetType(), "zoomBox", "zoomBox()", true);

        case 13:         //10 largest cities
            dt = geography.GetWWCities(drData["a2"].ToString(), 10);
            litLifeline.Text  = "<h3>" + drData["country"].ToString() + "'s 10 Largest Cities:</h3>";
            litLifeline.Text += "<table class='cities'><th>Rank</th><th>City</th><th>Population</th></tr>";
            foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                Boolean isCapital = Convert.ToBoolean(dr["iscapital"]);
                string  pretag    = isCapital ? "<strong>" : "";
                string  posttag   = isCapital ? "</strong>" : "";
                litLifeline.Text += "<tr><td>" + dr["rank"].ToString() + "</td><td>" + pretag + dr["city"].ToString() + posttag + "</td><td>" + ((int)dr["population"]).ToString("N0") + "</td></tr>";
            litLifeline.Text    += "</table>";
            llicon.ImageUrl      = "images/icons/city.png";
            llicon.AlternateText = "Ten largest cities";
            llicon.ToolTip       = "Ten largest cities";

        case 14:         //resources
            litLifeline.Text     = "<h4>" + drData["country"].ToString() + "'s natural resources include <span class='datum'>" + drData["resources"].ToString() + "</span></h4>";
            litLifeline.Text    += "<h4>Major crops are <span class='datum'>" + drData["crops"].ToString() + "</span></h4>";
            llicon.ImageUrl      = "images/icons/resources.png";
            llicon.AlternateText = "Natural resources and crops";
            llicon.ToolTip       = "Natural resources and crops";

        case 15:         //National capital
            litLifeline.Text     = "<h3>The national capital is <span class='datum'>" + drData["capital"].ToString() + "</span></h3>";
            llicon.ImageUrl      = "images/icons/capital.png";
            llicon.AlternateText = "National capital";
            llicon.ToolTip       = "National capital";

        case 16:         //Neighboring countries
            dt = geography.GetWWNeighbors(drData["a2"].ToString());
            litLifeline.Text  = "<h3 class='neighbors'>These countries border " + drData["country"].ToString() + "</h3>";
            litLifeline.Text += "<table class='neighbors'><th>Country</th><th>Border Length</th></tr>";
            foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                litLifeline.Text += "<tr><td>" + dr["neighbor"].ToString() + "</td><td>" + dr["neighborborder"].ToString() + " km</td></tr>";
            litLifeline.Text    += "</table>";
            llicon.ImageUrl      = "images/icons/neighbors.png";
            llicon.AlternateText = "Neighboring countries";
            llicon.ToolTip       = "Neighboring countries";

        case 17:         //stamp
            strImage             = "<div class=\"stampContainer\"><img class=\"stamp\" src=\"images/stamp/" + drData["a2"].ToString() + ".jpg\" alt=\"Country Stamp\" title=\"Country Stamp\" onclick=\"zoomBox()\"></div>";
            litLifeline.Text     = strImage;
            llicon.ImageUrl      = "images/icons/stamp.png";
            llicon.AlternateText = "Country Stamp";
            llicon.ToolTip       = "Country Stamp";
            zoomTitle            = "Country Stamp";
            litZoom.Text         = "<img class=\"stamp\" src=\"images/stamp/" + drData["a2"].ToString() + ".jpg\" alt=\"Country Stamp\" title=\"Country Stamp\" >";
            ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, GetType(), "zoomBox", "zoomBox()", true);

        case 18:         //initial
            litLifeline.Text     = "<h3 class='neighbors'>The first letter of the country name is</h3>";
            litLifeline.Text    += "<span class=\"initial\">" + char.ToUpper(drData["country"].ToString()[0]) + "</span>";
            llicon.ImageUrl      = "images/icons/initial.png";
            llicon.AlternateText = "Country initial";
            llicon.ToolTip       = "Country initial";

            if (lifelineType > 100 && lifelineType <= 100 + destinationCount)
                int intRank = lifelineType - 100;
                dd                   = geography.GetWWDestination(strAbbr, intRank);
                strText              = "<p><span class='dest'>" + intRank.ToString() + ". <a target=\"_blank\" href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/" + dd["destination"].ToString().Replace(" ", "_") + "\">" + dd["destination"].ToString() + "</a></span> - <span class='desc'>" + dd["description"].ToString() + "</span></p>";
                strImage             = "<img class='destImg' src=\"" + "images/destimages/" + strAbbr + "/" + intRank.ToString() + "-" + dd["destination"].ToString().Replace(" ", "-").Replace(".", "") + ".jpg\" class=\"destImg\">";
                litLifeline.Text     = strText + strImage;
                llicon.ImageUrl      = "images/icons/destination.png";
                llicon.AlternateText = "Destination";
                llicon.ToolTip       = "Destination";
                zoomTitle            = "Destination #" + intRank.ToString();
                litZoom.Text         = strImage;
                ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, GetType(), "zoomBox", "zoomBox()", true);
        litTitle.Text       = ddlStates.SelectedItem + " &mdash; " + ddlLifelines.SelectedItem;
        llicon.Visible      = true;
        litLifeline.Visible = true;
        string wikiUrl      = @"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/" + drData["country"].ToString();
        string wikiLink     = "<a href=\"" + wikiUrl + "\" target=\"_blank\">wikipedia</a>";
        string gmapUrl      = @"https://www.google.com/maps/place/" + drData["country"].ToString();
        string gmapLink     = "<a href=\"" + gmapUrl + "\" target=\"_blank\">google map</a>";
        string articlesUrl  = @"http://filbert.com/geobee/countries/default.htm#" + drData["a2"].ToString();
        string articlesLink = "<a href=\"" + articlesUrl + "\" target=\"_blank\">country articles</a>";
        string mapsUrl      = @"http://filbert.com/geobee/countries/maps.htm#" + drData["a2"].ToString().ToLower();
        string mapsLink     = "<a href=\"" + mapsUrl + "\" target=\"_blank\">country maps</a>";
        string atlasUrl     = @"https://www.worldatlas.com/webimage/countrys/" + drData["continent"].ToString() + "/lgcolor/" + drData["a2"].ToString().ToLower() + "color.gif";

        lblResult.Text = "<br />Learn more about <a target=_blank href=\"" + atlasUrl + "\">" + drData["country"].ToString() + "</a>:<br /><br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" + wikiLink + " | " + gmapLink + " | " + articlesLink + " | " + mapsLink;
예제 #3
        public void get_country_code(string country, string expectedCode)
            var countryCode = Geography.GetCountry(country);

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedCode, countryCode);