static void Main(string[] args) { //Console.WriteLine("Enter your Location"); //string location = Console.ReadLine(); string location = "Port Louis"; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(location)) { GeoLocationClient proxy = new GeoLocationClient("tcpEP"); GeoLocationData data = proxy.GetCoordinates(location); if (data != null) { Console.WriteLine(data.Name); Console.WriteLine(string.Concat("Latitude: ", data.Latitude)); Console.WriteLine(string.Concat("Longitude: ", data.Longitude)); } } else { Console.WriteLine("No location entered"); } Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue"); Console.ReadKey(); }
public IList <IVersionAgnostic> getCsvData(TableVersion.Value tableVersion, string searchName, Tail tail, Ear ear, Nose nose, DateAndTime dateAndTime, GeoLocationData latitudeData, GeoLocationData longitudeData) { var dbContext = new Model1(); var builder = new Builder(); IQueryable <IVersionAgnostic> csvData = null; if (tableVersion == TableVersion.Value.Version1) { csvData = dbContext.csvWithDataVersion1.AsQueryable(); } else { csvData = dbContext.csvWithDataVersion2.AsQueryable(); } csvData = builder.addNameFilter(csvData, searchName); csvData = builder.tailHighFilter(csvData, tail.highData); csvData = builder.tailLowFilter(csvData, tail.lowData); csvData = builder.earHighFilter(csvData, ear.highData); csvData = builder.earLowFilter(csvData, ear.lowData); csvData = builder.noseHighFilter(csvData, nose.highData); csvData = builder.noseLowFilter(csvData, nose.lowData); csvData = builder.DateFilter(csvData, dateAndTime); csvData = builder.LatitudeFilter(csvData, latitudeData); csvData = builder.LongitudeFilter(csvData, longitudeData); return(csvData.ToList()); }
public DataTable getDataTable(TableVersion.Value tableVersion, string searchName, Tail tail, Ear ear, Nose nose, DateAndTime dateAndTime, GeoLocationData latitudeData, GeoLocationData longitudeData) { return(dataTableFactory.getDataTable( tableVersion, getCsvData(tableVersion, searchName, tail, ear, nose, dateAndTime, latitudeData, longitudeData), csvDataProvider.getCsvColumnNames(tableVersion))); }
public void generateCsv(TableVersion.Value tableVersion, string fileName, string searchName, Tail tail, Ear ear, Nose nose, DateAndTime dateAndTime, GeoLocationData latitudeData, GeoLocationData longitudeData) { csvDataToCsvTransformer.writeDataToCsv( tableVersion, getCsvData(tableVersion, searchName, tail, ear, nose, dateAndTime, latitudeData, longitudeData), fileName, csvDataProvider.getCsvColumnNames(tableVersion)); }
public Coordinates GetCoordinates() { if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(GeoLocationData)) { string[] values = GeoLocationData.Split(char.Parse(",")); if (values != null && values.Count() == 2) { var coordinates = new Coordinates(); coordinates.Latitude = double.Parse(values[0]); coordinates.Longitude = double.Parse(values[1]); return(coordinates); } } return(null); }
public GeoLocationData GetCoordinates(string name) { GeoLocationData result = null; IGeoLocationRepository geoLocationRepository = _geoLocationRepository ?? new GeoLocationRepository(); var geolocation = geoLocationRepository.GetCoordinates(name); if (geolocation != null) { result = new GeoLocationData { Name = geolocation.Name, Latitude = geolocation.Latitude, Longitude = geolocation.Longitude }; } return(result); }
/// <summary> /// create map image /// not working currently /// </summary> /// <param name="data"></param> private void createMapImage(GeoLocationData data) { var doc = Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.Core.Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument; if (doc == null) { return; } var db = doc.Database; var ed = doc.Editor; //now get an image var first = new Point2d(261290.0000, 270952.5000); //second corner var second = new Point2d(568732.0000, 76776.5000); ObjectId giId = ObjectId.Null; ObjectEventHandler handler = (s, e) => { if (e.DBObject is GeomapImage) { giId = e.DBObject.ObjectId; ed.WriteMessage("\n map image objectid: " + giId); } }; // Simply call the GEOMAPIMAGE command with the two points db.ObjectAppended += handler; ed.Command("GEOMAPIMAGE", "V"); db.ObjectAppended -= handler; if (giId == ObjectId.Null) { return; } // Open the entity and change some values try { using (var tr = doc.TransactionManager.StartTransaction()) { // Get each object and check if it's a GeomapImage var gi = tr.GetObject(giId, OpenMode.ForWrite) as GeomapImage; if (gi != null) { // Let's adjust the brightmess/contrast/fade of the // GeomapImage gi.Brightness = 50; gi.Contrast = 15; gi.Fade = 0; // And make sure it's at the right resolution and // shows both aerial and road information gi.Resolution = GeomapResolution.Optimal; gi.MapType = GeomapType.Road; gi.UpdateMapImage(true); //keep map only //data.EraseFromDb(); } tr.Commit(); } } catch (Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime.Exception) { ed.WriteMessage( "\nUnable to update geomap image entity." + "\nPlease check your internet connectivity and call " + "GEOMAPIMAGEUPDATE." ); } }
