public void PerimeterBounceStatistics() { var jaxOpsArea = new GeoArray( new Geo(29.3590, -79.2195), new Geo(31.1627, -79.2195), new Geo(31.1627, -81.2789), new Geo(30.1627, -81.2789), new Geo(29.3590, -80.8789), new Geo(29.3590, -79.2195)); var failures = 0; var successes = 0; while (failures < 100) { GeoArray result = null; while (result == null) { try { result = jaxOpsArea.PerimeterBounce(null, double.NaN, 1e6); successes++; if (successes % 10000 == 0) Debug.WriteLine("Test in progress. Successes: {0} Failures: {1} Success/Fail Ratio: {2:0.00%}", successes, failures, (float)successes / (float)(successes + failures)); } catch (PerimeterBounceException ex) { Debug.WriteLine(ex.Message); failures++; Debug.WriteLine("Test in progress. Successes: {0} Failures: {1} Success/Fail Ratio: {2:0.00%}", successes, failures, (float)successes / (float)(successes + failures)); } } } Debug.WriteLine("Test complete. Successes: {0} Failures: {1} Success/Fail Ratio: {2:0.00%}", successes, failures, (float)successes / (float)(successes + failures)); }
public void PerimeterBounceToKML() { var jaxOpsArea = new GeoArray( new Geo(29.3590, -79.2195), new Geo(31.1627, -79.2195), new Geo(31.1627, -81.2789), new Geo(30.1627, -81.2789), new Geo(29.3590, -80.8789), new Geo(29.3590, -79.2195)); var kml = new KMLRoot(); var folder = new Folder("Jacksonville"); = "Jacksonville OpArea"; jaxOpsArea.Placemark.Snippet = "The operational area"; jaxOpsArea.Placemark.Snippet.maxLines = 1; folder.Add(jaxOpsArea.Placemark); GeoArray result = null; while (result == null) { try { result = jaxOpsArea.PerimeterBounce(null, double.NaN, 1e8); } catch (PerimeterBounceException ex) { Debug.WriteLine(ex.Message); Debug.WriteLine("PerimeterBounce failed, retrying..."); } } var startLocation = result[0]; = "Start location"; startLocation.Placemark.Snippet = "The start of the track"; startLocation.Placemark.Snippet.maxLines = 1; startLocation.Placemark.AddStyle(new IconStyle(System.Drawing.Color.Green) { Icon = new Icon() { href = @"" } }); folder.Add(startLocation.Placemark); = "Platform track"; result.Placemark.Snippet = "The track of the platform"; result.Placemark.Snippet.maxLines = 1; result.Placemark.Geometry.AltitudeMode = AltitudeMode.clampedToGround; folder.Add(result.Placemark); #if false var endPoint = result.Segments.Last()[1]; if (!jaxOpsArea.Contains(endPoint)) { var goodBounceSegment = result.Segments.ToArray()[result.Segments.Count() - 2]; var goodBouncePoint = goodBounceSegment[0]; var goodBounce = goodBouncePoint.Placemark; Debug.WriteLine("Test failed"); = string.Format("Last Good Bounce {0:000}", result.Segments.Count() - 1); Debug.WriteLine(; goodBounce.Snippet = string.Format("Lat: {0:0.#####} Lon: {1:0.#####}", goodBouncePoint.Latitude, goodBouncePoint.Longitude); goodBounce.Snippet.maxLines = 1; folder.Add(goodBounce); = "Last good bounce segment"; goodBounceSegment.Placemark.AddStyle(new LineStyle(System.Drawing.Color.Red, 5)); folder.Add(goodBounceSegment.Placemark); var badBouncePoint = goodBounceSegment[1]; var badBounce = badBouncePoint.Placemark; = string.Format("Bad Bounce {0:000}", result.Segments.Count()); badBounce.Snippet = string.Format("Lat: {0:0.#####} Lon: {1:0.#####}", badBouncePoint.Latitude, badBouncePoint.Longitude); badBounce.Snippet.maxLines = 1; folder.Add(badBounce); } else Debug.WriteLine("Test passed"); var segments = result.Segments.ToArray(); for (var segmentIndex = 0; segmentIndex < segments.Length; segmentIndex++) { var bounce = segments[segmentIndex][1].Placemark; = string.Format("Bounce {0:000}", segmentIndex + 1); bounce.Snippet = string.Format("Lat: {0:0.#####} Lon: {1:0.#####}", segments[segmentIndex][1].Latitude, segments[segmentIndex][1].Longitude); bounce.Snippet.maxLines = 1; folder.Add(bounce); } #endif var endLocation = result[result.Length - 1]; = "End location"; endLocation.Placemark.Snippet = "The end of the track"; endLocation.Placemark.Snippet.maxLines = 1; endLocation.Placemark.AddStyle(new IconStyle(System.Drawing.Color.Red) { Icon = new Icon { href = @"" } }); folder.Add(endLocation.Placemark); kml.Document.Add(folder); var savePath = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments), "Perimeter Bounce Tests", "PerimeterBounce.kml"); Debug.WriteLine("Saving KML..."); kml.Save(savePath); }