예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// ReduceGeojsonFeatures
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sourceGeojson"></param>
        /// <param name="reductionFactor"></param>
        private void ReduceGeojsonFeatures(ref GeoJsonDto sourceGeojson, float reductionFactor = AggregatorService.DefaultCoordinatesReductionFactor)
            //--- Process daily file: reduce the number of features
            var totalInitialCoordinatesCount = 0;
            var totalReducedCoordinatesCount = 0;

            foreach (var f in sourceGeojson.features)
                // Reduce the number of coordinates per feature
                totalInitialCoordinatesCount += f.geometry.coordinates.Count;
                var reducedCoordiantes = f.geometry.coordinates.Where((_, i) => i % reductionFactor == 0).ToList();
                f.geometry.coordinates        = reducedCoordiantes;
                totalReducedCoordinatesCount += reducedCoordiantes.Count;
            _logger.LogInformation($"Reduced Coordinates: {totalReducedCoordinatesCount} = {totalInitialCoordinatesCount} / {reductionFactor}");
예제 #2
        private void CropGeoJsonFeatures(ref GeoJsonDto sourceGeojson)
            //--- Process daily file: reduce the number of features
            var totalInitialCoordinatesCount = 0;
            var totalReducedCoordinatesCount = 0;

            foreach (var f in sourceGeojson.features)
                // Reduce the number of coordinates per feature
                totalInitialCoordinatesCount += f.geometry.coordinates.Count;

                var reducedCoordiantes = f.geometry.coordinates.Where((c, i) => IsInsideBoundingBox(c[0], c[1])).ToList();
                f.geometry.coordinates        = reducedCoordiantes;
                totalReducedCoordinatesCount += reducedCoordiantes.Count;
            _logger.LogInformation($"Remove out of the box coordinates: {totalReducedCoordinatesCount} = {totalInitialCoordinatesCount}");
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Run
        /// Default Aggregation entry point: process backlog and integrated reduced daily files into yearly cumulative tracks file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="keepBacklog">Set to true to preserve backlog (files will not be deleted once processed)</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public async Task Run(float?reductionFactor = AggregatorService.DefaultCoordinatesReductionFactor,
                              bool keepBacklog      = false)
            _logger.LogInformation("######### [AggregatorService] Building yearly cumulative track ... ###########");
            var appliedReductionFactor = reductionFactor.HasValue ? reductionFactor.Value : AggregatorService.DefaultCoordinatesReductionFactor;

            // --- List files to be processed in backlog ---
            var backlogFilesList = _storageService.GetFilenameList("backlog");

            backlogFilesList = backlogFilesList.Where(f => Path.GetExtension(f) == ".zip").ToList();     // Keep zip files only

            if (backlogFilesList.Count > 0)
                // --- Get yearly geojson
                _logger.LogInformation($"Downloading zip file from bucket: {_configurationService.TraceAggregatorBucketName} / {YearlyTracksZipFilename}");

                // --- Get yearly geojson
                GeoJsonDto    yearGeojson      = null;
                List <string> yearFlightIdList = null;   // FlightIds in the yearly aggregation
                    var yearlyGeojsonFile = await _zipStorageService.DownloadZipedFileAsStringAsync(YearlyTracksZipFilename);

                    yearGeojson      = JsonHelper.Deserialize <GeoJsonDto>(yearlyGeojsonFile);
                    yearFlightIdList = yearGeojson.features.Select(f => f.properties.flightId).ToList();
                catch (Google.GoogleApiException e)
                    _logger.LogWarning($"[AggregatorService]: {e.Message}");
                    yearGeojson      = new GeoJsonFeatureCollectionDto();
                    yearFlightIdList = new List <string>();

                // -- Get yearly metadata
                TracksMetadataDto metadataDto = null;
                    var metadatajson = await _storageService.DownloadObjectFromBucketAsStringAsync(YearlyTtrackMetadataFilename);

                    metadataDto = JsonHelper.Deserialize <TracksMetadataDto>(metadatajson);
                catch (Google.GoogleApiException e)
                    _logger.LogWarning($"[AggregatorService]: {e.Message}");
                    metadataDto = new TracksMetadataDto();

                // --- Process files ---
                var currentFileCount  = 0;
                var totalFileCount    = backlogFilesList.Count;
                var addedFeatureCount = 0;

                foreach (var filename in backlogFilesList)
                    // --- Get daily geojson
                    _logger.LogInformation($"{currentFileCount}/{totalFileCount} Integrating file into yearly tracks: {filename}");

                    var tracksForDayAsJson = await _zipStorageService.DownloadZipedFileAsStringAsync(filename);

                    var dayGeojson = JsonHelper.Deserialize <GeoJsonDto>(tracksForDayAsJson);

                    // Get rid of features that are already present in the yearly aggregation
                    //var newFeatures = dayGeojson.features.Where(f => !yearFlightIdList.Contains(f.properties.flightId)).ToList();

                    var newFeatures = dayGeojson.features;

                    if (newFeatures.Count > 0)
                        _logger.LogInformation($"Adding new feature to the aggregated file. New features count= {newFeatures.Count}");
                        dayGeojson.features = newFeatures;
                        addedFeatureCount  += newFeatures.Count;

                        //--- Reduce number of features
                        ReduceGeojsonFeatures(ref dayGeojson, appliedReductionFactor);
                        yearGeojson.features.AddRange(dayGeojson.features);                     // Add the features to the yearly aggregation

                        // --- Crop to eliminate points outside of the bounding box ---
                        CropGeoJsonFeatures(ref dayGeojson);
                    // --- Delete the processed file from the backlog
                    if (!keepBacklog)
                        await _storageService.DeleteFileAsync(filename);

                if (addedFeatureCount > 0)
                    // --- Update metadata ---
                    metadataDto.ScriptEndTime          = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    metadataDto.TargetDate             = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    metadataDto.FlightsCount          += addedFeatureCount;
                    metadataDto.ProcessedFlightsCount += addedFeatureCount;

                    // --- Store yearly geojson file with new feature added ---
                    _logger.LogInformation("Storing new yearly tracemap into bucket ...");
                    var yearlyGeojsonText = JsonHelper.Serialize(yearGeojson);
                    await _zipStorageService.UploadStringToZipFileAsync(yearlyGeojsonText, YearlyTracksFilename, YearlyTracksZipFilename);   // Store into a GCP bucket: geojson

                    // --- Store updated metadata ---
                    _logger.LogInformation("Storing updated metadata file into bucket ...");
                    var metadataText = JsonHelper.Serialize(metadataDto);
                    await _storageService.UploadToBucketAsync(YearlyTtrackMetadataFilename, metadataText);
                    _logger.LogInformation("No new feature to add.");
                _logger.LogInformation("######### [AggregatorService] ######### Done !");
                _logger.LogInformation("######### [AggregatorService] ######### No file to process in the backlog. Done !");