/// <summary> /// place the real GEO map underlay /// </summary> /// <param name="centerPt"></param> /// <param name="sourceMapCorners"></param> private void buildGEOImage(MapPointCls centerPt, MapPointCls[] sourceMapCorners) { var doc = Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.Core.Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument; if (doc == null) { return; } var db = doc.Database; var ed = doc.Editor; double ModelCenterX = HardCoded.ModelCenterX; double ModelCenterY = HardCoded.ModelCenterY; //GEO location data of the corners //the source are two points. calculate the other two points //convert them to string string[] oMapCorners = new string[4]; GEOConverter oGeoC = new GEOConverter(); //left top DecimalLocation decimalLocation = new DecimalLocation { Latitude = (decimal)sourceMapCorners[0].latitude, Longitude = (decimal)sourceMapCorners[0].longitude }; DmsLocation dmsLocation = oGeoC.Convert(decimalLocation); oMapCorners[0] = dmsLocation.ToString(); //right top decimalLocation = new DecimalLocation { Latitude = (decimal)sourceMapCorners[0].latitude, Longitude = (decimal)sourceMapCorners[1].longitude }; dmsLocation = oGeoC.Convert(decimalLocation); oMapCorners[1] = dmsLocation.ToString(); //right bottom decimalLocation = new DecimalLocation { Latitude = (decimal)sourceMapCorners[1].latitude, Longitude = (decimal)sourceMapCorners[1].longitude }; dmsLocation = oGeoC.Convert(decimalLocation); oMapCorners[2] = dmsLocation.ToString(); //left bottom decimalLocation = new DecimalLocation { Latitude = (decimal)sourceMapCorners[1].latitude, Longitude = (decimal)sourceMapCorners[0].longitude }; dmsLocation = oGeoC.Convert(decimalLocation); oMapCorners[3] = dmsLocation.ToString(); //hard coded data of corners position in DWG CommonPointCls[] oDWGCorners = oHard_Coded_Data.GetDWGCorner(); //create the text one by one using (Transaction acTrans = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction()) { BlockTable acBlkTable = acTrans.GetObject(db.BlockTableId, OpenMode.ForRead) as BlockTable; BlockTableRecord modelSpace = acTrans.GetObject(acBlkTable[BlockTableRecord.ModelSpace], OpenMode.ForWrite) as BlockTableRecord; //place the position of each text for (int i = 0; i < oDWGCorners.Count <CommonPointCls>(); i++) { DBText dt = new DBText(); dt.TextString = oMapCorners[i]; switch (i) { case 0: //left top dt.Justify = AttachmentPoint.BottomMid; dt.Rotation = 45; break; case 1: //right top dt.Justify = AttachmentPoint.BottomMid; dt.Rotation = -45; break; case 2: //right bottom dt.Justify = AttachmentPoint.TopMid; dt.Rotation = 45; break; case 3: //left bottom dt.Justify = AttachmentPoint.TopMid; dt.Rotation = -45; break; } //align with the corner position dt.AlignmentPoint = new Point3d(oDWGCorners[i].x, oDWGCorners[i].y, oDWGCorners[i].z); dt.TransformBy(ed.CurrentUserCoordinateSystem); dt.Color = Autodesk.AutoCAD.Colors.Color.FromRgb(0, 255, 255); modelSpace.AppendEntity(dt); acTrans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(dt, true); } acTrans.Commit(); } //!!! return; //embed map underlay. not working with Design Automation // from // try { var gdId = db.GeoDataObject; //if a map data is available //will not happen with current drawing template } catch { //no GEO data var msId = SymbolUtilityServices.GetBlockModelSpaceId(db); var data = new GeoLocationData(); data.BlockTableRecordId = msId; data.PostToDb(); // We're going to define our geolocation in terms of // latitude/longitude using the Mercator projection // data.CoordinateSystem = "WORLD-MERCATOR"; data.TypeOfCoordinates = TypeOfCoordinates.CoordinateTypeLocal; //the two lines will cause GEOMapImage fail! strange! //data.HorizontalUnits = UnitsValue.Millimeters; //data.VerticalUnits = UnitsValue.Millimeters; var geoPt = new Point3d(centerPt.longitude, centerPt.latitude, 0); // Transform from a geographic to a modelspace point // and add the information to our geolocation data var wcsPt = data.TransformFromLonLatAlt(geoPt); data.DesignPoint = new Point3d(ModelCenterX, ModelCenterY, 0); data.ReferencePoint = wcsPt; data.ScaleFactor = 7; //? useful? ed.Command("_.GEOMAP", "_ROAD"); // then create the map image //createMapImage(data); } }
private void OnLocationUpdated(GeoLocationData data) { LocationUpdated?.Invoke(this, new GeoLocationEventArgs(data)); }
internal IQueryable <IVersionAgnostic> LatitudeFilter(IQueryable <IVersionAgnostic> csvData, GeoLocationData latitudeData) { if (isValidDataForDoubles(latitudeData.pointInSpace, latitudeData.radiusFromPointInSpace)) { return(csvData); } double latitude = Convert.ToDouble(latitudeData.pointInSpace); double radiusFromLatitude = Convert.ToDouble(latitudeData.radiusFromPointInSpace); double latitudeToBeGreaterThan = latitude - radiusFromLatitude; double latitudeToBelessThan = latitude + radiusFromLatitude; return(csvData.Where(x => x.latitude < latitudeToBelessThan && x.latitude > latitudeToBeGreaterThan)); }
private IList <IVersionAgnostic> getCsvData(TableVersion.Value tableVersion, string searchName, Tail tail, Ear ear, Nose nose, DateAndTime dateAndTime, GeoLocationData latitudeData, GeoLocationData longitudeData) { return(csvDataProvider.getCsvData(tableVersion, searchName, tail, ear, nose, dateAndTime, latitudeData, longitudeData)); }